Home thread. We are going boys

Home thread. We are going boys.

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So what happens in classic once you hit level 60 and have the MC set? Are you done? Will there be updates?

Orc shaman healing my friends

Just stop. Druids are shit.



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like clockwork

There is a six phase content release schedule for all the vanilla raids and dungeons. That's the important stuff.

based, redpilled even

people keep insisting this is a meme but druids are better than warrior tanks in 1.12 as long as the healers can keep up


Kings Landing.


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They generate better threat. Warriors have to go fury to beat them out which takes being extremely well geared, and if the druid is autistic enough to farm gnomer 5 hours a week they can pull ahead again



Warlock hype!

I really hope they do OSRS style updates after all the content is released. Otherwise the game will just die imo. Better question, since Blizz clearly has a good content creation pipeline why do they not just fucking drop WoW and make WoW2 or a starcraft mmo? Like just do what guild wars did and hand out some cosmetics for an accounts achievements and then stop updating the game.

>5 hours a week
That's enough for 30 charges of the buff on average. That's 900s, or 15 minutes. The doc in says the druid tank had a 100% uptime. Think of all the bosses you kill every week and how long each one takes. Add them all up and compare it to 5 minutes of the buff per hour of farming.

>underestimating the entertainment value of sitting in towns with a maxed out 60 character looking sick, getting /whispers from low- and mid-level players
>sharing knowledge with them, giving them scraps occasionally that are valuable treasure to them
>having fun in the welcoming community, just talking to people, immersing yourself in the world
>wandering around with friends, participating in WPvP, ganking Alliance
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

If you have the attitude of maxing out ASAP and looking around for end game content, don't play Classic. You are always welcome to play Classic, because anyone is welcome, but you won't have fun. Just by the design of the game you would be more suited to Retail because it always has more updates & content coming out.

The person who should play Classic is a simple person who enjoys immersing in the world & what will undoubtedly be a friendly community. You shouldn't feel the need to level extremely fast. There will be no reason to be at the cutting edge pushing yourself and poop socking because there is no New content and thus no race to conquer it before anyone else. If you can't log on and feed your pet, talk to friends, buff strangers who run by you, sit in a small town and appreciate people-watching as mid level players walk by doing quests, then you probably won't have fun in Classic.

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how the fuck do we compete with those bigdicked druidchads bros?

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getting ready for 1.13

What are the OSRS style updates? Have they been adding "new" content to the old game but keeping it in the spirit of Old RS?

>I really hope they do OSRS style updates after all the content is release
I don't. Blizzard can't be trusted. pretty much everyone agrees that there are some changes that would genuinely benefit classic without ruining the vanilla experience, but that blizzard can't be trusted to make changes without going overboard so it's better if they don't make any at all. The best i'm hoping for is that they'll have Classic:TBC lined up a couple years from now.

but its 1.13

Ah yes Iron Man dies in Endgame..

stop with this fucking meme mace, it's MAYBE a progression raid thing, not a normal-use dungeon or pvp thing

Even in the main doc that argues for this shit it says that a druid would at most OT some fights during progress and maybe MT content once its on farm and everyone is overgeared for it.

yes, the community votes. if a majority say no, an update will not go through. there are literal polling stations in the game, so everybody who plays can vote, not just active forum posters.

yeah it's nonsense, they're alright offtanks for res fights and threat-sensitive ones, but even if a guild wants to roll with a tank druid(and why not, are you going to shard the loot otherwise?) he's better off stepping down and healing or yiffing most of the time.

till the druid tank gets crit by the boss and dies wiping the raid. Druids are nothing but farm tanks at best

Yeah they basically abandoned the modern game and progressed OSRS instead. As much as people say they dont trust blizzard, this will probably end up happening. They wouldn't go through the trouble of setting up this entire thing only to have it die in a year because there is no new content.

It's not a progression thing. It's a speedrun autism thing.

literally never happens, not even the hardest hitting bosses can one shot any tank

fuck tbc

>that guy that claimed druids need the mace to pvp

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christ, this really is a general
neck yourself, dramawhore

You don't die from being crit every once in a while. It's something extra for the healers to deal with but they should be able to handle it. If not, then the problem isn't with your tank.

Might as well carry a couple, gives such an overwhelming advantage, you'll fuck anything while its active

It could go either way, but what's for sure is that no matter what path we go it provides more reason to be part of it now. No matter what happens there will never be an experience like this again, so if you care about it you make sure you get to experience it.

•If Classic just dies in 2 years and becomes fubar then it's not like Blizzard will do it over. That's an experience that will never happen again.

•If Classic has branching new content that has never been seen to WoW before, being there when it happens is, again, a unique experience.

Druids have flaws, but they honestly don't give a flying fuck about crits. Assuming not a single point of defense, they have a roughly 6% chance of getting crit, and their health and armor means they can shrug that off. The real obstacle for Druid MTs is a lack of defensive cooldowns, namely Last Stand and Shield Wall, which give the raid a ton of leeway during progression.

what if they add NEW content. like not even TBC but something new.

It's not nonsense, they still out-threat prot warriors without the mace, and it takes a lot of gear for a warrior to switch to fury tanking.

false, show me the proof
"I cant do my job so it must be someone else's fault" that what you sound like right now

Feral tanks use gear that no one else uses, it'll get geared passively regardless, you will accept the bear cock and like it

The people who "can't do their job" in that situation are the healers

reminder that the numbers and net code are going to be all different and you retards arguing about whats going to be better dont know shit

That's what I said, you retarded cocksmear.

They take way more damage than prot warriors and have no emergency cooldowns. Your raid and healers can't take this during progress. At most it is an OT thing you would generally solve by giving a fury warrior a shield.

There's also a third possible path: they'll progres onto The Burning Crusade in terms of story/regions, but keeping the mechanical design of Vanilla, while at the same time retconning the dumbest decisions they've made (and even admitted), like killing Illidan, making Kael'Thas a villain etc.

not so different that a 40% tps increase goes away

The burden of proof is on you for making an outlandish claim you fucking retard


and they will be better than fury till LATE AQ 40

This would be the best. TBC but without the raped lore, 25 man raids at the minimum, not removing attunement or nerfing heroics, no arena, flying mounts dont exist or are temporary, not allowing addons that play the game for you.

I'm going to roll a balance druid and there's LITERALLY nothing that's going to stop me.

If you did any raids you'd know wipes happen because failure of mechanics, not a tank getting oneshot lol

druids can get crit from bosses due to lack of defense stat, thats my proof. now provide proof for your bullshit claims.
>tank gets two shot before healers globals go off
fucking healers fault

>prove to me that tanks never get one shot
OK, pick literally any of the thousands of raid videos and watch them. The tank never gets one shot. Even the video of the hunter tanking Nef.

Plus every new ability is tied to a class quest.

