Just finished Persona 5

Just finished Persona 5.
>The last two months felt rushed
>Haru has zero character development and it just feels like she was just dragged into this
>Yusuke is the best girl on the team
>that Igor twist was pretty cool
>that plan to get Goro to kill a fake Joker was bullshit and had no reason to work
>The fact that Goro was the only other Persona user to use multiple personas would have been cool if they actually did something with it
>Kawakami best girl
Good game can’t wait for P5R

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Other urls found in this thread:


The point is that Goro is Joker if Joker didn’t have friends. Where else could they have gone with that?

I agree with everything you said.
How did you think of the Goro twist anyway? Do you think Haru should've been the traitor?

>Kawakami best girl
Garbage. Opinion discarded

Here's hoping Haru is better developed in royal with the extra time

intelligent op

She is in fact best girl, stay mad

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Persona 5 Quarterpounder will fix that, they're supposedly adding months in new year for you to do stuff. You'll most likely get a different story altogether or juvie will be pushed after Valentine's.

Haru maybe will finally have time to grow a character.

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Maybe if you like used goods

if you like prostitutes

I felt like Goro should have been more subtle and actually had a a better motive than “DADDDY WHYYY?!”
Haru being a traitor doesn’t really work. Her only motivation is her dads death, but for her to be a traitor she would have to be the one to kill him.


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Good summary, especially the Kawakami part
The pacing of the game was awful in general, I'm just hoping P5R fixes it

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Too bad she doesn't look like this throughout her route and you have to see her shitty maid design

100 percent based

yusuke isn't a girl he is a boy you blind faggot, you want to fuck some gay

>he doesn't like Becky

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Becky isn't bad but fluffy is better

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Based and yellowpilled

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God why does she look so good in the uniform

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What did she mean by this?

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Fuck her incredibly hard

Kawakami is the thinking cuck's choice
>is a literal prostitute
>makes you pay to talk to her while she's working as a hooker
>nags at you and acts like a cliche tsundere
>tacked on sob story to make you feel empathy because she's unlikeable otherwise
You have to be a literal beta to want to date her, only one step above Futabacucks.

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cringe and bluepilled

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>>tacked on sob story
literally every confidant.

>is a literal prostitute
That never had work
>makes you pay to talk to her while she's working as a hooker
But never had work and she does your chores
>nags at you and acts like a cliche tsundere
Because she is one.
>tacked on sob story to make you feel empathy because she's unlikeable otherwise
To you maybe.

spoken like a makotofag

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It felt rushed because they cut content. After all, you gotta give reasons for people to buy the remaster :^)

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based and mommypilled

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No it isn't, that's P4's thing

>That never had work
Doesn't matter, she still fucks for money.
>But never had work and she does your chores
The point is she's so uninteresting in the protagonist she only wants to come over if you pay her.
>Because she is one.
>To you maybe.
She literally lies to you to get more money out of you. If they didn't throw in the tragic "my student died" angle she'd be outright hateable

Hari would've been cool but Goro being a traitor wasn't a twist, it was blatantly spelled out to you throughout the entire game

she hot though

Which have the best conversations?

This happens in the anime right? What's the context there?

Here we go again...

>tfw borrowed vanilla from a friend

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Calm down, Kaiba.


Nah, the game had such a troubled development, this actually feels like new stuff they worked on way after release due to shit they couldn't add in due to time/money. Not due to intentional cutting or withholding of content. Still, doesn't excuse its price. It should be like $40, max.

She's trying on sexy outfits in Hawaii.

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He's right. The twist was that you knew the entire time, not the fact that Goro was the traitor to begin with

Wait, people didn't see Goro being the villain from a mile away?

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Being able to romance almost all the cakes was fantastic but it got me wondering, are there any other games (besides Persona 3) where you can actually romance/date older women?

No, they did. People are just retarded and think it's supposed to be a twist. The game expects you to know, it was never a secret

what the fuck is wrong with her legs

So it was just retards? Got it.

