2.2 MILLION dollars

>2.2 MILLION dollars
>1.7 million pounds
where were you when gaming was saved, Yea Forums?

Attached: vavavoom.gif (680x383, 2.8M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: neto.gif (250x164, 765K)

I will probably get my name there

>cringy 2007 era jokes in the trailer

playing borderlands 3 in LA

>he actually believes it will come out

Attached: lesmuganimefaceatincredblyhihgrez.jpg (2296x2464, 285K)

Oh yeah this kickstartered game by literal whos with no game dev experience will save gaming, just like Yooka Laylee and Mighty No. 9 did in the past.

>every girls have cowtits

Attached: 1515267432714.jpg (748x730, 60K)

i stll dont undertand why would people throw money at such ugly tidis
especially since cm3d2 exists

Attached: 1554968275414.png (357x384, 242K)

>bring this gay

>Only my standards of beauty applies to reality everyone else is gay.

Why do we keep ooo and aaah ing over numbers?
It’s all irrelevant when we’ve seen over the years that you can throw all the money in the world at projects but there’s actually much more investment needed and management is key or else we get MN9 which blew through all their money despite the millions it got.

why the fuck did this get funded but they couldn't get the money to make 30 minute long smut videos?

i bet you're a pedo too

fuck dark souls 2

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message, gamers rise up!

Attached: 1556582885334.jpg (1363x1700, 749K)

because in this day and age, games like this are supposed to fail right out the gate
it flies right in the face of those who claim "people don't want titty games anymore"
now will it get released? probably not
if it gets released, will it be good? again, probably not
but it shows that the market is still out there: someday, someone will create a game for this market that is fantastic
and the damage that's been done over the last five-six years will begin to mend

fuck off shill cunt

Based Abe

Feminist are meltdown
Game completely ignore by Mass media gets over 2 millons money.

Fuck feminist,Fuck SJW,Fuck Media.

But meh every porn game is shit from low quality "artist".

Yea Forums power

Attached: FD7A46F5-F56A-40BD-8998-61331686E75A.jpg (2048x581, 676K)

>thinking it's acceptable to be a fucking pedo

This is going to end in lawsuits. Mark my words, this game will never be completed.

i'm not "ooing and aaahing" personally. more of a "wait, really?!" at the idea that a game about being a sloppy seconds cuck to a bunch of sluts has blown up so big.

kinos for this feel?

Feminist complain to STEM and EPIC just ban porn games.

Good old day .exe

This game won't be popular. It'll be forgotten about like all of these flavor of the month shill games.

cucks been defending and shilling this shit for weeks

nah son studio fow always delivers this will not be different now if you say lawsuits meaning if this game end up releasing on steam (censored version) YES with your sjw journalist im sure some type of outrage and legal action will be some kind of legal action will be taken to take the game out of the store

Wow, an actually sane and cultured person on this board. Yea Forums needs to get on your level of sexual preferences.

Attached: monk.jpg (346x406, 36K)

and no fit girl ffs

honest question, can you actually fap to vanilla shit? way too tame desu, i don't hate vanilla story but all i can do is read them normally

Attached: 1554055233208.png (1280x720, 673K)

Nah, miss me with that kikeshit, yeero and gnomfist are where its at.

Attached: 1496000390783.jpg (700x700, 92K)

It's not fair, we could had a Taimanin game with this budget.

Attached: __fuuma_tokiko_taimanin_asagi_kessen_arena_and_etc_drawn_by_kagami_hirotaka__d477743f05c0175dd51d2cb (520x1328, 486K)

Hey DC, don't you have better things to do?

yup, no NTR here

Attached: D4q_MYHXkAAPbRa.jpg:large.jpg (992x1403, 118K)

Nobody said anything about pedofilia you schizo.

>fan art is already becoming a thing

nice art

According to my calculations, the game is either going into the Star Citizen paypig cult feature creep NEVER EVER mode, Breeding season tier scam or the entire game will be a half-assed product in every possible way. There is no way this game is going to be good.
I literally cannot wait until the game fails and we start getting daily OH NO NO NO NO NO and "what went wrong" threads about it

Attached: 1556474038846.png (300x300, 91K)

imagine ninja gaiden/taimanin game.

>cuck shit

Fuck off trannies.

I love NTR

>Not enjoying the game with hot babes getting plowed in all human and non-human ways possible
Fucking waifufags.

Attached: 1461885959534.jpg (480x640, 38K)

honestly, I don't even care if the game ends up shit
this getting funded alone is more important than the end result

Whether or not Subverse turns out to be shit or not I hope this means more English porn games in the future. Isnn't that what you want Yea Forums?

Always remember you must fap with not only your penis boner, but also your heart boner.
Turbo degeneracy is fun for what it is but the wheel still turns, vanilla is the alpha and the omega

Attached: 1555052454363.png (1179x821, 559K)

>dark skin
this is unironically the first and hopefully the last time i'll ever say this:

based & redpilled

I'm expecting it to disappoint, but at the very least this shows that there's a market for porn games in the west and more competent devs follow suit.

I hope this leads to a plethora of adult games.

do you guys think Kickstarter would have cancelled this by now if it wasn't so wildly successful?

I hope the SJWs have a meltdown

there already is a plethora of adult games, just not western ones because they suck at making them

and much better with demi

Attached: 4252424524.png (253x297, 98K)

>giving literal who SFM animators 2 million dollars to make vidya is sending a message
it's not, you're just impressively retarded. everyone knows there's always a market for porn and flexing 2 million doesn't mean shit. 2 million didn't even cover the monthly cocaine expenses for R* when they made RDR2

It's a pittance unless you're an indie developer with 3 other dudes working out of your garage. Nobody's gonna take notice of this shit, especially since you're not gonna get anything resembling a finished video game FROM FUCKING SFM PORN MAKERS

it's not really that they suck at making them, there are plenty of decent western porn indies
it's just that it's difficult to market them

if FOW can restrain themselves from posting a dog or horse dick model they won't get deleted

easy user
think of your blood pressure

Attached: youmad.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

yea that's what I mean, there isn't very much talent allocated to it in the west but if this is very successful that may change.

the kickstarter only has a half hour left
once they have the money, they don't care about keeping ks happy anymore

This game is going to take so many years to be out that you lot are gonna need viagra to be able to fap to it

>d.va anal #4837474

I'd rather fund a kickstarter to bring more Jap games to the West like Bishop, Black Lilith, wStar, Atelier, etc.

