Why is Banjo considered a bad Smash character and is hated by many recently...

Why is Banjo considered a bad Smash character and is hated by many recently? He had a ton of positive support months and years ago and was loved by many.

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it's just steve/discordfags shitposting

Cause banjo fags have become just as bad as any other popular character's fanbase.

Why do people want a literally who like Banjo anyway?

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Why should that affect the character and why he should or shouldn't be in smash?

Nothing really effect the character, but people will say its not happening cuase said fanbase

Hated? The ACTUAL character who is hated is Sora.

They don't hate Banjo, they hate banjofags for being extremely unlikeable. The actual character(s) is fine.

Popularity attracts negativity. Since the most talked about characters for Smash have already gotten in, or are deconfirmed, that leaves Banjo as the number one target for shitposts.
You can't take it seriously.

This, fuck Stevefags and Discord kids

Let's be realistic here, if Microsoft DOES get a rep, it'll be Master Chief, not Banjo.
Don't be stupid.

Similarly if Ubisoft gets a rep it'll be Ezio or a Rabbit, not Rayman.

All of the biggest NEVER EVER picks are now all either playable or deconfirmed through spirits, assist trophies, or other means, except for Banjo. Because of that the character has become more prominent in Smash discussion, and of course that attracts rampant shitposting.
Just look at the kind of posts surrounding Ridley and K. Rool before they were confirmed and you'll see it wasn't really all that different to what we're seeing with Banjo now.

Since they haven't been deconfirmed yet they're just flavor of the month for shitposters and falseflaggers. The likelier they get the more the shitposting increases too seems like.

based brainlet
MC has never been associated with nintendo, Banjo & K are N64 icons that have been requested since the first game
MC would also be too snake-like in design

>MC has never been associated with nintendo
Oh right I forgot that Personaguy and Cloud were Nintendo icons and not relevant characters to their third parties!

Pretty sure the people who have always liked Banjo will continue to like Banjo.
Yea Forums getting pissy about Banjofags and characterfagging is a small minority that won't affect what everyone else thinks. People who matter don't give a shit about some small discord full of kids.

>literally who
>posts the 3rd party indie one-off

Sorry Memehead, you can go sit in the corner with your other indie zeitgeists like like Meatboy and Shovel Knight.

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You know. Mineycrafta was indie once too.

Banjofags (and Raymanfags) literally made Western Smashfags look bad for talking shit about Dragon Quest, which offended the Japanese because it's a popular and significant series to them.

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because they people who want them are fucking annoying
the character is ugly and generic
duck hunt dog already is in the game
every reason people give for the to be in is false and just 100% retarded bias
dead for more than decade
last game was some shitty kart maker spin off where their own game bullies them
shows how much the company that owns the cares
why should they be in
inb4 but they are n64 icons
no they fucking arent
they had 2 games and the second one was half as popular despite it not being totally new and less unknown
it's litteraly just some dumb thing that was a one hit wonder then died
let it go fucktard

DOOM Marine

These are your four. Sylux got moved to the end because Prime 4 got completely overhauled. They're hoping they can have some sort of teaser up before they announce him, but it will probably be weird.

Falseflagging retard from discord and reddit does not equal an entire group of characterfags.

>made western smashfags look-
No he didn't.

>Talking shit about Dragon Quest
Everyone here talks shit about FE and no one in Japan cares either.

>offended the japanese
Some fag on social media

Atlus has a huge history with SMT on nintendo, which is more or less persona. joker also is now going to be in THREE games on the switch
Cloud was just the most popular FF rep, and FF was a nintendo franchise before moving to playstation
based retard

the bottom line is that most people have no interest in paying extra for a duck hunt clone.
that's not changing no matter how many times banjofags spam threads all over Yea Forums or whine that everyone who disagrees with them is a "stevefag."

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Nice try. You're getting Erdrick. Edelgard isn't happening.
>they're hoping
Who the fuck are you talking about?

this, I prefer Steve over Banjo but like both a lot, and I'm honestly pretty turned off from rooting for Banjo with how ravenous his fanbase has become


Don't you mean

Extremly unBEARable?

What kind of fucking idiot thinks Banjo-Kazooie has anything in common with Duck Hunt? I've met chimpanzees more intelligent than you.

They being Nintendo.

>Duck Hunt clone
Looks like banjo-kazooie continues to live rent free inside your head.

>Duck Hunt clone
Like how Ridley was a clone of Charizard, K. Rool was one of Bowser, and Cloud was one of Ike, huh?

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This is why

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Charizard is more iconic than Ridley, Banjo is not more iconic than Duck Hunt

How well did that work for you with K. Rool?

I'm not saying it doesn't count, only that your choice is unrealistic and retarded. Much like you as a person, as well.

The last two punching bags got in and now shitposters are going for Banjo and Kazooie because everything else was deconfirmed. Not hard to understand.

Tell me Yea Forums. What do you predict will happen when we actually get Banjo next?

Move that goalpost, baby. You know I love it.

Cope furfag

Because furries are fucking gross. Fucking die, furry, and check this 5 before Lucifer steals your soul.

remember when the grinch leak was in full effect and anyone who mentioned that pokemon always gets a new character was told to "stop patternfagging"?

how can your predict what comes next after something that will literally never happen

Everyone will pretend like they knew and wanted him all along like with what happened to K. Rool.

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Why do I give a rats behind about what you think? Cuphead would be a pretty cool choice regardless.

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I wana suck of lucifer off haha

japanese have awful taste to begin with

Not him, but Bill Rizer would be a way better choice.

This user knows what's up.

>but Ridley!
>but K. Rool!
>but Duck Hunt!

If Banjo even had a ounce of a semblance of a chance, it would've been in the base roster, i.e. one the playerbase doesn't have to shell out extra cash to access. Nintendo and Microsoft aren't going to initiate a likely convoluted licensing deal just to promote a defunct mascot that hasn't shared any time in the limelight for over a decade. It's all cross-promotional characters and lucrative, prominent franchises from now on, and Banjo, Isaac, Geno, etc. have no chance.

>Ridley gets in after Charizard despite the latter being more well-known
>K. Rool gets in after Bowser despite the latter being more well-known
>Banjo & Kazooie get in after Duck Hunt?

I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.

Reminder that Sakurai completely disregarded the ballot for the first two DLC characters because the remaining fan picks were complete shit. Autism bear is never getting in. Get fucked.

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Because you fucking smashfags keeps shitting up the boards. We don't fucking hate you cunts because of Banjo nor Steve or some other fucking retarded character you fags keep shit flinging. We hate you cunts because you Smashfags have became the new furfags of Yea Forums.
Every Nintendo thread or any game that has been slightly involved with Smash has had you cunts keep trying shit them up because of Smash.
Every fucking day you fags do the same shit over and over and over again. Rosterfagging, shit like this, or fucking bitching about characters in general.
I'm fucking surprised that mods haven't made a containment board for you parasites because there was obvious reasons why Pokefags got their own containment board.

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Banjo and Master Chief are fine, it's Steve I don't like.

something about this pic gives me a weird feeling haha

So you're saying the pattern wasn't broken, when K. Rool literally just broke it before Incineroar was even announced?
You're abiding by made-up rules.
Before it was: "No irrelevant characters"
After K. Rool, it was shifted to "No characters from irrelevant franchises"
You keep setting yourselves to be eventually proven wrong.

You know what, Nintendo did say at one point they like to use Smash Bros to promote franchises. You make a very strong point.

>its the same 30 or so people jerk off and argue about some bear literally no one cares about
lets bee honest outside smash autism litteraly no one cares about this bear
what is about smash that makes people do this

Everybody knows that a dedicated Smash board is needed at this point but unfortunately Hiro's never going to make it happen

Because last jedi things like Piranha Plant broke people. The amount of disappointment of Sakurai wasting development time on a cheap joke like this hurt people so hard that they deluded themselves into LOVING the Piranha Plant, and they're GLAD X character isn't in smash. It's all so sad to see so many people on Yea Forums lie to themselves posting smug piranha pics when people call them out, it's like their only form of defense.