The anime is hilariously off model

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Based animechads

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you can be fuckbuddies with a nurse in P4

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Lewd nurse

nah, they're going to ignore Haru in favor of shilling the new girl.

Why do I always feel like they're eyes a just a bit too far apart in the anime?

what Kawakami did when Joker wasn't looking

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I do

Based incineroar

>Joker has to jump through all these hopes to fuck hot older women
>Yu has nurses playing with his dick whenever he wants
why was he such a fucking chad?

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>tfw bought it and sold it at full price at release, only to later pirate it on ps3

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Dont let them get to you, they know not what they say

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She wasn’t a prostitute. Because of her age she never got work, and whenever she was actually hired, she was actually used as a maid. That’s why she constantly called you to request her.

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heck Joker doesn't even fuck them, fucking 5'9 manlet loser.


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Don't forget the fact that he's such a chad he cheats on all the girls and there's zero consequences

here we go again with what? akechi literally wasn't the twist. he was the red herring to distract everyone from the actual twist.

Joker definitely fucks Takemi at the end. Another reason why she's best girl

>Doesn't matter, she still fucks for money.

Not him, but that's not actually true. One of the reasons she doesn't get requested a whole lot is because she refused to exchange sexual favors with her clients, the other reason being because she's in her late 20's or early 30's, and most of the clientele want younger maids. They even make a point of this when the couple she's giving money to suggests she actually become a prostitute in order to get more money, since they weren't satisfied with her payments. If you don't like Kawakami, fine. That's your opinion. But if you're going to bash her character, at least pay attention to her subplot enough to have a good reason for it. Incorrect assumptions not included.

>doesn't even fuck them

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I thought Yu never ended up scoring at all with the nurse.

>Not him, but that's not actually true. One of the reasons she doesn't get requested a whole lot is because she refused to exchange sexual favors with her clients
Doesn't she straight up talk about "other favors" for Joker when he gets older when they first meet? What else could that mean?

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People only like Kawakami because she's a qt 2D girl, none of you guys would actually want a milf gf IRL if one showed interest in you.

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If you count being raped by her as scoring, then he absolutely scored.

Didn't she run off to Africa before you had the chance to fuck her?


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What did she mean by this?

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Wtf yes I would

>Doesn't she straight up talk about "other favors" for Joker when he gets older when they first meet? What else could that mean?
You're legitimately underestimating how sad the type of person who orders maid service like this is. The extras are like massages and lap pillow shit. It's a teasing service, which is why it's such a big deal when she decides to go to the "sister service" that's actually prostitution.

She’s like mid 20s

you can fuck her from rank 3 on or so, all you have to do is say yes when she's hitting on you

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>she still fucks for money.
Would be true if she didn't say she works for the sister company the Front for the prostitution. So she never once was paid to have sex.
>she only wants to come over if you pay her.
Or. Bare with me here. She is in debt up to her eyeballs and can't not pass up money.
I'm sure your tastes are immaculate.
>She literally lies to you to get more money out of you.
So you don't find out that she was possibly responsible for the death of a student. She is already is a shit heap of trouble with the whole side job thing.

>>Kawakami best girl
This is a fact.

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So is Kawakami, and that's no excuse there are plenty of teenage moms out there.

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Is it the maid outfit that does it for people for kawakami? I just don't get it. Some people say christmas cake, but she can't be older than 25, that thing with the student only happened I think two years prior to p5's events, and that was when she was starting to teach, so it's not like she's some older woman. She is cute overall though.

She's playing a role in order to be more enticing, user. She assumes that Joker is no different from any other male, so when he requests her and continues to do so, she sinks her hooks in (or tries to) with the hopes that it will give him added reason not to drop her services. Saying something like "when you're older" is an empty promise. Case in point being that he leaves before he turns 18.