>funding cuck shit

Reminder the devs said that they cant "uncode" anything to stop certain "waifus" from sleeping around.
Absolutely shit game and shit devs.
Don't fund this shit.

Believe it or not you can expect a game to fail but still see the positives of having this news spread as far as it is.

Honestly I just want this to be successful so we get more western devs working on porn games. Im tired of japanese shit.

If you actually think for a change you'd realize that you are still watching the waifus fuck "somebody else" because the captain isn't actually you the player since he can't be customized, so who the fuck cares who they fuck, just self insert as the aliens

>all white
>all huge tits
Fucking christ have they heard of variety

>Another Kickstarter fault game

if they made small titties gabe would ban the game from steam

One is a robot and one is red. They're all supposed to be beautiful so huge tits are a given.

>make small titted girl
>muh pedophilia
>get deplatformed
yeah that sounds stupid

>girls with tumors on their chests are beautiful

Attached: 1550343347195.jpg (480x478, 35K)

there's still some girls they haven't revealed yet
the cat girl is clearly designed, so that's five
but they said there would be nine in total

fucking retard

>huge tits = beautiful by default

If this game actually sees a released state and is at least mediocre I'll be pretty impressed.

user, go easy on him. we were all 13 once


Attached: 1537390341244.png (371x353, 148K)

>he has no name
>he has no face
>he's silent during sex
>not the player
>they also literally inserting studio owner's fat pig of gf "digital persona" in game
fuck off cuckshill

Early access with a few sex scenes and gameplay in summer 2019.

were the cuck scenes removed ?

>a bunch of Overwatch characters then Jaina


Ok, a bunch of idiots gave 2 million dollars to some random guy and nothing changed at all. When is gaming going to be saved.

I'm pretty fucking sure it's not ntr tho.

Attached: 1556652753477.jpg (2944x794, 368K)

>your waifus sleeping around.
shit game

The industry has already proven that there's a market for horny dumbasses.

They're called gacha games. You gamble for jpegs.

>"Video game"

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Yeah, I get the gist of how these products work out.

I'm talking about the loftier shit, like, most of these interesting porn games never actually finish. Even far simpler games than this one intends to be. Shit like Cloud Meadow and plenty of other porn games are just pipe dream projects lead by idiots and funded by fools easily separated for money. It's easy to be suspicious that this might be just the same.

I might buy in if the game is ever actually done. It has to at least make it that far. Fuck putting my money down on the bet than the project wont find a way to fall apart.

Yep and theres nothing you can do to stop it.

Devs said they can't and wont code it out.

it's both

I am intrigued
Can you recommend some stuff for my heart boner?

>>all white
>>all huge tits

Not him, but I like these two.
But he is right about the heart boner thing.

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>implying it will even come out

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Let's hope it never comes out.

final score:
>1,668,356 pounds
>~2,177,580 dollars
it was at 2.2 million when the thread started, then almost gained another 40k in the last hour before finalizing
but it lost 70k right at the 10 minute mark

nice, did they lose money because of the chink credit card shenanigans like earlier this week when they lost like 120k?

either way i'm pirating it

not sure
I'm guessing it's a mix of that and people just cancelling right at the last minute when they realized they didn't have the money to pay up

>western porn game
>that has already gotten enough money for the devs to live worry free for years
>ever getting released

I'm going to donate a GORILLION dollars to give each waifu a VANILLA WEDDING SCENE!!

Attached: 1550352254053.jpg (405x607, 32K)

I'll just wait till someone makes a mod that removes the cuck shit.
Not all of us are basedboys.

lmao all the seething pedos itt
go watch your gookcartoons for boy-like chestlets

user, I have seen people with tumors. They look nothing like breasts.

new concept art

Attached: celestina.jpg (639x758, 84K)

>No lolis or shotas
>No Giantesses
>No futas
>No guro

Attached: 89655.jpg (3508x2480, 626K)

>3 years later
>no game
>backers try so sue
>make a kickstarter to fund a lawsuit
>only get $600
I don't think they can do that, but it'd be funny

Don't forget

Unavoidable cuck scenes.


>steam tos

Only psychopaths like that

need to see the body

They've already been down that road.
Steam has officially opted not to police adult content, just make sure it is flagged correctly.

Excitement and anticipation at this level can only mean a disappointing result

>No futas
Uhhh, user....


Just look at all the information which are available. Just a few models and that's it. Even Yooka Laylee was a huge failure and this game had a real dev team behind it.

I would laugh if FOW is going full sjw and reworks its game completely.

Also remember
>Star Citizen
>Yandere Sim
and all those other "it will be finished soon" games? Let's see if Subverse will even be produced, because why bother? Coding is hard and games have always bugs. It's smarter to just go the YandereDev route and beg for money instead of releasing a shit game.

It's like these fags have never seen what happens when a porn game dev gets money for doing nothing

Looks pretty ugly desu

Attached: 1545358608639.jpg (256x256, 21K)

ILL has pretty much disappeared. He sometimes posts shitty music once every 3 months.

me in the middle

To be honest, vanilla ain't that vanilla anymore, that's become the hard to find stuff.

>not making the captain a woman that can partake in the monster sex

Imagine being enough of a cuck that you let monsters violate your “waifus” in front of you.

so lets assume they just dissapear one day with the money, what can the law do to them? jackshit? has something like this happened before?

Attached: teablack.jpg (503x494, 40K)

Projects on kickstarter fail all the time, its merely a down payment on a project. If the project is impossible or something occurs their are no consequences.

Based Abe
Give me citizenship and I’ll singlehandedly raise the birth rate by 10%.

Is there any futa with the girl on top?

Western devs are allergic to female protags, they all just want to self insert into the faceless male MC and pretend they can get laid

It'd be like any other kikestarter scam, devs disappear and nothing happens since they're all paying so that the devs CAN make it, not so they will

Attached: 1548467705572.jpg (721x900, 105K)

>mediocre sfm """studio""" that has barely made 3 (unfinished) mcdonalds-tier flash porn games and a couple mediocre bloom-laden shorts is handed 2.2 million dollars to make a mass-effect tier porn game

disaster waiting room

Attached: 3 million dollar face.png (810x469, 293K)

>being a literal pedophile homo feetfag

What's the NTR in this game? I love NTR.

Why can't we have a male protag who conquers the waifus? Why can't we have a western Rance?

>we won't give an proper and clear answer to keep you emotionally invested

stupid pedophile

Fucking cunts.