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>It's all cross-promotional characters and lucrative, prominent franchises from now on
Oh wait. You don't have one.

i think he's cute
he stands out from everyone
he is his own thing
I think thats' what they were going for
they thought it would be a fun unique thing that people would know
grow up they didnt waste time on some shitty haha XD joke haha

because banjoids are the most fucking insufferable out of all smashfags, no wonder discord stevefags make fun of them. they won't shut up on how they think tht their reddit bear will be in and, shoehorning their 7 bullshit, and just make smash discussions unbearable. they even trash dragon quest threads because MUH ERDRICK.
as someone who wants stuff like geno or captain syrup, i completely avoid banjoids because of their bullshit.

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Personally I don't really care one way or the other about the Plant. If I get the character I want, I'll be satisfied with the roster and will probably filter Smash threads since I would no longer have any investment in the roster from then on.

Sow hat you're saying is that Banjo was high on it, those two weren't, and Sakurai turned into a Yea Forumsirgin and screamed a shitdookiefart about Banjo before throwing away the ballot and putting in Ridley and K. Rool for the lulz.

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There are plenty of joke characters that make sense like Duck Hunt who have their own games, there are plenty of cute characters like Pikachu who has his own games. Piranha Plant, is another Mario character, a franchise that already has plenty of representatives in smash. If you say it takes no time to develop a character you're lying.

Banjo fits all of these though

It's logic, friend. Characters like Ryu, Cloud, Bayonetta push sales, as they're characters most gamers are intimately familiar and partial to. Do you really think somebody like Banjo will be able to appeal to that same demographic as strongly? Do you think that whatever legal hurdles the two companies will have to leap through in order to make that IP eligible will be worth it? Do you even think that Nintendo even wants Microsoft's toes in their pool, especially considering whatever demands and monetary arrangements they may possibly make?

It's just not happening. There isn't going to be some plot twist or miracle suddenly shifting the tides in your favor; it's clear that there isn't enough interest or incentive to make it possible.

Fuck off, Mike Jones is so shit he didn't even get a spirit

What does your comment have anything to do with characters being clones?

Lol Banjo passes all of these.
Even the first one says "rarely" meaning its not impossible. Plus, Rare Replay could come to Switch or Banjo could get a device anyways. Cloud was in a similar situation when he was announced

>it's logic
That's exactly what everyone who was against Ridley and K. Rool said with their self-made stipulations and requirements.

I love how everyone pretends to know the inner workings of the devs' minds in these threads. You guys probably think about "rules and patterns" more than Nintendo and Sakurai do.

There's a ton of overlap in Roolfags and Banjofags blockhead.

>dude, trust me
Yeah, no

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Not him, but you're pretty much proving his point. He never said anything about Mike Jones; he only used a reaction image with him in it, yet you immediately deflect to attacking this character when faced with criticism.

nah fuck off

both stevefags and banjofags are bad

im not the one who added him shitlips
and there is also like 100 variations of him
mario has to many characters
but he stands out from everyone else and anyone can recognize him
I think thats what they were going for


Says one of the many faggots whining about a bear that have dominated the discussions for the past few weeks.

Outside of Smash autism nobody cares about 3/4 of the characters in smash bros

Thanks for the good example for the OP!

Sakurai also said that "An Echo Fighter is whatever I say it is", referencing Ken's major differences from Ryu yet still being called an EF.

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>implying that i'm a stevefag

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He breaks
1. character is dead
3. duck hunt dog is already in

every single stevefag is a shitposter, whilst not all banjofags are shitposters. Rosterfagging as a whole is trash, but stevefags are absolutely the worst right now.

the "rule," according to sakurai's own words during smash 4, was that characters from a series with no future are rarely chosen.
last i checked, donkey kong still gets games, so it qualifies as a series with a future. meanwhile, banjo has not had a single new game in the past decade.

And if you look to your left, we'll all see a desperate contrarian who feeds off of (you)'s. You might wonder, why he would shit talk "Reddit Bear" (Banjo and Kazooie, a beloved retro icon), calling his fans, "Insufferable", and "annoying" without providing any reason why, while at the same time, requesting the protagonist of Star Tropics (an average adventure game that is nothing special and only liked by people like him because it was made by Nintendo). Well There is no reason, he's just a pathetic washed up adult who wants to be different and special. Now don't worry, if Banjo actually WERE to be in smash it wouldn't hurt him, because he actually doesn't hate him at all. He just wants to be loved. If you want to show your support to this creature, be sure to give him a (you)!

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I like how he doesn't even really react to the word. Sure he shatters, but look at his facial expression.

You faggots have been trying to place a logic on who would be getting in ever since Brawl and almost every time a character gets in that makes you scramble to change the "rules" that you've arbitrarily set in place. Fuck off.

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All of them are trash

Here and here Try again.

Go back to twitch underage

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You can say that about any Mario enemy.

Banjo is all the more unfeasible, though, and I don't think it's really taken into account enough the fact that Banjo is an IP owned by a direct competitor to Nintendo. All we have are Phil Spencer's comments to humor the prospect, since we have no actual insight on how the rest of the company may reflect/feel on the situation, and there's absolutely no warrant for thinking Nintendo even wants to be buddy-buddy to them. I mean, why go through the effort of promoting a franchise for a different company, on a different platform? Nintendo gains very little.

Not saying it's completely out of the question, but K. Rool and Ridley are a bit of a false equivalency. Third parties are a different beast entirely.

>why go through the effort of promoting a franchise for a different company, on a different platform?
meanwhile, Joker from Persona 5, a playstation exclusive, is the first DLC fighter...

Yeah, you'd think Joker getting in would shut these people up, but they still continue to act like these rules are set in stone. Rosterfucks are truly the worst.

Just another post and there will be another holy trinity of Cuphead posters telling Smashfags to fuck off.

And Persona 5 Scramble is coming out for the Switch, a game featuring Joker. Stupid point

except what the only other one most people know is goomba

I don't know dude this is frustrating as hell, why wont everyone just fucking love banjo?

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>Character is dead
A series is only dead until it's not. Look at Battletoads, that series had been in the ground for even longer than Banjo-Kazooie has been, but now it has a new game in the works, and it's clear that it won't be the last Rare IP that Microsoft are going to hand off to different dev teams to revive.

fuck off with ur gay roleplay

>3. duck hunt dog is already in
And? What relevance does this have? Also could even one of you faggots list the moves BK and DHD would share that makes them clones?

imagine being offended by a "joke" character in a non-serious casual party game. you do realize that geno and isaac were never getting in even if piranha plant didn't get in, right?
if you fags knew anything about real fighting games, not just pretending that your party game is a fighting game, you'd realize that those have had "joke" characters in them since dan hibiki.

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I can't wait until Erdrick and Banjo get revealed at E3.

Also, to all of those who are throwing a tantrum at rosterfagging: The entire point of Smash Bros IS the fanservice. This kind of posting and wishlisting is PRECISELY why we got Ridley in the first place and the main head honcho, Sakurai knows that. So, yknow, eat shit faggots.

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Joker's reveal was literally touted as "Persona 5 x Smash bros", and was released before Scramble was even announced. It's a cross promotion for Persona 5 itself (with references to the game), not for the spinoff.

But I always wanted to get a bj from a piranha plant so sakurai is like a fetish reader for me.

Not to mention various Toads have been in games like Shovel Knight and Killer Instinct.

hurr durr they are going to revive this series now because of x
even if they could have done so anytime in the last decade

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Wow user, you're pretty based.

I love these, especially when one remembers that K. Roolfags rode Ridley's coattails for months.

please explain how a character with no new games in the last decade is not filtered out by the very first rule.
>but, but, he said rarely, not never!
friendly reminder that these are characters that people are expected to pay extra for, not characters that are included in the base roster. why would anyone other than a small minority of rosterfags pay extra for banjo?