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She's a sex worker, dude. Maybe it's not full intercourse at her office, but she offered Joker "special services" that only an adult can get.


Listen, I love Kawakami more than you. She's best girl and the only one I romance. That said, she's unarguably doing more than just cleaning people's rooms.

says fucking who nigger
i've seen milfs irl that i'd give the business and they looked even older than your pic

She looks older than my grandmother. How can this be?

>teen mom
plus I like how your attempt to shoot down the "I'd fuck a milf" argument is post a mother of 7, which you'd have a near 0% of meeting if you live in any developed country.

The teacher thing drew me in but I liked her story, overall.

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>fucks for money
>is so uninterested in Joker she makes you pay to hang out and repeatedly asks you not to request her anymore
>lies to get more money out of you
>boring bitch
>Becky design is inferior to regular Kawakami
>gives your friend free consultation when she's passed out
>likes to fuck
>playful and likes being teased
>better confidant rewards
>better design
>wicked sense of humor


This. If you're a mommyfag then might as well pick Sae.

>tfw no horny maid teacher gf

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Look at the ages of the children

Stress ages you and this bitch got knocked up for the first time at like age 12.

Its cause she's cute and feumpt and a bit shy and self conscious

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Frumpy, fuck I must have had an aneurism

Thats actually just really sad. She basically had her life stolen from her before she was old enough to know anything.

even if she was a teen mom when she had children, she still had 7 fucking kids which is a situation NOBODY wants to get involved with, even mommyfags.


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He purposely ignored "Special Services" is weird shit like ear cleaning, Lap pillows, and flirting and shit. This is actually shit these "Maid" services provide in japan.

But that's stupid. They can't just have a player insert character pretend they don't know. It was all handled off screen and I don't really feel like it was a satisfying reveal because it took agency away from the player and their perspective. The game is essentially a first person narrative that suddenly had a huge gap in the narrative for this pay off to set up.

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the only correct waifu

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What stress? She doesn't fucking do anything. She doesn't have a job and she just gets the council to pay for everything. She's just spent her life on her back with her legs spread.

The maid outfit is only there to create gap moe and make her frumpy teacher form more lovable.

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>Not liking both

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>but she can't be older than 25,
She is lucky if she is under 30 lmao

That "Hell yeah I am" is still the funniest fucking response in all of P5, cracks me up every time.

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>Kawakami best girl
Do the people who say this just not do her confidant or something
why did they only make her likeable outside of it and an annoying cunt in the events themselves? Some of the best abilities are locked behind this shit too

post more porn im trying to c

He should have been an optional party member who would get a persona after finishing his social link

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It's time for some experiments

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Hifumi and Mishima should have been party members. Why is there even a "NAVI" option if you only get one anyways

This cuck should never be a party member.

>fucks for money
Proven false. does standard creepy japanese maid shit for money. explicitly tells you that she refuses sex.
>is so uninterested in Joker she makes you pay to hang out and repeatedly asks you not to request her anymore
She wants nothing to do with a student after supposably causing the death of a student.
>lies to get more money out of you
she is trying to push him away so her side job isn't exposed to the school and so you don't actually find out about her debt due to student death
>boring bitch
>Becky design is inferior to regular Kawakami
Yeah. Most Kawakami fans agree.

Someone needs to replace Yusuke with Morgana or something, Yusuke is artsexual. Or have Yusuke wearing the same expression in both panels.

Seriously what is the appeal of Kawakami aside from the teacher fetish? She's a total fucking retard, even moreso than a normal Persona character.

that's just a worse version of Adachi

the maid fetish and the tsundere fetish of course.

Did you die?

So putting all this together I think we can safely say she's overrated as fuck

What did she mean by this?

No thank you, I absolutely loathed this dude with all my heart and soul

I want to hire futa Kawakami to clean my house, feed her some curry I snuck viagra and spanish fly into, and watch her struggle with her raging boner as she cleans. If she does well, I might offer her a blowjob after.

