Other urls found in this thread:
he's been shit for a while now
>get patreon
>go from weekly show to bi-monthly
god fucking dammit
nah, more like monthly
could be worse, could be mrbtongue
Is this the video where he spends 40 minutes shilling for unionization in an industry that should be merit-based and competitive? He's already pretty insufferable on the podcast about this shit
George has been a total fucking faggot for at least a year now
/pol/ hating him is how you know george is /ourguy/
Back to your Discord, tranny
He is a literal faggot but he makes good videos so hit the bricks, Anonymous
I donate to his patreon every time I have to dilate
>He is a literal faggot
He has a gf though
>at least a year
More like at least 3.
>Games have been getting worse and worse by the year
>They want to now form unions
No thanks shill your videos somewhere else.
>Goes to SJWCalifornia
>Interviews trannies
>games industry has been treating their employees worse and worse every year year, leading to unfinished games scrambled together in less than a year because execs don't understand the correlation between morale and quality of product
>they now want to form unions
fixed that for ya
>Games industry has been treating their employees worse and worse every year because they keep putting out low effort trash games despite having miraculously high budgets
>They waste all their time instead of getting work done and save everything last minute for the crunch
>Then expect to form unions
>I'm a corporate bootlicker and unironically think this is anything close to how reality works
yeah let's just blame everything on the code monkeys who don't make any of the decisions instead of the people actually running the business
you're not a useful idiot at all
"based and redpilled" Yea Forums is so fucking boring
I know a lot of you are just ebin memers but too many genuine dunces treat this place as a mini /pol/
I hope you all remember the years you wasted dabbing on the libs epic style on a videogame discussion board in your final moments on this earth
How would you know about the employees work ethic?
>Everyone involved in the Union is either a fag or a tranny
If you keep putting those clowns in charge you will never unionize idiots
Almost everyone that works in the games industry could be making way more money working in IT or some other field working way fewer hours. If you aren't willing to put up with bullshit then why not go work somewhere else? The only company that really pays the average dev in a competitive way compared to IT and other shit is Microsoft and maybe Sony, don't really know about Sony.
>I'm a corporate bootlicker
Nigger the developers at my company don't do jack shit. It takes them years to implement basic changes. We had a legal term that HAD to be changed or our company would be fucked hard and their response was
>We'll add it to the list
And that is just *MY* anecdotal experience directly working with these creatures. Meanwhile developers for video games outright spite video games, fill them with SJW propaganda, make them shorter and worse every year. I have zero respect for 90% of these faggot subhumans called developers.
don't cut yourself on that edge you nihilistic fucktoy.
Yeah sure that will work out great. The only people who should be allowed to unionize are physical laborers like Plumbers and shit. You sit in a comfy office and type away at a keyboard all day for fuck sake.
I don't know much about this part of economy, but couldn't companies just move overseas and hire a bunch of pajeets who are willing to do the work for less pay and no unions? Don't get me wrong, those aren't good work conditions, but what alternative do they have? The governement isn't going to do jack shit, they are all a bunch of old farts who don't know what video game even is.
lol you’re so dumb that some guys you work with did something you didnt like and now you hate their job description. just colossally retarded
>white collar work isn't REAL work.
>Euro education is so bad he literally cannot read sentences
Dumb retard, learn to read
you know one of the oldest and most powerful unions in the US is the screen actor’s guild, right?
How can it be merit based when companies want a revolving door?
Yeah and what do they use their power for? Making it so Robert Downey Jr. gets his extra expensive caviar instead of basic caviar while he's working on Capeshit #097215892567
>Yea Forums spends all day making fun of boomers
>and then constantly spouts stupid boomer fallacies as soon as it means they get to talk down to people with real jobs and real hardships
You're a neet sitting in your room playing video games all day. You are not a 60 year old who gets to get away with acting like it's still 200 years ago and that being a non-physical-labourer means you're a rich socialite.
no, you’re right. every developer is the same person. very smart conclusion
Why are people ITT calling unions commie? I don't know anything about economics and all that jazz so care to enlighten me?
they use it so the vast majority of working actors who arent famous have some semblance of job security and medical benefits
Public unions are commie garbage. Just look at construction and teachers in California where they intentionally fuck up shit so they can beg for more funding.
>interviews a literal tranny
what the hell, *emma* doesn't even sound like a girl
Because they're contrarians who don't believe in worker's rights just to own the libtards.
they’re dumb reactionaries
You'll have to excuse Americans, they think corporations are gods that shall never be opposed and anyone who stands for its employees' rights and liberties is some pinko propaganda anti-American Russian communist plot to destroy Freedom.
i would be surprised if you know literally anything about what you’re talking about
Unions are a state-enforced labor monopoly. It's an organization which takes dues (taxes) from its members to negotiate wages and conditions for company employees, where the companies are forced to comply by government regulation. In practice it means wages becomes inflated, productivity lowers, and bad employees become impossible fire. It's good for the union bosses and vad employees, but disastrous for the industry as a whole. It's a simulation of working conditions in communist countries.
If game devs in the USA did unions, expect the games industry to migrate over to Japan.
Take the black pill and burn the industry to the ground. No more video games.
well you sure changed my mind
How young and naive do you have to be to think even 10% of workplaces are merit based. I swear you fags on this site who are anti-union must still live at home to some shit
The unions or the people calling unions commie? I thought unions were there to give the workers more rights so mr goldstein cant fuck you with his uncircumcised cock. But as I say, I'm uneducated about all of that shit.
>If game devs in the USA did unions, expect the games industry to migrate over to Japan.
wtf I love unions now
>yet another games journalist outs himself as a socialist
Every. Single. Time.
Fuck off shill. Should I start plugging youtube channels I care about?
Nigger I lived in California for over 10 years. If you live there for even one year you will see contruction workers intentionally fucking up roads that worked perfectly fine before because if they don't use all their budget they don't get the same budget next year. California also has a strong as hell teachers union and still manages to be the least educated state in the country.
They aren't necessarily commie but as a worker in a unionized industry I can tell you are basically either gonna be fucked over by corporate overloads or your union overloads. My union overloads are fucking faggots.
>If game devs in the USA did unions, expect the games industry to migrate over to Japan.
it’s incredible that this is how far unions have fallen in the us, that this is how people view the institutions that gave us the 8 hr work day, the weekend, and workers comp
the people calling the unions commie shit are dumb. they probably have 0 context or history except whatever rupert murdoch told them
user, I know you are american but come on
>in an industry that should be merit-based and competitive?
>that should be merit-based
>should be
I have lived in california 32 years and you’re full of shit
It would be interesting, since the "director" of games in Japan get status of God if the game goes well, just check that faggot on Nier Automata.
They aren't necessarily commie but as a worker in a unionized industry I can tell you are basically either gonna be fucked over by corporate overlords or your union overlords. My union overlords are fucking faggots.
Yeah, sure you have buddy.
No thanks. Advertising is against the rules btw.
born and raised
That would explain why you're retarded. Go to any area around Corona or Riverside and you will see completely fucked roads that were fine just a few weeks ago.
I don't care about the industry
talk about games
They can't unionize because they have no leverage. They would have had some if they didn't overwhelmingly vote for the importation of cheap labor to replace them. Turns out immigration has it's downsides, who knew?
Why are Eurotard retard leftard like these always the most dumbfuck when it comes to job and economics? Is that why they aren't the richest country?