>hurr durr anything can happen because x is added even if they don't actually break anything but If I scream about it enough.....
shut up

I disagree, it's been stated that Microsoft and Nintendo don't really view each other as competition (which makes sense, they have different target demographics) and Microsoft has put Rare IPs like Viva Pinata on Nintendo consoles before and gave the go-ahead for the recent Cuphead port. Plus, NIntendo stating "our friends at Microsoft" and the various cross-play seems to imply that Nintendo is fine with being buddy-buddy. And as far as promoting a franchise for a different company on a different platform, Nintendo still doesn't have Persona 5 on Switch. A Microsoft rep obviously isn't guaranteed but I wouldn't rule them out yet.

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Okay? A Persona game is still coming to the Switch, for which Joker could provide incentive for consumers to purchase, and the new Etrian Odyssey dungeon crawler whatever coming to the 3DS features Joker, as well, and those are just two known to be in the works.

this is just proving my point. i don't give a shit if banjo gets in or not, but this is the kind of banjo fags Yea Forums is dealing with right now: bunch of autists who think that they're so cool because "MUH BANJO IS MORE ICONIC THEN MIKE JONES THEREFORE I HAVE THE BEST POINT". i miss the time where we just talked about who we want, no MUH RELEVANCY n'or rosterfaggotry.

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even so, Joker is promoting P5 itself, with no material at all from spinoffs being present with his smash inclusion - it's a direct promotion for the main persona 5 game.

banjo kazooie hasn't been a nintendo franchise for nearly 20 years and has had only a single mediocre game released in their series since then
they're completely irrelevant and are only pushed because we're running out of "never ever" characters to meme about

I love how people keep saying stuff like Banjo is not iconic or popular when we got shitters like Bayonetta in the game

tbqh I think they'd make for an interesting moveset anyway, and that's the main thing I care about when new characters are added. Joker was somewhat disappointing in that regard.

Bayo is pretty much 2nd party now though. She's practically in the same boat as Fire Emblem and Pokemon.

he isn't in to shill anything
soccerguy personally gave a inviation to atlus ceo and they said they were happy to receive it and gladly let soccerguy and his team use joker in smash and something about better the connections between the two companies or whatever
that's it
i swear its like you forget its actual people behind making all this stuff

Sprry to offend you, user. Have fun jerking off to rules lists and posting on this fucking website constantly and having the same arguments over and over again instead of enjoying your life.

it was never a nintendo franchise

Nintendo shills are doing hard damage control. I bet half the comments here are bots.

Nah, I like joke characters like Duck Hunt and Wii
and Fit Trainer and would even like Monita, they all make sense, Piranha Plant brings nothing unique like they do, they all at least represent a series, Plant however is from a series that already has about 15 representatives in smash. He brings nothing new. Complete waste of time.

Rosterfags get stupider by the year. It's come to a point where they pretend to hate everything they see as unlikely and pretend to like anything they see as likely. It's pathetic.

[citation needed]

I don't know whos shitposting who now.
Part of the problem is that no one wants to swallow their pride and say "yeah I would also like this character to appear as well". Instead it's all rule and relevancy shit. As if THAT ever mattered. As for me, i'd be fine with all of the above. As long as it isn't yet another Fire Emblem or Pokemon.

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He says as he whines and cries about people who like Banjo.

beep boop

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You're on Yea Forums, everything that happens anywhere at any time absolutely must be becaus eof shilling.

And from what we've seen, the two currently announced Nintendo Persona titles borrow heavily from P5, both in the setting, themes, general tone, characters, likely most the music, etc. Just because they're borrowing from material players are already familiar with doesn't mean it won't be as effective in getting the players warmed up to the other spinoffs.

That's true, but amiability doesn't necessarily constitute a desire to partner closely together, and if they were, I'm guessing the likes of Banjo-Kazooie would've already been available on the virtual console in the past. I certainly can't forsee Nintendo games ever landing on the Xbox, nor for them to give attention to Banjo-Kazooie without any of the games being on their platform first, but I suppose it's always possible.

this. I think most of the shitposting is ironic, with some idiots taking it a little too seriously along the way. Both Banjo and Steve could provide interesting fighters and stages, so I'd be happy with either one getting in. Same goes for most other fan favorites. Please, just no more FE - especially no FE swordsmen as I'd like any extra characters to at least play differently if nothing else.

"Hiraoka: Joker joining the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is mainly due to invitation from Masahiro Sakurai (Sora Ltd.), and thus contributed the collaboration. Because Mr. Sakurai likes Persona 5 very much, and I happened to like Super Smash Bros. very much. So, when (we) received the invitation, the first thing we thought is “Great!”, and we are very happy to build mutual corporation."

LITTERALY takes 2 seconds to find you fucking idiot


Also, it's important to note that Erdrick would play mostly like Robin if anything.

I'm personally fine with pretty much any character at all. I just one one character in particular and after that I'll be satisfied with the roster. Unfortunately I can't say what that character is without people on this board getting on my case.

'Banjo for Smash' has become the equivalent of a mediocre pop song that gets played to death in every public space, so you end up hating it, even if it's technically not a bad song.

On a more personal level, he does absolutely nothing for me. I never played a Banjo game when I was young, and neither did any of my friends. Their designs seem boring, and the whole 'history with Nintendo' thing never held much water to me given we have 3 de-facto Sony characters. Maybe there'll be a fun moveset for him, but that's about it.


nigga ice climbers. Is there a literally who more than them?

He really wouldn't. It's not that hard to make a completely unique moveset for someone. Also nobody is talking about Erdrick right now, why do you need to start shit?

sounded like something you just made up, my bad

>Fans are autistic, dead franchise, Steve is getting in (even though he fucking sucks)


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he's the only plant
maybe that was the whole point
maybe they thought it would be a fun idea
not everything has to be some dumb 4d chess thing

You're slacking dude. It took you a while to get here.

What IS wrong with wanting a literally who, anyway? All I ever hear is
>but they're irrelevant
>Sakurai said that one time
People can still want characters anyway you know.

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Ivysaur is a plant.


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>3 de-facto Sony characters

I just sort of look at Cloud as an example. He got into Smash 4, but the FF7 port wasn't announced until roughly three years later in 2015. Someone like Banjo could be announced alongside something like Rare Replay for Switch or a future installment could be announced later. We don't really know what these companies' future plans are but Cloud sets a precedent for a fighter being able to get in before a promotional game for the Nintendo console is actually announced.

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They're in. Discuss.

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Who the fuck? Is this a new vergeben?

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Guy is only 18, fuck him

>suddenly, Joker always made sense in Smash
How can some of you remember anything?

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Whoops meant 2018 was when the FF7 port was announced, Cloud got into Smash in 2015

Final Fantasy was alive when cloud was included

Cloud was in other Nintendo games. KH on GBA, Theatrhythm games, etc. Sure it's marginal, but there has never been a Smash character that didn't appear on a Nintendo console before getting into Smash.

and he isn't his own character but shared with 2 others
besides he is like more of some creature monster
while the plant is a literal plant

>as soon as Rool and Ridleyfags get in they turn into huge obnoxious cunts to everyone else

Imagine my shock

joker still strikes me as such an unusual fighter reveal, especially as the first DLC character. I'm still uncertain what kind of message they were trying to suggest with him being the first DLC reveal here. I guess the take away here is that the next 4 fighters could be basically anyone.

To be fair, both were shat on and ridiculed for years, especially Ridleyfags. Let them have some fun

This "rule" is the dumbest, most paper thin, flimsy reasoning I see frequently parroted in Smahs threads. Soon enough, a character that hasn't been in a single game or spinoff on Nintendo consoles will get in and people will fucking screech.

The fact that Banjo has become the main target for shitposters says a lot about his chances.

I can't wait until he gets revealed and everyone pretends like they wanted him all along.

I have no fucking idea how people can act like Joker was something reasonable. He was my dream Smash character but I absolutely thought it would NEVER happen, so it makes me upset when people use him to shit on other peoples' choices.

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Snake, Cloud and Joker.

