Other urls found in this thread:
randy is such a pathetic narcissist
i wonder how his fans can even defend him
>selling cosmetics for a small(microscopic ) fee is not micro transactions
what did he mean by this?
This is how pedos do damage control. I am sorry officer, it's a clickbait warrant, just seconds before i saved those files of her she gave me consent
he captivates them with his magical underaged squityspells taught to him from ancient mages, at least thats what he says
He basically wants to benefit from the sweet rewards of putting in microtransactions, but he doesn’t want them to be called that since they’ve been associated with “the bad kind” like how EA does then. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, because despite being a class-A jackass he still desperately wants people to like him.
i imagine working at gearbox is like living a real life version of The Office
that's still MTX and its still cancer randy youfucking pedo retard
Because he's kickass
Is there a bigger clown developer than Randy?
only retards buy cosmetic dlc, so who cares?
if you don't care then why are you in this thread? lmao
BADASS tweet
Then why not say "no premium currencies and no loot boxes" instead of "no micro transactions".
>nobody posting the other reply
No the damage control is if nobody who made the costumes and sets was convicted, if nobody who drew up the contracts was convicted (remember both parents had to sign and records were kept), if nobody who took the photos was convicted (despite being in court), why is some dude 18 years later who just wanted to see some titties responsible for re-raping children that evidence points to weren't ever raped at all.
Ed Boon
Haha found the poorfag. Only zoomers want to look like everyone else. Communist faggot.
Hard to beat "You can do anything" and "Curiosity Cube" Molyneux. He lied his whole studio out of business
Remember when games started using the game microtransaction to avoid using in game purchase?
Now youre gonna buy your cosmetics with BADASS coins that you can get just by playing the game or alternatively by buying them with you epic games store points that you can buy with real money
how long before he switches to mtx aren't that big a deal because they're cosmetic like how he went from it wasn't our decision to make it EGS exclusive to making post after post about how the EGS is so much better.
he did the same shit with the EGS store exclusivity, initially he came out saying it wasn't his or the studios idea then starts trickling out tweets about how steam sucks and EGS is better.
if you're so angry about other people caring then why don't you actually respond to posts with an argument instead of acting like a passive aggressive sperg?
This is what devs get for sucking game journos cocks
They shit on the fans and cater to lying clickbait mongers then act surprised when they get shit on
And what were they supposed to do. Do you very ever girl you look at with big tits and a hairy Bush is over 18? How do you even know where they came from? If you have them you are guilty of possession already. God forbid you image search them and find out because that's distribution as well.
So you tell me. WHAT are they supposed to do.
>you are supposed to be helping us not them
They don't even try to hide it.
wtf is wrong with this guy, he seems genuinely retarded from the posts I've seen
there's no fucking valid and humane reason to hold pictures/videos of minors on any personal electronic device of yours if they are not your blood or at the most grade 1. maybe if you're a teacher or work somehow with kids and its the whole class posing or something or some detective that works on a missing child case even at home, but other than that its only pedo shit.
>do you verify every girl you look at
i don't fucking save pics or vids of them on my pc you abomination and if its rl interaction yes i do. fucking pedo apologist
>w..w.wwho cares ok? Leaves him alone! the brand is too important stop trolling us!
Randy should learn to shut up.
But I guess thats beyond him
Most Borderlands fans don't give a fuck about Randy or hate him too.
Damn, Gamer Informer did Randy wrong...
like another user in this thread said he wants to be liked desperately but he's also running a business, so when he does something like add mxt or make a deal with the EGS for exclusivity which aren't popular among gamers he has to scream how it wasn't his idea to try and seem like a good guy.
>I will worship a brand because it's a brand, nobody else count, the corporation is SACRED you year me, SACRED!
A little retardation, a little "out of touch old man trying to be hip" syndrome, a huge dose of narcissism, and entirely too many yes men in his employ. Combine it all with Twitter's wonderful functionality to block anyone who says things you don't like for a nice external echo chamber and you get Randy Pritchford.
underrated post
Just admit you misspoke, you fucking retard.
>Worship the brand
You can enjoy a series and still criticize it. Borderlands is far from perfect and most people that like the games can acknowledge that. I'm not worshiping it by any means.
>like borderlands 2
Weren't there unlockable classes that could only be unlocked by entering your credit card?
He lied his who studio into business too.
You literally save every picture you view. That is how you are able to view it.
So it has micro transaction things or not????
Randy is the gift that keeps on giving
Based Randy.
