Game development class in college

>game development class in college
>everyone is fat or wears baggy clothes
>theres also the token girl in the class
cant believe I share a board with you weirdos

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>wearing baggy clothes is bad

you look like an autist

>looking like a vagrant faggot is bad?

>>game development class
You brought this on yourself.

>game development class in college
Your first mistake is here.

It kinda looked like Homu had a penis in the thumbnail

I like Yuuki Yuuna better than Madoka. Yeah, that's right, you heard what I said.

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Unironic post coming through:
It's not good to wear clothes to look like a blobby mess. You wear clothes to accentuate your silhouette. Although if you are a fat lard ass it doesn't matter what you do..

>giving a shit about looking presentable to neanderthal normie faggots


have fun dying alone lol

Poor taste

absolutely pitiable taste

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Im taking game development in college and everything checks out
>most of them are autistic normies
>morbidly obese classmate
>the token girl getting orbited
>teacher is a dark souls fan, brings praise the sun shirt
>very normie taste in vidya all around, some actual normies taking the class for unknown reasons
Do not fall for this shit, i want out

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yeah dude I'm sure the two girls in my CS classes will see that I'm wearing a nice shirt and immediately become enamoured

>dressing well is going to result in a woman actually able to comfort me on my deathbed
well you have the imagination for game design anyway

Me too, I never really liked Madoka.

seething much?


I liked Madoka more after seeing the first season of both but after Rebellion and second season of Yuuna my opinion inverted.

>normal CS class
>a guy with long hair and a thin flower-print top
>an ugly mutt(male) wearing makeup and earrings
>an autist + friends who loudly discuss Yea Forums memes
>fatty who sits in front of me playing Heartstone and browsing r/anime during class

Only one more semester until I’m free of this shithole.

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I took CS but nobody was revealing or even unintentionally emitting what type of person they are.
I guess I was lucky.
still dropped out either way.

What school?

shaking my absolute head at zoomers who think it's normal to wear leggings or tight chinos like some sort of nog

Every CS class has a few neckbeards, one or two ladies, but a gamedev class is just the worst of the worst