She and Futaba are the easy beta choices, which is the primary demographic of the game. Except one is for pedos and the other is for those with geriatric fetishes

>waxed asshole

Hell yeah.

It's not just the gap moe. She could easily slack off at her maid job with Joker, but she ends up really taking care of him in a way almost nobody else does. Kawakami is more than the sum of teacher and maid.

>waxed asshole
actual faggot tier, get off my board homo

Hell no.

The maid outfit/maid hair is the thing people like the LEAST

That would be Makoto and Takemi.
Because Makoto's sister is better and everyone wants her instead but has to settle for makoto and Takemi is just a big titty goth girlfriend who also happens to be a doctor.

>Proven false.
Prove it.
>She wants nothing to do with a stu-
>she is trying to push him away-
my nuts

>tfw love kawakami but could not care less about her being a maid or the master/servant dynamic most of the fandom gets hung up over
I hate it

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What do in this situation?

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>tfw love kawakami but could not care less about her being a maid or the master/servant dynamic most of the fandom gets hung up over
>I ha--

Have sex

I guess the fucking your teacher thing, shes pretty overrated. I think the female confidants were mostly trash with only hers and Futabas being the only ones not boring as shit, then again I like Sae whos also overrated but it would be retarded to date her unless you change how the whole game is structured completely

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>That would be Makoto and Takemi
Makoto is universally hated here. And Takemi is a likeable character, something Kawakami hardly is.

wew lad

Exactly, it is stupid. No one has ever denied that since P5 first came out. That's why P5, despite how much I love it, has awful writing throughout a lot of its story and I pray Royal changes/fixes a ton of it. But anyway, it is what it is

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>Prove it.
She outright tells you she gets to work because she refuses sexual services and is over the hill in age. It's why she has chosen to work at the Front company of being a maid and not the actual company of being a prostitute. You get that in I think the first actually meeting with her in her maid uniform.

>The last two months felt rushed
Wow you too
I stopped playing right at the last dungeon. It drags on too fucking much. I mean its a good game but youre right the last 2 months blow

hear me out
maybe it's because
milfs already have kids?
by definition?

I did her confidant. And I really like her development
>beginning of the game wants nothing to do with you after seeing your criminal record
>finds out about her maid job and starts using Ren for money because she never gets requested. She even makes a fake story about a her sister in the hospital.
>after a while she grew to like Ren, realizing he’s a good kid and regretted ever lying to him
>after telling him the truth she tells him to never call her back
>Ren later convinced her to quit her maid job and to stop paying that old couple
>after the couple came over and threatened to pay more Ren changes their hearts
>Kawakami even tells Ren that she’s happy to have met him

Even if you don’t romance her she tries to bail your ass out of juvenile hall

I loved Mishima and never got the hate. He's the most realistic and definitely what the average person on Yea Forums would act like

Joker was supposed to stay at Sae's place in the original concept. There was also a garage and car hideout. The concepts they had for P5 were really crazy.

Yeah there’s a reason you can blitz Haru’s confidant in a week, shame since I actually like her the most

Reminder that Sae is best girl.
And if P5R won't allow me to fuck her then it's objectively a bad game.

>She outright tells you she gets to work because she refu--
>No no no please I didn't mean it

It was so fucking obvious I thought they'd make it somebody else to swerve me

But im fat....

It's not fun to eat out a hairy asshole.


He can't keep getting away with it

literally its obvious from the pancake scene

Takemi is generic as all fuck. She is there literally to fill the role of goth chick.
>Makoto is universally hated here
You are mistaking her with Ohya
Nobody like Ohya and everyone settles for Makoto because they can't have Sae.

brap user is going berserk...! groo's at it again!

>Makoto's sister is better and everyone wants her instead but has to settle for makoto
The only reason to pick Makoto is settling, because Goro stole the only love interest worth anything.

