bye bye steam
Bye bye steam
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They were contractors for Epic for years. Makes total sense.
Never bought Rocket League.
Guess I never will, now.
my exact position
Nice bait OP.
No where did it say they were taking it off Steam.
>Was on steam, is now on both epic and steam
This is good.
>Was on Steam, is now on just epic
This is bad.
So which is it, user?
you fucking retard, nobody cares if there's actual options or competition
egs exclusivity is the cancer
here, have some bug repellent
Anyone who wanted Rocket League probably owns it on the platform of their choice at this point.
Not to mention no one cares if the game is on both platforms, the shit thats retarded is EGS exclusives.
its on both platforms
This. i wish for this to be the case for every game. neither platform should have exclusivity rights for a game.
wow, is this real?
only until the end of the year
you forgot to keep up the capitalization in the headline.
And then they wonder why people hate epic games.
They're LITERALLY taking games away from you.
Article is real, whether the contents are true or not, we'll find out.
ABSOLUTELY BASED Epic Games now hopefully the Rocket League devs get overworked to suicide to keep their new corporate masters satisfied FUCK Steam that shit is for boomers it’s OLD. NEWS.
>People will STILL defend EGS
You are the dumbest motherfucker
how much fucking money does ebin games store have to convince developers "yeah stop selling your game on steam"
wtf I love rocket league now
they got their money from steam, maybe they'll get some double dipping retards on the egs
Fortnite money.
thank you for the image kind sir
It must be a lot considering Psyonix rake in that key money anyway
That's why they recently introduced the new friends list stuff.
Rocket League is one of the shittiest games Ive ever had the displeasure of playing. Why it's so popular is beyond me.
>stops offering DLC for people who still own the game on Steam
honestly, rocket league is only a bad game if you suck
It’s really fun when you actually get good at it. It’s shit when everyone’s aimlessly driving at the ball.
You know I'd feel bad about Steam if it wasn't for the fact that they don't care about EGS stealing all the games since they're doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.
t. Bronze shitter
What could they do? Do the same shit as ebin and buy up devs?
Why would they care about some trash games?
Fuck Steam and fuck all the faggots that support those greedy fucks. 30% my fucking foot, those lazy cunts haven't made anything worthwhile in over a decade.
Based Epic chinks