Is there anything he can't do?
are you retarded or just pretending? if i scroll through fucking instagram for example and see 100 profiles, none of those profile pics are saved even in the cache memory let alone on the device, you save what you access not what you see, holy fucking shit fuck outta here kiddy diddler
Make a good game.
It does, it doesn't have lootboxes is what the faggot meant but he sugarcoated it.
It's ONLY purchasable skins so it's totally fine user, I'm not like those other greedy devs
he's like blezinzki if he just kept trying and never gave up
>Almost killed Sega
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
>Introduced internet memes to mainstream video games
>Tried to screw over Obsidian
>Tried to screw over 3DRealms
>Tried to screw over eduke32
>Screwed over several companies who worked with his company
>Almost ended his company multiple times with his retarded ideas
>Can never take criticism for anything, even things that are his fault
>Never takes responsibility for any of his screwups, all of them get pushed onto other people.
>Uses armies of lawyers to sue competition into oblivion even when he is wrong.
>Won't disclose agreements without lengthy court battles of which none of the people he signs contracts with can legally fight
>Removed all Duke Nukem games from GoG
>including the sidescrollers of which you cannot buy anymore, meaning piracy is the only way to play them
>Re-released a half-baked chocolate duke port to Steam ten dollars more expensive than the Atomic version that runs like ass because none of his developers have Build engine experience.
>Is probably a massive piss fetishist.
>Has an odd number of pictures of himself on toilets or bathroom floors
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
In all seriousness, pound for pound: Is there any one man who has been more damaging to video games than Randy Pitchford?
>Opposing Force
>Duke 3D
>Shadow Warrior
Say what you want, but the man has worked on some pretty great titles
>i-it doesn't c-count!!
Randy is such a faggot, wow
I hate this meme of developers saying it's not micro transactions when it's their own game
like mk11 you can only buy a few items / day on impulse so somehow it's not selling things lmao
what was the last major multiplayer game that put substantial (as in unique guns or overpowered weapons) mtx behind a paywall and didn't get lambasted for it? every multiplayer game knows that the only thing they can get away with now is cosmetic. this has been the case for several years such that I associate the phrase "microtransactions" with cosmetics.
Wasn't there some heald dlc in borderlands 2? am I thinking of something else
you mean stolen pretty great titles?
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with randy
I hate this human being.
>Please reconsider what kind of internet you want to be apart of in your future
Hopefully one where you're lost in a well, Randy.
>anime avatar messenger chat
they've wizened up a bit and know they have to give fanboys ammo to defend them so in a case like black ops 4 you have the weapons hidden behind a significant grind and if the people aren't able to get them within a specified time then you hide them behind loot boxes. You're still pulling the same scummy shit you were before but now your fanboys can decry that you can get everything for free and people are just made because they want everything handed to them immediately.
Group chat is a thing you know
Borderlands 3 will be Battleborn 2?
huge yet very fragile ego
Not an internet where corporations are sacred cows, that's for sure
He's a slick con artist (hence his success) but he's also a huge narcissist with an impulsive streak. Whenever he thinks he's been slighted he just runs his mouth like an idiot because he believes he's always right.
The correct responce here is:
"Please me or I dont pay you"
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
I never heard about this one.
>Cosmetic DLC for full price single player games
is randy the most lucky guy in the earth? everything he has its thanks to stealing borderlands from that cool animated short, he hit the jackpot and has been living from it to this day
hes the living version of Michael Scott unironically like the other user mentioned.
he got on stage with a fucking acoustic guitar and made a song about bigots during some livestreamed press conference iirc
>guys I'm so hyped for Borderlands 3
>never mind that our entire company hasn't managed to make a good game in years
>never mind that I'd rather get paid a big sum to not release it to a wider audience than trust that people will buy the game
>never mind that we're going to charge fans more for costumes because our audience is only the losers who don't know any better and still like our games for whatever reason
Molyneux wasn't a clown, he was just Proto Todd.
Is he serious?
US or UK
>these are talents behind Borderlands
say something nice about them!
that one guy with the cap looks like an absolute chad
UK, imo. At least US Michael Scott is an incompetent buffoon in an endearing sort of way.
Did you guys reee this hard when you could buy skin packs in Borderlands 2?
Me next to the girl on the far left
it's not about the mtx randy, it's about you trying some retarded logic to claim it isn't a mtx.
I think this is less about the DLC itself, and more about how Randy Bombandy blatantly lied, was called out on it, and is now on full damage control.
>2005: cosmetics are unlockables for performing good at a game or finding all the collectibles
>2019: you buy cosmetics in a full priced game
That is the problem chum. Could you imagine if Goldeneye 64 came out today? You wouldn't even be able to pick Bond in multiplayer without buying it first.
