Is Chained Ogre's grab unfair?

Is Chained Ogre's grab unfair?

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Not at all. It can get annoying if you try to fight the second ogre in that confined space, but there is no excuse for getting hit with it in the first fight

>dsp beat Isshin in 3 tries
Is this the best eceleb redemption arc?

I'm on NG+4 and I've never had a problem. Just dodge back for the quick one, or run away for the charging one.

>Mess up a dodge
>Get punished for it
There's nothing unfair about that

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I really dont see how this was the wall people hit.

Is the average person really so impatient they cant stop to realize it can only do like three attacks?

The game even gives you a big red kanji and sound effect to know it's coming.

To be fair the chained ogre is fought differently than other minibosses people have encountered by that point. You gotta maintain your pressure, yes, but the movement during this fight is nothing like the movement against samurai or spear minibosses

>grab hurtboxes in From games
>anything but complete shit
Pick only one.

It's a sweep.

>huge open area
>no stamina
>able to start sprinting instantly
There are many learning curves in sekiro, but getting hit by this grab means you don't grasp how movement works in this game at all

I think it’s just a bit too strong.
If you aren’t at full hp, odds are it will one shot you.

I assumed the miniboss directly after the Ogre was the biggest wall.

The asshat surrounded by Ads and you only have 3 or 4 gourd sips at that point.

The game lies to your face 5 minutes before the ogre fight by telling you that you need to dodge away from grab attacks

yeah and it works, as long as you don't try to bloodborne dodge straight into it

>defending incompetency on the devs part
Big yikes.

Yes, it's blatantly misaligned with the graphic

>dodges backwards from a lunge
>boss lands on top of you
You could've made several valid points about poor hit detection in this game, most notably mikiri counter on slopes, but instead you chose to whine about how you should be invincible during dodges

At that point it's strange to a new player that they have to chip his health despite what the game has been up until then because close engagement for too long with will fuck you up.

Also not wanting to deaggro and then reset his health by going too far. I'm not surprised it's a barrier for those that are new to it.

To be fair that guy is completely skipable and you can clear out the other enemies before engaging him without too much trouble. The ogre you need to defeat if I'm not mistaken and there is no immediately obvious way to sneak up on him to get the first deathblow

Sekiro never feels like it's trying to be fun. Every decision made in the entire game seems to have come down to "what would make the game hard?".

Yes. That webm isn't a great example but it can rotate 90 degrees in one frame to lock on to you. It's worse than the DaS2 hippo ogres.

Nah, the game just conditions you to deflect perilous attacks, dodge grabs and jump sweeps. But this is a sweep that looks like a grab .

I don't dispute the fact that it's a barrier, it certainly was one for me too. But from how slow the ogre is I can't understand why people don't try running around/away from him. It's counterintuitive going by the design of the battles beforehand, but it's not unthinkable

That leap grab? Fuck no.
I'd argue his other grab that he does when you're up close to him is unfair because it seems too quick to avoid without i-frames, but maybe I'm just bad. It's also very worth noting that it can be avoided by not hugging his cock during the fight.

>34 deaths by the time he reaches Ogre
Even though it's Phil I'm impressed, I'm usually shocked by how relatively low his final death counts are when he finishes each game.

It's almost like the Ogre is teaching you about that kind of enemy. It's almost at the beginning of the game and literally puts up a fogwall preventing you from running past it, but people still get mad at the game for not preparing them for it, as if the Ogre itself isn't the preperation for the rest of the game.

With me when I was starting out it was wondering how for would cause his health to regen, and as others have said half of Ogre's attacks look like something you can stomp on as told to you before the previous boss him for but the timing of grabs is atrocious.

Sure later into the game you've got the gist of things and are less worried about pounding him but starting out is rough.

No, but Emma's is. Honestly ruined what should've been an very interesting fight

But the game isn't hard, I'd put money on the fact that you and everyone who think it's hard are literally handicapping themselves by trying to brute force a playstyle that doesn't work for this specific game. You probably don't even know you're doing it which is why it seems unfair.

The ogre is so limited in what he can do to you I'm just surprised he was so frequently cited as being a wall for players.

And while you can clear the room before fighting the boss it adds a layer of pressure not to choke since you'll need to redo so much more to fight him.

I tried to not skip any bosses out of fear I'd miss the encounter permanently after enough progression. Maybe I just fucked the intended experiance up.