Sure, there were Metal gear games on the NES, but it's the Metal Gear Solid games that he's known for, and they're Playstation exclusives. Cloud's the lead of FF7, which was a huge Playstation exclusive. The main Persona games are Playstation exclusive, including 5, the one Joker's in.

Obviously, they're not true Sony characters, but any relation their series has to Nintendo pales in comparison to their association with Sony. When I see these characters, I think 'Playstation.'

>actually comparing banjoke to cloud
cloud is one of the most popular vidya characters and faces of rpgs
also final fantasy is still totally alive and getting stuff (not counting ports or whatever)
it's nowhere the same

You'd think that would lend them some understanding for the plights of people who want other characters in instead of transforming them into such bitter fucksticks.

The "Granblue bitch is in Smash" Hitagi? The "No Atlus Characters is in Smash" Hitagi? That one? Yikes. Imagine trusting "Leakers" and "Insiders"

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Call it flimsy all you want. It's still unbroken. Even Joker follows suit with Persona Q2. Acting asinine about it not being broken "yet" is pointless.

Fuck off obseesed retard, you keep spamming this shit everywhere


Back to the discord with you.

Attached: stevediscord9.png (1279x644, 130K)

literal no one cares about him
it's just the same few autists jerking him off and the same few throwing a hissyfit
litteraly means nothing
this whole autism pit means nothing

Epona isn't getting in.

You still have anons who still get pissy at K. Rool.

Shitting on niggers like Ashleypedos and relevancyfags is fine. Turncoating on camps that supported them like Banjofags is fucking retarded.

>nipple land getting butthurt
>"stoopeed gaijin shit amerricarrns, fyuck to yew and fyuck yo moda!!"

Attached: Well+you+see+papi+the+second+image+doesnt+_413f9a848d53c1db9026c6345743b132.png (683x623, 297K)

>You keep posting about how your most wanted character got in
First of all, no I don't.
Second, I'm just saying that nobody expected Joker so why are we fucking using him as an indication that "IT'LL BE X OR Y CHARACTER"

rool was a shit
fuck listening to whinny entitled fags
he is fugly at that

This. I love Persona but I never could imagine the idea of him even getting considered in smash, the idea just felt too weird and his world is so different. People have really bad perceptions of past events.

Joker is the main character of PQ2.
If we're calling FF Theatrhythm and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded the games Cloud was representing, then maybe you need to rethink your stance on "rules."

bayonetta is from actually good games

no but he means litteraly this same post with this same picture litteraly gets spammed in anything where joker is mentioned
has no thining to do with chracters or whatever you sperglord

Or maybe you should stop whining and accept that the only main requirement for getting into smash is having appeared in a Nintendo game before.

It isn't like the post said anything that was attacking anyone. God forbid someone post a picture of Joker along with their statements.
You're in every fucking thread, user. If you can recognize someone from a picture of an anime boy, maybe you should get off this site and go outside.

I'll stop shitting on Jap tastes when their tastes aren't dominated by bland JRPG swordfucks. Japs soifaced over fucking Marth 4 being revealed in August and Rex was a highly requested character in Japan.

Success breeds jealousy. He's by and large consider one of the most likely DLC characters.

This happened to Ridley, it happened to K. rool, and it happened to Incineroar. Happened to Lucario way the fuck back. Now it's happening to Banjo.

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Sooo which Doomguy is gonna be the default costume? 2016 or 1993?

Attached: 1555091241129.jpg (1280x1497, 239K)

how come these threads always have
such a low poster count compared to reply
makes you wonder
could it be it's truly just the same autist going at it all the time?

>one of the most likely DLC characters.
And what gives you that idea?

people doubted lucario? lmao

>he is likely because some auti

>Lmao I hate banjo

I don't like that people this young come here.

Attached: a1071560507_10.jpg (1200x1200, 206K)

Yes, and you're one of them, ESL-kun

Because we said so. Simple as that.

Attached: 55-pic_ribitt.png (480x320, 9K)

>he is likely because some autistic fucks won't shut up about him so that makes him likely
yah no...........

I never said he's likely. I said he's widely considered to be likely.

Every normalfag with a passing interest in smash and Smash fans outside of this cesspit and GameFAGS are sure he's getting in.

Could be worse.

Attached: Coattailer.png (1413x757, 143K)

>so dumb he doesn't even know how to delete a post
>posting so often that he fucking autoposts on accident

>So mad he couldn't type
Lmao ESLkun

>everything besides Yea Forums is autism
Nah. Looks like you finally lost, faggot.

But why is he considered likely is what I am asking?

Logically it should be, but Chief was proven multiple times to be out of the running. On top of that Halo isn't big in Japan, even though Sakurai likes it. Sorry bud, after Halo comes to Switch it could happen.

I can accept that, though Banjo has been on GBA too and this was after Microsoft officially bought them out.

>nobody realizes ugly Steve was made by false flagging banjofags who wanted to make Steve look bad and make themselves look like the victim
Why else do you think he's the only MS character Steve beats up?

Reminder that Crash Bandicoot is a much better pick than Banjo and is actually an iconic video game character

Attached: N_Sane_Fake_Crash.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Pretty much this. Autists are buttmad that the Smash community is rallied behind certain characters over whoever the fuck they want them to rally behind instead.

Antifagging at it's core is petty jealousy

Not him, but what does ESL mean? English Sign Language?

the shitpost wave is usually a good sign. not always reliable, but it means everyone's paying attention.

Smash is not a refugee camp.

Almost certainly classic (which would either be 1993 or Arena). Classic designs are often prioritized; see 80s Simon, NES Mega Man, and old Pac-Man.

google it you fucking ape

Consider the following.

Attached: Samus_Master_Chief2.jpg (676x874, 602K)

Crash would be so sick. Bazookas, Belly Flops, Spinning, so much to do. Woah.

He's essentially the new Ridley at this point.

thank god
I don't hate nuDoomguy but he just isn't the same

I can't shake off the idea that he'll never get in because Japan has no clue who he is.

Attached: good_grief.jpg (512x512, 48K)

> Comparing first-party to third-party

I love these edits.

Ok, so, what does English sign language have to do with this?

Who keeps making all these edits?

Make one with Ashley next

the proof u need is litteraly in the reply vs poster count
besides all these threads always go the same
your a retard

Microsoft and Nintendo's relationship puts Banjo into a situation where he's as possible to include as any third party for the first time since the buyout coupled with Ultimate's inclusion of fan demand driven inclusion and Phil Spencer's opinion on the matter.

But that's beside the point.
My argument was that shitposters were jealous of Banjo's support from the community, not jealous of him because he's guaranteed in or actually likely (since "likely" really isn't something the Smash community can gauge with particular accuracy).

Attached: 1532908738287.png (816x971, 1.07M)

So what you're saying is that he will be among the first newcomers confirmed for the next Smash?

Japan isn't the primary demographic for Smash Bros. shütfags must stick together.

based retard

ESLkun do you have a job?

Do they HAVE jobs where you're from?

Attached: 1422482281252.png (449x1197, 67K)

Ok, I see. Thank you for the explanation.

>Spyro still not there

I wanna point out that, as a major Banjo supporter, I myself, rooted for K.Rool and Ridley to get in. I've wanted them since Melee. And I'm glad they got in.
But in no way did I consider Banjo part of the 'reptile duo' or the 'never ever trifecta' as some of you screeching autist say. There was never a trio. There was barely even a duo. Ridley and K.Rool fags hated each other and only recently announced they're a duo.

I considered Banjo much lower on the totem pole, MUCH lower. Hell, I wanted Meowth to be playable before Banjo.

If Erdrick gets in? Kick ass. He's from the grand pappy of all JRPGs. He helped launched RPGs on a grander scale.

If Crash gets in? Again, kick ass. Crash was iconic and was actually part of the Mascot Trio along Mario and Sonic back in the 90's. Hell, I'd even be hyped if Spyro gets in.

If Banjo gets in? IF. He'll show Rare Ware/Microsoft/Nintendo are on good terms, and maybe even port Rare Replay over to the Switch. OR, in a dream land, a fucking new Banjo game that's on Xbox and Switch. But that's so unrealistic.