>but they still let you unlock some cosmetics!!
Yes and they intentionally spend less time and effort on those ones to make the purchasable ones look better.
He literally said it was everything besides cosmetic stuff. Hell, he even said it when he first made the original comment but looks like people completely ignored that part because it didn't fit their narrative.
I care because its content that im locked out of for no reason besides the devs being money hungry cunts
tfw we can never go back to the ps2 era with cheats and unlockables just being in the game
>wtf you're not supposed to say bad things about me, we pay for ads on your site
Absolute bullshit. We didn't call them microtransactions back then, there were expansion packs. And for your information, The Sims 2 was released in 2004.
>There are "people" that will unironically defend this
Why would feel the need to announce he wasn't doing anything "free to play-y" for a pay-to-play singleplayer game?
around the time camo and costumes started to be sold people we're calling it dlc which is a more accurate description cause you wouldn't call a camo pack for CoD and expansion pack
cause the norm now is for p2p games to have f2p shit in them, so when you aren't doing it it provides good pr for your game. The problem is companies want this good pr despite doing the shit anyway so they'll stretch the truth to claim they aren't doing the shit then add it after launch.
>comparing expansion packs to microtransactions
Wrong, expansion packs were just that, expansions that usually did far more then just add a few new outfits. They are the equivalent to proper DLC
>comparing sims stuff packs to microtransactions
There was nothing micro about the cost of that garbage. Sims and that fucking horse armor are generally noted as the beginnings of this bullshit.
Imagine being such a slav you purposefully misconstruct a post to fit your demented delusion
I thought you ebin gaymers weren't interested in this game, nor give two shits about an "sjw" company. You aren't gonna play this, are you? So why do you obsess about the details of something you insistently said you don't care about, as a REAL gamer?
> there were expansion packs
No, this was an expansion pack you fucking nigger. Even the cosmetic shit in Sims 2 was described as either "content packs" or "stuff packs"
Because Randy is one of the most entertaining people on the planet, he's up there with CWC and Dobson.
there are actual hype threads for games from this dumpster fire series on Yea Forums and people who post there need to be shown that they can't have faith in Randy
You don't even have to parody it, the original is that bad ASS
You actually think fanboys and such comes to Yea Forums's template shitposting threads for opinions?
You're pissing in an ocean of piss in these threads
I'm not even sure why the 'core' crowd plays multiplayer games anymore.
I mean, skins and cosmetics makes sense in hyper-competitive games, like Counter Strike or even MOBA's because, let's face it, you're replaying the same game over and over.
But for more casual games, like battleroyales and Borderlands, you're inherently cannibalizing content for the sake of a quick buck. There's no incentive to play when you can just BUY your sense of originality.
It really is truly horrifying meeting other gamers beyond your own social circle, because they play these games, they eat this shit up, and then turn around and defend it because 'it's only cosemtics'. Almost as a policy, I don't play these multiplayer games anymore because communities are downright vicious, even moreso than the CS 1.6/Source days.
Video games going mainstream was a mistake
we are swimming in an ocean of lurkers, user
one of you guys was interested in this game before and now you are less-so, right?
>Video games going mainstream was a mistake
this hope they crash and we get good indie games for awhile after
im still gonna play it desu
Meanwhile a bunch of casuals who comes to Yea Forums on and off and don't care about the corporation or it's figureheads making asses of themselves see "oh man, borderlands 3 is coming?!?"
like every other modern game. just wait for the goty version with everything in it. in the case of boderlands I always waited for the goty version to go on discount
he is also an pedophile
based pedo
fuck off randy, I honestly thought "wow, they're really not gonna charge for emotes, heads and skins?? fucking amazing!" what a fool I was, thinking we could earn all those cool shit with ingame activities and not with the activity of opening our wallets
Wasn't Michael Scott just a victim of Peter Principle though? He's an amazing salesman but it doesn't translate to management prowess.
Get out.
This can't be real.
>Randy 'Whats in the USB' Pitchford
>Randy 'come to my hollywood magic labrynth basement, kids' Pitchford
Are you the one cut off, or the cuter girl next to her?
Cute obviously
Michael had a lot of soul, he was an asshole, but he genuinely cared for his employees.
>it's only horse armor who cares, it's not going to get worse
How much have you spent on microtransactions in the past year?
How much gaming has been withheld to shitty practices in the past year?
So none? That's what I thought. Not getting something you want because you don't want to pay for it is not a tragedy. It's not the downfall of gaming. You'll live.
His game still looks good and i'm probably going to have a lot of fun playing it with my friends later this year.