Problem with the Yandere route is eventually people catch on to your shit and start pulling support since they pay monthly. With Kickstarter you get all the money up front so there's no question about when the well runs dry.
Kickstarter isn't an investment and you don't have to promise the project will ever get finished so as long as they keep stringing people along they can make it look like they went over budget and can it for any reason, even if there was no plans to make the thing in the first place.

time given, you eventually reach a point where vanilla becomes exotic and the hottest thing ever

>Hasn't seen Sova yet

All this proved is that people will throw money at something without having any idea of how good or bad it will be, similarly to preordering shit, which is a major plague on the gaming industry.
Not to mention its a fucking porn game, and lemme tell you as someone who has played a fucking lot of western erotic games, its never ever worth it

What does resetera and all the other SJW sites have to say about this?

Attached: 1490166566207.png (569x563, 261K)

that's standard kickstarter shit, Scam Citizen goes one step beyond that and made a whole pyramidal scam from kickstarter

>no vore
normies be gone!


Attached: YHVH.png (233x331, 52K)

>It's like these fags have never seen what happens when a porn game dev gets money for doing nothing
probably because they haven't
how many do you think are just normal guys that saw "porn game" and thought that they're going to get "alpha male sexes girls in space" instead of "guy watches space bestiality". I wanna bet money on how many people pull out after they realize what they actually funded.

>no trap waifu


Attached: Yellow4.jpg (494x494, 63K)

Get waifu
Allow other people to fuck them so you can masturbate
LITERALLY the definition of cuckoldry

Gonna have to commission some artist to make a drawing of one of the girls, maybe the science officer getting just fucking plowed to kingdom come by an alien and telling the captain to do her 50 fetch quests for her for a chance of sucking on her pinky toe.

this looks just like another haydee scenario, a shitty game with tits getting lots of attention because it 'fights censorship' or something

Wait, seriously? There isn't a single flat or normal breasted girl?
Ffs, when will the aesthetically unappealing cow tit meme die?

>I wanna bet money on how many people pull out after they realize what they actually funded.
They won't get their money back when that time comes

>Really not digging the constant use of "WAIFU" in their kickstarter page... There are no positive associations with that word
>Disgusting, not to mention all the females are either white, super white, or alien
>porno game devs seem to consistently come from disgusting "anti-sjw" GGer backgrounds.
>Goddamn, only white and alien girls here too?!?!


Attached: 1556125173546.png (632x669, 118K)

> 'fights censorship'
Is your IQ always this low or only on Wednesday

Man, i keep saying that this game is gonna fucking blow ass. I don't really see single redeeming quality about it. All the fetishes are same normal boring stuff so its offering nothing new. Why are people even excited or have hope for this game? Did they get conned or something?

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Anyone who likes studiofow is probably a repressed or overt cuckfag anyway

>they're super wrapped up in that dumbass image board culture and the shitty behavior surrounding it. It's kind of crazy that western porn artists are kind of shitheads, ESPECIALLY in the 3D space.
>Not surprising for the developers of a game that is just Heterosexual Toxic Masculinity Fantasy 101, without any regard for over half a population of people with other sexualities.

Attached: 1555289224643.jpg (1039x1365, 280K)

Do any of the girls have abs/muscles?
this is important.

Attached: 1540866332577.jpg (480x542, 42K)

>all studiofow makes is cuckshit
Man you really are all low IQ in this thread huh

>it 'fights censorship'
The only people who think it fights censorship are cucks who want to rationalize spending their money on a porn game that doesn't exist.

Attached: Subverse Romance.png (680x231, 12K)

We've got a small chested short-stack, and a catgirl.

I've never donated to any kickstarter, so I'll take your word for it. Ignorant backers will raise hell, probably.

It should surprise no one that Studio fow is pushing bottom tier meme fetishes in this inevitable failure of a game

>early access
it's over

Attached: cuckverse.jpg (243x379, 41K)

>Disgusting, not to mention all the females are either white, super white, or alien
But there is a brown waifu.

The west in incapable of doing that. Too problematic and too toxic.

Not enough for RetardERA

big tits are not the problem, it's the fact they are all fucking torpedos

>Scripted moments that will always happen
LMAO this ppl man .

>We've got a small chested short-stack
So the game will get banned?

Victory lads! We won!

Attached: Braveheart.jpg (330x410, 25K)

What's his name again?

Attached: file.png (1246x939, 1M)

No thank you


this, it would bring pain to the wounds of trans people who failed being a male.

Attached: I come here to laugh at you.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

Studio FOW always did their shitty movies in the perspective of the woman getting violated and not a man watching the woman getting violated. Their spitting on their own fans as well.

>No pandering to haremshitters

Attached: harem VN.jpg (500x371, 55K)

You think they'd love it for the cuckshit

I guess kill yourself shitskin?

Mr. The C-uck.
See He is literally hard-coded into being a cuckhold.

Because western devs can't write entertaining characters, the only male mcs they can write are massive edgelords, meme spouters and faceless guys with no dialogue.

ironically most rpgmaker games star female protags
>wanting to play as a slut that sucks cocks
geeze user you seem pretty gay
self insert protags are okay if you can customize their looks
but the top tier h protags are shotas
nothing can top playing as a shota

>Early Access Kickstarter porn
All we need now is a Patreon link and we'll have hit the trifecta of shit

Attached: 711.jpg (641x626, 85K)

>western porn
>Every girl has the same generic huge tit bimbo look
>minimal variety between their bodies besides skin/face/details, even then the hacker and doctor have pretty bad sameface
>no shortstacks, no petite women, no small tits huge ass women, no athletic women, no tall and slender women, no amazons, no musclegirls, no THICC women, no actual fucking aliens like snakegirls; literally every woman is the same 5'4" or so bimbo with D cups or higher, with very slight variance between characters.
>forced cuck shit, along with whales being able to insert any fetish they want into the game
hard pass from me. the only good thing to come from this is that normalfags will realize that this is an untapped market, and better games will come as a result.

FOW has always been shit

Attached: jasmine disappoint.png (303x296, 88K)

The Australian Cuckold.

I want to BREED Lily!

So the character who's whole shtick is making bioengineered fuckbeasts is really into that and isn't going to change?
That honestly makes a lot of sense.

>proud of being a cuck

You get to watch her breed with an abomination instead of you.

>protagonist is a fucking cuck
holy shit lmao

you're the man watching the woman getting violated

you will most likely raise her xenochild

>self-insert faggotry

Attached: Its good.png (370x320, 2K)

that's bulgetto's job

armor almost looks like the human vanguard from me3 multi but with a stupid helmet

Yes her and the other characters that fuck them won't change

Wrong. I self insert as the woman being violated. In the video game you can’t do that because you control the cuck.