Counting 100% MCP uptime, or claiming they're outright better is absolute nonsense. They're good for res fights and threat-sensitive ones, as I said. The rest, they just can't compete with warriors' superior survivability in progress.

without +arcane spd roll on gear ur fucked

yeah tanks dont get one shot because no one uses a fucking druid tank retard

fuck are you talking about? dps? no

>>underestimating the entertainment value of sitting in towns with a maxed out 60 character looking sick, getting /whispers from low- and mid-level players
those days are fucking over, everyone has experienced everything now and people just aoe shit down

it used to be nobody knew how to fucking play, private servers are full of tryhards and retail classic is gonna be the same, the playerbase has evolved

Won't happen. The point is to rebuild and preserve the 2006 experience aka vanilla before the pre-Burning Crusade patch. It's going to be 1.12 forever, the way it should be.

>those quads
christ, for a kid that age, that's something

>no one uses a druid ta
OUCH. Must feel bad after that one. Ouchies!
better TPS by a mile

Not gonna happen. Faggot.

after this thread, i am going to spit on every bear tank

>Join Defense chat
>We need help with a ganker in Redridge!
>Fly over there and save the day
>Maybe camp him a few times and force the hearth/res sickness.

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everyone knows tbc attunements were a fucking mistake

wait until 40+, balance is aids without innervate, plus there's a bunch of tailoring +spell gear around 40

crits don't have a 10x multiplier, they have a 2x multiplier. Even if the astronomical odds of being crit twice in a row happens, it's basically the same as a warrior tank being hit 4 times, which isn't enough to kill them either. That's before we've even considered the increased mitigation from their insane armor or their ability to get more resists.

I have a taunt, you don't. I cant get crit, you can. Basic mathematics proves you will always be behind. And in the time you spend farming a low lvl instance (how pathetic is that lol) i will get my bis and other stuff i need. You're just as delusional as the pala retards, except they got better stuff to bring like blessings and they can actually heal and res properly. You can't. But keep posting that private server ss and keep lying to yourself, it doesn't change anything

druid tanks are unironically good for ragnaros and swipe on aq trash and giving crit to the gear stagnant fury warrior full bis mt on your dead server at the end of its lifespan

Not happening moron. It's specifically vanilla WoW.

fury tanks are a speedrunning meme, nobody gives a shit
threat isn't what stops guilds' progress

>post a video of a boss that cant crit
>ouchies must feel bad after that one. ouchies!
how much of a sperg are you?

You just outed yourself as having no idea what you're talking about

You can tout the tps or how you can survive getting crit all you want. The reality of the situation is you will strain healers mana more, will be prone to random spikes of damage due to crits, and when shit goes down you won't have last stand or shield wall. You will be spending hours farming maces just to OT trash mobs.

Not when that damage comes in two faster hits. The healer can't heal you fast enough to compensate for the speed and amount of damage. Bear tanks can't main tank in Vanilla raids.

have fun mindlessly aping speedrunners and having a PvPer pick up the slack since you can't stancedance

Why?????? I haven’t fucking seen it yet wtf man,??? You know there is a spoiler option,,,,????

Is the mana regen plate tank gear in day 1?(1.12.1 dungeon items)

Yeah he tanks most bosses in Naxx you fucking sperg

Progress makes up 1% of your raiding. The other 99% of your raiding will be killing shit you've already killed, and if you're not trying to speed things up as a raid leader as much as you reasonably can, you're literally wasting 40 people's time.

warrior have better mitigation then druid tanks

>muh bear druid off spec though, for realsies, guys

The only healing class off spec that should be taken seriously is Shadow Priest. Everything else is a joke.

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Was meant for
Sorry mang.

>bears don't have a taunt
got a real vanilla veteran over here

Yeah, the 1% that matters.

I can't wait to hit 60 with my warrior. My groups will fill instantly and I won't take anyone that will compete with me on gear. Why should one class have so much power?

there's a vid of him tanking KT

sectarian language is NOT okay


Based and redpilled content coming through.

Brb gonna have sex. Jelly you incel virgin losers?

>Makes content
>Redpilled af
>Has sex
>Has a huge savings and can neetlife

I wanna be SwoleBenji lads.

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no one cares about some private server farm boss run

enjoy a 31/20 warrior carrying your ass while you're screaming for a fear ward/tremor totem

>strain healers mana more
aaaand the boss will be dead faster because DPS doesn't need to hold back at ALL. MCP druid > maxed out fury warrior /w actual gear.

feral tank uses a single meme item and can achieve GREATER threat at the start of progression.

It all matters. You can't clear that 1% if you don't use that other 99% to gear your raid.

The 1% that actually matters, is the objective of raiding to begin with, and requires effort, vs the 99% that is on autopilot and exists to pad out content.

Fuck off Bitchji.

No problem, i also wanted to add that warriors have cooldowns for emergencies, either hp or damage reduction, while druid tanks have nothing

>caring about capeshit

LEL, ah yes 'retail videos' of when people were shit at the game are much better :)

what do you mean shadowpriests can't main tank? haven't you seen the priest only Onyxia kill?

paldins can bop them

For real man. This guy is a fucking mongoloid. How fucking autistic does he have to be to keep trying to argue his obviously retarded position.

>MCP druid
3 minutes per hour spent farming gnomer

druid tank mitigation is pretty silly even compared to a warrior's def stance


wtf are u talking about
i was just taking a shot at raidloggers and 'pvpers' who think pvp and pve have different endgames in this game

couldnt care less about ur shitty argument about tps or whatever

>we are better at the game now so we can bypass game mechanics with our skill

Literally all speedrun shit while guilds worry about actually clearing content which a druid MT actively makes harder.

>5yard range "taunt"
>its a taunt just let me tank

You have the equivalent of the hunter pet growl, you furry. Fuck off

Bro. I love paladin. I mained a paladin from wrath to mop. But I vanilla endgame they are strictly only competent as healers. They can't main tank or be a viable dps. The only reason to let in a ret pally is for blessings/decurse. They can talk a 5 man well enough but not a raid.

If you don't see the tremendous value in speeding up the 99% that you do every single week for months and months that everyone wants to get through as fast as possible, you might have brain problems.

speedrunning raids doesnt necessarily translate into high fun per hr

oh yeah my bad, mortal strike is a raid spec now, I forgot

This. I would never do a raid with a bearcuck main tanking.

This is always brought up as a negative but it only makes it obvious that most 'nilla players are brainlets
>horde can instantly port to the instance
>drop rate is 50%
>run takes 6mins AT WORST

If you think this is a shitty grind, just don't play classic

Eh, if you want to tank content on farm thats fine. But you can't argue they are betters than warriors when you had to concede they only work if you outgear the fight and have done it several times already.

you have brian problem?

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it is when you're grinding for your bis in av you fucking retard

Paladins can also bop warriors if somehow they waste their cooldowns. Not an argument. I want all druids and paladin wannabe tanks to either fuck off to retail where blizzard catered to their babby needs since tbc or robe up and fucking learn their place (in the back of the raid with the rest of the people in a dress, healing)

More knowledge of the game rtard
Classic will be starting with updated items
People will be doing even more dps and threat
MCP druid literally solves the threat issue until late AQ 40/early naxx when fury warrior even becomes a thing.