>most of the fandom gets hung up over
Literally what? Everyone loves her for her being a teacher. Everyone hates her whole maid side and no one cares about the master/servant dynamic (just teacher/student dynamic)

Too old, would rather date Lavenza or even Alice

Not bad.

>She outright tells you she gets to work because she refuses sexual services
No, she doesn't. She never says that at all. You're lying.

The game explicitly points out that she's a sex worker who offers adult services at her job.

More fun to put your dick in, though.

I just wish you had the option to choose between treating him like shit or being nice to him.
I doubt it but I hope p5R addresses that.

I liked Ohya and I thought the crossdressing bar was fun.
Joker better get a crossdressing scene in royal

he's an annoying faggot even compared to yusuke

Leave Ohya alone

I have no fucking idea how it'd work, but the concept they had of the whole backpacking around the world would have been fucking cool. But now that they've publicly mentioned it, it'll never be used for a future game

After playing with Joker in Smash, I am interested in this game. Would it make sense to get it now or wait for Royals? Is Royals DLC or a stand-alone updated version of the game?

Hoo boy

Wow it's almost as if the P5 girls are all shallow characters made specifically to cater to some sort of trope. Take the male cast pill, they're actually good.

People hate Ohya because she's a normal person in a game of waifu stereotypes.

So, still what the average person on Yea Forums would be like?

Don't worry, everyone leaves her alone.

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I don’t get why they give you the option to pretend you’re not a phantom thief in dialogue late in the game. He’s someone who knew from the start.

Mishima is honestly a good guy and he's trying his best. He also had a great character arc and I liked him a lot by the end of it all.

Play now. Royal isn't coming out for like another year.

Royal is an updated version of the game that won't come out in English until next year. The vanilla version is only $20 so you might want to go ahead and get it today (on the other hand, if the prospect of replaying a 100 hour RPG isn't appealing, you might just want to wait).

He already does in P5D

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I may disagree with you on some points OP, but yes, Kawakami is Best Girl.

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>The game explicitly points out that she's a sex worker who offers adult services at her job.
But she does though. She even tells you that she contemplates switching over to the sex service side of the her job about halfway through her story because she sin't making enough money.
And people misinterpret the "Special Service" line as sex but in Japan these maid services are everywhere and it just creepy otaku shit like Ear cleaning and dancing.
She does downright tell you that she gets no work due the refusing sex and being too old for clients taste.

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>Takemi is generic as all fuck
In what way is she more generic than the tsundere teacher? She is one of the most realistic characters in the game. I can easily see someone like her existing irl. I don't see any real tropes outside of her story arc, but all the characters have generic confidant arcs

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I'm aware. So this outfit should better get an appearance in the main game too.

Stand alone. I would still say play P5 first because I’m pretty sure P5R is gonna be an extreme overhaul and I feel like you’re gonna appreciate that changes more. Also P5 is like 20 bucks now and I’m pretty sure you can find it cheaper

Leave her and I alone then

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The game explicitly states that her company has a branch where the maids are whores, but she is not working for that one.

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She's a drunk and has a shitty personality.

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Agreed. I need some good faps.

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So she's an average person in Japan then.
Thanks for reinforcing my point

wtf im straight now??

I'll just be one to offer an opposite take from the other replies. 2020 isn't really that far away, so you'd be buying it twice in the span of a year, even if it is only like $20. We may have it by this time next year for all we know. I'd say you should spend this time playing P3 and P4, and other Persona/SMT games instead, because those are definitely recommended, but waaaay harder to go back to (mainly talking about P3) after experiencing P5's nice QoL changes

God I wish that were me

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Chihaya would be way more popular if her confidant wasn't hidden behind so many barriers. She'd probably be up there in waifu wars if they didn't screw that up

>But she does though
She factually doesn't.