Attached: file.png (1039x891, 992K)

>ironically most rpgmaker games star female protags
Well that's because no one cares about men in porn, it's the girl that matters so games where you follow them would be the only logical choice. Even in 3DPD porn you follow the girl's perspective 90% of the time
>self insert protags are okay if you can customize their looks
No they're just inoffensive garbage, there's a reason for why people always mention Rance when it comes to good male porn game mcs.
>nothing can top playing as a shota
Ofcourse a shotafag has garbage opinions

Attached: 1543468554754.png (534x408, 99K)

Shitskin detected. Go back.

I’ll be fine as long as there’s at least one girl that stays loyal, and says she loves me.

>I self insert as the woman being violated

Attached: 1528935886146.jpg (500x371, 31K)

Liking penis is not gay unless you prefer it on a masculine body
Its just a fetish for dongs, usually vicariously since you can relate or imagine the feeling of it or it being your own
Its just better on a girl


Full Name: Mr. The Cuck
Race: Human but something else, cause eh
Height: 6'1" (185 cm) (tiny compared to every other dude tho)
Voice Actor: Some fag, who cares?

Meme shit and Aussie talk, works hard just tah get cucked, mate. shrimp on the barby.

They were banned from Patreon.
Did you even watch the intro video? It's literally the first selling point they bring up.


He's not the protagonist

gold medal in closeted mental gymnastics

there is so much shit in your post that I can tell how trash your taste is
I bet you enjoy yuri shit as well
fuck off to /u/

>He doesn't like amazons or ayylmaos that aren't recolored humans
Nothing about that makes user a shitskin, you're just a retarded normalfag

Is it supposed to look like he is wearing a panty mask?

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I did, it was a joke. I would've mentioned some other monthly donation thing but none come to mind right now.

SFM is terrible. All the good artists use Maya or Blender. FOW are literally bottom tier smut creators.

>no shortstacks, no petite women, no small tits
Got me on the asses though. Maybe later, there's a couple we haven't seen yet.

Attached: 9cdea88f63ad263a696de0168cdb34df_original.png (639x530, 205K)



They haven't committed to impreg yet.
Though they've teased just by saying that.

No /u/ is garbage I'm just not a cuck who self inserts as some loser, who's supposed to be just like me, just so I can imagine how it feels getting laid.
I'm also not some onions guzzling fag who self inserts as a little boy because I have mommy issues and so it won't feel as weird when I scream MOMMY GIVE ME MILKIES while I jerk off

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Attached: file.png (731x1000, 593K)

No cunny, no buy.

Attached: 1555941488771.png (501x445, 192K)

>commielifornia echo chamber leftists pretend nobody cares about sexy women in vidya when eroge shit dominates every crowdfunding platform to the extent that crowdfunding isn't discussed publicly anymore
When will Trump punish them?

Attached: 1556637955840.jpg (810x743, 685K)

is he /ourguy/?

Attached: ourguy.png (1180x443, 72K)

projection: the post

Probably. He is Captain Pervert, Cowardly Defiler of the Puritanical.. whatevers.

>No Yuri

Attached: __compa_dogoo_if_and_neptune_choujigen_game_neptune_and_neptune_series_drawn_by_tsunako__sample-728c (850x851, 147K)

>that a shortstack
That no midna or poppy and she barely has ass or tits so she not stacked in either department.

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Attached: 1552616302038.gif (224x224, 1.52M)

>considering huge senran boobs are considered pedo by western journos theres no way the could have gotten away with small tits

>Polygon didn't cover Subverse
Straight from King Kong herself.



he's a pathetic cuck that's what he is

read steam description

xenos/synths > niggers/goblins

This fills me with the need.

Attached: Need to breed.jpg (1176x1600, 992K)

>This is going to end in lawsuits. Mark my words, this game will never be completed.
On what grounds? Is there some IP infringement? Because otherwise there is nothing to sue over.

>western porn is shit
wow who saw this coming

>misuse harem
>misuse waifu
>misuse shortstack
I hate them, they'll just keep spouting popular terms with no idea what they mean to hook some suckers.

It's being made in the UK, something'll happen.


you'd love Paris i bet, tons of brown people there for your variety needs

>one of the girls gets preg
>the baby is clearly of alien origin
>its your duty as the captain and male take care of the little shit
you know it will happen if they even get that far

Attached: homer.png (800x450, 510K)

going to be fun mind breaking this one

>i-i-immigration is bad!
Man /pol/ is so low IQ they have to insert their politics no matter the relevancy

As someone who lives in the uk, they're gonna get arrested for hatespeech if they put out a porn game

please nuke us

The developers describe the content like this:

A female cyborg performs fellatio on a bald man who wears panties on his head

A stunning femme fatale engages in passionate consensual sex with a human male whilst her giant knockers bounce sensually up and down in front of the camera

A psychotic pirate queen dominates a poor smuggler by grinding her buttocks on his crotch whilst gripping his member with her cute heart-shaped tail

Whilst walking past the Laboratory, the player can hear sexually suggestive moans coming from within as a bipedal alien stud called Bulgetto pleasures your Chief Science Officer. There is nothing you can do about this, so don't even try.

An enigmatic alien known only as Chodestool will engage in doggystyle copulation with various crew members if you forget to feed him

A stoned engineer called Dallick proudly lets his tiny penis hang loose as he parades around your ship in a lurid display of free-spirited expression

An enemy faction called the FuccBotts employs spaceships that are shaped like fluorescent dildos in order to ram and destroy their opponents. These FuccBots are considered extremely dangerous.

The FuccBotts can also deploy ground troops who are robotic soldiers equipped with large sex toys in place of their arms. They will use these sex toys to hit you over the head. Approach with caution.

A crazed German man moans suggestive words as part of a track on the game's soundtrack. We could not stop him in time.

If you are sensitive to any of the above topics we strongly advise caution before playing this game.

Man, that's the most cuckwritten shit I've ever read

I think they're trying to say that she's the slut of the crew? Unless all the girls fuck anything that moves when you're gone.


Surprisingly impartial article. Would have expected them to crucify the Kickstarter.

I wish you were memeing, but:

Can I get my desired waifu pregnant?

We definitely want to explore pregnancy options (both human and xeno) but it will depend on several factors, such as the amount we raise on Kickstarter and Steam's Community Guidelines. We cannot confirm or deny at this time.