If I ever join a raid and see a druid tank I'm hearthing the fuck out before any lockout happens.

>locked out at 5 instances an hour

6 mins per run is 30 minutes per lockout, then you only have 30 minutes before you have to do it all over again so you can't really go far or do much of anything

>it is

Even if their taunt wasn't a literal copypaste of the Warrior's, most bosses in the game aren't tauntable.

>what is herbing
>what is mining
>what is the AH
holy fuck bros...what are you even doing

My "fellow" arms warriors... *guffaw*...

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that don julio's and r13 legs arent gonna grind themselves wagie

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thanks for that bit of trivia nobody was asking for

MCP is BoP, you can't buy it, you have to farm it yourself

>Ah yes.. Im locked out... let me spend 10 minutes flying to the Undercity for 2 minutes before I have to fly 10 minutes so I can get in right as my reset expires

just correcting his mistake, don't change the subject

if you're autistic enough to farm gnomer you're autistic enough to have 60 alts

If you want to get the optimal 2.5 maces per hour (which is dreadful if you really want to spam several per boss per attempt) you need to be back at gnomer when the 30m are up. Most of your time will be spent traveling and you'll get to mine like 2 nodes before you have to go back.

Warfags fucking horrified they are gonna have to share the power of MT

ok im convinced ya'll are just legitimately special

Druid taunt is literally 1:1 the same as the Warrior's

Yeah the taunt is all that matters, thank you ivan/chang/pueblo. I must have a "brian" problem. Threat doesn't matter for shit, if you got a taunt you can tank mate. For sure. I apologize

>He thinks hes going to farm anything at all in the 30 minute period before he has to jump back in the instance

*hearthstone is on cooldown because its not 10 minutes like in retail*

Is it retarded to level 2 characters, ? I wanna go lock and warrior, having played lock since forever. I’d prolly tank as warrior as well, though the class is somewhat new to me.

It's 2 per hour
5 clears @ 40%

Bear druids are subhuman trash. Respec Resto or GTFO.

that's why there are 8 of them you nignog

Hey, I'm not the one who brought up taunts, remember?

>I have to be at the dungeon right away or else i'll die.
>fly ratchet from org.
>boat to bb
>get to instance
oh no...my 7 minutes of not being at the instance right away...nooooo

alts are a thing

uhhhhh honey, the best pve druid talents let you do both. l2p

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Done with sex.

Now, you lads going to tune in later tonight for some 27-29+ leveling? Might even make it to 30 if I tryhard.

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Kill noobs and their escorts in Hillsbrad

>when you spent all week farming pummelers and your guild keeps wiping
>tfw no charges left
>have to auto with a lvl 29 weapon

don't even get me started on taunts. a druid literally SHITS RAGE from taking more hits and attacking fast as fuck with MCP and maul. You won't be ripping threat, dps won't even come halfway close
>carrying one type of weapon
this isn't retail, you can change gear in fights

i'm not even advocating druid MTs or not benching ferals for progression but there's always some clueless warcuck memeing what some streamer said

Kill yourself Bitchji

You can change your weapon in combat too in retail

3 minutes per hour of farming

>druid tanks
>pally tank/dps
better iron that dress

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>not playing Ascension while waiting

1.5 minutes per pummeler, and a few minutes for each kill

oh no how horrible :(

>1.5 minutes per pummeler
and 2 pummelers per hour

>Skullforge Reaver
>Skullflame Shield
>Blazefury Medallion
>Cloak of Flames
>Demon-forged Breastplate
>Razor Gauntlets
>Uthers Strength
>Essence of Pure Flame

Im ready.

Don't forget your Crystal Spire

>tfw just using the City of Heroes private server to scratch my MMO itch while I wait for Classic

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Lol I’m starting this tomorrow. Is it good?

Debuff limit moved from 8 to 16, how does this make you feel?

It was moved to 16 already by 1.12

Hmmm lets see here...
>trash throughout most of the game
>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear
>barely tank without a shield while leveling
>no utility
>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)
>randomly will steal cloth for their 'spirit set'
>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything
>needs entire guild to help get his bis because he's a bitch and can't solo anything
>sucks at leveling
>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game

not looking for for wargins, Druchads lookin fine tho

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Keep going lads.
>Minmaxer retards get convinced to play something they don't like.
>Get bored and quit the game at stranglethorn.
And nothing of value gets lost.

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pretty sure druid bis is classicdb.ch/?item=21268 + classicdb.ch/?item=13385

It lead to a bunch of stupid shit like sparkleknot pets and the "grand" exch*nge. Anyone who suggests polls needs to neck themselves.

MCP gives highest TPS and dps while active

You have to be the spergiest aspie on Yea Forums to have compiled all this Pepe Silvia bullshit to try to make an argument that no one is going to buy no matter how many 'LOOK AT THIS CHART AND INFOGRAPHIC' bits of mental gymnastics you pull. Druids. Can't. Main. Tank. Raids.

every day that passes makes me more excited to play the ele/resto hybrid
I'm so fucking ready

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It will really die, the only people who wants to play this are people who already played and know everything, and the newbies who will see everything as downgraded experience and nope the fuck out. What if they made it buy to play? No subs?

>there are people in this thread right now that don't have all gold parses as Fury on every mythic fight since Legion

yikes good luck on getting priority on gear in your guild :^)

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>•If Classic has branching new content that has never been seen to WoW before, being there when it happens is, again, a unique experience.
god I pray for this shit

>conveniently cropping the difficulty

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>all these people acting like you need MCP for every fight
you only need MCP for progress fights so the dps can push it, the time saved makes up for how marginally harder it is on healer mana

>same number of blockade kills as jaina kills on mythic

>gets btfo with facts and logic
>n-no sperg!

Druid shines in a hardcore poopsocking guild but has problems in a more casual raid.

There are multiple videos that prove you wrong

what race for mage? i hate all of them

What if, some rich lad in the thread BRIBES Benji to never post in the threads again by buying him Mordehau?

He seems redpilled so I'm sure he'd agree to never post here again in exchange for a game he cannot buy.

Its going to be weird doing old dungeons now that they will have some bite again.
Heirloom gear made everything easy mode for the last 10 years, its going to be strange actually having to put in some effort again leveling.

Stoked AF regardless tho, can't wait to get back into Stratholme.

believe what you want but my guild already has me as main dps warrior to funnel gear to cause they know ill always be on time with consumables ready to go :^)


i'd rather just reserve your name on every server

I'm sure SwoleBenji would totally be down for that.

Someone hit him up on Steam and make it happen. It's like $26 right now. That's worth the price.

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On live he's going to be using Spècîàl characters so people can't target macro him or /who him easily.

Is pally levelling really that boring? What about when duoing with a priest or Druid?