I just aggrod him to the edge of the gate, lost aggro, then snuck attack one healthbar.

After that I used the flamethrower. The game rewards you for exploring

that's not true at all. Almost all encounters have a gimmick in the form of a prosthetic or techniques.

What the fuck is unfair about her grab? Has like 3 seconds of startup frames which translates to a million years of opportunity to dodge in weeaboo fightan magic terminology.

>1st playthrough
>"Quite possibly From's best game yet"
>Every other playthrough
>"This is boring as shit."

Take the L.
Get better.

Far more fair than anything in DS1-3 and BB
No scope 360s aren't a thing in this game

I'm seriously overjoyed that Activision forced Mizayaki and his cronies to tone down the cheating of the AI

He really was not that hard but his grab is definitely kind of fucky

But I had a total blast through all 4 of my playthroughs, and it wasn't even overly hard once I grasped the core of the gameplay early on. Aside from the few big, obviously tough boss battles, the game was the hardest in ashina outskirts when I was still relying on muscle memory from the Souls games.

it's not unfair, but it is improperly visualized and choreographed

there are ways to deal with it, but the fact of the matter is the animation and the attack ranges are wrong

What you are describing is exactly what would make it unfair.

Although I disagree with your assessments.

I only skipped the headless because fuck that shit when you have a limited amount of confetti. Once it could be purchased I beat all three in a row (the underwater ones I didn't skip since they don't require confetti)

he definitely has the most bullshit grabs in the game

>you could've blah blah
I could have. Instead I chose to state the grab hurtbox in every From game is shit. Not my fault you got so upset by that statement.

>When previously asked about the extent of Activision's involvement with the project, Miyazaki has stated that From Software handles everything after the start screen, and it was a stance that Conkey echoed during the interview

Now they could be lying but with how much of a critical success Sekiro was they'd take credit where they could.

Same. I didn't understand dragon rot at the time so I thought I was literally giving my save file aids trying to kill them.

There's no way that's possible.
misaligned hitboxes for AI are literally a fucking feature in From games. I believe it's possible that they might have bad coding and finally got it right but Activision are pretty notorious for interfering - apparently the game wasn't meant to have stealth at all until they wanted it in

You do know that if you use the Lilac Umbrella and follow up with a projected force it immediately applies the Divine Confetti effect, right?

I wonder how much I would have to donate to DSP for him to stop begging for money

He literally didn't dodge it and you're supposed to jump evade the grab.

Activison was also responsible for the game having a more interactive tutorial, as well as a training dummy for you to practice with

You don't understand, if Phil gets huge donations, then he will need more money constantly coming in to pay the taxes on those donations. Real, mature adults understand this, ok?

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No. After you get hit by it once, you have no excuse.

It has a huge start up time, you can jump/dodge away from it before it even activates, and you have both auditory and visual ques to avoid it.

Lilac Umbrella is also a late-game upgrade and obtained around the time that you can purchase infinite confetti anyway. the umbrella buff also only lasts a few seconds.
It's nice if you're trying to be frugal but pretty situational.

>that grey
jesus christ, poor Phil...

But it began as an entry in Tenchu. I can buy them requesting a more in depth tutorial for wider appeal in the mainstream market.

From what I understand tenchu is a stealth action game at least the first one.

this. even dodging straight back from his grab wasnt consistently effective. i just started jumping away and it worked every time

There are a variety of Tenchu games, ouside of the first, they all follow the same basic idea: stealth and kill all (or most of) the guards for top score in stealth
The first one had it so you could beat most levels with the best score, grandamaster, by just getting to the end without killing or being spotted - but if you killed one then you had to kill them all as the bonus would be gone.

Combat was really basic too. You had one attack combo and a block. That was it. No lock on, nothing.
Items like explosive arrows or grenades but they were terrible.

The tutorial in Sekiro is a lot less in depth then the ones in Tenchu series. But from what I remember, I don't know outside of Tenchu Z if there was any sort of "practice" area as that was the only game I recall where you unlocked new skills in

No, It just applies the full effect for the same amount of time the item does. It's also only a tier two upgrade. You should be able to get it immediately after the first Great Ape fight, which is perfect because that's when the Game vomits a lot of other Apparition enemies on you.

Ah, I mixed up its place in the upgrade tree with the fire umbrella.
I had heard that the buff lasts way shorter, I guess I was wrong. That's a pretty great upgrade then, easily better than all of the lazulite upgrades.

