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WoW Classic - Discussion
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whats blizzard going to do when the classic servers have more players than their bfa servers?
Everything other than killing jews is a waste of time.
Everyone who disagrees is a jew.
I'm legitimately not gonna kill my jewish girlfriend bro, sorry.
my orc bgc will be in your womens tonight , houman
who is this semen demon
The FUCK you say?
reverse image search gives her instagram
How are feral druids in PvP? Can they compete with rogues and warlocks if they are good?
When is this shit supposed to come out?
I'll probably get bored quickly but since there's no up front purchase now I might try it.
As if I could forget. Listen, user, there's something about the plague you should know...
cuck harder, faggot
Debuff limit moved from 8 to 16, how does this make you feel?
have their mistakes be more profitable than their intents once again
ideally they start developing classic like jagex develops OSRS, but blizzard is rolling in overwatch/hearthstone cash so they probably won't care enough. a stable server network with official support and state permanence for 12 bucks a month is good enough anyways.
I must consider this an act of seasoning
thanks bro
Is pally levelling really that boring? What about when duoing with a priest or Druid?
What content could they even add without causing too much of a stir?
Feral Druid can beat any class/spec in PvP but requires 10/10 skills to pull it off
older expansions?
Hmmm lets see here...
>trash throughout most of the game
>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear
>barely tank without a shield while leveling
>no utility
>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)
>randomly will steal cloth for their 'spirit set'
>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything
>needs entire guild to help get his bis because he's a bitch and can't solo anything
>sucks at leveling
>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>can cc (entangle/sleep beast & dragonkin
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game
>make use of gear people don't even need (what a team player)
not looking for for wargins, Druchads lookin fine tho
hybrid = bad
druid = multi hybrid
welcome to classic bitch
Thats just it though, as soon as they add an expasnsion it won't be vanilla. Although maybe they could add helfire peninsular as a 58-60 zone with black temple as the raid as was originally planned
rogues? nope
warlocks? nope
shamans/paladins? yeah probably
druids are healers in raids unless you're in a casual guild that lets people play whatever they want. feral is a weaker rogue in dps/abilities and balance is one of the worst casting dps specs in vanilla
Yea Forums told me that druids are a meme class then what is this?
What are the best classes/specs for PvP then? From best to worst
>meme tier full hybrid spec for world pvp alone
holy shit drumpf is finished
The endless treadmill of expansions is what led to the retail mess in the first place. If they're smart, they'll just keep endlessly polishing classic. Classic had plenty of cut content that they could expand upon without shitting out another expansion that nobody wants.
>If they're smart
Idk, I thought TBC and WOTLK were pretty good.
WoTLK was definitely good.
depends on the type of PvP content, but warriors and priests are usually the most powerful classes in general PvP combat (not ganking). rogues, druids, warlocks, and mages are best at ganking. shamans and paladins are pretty good at stuff across the board, but you probably won't get gear for that.
Legit won't be the same. Will hopefully give Blizz a big enough wake up call that the next expac won't suck balls.
I agree, they were great. But this is a classic server after all, not a TBC or WoTLK server.
Wotlk was trash. It was the beginning of the end of WoW
forgot to mention hunters, they're really powerful when kiting properly and have high dps if no one is handling pet.
still better than warrior leveling