>There's a Wikipedia article on Overwatch rule 34
There's a Wikipedia article on Overwatch rule 34
Other urls found in this thread:
>There's a wookieepedia article for tits
What's the point of that anyway? Literally every game has porn dedicated to it.
Normalfags don't know that
It won't be long before Blizzard bans these artworks.
I don't know what I'm more confused about this being an actual article without it being having fifty 'flagged for deletion' things added.
Or the fact this modder thinks Widowmaker's tatas are that big. They (her breasts) are frankly pathetic. They're the size that girls in Japanese game who have them have breast envy,
should I make porn in SFM or Blender or something else?
She's a ripoff of Asagi anyway
if its not gonna be dva then dont bother
Which just highlights how small they are because Asagi has fucking amazing tits.
>caring about normalfags
>One step closer for games to become art
I love my wife Amelie!
>there's a wookieepedia article about how the dianoga in the death star trash compactor was force sensitive and "baptized" luke into the force
>written by a nigerian woman
What a terrible picture of my wife Amelie
Luke, did I ever tell you about breasts? Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species. Males did have breasts, but they were far less developed than their female counterparts due to the sexual dimorphism. They are good friends
>That dumb as fuck short story
>written by a nigerian woman
Who wrote the short story about the stormtrooper who was gay for Tarkin?
would you suck Aayla's juicy blue twi'lek tiddies?
I agree. My wife looks better pregnant with my children.
Is there actually a single soul out there that does not believe that it's not Blizzard themselves that pushed the whole Overwatch porn thing?
What's the artist of this?
I want to marry and impregnate Kizuna Ai
Maybe look at the image retard
how fucking retarded can you be
>When Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox Software, tweeted about the existence of pornographic content based on Overwatch's competitor game Battleborn, he was immediately mocked and trolled by fans of the more popular game. Pitchford was accused of "desperately trying to put the spotlight back on his game", and the Reddit website he linked to was flooded by Overwatch references.[8][9]
why is he so based?
>The influx of Pokémon-related pornography shortly after the release of Pokémon Go was compared to that of Overwatch.[27]
>there was a video
shit now im curious
I went into the History and I found it, kek
What the fuck is wrong with these autists?
I'mn not sure what sexual intercourse is, im glad they linked the page
Why no Pokemon r34 page? Surely there is far more of it.
I found this pretty funny, but at the same time made me notice that this fucking article has been on Wikipedia for 2 and a half years.
Wikipedia is a god damn joke.
Unironically have sex, it'll be a great educational lesson.
Based detective doing gods work
Its no coincidence
Brown and Asian women are for white men
Yeah but none flooded the internet as much as overwatch did. You literally can't go on a site without seeing it, even on doujins site since the japs dipped into it
But it doesn't stop there, because now porn ads are using the fuckin models from mei to ashe. I Can't overstate how much overwatch took the porn sites by the balls
You clicked it before (purple text) therefor it gets recommend
ok this is epic
cope, white women are for colored men.
They've actually discussed the merit of the article in the Talk page.
>1) The PornHub spike in early May that was reported by multiple reliable sources,
>2) The reason why Overwatch specifically is popular (its colorful cast of characters),
>3) the popular usage of Source Filmmaker and official models ripped from the game,
>4) the quality of said pornography, and
>5) the takedowns, as mentioned above.
>There are various little details too, like in the content section. I don't know, I think merging all of this with the [main Overwatch article] would either make it lose a lot of detail or create a strong undue weight for fan-made pornography in that article
Overwatch porn numbers isnt even close to touhou or pokemon porn
White women are shit, I want a brown/Asian wife.
Why not a MLP r34 page? There is more of it than Pokemon.
In fact, MLP has the most porn made of it than any other media in existence.
>One fan artist stated that he "was drawn to do Overwatch porn because its characters ooze, well, character. They're expressive, have a unique look, and their models are high quality, which makes them a joy to animate."
based porn artist
>even on doujins site since the japs dipped into it
Yes with a whole five doujins, with the most famous one having horrible panel composition.
she only takes black dick
Neither MLP or Pokemon are PrOgReSsIvE enough
way too thin
It's a pretty good article about the pornography of Overwatch
pokemon has tons of pedo porn though.
and there is NOTHING more progressive than pedophilia. don't be a pedophobe user
holy fuck that panel composition is terrible you're right.
art is alright but all overlapping and there's no clear progression of text and half of the speech bubbles are coming from other panels but then the text actually starts elsewhere.