And yet, the only "western" characters (3/75) are all Nintendo characters. It's an uphill battle.

Attached: chief.png (629x608, 285K)

It's unbecoming to call yourself based, IRAkun

>k.rool is irrelevant because he wasnt recent!
shut up nigger

>implying im not paid to post here

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there aren't all that many third parties and they're running a bit low on absolutely iconic japanese ones, it's not dire

Pretty sure Halo is one of the few things Japan actually knows Xbox for.

This, even Geno is a higher level than Banjo

eat shit
japan will get their share too

fags like this is why
>even replied to someone with "literally who"

Hell, I even was OK with Geno, Isaac, Ashley, anyone. Cause it's a fucking game for Nintendo to celebrate video game history. I even threw Mappy into the 'wanted' list since.

If Banjo gets in? Sure, I'll be happy. He'll probably be cut from the next installment, like others, but in my stupid little mind, I just want Banjo to come back to Nintendo even just for a slot in a party/fighting/mascot game.

>"God you Ridleyfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Megamanfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Roolfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Belmontfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Cloudfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Sonicfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

>"God you Pacmanfags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"


>"God you Banjofags are so stupid, he will never EVER get in"
>when he gets in
>"Well no shit he was going to get in, you arent smart for supporting such an obvious choice"

Attached: 1525423735759.jpg (307x323, 29K)

Attached: heh.jpg (1200x488, 93K)

I don't care about any of these characters
>but posting literal 12 year olds twitter arguments

>no please Sylux still has a chance still!

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This. Bunch of goldfish, I swear

Attached: Phoenix-Sweat.gif (518x518, 611K)

>thing i dont like :: THING I LIKE
that's not how this meme is supposed to work you dumb faggot redditor
bathe in fibre glass

He's in.

Attached: worm.png (300x338, 31K)

and Joker being a Cloud baby with Incineroar-esque gimmick

See, shit like this is fucking stupid. And embarrassing. "oh my pick is better", fucking grow up. There's a reason why real banjo supporters migrated to /vr/ while you falseflagging retards just fling full diapers at each other and cry when shit hits you.

>litteraly crying over an image

We're 70+ characters in, there's gonna be some overlap

Yep, crying. Over a fucking nintendo party game. You sure showed me.

It's all so tiresome

Very uppity for a Mii Costume.

There I am, Gary! There I am!

Attached: BASED ALLIANCE.jpg (1672x724, 131K)

Guess what dipshit, that's exactly the argument people kept constantly slapping Roolfags with before August.

GOOD MORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to an Xbox rep(yes, either THE Steve from Minecraft or THE Banjo-Kazooie duo) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your hopes for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve and Banjo-Kazooie walk into the spotlight!

>B-But those are stupid western characters. No one wants a western character, I want my girly anime prince and half naked waifu from FEH

Oh man, looks like you rulefags haven’t been paying attention these last couple months. Ultimate has been shifting their attention to include western requests, such as Ridley and Dark Samus for Metroid fans (who are dominant outside of Japan), the Belmont’s for Castlevania fans, adding K.Rool after so many years since fans were very vocal for him, and even the appearance of Shovel Knight. From leaks and speculations, it looks like one of these two icons will be in the game.
Nintendo had been putting Steve in some promotions recently, especially with crossplay; not to mention he’s a big multi plat icon. Banjo has also been an N64 icon along side Mario and Link, and has even worked with Diddy Kong before. Not to mention the Jet Force and Blast Corp spirits found, increasing the chances of an Xbox Rep. Instead of fighting over who it should be, we should celebrate the fact that we may get the first playable non-Japanese main protagonist in Smash.
The DLC characters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying about western gaijin are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of one of our favorite underdogs. Your mythical “no western” rule will be dashed in front of you, with your connect-the-dots mobile “characters” cast aside for greater characters, but feel free to continue your pessimistic denial. The tears of joy from Microsoftbuds will be all the more sweeter!

Attached: BEA67EA1-A01D-4BAA-9027-7F8210B3A718.png (860x528, 433K)

People act like it's a competition as if banjo getting in means erdrick won't.

Banjo would only stop a a different microsoft rep from getting in and for some reason people like trolling steve.

All of their series were relevant when they got added

why are rarebares so rent free over minecraft?
its a fun game and you collect a fuckton of shit too

>E3 happens
>the steve trailer starts and it's a shitposting nuclear meltdown
>immediately afterward the banjo trailer starts, and everyone is very confused
this is the timeline I want

>Character's irrelevant

Not rad

Attached: cool_pikachu.png (259x335, 89K)

this was originally Geno
why the change FEcomicguy?

Go back to your discord and spam your 0 IQ memes there, Fruib.

this is a stretch and you know it

>K. Rool or Pac-Man

Attached: 1546537287971.png (645x773, 11K)

Sakurai said characters have to have a future. Banjo may have a rich past, but they aren't a money maker, and they aren't getting all new all original games.


The spirits are in English in the Datamine.

> Being this retarded
Only K.Rool is this stupid

> Donkey Kong is irrelevant
Retarded Wojakposter

How much would you shit if they announced a new Banjo game.

>Nintendo suggests Joker
>Sakurai also likes P5
WOW not so hard to get

Erdrickfags can go to hell for their autistic attacks on Banjobros.

What about Doomguy?

I don't know why people are getting so up in a hot fence. Either Brave is Erdrick or some jumbo literal-who people probably hate in hindsight, but would have to play his/her game to even get to know them to realize they fall a bit farther from the apple tree bias they must hate.

FPBP. banjo is currently the most requested character to anyone that isn't a retarded zoomer

Why do Stevefags hate Banjofags so much anyways?

They're friends.

It's literally just erdrincels and some stevefags who hate Banjo. Everyone else are in full support of Banjo.

Attached: erdrickfatality.jpg (698x824, 352K)

Posting render good.
Getting laughed at bad.
Not having reason to post render extra bad.

Adeleine confirmed bros

Attached: 38284984_p0.png (1024x768, 659K)

Glad to see a fellow Chie Supporter.

Attached: QhT1YMl2_400x400.jpg (396x396, 34K)

>complains about false flags
>posts a false flag pic

>a character who hasn't been in a game in 10 years is relevant

K.Rool's last game appearance was in a spinoff back in 2007

Rool was a dead character that Nintendo actively avoided using for years and years. Even when DKC returned, it was scrubbed clean of his influence. Even the bees (which had nothing to do with the kremlings) were replaced with sawblade tikis.
>but it still from durgey kurgg hurrrrr
Act deliberately retarded all you want, Banjo has a shot. I never played any of his games and I find him boring but I'm not delusional.

Yay! Finally!

But what about anons that want Erdrick, Steve AND Banjo? I think they would be fine. If you're going to falseflag then do it right.

>Banjo is likely
Bitch where

You got it backwards. All i've seen were unprovoked attacks against Erdrick supporters, primarily by either Banjo supporters or Sora supporters. If there were any attacks, it was most likely in retaliation.

>I never played any of his games and I find him boring
How can you find him boring if you've never shared in his adventure?

>I never played any of his games

Same normalfags said Geno and Isaac were a shoo in

>Relevant and alive at time of inclusion
oh no no no no no


>Geno is the new Ridley now
>Isaac is the new Ridley now

I dunno, he seems like DK but if DK were less cool to me. Maybe when I eventually play it my mind will change.

And they were right. Sakurai paid out-of-pocket just to put Geno's PNG in the game and he diverted resources from Shadow just to make Isaac an assist trophy again.

now THAT is a timeline i want to see

Attached: 1513964854825.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Extremely convenient leaving out K. Rool

Also Simon Belmont (nor Richter Belmont) were in Lords of Shadow

If you have time to shitpost, you have time to play Banjo Kazooie. Go get in on XBLA, and play

He's really nothing like Donkey Kong. DK is supposed to be a rad king of the jungle, Banjo is a sweet bumpkin that lives in a cottage.