>don't talk about the industry that creates the games
>that gave us the 8 hr work day
ok? that’s legitimately terrible evidence of your claim that unions are intentionally fucking up roads to preserve their budgets
I live in los angeles and they often do work on the roads, but I dont find it particularly suspicious because, well, that’s literally what they’re supposed to be doing
>literally everyone he talks to is a lisping sissy/tranny
what the fuck happened
What exactly do you guy fear so much from unions? It's not like you guys even work for video games.
Literally all of those are a meme. 12 hour workdays are actually superior to 8 hour and the only thing "standardization" of hours does is cause traffic jams.
Look into it, if they don't use their entire budget their budget gets cut next year. There's a reason why nothing in California ever gets fucking done despite funding always being allocated for shit like the high speed rails that were supposed to be made forever ago.
Jesus, how the fuck those this industry have so much trannies?
In my entire life I've known only one. And yet, it seems like everywhere I look in the gaming industry there is a tranny
Because back then everybody was working in factories banging rocks together and had to band together to get any kind of leverage against a company. These days most of the people working in fields whining for unionization SHOULD have leverage already because they are in some way skilled at what they do and can't easily be replaced.
Because I want the games industry to exist. Tell me, how many games do the unionized devs in Europe create? Exactly. That's going to happen to the US too if they adopt European policies.
Probably the "burnout" in their heads fucked out their brains out turning them in weirdos.
ill give it a look, but even if it’s true I’d still rather have corrupt unions than no unions.
Yeah, lets make a union, it worked great for Hollywood, its about people, not about corporations.
Why should I care about the people in the industry or their plight? Get a different job, fags.
From my father's experience dealing with unions back in the day, he says they were literal commie indoctrination centers.
Even if that happened, you'd still have Japan.
not everyone can work in a high skill trade user, and the internet has lessened the bargaining power of individual employees immensely
No kidding but we aren't talking about construction workers here
lol fuck workers rights, right?
In america it's absolutely fucked because the game industry is centralized in very expensive cities, which raises costs so high that a middle class is on poorer side, so help of an union is both a boost and hinderance. Sure it guarantees some safety net, but also raises already high costs for both unionists and employers as the safety net funds do not come just from the air.
For employers they are already greedy fucks, so they'll just hire another starry eyed youngster out of the school with less pay. But unions can snatch those ones too, so it creates it's own dilemma.
Will companies start to compete via giving better benefits, or will they grudgingly start to sink more money to keep ever growing unionists.
Or as third option, will new studios and indies grow to match triple-A's
im sorry, you’re saying youd prefer to have no legal recourse against being required to work 12 hours 7 days a week?
>Both Jim Sterling and Super Bunnyhop are pushing for games industry unionization
What's going on here? Is there some fishy masterplan underfoot?
Why would you wanna risk it? Although to be honest i wouldn't care if the western game industry went belly up. 90% of stuff produced by western AAA studios is shit. I rathet japan make more videogames.
why, do you think individual developers have tons of bargaining power?
Nobody is forced to work anything. If you don't like your hours, negotiate with your boss. If he doesn't let you, find a different job. I'm currently working 2-3 days a week because that's what I asked for. The reason people work 7 days a week is because they want to (even if they say otherwise).
To be honest i rather the western industry crash than have communist union members take over.
>dude they aren't communist
Yeah ok, sure retard.
With that said, yeah wages are shitty and something needs to be done. The country needs to leave behind the idea that trickle economics work in any way. I know the low wages affect game devs but i don't really like most AAA western game devs anyway so fuck them.
a worker’s collective made Dead Cells
Like you said, we already get shit. Best case scenario, developer conditions improve. Worst case scenario a bunch of developers that don't produce good games don't produce anything.
I don't see what there is to lose.
Not really, it's just the topic of the moment and they are left wing so it's not that surprising seeing them push unions.
Exactly, look at the garbage unions put out. Dead Cells looks like well...dead cells. Hehe. Its shit.
but that’s because you live in a world with labor laws. there’s a reason those laws exist. if they didnt, you employer would have no reason to negotiate with you at all, unless you have something they need desperately, and most people dont on their own
oh so you have bad taste. good to know, i was getting pretty bored anyway
Do you faggots just not want to believe that these western AAA devs are truly just incompetent at their jobs and are unable to make good games? More money won't magically make them better coders/artists/etc. Your only point are the deadlines, but it's never just that that these rats advocate for, it's always more money. These AAA devs need to fail. The entire western industry needs to die.
>Because I want the games industry to exist
This doomsday scenario where western games won't exist if it doesn't have the EA, ubisoft, activision intro logo has never worked you fucking faggots. Indie games completely debunk this nonsense.
>indies are shit though
Please don't remind me.
>Or as third option, will new studios and indies grow to match triple-A's
Definitely not. While AAA devs and publishers are guilty of inflating their budgets with ridiculous amounts of marketing, it's still expensive as fuck to create a game of the scale/quality that people expect from AAA.
Rising dev costs already pushed out the AA studios, there's no fucking way some dude in his basement can make a game like TW3
What do you guys suggest be done?
A game devs union will 100% be a den of communist. I don't a bunch of communist with labor power fucking up the industry even more.
>but that’s because you live in a world with labor laws.
What the fuck are you talking about? There's no law saying the boss has to listen to my request. The only thing the law does is force me to take a 30 unpaid break every day even though I don't want to. You're making up a bunch of nonsense to justify the status quo and suck government cock.
Why the hell are you so eagerly defending a system you know nothing about? Have you ever worked a day in your life? Commies like you really deserve to die in a gulag.
But unions already exist and the country isn't under any Communist regime.
Dead cells is meme shit dude. I can guarantee you i have better taste than you and 80% of Yea Forums who still jack off over stupid things like 90s fps arena garbage.
Trannies and commies get bullet in the head.
ps. pirating every game.
Didn't say anything about communism you misquoting retard
Remember when Bunnyhop was good? I remember.
Oh no it's retarded
Drink bleach
Nothing. Bad working conditions are a problem for the employees, not the consumers. The reason game devs put up with it is because they're working in the industry for enjoyment, not for money. If they really cares about conditions and good pay that much, they would move to traditional software development.
no he was always reddit-tier
there are laws that govern how you can treat employees in any number of situations and they all in concert set up the conditions for the modern working environment. you have the negotiating power to bargain with your boss because they exist
i mean honestly im not going to try to explain it to you because you seem like a moron but maybe some day if you’re curious read about the history of labor
Who the hell do you think is gonna run those unions user? Communist and socialist who wanna destroy everything that makes America great. Im not some retarded polfag before you start bringing that up, fuck pol and i wish that board was banned. But also fuck communist.
I did not mean that they'd stay indie or small, but that thry'd grow as an alternative to something big and seriously challenge the old guard.
Devolver Digital is an example of something taking that path already
>there are laws that govern how you can treat employees in any number of situations and they all in concert set up the conditions for the modern working environment. you have the negotiating power to bargain with your boss because they exist
No. That doesn't even make any sense. You seem to be saying the HISTORY of labor laws created a market in which I currently can negotiate fairly. That's like saying slavery created the working conditions to the modern world, therefore we should keep slavery around and be thankful for it. Your brainwashing is insane.
>people who want to make video games aren't all paragons of chadhood
who could have guessed
What's the issue?