>going to be fun mind breaking this one

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Delete this post, I'm trying to have a persecution complex over here

>one miniscule part of the game

Just literally skip the scene fuck off

I can't imagine being immortalized as a meme for looking at a hotter woman.

Idiot, you're not supposed to read articles, you're supposed to just stay in a constant state of rage while IMAGINING what SJWs are saying, doing and probably thinking

>Whilst walking past the Laboratory, the player can hear sexually suggestive moans coming from within as a bipedal alien stud called Bulgetto pleasures your Chief Science Officer. There is nothing you can do about this, so don't even try.

>An enigmatic alien known only as Chodestool will engage in doggystyle copulation with various crew members if you forget to feed him

That’s gonna be a yikes for me.

stupid fucking cunt they could just make cuckshit fucking optional

Based and cuckpilled

Imagine giving 2 million dollars to Studiofow lmao.

>J-just pretend it didn’t happen.

Shut up cucck

>I'm not getting cucked if I turn around

Next you'll be telling me that a game having one single left-leaning line of dialogue in a game doesn't make it worthless propaganda for boycotting

>goyim it's (((OPTIONAL))) just close your eyes lmao just walk away from the screen

>If you don't see your waifu getting plowed by the alien nigger then it didn't happen
Fuck off you cuck

Attached: 1526066755430.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Cuckshit is as bad as scat or guro.
Not touching that shit.

Yes all of the girls fucking do

Who cares? People didn't back it for good gameplay, they backed it for tits and sex scenes which we know StudioFOW can do. Granted, I hate basically everything they do since it's always filled with monsters/corpses and has the male audio turned up 300%.

But you know you'll get your sex scenes.

Attached: Satan Reach.png (351x614, 366K)

>I think they're trying to say that she's the slut of the crew
No he's saying the player is hard-coded as the cuckhold of the crew

Yea actually, not everyone is as retarded as le sjw boogeyman believers. We're on Yea Forums though so it's expected. You'd take a character having a black friend as an attack on your race. You can't get any lower IQ than this

God I fucking hate NTR so fucking much. It fills me with a disgust I can’t describe, and kills any boner I had prior.
Fuck that shit.

>not being a cuckhold is being low IQ now
Fuck off retard

Why the fuck am i supposed to care about these bitches? You know what i wanna do? I wanna take of the universe and become a dictator of the galaxies. I wanna be able to take what i want when i want. Fuck these bitches i need power. These sluts aren't gonna give me anything so why should care about them?
Is there a game like this though? Because i always thought that was a cool idea i would love to see a game where you can rule over the universe.

Attached: 1555693901349.gif (256x192, 18K)

>You can't get any lower IQ than this
You can, see

Attached: 1545795542161.png (500x350, 45K)

Tell me one, just one reason for me to play this over cm3d2 or koikatu or AA2

Just watch the scenes on pornhub a day after it releases.

>watching cuckhold shit

No, it's the game about working your ass off for a bunch of weary sluts and their "sexual liberation" rebellion whislst being cucked most of the time. I wish I was joking


Yea Forums is such a shithole, everyone in this thread please kill yourselves

I just wanna jack off to the animations they are able to finish, just like with Cloud Meadow/Breeding Season

t. Subverse dev

you first cuck

Attached: 1556073258004.png (312x284, 70K)


>n-nno you are not forced b-because there's a skip button


I love the way breeding season ended, the guy in charge of it all spent patreon money on a fucking piano and tried the seduce his roommate's GF with it and the guy who did the art has a history of abandoning shit

Where are the lolis?
I get that everyone in the future is a slut and I'm cool with that. But where are the slutty lolis?

Hopefully it's pretty cool, would be nice to some actual 3D Porn games pop up. Even if it doesn't hopefully they finish some animations to jack it too. And even if that happens, release dem models brehs.

>borderlands pre-sequel tier writing
dead on arrival.

Weebs are cucks, more news at 11

>failure of a game
>made 2 million already

Yes futas, probably no giantesses

Other two fuck off

non-existent because even though the devs are cucks thankfully they aren't pedos.

From ... who?
Who has been harmed? Whose rights are being infringed? What contracts were broken?
>It's being made in the UK
Oh ok. They're the guys that arrested the man who arrested the guy who told his dog to raise its paw aren't they?

I'm going to pound DEMI's robotic asshole.

No loli no buy.

you can have bulgetto's sloppy seconds

>2.2 millions without even a playable demo
I wonder where all the money comes from

Shrim P. McBarbie

from cucks

shill shill shill
get mad when caught because of robotic posting

Listen as long as they have some good abs I could care less

This is a true gentlemens choice for thy most based and redpilled fellows

Attached: 78490748590-77.jpg (500x276, 36K)

>An enemy faction called the FuccBotts employs spaceships that are shaped like fluorescent dildos in order to ram and destroy their opponents. These FuccBots are considered extremely dangerous.

>The FuccBotts can also deploy ground troops who are robotic soldiers equipped with large sex toys in place of their arms. They will use these sex toys to hit you over the head. Approach with caution.

>A crazed German man moans suggestive words as part of a track on the game's soundtrack. We could not stop him in time.

This would sound fucking amazing if it was made by some 12yr old Yea Forumsirgin named Christian.

Never forget

Attached: Screenshot_20190417-163549__01.jpg (1077x1455, 455K)

Games with female protagonists almost universally reward you for losing. Fuck that shit.

Attached: chara-pic04.jpg (1180x664, 133K)

>you are playing the captain
>the captain

They had better fucking spend some of that money on mocap. Mocap 3D porn is god tier, and FOWs normal animations are nothing special

>he saves other's projecting pastas
k cuck

What if I told you I didn't give a shit who's role I'm in? It's porn, I'm not fucking anyone.

Draphs is cheating.

>What if I told you I didn't give a shit who's role I'm in?
>in a ROLE-playing game
Basec retard

>getting triggered over porn
>can't spell
Okay dude, continue being angry about porn.

Attached: [laughing mercs].jpg (451x500, 72K)

t, Subverse dev

abe got it on lockdown.

then why the fuck is it a game

Nah just someone who doesn't get triggered over the plot in porn.

Attached: 1335812505070.png (234x224, 147K)

You keep pretending this is not a video game. It's a video game user.

>market the game as harem space romance with sex
>it's netorare cuck shit instead
big yikes

That guy could care less as well, that's why he posted about it. What's your excuse, ESL?

>defaulting to memes in an argument
k cuck

Ahahaha, itt newfags are crying about gettting cucked by imaginary characters.
They are not even getting cucked by some imaginary alpha chad males. They are literally getting cucked by mindless artificially created bio-organisms.
This is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this board this year.

