Why do straights SEETHE over this character?

Why do straights SEETHE over this character?

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I don't know, why do straights seethe over this character?


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Because he is just gay because they wanted to gain PC points

Nothing suggests that he is a faggot nor it's relevant to anything, they just said it to be in good terms with people who don't even play the game

They made him gay.

>game comes out
He's my favorite character
>Blizzard decides he's gay
He's my favorite character and Blizzard is stupid and pandering

overwatch has the shittiest art design in vidya history.
you want to sit there and tell me that Mei, McCrue, Tracer, Mercy and 76 are from the same fucking game?
look at pic related, fucking garbage, even in the 90s this shit would've been corny. Fuck Blizzard. Now I know why I never played WoW, the whole company markets to weirdoes and brainlets.

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if he was gay from the beginning then it would be fine since gay people are a normal thing, but they made him gay out of fucking nowhere for literally no reason

He's was part of my choke me daddy fantasies and now those are ruined. That's why
>inb4 London

Has Yea Forums forgotten Blizzard "revealed" 76 was gay a bit after that fake gamer girl scandal?

>since gay people are a normal thing
I am so fucking sick of this bullshit; no, being gay is not normal. A man fucking another man’s asshole will never be “normal”. People will lie to your face and feign politeness but you will never get people to truly accept your disgusting habits. And that’s all for this thread. Have a nice day.

Reaper is like someone took design notes from Coldsteel

It's meant to be cartoony you fucking idiot, they're going or a pixar kid friendly art style.

whats the problem with it ? its not like gay people are destryoing their bodys like transexuals, they are just having sex, i see no problem with gay characters in vidya (when they are not forced)

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he was always gay, you see him looking at a picture of his boyfriend in the first x-mas comic

t: 15v burgerboi :-----)

Go back to Yea Forums, hothead teenager.

They don't hate 76
They hate the shoehorn "he's gay btw" when shit hits the fan with the community.
Also stop playing OW, it's terrible. Go play a real FPS

enjoy your mid-life crisis

1. Because it was done to give themselves good publicity
2. Because it should have been Reinhardt or Roadhog. No gay man gives a shit about this twink, only girls do.

I don't dislike S76.

I just think Blizzard makes decisions without thinking, and can't fix actual problems in their games.

The people who obsess over this don't actually know what they want. It's such a fucking stupid non-controversy for a game that's basically irrelevant in 2019. I see more legitimate actual-video-games discussion for TF2 than I do Overwatch.

>its not like gay people are destryoing their bodys
Ever heard of AIDS, faggot?


Average TF2 thread:
> Should we nerf/buff
> Hahaha fucking (insert class) main shitter
> Competitive Bad
There is some discussion in between but don't make it look like TF2 threads are good.

Ever knew the fact everyone can get AIDS regardless if hetero or homo, breeder?

I'm not sure anybody cares about overwatch anymore. gay or straight.

AIDS is like 6 times more common in fags, fag.

>They made him gay.

out of the blue that was done as a glorified PR stunt

>players leaving
>look guis S76 is gay!

You're right, but that doesn't make it any less abnormal, it's a mental disorder. There's a reason they can't make babies and have to fuck each other in the ass.

80s were 30 years ago boomer

>it's a mental disorder
Science disagrees, /pol/.

>"breeder" as an insult for normal people
ohnononono, holy fucking shit
the left really can't meme. it's unbelievable.

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> Divergent opinion
> /pol/
Can you guys being so shit and calling anyone who thinks differently /pol/ ?
Just go to Reddit already

breeder as a gay insult for straights is older than dirt

They don’t know any better, it’s part of their mental disorder.

And heteros love to overpopulate our planet with unwanted pregnancies, PLUS transmitting STDs, including AIDS, to other people and newborn babies. Your point is?

Like I said, everyone can get STDs. It's pointless to discuss who's the master-race on this case.

I could have sworn the reason they made him gay was to serve a distraction over all the bad press Blizzard was getting at the time. Of course, it just made everyone more piss at them. I'm sure gay people are thrilled being treated as a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.

>straightfags seething at homo guys
>hfy and g/furfags seething at fully mature femfurs
>sjw and femshitters seething at anything remotely attractive and female
when are devs going to ignore these troglodytes completely?

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This site is for 18+ people only.

based. faggots are a mistake of nature, natural selection demonstrates this.

Honestly overpopulation is a big enough issue that it should just supersede your other opinions. The earth is doomed you fools.

>since gay people are a normal

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AIDS isn't the only STD retard.

>its not like gay people are destryoing their bodys like transexuals

He doesn't know...

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>sucking dick is normal

even if it's not "normal" who does it hurt? get the pole out of your ass.

>oral stds aren't a thing
Stop trying to defend your shitty comic stonetoss. We know you're retarded

>who does it hurt?
The people watching when they do it in public, and make children learn about it in school

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Taking the bait, heres your (you).