2hoo faggots shit didn't get the view numbers like overwatch in such a quick time. Pornhub even has the numbers to back it
Which is strange, because it's the whole point of a "Rule 34."
>duhh it was FOTM for a while lets make an article on it!
overwatch is completely irrelevant today just like bowsette
For those curious. The sauce is 189597
And the entire doujin is like that
These retards lost their shit over Bowsette and Rule 63 was a thing ages
Thanks my n word
>and sexualized imagery is spread freely through Reddit and (formerly) Tumblr.
that one's not as bad but even still it ain't great
looking at these pages literally gives me a headache
>A sleeping Aayla Secura reveals a breast.
Damn Disney movies made me forget why I love true Star Wars fandom
Don't delude yourself white, brown and asian woman prefer white man,only black woman prefer black man
Bowsette was so fucking casual even from a rule 63 angle. Not a true "fem-bowser" just "Peach with horns." Utter fucking plebeians.
Lúcio is a hue.
You have to remember the chancellor was orchestrating most of this. I would not be suprised if Jango was only told to fuck with the padme
Looks pretty interesting to me.It's not as fucking outright weird as that Transhuman comic by that one asshole
Everything hirame does is like that
Learn to use commas, bro. Holy fucking shit.
get back to the cuck-shed, Brian
there's no overwatch flood in sadpanda you blasted normalfag.
whats sandpanda
>furfags are still seething
Nah, I'm a xenophile, thanks.
it's this
>Males did have breasts
Seriously what does that mean?
damn, you're right. pretty sure I have this one saved somewhere too, but never read it. I'll just skip to the full page spreads if i do.
>Overwatch has inspired both sexualized cosplay and pornographic virtual reality works.
>Yeah but none flooded the internet as much as overwatch did. You literally can't go on a site without seeing it, even on doujins site since the japs dipped into it
overwatch isn't even in the top 15 tags on any porn site on the internet you dumbass
isn't it Wiki policy to have the porn works on porn pages literally be as unsexy as possible?
Should've posted Mei's pic then
>this much in denial
Does anyone know what mental gymnastics were used to consider a handful of rule 34 content "notable"? (WP:NOTE for the handful of wikipedos ITT)
SFM really blew up due to Overwatch that's for sure. Went from seeing it every now and then to it being everywhere. Now you got people moving from SFM to Blender/Maya/etc.
>this much coping
face it, no woman will ever love you. You arent meant for anyone
>xes projecting his insecurithies this much
>damn normies should have made porn of a female turtle instead of a woman with big tits
>n-no im not a furfag I swear
>>and sexualized imagery is spread freely through Reddit and (formerly) Tumblr.
Man I fucking miss tumblr for finding stuff like that, I could care less about the SJW shit I never followed it
D.va and Luccio is a classic pairing dude.
damn, that xes guy is pretty fuck up. who is him?
>just "Peach with horns."
That the point, you fucking furfag. That's what the Super Crown does, turns you into Peach.
Goddamn when did hentai become popular even with normalfags?
3d western animation is not hentai you absolute fucking RETARD kill yourself
um, rude
That’s what I’ve been saying the entire fucking time goddamn
Technically it turns Toadette into peach and just gives anyone else 10 coins
Since the days of rumors of Lara Croft nude codes and gaming magazines having bikini issuues.
correction: your mom only takes black dick
dumb cuck
Yeah, well, it's fucking boring. It was amusing for the original comic that guy made. But didn't deserve half the attention it got.
>Literally a part talking about futanari
wew lad
>wouldn't fug a domineering dragonish monster turtle woman
Begone from my sight, pleb.
Same. A couple of artists I followed on there were about to start posting more openly lewd art, some OW related and some of it OCs and other unrelated stuff. But about a week or two before they ever did, Tumblr nuked the site and announced the incoming ToS change I think it was back in November? Feelsbad.
The fact that it took the Bowsette fad only a week to completely die out proves it was nothing but normalfags obsessing over it. We all know normalfaga have zero attention span so they moved on very quickly.
and tumblr lost at least 30% of its traffic because of it
And that's a good thing!
>Yea Forums hates hirame now
What happened?
sauce me on who made that image
I want to marry and impregnate the blueberry, bros.
Hey mods don't forget to trash this one too.
honestly I think it is worthy of an article I've never played the game nor I intend to but the characters make me rock hard especially mei and the asian girl with the blue suit
it's fine i always can be her paypig
To be honest I thought it would be around 40-50 but yeah that's a ton of people. Thankfully the same artists I mentioned stuck around but I think it kind of burned them out since they didn't feel like setting up shop on Twitter or other places.