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>slowest leveler duoing with one of the other most slowest levelers
>have to farm twice the quest drops in 4x the time
pair with a dps

im a wrath kiddie , how was paladin in Vanilla?

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>priest and druid are slow levelers.
Compared to hunter/lock sure but they beat everyone else

Paladins just don't have very many buttons during fights. You'll be throwing seals up, using judgment, and not really dealing a lot of damage while you don't take much damage either. Sometimes you'll get to use exorcism while fighting undead, but that's not very common. It's a class where you have to realize you're leveling a healer the whole time, and praying you can get a strong weapon and some decent armor to make it go by quicker.

druid maybe, priest hell the fuck no

Fuck off. No fucking changes you goddamned retailcuck tranny faggot.

Samefagging this hard

If I had a guild that would designate me as THE Druid and THE ONLY Druid then I would never fail them I would always do my job and I would not complain and I would make every raid they would ALL!!! love me A LOT I would be a super chill guy to hang around with everybody would want to be in my parties and when I log on they would ask me how my day has been THE BOYS COULD COME INTO MY TEAM SPEAK CHANNEL AND LIGHT UP A FEW BLUNTS AND EVERYBODY WOULD LIKE ME

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Everyone else only levels slower because they don't have someone to heal or something to heal. A warrior solo is slow as fuck. A warrior with a healer buddy is pretty damn fast.

priest is not a slow leveler like warrior/paladin/shaman

Man really still doing the third person bullshit?

You've never leveled a priest correctly then.
They have zero downtime and ok kill speeds with up to date wand.

have sex

No serious guild is going to have a weak ass Druid main tank. No serious raider would run with a guild who did. Get real. Go have sex

Kill the defias messenger

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true, never having to eat or drink really cuts into it, but someone who's not a speedrunner but still pushing to level fast will end up with 12 days played to 60 easy

A warrior with a shaman buddy for windfury is pretty fun.

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those dry spells with no good new wand are killer. starcaller and that bone wand from vendors were lifesavers

>you can only play speedrun meta classes/specs
fuck off, im main tanking Molten Core as Paladin and will do better than 90% of the people

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somebody post the porn post on the forums


>MC set
that's only the beginning

you'll get carried but it's not faster than literally any other duo, a healer doesn't magically make weapon skill go away which is what rapes white damage dependent classes while leveling

When duoing with a priest or druid it would be faster to let them DPS while you heal than vice-versa if that was the plan.

fact: you can clear all content on anything
fact: you will not get invited to all content on anything

play whatever you want
have a plan, make friends, lead a guild if you are off meta
it's not fucking complicated

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SwoleBenji is a white man from Canada who went by Buddhist back in the day and made some WoW videos that got rather popular. After the MLG e-sport drama he got doxx'd and IRL raided. I was able to find his old guild mates and asked what happened to him. They said he lives in a van now and he doesn't talk to them.

Case closed.

He uses the same macros, the same hotkeys, the same everything from his old PvP videos. Similar voice, but current Benji uses a voice changer and pitches his voice up to try to be anonymous.

Bros let's get back to talking about home. What's your all tome fav comfy spot? For me it's the Scarlet Raven Inn in Darkshire. It's the one cozy, welcoming place in the ominous, oppressive and spooky atmosphere of Duskwood. In a gloomy zone full of undead, worgen, ogres, and all kinds of other spoopy enemies. Walking in there after barely surviving a trek through vanilla Duskwood was an immediate wave of relief and comfort. What is your all time coziest comfy spot in Azeroth? Horde or Alliance

You are all so delusional. This is gonna flop hard.

You will all play it for like a week tops for muh nostalgia and then never touch it again.

>Play classic
>Hit 60
>Get Dungeon set
>Start roleplaying.
No better way to play. Raiding is autism.

you both dps different mobs but buff and hot each other

Magmadar and Golemagg will be the only real problem fights, but I don't know how it'll compare for a Paladin as I only did them as a Shaman. You guys have more armor DR but we have higher avoid.

What a fucking autistic douche. Let's see if we can drive him to full on Chrischan levels.

I am going to raid but this so sounds awesome. I love some good rp of it's taken seriously. Fuck cybersex on WoW.

Buddhist PvP vids were really based and redpilled dawg. Way ahead of their time.

A random dune in Tanairis with nothing but a kodo skeleton, the sea in the distance and the moon in the sky.

Fuck. Off. Benji.

Would you guys recommend me to stay as Enh Shaman all the way to Lv60 for my leveling experience and then change to resto for the rest of the PvE content?
I've read that people often change to Ele spec around 40, but I am not so sure about that since it looks like you go oom fast.
Also, 2H or 1H+Shield?

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I actually really enjoy Desolace. It's pretty barren and dead, but there's something about it I can just enjoy grinding in the area, especially near the northwest coast. I remember as a Shaman just grinding out the naga in the northwest, getting tons of fish oil and scales, and only going back to the troll village whenever my bags were getting full. I also like the idea of the opposing centaur villages, even if they don't really matter much in the long run.

I would recommend killing yourself if you play Horde.

You realize you're just giving him what he wants by replying to him and namedropping, right

Literally just don't do anything and he will fuck off

that's retarded

That sounds like an ideal screenshot. Could be my desktop for at least a week.

Alliance is the radical left, pedo, tranny faction

Enhance all the way while leveling is recommended, but Elem is fine too. You'll generally be using 1h+shield and whatever weapon enchant rank you last bought, but you can do some shenanigans with a 2h and earthbind to trade blows with mobs every time your next swing is up. Don't use windfury on your 2h while soloing.

I felt the same when questing in Westfall. Maybe because Autumn is my favorite season and it's perpetual Autumn in Westfall. The stretches of land between the farm plots and the coastlines are absolutely kino. I am also a fan of Moon Brook, something about the whole zone just speaks of a land in it's twilight. Where desolation and abandonment are creeping in from the east with vibrant life to the west. It's absolutely a joy to level there.

As far as famous WoW rogues Buddhist was the most insufferable, being an absolute anime-sperg having to shove Naruto into everything he fucking did with his annoying ass macros.

Even when filming Six Silent Shadows you were a fucking pain in the ass to collab with.

This just looks like a Benji falseflag to try to and claim another person's mild success as his own

I am a lefty, douchebag. Also cite sources on claims of pedos, and stop discriminating against trans people. They have it hard enough.

great way to convince all the druid/ret/enh to waste their time with unwanted specs that will definitely be overpopulated and making dead guilds with no hope of survival because people like you gave them unrealistic expectations "JUST MAKE IT BRO :PPP"

reality: if you go off-meta and you dont have good connections with friends then you will need exponentially more effort/luck/time to be scouted by a real guild that will actually clear shit and not some desperate retard that made a guild for his meme specs because he took a post like this serious. even casual guilds that brought you to bolster their level 60-count will be pushy with you, and the ones that actually accept retfugees with open arms will probably have serious content clearing issues past t1.
but if you didnt already know this, you probably didnt care much for clearing anything past rag anyways

have this in mind before you commit months of your life to getting 60
>t. actually cleared mc/bwl as feral druid and spriest

if you roll a female druid you can shapeshift into a male animal

>when you get so btfo you have to user shill yourself
Dude is your life that fucking sad?