Nah, I just pirate that shit.
Like I'll do with BL3.
Hes right though?
Its completely optional and in no way alters the game. There is no premium currency, there are no shitty loot boxes.
I love how its suddenly "okay" when its a game people on Yea Forums like.
Never saw anyone call these microtransactions...
>the game wont have micro transactions but it will have micro transactions
A non sequitur to what I said but just further proves that you're unaffected. Thanks for proving my point further.
>Like Borderlands
>Realize the issues revolving around the game are due to Randy
It's not hard to understand you bumbling waste of sperm
none, I'm not a faggot, but unlockable cosmetics sure died after that
Yeah, the practices of the industry these days are just too shitty to put actual money down.
Also means companies have less money to pay shills like you though.
wasnt that because people just modded claire to be nude and stuck with that
Hey Randy, RE2 devs didn’t make an ass of themselves by announcing “no microtransactions” to my knowledge.
the damage control
Fuck Gearbox and fuck Borderlands. I just want more Brothers in Arms God dammit!
Please be a little less obvious next time Randy
He's openly left wing so resetera faggots blindly defend him
Can you screenshot the best ones? Almost no one here has twitter probably. At least I don't.
>Yea Forums called out on their bullsht
oh god the meltdownies are so good today
what a fucking schizo someone at Gearbox needs to take away his Twitter account
Well it happened
Randy said something reasonable and I have to agree with him
Fucking Reasonable Randy
What's the problem here?
Calm down Randy. No one defended RE2
>b-b-but this GAME did this too!!
>p-please don't hate me
too many to screenshot
so hypothetically if you're 15 and receive nudes from a girl who is also 15, 5 years passes and you are now 20 and still are in possession of the picture. does that count as possession of cheese pizza?
I didn't like that shit when it happened and I don't like this shit now you shitter
>MTX are not MTX in my weeb games!
>Theyre just costumes and you can ignore them!
Kill yourselves please.
>RE2 literally didn’t announce no microtransactions
You, on the other hand, did.
It's unacceptable in both.
No one defended this shit you mongloid.
Life imitates art.
holy fuck HOW has he not been fired yet?
You can't arbitrarily ignore the definition of a term because you're afraid of looking bad
>Yeah it's not gonna have microtransactions, just cosmetics you can buy that aren't included with the game you paid $60 for
>"So... it's going to have cosmetic microtransactions?"
fuck of randy
He touches kids supposedly and that's right up Yea Forums's alley.
Fuck off, Randy.
Yes but you'd have to be a moron to get caught in that case.
that's a good choice.
fuck off randy
Fuck off you cheese burger eating walrus
Nothing wrong with blocking a furry.
Fuck off shill.
I don't get it. So there are microtransactions?
Unless the words that preceded microtransactions were "this is a", I don't see how he thinks he's right?
Cliffy B
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
I will never not be mad about this. I wish that SEGA hadn't settled out of court and ran Gearbox into the ground.
No one defends that shit though.
Please explain
Randy is like the Nega-Todd Howard. Todd Howard can lie in your face and you bought his game. Randy could give you straight up facts about his games and even prove it and you would still call it bullshit.
Todd Howard is a kind person and a gamer. Randy Pitchford is an asshole and a scammer.
Randy is the virgin while Todd is the chad.
>Randy actually thinks his franchise is comparable to Half-Life
You guys made the game, Not Randy. Get rid of Pitchford and you guys will be golden.
Fuck off randy
Never forget that Randy actually did this.
You don't know about Colonial Marines?
can't get fired if your the boss
I don't play Alien games. They've always been shit
It's "badass" you fucking noobs. Get it right
>wake up
>another day of knowing ill never be as BADASS as randy
why live
you forget the most important thing
it's a FPS
>Like borderlands
>Hate Randy
make his go away please
Based Randy.
He's absolutely right about bl2 dlc content.
There is a very good chance that Gearbox used the money that SEGA gave them for Aliens: Colonial Marines on Borderlands 2, and handed off the development of the game to a series of third-rate no-name studios. The end result of a piece of shit that would've been easily fixable if a competent company spent a little bit of time bug testing. Seriously, a typo in a .txt file is why the AI in that game doesn't work.
Anyways, SEGA tried to sue Gearbox over breach of contract )potentially over brand damage), but Gearbox was able to argue that "they made a product as promised" and they settled out of court.
Based Game Informer.
No much point into explaining this for you then, but if you think they're bad, imagine the worse one being even worse because of them STEALING MONEY and not being able to even code simple game logic (that lead to breaking the aliens enemies logic to the point of not working at all)
no one defended this randy, you can also bring up the hundreds of the "fighting" "game" dead of alive or even the shitty farm simulator, it's also unnaceptable
>sing it with me
>nobody sings
no he's not.
