Be honest, Yea Forums. How is the gaming channel coming along? Post, rate, subscribe, criticize...

Be honest, Yea Forums. How is the gaming channel coming along? Post, rate, subscribe, criticize. Constructive feedback is encouraged.

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We are currently releasing our Greatest Hits series, looking back at the best moments from our previous episodes. New episodes are weekly and will be switching to live streaming soon. Any advice is appreciated.

Good voices and good taste in games. I'd suggest some of you to hone in on the mic, your voices dipped down a few times. I subbed.

I haven't been able to touch it for about a year now because I have a real job and real shit getting in the way. I always intend to get back to it but the time never comes...

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I'm actually working on my first video, I'm gonna make it in my native language since there's not a single decent video games essay channel, it's gonna be a battle royale retrospective talking about the rise of pubg and fortnite and the problem with introducing young people to gambling, with my own outlook about buying thousands of dollars of mtg and hearthstone packs.

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Don't have any downtime to work on it?

you're all fucking pathetic and you'll never be an e celeb

At least it sounds like an original concept

I wish that I could afford an elgato, the games I would definitely play:
Halo CE
Sonic Adventure
Mega Man X
Why? Because these are games I know very well and I could beat them easily

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Duh. For some who have a creative itch, it's just a way to have an outlet

you're not creative despite how much your teenage brain is telling you you are

Let's see what you have created.
I have a series I release every friday that blows up massively. It also brought me hundreds of subs now. suddenly, Yea Forums is now also talking about the game the series is about, so I guess I could maybe expect a few more subs?
editing 4-5 hours just for a single video is kinda hard though

i'm doing... meh

It's fine. I took a break and just wanted to enjoy life and focus on nursing school and jazz like that. I'm playing through Lorelai right now.

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Creative or not it's still an outlet. It's been my outlet for over a decade. I don't do let's plays but I did make this

gonna do that one soon aswell, love these passion project games

yeah nah i'm a designer and have NDAs in place with clients so i won't be doing that
talking over video games isn't creativity

Basically zero. Between my job and other hobbies that are currently more fulfilling, all my time and energy are gone. The time will come though. I can feel it.

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I didn't ask.

But you received


>Channel is about 11 years old
>23 subscribers
>0 content
I'm happy enough

I really love your videos (if you really are our smegma lord and savior) but god that voice gets old

Ignore this asshole he still thinks that being a cunt on the internet is a personality

It's really great. Just a heads up, set the resolution to anything but 1920x1080. There's some serious performance issues since the guy switched from ADS(?) to Unity. It looks much better than Downfall and Catlady by miles though.

ok, from now on it's the christopher walken voice 100% of the time

If that really is you, you're my favorite Twitter account

I play games badly and try to hard to be funny. I also stream sometimes, though i have only had about 4 people at most in my streams. Some PSVR content, too, like gun club and stuff. I wanna learn to edit, but the only thing i can do that sorta stuff on is this laptop, which is 4 years old and well past its prime. that forces me to use the Playstation video maker and by god is it awkward. You ever see some tiny youtube/twitch channel called " The Eye Of Light" just...ignore how bad it all is.

Honestly I feel like I am in a runt

I wanna try more than Top 10s but those are my main source of views and subs. I wanna try more funny reviews but they get shit for views.

Also till I get my backyard camper running with ethernet, I can't attempt to really say the controversial shit I want to say in my vids without good ole mom and pop getting on me.

>she doesn't know

being a 3 sub 18 view youtube channel isn't a personality my friend

>Shilling your patreon at 500 subs
user, I'm not against monetization like some Yea Forums autists, but that's kinda cringy / depressing

>cartoon avatar thumbnail
cringe fuck off

didn't have any problems so far on my first video, I haven't edited it yet so maybe I'll notice some stutters there. thanks though

Yeah I dropped that while ago, just what a friend suggested

I agree with Don't do that. It automatically turns people off, but keep working hard.

Love the RE2 quickplay

If I ain't shrugging in front of a green screen edit I think its fine man


Ours is going Pretty good I guess

>lso till I get my backyard camper running with ethernet, I can't attempt to really say the controversial shit I want to say in my vids without good ole mom and pop getting on me.
What the fuck are you talking about are you 11?

Yeah some dumb shit my friends and I was doing before a tournament actually thanks for pointing out I don't got that unlisted

yeah true your channel seems super popular

Not a person that ain't an edgy fuck with long hair and respect the one house rule

No* shit my proof reading can be shit

Yeah dude 30 views you're setting the world on fire

Fuck me sideways you people are delusional

Nice boarders, pretty decent man

What is the point in being rude to him?

Advice look on places like craigslist or facebook martket place. I got one for $30

user is sad he never got a chance to least try a dream


I got 42 subscribers and my most viewed video is from a month ago with 400 views
I think I'm gonna get into twitch streaming instead

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Post channels

Guy. People are going to be rude to you for anything. If you can't take people calling you a fag, then you really shouldn't put yourself out there.