>All white

Are you fucking blind?

>got mentioned by DeFranco
Normalfags are gonna ruin it.

Attached: can_you_self_insert_now.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

Again, so? It's a porn game, by StudioFOW, stop taking it so seriously. I couldn't imagine being angry that StudioFOW is doing some degenerate shit (again).

Attached: 1293566306355.jpg (300x300, 19K)

no loli no buy

>leg lock

Attached: 1554880873104.gif (212x212, 1.02M)

>confusing disgust with anger
Definitely a retarded leftist, what I'm a cuckophobe now or something? Fuck off.


Future Fragments looks better in every way but I never hear about it

Attached: 1531441771960.png (262x215, 59K)

Those faggots at /aco/ must be absolutely seething right now.

All that general is is butthurt SFM fags and memesters shitting on everything FOW does. They used to be livid from the fact FOW made more money than they could ever hope to do with their shitty 5 second loops, i can't even imagine how agape their assholes are now that FOW managed to get 2 million dollars in donations for a single project in a couple of weeks after those fags ""predicted"" they were finished. I'm chuckling just thinking about it.

Attached: 75767567567.gif (500x294, 2.91M)

is there a futa? hopefuly the red skinned one

But I want robo-tits now

Why would they? The time FOW are using to make subverse is time they are not making videos. It will create a vacuum for low quality videos to take place.

Iwara provides videos by the dozens daily. We are in no shortage for porn.

There's no if about it sonny. And to answer your question, because they are petty like that.

>MC is a chink

Attached: 851651618.png (1979x1465, 1.09M)

While it certainly would be fun to watch a trainwreck, I personally hope it turns oit at least decent because god knows the western porn game scene is a fucking wasteland of v0.0001 patreon scams and 3D goblinas and I'm too impatient to wait for translated H games from nip land

Attached: 1553483468811.png (760x673, 416K)

>there's nothing you can do about it
woa, the realism in their cuckold stuff is top notch

Undoubtedly, it's probably either going to get on steam and be shat on by every """journalist"""" under the sun or they are going to have their own client, where""" journalists""" will find and leak the names of all who have worked on it to get them harassed so they can make a click-bait headline on sexism or harassment over art.

>paying for porn
PLEASE tell me you guys don't actually do this

MC should have been a Kamen rider prove me wrong, more specifically an evil rider

Attached: Stalkerism2.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

>porn "game"
>going to click boxes until a pre-made animation plays
>almost certainly not cycles or ability to impregnate or cross-breed
why play this? Watch better animations. Play better porn games.

Attached: 9sxqu16kaks21.jpg (1158x1629, 152K)

>MC should have been a Kamen rider prove me wrong, more specifically an evil rider
Now THIS is MC material

over before it even began

boob guy here, this bugs me as well, as we should celebrate tits of all sizes, plus having a bcup grill next to the milk truck can enhance her size by comparison.

Are you talking about the standard fare /weg/ faps to?

So what exactly are we mad about? That even if a player pursued a girl, that girl would still be fucking on other people or are people mad that they’re all whores to start off?

Also, they barely look alien. Aside from the robot, it looks like space elves and space demons and shit. Seems kinda boring

kys retard


Attached: 1536966786576.jpg (800x733, 80K)


Shut up, human.

me on bottom

I really don't get why implementing an NTR block is so hard. COM3D2 did it, and it's much better for it.

wew lad, i think i know what your talking about too.

Attached: tent.png (1234x863, 1.11M)

Imagine being so pathetic that you can't even managed to get cucked in real life so you have to play a western porn game just so you can get off to the thought of being cucked by fictional characters. What has to happen to a person to bring them to a place like that? Mental illness? Isolation?

>It's being made in the UK

Why is no one talking about this? I didn't even know the UK had a porn industry?

How is the porn industry in the UK? I thought "extreme sex" was banned?

Does this look like a cuck?

He kinda does.

Attached: file.png (851x898, 559K)

>Bad rider but heroic to the public
>if he saves a girl he gives them the choice of having sex with him or letting her be raped by the monster of the week
>the monsters have deal with you that they'll coperate with you if you toss them some spare girls that you find
>old riders from past series try to fight you but you can steal their girls and claim them for you or use Wizard's power to turn some of them into girls and impregnate them, like Gaim and Fourze
>the end its revealed you were DECADE ALL ALONG, ONORE DECADE
fund it

Attached: DeadHeat.gif (400x225, 2.64M)

Good, I always hated waifu shitters shitting up games. This is what you guys deserve

more over, I dont get why NTR AT ALL! Oh Boy! I want My Porn To Laugh At ME! YEAH!!!

its porn you autistic child

He's not the MC

>getting off to genuinely sweet porn
I'm not sure how that's supposed to be done. I'm always too distracted by reading it to get off to it. I almost feel bad jerking off to heartwarming porn.

good point

those are part of the problem

Fucking mobile sankaku has ruined me cuz know i get bored while reading doujins, i can think a small story for the picture im looking and change fetish on the fly.

Attached: we fucked.gif (580x326, 2.49M)

Not user but thats not a fucking argument

>nigger is racist
>because its racist

A demand for quality is perfectly valid position to hold

>tfw love ntr
please tell me there will be at least 1 loli or shortstack

Attached: 1517457022121.png (500x466, 227K)

yorokobe, user

Attached: shortstack.png (731x1000, 500K)

you're literally 2 IQ lol

all of them have the same body and same face despite most of them being aliens, enjoy

Yes there is a space dwarf in your crew.

Looks like having Xenos fucking your harem is an assigned task.

Attached: file.png (1215x865, 1.13M)

Theres a shortstack yeah

Am excited for that

Christ I hope theres a button to turn off cuck shit, I don't care in the long run, but I'd enjoy it more if the chicks were my personal cocksleaves, i'm just a dom so thats how I like it

is this gmae made by australians? because this would explain why they don't see it as a big deal that the "romance" options are all sluts who fuck other people while you're trying to woo them. all australian girls are massive sluts.

doesnt look horrible could be fun for a wank or two

im not that mad it's FOW, just that it had to be the company responsible for numerous dog fucking videos, bleh. Im not so mad tho, because Ezkoz Exists.

Attached: Eskoz.png (1241x797, 807K)

>A demand for quality is perfectly valid position to hold
he's right about that, but his analogy really sucked

UK, Manchest

>GRRR! Netflix keeps shoving its agenda down my babby white boy throat I h8 blks!!!
it's just tv shows user.