It sounds like an internal shit show too ever since Oath absorbed Tumblr into their HQ. Like some dystopian shit. A real shame since I rarely ever saw any of the social justice-y stuff outside of the occasional posts. A lot of it was just usual shitposting and art. I miss it.
I dislike the "open cavernous vagina" thing he does, especially recently.
>horrible panel composition
I'm so fucking happy somebody thinks this too. I love Hirame's artwork but holy fuck it's awful to read.
>The sauce is 189597
What's with the number code for doujins.
Did sadpanda implement something new?
but why specifically a page just for OW? Wouldn't r34 suffice?
yeah I'm gonna miss the shitposting and art too
>When Blizzard made an open beta of Overwatch available on May 5, 2016, Pornhub registered a spike of 817% in searches for pornographic material related to the game
Go to e621 and you'll understand
He still tries to do too much shit in every doujin
I don't appreciate dudes showing up in my futa doujins and I don't think vanillafags appreciate the opposite
Yeero is a fucking god holy shit
That's bullshit, there's always been pokeporn no matter the era. Unless they're talking about the human characters and not the mons themselves.
It's literally their marketing strategy, brainlet.
touhou still has us beat
They originally started the trend.
If you dont think Blizz secretly spread around money to artists to make OW porn you are delirious.
Imagine being upset over a virtual youtuber
Who the fuck wouldn't be gay for Tarkin!?
>literally OW porn thread
>no porn posted
Listen, you cocksucking sissies. You better start postin it now
Liking penis is not gay unless you prefer it on a masculine body. Its just a fetish for dongs, usually vicariously since you can relate or imagine the feeling of it, or it being your own.
Its just better when a penis is on a girly body.
in total amount, sure, but touhou has had 20 years of headstart. daily uploads are half that of MLP. at the current rate MLP will overcome touhou in ~857 days
People on Wikipedia are constantly trying to create an all blue article, where every word is a link to another article.
>There's a wikipedia article on Jews who live in other countries, and who co-operate with Israel's secret service
>Never mind it got deleted due to a (((pure co-incidence)))
Why doesn't he have a nut sack!?
Stop calling that guy as "furfag" just because you two don't agree with him.
>This much of cope
Gotta say having a marketing budget black box where you commission a bunch of high quality porn based on your IPs (anonymously of course) to get teh ball rolling is some serious 7D chess from the blizzard marketing department.
>Look who talking about projection
It's OK user, they're just trying to justify being vanilla as fuck with the nearest boogieman they can find.
he literally admitted he was you fucking idiot
shut up furry lmao
interracial is as unsexy as it gets
Well I won't lie, I've jerked it to more Overwatch porn than I ever played the game.
It's not simply about volume, it's about impact and relevance.
Fan content rarely affects the original work, if at all. In this case, Blizzard employees have publicly commented on the works, countless media outlets have published articles on it, PornHub announced the game's characters were the highest searched terms, cease-and-desist orders have been issued, et cetera.
In contrast, Pokeporn just exists. MLP porn is partially related to the phenomenon of older loser males being attracted to the show, but the porn itself is not relevant.
What the fuck hahahah
Wrong faggot. Overwatch sfm has dominated the market. Just because a bunch of furfags on devient art all collectively threw together ms paint drawings of evee doesn't mean there is more porn, those shouldn't count.
user black brown and asian pussy are good as white
What do you mean, the only reason people still talk about this game is not worth to have it's own article?
>impact and relevance
you think the mlp creators aren't aware of the degeneracy? and i mean they cannot escape it. bwonies literally asked the celestia va for example what her thoughts were on the molestia memes
>both: "FUCK YOU
Hey faggots, I think there is a solution here and it's right in front of you
Lets be real, it's already starting to be "that game where all the porn characters are from" more than anything else
What a pointless article
Tbh comparing MLPorn to overwatch is too difficult because the fandoms don't overlap, the users use different websites, there isn't a clear way to measure MLP searches or the volume of users and content like it is with overwatch. Also MLP has been around for more than a decade and overwatch is much younger.
Comparing them would be like measuring the coast of India and brazil in 1700
>you think the mlp creators aren't aware of the degeneracy?
Awareness is one thing, public comments are another. Blizzard have publicly commented on Overwatch porn numerous times.
Just because MLP porn exists doesn't mean it's relevant.