>reality: if you go off-meta and you dont have good connections with friends
ok thanks for confirming literally what I said

SwoleBenji is based. He taught me that if you're falling to your death you can vanish the fall damage and survive. What a lad!

This is beyond pathetic now.

You will stop frequently to drink and jealously stare at people who didn't double down on a ridiculous meme spec

Hey man, as long as you are having fun.

Have they said if there will be achievements in classic?

Don't forget
>have cooler more skillful pvp videos
>Don't even need to buy 60 speed
>Can aoe farm in any spec.

I think if we're sick of this SwoleBenji guy someone should just gift hm Mordehau on Steam and he'll go away forever.

dude gets it

If you're at the point where wasting half of your game time waiting for a level 25 dungeon lockout is "endgame progress" you might as well use that other half hour to level another druid to farm herbs or something

so you're using facestabs to prove what, exactly?

I was kind of on your side until
Cringe and bluepilled.

forgot how much fun this is

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I don't understand all of the autism over specs, they give you 51 talent points for a reason, you're supposed to spread out a little and

"muh spec" is a very retailfag mindset because modern wow literally locks you out of spells when you choose a spec. Vanilla is different: you play a class, not a spec. Your talents just determine what you are best at, they don't prevent you from doing anything.

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>Blizzard shows up at the next Blizzcon with a big announcement for WoW
>"We're going to be re-releasing BC and WotLK progressively, and you can transfer your character to keep your progress"
>"But, there's a catch."
>Suddenly thousands of men in black coats and sunglasses appear and point a gun at the head of each person watching, including you, the viewer at home
>"You have to stick with one spec throughout the entire experience"

What spec do you pick anons and why?

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congrats on doing your fucking job i guess

WoW Classic won't magically make you a teenager with no responsibilities and all the time in the world like you were back in 2005. Stop deluding yourselves. You're fucking jaded, grown-ass men know and you already know the game world inside-out.

doing your job is purple parses. gold is doing your job exceptionally well :^)

>cast seal
>walk up to mob
>right click
>play with your dick for 30 seconds
times infinity

>mom! the game says i'm exceptional!
i'm so proud of you

there can be only one

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Ele sham. Burst is consistently good in PvP across all 3 iterations and PvE is gud in BC and WotLK

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Assassination Rogue probably

The only time I remember it being really bad was SSC.

that's a nice parse, be a shame if i were to misclick

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>people min/maxing right off the bat, maxing out characters in about 3 days, griefing the new people who want to try out Classic WoW

No thanks

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im not going to do napkin math but it seems like doubling up and quickly downing mobs would be more effective than soloing two mobs at once which would cause both people to experience downtime instead of just one



you want to pull more, ideally with dots/cleave/aoe, not overkill one mob

Reminder it just won't be the same. Half the fun of vanilla was exploring a totally unknown and dangerous world.

No one knew how to kill bosses
No one knew what he best weapons were
No one knew how to level fast

Everyone was clueless and every day was filled with new exploration and wonder.

You can't go home again.

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probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of the game. outside of the very, very early stages of the game, people had online resources they could use to look up how to do quests, where specific gear dropped, how to get to dungeons and navigate dungeons, how to attune for raids, how to....

Point is, it's not like people were in the dark for that long. Sure people sucked more back then, but there were still a lot of online resources.


It doesn't even come out until summer. Why are you guys shilling it so hard?

there are ways to not get griefed

>Reminder it just won't be the same. Half the fun of vanilla was exploring a totally unknown and dangerous world.
No it wasn't, i knew shit from beta and still had tons of fun.
>No one knew how to kill bosses
i did.
>No one knew what he best weapons were
i knew.
>No one knew how to level fast
our party was first to 60 on our server/faction.
>Everyone was clueless and every day was filled with new exploration and wonder.
speak for yourself.
>You can't go home again.
don't tell me what i can and can't do.

Nobody is expecting it to be the same experience, just a half decent recreation of the game itself.

Thottbot and forums were a thing in Classic user.. Just because the internet was a little slower didn't mean that the ability to rapidly share information didn't still exist, it just took a couple days longer for pages with the strats to come out.

Destruction warlock. it'll struggle in classic pve but TBC and Wrath were fun as fuck. Firelock wasn't a common spec but I had a lot of fun with it, the Immo-Cbolt-Incinerate-Conflag chain just feels right to me.

Same goes for Demonology I suppose, Felbuddy was decent enough and Sac gave most specs their oomph

I'm gonna roll a Shaman, but reading about Warlock really makes me wanna give it a try.

I can't wait for tonight's stream. 27-29 is gonna be legendary.

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>not going with a dark haired, gray skinned, red eyed dwarf to pretend you're a dark iron

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i'm gonna make an orc called INeverLeftSpawn and never leave the valley of trials and see how long it takes to max out

I never understood why they never made another rotation like it. Immolate does its dot damage and directly boosts the damage of your next few Incinerates and then you pop the Immolate with a big Conflag and then start the cycle over again. Multi-ability synergy is cool

only the first letter in a name is capital and you eventually stop getting xp from lower level enemies

name length is 12 characters bro

As far as I know that's impossible to do.

Heck yeah man he's prob gonna have to grind for a while though to be able to do the harder quests.

party with a friend and have him kite mobs to grind on from all across the globe till youre 60

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bro listen
if a boar has 100 hp and azuregos has a million hp, you'd get 10000x as much experience from killing azuregos


Am i allowed to switch up my talent points within the same tree?
If so I’d pick Feral so I can tank and DPS.

>done 1-12 as both human and orc
>thought this would help me narrow down what faction I want to play
>it didn't

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do you guys have a better suggestion

How well does War Stomp synergize with hunters in PVP?

I know that feeo bro, they're both just so kino.

stupidfaggot fits
so does ibuttchugcum

try em on, see how they fit

someone post the classes thing

They both feel so different yet good. Think I'll do Barrens first and than Duskwood... wonder if I'll decide by then

It aight, I prefer the orc/troll racials though, especially orc for pvp.

I’m leveling with a friend and he really wants to play rogue.
What class synergizes well with a rogue? Was thinking druid so I can toss out heals and still be able to stealth together.

I can't wait. I just wish Draenei were in Vanilla. I'll probably play a Male Undead Mage. If they do TBC servers eventually I may make a Draenei Paladin or Shaman

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any class that can toss a heal on the rogue

what were the draenei/blood elf racials in bc?

blood elf racials were broken

Hunter, your pet can take the heat and let him stay healthy and backstab shit. You'll cover each others weaknesses pretty well if someone wants to start a fight

I don't know. I just think they're sexy

yes we should definitely hope for more content from the talent who brought us such gems as WoD and BfA.