He is trash now. Stop this at once faggot OP.
Crunch is stupid and really needs to go away user. Dumb shit like crunch is why people start wanting unions, crunch needs to go away forever.
>all workplaces are like my wage slave job at mcwallmart
Nah, in professional careers merit counts for a lot. Other factors also matter, but if you are competent people will seek you out.
Blow me, baka
There's a good chance for not an extremist coming up on top, bigger chance than an actual commie.
Especially in america where anti-communism might as well be ingrained in genes, and no, champaigne socialists cannot even get off their assess. They make bunch of these video game unionists. Got already plenty of experience about those sort of chucklefucks.
Thing is that unionized workers KNOW that they'd be fucked if they completly go full retard with higher management.
It'd be more benefical to create negotiations, and come to compromises.
That's what an union is about, to have a more leverage in decisions in the work place, be it benefits or bettering the workplace itself.
>inb4 /pol/ talk
Not going for that shit, I prefer a civilized discussion and not AIDS monkey shitflinging
Why don't you play video games instead of sitting around waiting for them to come out?
They gotta deal with it. I rather have no crunch than have people wanting unions. Sorry user, crunch should be illegal. It's neccesary to keep devs happy and commie unions away.
kys redditors
What did you think game developers were like? It's a hobby defined by a bunch of social outcasts.
>Not going for that shit, I prefer a civilized discussion and not AIDS monkey shitflinging
With the state of this board and the current trajectory of the "dialogue" in this thread, don't expect anyone to talk to you in good faith, m8.
How would making crunch illegal even work? Do you force the devs to release it in a broken state ala Big Rigs? Do you cancel the game and waste the entire investment? It sounds like a really bad idea.
>What did you think game developers were like?
There are over 3 decades worth of video games out right now. Learn to play video games.
>that virgin hunch
>tranny face
>soi face
So precisely what that user described?
I didn't expect the NEETs on Yea Forums to know anything about labor unions, but you guys take it to a whole new level.
i think the election brought in a bunch of bootlickers, its really weird how this place is full of wannabe boomers now
>McCarthy tries to break up the hollywood union because they were all communist
>gets demonized for all time
>turns out the union actually unironically was a bunch of communists with ties to moscow
But games are different, right guys? No way all these social justice devs who directly support antifa would have any interest in using the biggest propaganda tool of the century to spread communist ideas. Nope. Just ignore that the night in the woods guy who's helping to run the union had unironic SMASH CAPITALISM shit in his game.
Ironically, the boomers were the ones who benefited most from labor unions. It was an era of pre-Reagan castration.
Perhaps I am naive, but I still believe it can be achieved even with one non-shitposting smart person among merely-pretenders loading their weight here before moving to another thread
Commies are not human user.
Yuri Bezmenov was right, nothing new.
If Soviets still exist the america would be right ripe for the picking.
Or at least California.
Thank god for indie games
calm down fag
I'm trying to decide if i should unsub to mr bunnyman for this commie crap. I often like his other stuff, but this is lefty collectivist propoganda
Tranny guy isn't me but still hilarious sage for advertisement
>ruined videogames forever with their empty meme game
I hate Doom so much.
It's not that i'm against unions. I'm not. But I just wish everything bad happening to game maker sjw trannies.
Wow what a boring fucking topic for a video
Pretty much. All vidya unions will do is turn western video games into the US school system of video game development.
>game devs unionize
>all game development out sourced to India
Imagine working minimum wage and thinking that talent doesn't matter for actual professionals.
>All these people acting like George being a raging lefty is something new.
Did you guys miss the part where he pulls out the communist's manifesto every other video?
As we've seen with most contemporary unions (public sector unions being the worst offenders), they bleed their members of money while working to consolidate their own wealth a power. Do you think Joe O'Thugly is going to work to make the union something that benefits you, or benefits him? Are people this retarded? Unions exist to better the union bigwigs. You guys are fucking suckers. PLEASE TAKE MONEY FROM MY PAYCHECK TO FIGHT FOR MY RIGHTS. There is no easier con.
why are trannies so comon in the game industry?
>Did you guys miss the part where he pulls out the communist's manifesto every other video
He never did that.
>anyonr who criticizes unions is a corporate bootlicker!
Ironically a very bootlicker thing to say
You're asking the wrong question. It isn't the gaming industry, it is trannies. What do I mean by this? Trannies seek out work that allows them to be "creative" without any necessary supporting talent. So jobs they might be qualified to have, like assistant manager at Walmart ("That's below me!") or electrician ("That's boring, I don't want a job, I want a passion!"), they actively avoid. So any industry willing to support their delusion is fair game. Gaming companies need QA retards, so they get in at that level, and try to use SJW tactics to weasel into a better position.
Why this happens to the good ones?
>communist LARPer with video games or anime as a hobby
>its a tranny
Why they don't talk about the big bonuses they receive?
He's mentioned it in other videos too.
He's literally talking about a game with characters named Marx and Engels here lmao
Discredited 1m in.
t. game dev
Modern GDC is just a professional pop-off too cringeworthy for public audiences. Has been for a decade. If he were an actual industry professional, he'd have been able to pick up on it.
Why is it that all those who wants to unionize in this video are indies that are not under the grasp of a publisher?
Why are all of them unironically commies? Heck, one of them had a red and yellow logo.
>Owns a worn copy of the Communist's Manifesto.
>Done multiple videos about politics affecting video games.
>Made a 10 minute long video expose about how video game companies avoid taxation.
user's point still stands, this shit is nothing to new to Super Bunnyhop.
>union wanting to persuade people how important they are for the workers in the industry
>spokesman is a fucking low-rent tranny
yeah nah, not gonna watch 40 minutes of this freakshow
The owl symbolism used for the "D". Really makes me think.
His content has got more original now that he has the time and ability to do legitimate investigative journalism and legit research on his own so he's doing videos about canceled western Final Fantasy pitches we never heard about or the political and social niche that allows gaming bars to exist in Japan and how they're on a knife's edge from being shutdown for good.
So I guess the question is do you prefer bi-monthly investigative well researched videos or weekly off the cuff reviews of every game he's playing.
George will go down as the best and most legitimate vidya journalist.
Nice advertising thread you scumbag.
We do not need unions.
Some of the best releases in the past decade have been indie games.
The biggest proponents of unionizing game development have been completely irrelevant to the actually quality of game production (voice actors, writers, "influencers").
Fuck off.
That's Viperkeeper's Pink, the gaboon!
His patreonbux is leaking, poor georgie going down. It was over 4000 last month.
bump :^)
Unions are the only thing that have held this fucking country together and kept it from becoming a dystopian, capitalist's wet dream like China where the people are slaves to their jobs. The sooner the fucktard baby boomers die off we can start to become more socialist like the European countries, no one thinks socialism is a scary boogieman anymore. We understand that the things the unions are requesting should be basic fucking human rights. Fuck the greedy dogma of capitalism.
What game are you working on, user?
Isn't that brown snake drinking from a water bowl, which has been making the rounds across the board, also his?
>people think unions gave them workers rights
right out of the statist and public education system
holy cringe.