Fair enough I only played Tenchu one which does include a tutorial mission you can select in the main menu. It mostly explains movement options and how to optimize stealth. I never played the follow ups so you are more than likely correct on those.

Yeah the Lazilite Flame one has a similar effect that doesn't last near as long as the Umbrella's. The only Lazulite weapons I like are the Shuriken because Butterfly's Kunai cost the extra Spirit Emblem. Sabimaru and the axe are fun but their effects are very situational. The Boom stick is literally useless.

you can dodge from it fine, as long as you dodge out of its range. jumping is always better than a dodge for thrusts, sweeps and grabs though.

It does? I think I didn't have the same impression because I beat mibu village before doing the guardian ape. While we're on the topic of apparitions, have they patched the AI of the shichimen warrior? I tried to kill the one on fountainhead with aerial deathblows but he wouldn't float no matter what I did

I have never seen a more clear video of a man getting fairly grabbed than this. It literally jumps right on him and scoops him up.

unironically quit playing the game at this point

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I would quit too if I were that bad.

ok retard

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Not in this case but there are severe cases of it being completely off the mark yet grabbing. It's not well made.

>Stretches his arms out wide
>steps sideways right into his outstretched hand

Jump Ashigaru! Jump!

Takes him 2 seconds to respond to the wind up. If you watch this and think its bullshit you're a slowbrain like this guy.

i just returned to ashina castle after monk illusion am I approaching the end of the game?

He clearly grabs so fast that it creates a vacuum that sucks you in.

>implying that's your gameplay.

Why would you bother trying to do that when he's so easy to just attack normally?

The only thing "bad" here is that his model pivots around immediately, but the amount of resources required to make a seperate grab animation just for the rare occasion when someone gets hit in the periphery of his attack like that is not worth the benefit of not triggering aspies like you.
His arms are held out, and you clearly get hit by his hand. Thus, you get grabbed.

Don't fucking reply to me if your response is something about broken immersion. It's an action game, not a VR second-life simulator.

It is a little bit because of the animation but it is possible to dodge it if you are good, if they fixed the animation so it doesn't look as wonky it wouldn't be such a problem.

>breeze through most of the game
>stuck on demon of fucking hatred
The fuck am I doing wrong here? My brain registers he should be easy but tanks but those god damn sideswipes

Doing the midair kill on him is an instant kill and even counts if you don't have confetti applied, it's better in every way than r1 mashing until his health depletes.

That being said I've never seen or heard of his AI being bugged like that, and I know I've midair-deathblow'd that one before. The only bug associated with the fountainhead shichimen is that he becomes "active" way before he sees you making plunging attacks impossible.

At first I thought so, so I just jumped over him.

Yes, grabs are unfair in general. Thrusts have mikiri, sweeps can be jumped over, there's no reason grabs shouldn't have a unique counter to balance the ridiculous tracking on attacks which can't be blocked.
>inb4 git gud
I'm on NG+3, I still think this is a problem

the counter is simply getting out the fucking way

Just block/Deflect once you reach his crotch and take the mitigated damage and burn meter, it'll mostly dissipate by the next time you get hit by a fire based attack. Or use the Suzaku's Umbrella if you're desperate. Heal if he jumps far away.

He plays more like a souls boss than a sekiro boss. You want to stay as close to him as possible.
I found hugging his crotch and strafing to the right around his body works best. Only a few of his attacks can hit you if you do this and only attack when right behind him, and those can either be deflected or dodged through/away from. Just watch out for his sprinting-sweep, and immediately run after him. In phase 1 if you are quick enough to give chase, his fireball attack will completely miss you, and in phase 2 and 3 you just have to be careful about him using the big cone of ground fire instead. If that happens, run either to the left or right and grapple to his face.

>jumping up is acceptable
>jumping to the side or backwards is unacceptable

Really it takes both health bars? Neat, I never knew that. All of his "boss" areas have clear drop down spots but I never got the red dot so I just did it the old fashion way. If you have the Lilac Umbrella out he literally can't hurt you anyway. Shichimen is a pussy.

it only took me one or two tries fucking around to get the timing down.