>this insignificant thing had an article in my normalfag bubble therefore it's more important
Nah, that's bullshit.
I swear my grandfather told me a similar story once.
Brown and Asian women are for white husbands
there's a link to an ellowas mu gallary
what the fuck am I looking at
>there isn't a clear way to measure MLP searches or the volume of users and content like it is with overwatch
What? Pornhub has an entire article on it. MLP volume is also easily quantifiable through fan sites.
i unironically want widowmaker to fart in my mouth
What the fuck slavs.
Why is it even such a big fucking deal in the first place?
White men are for coloured men?
What does "relevant" mean to you in the context of this thread?
Because with MLP getting ten times the porn Overwatch does, I'd say it's more relevant.
>this insignificant thing had an article in my normalfag bubble therefore it's more important
Lol, so much wrong here.
>this insignificant thing
That's your opinion. The fact that the article has been up for this long clearly demonstrates it's significant enough to warrant a page.
>had an article
An article? There are over two dozen citations for the page. It's not just "one article."
>therefore it's more important
If you sincerely had trouble understanding my original post please read through it again. It's not very complicated. Reading comprehension skills will be valuable if you decide to enter the workforce.
>tfw Belarusian-American and have zero interest
Nah, there are literally hundreds of websites. do we also include fanfiction as well? Written material, drawings, animations, roleplaying sessions done in private.
Do we include Fallout equestria? A fallout MLP fanfiction series that has over a dozen books, some which are giant 1000 page soft cover monsters.
My little pony easily trumps overwatch but to measure it's magnitude is impossible. So many things have (thankfully) been deleted. Lots of ERP done in private and hidden from searches. How could you measure it all?
not anymore thank you based disney
fucking basic bitch candadians
Imagine being obsessed with a female cast where not one woman (even the fat one) has big boobs,
Because blizzard tried to censor it and failed miserably. You can't stop the dick.
I believe it, this is the place that has a cult religion based on Gadget from Chip and Dale.
I'm willing to believe that's just because slavs are legit retarded and can't use any non translated site so they just look up everything on pornhub
who cares user, calm down they just have black skin.
Tell me bros, is the art good? Is it worth it?
I don't have a tumblr account and it's too much effort to make one.
You can have them. I want a qt Asian wife
this is considered noteworthy in our society
Didn't nintendo try to do the same with pokemon like few years ago also failing miserably?
I don't remember kotaku and other fags writing dozens articles about it every day
We were talking about porn and you bring out ERP sessions. All of that is irrelevant. The original topic was how much porn has Overwatch had made, and MLP clearly wins, which speaks volumes about how irrelevant OW is.
>honk honk
secret loli/shota porn club house
Tumblr no longer allows porn on the site anyways, it's all linked offsite, just find people's actual galleries instead of the place that links them, like Twitter and such.
>Made with Autodesk Maya
WHERE IS THE FUCKING RIG? Blender and SFM are cancer.
I don't remember Nintendo ever giving a fuck.
But Blizzard tried to before the official launch and Tracer's ass controversy.
>What does "relevant" mean to you in the context of this thread?
>Because with MLP getting ten times the porn Overwatch does, I'd say it's more relevant.
I've already explained it in literally every post. Relevance is not simply about how much porn exists, it's about how many people it reaches, how many articles "legitimate" sites publish on it, official statements from the publishers of the original work, and so on.
>The original topic was how much porn has Overwatch had made
No, lmao. Amount is not synonymous with relevance. If you still cannot understand, then I don't know how else to explain it.
I think they tried to dmca some website but I may be mixing up the facts
I want (You) ~
Bullshit or not it's still quite the thing to do.
Too much steroids
Is that dude holding a cat that's melding into some kind of shadow mass?
I think I understand what point you're getting at, but I still disagree.
Saying that overwatch doesn't make as much porn as the cultural anomaly as MLP is basically denouncing all pornographic fanfiction. That statement makes no sense. People are literally Making a living off ow porn, it absolutely is no irrelevant.
jesus fucking christ
Fuck who hit max on all the sliders for the character in the top right?
Why is it only these kind of looking motherfuckers are always doing weird shit
You know I would, but Sith Purebloods > Chiss > Twileks > others. Sorry.
But Luke killed it.
I assume people paired them because of their dialogue where they both drop their spaghetti at each other and ask for the others autograph.
Keep them
why does widow look like a teenager here
>Overwatch sfm has dominated the market
delusional. go outside your bubble every once in a while.
you need to be 18 or older to post here
>Did sadpanda implement something new?