You can get another job. This isn't the fucking early 1900s anymore
I kinda liked when he did the Metal Gear Solid and Dark Souls reviews, the Critical Close Ups? He hasn't done those in years. Every YouTuber I like eventually changes their format. See: JonTron. He's a completely different dude now. He's making SMOSH videos
If you argue against unions, then you must have a stake in the owners of the capital, and therefore by definition are an enemy of the people and the working man. Do some research about "The Homestead Riots" or "The Pinkertons" and read up about what are ancestors fought and died for, you traitorous taint. If it were up to you, I'm sure 7 year olds would still be losing arms in factory jobs.
> you guys don't work for video games
But I do. I have a regular 9 to 5 job with a 401k and benefits. It's a regular job.
There is nothing that a union could possibly benefit me, outside of charging me money out of my paycheck for (((union dues))) and making shit awkward for me in the event that they "strike".
You're too young or too stupid to understand, little guy.
Calm down tranny
How about having a partner to fight back against wrongful termination? You realize "the Union" isn't some other nameless, faceless boogeyman you pay dues to? The union is YOU. YOU are the Union. Do you understand that concept? I don't think you even know what you're talking about. If your boss wanted to fire you tomorrow, because he said you got in 10 minutes late too often, there's not a thing you could do about it. You are completely subservient to his whims. You're cucked and you don't even know it.
Does anyone else think this bastard became shit after around the time he stopped doing Metal Gear videos ranting against Konami (which all Youtubers were doing at the time)? I think in general he's up there with that "KingK" guy or Matosis. Just a flavorless hack who drones on and on about random shit without making much of a point.
Have sex
I absolutely agree with you. He hasn't been truly entertaining since like 2015-2016.
>Currently on college to get my degree in Informational Systems
>lifelong dream is to be a game developer, since I can't draw for shit and I don't know anything about music might as well be a programmer first and foremost
>mfw everything I hear about the industry
I should have sucked my soul out a long time ago and went for something like finance or whatever
I'll still try to make my dreams a reality but jesus christ why do I feel like I missed the mark a long fucking time ago and I'm about to head into a fire pit? I really just want to make my dream videogames, I don't even want to be famous or make millions of dollars but hole fuck.
>there's no fucking way some dude in his basement can make a game like TW3
CD project red is a AA studio with very talented people
same thing with the people that make the STALKER and Metro games
Does anyone actually know why there are so many trannies in the gaming industry??? Like, it really doesn't seem to make any sense for there to be THAT many
>wah wah muh crunch
it's really hard to believe them when all of them look like a bunch of fags that probably procrastinate by reading buzzfeed
Why would I want to go back to work for a company that tried to wrongfully terminate me? I'd tell them to fuck off and get a job elsewhere. Being a code-monkey is actually a pretty easy field to get into with the correct qualifications and references.
> the union is YOU
But I've already siezed the means of my own production. Why would I need to cede any of my negotiation power to a third-party?
>Last time they went on strike all their shows got cancelled or had ghost writers
>They got literally nothing in the end
Because if they all quit the company would be fucked, but these faggots arent willing to put their hand in the fire to prove their point, cowards.
>be game dev
>have to pay dues to the (((union)))
>what money doesnt got to some off shore slushfund ends up going to political causes to elect people who will make it easier for brown people to take my job and drive wages further into the ground
wow mr.nosenburg you said the union would represent my best interest
he took the blue pill so I say good riddance
>Turns out immigration has it's downsides, who knew?
Man, all these Mexicans with degrees in computer science and art are coming in to steal our home-grown native game devs' rightful jobs!
Did you just come in here from reddit because you smelled an opportunity to bitch about wetbacks?
Creative types are well known for having over inflated egos.
>I-If I call them wetbacks then I totally won't look like a lefty shill
>head of this unionisation movement is a jobless tranny with a patreon begging for all their shit to be paid for so they can continue being useless
It's kinda funny. All these commies think that working for a studio is like being some fly-by-night contractor where our livelihoods are barely hanging on by a thread at the whim of cigar smoking aristocrats.
Shit-tier deflection, mate. Faggots from Lesser America aren't coming to steal American game dev jobs. If anything, it's Pajeets and Chinese working outside America that are endangering game dev jobs
>shilling for unions
>using hollywood as a good example
just a reminder that these guys couldn't even touch the camera or play back the footage they just recorded by themselves because of muh unions, like a comment in the video said, unions insulate mediocrity
>go on strike with your union bros
>company hires duleep mukhopadhyay to do your job for you until you give up and return to work
BASED free market worshippers being blown the fuck out by George Weidman
> that Patreon
Jesus fuck...
i so fucking hate this threads holy shit kill yourself OP and anyone that does the same shit should also off himself
he or she?
>blaming capitalism again
What kind of society let's jobless trannies get every luxury they want without doing anything again? Because it certainly isn't communism
>$725/month in SoCal
Actually kinda impressive
wow almost 500 bucks for a monthly bus pass
i assume they take the bus if they're so hard up
Obviously she has roommates, probably other trannies too
You're better off developing the skills to make your own games, a code monkey at a developer is very unlikely to rise to a point where they'll get to do anything resembling actual game design.
You're never going to teach farmers and truckers to code, retard.
Can't just abandon anyone that isn't doing computers or financing.
Just stick to doing game analsis.
Look up the recent Bioware study. They did not have a vision for a game for like what? more than 4 years? just fucking around?
If anything devs are shit because anyone who was talented left the industry long ago. I don't think unions can fix this
I want to impregnate Emma
>mispronounce words
>make half points
rinse and repeat
>those goals
Should have just put a gofoundme or something. You expect me to support that? Get a fucking job like every young adult out there does.
It gets worse. He/She wants to unionize Twitch Streamers and e-sport athletes under the same Marxist umbrella.
So, you're 19 and still live with your parents right? kek
>If game devs in the USA did unions, expect the games industry to migrate over to Japan.
Please unionize.
how cute is her penis?
>I want to sodomize Emma's open wound
How dare he move away from generic half assed game reviews and retrospectives to actual informative quality content.
>The biggest proponents of unionizing game development have been completely irrelevant to the actually quality of game production (voice actors, writers, "influencers").
That's because they're the only people anyone actually knows and therefore the only people with a real voice in the games industry, outside of guys like Kojima, Cage, and Istuno who are unironically too important to care about any of this. No one would give a shit if this union stuff was being publicly spearheaded by the game designers because 99.9% of people including you, don't know who they are.
>he makes good videos
He's never made good videos. Even when he was just doing basic reviews he was a pompous faggot in love with his own voice.
That was the higher ups, you clown. The people actually coding Anthem couldn't do shit because the idiots in charge gave them nothing to go off of. Except the point when some exec game in, said the game looked like shit, and they tailored a new demo based entirely off of knowing he only cares if a game looks pretty.
But thats fucking wrong you moron.
>Watching Super Balding Cuck
>I'm a pretty frugal person, but I live in Southern California
Then don't live in Southern California, you dumb sodomite.
Yes but that shouldn't be how it works
Workers rights are important and their absence is crippling the American consumer and American economy.
Or would you rather be cucked by executives and board room members for...for what exactly?
"Just get another job," what a complete non-answer. What are you even standing to gain out of this? I literally can't make sense of anti-unionists.
Can unions stop pushing fucking clowns to the front of their leadership? This almost feels like it's done on purpose so it never actually pans out.
>muh "fake name" to protect muh anonimity
>still decides to show HIS ugly mug
maybe that's why he decided to chop his dick off and pump his ass full of hormones, makes him unrecognizable that way
>Workers rights are important and their absence is crippling the American consumer and American economy.