What I oddly had trouble with was getting the parrying down for blazing bull, I just have trouble parrying large enemies

Have you even played the game? Unless you get the iframes from the jump which requires extremely precise timing you get sucked right into the enemy's arms, it's no different than a step dodge. Attacks have insane tracking in this game to discourage dodging like it's souls and encourage blocking/ deflecting. They added unique ways to counter 2 of the 3 types of perilous attacks to balance this but just said fuck it with grabs. It's a flaw, stop sucking Miyazaki's dick

People who claim grabs in this game aren't bullshit are lying fanboy brainlets who can be safely dismissed. The most consistent way to avoid grabs is to jump sideways. Don't dodge sideways, don't dodge at an angle, don't jump backwards, don't jump forward, don't jump straight up, jump at a complete diagonal angle way the fuck away from the grab or else you'll get nicked by the AOE-tier hitboxes on the things. It's fucking ridiculous

The only grab I can think of that was an issue was Snake Eyes' Combo because you sometimes have to dodge backwards twice instead of just once like literally any other grab in the game.

But you just dodge backwards?

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Dare you to try that on fucks with extremely quick long-range grabs like shura ending Isshin

Hesitation is Death, scrublord.

That one was tricky for a bit until I realized that it can be deflected. Don't know what the deal with that is, I'm not sure if it can be mikiri countered or if it's a weird exception to the normal three types of unblockables

You don't need to dodge at all you can just run the fuck away. Maybe the grab description should've said to get away instead of dodging so that retards that you would understand it better.

Only takes one health bar. To be clear, I (and I believe the other user) are talking about the skill you get from Blackhat Badger, which lets you deathblow an enemy who's in mid-jump.
The plunging attack, where you jump from up high onto him, does not work because of a bug where he's aggro'd to you long before you come near him.

>retards like you*

>until I realized that it can be deflected
Are you Joking?

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No because it teaches you that you can't simply dodge away and rely on i-frames to survive, you have to jump around and make more use of the space around you, which translates to all the other bosses and minibosses. The reach is a *little* extreme but I think it was intended for that purpose.

I found jump iframes far, far more forgiving than dash i-frames. For most of the game I would panic and jump instead of doing what I meant to do, and that would get me out of like 80% of the attacks I was trying to respond to.

>enemy turns 90 degrees in a picosecond, enabling his grab
This isn't "bad". It's Mass Effect levels of incompetence.

I don't think it's unfair but an enemy that's so early in the game shouldn't have a move like his diving grab, seeing as the best way to avoid it is to jump when the game just told you not long ago that you should avoid grab by dodging. I don't really mind them mixing it up like that, but I feel like it should be something later enemies do instead of an early one, especially when it's not even something you see much of later in the game. The only other example of something like that that I can think of is that you can deflect the Snake Eyes' grab even though you're told you should be dodging grabs.

Thanks, didn’t even realize those big ass attacks could be blocked.

Yea Forums literally defends this.

yeah, right when it ends, you can deflect the little scythe thing

tbosex r

It's true. When she pulls the gun down to grab you with the pointy bit, that's when you deflect. It's as tricky to time as any other deflect, and if you just block you of course get grabbed, so I found dodging out easier.

>enabling his grab
That's not what happened. The grab hit, the animation of the enemy just changed position instead of the character's position being changed. As opposed to making two extra animations based on the characters location during the grab.

Instead of properly replying to you I'll just direct you to reread my post.

Okay fucking real talk
Sekiro is not really that great of a game
It removes so many mechanics from the Soulsbourne series while "improving" the combat. Except the combat in Sekiro even after being improved is less enjoyable than the sheer variety you had in older games. What Sekiro basically gains from the deviation from the formula is nothing because they added nothing to compensate for the shit ton of shit the game is lacking. The vertical level design is the only actual positive addition due to the grappling mechanics, but thats not enough to carry the game. The biggest disappointment of 2019 so far.

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This is peak low iq understanding of what happened. The ogre ALREADY grabbed you when your i-frames ended. Sekiros model changed positions faster than the grab animation.

>enabling his grab
You just had to add this part despite everyone telling you what happened

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>That grab animation where the Headless tears out your fucking asshole for massive amounts of damage
>Apparently this is a reference to Shinto myth where part of the soul is stored in the anus

Okay, you can't blame the nukes on this one. What the fuck Japan.


