Attached: togekiss.gif (327x200, 25K)

bullshit pokemon

>Togekiss with serene grace, holding a king's rock
>thunder wave
>air slash, air slash, air slash, air slash

togekiss is cute!

Attached: Don't you beleive in fairies.jpg (952x796, 269K)

ur a bullshit human

> congratulations! Your egg has hatched into a Togepi!
> Hustle

playthrough ruined.

>tfw can hardly retain memory of gen 6 & 7 cries
>tfw it's getting harder and harder to recall cries of older pokemon from 5 and earlier
Also, .

>Trying to combine Serene Grace with a King's Rock
You're doing it wrong, son.

This pokemon could be fun, but the main moveset (paraflinch with serene grace) is fucking cancer and I never want to see this thing again


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It was either that or leftovers. I haven't played online since gen 4

>big fuzzy delta-wing bird
Absolute kinomon

Pretty sure King's Rock never stacked with moves that already had additional effects, even in gen 4.
Lefties are probably the best option for this set, giving you free heals during flinch/para turns. I guess a Babiri Berry could work if you're really, really afraid of getting splattered by some Steel attack, but you'd probably be better off switching in such a situation anyway.

Literally nothing would have been better to avoid knock off damage and fake a z crystal or something, because king's rock DOES NOT STACK AT ALL WITH MOVES THAT CAUSE FLINCH

Should I raise a Togekiss in platinum? is it gud?

yeah it is bro

I'm saying I had trouble remembering which item I used, since I haven't played Pokemon that way since 2008. It must've been leftovers.

It works off of a different calculator. It doesn’t stack, but if you fail to flinch then it has a chance to activate its own flinch chance.

ha ha
what a

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It’s all 4bit jumbled garbage anyway


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No it doesn't.
King's Rock only works on moves that don't already have the ability to flinch the target.

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It's okay user, I'll always be here
For yOU[/spoiler

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Attached: Lando-T Valentines.jpg (504x504, 142K)

okay if you say so *U-turns*
okay I'm back

One day Lando will get Shore Up through some shitty event or a move tutor and it will become more cancerous than anyone could've imagined.

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>tfw SS will have an emphasis on steel and ground type Pokemon to fit with its England theme
There's no escape

VGC might be safe from the genie menace for a while, but if SM taught me anything it's that something just as awful will take its place.
Plus doubles sucks dick anyway.

God, Gamefreak is so bad at balancing anything.

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*leads with HP Ice MegaManec*

*U-turns out*

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>He doesn't final gambit the fucker away

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Alas, Lando has no access to Final Gambit.

Every time I did this shit they tried to set up sneaky pebbles, and instead got fucking x4'd.
Won so many matches just by taking out that shit in one turn.

Then you just fought retards.
HP Ice is fucking common on M-Manectric and only a moron would try to set up pebbles when they can potentially get OHKO'd by HP Ice.

-1 244 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Manectric-Mega: 284-336 (101 - 119.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Huh, apparently you can just OHKO M-Manectric with a -1 EQ.

>Delelele WHOOP

I prefer to pair it with hazards, especially toxic spikes. This way, you actually do some damage while wasting time, you also do some damage while your opponent tries switch in something faster. Add Whirlwind to double the fun.