What went wrong

what went wrong

Attached: pax then and now.png (1265x950, 963K)

>thanking your guests is a bad thing.


When are we getting nuked bros?

The guy in the back vibrated too hard and shattered the timeline.

That Apple Laptop is probably slower than those old PC's too

Soul vs Soulless

that's John Titor

It is. Just like thanking your audience after a presentation. You aren't doing that shit for yourself but for them. Why would you thank THEM after you taught/showed them something? That's absolutely retarded and if anything the audience should thank the presenter for taking his time doing the presentation.

What did you expect?

Oh the left
>White European utopia
On the right
>Jew utopia

>thank you for coming here
>thank you for having me

Women (male) also women (female)

The dickwolves incident broke them

Nothing is grassroots anymore. Any cool hobby or subculture is always sucked up by the machine. This is why it's best to gatekeep and keep your mouth shut about anything you enjoy.

I don't understand the issue?


This guy gets it.

This is why you have no friends, user.

Also pay attention to how few people are not only not morbidly obese, but not even overweight on the left. Meanwhile half of everyone is fat as hell on the right.

Lugging a CRT and a fuck huge tower around would make anyone lose weight.


I enjoy the machine.

O'Sullivan's law

Attached: kill_me_please2.jpg (3250x4425, 748K)

normies and wymyn.

Why do you care? Its not like you go to it