It's nhentai, not sadpanda.
>That's your opinion. The fact that the article has been up for this long clearly demonstrates it's significant enough to warrant a page.
Stop glorifying wikipedia so much. It's a total shithole.
>Made with Maya
Lolwut, all these things are made in Blender. Maya is cancer.
>I think I understand what point you're getting at, but I still disagree.
Okay? But can you articulate why? If you don't have good reasons to disagree with something then you probably shouldn't disagree with it.
Nobody seriously argues MLP porn is more relevant than Overwatch porn. It's just not a contentious statement. It doesn't even make any normative claims on which is better or worse, it's just an empirical fact.
No, that's disney canon. Written in 2017.
>Homosexual countries are less likely to watch pony pussy
for fucks sake nintendo is it even possible to be more out of touch than those boomers in suits
>just how old you are
It's literally impossible to not read fucked up grammar like this in a thick Russian accent. Why is question syntax so hard for ESL retards?
My niggas.
Fucking donkeyfuckers
Give me one actual reason why horsefucking should be illegal.
Go ahead, I'll wait
Sounds like you're the one glorifying Wikipedia. If you actually thought it's a shithole, then why would you care about what articles are on it?
Post sauce
because weird looking people do weird things, its been like that since the middle ages except back then they were burned for being witches or something nowadays they just get made fun of on the internet. and ONLY on the internet, I bet everything I own none of you basement dwelling neckbeards would ever, EVER say that shit to their face. not even to bronies or furries either.
>horrible panel composition
Trash opinions, plus that comic is god tier.
Custom model, not her real face.
>Upside down Majin symbol instead of a spade with a Q
Yikes! Nice head canon.
am I the only fucker on this earth that hates long nails
Horse can't consen---
It's a mystery.
I've loved them since Inuyasha
they're under the legal age of consent, which is typically 18 years so get FUCKED!
i dont, i fucking love him
especially his shuten stuff
I want Amelie to shoot me in the leg and rape me!
>If you don't have good reasons to disagree with something then you probably shouldn't disagree with it.
I agree.
>But can you articulate why?
I said I understand your point of view and why you think the way you do, but I reject your notions because I think they are wrong. To say Overwatch porn is more relevant than MLP porn only because Overwatch has an article on wikipedia about it is fallacious.
For me, it's Widowmaker beating me up and making fun of me
Yes they are
how do i become a normalfag? I want to fap to widowmaker, not rouge the bat.
i dont like long natural nails
fake nails are ok
is there something you want to talk about user? something bothering you?
it sure fucking feels like it
Overwatch might be absolute trash, but at least it gave us Widowmaker and Mercy
fake nails are even worse desu
Horse lifespan is 30 years, faggotface
Age of consent should be like 4 years
I don't? The only reason any of us are talking about this here is because OP posted a link to it.
>Nintendo aren't cuc-
tell it to the judge, pedo horsefucker
Nope, just that I want Widowmaker to rape me with her cold vagina while I cry in pain!
Keep crying Jamal
SFM has a lot of community models available for free and is easy to use, but ultimately produces low quality content because shit cant look good in an ancient engine like Source
Blender is a lot more advanced and is much harder to use, has a lot less free community models (most artists make their own) but produces the most high quality content because of stuff like the high quality lighting, model deformation and skin complexion
SFM is abandonware at this point and hasn't received an update in like 6 years or more, so if you're getting into porn making and just slightly know your way around animation or modeling, go Blender
I don't get the beard part
>only because Overwatch has an article on wikipedia about it is fallacious.
Why did you lie? You don't understand my point of view at all.
None of my posts ever said having a Wikipedia page means something is relevant: A Wikipedia page does not cause something to become relevant, relevance causes people to make a Wikipedia page, and I've already explained what constitutes relevance in all three of my previous posts.
If you want to define relevance as a synonym for "total amount," then, sure, MLP porn is more "relevant" than Overwatch porn. I personally think it's ridiculous to reduce the word "relevance" to that degree.
Where do you even get SFM porn? Just wondering for research
that's normal. women love being in control over you beta cucks if you got a girlfriend and told her that was your fetish she would get a kick out of it for sure
>but ultimately produces low quality content because shit cant look good in an ancient engine like Source
It absolutely can. The difference between a newbie and someone who has mastered the tool is insane. Though I admit even the best of SFM artists still use photoshop to touch up their images.
People's view of SFM is warped and they think it's garbage because 99% of it is shit and they don't see the 1% that's insanely good.