No it's not. Just because you say something doesn't mean that it's true, commie.
Unions prevent layoffs and protect those 401k and health benefits. They can even provide pensions. Its easy to take those things for granted now that the great recession is a full decade in the past. We have been living in an economic boom since 2014 and the moment the economy slips board members and shareholders demand that the company cut benefits and slash wages. They can do so whenever they please.
Unions prevent that.
They also enforce regular wage increases, which is why factory and machinist jobs tend to pay so well despite not needing a 4 year degree (if any). Same with plumbers or electricians, after you've been on the job for 6, 7
There is literally no good reason to oppose unions in 2019, unless you fancy roleplaying a corporate plutocrat online.
Lowered job security and supressed wages is harmful to consumer spending.
Surprising, right?
Unions are good. They make sure wages are decently high (+30% versus same industry non-union). They get double the spending on benefits that non union workers get. They keep you from being terminated unfairly(and if terminated, get severance) and push back against poor leadership choices and labor violations. The biggest kicker of them all, union shops have higher average productivity than non-union. Unions are good, anons.
keep repeating that throughout the thread, tranny
Stop pushing clowns then.
The fact that this needs to be spelled out on this site speaks to the moral degeneration of Yea Forums today.
You'd have to be a goddamn MAGA loving idiot to oppose unions.
We're talking Pajeets here. Imported code monkeys willing to work for chump change because everything looks amazing when you're used to Indian poverty.
You're thinking of the Writer's Guild.
Great thing about a union, you can vote for your guy, or, ever become the guy yourself. If the gaming people want that clown, then they get that clown. My union is a millwright union, ain't got a lotta clowns in it.
what in the ever loving fuck is that
My word, what a compelling argument
if you listen to his podcast you realize just how much of a cuck he really is. Half the time he is just REEEEEING at the latest headline in an obnoxious hi-pitched voice while his British and black friend try to calm him his "wokeness" down
>thinking i'm anti
It's about convincing the masses to go all-in, retard.
So this video and news lately in general is saying that the video game industry is bleeding devs dry and tossing them aside if they dont up and leave themselves but honestly how long can that continue.
Yes, games are an emerging market but sooner or later big devs will start running out of poor fuckers to toss out and soon young prospecting developers will catch wind of how shitty the working conditions in the industry are and will choose another. How long until the well starts running dry on bright eyed naive developers and what happens when it does.
his channel literally went downhill from the moment trump was elected
Shut the fuck up with your union shit. I may trust unions under a national socialist government.
However, I don't trust western game developers and they deserve everything they get.
fpbp shill your shit else where
The entire internet did.
Everybody working needs a union, user. Don't you work for a living?
>dystopian, capitalist's wet dream like China where the people are slaves to their jobs.
Thanks for reminding us that you don't know what China is about. Ironically, you would wish we had China's system, because your support of unions is based on a surface level understanding of politics. I however, see unions sell out for non-white third world workers.
Also, the people supporting unionizing game developers are fucking communist. That should ring alarm bells.
I hate politics so god damned much
Reminder to unsubscribe from superbunnyhop
I knew the faggot was a little cuck with his passive aggressive respond towards Gamergate. You can tell he was a leftist then. Its shocking that more people didn't notice it back then. A shameful excuse for a white man.
China's economy is pure capitalism, man. The only things that are really state-ran is the media, the internet, and the banks(so they can keep that Renminbi value down. A vast majority of it's industry and education are privately owned. Your post kinda makes me think that *you* don't know shit about china.
The union I have to be forced into is a far left organization that welcomes in pro-open border lawyers and are essentially traitors. I repeat, unions wouldn't be so bad, if leftists didn't end up controlling them like the parasites they are.
But in this case, western game developers DON'T deserve unionization.
The union represents the majority of the people that make it up. If you don't like the leadership, run for leadership yourself. If you can't swing it, look for a different job, user.
>A centralized, state-controlled economy is pure capitalism
Stop listening to retards in Shenzhen like Serpentza.
>World banks don't do the same
China's more-or-less a US-Like capitalism with state censorship and essentially a dictator(much like Russia, actually) that's really the size of it.
I'm not talking about a central bank, I mean the Chinese economy has tight state controls that don't exist in the US.
Fuck you and your commie tranny friends
I hope you have never complained about Trump or Obama, after all you can just run yourself and they represent the people.
Like what? I mean, our non-union competitors in our area don't have to negotiate with The Party when they buy cheap Chinese parts(I used to work for them.) They just talk to the suppliers directly. The biggest difference is that The Party can tell you how much you will pay The Party and what laws apply to your business. Just like here, with business licensing and regulation, but here, in the US, we do it by electing officials to craft and vote on legislation.
>implying Unions will actually help with anything in current year
>implying this wont hurt smaller companies more than bigger companies
Anybody who unironically supports Unions has no idea how fucked the majority of them are. A good portion of them are corrupted as fuck and turns to jews trying to out jew each other. All the while smaller companies who actually does give a shit about their employees suffer from the Unions retarded demands.
Sure, running to be a union rep is *just* like running for president. No different at all.
I mean, if you're a shareholder, sure, they might hurt you, but unions help everybody. Even small businesses, because, as it's been said in the thread, Union shops are more productive than non-union shops.
>not wanting unions so it makes western game development completely unfeasible
And why do they hurt shareholders? Because it gives the workers better conditions. If you ever hear rhetoric asking you to consider why Unions are bad, immediately realize you are being lied to and sold on an idea that will not benefit you, your family, or anyone you know.
I will never understand Americans' seething over communism. It's just a fucking ideology, if it's ideas are truly bad they t is.will fail on it's own and people will realize how full of shit they are. Why try to hide it by shouting IT'S COMMUNIST SHIT? That can be used to shut down good ideas too
>game devs who could easily go to some cushy software dev job instead get to make fucking video games for a living
>feel they have the right to complain about anything
He looks like a taller, more feminine and flabby Destiny, which is pretty pathetic. No wonder he fellates all the most cancerous shit in the industry. A spineless dweeb.
Is the brain washing this bad? For real, what are they teaching you in schools. Talk to your grandfather or dad tonight holy shit.
how dare you belittle destiny
agreed, happens all the time with fascism. It's a damn shame the only effective political ideology for this poisoned century is shut down because retards obsessed with pop culture.
user, I support unions. I guess my post didn't sound like it?
his genetics did it first
All the largest corporations are controlled by the state, and most others have a Party member on staff to ensure ideological purity.
Everyone hates politics until they can't feed their children, then suddenly they get very into politics.
Most of the motherfuckers here don't realize that Labor Day used to be yesterday, but was moved because of the pro-union implications of May Day.
You think that's the employees fault? Don't do the job and you get fired. It's the fault of management and retarded creative leads. Faggot.
when these threads nearing death and it's just 1 or 2 same fags left talking to one another
>implying game devs that operate outside of un-unionized capitalist frameworks can't compete
Based Weed-man
No, I realized that, I was sort of just adding on to what you said. I got you senpai, I see you :)
Does this faggot still try and sell his gay socks?
Scott Benson is the guy that made "But I'm a nice guy" ice cream animation.
sounds like he's a retard
>having to sell socks
I guess it's rough out there. I imagine some shady company gets in touch and is like "Dude we can make these horrible polyester socks for your fans. Whaddya say, we have a deal?" and these idiots jump at it out of desperation. They're not even cotton socks, they're some horrible blend of synthetics.