This is an unfortunate tuth

Something about our youth culture being inextricably tied to rampant drug use and abuse just fucks with women, I've only met 2 conservative girls and they were both american born lmao

Why would they choose to make their game in the UK, Poland, Sweden or the USA would all be better HQ locations...

>creating abominations to fight for you
That's literally Baddie 101 in action, The Player should have the option of shooting that lady out of an airlock before she creates a T-Virus

calm down you retarded sperg 14 year old
go back to your youtube eceleb threads your dick isn't even big enough to jack off yet

Could someone explain the cuck shit? Do you guys really think having the crew have sex with other people is cuck shit? I mean when everyone is doing it and it isn't like you are married in a faithful relationship or ever bf/gf. I think you guys are getting loose with ntr and cuck shit. I mean if they legit added in ntr I wouldn't want it but from what I understand peopel are salty that the grills will get dicked by space dogs and each other.

Dumb cowtits poster

Wish the tits and hips were a bit bigger but i'll take it

I kinda hope there isn't cause watching everyone being mad that their waifu is being fucked is a fun sight

Attached: 1553339108001.gif (846x1046, 168K)

A good porn game
>master please don't make me fuck the alien monster again I'm gonna get pregnant I'll do anything
A bad porn game
>I'm such a slut I wanna fuck these alien monsters uwu now let me suck your cock """"""master"""""""

This is literally what the japanese do. They call the characters they like お嫁. Wife.

So literally all you have to do today to get your patereonbuck to go into millions is to put the game on steam and get banned?

Attached: oh no.png (939x529, 479K)

good question

if you could wish for a godtier porn game be made real but needs to be based of an already existing series either cartoon or game what brand would you choose?
Mega Man in general

Attached: 1553240837103.jpg (3840x2160, 3.29M)

idk about cuck shit, but my waifu getting fugged by scooby-doo will make my boner travel back in time and kill itself.

anons are gonna call it cuckshit, you can't stop it so don't even try.

Power Stone

pokemon obviously
I wanna breed my pokesluts with dragonites

I’ll take 3rd options. Love and cherish.

That's a big yike and a cringe from me.
It's not even passingly funny and thatbdesign is dogshit. I'm talking 2 days into 3dmax class in highschool dogshit.

Dead or Alive

haremshit is for low-iq 12 year olds

>everyone loves me for no reason
>I MUST self-inset as MC because I'm retarded


when you have more than 1 girl you need to delegate
one becomes your wife
the other becomes your mistrees
then another only gets to lick your asshole while you fuck
then the public cumdump
then one you make breed with monsters for fun

>I'm such a slut I wanna fuck these alien monsters uwu now let me suck your cock """"""master"""""""
more like
>but Master i cant let our xeno friend be like this, its my responsability, well if you don't like it you don't have to watch, but i promise i could give you a good show

Attached: 1496786326219.gif (500x230, 984K)

>I'm going to shill this every day to get more money while pretending to be anons who have this

Player character seems pretty Chaotic Neutral to me. Doesn't seem to give a shit about having Xenos as expendables against the Emperium to further his drug ring.

Attached: file.png (1133x901, 1.12M)

He's doing a pretty good job samefagging 181 times

I mean nekopara was pretty deep with the feels

holy shit am i dumb Pokemon was the series i was thinking but forgot and choosed Megaman, almost all NPC girls are so fuckable and even the pokemons themself like Evees or absols to primarinas

Attached: 1555223729123.jpg (1920x1080, 393K)

No, stop shilling your game here. We don't want your game.

Attached: image.jpg (280x373, 72K)

Ok. Let me ask the real question here.
Can i ravage Bulgetto's asshole and add him to my harem?

if you post porn anons will fap and forget about this game
be the change you want user

Attached: SqsfyRn.jpg (2000x1357, 1.67M)

Give me better porn games man. I already played all english translation of Rance, I NEED MORE MAN.


these autists need to make the game QUICK, cash out, and escape that island.

Attached: sexjunk.png (908x841, 1.11M)

>you can throw all the money in the world at projects but there’s actually much more investment needed

it's literally a non-game VN with the primary content being CG porn which they already specialize in... and they got a shitload more than their goal to spend on it. this is easy shit, they're not making star citizen.

Honest Abe is never wrong

I get banned enough doing this as it is. As much as I'd want to it's really just not worth it.

Disney Princesses getting slammed.

Oh good they made a lot of money, I won’t feel guilty for just looking up the sex scenes after release. If it does

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Nah mate, abomination creation is Evil.
Umbrella did it, Skynet kinda did it.
Bad guys in game are probably better than the player and crew in the terms of "not creating monstrosities"
Killing Lily is morally correct ad probably better for the long term security of the entire universe.

It kickstarter they can run with money, they don’t suffer if it fails.

just don't post actual nudity lmao

Attached: dnkby7rollp21.jpg (800x1133, 95K)

Yeah doesn't always work. It depends on who is modding at the time and how much of a cock gobbler they are if they determine if something is too lewd for a blue board.

>Cuck game
>Mobile tier gameplay
>Saving gaming cuz muh boner culture
Killing games. Fuck porn addicts and their cuck fetishes


Western developers continue to prove how shitty they are.

nekopara is barely a harem and relies on semi-humans with different functioning brains aka cat-girls with feline tendencies. so the nonsense of haremshit makes sense in-universe, so it's acceptable. I'm not against harem-like situations, they just have to be handled in a way that isn't painful to your brain. IE amagami, which isn't a harem because all romances exist in a separate universe/timeline.

Stop samefagging

>people sperging out because sex happens with more than just the player character
why do I find this so funny

Attached: 1441835580000.png (291x293, 42K)

>where were you when gaming was saved, Yea Forums?
She already saved gaming though.

Attached: D5BW9swWAAIUtcX.jpg (466x466, 43K)

>shotas cucking roasties

this is one of my favorite fetishes but it's too complicated for a tag ;_;

Attached: 1332320667600.jpg (300x257, 17K)

Stop being a faggot.

Attached: 7B116E0F-2FD3-42A3-8333-F245408C1366.jpg (1242x499, 247K)

>ethical consumption under capitalism

I've been banned for less

Because there are people pathetic enough to like ntr

based. being cuckolded is truly the fetish of intellectuals.