>>and I find him boring as shit
reading comprehension

>Relevant franchise
>Dead franchise

Wonderful reading comprehension user

Honestly this is the timeline I want too. Banjo vs. Steve would never end after that.

All of those characters are third party.

>tfw Ridleyfag
>tfw retards start equating their most wanted with Ridley for the most retarded reasons because they think it magically increases the chances of their most wanted to 100%

Attached: ridley discovers the internet.png (600x1800, 406K)

oh no this poster vs reply count is just getting
dare I say

Attached: YIKES.jpg (640x640, 67K)

Why can't this happen. Please god. I just want everyone to be happy.

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Ridley and K. Rool were obvious choices, but Ridley especially because he kept fucking appearing somehow in every Smash game (and not just as a trophy.) He was an obvious pick but never put in, just always some roundabout feature like a boss fight or in a cinematic, so it became a running gag to make fun of him & his fans.

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Simon was in it though

Attached: LOS_SimonBelmont.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

>3rd party

Attached: 2a5.jpg (400x551, 36K)

>Simon and Richter were put in because Lords of Shadow 2 happened! They wouldn't have been included if not for Lords of Shadow 2! Even though nothing in Smash references that game!
Doubt it. Seemed like everything was based on Castlevania's legacy. Sakurai made no reference to Lords of Shadow 2 even in the directs.
>Mega Man was put in because of Mega Man 10! He wouldn't have been included if not for Mega Man 10! Even though nothing in Smash references that game!
Doubt it. Seemed like everything was based on his legacy. Sakurai made no reference to Mega Man 10 even in the directs. Mega Man 9 has a couple references though.
Now add K. Rool to this image. Try to tell me that Tiki Tong or Lord Frederick got him in, not Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country 2, Donkey Kong Country 3, and Donkey Kong 64. Try to make that argument. Go on.

That Simon thankfully never appeared again and had a totally different backstory. The only similarities were 2 weapons.

Reminder that Erdrick is a good girl who deserves to be in Smash

Attached: FemErdrick.jpg (850x850, 227K)

Wow Jontron you've been working out

She's a very good girl. So very brave.

Attached: loto.jpg (210x240, 10K)

Still Simon dumbass, you know damn well that Smash uses the iconic designs for certain characters instead of the newer ones, otherwise we would have had red haired Simon or blue eyed Pac-Man

Gabriel is a spirit you know

What about Kirby fans that want another character?

Attached: Kirby Star Allies cast.png (1024x576, 1009K)

From the first Lords of Shadow.

Reminder that nobody actually cares about Erdrick and he's not "brave"

Attached: file_1.png (1049x81, 16K)

>Rool was a dead character that Nintendo actively avoided using for years and years

>Consistent villain since the first days
>Only after Donkey Kong Country Returns did they consider using literally anything else

A original villain is still a villain. Like how Bowser fucking is for Mario, mate.

Despite this, I'm not questioning anyone's chances. Most I do is be afraid of a character I don't like having chances, which Incineroar was to me, unfortunately. I'm afraid that might be the case for Erdrick for me here, but only in the sense of them not meeting the potential of moveset and fan service of older franchises and being there wielding just a sword. Joker for instance, nothing about SMT or Jack Frost. At least the Persona series still gets represented as a whole. Ridley? All they had to figure out was size shit. Daisy? I knew she'd be a clone. Isabelle? Same thing. I'm... actually surprised I somehow figured one of her attacks being the toy hammer. Simon? Music leak solidified it for me, but I never was against him. Rool? All I wondered was the Nintendo and Rare shit, otherwise, he'd be a shoo-in for sure. Ken? Not even arguable, I witnessed Ken fans as well. There was a time where I was able to foretell Rosalina's coming, especially given Rosalina's unusual popularity as a character herself (which is definitely something to watch out for and which also guaranteed Isabelle in). Mega Man? Classic NES game. Pacman? Classic arcade game.

I'm not sure about Banjo, despite Microsoft being acting friendly with Nintendo as of lately. Definitely not arguing with it.

Who is also in the second game, you bastard.

>all of them are spirits except for Ado
>she was finally playable and even showed up in badge arcade
>they have snipperclips spirits and even showcased gooey but Sakurai somehow decided, you know what? Ado has to go along with Ribbon. No one will remember her
Does he have a vendetta against her or something? That's uncalled for..

Attached: 1539138698036.jpg (734x1006, 78K)

Taranza isn't a spirit either but there is at least a Triple Deluxe spirit. Kirby 64 has nothing.

Attached: 25152236_p1.jpg (487x545, 54K)

Which Smash makes no reference to nor mention of.

wuld be kewl

>params is based on Cloud according to animation left overs
>recycled shit everywhere on his moveset (Pit's Up Special, Bayonetta's gun gimmick, Incineroar's Revenge with a Limit Gauge, Robin's Elfire, all basic moves are Brawl Wolf-tier unoriginal)
>cant even toggle over personas
what went wrong?

Attached: 1556043384183.png (512x512, 103K)

He exists to advertise, not because anyone wanted him in

See: Incineroar, Isabelle

At least Persona man is in. Which is more than I could say for Jack Frost..

needs porky

>no bloodborne and sekino man
booo its shit

Erdrick is cute
That's all what matters

> Implying people didn't vote for Isabelle

>people still believe this

>antifagging is bad
>keeps retarded recencyfags in check
based retard



Attached: 1556374170629.gif (226x224, 182K)

you are arguing with the same retards that still spout "deconfirmed" not DIS-confirmed

recency is just a avantage on the project planning's trends of the time
legecy what REALLY factors on relevance, because people need a legitimate reason to demand that choice.

SSBU x K64 would be kino
>Adeleine fighter is a summoner
>Ripple Star stage
>DMT songs are added
>squeeze out at least 12 spirits from that game

Attached: BuffKirby.jpg (800x600, 54K)


It's arguable for Incineroar, who definitely has a fanbase, but I still don't think it was THAT big to warrant him in nor do I consider it the reason why he got in. Isabelle definitely had the support and cheering of a fucking gigantic fanbase and wouldn't be impossible for her to be in because of it.

No matter how many furries there were in it. I mean, Incineroar had them too, but at the same time, that design was definitely divisive as fuck as well. Heck, all of the final starter evos were, even despite there being clear regional favoritism.

Banjo has no legacy though

Steve and discord fags are shitposting against their inclusion to be “”””ironic”””” against roster fags but fail to realize they are being the annoying ones

This, it's almost 100% exclusively shitposters, many of whom are from Discord.
Banjo got virtually no hate even as recently as the days of Smash 4 DLC. The Discord cartel just latches onto characters based on a combination of how popular they are, and how strongly their inclusion would contradict their own character priorities (i.e. shitty zoomer characters)
They're STILL seething about K Rool, so they're doubling down on whoever else they can. It's cute to watch them do mental gymnastics to try and maintain the same arguments but exclude him, like
>Okay, K Rool might be irrelevant, but his FRANCHISE is still alive, so if a character's franchise is dead they have no chance!
>Sure, K Rool got in due to popularity despite being such an old character, but that DOESN'T apply to third parties - because it just doesn't, okay!
>See, K Rool was a mistake, other than this ONE TIME when they messed up, they ALWAYS follow my pulled-out-the-ass rules for choosing characters!
Can't wait for them to kill themselves when Banjo is revealed at E3

Attached: 1500830621137.jpg (342x349, 31K)

there's a difference between shitposting and unironically hating something

Braver than anyone else

Attached: D4eOLDDXoAAptjV.jpg (800x1130, 84K)

They wouldn't admit it and say he was a shoo-in all along, just like Ridley and K. Rool were.

>go to Yuki.la
>over 330 pages mentioning Erdrick
>times that by 30 you get a lot of mention

>Corrin, the most japanese-directed pick, has less than that
>plus Palutena

I think Salurai just didn't think about it. The animal buddies from KDL3 are spirits and he didn't make that game.

only Belmonts, Ridley, and Rool were the "other" picks from the ballot
you didnt need a ballot to determine if this quick todo clones were popular.