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What the fuck are you saying? You're not allowed to swear in your house? So you have to wait until you get a back yard trailer? What the hell are you trying to say

This unironically, just simply ingore him

Not what I asked

plus in your situation it doesn't matter anyway since all 30 views are probably you and your friends

Stop being a fag.

That is exactly it, don't gotta pay rent till after college in exchange for just following a few rules and doing errands

You retards need reality. I'm not even being rude. I'm being realistic. You're delusional.

Also, why do you people post here? it's painfully obvious from this thread that you don't post on Yea Forums outside of these threads to promote yourselves

Im just thinkin on making a channel with no autistic commentaries, only raw gameplay and maybe only relevant info on screen. But i feel like no one want that.

Grow up. Tripfag

Also we aren’t doing for the views because it’s just fun to do it. We finally broke 1000 subs and it took a while not something we are particularly banking on being successful with.

so you're good for another 10-15 years then

either that or it's people posting channels they want to see get dislikes because this is Yea Forums

Do you want a successful channel? Look:

Nobody fucking cares about your content. Just show your ugly mutt face and try different acts of retardness while you're presenting your content. Eventually you will hit or miss a specific target group and when you do, you stick with that specific act that attracted them and you develop that personality further, rough out the edges, perfect it.

Bottom line is, it's never about content and always about personality. You don't have to be fucking beautiful, you just have to be entertaining.

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Its me reality here to tell you to fuck off and go do something productive. Least these Anons while not going anywhere had time outside of message boards

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You're an actual underage

Sorry not homeless living in a friend's basement user

>, it's never about content and always about personality.

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I'm pretty monotone and boring, but some people watch my stuff. I just do it cause i think it's fun to learn to edit and make videos on the fly. I think I might be growing into my "humor" maybe, i'm still not sure.

all in all, making videos is fun.

how the fuck can you sit there with a straight face pretending to be eighteen and also say that you aren't allowed to swear in your house without getting in trouble

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In a recliner

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>ts me reality here to tell you to fuck off and go do something productive.
Alright I'll see if I can throw together a 17 minute video this weekend for 30 views (19 of which are me refreshing to check the view count).

>Have a nice little community of friends/small streamers I hang out with every day, about 30 people
>Have an even smaller circle of friends I like to stream with
>Sometimes we do skits, normal streams, Jackbox, take the piss out on shitty games, or even just do a chill solo Splatoon stream or something
>Although it's incredibly fun and fulfilling, have the nagging feeling in the back of my head that it's all pointless for such a small audience
I don't wanna be the guy that ruined a community over a thirst for fame, is all. I like where I'm at, I just feel like I could be somewhere better, but at what cost?

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doing okay i guess. was going to make a video on the dreams alpha but MM said no to streaming despite never once suggesting i would stream it
other than that im just not sure what to make videos on

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So you're actually going with "I'm 18 but can't swear or my parents will make me live on the streets". Okay.

your content isn't good either

You aren't going to be famous. Holy fuck. Look at yourself. Jesus fucking christ look at the things you're typing here.

Hey man, I was just watching your video on that Spyro playthrough earlier today. Have you considered doing more in depth videos on the anti piracy effects of games?

I don't like to lie user, makes me seem sadder than I already am

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>your content isn't good either

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You can repackage a monotone or lack of personality as deadpan ironic humor.

Holy shit thats you man? Really liked your Spyro stuff

>You can repackage a monotone or lack of personality as deadpan ironic humor.
>I think I might be growing into my "humor" maybe

That's kinda where it's going, but at the same time I feel like i over use my monotone sarcasm a little too much, but I think it's funny (the first time I hear it). Then I have to edit the video, then every "joke" become a fucking nightmare I have to listen to a bunch.

At least I don't hate my voice as much as I used to, because I listen to myself so much.

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no not really since spyro was the only one that wasnt ever documented to any major extent.its the finely crafted ones that interest me and spyro is as far as i know the only one like it. if you have suggestions im all ears
im quite glad that one guy made a video basically retelling everything i found from my 20 hours of playing that shit, since it blew my video up too.
the video was originally almost 200gb which is just over what youtube allows you to upload too.

i know people liked it but its hard to find something equally interesting like it.

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I don’t have a gaming channel but my friend and I have a ghost hunting channel. We get like 40 views on average but it’s a lot of fun filming.


Least ya having fun but user you are gonna get fucking raped in these comments

As long as you enjoy it, that's the whole purpose of doing these things. We won't ever get big and personally, I don't want to. I can't imagine playing video games for a living. It would drive me nuts doing something so unproductive for a job. But, enjoy the times you have with your friends and go with the flow.

a rare wholesome user

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