Thank God I was born white
This looks like a good thread to browse on fireden
>Blender is a lot more advanced and is much harder to use, has a lot less free community models (most artists make their own) but produces the most high quality content because of stuff like the high quality lighting, model deformation and skin complexion
No, blender produces better results because more skilled people use it.
You'll be extinct soon, no one wants you. Why do you think everyone on Yea Forums and /pol/ loves blacked?
Cope more nigger
You're not making any of your points based on any kind of empirical data. I personally don't think Blizzard making a comment because they're fucking stupid means something gains relevance. Neither does a topic need to be relevant to get a wikipedia article. It only takes one idiot to have a whim and he can create a wikipedia article on any topic like a forgotten 100 year old comic or whatever else.
You're not wrong but the content from those artists look good because the artists are good, not because the tool is good.
If they had the same amount of experience and models with C4D/Blender they could do better.
>still not posted
Fuck that reminds me, I should go check if project horizons was ever finished. I've put too many hours of my life into that fic to abandon it without knowing how it ends.
>no one wants you
Yeah just white black brown and asian woman. Cope more
>Asian boys want Latino chicks
Didn't see that one coming.
>okay looks interesting, might read this article
>first thing I see is naked chick
wow ok
Based. He properly jerks off to the thought of Window shooting him and fucking doomfist next to him while he bleeds out.
where's her penis? and what's up with her hair?
>this much cuckposting on Yea Forums
god I knew you guys were depressed Yea Forumsirgins but holy fuck
The example is Ellowas, who uses Maya. He was also making 3d porn for WoW before SFM literally even existed.
Guess you are mad cuz bad
Chin up
why is this so long
Based big brain post.
>Puerto Rico so high up
Didn't they find out that those DMCAs were by some Nintendo autist trying to clean up tumblr
Who gives a shit? Dva isn't white.
>most of men's numbers are more than double those of women
>You're not making any of your points based on any kind of empirical data.
Hilarious coming from the guy who reduces relevance to a singular number. There's more MLP porn than Overwatch porn, so MLP porn is "more relevant?" Sheer retardation.
By that same stupid definition, all the Let's Plays on YouTube are "more relevant" than world news because there's more Let's Plays than news. How hard is it to understand that your definition of "relevance" is fucking retarded?
>Neither does a topic need to be relevant to get a wikipedia article. It only takes one idiot to have a whim and he can create a wikipedia article on any topic like a forgotten 100 year old comic or whatever else.
Yes, anyone can create a Wikipedia entry, but it takes much more than "one idiot" to have an article up for years. Tons of articles get deleted from Wikipedia every single day. There's a reason this one is still up.
>I personally don't think Blizzard making a comment because they're fucking stupid means something gains relevance.
Yeah, because you're a fucking retard who thinks simply existing equates to relevance. More MLP porn exists than Overwatch porn, therefore MLP porn is more relevant.
It doersn't matter that no one is looking it up.
It doesn't matter that no one is talking about it.
It doesn't matter that nobody gives a fuck.
There's more of it, so it's more relevant. Holy shit, you're so fucking stupid.
Why so angry? Why so illogical?
Relevance almost exactly = popularity. Is LoL irrelevant because it has zero threads on Yea Forums? No you dumdum it still literally makes more money than Fortnite despite being on TV less, but you hear about Fortnite all the time because zoomers can't shut their traps up.
>It doersn't matter that no one is looking it up.
Are you seriously trying to imply that artists are creating porn just for the lulz and not because there's a demand for it?
>this thread
>all posts are text trash
>no pics
Shitty thread desu.
But user, think of Hirohito and the advertisers!
>those puritans squabbling over a gif being used instead of an image
use maya
D.Va is my wife
Hirame isn't even Japanese and they do works on shit like League of Legends and fucking Zootopia. Also, good artist but yeah, the panel composition is some straight up shit. It's gotten worse. The Overwatch and FGO doujins have some fucking incredible concepts but you can't tell what the fuck is going on
>tfw no Pharah and Mercy doujin from them
These people haven't gotten the message, but you are right
Been reading since I saw the brown tomboy from some chink phone game get fucked by robotentacles like 6 years ago. They try too hard to be wacky and they chase current trends too hard. It comes off as soulless.
Fan art>SFM or Blender.
I want to racemix with Fareeha and give Ana grandchildren.
I don't know about that.
>Imagine having your neck be the picture for the wiki page about a pearl necklace