Elves still had Torrent but they had to cast an extra racial called Mana Tap 3x before they could use it.

Draenei have a HoT and blood elf has a silence that also gives them mana

>blood elf racials were broken

>Friendly community
Chat will consist of oldfags bragging about being oldfags, and newfags outing themselves as newfags.

Draenei had a group wide 1% hit buff aura and a shitty HoT

Blood Elves had a stupid mana drain that gave you a three stack buff that could be burned for resource regen and an AOE silence

Arcane Torrent got shit on in BFA don't you know? It's no longer an AoE silence/interrupt

Remember some of the bullshit Class/Race combos they added in later expansions?

>Tauren Paladin

Fuck off

It became an AoE purge, which is even better as of BfA

[1.General][Fartlicker]: You guys want to hear my collection of chuck norris jokes?

Not in PvP

Is there a website that lists out the dps rotations for vanilla?

Dwarf mages and Troll warlocks are based.
Everything else was shit.

Spam spellbolt

press frostbolt or fireball
curse elements/shadow then shadowbolt
aimed shot and multi shot without clipping auto shot
keep slice and dice up, sinister strike and eviscerate

casters cast 1 spell
rogue & warrior have a 4 button priority list
unironically hunters have the most in their rotation

nobody was talking about pvp

I did rogue priest with friend for most of leveling. It was kind of obnoxious basically spending most of the encounter ripping aggro and basically just dumping mana on healing myself when my shield started getting too weak to tank mob hits.

You probably would have more fun on a druid if you both plan on killing people. Stealth squads are always fun. Druid feels great while leveling. Personally it feels good playing classes with mobility. Hunter would probably be best but if you want to be a healer then probs druid.

orc and night elf mages. absolutely retarded.

oh that's all i really care about. sure as fuck isn't M+ or raiding


Stay away from westfall coast where I farm my 1s each fishbones. Thanks.

Only reason I’m apprehensive about Druid is because we’d have to share leather gear.
Otherwise being able to tank mobs, go ganking from stealth, and heal sounds pretty nice.


>WSG flag running wall jumps are still a thing in the beta client


Druid is the class I played the least back before I quit. Honestly I'm intrigued and am considering it

I'd just make a deal and say he takes agil leather and you take str/int/spirit/stam leather/cloth. Agil is good for both of you but rogues make better use of it and druid ferals are pretty ok with str leather while leveling. You'll be getting more gear overall.

do it. you won't have competition on gear like a warrior or rogue will. you will be a god in WSG. and if your guild doesn't have a druid you will be brought 100% of the time because having 1 resto is necessary.

pretty comfy, plus your leveling experience is good

Are druids bad in AV and AB?

No one bought Mordhau for SwoleBenji yet, so I guess he'll shitpost here forever.

Eh they aren't the best in PvP unless you're going resto. Boom is okay.

You're just a god flag carrier tho.

The absolute state of retail


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Unholy DK.
I don't give a fuck.

based druid

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>100 people all just spamming their aoe abilities that they've got since the game is super homogenized
looks awful man

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>chink mongolian private servers can handle thousands of players in 1 zone
>blizzard servers crash if more than 40 people enter a zone

how come pvpfags always make sure that everybody in the server can read their quirky casual chitchat :P

im losing hype boys, idk if its the wait or what

r8 my orc warlock I am going to main


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Will it feel better than private servers?

I tried a private server and vanilla felt like one of those Dora the Explorer games that came with your computer in 2005


>night elf pweist in my deadmines run? lol kicked!
>no sowwy team (me, a based chad warrior and three mages of course) we go get new healer
>a druid? lol
>Pawadin? why you wearing mail? kick!
>Hewwo dwarf pweist
>Wait what that swirly beam? me no like! kick!
Run died. Me hate scwubs.

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Is SwoleBenji gonna stream later or is he taking the day off?

What a pathetic piece of shit

Yeah, by not playing

You're more pathetic by not contributing.

Rolling a prot pally to camp all the undead rogues in STV. It will be glorious

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Name my guild, lads.

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Imagine being over 28 years old and calling an outdated virtual world your "home". One day you guys will move out of your parents basement and get a real home.

it's just xiv faggots, ignore them


just use one from this video

>have my own home
>1 more year until it's paid off
>no life draining wife or kids
>lifts going up slowly but surely even after 2 years

Looks like someone needs to grow up.

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Hit up SwoleBenji to improve those lifts brah, and teach him while you're at it on how to get a career.

Honestly bro your post is the most redpilled one today. If there was an equivalent of reddit gold I'd fuckin buy you some.

>Live in my own apartment for free in downtown Toronto because my family is wealthy
>23 years old with ~228k in the bank
>Graduating UoT next year with a BBA

I have a lot more in life to look forward to than you faggot.

>comparing yourself to others

You will never make it with that attitude.

No problem bro. You will definitely make it.


Il see these threads every day. It's the best way to be disapointed peoples.

Please stop overhyping yourselves and wait for the final product.

>he doesn't wish others well when they are having fun with raiding pals

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>going to play rogue
>stuck between male human and female nelf
>human is objectively better but I wanna to play a femnelf because theyre hot and I like the animations
am I a slut?

Yes we are

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Yes to the first. We going home

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You can't camp rogues though. They just res and instantly stealth. Maybe if you played druid or hunter you'd have a bit of a shot, but even then it's unlikely. As Pally I don't think there's any way.

>tfw 27

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imagine enjoying this game post-stormblood

why can't Blizz just make a few balance changes to make all classes viable in some way? Having Warriors being the ONLY tanks and Shamans/Druids ONLY healing seems fucking retarded

Exactly no more weeb shit

>One day you guys will move out of your parents basement and get a real home.
well at least youre more optimistic about it than me

It's not blizzard's fault if the community is autistic about what hybrids should be doing.

the actual content that is locked off by having too many dps hunters/shamans/druids in the raid is too difficult for casuals to experience even with the most optimal class fielding. in reality they can easily go over the acceptable limit and still be pretty fine for most early raids but many of them will be too busy larping as professional raid masters with no time for it

>give paladin a taunt

holy shit the meta is finally fixed

god imagine being that insecure about a random post on the internet, lmao.

Because giving a class a certain role and a unique place in the raid is healthier for the game than just making every spec able to compete. You just end up with the situation in retail which is, sure every spec is "viable" but in the end they just end up taking whichever one does the most damage, like how all progressing guilds in retail run like 10 demo warlocks out of the 20 people in the raid.

>why can't hybrid classes be on par with normal ones

wow imagine begin this retarded and having such a cancerous opinion

SwoleBenji killin it on reddit right now.

I usually roll Mage, but recently I've been experimenting with other classes.
I think I'll see if Prot Pally, and Resto Shaman are viable.

Troll druids were ok

holy fuck stop shilling your garbage content. either stay user or fuck off

Not him faggot.

Prot Paladin is a trial of suffering.

Why do people mock paladins for being forced to heal when the same happens to priests, druids, and shamans as well?