I love this opinion because you can't believe this without also thinking Bloodborne is shit

>watching dsp

You can just "run the fuck away" from any attack but you're not supposed to. You're encouraged to learn how to exploit all of an enemy's attacks in a way that let's you stay close and keep the pressure on them so you can build up and eventually break their posture. An attack which you have no choice but to run away from goes against this design for the combat system. You lose, go home

>trannys actively trying to make games hold your hand

I guess since no one else will touch them irl, they come for our games.

Give me one(1) valid reason why you are bringing these two up in the terms of comparing both.

How is using your superior movement speed to avoid an attack that leaves the enemy open for two or three free hits not "exploiting an enemy's attacks"? Are you one of those shitters that think the posture bar is all that matters?

It's rooted in kappa, which are turtle-frog-like mythological creatures that live in rivers. They're generally friendly to humans and like cucumbers but they'll also pull your soul-organ out of your ass if given the opportunity. So don't shit in rivers, dude, that ruins it for everybody. Also rooted in the location of the male prostate, obviously.
Wierd mythos are the best.

Sekiro is not a souls game.
Shut the fuck up

You've passed the halfway point, but there are at least four more bosses (not counting optional ones and minibosses)

Contrary to his reputation, DSP actually beats games very consistently.

Cucumber loving freaks.

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They literally tell you from the tutorial guy that you cant roll dodge grabs. Jump or run away, retard.

>You can just "run the fuck away" from any attack but you're not supposed to.
also user:
>whadda fug man dis grab iz bullllllshit whad the fugggggg DDD:

You're right user, you're not supposed to do the one thing that reliably avoids the attack. The game is broken, you've convinced me.
I similarly quit pokemon once I learned you have to actually buy pokeballs in order to catch all of the pokemon, when that's obviously not what you're supposed to do.

>leaves the enemy open for two or three free hits
Ok, so you haven't played the game then

The wall for me was the seven spears mitsubishi dude from the moonlight tower.

Fpbp. The second one gave me a bit of trouble but the first one never hit me, just sidestep constantly and get a few hits in when he's recovering.

All unblockables can be deflect, but the window is significantly shorter. One of the few attacks I know can't be blocked is not perilous funny enough, the upwards swipe from the monk

Other user here and yeah, that's exactly what I meant. As for his aggro bug you can stealth his first bar if you run away from him until aggro breaks and then approach him from the top

Who cares t's shit either way.

>lmao u didn't play the game
Just beat the fist ng+ two days ago but whatever you say my man. Coincidentally I also did the shura ending in ng+, and emma has a grab that leaves her open for 1 rb attack and double ichimonji for free

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>seven spears Mitsubishi
For some reason this shit with names obliterates my sides

then by all means keep holding onto your frustration while i breeze through the game like the ninja that sekiro is canonically supposed to be

So how far did DSP manage to get in sekiro?

I realized the Shinobis near the gate can beyblade almost his entire first bar away, which made things a lot easier. Also he's now weak to fire like the first one, this should make it simpler

>shura ending Isshin
>mfw i cheesed him with his own Dragon Flash
I hated that ending so i don't feel bad about it desu.

Beat Isshin easily.

He beat it, believe it or not

Will you fuck my wife?

>Except the combat in Sekiro even after being improved is less enjoyable than the sheer variety you had in older games.
This is a completely subjective opinion, and I completely disagree with it.

Goddamn. My mind is blown.

If I challenged you to a fist fight and then just shot you, that wouldn't be very fair would it?


protip: jumping up to avoid an attack is dodging

He's the fucking first boss in the game.
I literally never played a souls game before in my life but I still beat him on the third, forth try

Hesitation is defeat.

>I heard you didn't buy an SNES you little punk.

A shinobi should know the difference between honour and victory.

>tfw you forget the image that you spent 1000 years in paint to make

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how come everyone in this thread ignores the fact that jumping is one of the intended ways to avoid attacks?

just fucking jump over sweeps, the game hammers it into you constantly.

you get a big red symbol saying "hey, do one of the three ways to avoid special attacks" and people dont try each of them? how is this remotely difficult?

what games do you think you're playing

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The game repeatedly hammers into your brain that an effective shinobi does whatever it takes to survive and complete his mission. your honoraburu mentality is completely out of place for this game.

>how come everyone in this thread
I think you mean one guy, meanwhile half of the thread calls him a moron and tries to give him advice on how to stop being a nigger.

Can you make this a food analogy next time so I can laugh at you harder?

The entire game teaches you to fight up close until that point.

I can say with absolute certainty that the close range grab needs less tracking.