ESPECIALLY Chrom, who was said to be an obvious choice before declairing his e clusion

post more femloto

Attached: 1549300436492.jpg (450x600, 113K)

Great, now exclude the time where Erdrick was even implied to be in the game as datamine or even referenced as some sort of spoiler/leak.

>damn near every character in the game is derived from the skeleton of somebody else
>zero of his moves are recycled
>that would make him even more complicated and it doesn't suit his playstyle

Waluigi syndrome
They got too popular

Attached: IMG_20180905_184455.jpg (3000x3061, 981K)

>shadow the edgehog over doomguy and pheonix wright
sometimes I forget how genuinely autistic this fanbase is

> Dead Bear
> G*no
> Issuck
> Hat Goomba
> Tranny Diddy
> Badly designed JRPG character
> OW the Edge
> Slut Genie
> Meme Skeleton
> Gayman
> Owl who got cucked by Baracat

Good god this is depressing, look at all these bottom of the barrel picks

portmanteaus are not clever

>fill-in owl
>hat goomba
>fucking rex higher than rayman, crash and doomguy
>using those shitty smashified renders

Attached: 1553111879133.jpg (125x93, 2K)

Let me guess, you wanted one of these characters?

I understand the Waluigi people way more than half the shite on this list. At least he's the fourth in a set of three characters we already have.

Absolutely not, just pointing out that your jokes are forced.

>Doesn't actually pay attention to the fact that it only blew up because of "leaks"
>The two year old character and five year old character is mentioned less of a character existing for the course of 30 years

>banjo-kazoomer, poor man's puppetmon and marth clone #5000 in the top three
>shantae, skull kid, shadow, rex and rayman in the top 10
>paper mario
>dixie kong
>elma (literally who?)
>"fighters that cannot be realized" (a.k.a. fighters who the rosterfag circlejerk doesn't want) "have been excluded"
holy cringeola! thank god sakurai doesn't listen to these retards.

Fucking wish

I really fucking hate Isabelle
you make a clone that isnt even half as fun as unga bunga Chrom, Dark Samus, Doc, Ganon, or Ken

meanwhile that time could've gone to Ninten or Medusa or a Pokemon clone or a guest echo or Boshi


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> Shadow and Rayman has more votes than Crash
Why do Smashfags have such shit taste?

she was decent until they nerfed her to shit for no reason
you just gotta believe

What characters do you want user?



i would've pick proto man over reddit shill dog, at least his fans aren't degenerate twitter users

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Kirby and Olimar are already in

prove yourself right

12 years

>look simlurr
Wow, two downward slashes with a sharp object happen to look similar when you squint, holy fuck. Blew my mind. Look closer, faggot. It's pretty clear none of these are actual reused animations.

yeah its almost that what stupid rumors do to characters
Simon barely had discussion until Stealth and Vergeben open their mouths and one fake reddit riddle leak

they'll always backtrack, even if it's contradictory to the rest of their shitposting. probably the most hilarious shit to me is:

>k. rool is irrelevant and unnecessary B-BUT HIS FRANCHISE IS ALIVE SO IT'S FINE!
>geno is a shit pick because he's irrelevant and unnecessary! what do you mean his franchise is alive like k. rool's? DOESN'T MATTER! EVEN THOUGH IT MATTERED FOR K. ROOL IT DOESN'T MATTER HERE!

granted geno is a far better base game pick than dlc and that's where the disparity lies, but if it comes to base game inclusion in another smash game, shitposters have no excuse. now that geno and isaac are dead in the water, banjo's their target, but if he ends up making it, they'll lick the bear's asshole like they wanted him all along.

i'm a k. rool fag who campaigned for him for years and all of you people angry about video game characters you don't personally like are massive faggots.

erdrick still had genuine discussion more so than palutena
i still remember her getting thrown around due to gaymasu and the fake palutena leak

>Having 4 cancelled games years before Smash 4 means he was alive.
Ummm alright? Go off.

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Palutena has been a character since 1986

Joker is literally a polished brawl mod
no cutting it

> Had a game 2 years before he got in
Still recent dumbfuck

>if I say it additional times without actually proving it, it's still true

The knife really was a bad omen for Sakurai to easily blend in similar attacks but with differing ranges. I was kidding when I said before any gameplay that his gun would most likely go very rarely used compared to his knife, who'd just get used more commonly simply because it's more "practical".

I hate it when I'm right.

his gun is already annoying as shit with the 3 variations he has, counting my fucking blessings he doesn't use it in his normals

k.rool is relevant, a gaming icon and made multiple major appearances in his series. g*no is a sidekick from a 1996 spinoff.

Here you go. These are the idiots spamming these threads. Leakfags.


All the cancelled Megaman Games happened in 2011. When the blue bomber was at his lowest with people losing hope of a new game.
So Sakurai literally add in Megaman just so Capcom can get their shit together and notice that people still want Megaman.

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he wasn't even born yet cut him some slack


cope should filter to "I give up", because that's what you actually mean.


experience intercourse

>Sony trash

>Crash Bandicoot
>Only has 2 games exclusive to Sony since the Trilogy and CTR is remade for other consoles and that's Some party game and Twinsanity
>Sony Trash

the fact that nobody cares about Erdrick is the biggest indicator that he's in. Yea Forums's shitty characters besides ridley and k.rool never get in. Even since the OG japan time days.



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Shadow was supposed to be playable in PSASBR

Reminder that Smash shouldn't focus solely on Westerners

not ashley but here

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>none of Yea Forums's meme characters (except the two most prominent examples) ever get in
dude, read over what you're typing before you post it

Crash, and soon, Chief are just multiplaform whores

>Everyone hates my character so that means he's in.
Just like Geno, Ashley and Bandana Dee right?

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Dead franchise

What a shit thread

aaaaand Daisy

fuck, forgot a line to change

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Banjofags always dodge this question but what would Nintendo gain from adding Banjo

But Waddle Dee is in. He's a spirit.

>Rare Replay
>a new Banjo game.

Furfags wanted her in

Furfags and Incineroar shitposters

I'll give you that one

>Game that sold like shit
>Collectathons died years ago
Nintendo loves banjo so much that they sold him without thinking twice

He sure dodged that question huh?

Why the fuck is Spongebob there?

What would Nintendo gain from adding Joker?

>He didn't hear.

Persona 5 fans checking out Smash and to bring more attention into the series all together

-proving me right
-proving me right
-you know im right

shitposters and pornfags don't influence an inclusion. this is why retards believed that Gothitelle fake leak.

Daisy is more famous than most of the roster. She was added for kid sisters that are a little too gay to use Peach.

>Mario Odessy was a fucking collectathon
>Yoshi's Crafted World is a Collectathon
>DKC Returns and Freeze are collectathons

Because he’s gonna be in. Copw

Hear what is it another shitty Yea Forums meme


Mario is relevant. Banjo isn’t

So people who like collectathons only like Mario?

Yes actually. Man, you're good at guessing!

we congratulate you with a trophy for best guesser on Yea Forums

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>everything i don´t like is reddit

>Collecathon genre is dead

You know. Since Mario's the only thing ever.

I’m flattered

always amuses my how reddit seems to become a different character in every thread
sometimes they are onionboy lefties, sometimes they are meme-spouting autistic children, sometimes they're elderly trump supporters, etc

>Sonydudes buying a Nintendo console just to buy Smash only because Joker's in

Uhh ok

excuse you

people have literally done this

Fuck you all a fish is the second DLC character and the stage is Bass Pro Shops to promote pic related
>Fuck Banjo
>Fuck Steve
>Fuck Rayman
>Fuck Erdrick
And fuck you

is Itsuno more based than Atlus/SEGA?
he's working on DMC ports for the Switch before asking Sakurai about Dante for Season 2 DLC.

meanwhile, Atlus expects us to eat more of Koei Tecmo's shit instead of doing a Kirby Musou.