I only wanted to level feral Druid for the class quests and the rp, I would never raid with it. I'm sticking to my undead rogue for my minimax PvP raid autism

People actually do other things on priests and druids. Paladin is a class that lore wise is built up as strong holy warriors who wear plate and use the light, but when shit comes down to it you're stuck in a dress spamming different ranks of flash heal.

because paladin players are DEUS VULT larpers who want to pretend they're warriors while being forced to heal. priests, shamans, and druids don't do that.

So, I'm theory-crafting characters that would inspire maximum rage in anyone who sees them, or rather (preferrably) anyone who gets griefed by them.

I'm going off the rule that the only impossibility would be the incapability of wearing the equipment.

With that, this is my first WIP idea.

Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Name (always important): Some variation of Legolas preferably with additional letters to the name (Leggolas).
Spec: Bog-standard leveling BM
Head: Cryptstalker Headpiece (helm is hidden)
Neck: Amulet of Vek'nilash
Shoulders: Giantstalker's Epaulets
Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
Tabard: Scarlet Crusade Tabard
Back: Shifting Cloak
Bracers: Qiraji Execution Bracers
Hands: Shadow Panther Hide Gloves
Waist: Dragonstalker's Belt
Leggings: Dragonstalker's Legguards
Boots: Boots of the Shadow Flame
Ring1: Myrmidon's Signet
Ring2: Master Dragonslayer's Ring
Trinket 1: Earthstrike
Trinket 2: Essence of the Pure Flame
Main hand: Brutality Blade (2H is Corrupted Ashbringer)
Offhand: Vis'kag the Bloodletter
Ranged: Blessed Qiraji Musket

While I'm still determining which build would produce the maximum amount of salt / rage / disdain, I feel that I am on the right track.

Imagine how bad the lack of tanks and healers will be.
With no dual spec and only warrior as viable tanks according to the meta.

Fucking zoomers. All of you.
>t. actual factual vanilla god who won't play that crap ever again

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your loss

>oh look its another episode of a falsefag who never played vanilla

Name must be bowjob.

What are you playing instead?

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>another washed up boomer

who would've guessed.


>t. doesn't know what boomers are
By the time vanilla goes live? Probably borderlands 3.

>borderlands 3
come on now. you're better than this

>normie npc game
>takes thing literally

phew boomie, get the fuck out of the classic thread

rated bgs good or bad

My personal theory crafted autistic build:

Night Elf Rogue sub specced for prep, then combat up to improved sprint/evasion

Then Im giving him all the max stealth bonus gear I can

Then Im going to sneak into orgrimmar and throw distract on pvp flagged hordies and make them think theres something wrong with their pc

>not playing nelf female warrior/rogue for the aesthetic

nelf rogue is the meta daggers/hemo race for rogue. but dont let the zoomers know that.

How retarded would this be if I wanted to play enh shaman with enough support on the side to speed up dungeons and side shit?

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>no stormstrike

Oh is it good? As you can see i'm new to the game so I have no idea how the game works.
I thought Stormstrike was bad, or at least that's what I've read so far.

Its your only attack / strike ability so for solo content you want it. Can't use in raids because it takes up a debuff slot which is why raid dpa enha isn't thing.

You don't take Stormstrike as Enhancement for PvE, because it knocks debuffs off.

Sunwalkers were literally in the lore before World of Warcraft was a thing

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pandas are still fags

How is classic going to be different, their modern servers can't even manage 40v40 world pvp.
People are delusional if they think they're going to remove "Sharding" from classic.

>tfw me and 7 friends will return home, together
I'm so happy guys

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What are the odds we get a launch date or even another update soon?
I know it's corny but im in a group discord with people attempting to consolidate for group/guild stuff when launch actually happens, mostly past retail vanilla players, and a lot of them are past the point where they could reliably get time off to nolife the launch week or whatever and they're getting pissy.

I saw methodjosh do this. 40man raid on one of the new expansion cities and Blizzard intervened, teleporting all of his healers to the other side of the world so his raid would wipe because of the lag it caused.

Calling wow an MMO is fraud at this point. It's an online game, but not an MMO.

They will give us a release date on May 13th, screenshot this post.

Also release date will be in August, with the Classic beta being 2 weeks after the 8.2 patch drops in BFA.

RP-PVP servers are based
>no lolrandomXD names
>no trannies (pvp scares the tranny)
>you can spend your downtime roleplaying a baker/recruiter/merc etc.
>World pvp will be common and immersive
Yet blizz will deny us our birthright. Rp-pvpers rise up!

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Makes 0 fucking sense why they wouldn't release at least 1 RP-PvP server at launch. Forreal

Is there anything more embarrassing than dying to lowbies?

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>because my family is wealthy
Imagine being such a cuck

how do you know? or is this just an educated guess?

Based Druid tank posters

And based Human Warlock posters

Thanks SwoleBenji, now can you get off Dead by Daylight and stream glorious WoW?

I really don't understand how rppvp can be more "niche" than regular rp.

I like rp-pvp too but outside of ED which is an exception, they tend to just be pvp servers. Roleplayers aren't nearly as into being camped in stv as they pretend they are.
Either way they said later on they can add some if there is sufficient interest. They are being conservative now so they dont end up with dead server issues.
But if you think rp-pvp is an escape from trannies, you are mistaken. Trannies go wherever the most people are because they live off attention. If rp-pvp is packed they will be there and loud.


Source/link? I want to torture myself a bit more because if the servers can't handle large groups of people, the game's gonna suck.

i was wageslaving the other day and then suddenly remembered i'd be going home soon. had the biggest smile on my face the whole day

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I played emerald dream in cata
Honestly there was very little roleplaying happening

i played sargeras (pvp) in vanilla-wrath. ED didnt seem that much different. But i might just have shitty memory. On ED I did accidentally stumble across some RPers. Like I went stomping through an inn in SW's mage quarter on my way to get warlock spells, and ran across an entire guild roleplaying in there. Was pretty cool. But my character literally ran over their tables on the way to get to the back room so I have to wonder if they RP'd as if some random fucking warlock just burst through the door and stomped all over their food

No fuck off I'm shitposting on reddit to get Mordehau and hanging out with my gf cause she's got some days off finally.

In my experience, the best RP is organized within and between the major RP guilds across the factions. Random rp is usually just there to kill time.

>have two of the biggest exams of my life in 8 hours and I cant stop shitposting on Yea Forums


The older I get the more fun RP seems to be but I can never do voices in my dnd games

I've never experienced people rping over voice chat. But on the other hand I'm European

It can be a lot of fun. I love playing D&D with buddies and we've met a lot of cool friends that way.
But to be honest I've never had THAT great of a time rp'ing in mmo games. I had a little success in SWG way back and even in Darkfall of all things, but both were more functional roleplay and less getting too into character.
I hate to assume too much about people and their motivations but i tend to suspect most RP in WoW is pretty high on cringe and at least in my brief experiences (even on ED with belves) it's mostly an overcoat to hide the rampant ERP. I also suspect that a not-small percentage of roleplayers are there mainly for the jacking off and less the other stuff.
I could be wrong.
I can say that 99% of the WoW people i've rp'd with were deep blue autistic, the kind that makes it not fun. And not the cool autists that you want in your guild because they're great at the game but the shitty obnoxious kind.