They're fully aware that Reaper is so edgy over the top that characters even mock or comment on it in-game.

that's a tranny

I really don't care about the Gay Baiting. Queers should take up way more offense to these characters than the "straights". What I seethe over is diversity hires and a certain group of people who seem to have an inborn need to stick their fingers into every single medium of communication.

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>sucking dick is normal but anal isnt
you do know that gay people aren't the only ones that can get AIDS right ?
is it tho ? science says otherwise
thats a transexual im pretty sure

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Aren't homosexuals supposed to be creative and clever? "Breeder" is all they can do? Kek
They want to be seen as a minority community like black people or native Indians but they're too fucking weak and pathetic. It's what happens when you base your identity around where you stick your diseased little peter or wearing dresses. Even video game fanbases have more depth than that.

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overwatch spam threads, do not answer

>Yea Forums cares about the children now

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>who does it hurt?
>umm they are literally targeting children
>wahh who cares about children here is a meme
Kys sodomite

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Aren't most of these fake, fantasy roleplay or then they got called out for their disgusting posts by other homos?

Who wouldn't know that gay people aren't the only ones that can get Aids? You might want to take a look at the statistics of which demographic has the highest density of AIDS infections.

No, that's a Drag Queen. AKA a Homosexual Man.

Oral or anal sex with a woman makes you a sodomite too.

>think about children
>get a boner

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>virgins care about others kids
Typical cuck. Thank goodness Snoy also censoring boobs for them as well.

im pretty sure that only used to happen because retards used to think condoms only were used to prevent babies, and since a male cant get pregnant most gay people didn't use condoms, its not like AIDS has a increased chance of spreading if you are gay

we get that it's intentional. it doesn't mean it's good.

Desmond's "Parents" have been working with Michael Alig. The Murderer and Drug Dealing convicted felon. To try and reboot his Club Kid movement from the 80's. Why? To Profit more from these degenerate queers than Alig could have ever imagined.

Desmond is a Child Prostitute. And a very sharp tool in the Jewish Trade Belt.

If you like oral/anal you really have no right to shit on fags for it

KYS... Seriously. KYS Nobody fucking wants you.

Shit on? I'd rather see you beaten in to a pulpy mess. Soon, you'll learn to shut your laughing mouths, faggots.

>Faggots always look like faggots and need a reason to be faggots
Godspeed, user, you were the faggot all along

straight "people"

Don't you mean OP?

Objectively the design fulfills it's intended purpose to communicate Reaper's character.
Think beyond "I think it ugly, so it bad"

>Aren't most of these fake
No it's a real son, they try to hide the fact that a majority of gays is like that

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Are people angry over this? I mean it was a bit odd since Tracer was made clearly lesbian since the game was out or so but they only mention this once sales tank and playerbase drops off? IDK seemed like they needed the media attention but what do I know or care? I never played the game.

My problem with gays is that they’re branding traps as gay when my favorite content is girl-on-trap

they're destroying their poopshoot and many end up shtting in a bag in their final days.

What I want to know is how offended LGBTs are that Blizzard thinks they can be used as a "get out of trouble free" card

>caring about Overwatch
Only retards cared about it. The rest just went for the porn like everyone else.

overwatch has the most boring cast of characters imaginable. Not a single one is interesting, lower tier writing than saturday morning cartoons

But we aren't. We don't want anything to do with your feminine girl penises.

So you have no excuse for fucking women in the ass?

>No it's a real son

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I don't like trapshit at all, but I have to admit the rare doujin with a dominant woman fucking the fag out of a trap is goddamn delicious.

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girl on trap is just herosexual porn. If you fap to traps by themselves you are gay though because you are fapping to a man.

damage control

I can't stand the smell. That's why I've never asked. I don't give a fuck about what someone does in the bedroom. I give a fuck what they do in public and what legislative policy they push on OUR government.

>Think beyond "I think it ugly, so it bad"
It's a fucking video game meant to sell toys and merch and was actively focus grouped to appeal to every demographic. "I think it's ugly, so it's bad" is tbe appropriate response, art cuck.

damage control

You do realize you're supposed to clean out right? God straight people are so disgusting.

traps are gay you retard, girl on trap is straight tho since its still man x woman

Nothing to be mad about really as he's only nominally gay

This has always been very questionable logic to me. Is a faggot who fucks pic related FTM straight?

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And people say LGBTs can't be based

Trannies aren't human so you're fucking an abomination.

Only as straight as jerking it to futa, which is to say “not really, but holy fuck those mental gymnastics”

FTMs are surprisingly pretty chill.

Gay here, Hooked up with a ftm once.

Pussy is wild

Can you really make someone gay when being straight was never really established?

>Pussy is wild

it make my peepee spit white

No one likes homos that's why.

What are these mythical Chinese tomes you speak of?