Fuck forgot to add pic related

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Because the zoomer is stronger here now than it's ever been.

>Fuck Erdrick
Don't mind if I do~

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>kirby musou
oh my fucking christ why hasn't this already happened

probably because the grinch leak made them jokes

>He's working on DMC ports on switch

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Dragon Quest 3 and 4 has so much porn, holy shit

I love him and I want him with all my strenght.
It will be the most bitter smash game if he doesn't come in.

Kys zoom zoom

You know damn well we ain't getting Female Erdrick if we're getting Manlet Gohan

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I mean, we got female Corrin, Robin, Villager, and Male Wii Fit. I wouldn't be surprised if we got both genders of Erdrick. We may even get Android 17 Erdrick.

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Didn't Tansut say we'll be getting both genders?

he did
and since that 5chan leak is fake, Luminary may not end up being a alt. color

echo, costume, or bust.

Except they didnt, Ridleyfags and KRoolfags have supported each other for years

KT is probably finding a way to shoe horn a waifu rayman oc in that game before aaking

If Stevefags really wanted Banjofags to look bad they would've made a Creepy Banjo and Kazooie model

>he didn't remember k.roodley
>nobody remembered when ghirahimfags insisted G.dorf was getting replaced
>no body remembers "muh code of honor" argument for little mac

That's because Female Corrin, Robin, Villager, and Male Wii Fit existed before. I haven't seen one artwork of Small Female Erdrick only Male. The only female art I've seen is when she's adult sized.

Tansut? The guy who leaked Cloud literally minutes before the direct started and said nothing else?

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>introducing sherby, kirby but as a monster titty anime waifu

Dude says its the same source

>same va as Kirby

they already made one
it was the banjobot thing

I mean, they'll probably use the adult design since that's the one they seem to have settled on. For example, take a gander at this sweet Erdrick merch they have available for pre order on their site. This is probably the design they would use.

Attached: erdrickmerch.png (229x280, 88K)

He looks even more like Goku. Go with the female design instead.

Also the shield size for Brave indicates they'd be in line with the Fire Emblem cast
Joker's shield size in the pic is outdated but his height parameter is still 15 so height is worthless as far as DLC is concerned

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Dantefriends or Dantefags?

They'll probably include both. After all, both male and female variations have been available since the original NES game.

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DIdn't Joker's proportions change when the code was first "leaked"?

We're all friends here. I don't know why you care what that guy thinks.

He was "15 height" back then and is "15 height" now
Only major changes that weren't shield related were his speed going from top 10 fastest to just fairly fast and him losing his rapid jab
Every other change was small

How bout you make this discord open to others. Put your money where your mouth is when it's not fellating Banjo's bear cock daily.

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It's more curiosity than it is genuinely caring.

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Understandable. Well regardless of what he says, I'll consider you a friend :)

Adoration from the fans, and the money they have, a closer relationship with Microsoft a new generation of kids that will be taken in like many kids where when Banjo-Kazooie first came out.

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Big thanks. You're not bad yourself.

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Thanks, friend!

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from all the kids I've seen they don't give two tits about nintendo
in fact I've seen more teenagers with nintendo switches than small children

>Brave is tiny
He's in

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Not him, but.
>Adoration from fans
Gained in spades from any character that has a considerable following or is relatively popular.
>The money they have
Already taken via the Fighter Pass for the most part, and again, that's filled by basically anyone with a considerable following or is relatively popular.
>Closer relationship with Microsoft
>New generation of kids that will be taken in
Huge asterisk here, because that's dependent on a rerelease (Rare Replay hasn't been rereleased in how many years?), remake (like Crash just got), or a sequel (An absolute longshot). New kids kind of need access to a series if they're going to be taken in. Sure, they could emulate, but why make Banjo without capitalizing on rereleases? Just doesn't make sense, man.

Ehhh, idk I'm still skeptical on Tansut. He only got one thing right and he said it right before the direct. Now he's saying Erdrick months before we got Joker. All Leakers and Insiders tend to be wrong so idk man.

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>Threads like these always devolve into Erdrick and Stevefags where there's no discussion and it's all the same parroting bullshit

I can't wait for all the DLC just to be announced.
I'm so sick of these dipshit Zoomers

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Most young kids don't give two tits about a lot of things. If 18 year olds and slightly younger know Banjo-Kazooie and support them then it isn't that unusual for them to put the duo in smash. Joker already shows that the DLC could possibly be focused on teens to young adults. Who knows, maybe Banjo-Kazooie returning can market well with kids today. Many faithful fans loved them when they were kids, who's to say the older fans wont help in marketing them to younger kids.

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Put him in smash. Bam, advertisement. Bam, pooular. Bam, relevent. Bam, game. Its like you haven't been around for the last 20 years or something.

The only credible leaker was the esrb guy who immediately got fired and sued
Tansut, Virgin Ben and everyone else still post constantly because they're full of shit and are just doing it for the attention

It's taking way too long to announce the next character. I just want to know who brave is so discussion can change a bit.

If Brave isn't any of these characters or from any of these series, the discussion is going to be exactly the same.

>Implying people won't larp as leakers after February saying there's a season 2 of DLC
>Implying we won't get that shit for the rest of the switch's lifespan
>Implying we won't get people hyping up Smash 6 ""leaks"" after the switch dies
The sooner we get a /smash/ board the better, we're on this ride for another 5 years minimum

I think it will probably change a bit. For one, the fact that the character is named "Brave" is huge support in favor of Erdrick. If Brave is someone else, Erdricks chances will sink and most people will probably stop bringing him into discussions.

>Closer relationship with Microsoft
I believe that Phil Spencer wanting them in could be honored by Nintendo as a concession to strengthen their bond. I'm no business pro, but I can see this happening.
>but why make Banjo without capitalizing on rereleases?
I see this still holding water because Banjo-Kazooie is one of the big faces of Rare. more importantly, Rare on Nintendo. Conker and Rash are cool too, but Banjo was the face of Rare at the time, still kinda is. Putting Rare Replay on Switch with Diddy Kong Racing, DK Country, and other Nintendo Rare games would reintroduce classic Rare to a new generation, and would be a great buy for current fans since Rare was and mostly is still regarded in it's prime as a Nintendo 2nd party.

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i just think banjo is overrated and you banjo fanboys are annoying

I hope Brave isn't Erdrick or any DQ in hopes it'll shut up leakfags and rosterfags forever and everyone can stop circlejerking flavor of the month jrpg literal who robin clone
Every leak backing him up has been proven fake so maybe that's what will happen

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Joker's inclusion kind of shifted the speculation scene and showed us what a pack would look like and what it would bring. Even as a hardcore Banjofag I believe the Rare Spirits argument is a little weaker since the Spirits are more focused on the game the character is from. Could still be true, though I don't see it as hard evidence for Banjo-Kazooie.


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As much as I'm no a huge fan of leakers, I hope Brave is Erdrick because I like DQ and he is an iconic character from an iconic series and I want him.

The only reason I find Erdrick believable is because no one wanted him, no one has been asking for him, and he's barely relevant. Since Square is retarded obviously they would choose him

Also dlc tends to be characters people don't often expect, and people weren't expecting him before leaks. Also, Sakurai is huge into DQ.

Nintendo picked the DLC characters

Even more likely then. They got games to promote you know.

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>and he's barely relevant.
yeah banjo somehow gets a free pass here because muh people like him and his collectathon gamen

Grabbed by the Ghoulies already did that, actually

I was curious, and god damn.

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>Same type game that comes out every year
Joker wasn't an advertisement for p5/p5r/p5s it was a shock factor that a charactepr that had a game only on a competitor's console got in Smash.
See Cloud and vaguely Sonic and Snake

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Honestly, Joker probably got in because Sakurai wanted him. Nintendo probably gave him a big list, or a list with vague entries like 'Megami Tensei character.' Regardless, all parties involved, Sakurai, Nintendo, and SE would almost certainly want Erdrick.

This. The only dlc character that's only an advertisement is Corrin. And you know how well Corrin did right?

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