>You're a neet sitting in your room
>playing video games
>should be merit-based and competitive
If I'm hired by you, I DESERVE worker's rights and good conditions.
>this is your brain on HRT
Dead Cells is clunky and unironically sucks.
Unions have become self serving Ponzi scheme funneling wealth to the pockets of leading members and political lobbyist.
They are another set of middle men limiting what you can do while taking money from your pocket.
>It's just a fucking ideology,
Tell that to the millions of people who lost their lives living through that horrible ideology you humongous retards
have sex incel weeb
So has anyone ever talked to actual developers about this? It's always bloggers shilling for communist organisations going
>Xer says on Yea Forums-nel
Then they import the pajeets, game quality drops even lower (where are those Indian AAA games that even come close to medicore Western AAA games) and the total interest in gaming drops as well. I mean hell you already have people dropping support for shit like Battlefront 2 (which was a disappointment to EA) and dropping Anthem like a hot rock (servers are shutting down at this rate).
The gaming public allowed the gaming crash before, and I think it'll easily happen again if you remove the backbone of game development studios have now.
The thing is, if they want to unionize they have the leverage of just allowing the quality to continuously drop, or even to just let progress slow since all these publishers rely on release schedules.
no u
The people taught all sorts of Anti-Soviet propaganda growing up continued to teach anti-communism despite the soviet union falling and are now sucking off Putin.
That's pretty much every white collar work these days and now we have startups indie games etc.
Now wait just a GODDAMN minute...
That "anonymous" voice from the video at 14:16, I'm sure that I heard it SOMEWHERE before
They're in crunch time but might be able to talk for a couple hours next february
>if it's ideas are truly bad they t is.will fail on it's own
It has consistently over the last century but fags like you keep popping up to say "maybe it'll work this time!" and start the cycle all over again.
Masterful. Teach me how to shitpost like this... please.
I unironically just did.
> I will never understand how a nation whose founding myth was based around rebelling against a tyrannical form of government would reject another form of tyrannical governance...
not him but my brother used to work with a guy who went on to get a codemonkey job at Team 17, and according to him they spent about 2 years fucking around experimenting with mechanic ideas and proof-of-concepts before a 7-8 month crunch to actually make the game
>union staff is all trannies and fags
it will fall to infighting and internal drama/politics long before it can achieve anything meaningful
oh no all those poor devs having to sit in a chair for a really long time!
worst case is US based companies raise the price of their games due to the unions and the rest of the world uses it as an excuse to raise their prices as well.
The videogame industry is at the point right now where it's far easier and FAR more profitable to avoid working secondhand for a publisher than really any other point, since all the info you need to learn how to make game is available online, crowdfunding is an everyday occurence and digital distribution makes physical publishing almost irrelevant.
If you walk in the front door of a company you know will treat you like shit and sign a contract, it's literally your own fault.
>if it's ideas are truly bad they t is.will fail on it's own and people will realize how full of shit they are.
It did fail and most people do realize how full of shit communists are, that's why people hate communism.
It really just depends where you work. AAA studios are crunch time extreme, but they also don't really hire without experience. Try to find a smaller or AA studio around your area, and generally those are either run with a clearer vision and don't need crunch, or don't crunch nearly as hard.
-t WayForward Dev
>He's already pretty insufferable on the podcast about this shit
Liam is fucking horrible. He finds new ways to piss me off with his terrible opinion and his ass-kissing of prolific liberal Game devs. and journalists. Keeps bragging about shit he does in Japan, nobody gives 2 shits about.
>that episode where they all pretend diablo immortal looks fun and they can't possibly imagine why people are upset about it
They do this all the time. The problem is clear as day but pretend to not know what it is. I think they are well aware but want to avoid offending anyone in the industry, which could have repercussions later down the line. Like being denied access to events, interviews etc.
Must suck being a professional and having to walk on eggshells.
Who gives a fuck about this fuckin' kike.
>having children
seems i found the problem
Why do games take 5 years to make? Maybe we should address that problem?
Better tools, planning, experience, etc.
People keep saying 'games are complicated', but there must be so much time wasted.
I get the feeling moreso there's too many people, too much fucking about, etc. and then people cry when it comes time to crunch.
What do they get hang up on, is it art? I can't imagine it being coding.
It most certainly is the coding. Most games just use premade assets and slap a fresh coat of paint on it anyway. But coding? Imagine a group of pajeets rushing to code something and then having to untangle the bumfucked mess of it all through bugfixing, and having to bugfix all of that when you add in all the fucking ingame store features, and so on and so forth. Not to mention feature creep that means you have to figure out how to pry open a bunch of spaghetti code and jam it in and make it work somehow.
I think that episode specifically triggered me because usually Matt is alright but there he was the catalyst
Even simple games can take a while to make, and this is coming from an indie dev with lots of dev friends that work for real companies. I code, and when you're adding a feature you design the code, write it out, get it to a working state, then make sure it's integrated properly with other systems. Then, inevitably, it'll break again when you're adding another system onto it.
Multiply that by hundreds, if not thousands, of all the individual small features that make up a game and it can get time consuming, quick.
That's not even mentioning art, design, writing, the real QA phase, etc
you post as if were waiting hand in hand for this retards content here
Remind me again why these posts don't get deleted for advertising/begging?
>living under capitalism teehee
Imagine if some doctor in Venezuela or Cuba that studied his ass off for 8 years to earn as much as a janitor which is barely enough to buy a steak once a month and has to rely on family members abroad sending US dollars and medicine read this
Why do people who never travel outside of California and don't know what actual communism is like in non white non ethnically and culturally homogenous countries have opinions on it and why does anyone care
Yea Forums used to be full of classic liberals back in the day
Now it feels like co opted by authoritarians
I don't even know why Matt is even on the show? What does he do? What insight has he offered? He just exists.
>guys we gotta bring in as many right wingers as possible from as many other sites as we can to help us fight anita and zoe!
>huh this is weird, every single thread on every single board is now just people complaining about libs and trannies
It's a mystery all right
>classic liberals
I liked when he made vids about video games but now it all just feels like marxist indoctrination
its still libertarians they're just larping as conservatives
>See: JonTron. He's a completely different dude now. He's making SMOSH videos
He does Smosh better than Smosh, though.
But it's incredibly important to me that I do not support unions and whiteknight for billionaires because Yea Forums told me some of the employees hoping to form unions are left leaning. That means unions are bad, end of story. I am very smart.
He was always shit.
His videos are the equivalent of reading random forum posts after a Google search, false statements and all.
Yea Forums has always been hardcore contrarian above all else
>Makes videos filmed from the perspective of a student in a classroom as he paces around in front of a whiteboard
How embarrassing.
The left started tightening the screws.
Oh yeah under pressure better betray your ideals
Fitting in on Yea Forums means more to me than anything else. If this site begins to turn conservative, so do I. What choice do I have? I have no other sense of community in my life, so if I don't fit in here, I am lost. I will be as right or left wing as Yea Forums wants me to be.
What is this amerimutt boogieman shit about unions and people not doing their jobs? Literally american education.
>Made a 10 minute long video expose about how video game companies avoid taxation
And why is this a bad thing? Fuck companies that do this.