Great! Trash like that belongs in a burning pit

So what your saying it a harem, an sound like you just can’t good stuff as 90% anything is shit by default like finding tg porn that not a dim a dozen you turn girl at the vary beginning.

friendly reminder anal is cucking yourself from breeding
anything but 1st person porn is cuckold porn

because people are so mentally disabled, they think they can be "cucked" by a porn game

This is releasing in chapters, like Hitman 1 did?


Is it ntr if you train your dog to fuck your girlfriend?

>We live in the year 2019
>There are still people willing to give money to fucking kickstarter shit of all things and the retards at FOW on top of it all.

This game literally isn't coming out, but I'm sure all the NTR fags will enjoy the two dog rape scenes that get produced.

Attached: 1370314475829.jpg (960x513, 61K)

I read this all in cosbys voice

It's losers fetishising their own inferiority complex.

>no giantess
it's okay, as a non here said

But in end day everyone a loser who could just pay to fuck a real chick than looking at porn honestly.

Attached: 7D3E13BB-DD4C-41B5-A9A5-CF42722CDBD5.gif (467x480, 442K)

explain christianity then

>Game will be 100% generic porn
>Characters and setting shallow as a puddle
>No plot or sense of exploration/progression whatsoever
Why is this thing so hyped up, when legit good porn games are completely forgotten?

Attached: e91.jpg (283x302, 13K)

Christianity is a deathsworn end of the world religion.

Oh user, you clearly know nothing about porn games.

Attached: Kakyusei_and_SP_Disk_1335.png (480x288, 21K)

Good lord man, would it kill you read over your posts before submitting.

but that why ntrfags would enjoy not getting it as just them paying to have there cash stolen like there fetish is.

Attached: 1553363727607.jpg (500x457, 124K)

user, how are you this drunk on a Tuesday?

I know a few worthy of being called games, with one being so good that the setting and characters took priority over the porn in my mind but this one is far into non-normie, non-anime garbage territory.

user... it's Wednesday...

When did Japan made a good vanilla game with gameplay again? I missed that one

so it is
and I don't even have the excuse of being drunk


based Abe

those threads are filled to the brim with nothing but marie loli shitposters, horsefags and futafags desperately trying to convince you they're not raging homosexuals.

Attached: 2019-03-26 09.20.46.jpg (895x1529, 655K)

Let me tell you about japanese porn games then.

Back in 1986, the "games" very literally creepy text with some images about running after little girls and braining them with hammers, or if you failed a trivia test they got eviscerated by a saw (Enix made this. Yes, the one now called Square Enix).

Eventually, a company named JAST started to add PLOT to games, with the Tenshi tachi no Gogo series. Games still sucked, but they sucked much less. Eventually, companies like ELF and Alicesoft appeared, and added both gameplay, good graphics, nice story and charming girls.

What I am seeing right now is the JAST-like stage for western games. I see this as an opportunity for far, far more.

my nigga

Attached: bueno.png (1261x867, 764K)

The Dungeon of Lulu Farea, pretty good puzzle game that get translated and same dude translating the sequel.

Attached: The Dungeon of Lulu Farea.png (640x480, 150K)


Very Nice, user.

>TFW you have a fetish for torpedo tits

Attached: fuck head.png (300x310, 20K)

there are no futas

>another kikestarter game gone way overbudget that will inevitably get completely mismanaged, blow all the funding on absolute nothing and never actually see the light of day as it was supposed to if it even does see release at all
>no ayylmao girl monsters
>samebody syndrome
>lmao epic funny australia joke
we've seen this all before where the devs are retarded and the masses of dumbshit who funded it are even more retarded. there will soon be stagnation, then there will be drama, and then there will be cancellation and nobody will ever see a return on those millions of dollars
how could you all have forgotten coc and cloud meadow so quickly?

Attached: 1551986296854.png (1408x2000, 58K)

Get a loada this fag

>he doesn't like torpedo tits

Attached: glare.jpg (720x623, 293K)

I dunno but it is.

>everyone loves me for no reason
because you are meant to be a dormant chad.

Then what are those good japanese porn games, with good plot, characters, setting, gameplay, and graphics?
Shitty VNs happening in japanese high schools aren't my thing in the slightest.

>leg lock
how can one man be so based?

Attached: 1510482162897.gif (235x150, 1.71M)

cuz ur a cuck

Attached: 3bbf32155b5d887729022fb3f5300f17.jpg (1013x1433, 136K)

>robot girl looks like she has a special ed helmet


Me on the left.

the pokeball?

Marketing. This is the only project of theirs I've seen, and I've seen this a lot.

this nigga is a huge tease

Attached: 1553194641529.jpg (500x267, 18K)

Violated Heroine

>cloud meadow
you mean Breeding Season, Cloud Meadow is still being worked on as far as I know

I know right

Attached: jmsbhfo15vi21.jpg (868x1228, 115K)

holy mother of sauce batman

fanservice doesn't save gaming, good games do and fanservice doesn't instantly make a game good. so I'm not going to say anything is saved until the game is actually out, and with this being kickstarter who knows when that'll be.

Dragon Knight


N'aw, fuck em. I'm sick of the itty bitty titty committee chiming in every time a chick with big tits is posted. I was willing to live and let live but fuck em.

this faggot and the nigga who does the Kairi's pictures you know the one, are the hugest teasers i know and it bothers and not at the same time.

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which will never be finished, no matter how times people try.

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Me on the right
Any of the girls in Subverse on the left

Attached: WHAT'CHA GUNNA DO WHEN GHIDOMANIA RUNS WILD.webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

it still has shitloads of content
name another game where you can have slime kids


does this game have ballbusting

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I don't think flat out sex scenes is fan service

hard to say, but I wouldn't rule it out

Lily is best girl, DEMI is second-best

Attached: oh~.webm (1920x1080, 1.83M)

looks like the kind of slut you fuck a few times then turn into a prostitute for extra side money

Attached: A1i0EFt.jpg (868x1228, 140K)

I can see a nipple

>Dark Skin
>Leg Lock
Just missing some good ol Hand Holding and it would be perfect

>that lack of care in her face
she is going to be the first in cuck you right?

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she fucks aliens, take a guess

If one is a retard, like you.

>Not liking both

Attached: 1530728283770.webm (900x654, 2.94M)

well to be fair, its hard to compete with tentacles and shit like that

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>she moans while watching your character screwing her
>Holy fuck she hates me when do I get cucked?!"

>fap to really young lolis to old womans
>from fit tomboys to chubby girls
what does that make me?

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I love how Yea Forumsrgins spend entire Subverse threads screaming and raging about the women in the game being sluts while ignoring/not caring about the man you play as also being a massive slut who cucks all the women.