How can anyone enjoy the shitty dualshock 4 controller? Its honestly terrible. Like holding two hollow black cocks

How can anyone enjoy the shitty dualshock 4 controller? Its honestly terrible. Like holding two hollow black cocks.

Attached: 959A668C-70FD-46B0-81E4-768C7F7FAAE7.jpg (940x528, 52K)

How do you know what holding two black cocks feels like?

You answered your own question.

i guess you would know

I preffer a real dpad and symetrical joysticks.

>real dpad
something the xbox one controller has

I have both xbox controller and ds4, when Im using a controller I only use ds4
>t.pc user not siding with either company

Iron Man dies in Endgame lol

pressure buttons were a mistake

I also have both, but only because I play my PS4 with the DS4, and my PC and Switch with the Xbone controller. I don't want to bother reconnecting the DS4 between the Playstation and the TV.

you would know about that wouldn't you OP

Attached: 1538148750357.webm (1280x720, 3M)

I use my ds4 on my emulation station because of the dpad, I think it's pretty good. Not as good as the Xbone or Wii U Pro controller, but pretty good.

It's way better than the abortion of a controller known as the dualshock 3 though, God I hate that controller.


>playing fighting games with the xbone controller dpad
yeah, no

Isn't the ds3 just a wireless ds2?

Why are you obsessed with black cocks.

its a shame that fags are opressed and cant do things like this


my hands are big so i prefer the ds4. it feels nice to hold and has better bumpers.
also you should probably stop thinking of black cocks

xbong controller feels so fucking cheap, at least the first model
takes AAs

analog triggers + sixaxis support

>takes AAs
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? It's a gigantic improvement over shitty-ass built-in batteries, a couple of eneloops last 24 hours of usage and you can quickly swap them out without having to play wired, there are shitty usb-rechargeable batteriesyou can buy too if that's your thing anyway.

DS2 also had analog triggers and sixaxis is a meme.