I hope you're joking, but you're basically describing real life for average people these days. Tow the line get cancelled.
join islam, brother
He didn't touch at all on globalization and what will actually happen if devs unionize. Unless some law is passed to force studios to hire only a certain percent of non-citizens, everything will be outsourced to China and India.
Stop shilling this SJW leftist cuckold
Can you give some examples of this? I dont doubt you, but I wouldnt mind something
So fuck all companies then?
>not just making games with your bros while sustaining solely on pizza
Examples of what? How currently shit is already outsoursed? Most of the GM team in Blizzard are Indians now, there has been a thread recently where GM replied in broken english, right after the news of secondary staff being let go.
F2P mobile market is almost entirely outsourced to developing countries, my friend works at such place, they make shitty hidden object games for mobile, it's a decent pay for my county and town but obviously awful for anyone from the first world.
Coders and QA are not creative jobs, yes, you need competent programmers to push out well working products, but when did it stop any AAA publisher from releasing a broken product? F76, BF4, whatever else I am forgetting, were all pushed out unfinished and broken. And that;s with mostly western devs and QA. Imagine what will happen when you will get nothing but poos on your team.
If you read the credits, many moderns games are already already half outsourced to China.
Personally I like to think of myself as a reasonable centrist and have so much faith in my own intelligence that I refuse to believe that coming to a site for hours a day and reading both ironic and genuine right wing opinions over and over and over and over and over could not possibly have any effect whatsoever on my outlook
What ideals have I betrayed, exactly?
>Most of the GM team in Blizzard are Indians now, there has been a thread recently where GM replied in broken english, right after the news of secondary staff being let go
Based Bobby firing all the liberals!!
We just can't stop winning!!
I only started going further to the right because Ii actually had no beliefs or convictions in the first place and I saw the same images of unattractive liberals being posted here all the time
A fat woman with short hair looking angry? No thanks, I'll join the other side
George is a smart cookie, but also a coastal city liberal, who like all socialists worships the plight of the working class, but will never really understand it.
Yes? Tax avoidance is bullshit. Why do you defend companies and billionaires not paying their fair share? It wouldn't harm them in the slightest but would help the country significantly.
I can't understand you faggots who are all about THE EVILS OF GLOBALISM but when someone suggests companies actually pay tax to support their country of origin it's suddenly fine for them to hide that money elsewhere all over the world.
I guess the bottom line is poor people have to suffer as much as possible for being "lazy" right?
It literally should be how it works because if there truly is a company out there making their employees work 7 days a week 12 hours a day (hint: there isnt), no one in there right mind would work there and the company would fall apart, deservingly so
jesus christ, america
Turned it off when the tranny showed up.
Wagecucks, all of you.
What the hell am I looking at here?
At what point did Americans become such utterly pathetic bootlicking faggots, and why?
Is there any way to find the right balance between free market values and preserve the rights and protection of workers?
Both corporations and unions are riddled with greed and corruption and to idolise either with demonising the other is a sign of complete idiocy.
>40 minutes of some tranny crying "WAAAH WAAAAH MUH CRUNCH MUH HARD WORK WAAAAH"
No thanks.
>being in a union somehow makes you not a wagecuck
Lmao, being in a union is worse than being a wagecuck because now you are owned by 2 faceless entities instead of one. Don't forget to pay your dues :)
When the internet started to get popular. And chicken tendies.
It's a criticism of liberals who are "revolutionaries" while enjoying a life of relative luxury thanks to the suffering of countless people around the world who are out of sight and out of mind.
Some right wingers look at stuff like this and feel smug about this alleged hypocrisy but all they're really saying is they also live with these same privileges but aren't hypocrites because they loudly and proudly do not give a shit about the suffering of these people.
>He looks like a taller, more feminine and flabby Destiny
It's not possible to be more feminine than a manlet with a really shitty bone structure.
Trannies, commies and liberals really disgust me, but what's worse is that more and more people think that propagating such behavior is acceptable.
I'm not on /pol/'s levels of retardation but I really think this should be worrying to people. White people, especially white people in America, are becoming sissies in every sense of the word. Thank fuck I live in central Europe.
Reminder that crunch is what ruined nu-Bioware
>central europe
I think you are next on the chopping block.
Oh yeah? Why is that? If you go outside most people still behave in normal ways and look like men/women, not fucking onions drinking abominations. And you can be god damn sure that people like Russians or former communist bloc countries (isn't that fucking turbo ironic) won't stand for that shit.
literally never even heard of this person. go back to your containment website retard
Let's play the waiting game and see. This movement works slowly. Just don't let women in powerful positions. Then I think you will be fine.
Unions are
>Appoint group of assholes who argue for more money "for union workers"
>Employers fire half of the workers as they give more money and workload to the other half
>Anyone not in the union are bullied out and/or overshadowed by unionized businesses
>All of that extra money the workers earn are then handed over to the assholes, so the workers don't really get anything except tenuous "job security"
>Union assholes get powerful and bloated, start dictating stupid shit deliberately so they can get more money
reminder that SBH was a MRA fag that never bathed and never had sex
Thankfully people in positions of power never take advantage of it and treat employees like shit because the employees have absolutely no power whatsoever
Say NO to unions and defend workers from mistreatment by people in power
quit licking the boots of trannies and other raging liberals and I could get behind this, I have no reason to care at all for these types
God damn it he's gotten so far up his own ass ever since his patreon launched.
I got no problem with anyone unionizing; but unless they can amass more power than their publishers, that union will be turned around and used to beat them into worse conditions than they already have.
Late ass reply but IDGAF
Because I don't want to people to die just so communists might have a moment to realize that they're wrong.
>mrbtongue bluepilled
How so?
People have no fucking idea how bad the communist system was for people and it has proven consistently over the last 100 years that it's an absolute dogshit political structure in which the party rules all.
The funniest part of it all is that it's always propagated by some tranny/weak male wearing some Che Guevara t-shirt thinking they know something about life or the world around them.
>Because I don't want to people to die just so communists might have a moment to realize that they're wrong
I'm going to bet a million dollars you don't give a shit about anyone who dies under capitalism, or anyone dying from shootings, or anyone dying during unjust wars, or of anyone dying from starvation
But yes, you really care about lives - just as long as they are dying under a system other than gommienizum
>>Games industry has been treating their employees worse and worse every year because they keep putting out low effort trash games despite having miraculously high budgets
Fucking this.
>Anthem had 7 year dev time and a 300mln$+ budget.
>they did nothing for 5 years and stitched something together in last year
How in the fuck is that anybody fault but the devs.
Everybody at Bioware should be fucking fired, if a doctor fuck ups during operation he goes to jail or loses his licence, if a teacher fucks up during classes he gets fired, if you fuck up at work you will get fired. But in Vidya it seems if you fuck up you just get one more chance until you bankrupt the publisher.
He didn't care about gamergate, so now he's an enemy to gamers (AKA right wingers) everywhere
>Everybody at Bioware should be fucking fired
Well, to be fair, this was apparent long before Anthem's pitch was even conceived.
Hey not every video is Marxist bullshit
Sometimes he does videos where he reads old Yea Forums posts about Shadow of the Colossus and tries to pass it off as his thoughts.
He literally used to be homeless
Hey man, for all you know I could be Batman with a picnic basket.
You fucking liar. You piece of shit.