>She even tells you that she contemplates switching over to the sex service side of the her job about halfway through her story because she sin't making enough money
Stop lying you piece of human trash. Just because you're a virgin, NEET, incel waifufag loser, doesn't give you the right to shitpost. Kawakami contemplates moving to a sister company that's outright prostitution. Meanwhile, she still does sex work at her current job.

>And people misinterpret the "Special Service" line as sex but in Japan these maid services are everywhere and it just creepy otaku shit like Ear cleaning and dancing.
Holy fucking shit, ear cleaning is not 18+ activities. Kawakami does services that can ONLY be offered to adults.

Your point that she is the least liked character because she is just a bad person?
Good job?

Why doesn't she deny it when the kid's parents call her a sex worker?

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Cute bumpkin

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She's a drunk, yes. But that's nice.
Also, her personality is okay, I think.

Let's go down this road again

>mother of 7
>32 years old
>oldest is 20
>second oldest 19
Hol up

So will Chihaya not have any new scenes whatsoever in Royal since her VA died?

Who said her Special service was 18+
She sure as shit didn't.

They're cunts

Kawakami gives handies and BJs at most. The other place she was gonna go to was full Sex services

I wish she was that cute in-game too.

delete this.

I have no tolerance for drunks.

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This game twist is so stupid. That pancake scene is just to much of a wink if you're were paying attention to the cutscenes

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Play the game.

You should have a beer or two, user.

How the fuck do kids already have this mindset? When I was 12 I was worried about getting home on time so I could watch Dragon ball Z

Based, Ohya is still my favorite, even if I wish she had a better hairstyle. Her concept art was kino.

>avoided her advances to get her wet
>she leaves before I can dick her
Biggest fucking mistake

are you retarded?

Attached: Otk King -Persona 5- GOTM3-02 - Drink!!.jpg (800x1132, 576K)

>tfw noticed the pancake thing
>tfw think it was just an oversight because it wasn’t mentioned again for another 40 hours

>ywn get drunk with Kawakami and Ohya

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How many times do we have to go through this? That wasn't the twist. Yeah, it was stupid though

The only real overrated ones are Makoto and Kawakami, the guys are of course fine cause they arent made with pandering to a very specific type of waifufag. I think I slowly understand why some people would want FemMC, guarantee counselor Aizen will be good as well. I dont hate any of the females thou but I sure as fuck dont think they're deeper than a puddle

I want to get smashed with Sae!

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She also has the worst confidant perks

I want FemMC so I can corrupt the shota.

lol the male characters are shit

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>ywn get drunk with all the cakes

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I did. Twice.

She's good for grinding if you max Ryuji. Ohya's perk is a legitimate hard counter

CANON wife!

Wish they would use this for Persona 6 or something, it's really good. A lot of the scrapped concepts for P5 were amazing.

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What the fuck is wrong with her left foot is she a fucking dog how can a leg even bend like that


I love Anne.

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They are completely pointless.


>Yusuke best girl on team
>tfw nobody denies it because it’s true

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What a shame.

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Like how did he miss that shit?
He should have panic when he found out Mona was not a normal cat


The guys are made to pander to fujos lol

Yusuke is one of the best characters in the game period.

Play it again when you learn to read.

Look, i've never played this game, just entered the thread because of the Kawakami lewds but this pic just made me laugh really hard and i don't know why, can you explain me why is he doing that?


lol no. It’s easy to lower that shit you don’t need her perks.


>Tfw no FMc to be a slut for all the guys
Yeah I'm a faggot

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Nah. I'll play it again when Royal comes out.
And read they exact same lines about how she isn't a prostitute and doesn't have sex.
Enjoy your hatred for the only fleshed out confidant in the game though. Enjoy whichever waifu you picked up.

We know

Is there anything to new game plus? Like exclusive dialog because you know what’s gonna happen?

I wish. He could have let out his inner janny in the metaverse

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>ywn be the gansta mommy his kid deserves

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It's obvious from the trailers.