The one in the webm is fine though

On my first run I didn't even think that bull could be parried so I just ran around and smacked his ass.



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Your hit box clearly got touched.
Learn how video games work kiddo

Using random Japanese words when you can't remember an enemy's name cracks me up. There is no seven spears Mitsubishi

all 30 minutes of it?

It's longer than I can last during sex

hesitation is defeat

I find the close quarters grab way easier to dodge than the jump. As far as minibosses go the one that pisses me off the most is the lone shadow that uses the red candy

Oh, I know Mitsubishi is a real name so I assumed it was his name. Damn I got played.

Well it's an easy mistake to make. Only thing easier to get wrong is assuming there are seven spear wielding Ashina minibosses, but there are only two

>fight ogre
>jump a mile away from him
>he teleports me into his arms wumbo combo u died git gud XDDDD

There's always cancer like this in from games. You just cheese the enemies or ignore them to out cancer them. In this case I just ran away to the ledge and stealth landed on him twice. I didn't bother fighting him the second time. I never fought any bullshit boss I didn't have to.

I did know that much. Just a cool little setting detail. I think the final prayer necklace tells you about them? The other five might show up in the inevitable DLC. Seven Spears are total bros, I wish much more of the minibosses got even a little bit of personalizing flavour like they did. The Lone Shadows were pretty good as far as that's concerned.

A from software game lying you you, shocker

>The game lies to your face 5 minutes before the ogre fight by telling you that you need to dodge away from grab attacks

Attached: ogre.webm (924x518, 2.95M)


nigga just jump, you DID remember there's a jump button in this game right

The tutorial before the first optional miniboss implies jumping and dodging are two separate mechanics that each counter specific perilous attacks.
They should have named grab attacks something else so you don't try to dodge the ogre's sweep grab

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I wasn't referring to that grab you fucking idiot

Shitters on suiicide watch.

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no the combat is indeed better, the prosthetics are a good idea in theory but definitely needed way more tuning and their own resource.

Everything in souls was about activating your invulnerability frames then R1. You actually some level of rock paper scissors in this game which is HUGE if you know little FROM innovates usually.

don't lock on and he's piss easy

You didn't say nothing about which grab it was you liilte faggot. Not that either of them is especially difficult to avoid.

Not really, it's just frustrating that the teleporting grab issue still persists. As a fighting game player nothing triggers my autism more than being grabbed out of the air when neutral jumping a grab. Even if it's "fair" it doesn't appear so because of how the game needs to force the player into position for the grab to actually work animation wise. I swear one time he did the neutral grab and it didn't trigger the warning symbol and I ate it super hard, that shit pissed me right off and I'd consider THAT unfair.

Combat is more R1 spam than any of their previous games and lacks the moveset vairety between weapons that actually made the optimal R1 spam somewhat interesting. The deflection system feels good, the offensive play just does NOT

Are you being willfully stupid? Why would I complain about not being able to dodge the grab is is easy to dodge?

>everything in souls was about activating your invulnerability frames then R1

You wot? Maybe for Dark Souls 3 but the shitter strat in 1 was big boi armor and zweihander R2 spam. 1 also had a good incentive for wearing heavy armor and shields that didn't eat your entire stamina bar, allowing for a more turtle style kind of play.

People complain about anything these days.

The hitbox doesn't match the animation. Of course it's bullshit.

I can't believe people are actually trying to defend this.

Especially about other people complaining

Just jump at it.
It's technically a sweep not a grab, hence the hitbox.


Except Bloodborne improved on the storytelling while still retaining weapon variety. despite the issues with the armor system and skills.

I know how to beat the chained ogre you dingus, it doesn't make the teleporting grabs appear any more fair than they actually are.


just jump nigga

yeah... you can hit her about 5 times while her grab animation is going and then dodge backwards... lmao

Stop bullshitting yourself. Just because they added a fucking jump button, garbage stealth, and some new mechanics doesn't mean Sekiro is now vastly different from Souls or Bloodbourne

Not even subjective. You cannot say Sekiro has more variety when Souls had a myriad of different weapons with different movesets, armor sets, and build potential with spells/miracles.

its broken. shitty imprecise design. but I still love sekiro's a sweep, though.

Read my post again, I'm referring to the neutral grab and regardless of the other grab move being a sweep or not, the end result still can have you being forcibly teleported into the hands of the enemy for the animation to go off, making it appear unfair.