>Valve hasn't made a real game in 7 years
>Bioware spent 5 years doing nothing on Anthem
I dunno if unionisation will be good for the West, a lot of western devs are pretty "relaxed" already & a lot of crunch is their own fault because they spent too long on R&D
>trusting commies about unions like ever
Sure thing, buddy. That's what he said. You're full of shit, you fuck.
>Yea Forums used to be full of classic liberals back in the day
Then web 2.0 happened.
>>Valve hasn't made a real game in 7 years
Don't need to when you can make millions from just getting bonuses from your "ideas".
Socialism leads to nothing good, unions must be destroyed and stomped out where they sprout.
That said, I'd welcome the wests destruction if they chose this path.
>Communism = Socialism
You might as well say the same about nazism and fascists. People who are loud about such things are merely proselytizing. It's quite interesting how communist apologists always draw the same card as a defense.
as soon as i saw the tranny i closed the video
please do not contradict the mindless right wing propaganda!
>brainwashed bootlicker baiting this hard
Unions were invented by capitalists to counterbalance business retard
USSR wasn't communist, it was socialist.
Western pigs are the ones that don't understand the distinction.
great thread, just gommies getting shit on.
Blizzard had a good model that the industry could have copied, they worked their devs hard, but if the game sold well, the devs got a cut of the profits
Of course after Mike Morhaime left, Bobby Kotick got rid of that instantly, so you can understand why unions want to come in & kick up a storm
Fuck the poor
>Teachers in america
>Rolling in money
This but unironically, it's easy as fuck to make good money while doing something so simple even retards are able to do it
I wish slavery is legal so that I can use corporate asslickers as slaves
he never said that
Various forms of the equivalent to Socialism has been tried for millennia, well before Marx made a book about it. It as an ideology almost always pops up after a particular civilized nation passes their survive and thrive phases, getting to the point where their society is extremely comfortable and descending into self-indulgent decadence. Eventually, a group gets big and loud enough to force more extreme Socialist statutes for short term gains without caring for long term consequences.
Every time they have ended in utter self-destruction, either because everyone died and the foundation of the society crumbled, or the people still alive got to the breaking point and revolted.
There are only a few limited socialist systems that, when kept in check within the framework of a more stable system, actually work for longer than a few years without basically making 99% of the people miserable.
That video in the OP goes over the Hollywood unionization. It is a good example of such a thing. The initially proposed form of unionization was terrible, uncontrollable socialist drivel, but the one that immediately followed - regulated by new US laws - stayed strong and prosperous and secure for everybody for almost forty years.
Get to the 1980s, California went from a conservative (in its thriving years) to heavily liberal state (once secure and decadent) with a ton of influence in the hands of unionized Hollywood. Many new state policies allowed their effective but heavily regulated Socialist programs to run wild and quickly turned that state into a shithole. Bring on Silicon Valley being a tech gold rush quickly invaded by socialist types siphoning a fuckton more money and Cali has become an even more absurdly expensive shithole with so much influence over the internet that they are negatively affecting the whole world in dangerous ways.
Guys wtf we need to complete the project by a certain deadline and have to actually work hard for a while???!?! nobody told me I needed to work hard...
time to unionize...
Wasn't he supposed to be a homo?
Work mo' or massa gets angry!
t.amerimutt union
He's one of those incels who thinks batting for the other team means he would be a catch.
This thread makes me glad i live in the first world and not in amerifatistan, you guys are brainwashed lmao
Keep squealing about muh gummunism muh sushylism and how evil health care and unions are while you go into debt to treat the gunshot eound you got in your monthly work place shooting
>unions bad!
Yes because working 12 hours a day for few shekkels while your shit fuck boss rakes in the cash is based. All boomers need to die, this is good initiative even if they are all fags and trannies.
>merit based worker bees
Is this what burgers actually think guys?
Americans literally believe giving workers any sort of rights or help whatsoever is communism. They truly are good little goys protecting their masters.
What the fuck does the amount executives get paid to do with incompetent time and project management?
Less pay for executives = more pay for developers and extra staff
>unions are bad for workers
Criticizing the wagecage makes you a communist
Don't like the wagecage? Go work at some other wagecage.
Or just build your own amazon and amazon wage cage commies!
quit circlejerking over a dead thread gommies
there are only 3 good e celebs: sseth, mandalore and ross. superbunnyhop is sjw nigger
>Ross posts a video on Games as a Service is a scam
>Yea Forums defends their corporate overlords
>whining about ross while shilling a tranny vid
go whine on chapo subreddit
Yea Forums is bunch of retarded ancaps that will blow kikes because of "muh kikepitalism". as i said the only based e-celebs are ross, sseth and mandalore
>Three meming faggots
stay mad tranny
>pushes e-celeb faggots
>calls me a tranny
go fuck yourself you niggerfaggot. at least i'm not watching some faggot who said that story in wolfenstein 2 the s o y colossus was amazing
>Emma Kinema
I'm pro-union but I want union related shit to be organized by people with at least over a decade of experience in the industry or someone with proper understanding of law. Some babyfaced shitter who needs a patreon to make ends meet shouldn't be nowhere near the spot that can be associated with the "face" of unions
deal with it, thats what you got
If Unions shops are proven to be more effective then non-union shops why wouldn't shareholders demand unions. You need to remember that productivity is output-cost.
You got a patreon begging tranny as your union leader now, lmao.
>the face of a video game unionization movement is a communist tranny
This isn't going to end well
It's more that anons are distrustful of the alternatives, which are often promoted by people associated with the crappy ideology of radical egalitarianism/the left's vision of progressivism.
This place often clamors for an industry-wide crash, and people are always looking for the next AAA game to fail big time like TORtanic. Virtually everyone around here shits relentlessly on business practices like MTX, or companies like EA. Questioning corporations is nothing new. It's hilarious to me how how anyone acts like that's some original thought and the superiority complex that comes with it.
I didn't realize Yea Forums was full of steel mill working boomers who need to lick the boots of big daddy union to wipe their asses for them
Gig economy is the desired future
>he says as his economy is dependent on masses of blue collar workers
>If game devs in the USA did unions, expect the games industry to migrate over to Japan.
Japan has unions. Plenty of them.
Fuck your children I will never make a kid your kids can die for all I care
>Japan has unions. Plenty of them.
>still works 16h every day
Is this the video claiming a diverse workplace results in original ideas?
Regardless, I've always been fascinated by that statement. If there's anyone who's utterly obsessed with diversity and whatnot is the West, and most games coming from big publishers who stress the importance of such an ideal, work towards hiring minorities or whatever end up having the blandest, most generic and safest gameplay systems and visuals possible. Who the fuck thinks anything NaughtyDog does is original?
By contrast, games like BB are made by a far more homogeneous group of people (meaning race, culture and values, and if we're taking SJWs axioms at face value, their argument falls apart completely).
Star citizen is what happens when there is no publisher to enforce dates.
Game devs are just lazy fucks, I know because of experience in the industry.
>AAA studios like Bioware shitting out trash like Anthem because of incredibly poor management and somehow still surviving
the problem isn't the devs, it's the fucking shit-tier management chasing market trends instead of innovating new business models and monetization strategies and the wall street chucklefucks that continue to throw money at them
these big AAA companies cannot fail because they get funded by banks that can't fail
unionization at least keeps people from literally killing themselves working 100 hour weeks designing fucking horse armor