No shit, its a fujo series but they at least arent dragged down by shitty romance options that fucks up their character
only way that shit is decent is full harem

You'll play it again and still be a virgin, incel NEET who makes things up because he can't stand that his waifu isn't pure.

What would his Persona be? HiroshiMoot?

You don't know what's going to happen. What are you talking about?

Should have been a support type like Futaba

I will never not imagine it was she herself who used the onahole

I just want blonde Sae to bully me!

I still firmly believe Haru had no reason to be with the group after her dad died, and I feel it would've helped get character to distrust the phantom thieves or outright hate them.

Her dad was a dick anyway

That isn't Tae

>If you like women with experience who know how to correctly pleasure a man

Escargot is bro tier. One of my favorite side characters.

True, but it's unrealistic how quickly she moved on, or how she didn't harbor an ounce of mistrust

Why? She cuntblocks Ohya multiple times.

I always get a chuckle when the Thieves' popularity goes to shit and a lot of the comments are deleted. It reminds me of all the forums I used to visit that would inevitably go down in a dramatic flame of mass bannings and censorship.

Enkidu with Gilgamesh as his Ultimate.

Door bros?

I like Anne. In fact I love Anne.

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kill yourself

Why do you do this?

>game goes on about how akechi is probably the traitor
>you have nothing but solid evidence that everyone else wasn’t going to betray you
>hurr durr pancakes scene
>he has been in the metaverse before off screen

It was so obvious the twist was moreso that it WASNT a red hearing
The only people that were shocked are really dumb normies that don’t read ever.

What the hell are you going on about?

>about halfway through 5 according to people I've asked
>not really enjoying it anymore
Does it pick up towards the end?

It only gets worse

I caught on since Goro was able to understand Morgana, so I had my suspicions and was right.

based and dare i say, redpilled

>>Yusuke is the best girl on the team
dangerously redpilled

Futaba is the last good arc in the game. It's STRAIGHT downhill from there and it's a shame because Haru deserved better.

Why are Makotofags so hateful?

Why do you assume they're a Makotofag?

Does it become so bad it's good, or just shit?

How much money does that kid have?

Not him but Makotofags seem so have some sort of superiority complex for purity when they don't realize that Makoto was a slut for Tsukasa and probably cucked you with him.

Unironically should’ve been Makoto. There are multiple scenes before Sae’s dungeon of Makoto going “don’t worry sis, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

She had a legitimate reason at that point to act irrationally and protect her abusive sister out of guilt.

thats not really true, the sixth palace is kino and the ending has some strong points
the fifth and seventh palaces are bad outside of the boss fights though ill give you that

>>The last two months felt rushed
>>Haru has zero character development and it just feels like she was just dragged into this
both of these are brainlet opinions. Haru had obvious character development, she's just boring. You and other brainlets need to stop equating character development with the value of a character. And the last two Palaces are probably the best in the game.
>>Yusuke is the best girl on the team
this is a reddit opinion
>>that Igor twist was pretty cool
I agree.
>>that plan to get Goro to kill a fake Joker was bullshit and had no reason to work
brainlet opinion. They go into excruciating detail to explain it, it's not the game's fault you're too dumb to understand it.
>>The fact that Goro was the only other Persona user to use multiple personas would have been cool if they actually did something with it
Goro is shit but not because of that. If anything it's interesting that he has two, and only two, personas.
>>Kawakami best girl
brainlet opinion
>Good game can’t wait for P5R
I'm burned out on P5 2bh

Just shit you want to end asap

Fuck off /pg/

Why do people think this game is better than 3 and 4?

That's his name, autist.

probably because it is

Nobody calls him Goro besides /pg/ autists.
Not even the devs call him that.

Okamura's Palace sucks but the next two are good.

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Never been to /pg/, my dude

Fuck off /pg/

This is some serious case of schizophrenia

Dungeons gameplay, and overall style.
Even if I prefer 4, it's hard not to see why this one got popular.