Dying to someone who is lower level than you, when you attack them first.


>Mfw Troll druids vs the actual lore

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Debuff limit is honestly one of my biggest gripes with classic.

enjoy dead servers loons. no one will pay each month to play this garbage.

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Kill yourself wowfags

someone talk me out of buying an rtx 2070

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Wait for amd to present their lineup by the end of the month, even if its crap it still might make nvidia drop some price % a little.


>Not planning to play in low-res for optimal nostalgia

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Theres no reason to buy it if you dont play games

I upgrades my pc to top tier specs (minus gpu kek) then i realized I dont actually play games and my current PC is good enough to play wow at 60+ fps on ultra

>I upgrades my pc to top tier specs (minus gpu kek) then i realized I dont actually play games

Oh shit i did the exact same in 2015. Spent several months putting together my dream gaming PC and then when i finished i realized there are no demanding games that i enjoy. I played Dawn of War for a short while before i sold that PC, now i have a very basic Thinkpad 14 inch which i use mainly to shitpost and read news.

>wow """classic""" graphics preset
>water looks worse than on private servers
no thanks

oh man, that one time i got a random message from some blue equipped mage in wotlk asking me about his gear and spec
i felt so happy

>When you are standing around in town and a low lvl stops next to you
>Can tell he is inspecting your gear
That's when you know you made it

I wouldn't mind if blizz gave us the option to dye armor for real money. I also wouldn't mind adding classes (exept shaman and paladin) to other races after the last phase. But I suppose blizz will fuck it up sooner or later if they cross that line.

The only thing I wouldn't really mind is a larger / unlimited debuff limit and possibly fixing ranged attack mechanics so that hunters aren't such fuckups in the end game raids.

>considering hooking my 4k tv up to my pc and laying back in my recliner to play classic
My posture is shit figure this will be the most comfy and will allow me to stay awake the most hours

Playing on a pserver, I had a hunter whisper me asking for some tips since I was way ahead of the other hunters on the meters, in worse gear than him. Guy didn't even know about clipping your autos as a hunter. Ended up shooting the shit for the whole raid. Nice guy. Next week he was full tryhard with buffs, consumes, and engineering. This "solved game" talk is a crock of shit. You had people who knew fucking everything in 2006, too, and we all know what the general competence was back then.

The only thing I'll miss from retail


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Im going to be elemental and zap the gay out of ally trannies
dont even give a fuck that I will be a worthless piece of shit and not get into any raids

I don't remember, what is the difference? I vaguely remember that troll used to be able to be possessed by the loa and now their druids are just generic druids .

>This "solved game" talk is a crock of shit.
I've seen it in retail and we will see it in classic, this game is not solved at all.
For example, some guy made some simulations and found out that all 4 shaman weapon enhancements are roughly the same damage wise. How many people know this?

They already remade ~40% of the Classic models, so I kinda wish they would've just gone whole-hog and redid literally every asset in Classic.

Shit on me if you want, but I want the new character models as an option, and having updated graphics would've been a good selling point and something which further differentiated it from basic-bitch private servers. Updated graphics could've been a toggle like Halo: Master Chief Collection.

It would've benefited retail too by providing them a wealth of modern models to use in the other areas of the game too.

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You’re not my friend you wojakposting faggot
Go back to plebbit

I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.

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They redid a TON of classic models in BfA, even ones that weren't used at all in BfA content, which made me think they were going to do it.

Druid tanks will be popular at launch when all the warriors are suffering at level 40 and druid players are starting to hit level 60 and ready to farm dungeons.

I hope that classic will be used as a chance to remake wow and fix the mistakes.

There's a slider for this

Who's everyone's favorite vanilla streamer? For me it's ivnn

That would be neat but only if they would update polygon counts and texture resolution, not fucking remake them to look differently.

every shaman worth their salt has been using flametongue on fast daggers to level up instead of windfury

bopping niggas left and right

fuck off


this place is dead

Baron on YT

I just watched some of them but i realized it isn't fun to watch WoW being played.

Wasn't that strictly leveling and how for example Windfury's value lessens since on average you waste more damage from the procs than with the other enhancements?

Oh shit what you can clip the aa?

wf is the only one that scales with rest of your gear since it gives extra attacks, so if you dont have a good slow weapon and lots of AP its not worth it

Clipping was not in the Classic Demo

Yeah, it's pretty important you don't start casting aimed shot while an auto-attack is just around the corner. Your auto-attack cooldown still ticks down while doing aimed/multi shot, so if you start casting aimed right after an auto you'll have another ready to go by the time you fire your aimed shot. The whole hunter rotation is just trying to cram in as many aimed and multi shots as you can without fucking up your autos too bad.

This is the unfortunate reality.


holy shit it's over for classic

>Everyone in the whole world has played vanilla wow
Do you people actually believe this or are just baiting for replies?

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Well, pre cata wow was so big that almost everyone in the first world knows about it.

Most everyone knows it yes, but only a very tiny fraction of world's population played vanilla. Of course many people will play it for the "first time", me included.

I'm convinced he viewbots. He sometimes has 200+ viewers and nobody chat, he's also a whiny little bitch

Warrior taunt makes the warrior gain amaunt of treath equal to the highest person on the treath list. Growl just adds large amount of treath so it is not even close to the power lvl of taunt for end game.

This Blizzcon will be 25 year anniversary of Warcraft Universe. What do they have planned, Yea Forums? WoW2? New IP?

By the second week i will be farming BRD on my mage making 150g/h lol what a tard.

taunt is irrelevant since the content that isn't pure steamroll is immune to taunt

people who judge tanks based on their ability to taunt are clueless

bear tanks are absolutely the best 5man tanks and they can tank most raid content just fine

>Warrior taunt
and druid
they're the same in literally every way

Taunt makes your threat equal to the player that has aggro at the time. That's not always the player with the highest threat.

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dont forget that druids cant gold treath for shit and you use a druid tank only if you have shit dps

>druids cant hold threat

are you baiting or just a retarded nigger?

you wont be able to tank any raid well enough for it to be worth the extra effort from you and your guild till you are overgeared which will take much longer than warriors and ultimately most of the bear tanks that rolled because somebody told them "just do it bro" are going to end up wasting everybodys fucking time because they wanted to be a special snowflake

literally false

the only downside to druids is that they take more damage which isn't really an issue unless you have absolute shit tier healers

the content isn't tuned tight enough to where that extra damage can't be outhealed

also you have to factor in that a druid also brings a shit ton of utility like faerie fire, battle rez, +3% crit to party, heals

druid tanks are great as long as you're not playing with absolute shitters