Theres actually someone out there who thinks Chihaya is best girl.

genuinely curious, are you actually unable to do this with your own leg?

>s-stop calling me out!!
Go back to your containment thread.

Everything is better than P4. The only reason you can like that game is the tone and nostalgia.

Wait what?

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I’ve never been to /pg/ Goro is easier to spell.

No retard. They hired a new one.

Her voice was recast in the anime. If Chihaya gets any new scenes in Royal, they will probably use her anime seiyuu and revoice all her other scenes.

She was pic related too.

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They'll use her anime VA

No it isn’t.

What if the new storyline is a switch and Goro has friends and you have none and you defeat everyone and then shin megami tensei 5 happens?

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Don't know that character.

Fuck off /pg/

I didn't

She's among the cutest girls in P5 and I'm being completely serious.

Because that would be cool, and atlus hasn't made anything cool since strange journey

is this the start of a social link?

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I mean it's not true since Haru exists but Psychic Country Waifu is top shelf.

>be English fag that doesn’t know Japanese
>prefer calling a character by their first name because it’s hard to write a longer Japanese name than a shorter one that’s just 4 letters
>also have to use google to make sure i spelt Akechi right

That wouldn’t be cool at all. I’m glad you faggots aren’t game developers.


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Yeah, she caught a rare version of Japanese Cold and croaked not too long after P5 was finished.
Apparently she was a complete sweetheart all the way to the end and her other VA friends were fucking devestated by how sudden it was.

DAMN. That's good.

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What are you gonna do about it pussy


I kind of played myself on that one because I thought it was too obvious and that he was a red herring. Then I was disgusted that it was actually him. Then I was delighted about how they deconstructed the idea of that being a twist.

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Holy shit, where does this subhuman come from?

>it's less than 10 miles from my hometown

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I know people meme about hifumi being a PT but this guy clearly was intended as one

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Based post

She wasn't a teen mom, she wasn't even a teen yet. She gave birth at 12 and read probably getting fucked at 11. Holy fuck.


Has ANYONE on Yea Forums had any sexual encounters with older women? I only recall the wincest greentext bait you guys used to post here in 2006/2007. I feel like everyone here is just damaged and hooked on porn; that you don't want a older woman but a caring one.

It is a far more competently made game and it is polished to an absurd degree, especially when compared to P3.

the only women to ever have any interest in me have been over 30
just fml

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>Has ANYONE on Yea Forums had any sexual encounters

No, man.

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Anne is boring

Mishima should've been a plot Social Link, with aspects of the site growing as he learned more about the PT.
And then Shido and his goons bought him the hell out.

I mostly want someone who appears significantly more competent and composed than myself. Girls my age just aren't usually that way, so I wistfully long for older women. Sae is literally perfect.

Also I will never forget that time when I was 15 and an older women (she must've been late 30s at least) started hitting on me at a concert, she was coming on hard and I was 100% inexperienced. We ended up making out a lot and my head was spinning the entire day afterwards and I never saw her again

Could have had Haru report you to the cops, leading to your arrest like it happened, because she thought you killed her dad, while still having Akechi be the killer.
Some plot points would probably need to be changed though, idk

Who the fuck is Tsukasa?

excellent taste friend

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>a literal prostitute

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It isn't a meme.
Officially stated, Hifumi was a cut phantom thief. Playing into the chuuni nature that's more downplayed in her S.Link, she was going to have a traditional oni mask as the focal point of her outfit. Her mother was going to have the Palace.
The theorizing is that she was meant to be the more smart strategist that Makoto was earlier in the story, while Makoto was supposed to rely more on the gap in her tried "Perfect" girl appearance, but being a pretty gritty tomboy under the mask.

You know shit. The party member character caled Hifumi just does not exist. She was scratched in the development phase and Confidamt Hifumi was created from the scrap with only her design as base.

123 would've been a great Phantom Thief, but the same goes for every Confidant, except Ohya.