All right, lets do this
post yfw you are NOT Randy Boobandy
>Is there anything he can't do?
Not embarrassing himself on a regular basis
I'm not falling for that trick randy
Nah, Ed Boon wish he could go back to the old days, what's happening is not his fault.
just me or was the gameplay really unimpressive?
He is sperging so hard right now, wonder how fast I can get him to block me.
>our new game doesn't have microtransactions!
>actually it does have microtransactions
I saw some gameplay stream today.
It looks bad.
It looks like BL1 with an ENB mod.
Sega was paying Gearbox to make Aliens Colonial Marines, lo and behold Randy got the brilliant idea to surreptitiously farm development to a bunch of backwater studios so Gearbox could make Borderlands 1 instead.
tl;dr Randy committed fraud and got away with it.
I bet you can do it with three words or less.
imagine giving randy/gearbox/2k money
and it's not only gameplay but pretty much everything else,sadly.
>tfw borderlands 1 had better story and map layout
>tfw borderlands 2 had better game mechanics
>tfw can't play bl1 without getting motion sick
>tfw can't play bl2 without retards telling me how to "properly" play the game
why must god be cruel
i hope game informer keeps that article up
So it was 1? I thought it was 2.
>Removed Duke: Megaton edition from steam so he could hawk his shit version that lacks all the expansion packs
This alone is reason enough to hate him. The rest is just icing on the cake.
Someone at Gearbox has to realization Randy writing and opening his stupid fucking mouth doesn't help them at all.
I never even bothered with the DLC, the base game is enough to get sick of the loot gun grind.
>for having microtransactions
I'll try
The DLC is better than the base game imo (bl2)
true. graphics wise it looked like nothing had changed
I guess we should be happy that moxxi at least still has big breatsts but aside form that everything looks like more lame version of bortherlands 2
even the characters look really stupid to me
Randy is a bigger fucking liar than Todd Howard at this point
>we should be applauded for not doing what everyone hates
thanks for not burning down my house either.
So, which other Gearbox product is Randy leeching money from to fund Borderlands this time?
Epic gave them an unimaginable sum.
Not gonna lie, there's too many sword fights in Smash, I wouldn't mind if they cut about 2/3 of the sword users. Also, Ultimate is fucking slow compared to Melee speed.
Totally agree botw stinks. Oh wait, it's okay when Nintendo does it.
chances are everyone already does, but that does not help when it is the CEO and president.
Based Randy sticking it to fake news
borderlands was interesting when it was unique.
now it isnt anymore, resulting in people not tolerating things that they would have otherwise if they had no alternative.
>Lied about playing poker with Gaben
>Roleplayed as Duke on Twitter and hit on trannies.
>Hired Anthony Burch
Yeah man, it's okay to leech off of kids, that's why Abortnite is doing so good.
>should be applauded for not stealing more money from you
Maybe Marx had a point.
>Epic gave RANDY an unimaginable sum.
The Gearbox devs are probably working hundred hours shifts trying to save this dumpster fire and catching paycuts everytime randy runs out of made-to-order camgirl piss supplements and loses his temper at work.
unlikely, 2K has way more money than epic, and borderlands is only exclusive for half a year, which means they already skinted.
I bet he has Google alerts on, fuck you Randy Pitchford, you faggot.
>he didn't watch the stream
Randy learned a new word today
Nobody knew the lyrics.
>one of the posts doesnt even mention randy
based retard
He has to have autism, what is the other explanation.
nice try randy, you don't have fans
moxxi looks like a man's over
>all those cucks defending pay for cosmetics in the game informer post.
How far the industry has fallen that "pay for cosmetics" is seen as the standard and completely fair.
>being btfo in his people who use steam don't like competition meme by bringing actual conpetitors
>w-wow you are rude
As an old fag who saw borderlands when it came out as cringy stupid badly made fps bait that only appealed to twitch kids with adhd desparate for LOOK MOMMY I GOT A NEW GUN MOMMY LOOK I GOT LOOT MOMMY faggots, it still amazes me how many people here seem to like this trash fucking franchise.
i think his brain melted down he keeps repeating Here’s another one
Who even cares about fucking Borderland?
Oh, definitely the money went only to the publisher. The code monkeys didn't see any penny from that.
As far as I remember, their latest game, battleshite didn't sell at all and probably was a huge loss. And that's where Epic stepped in.
They must have paid for an exclusive deal, otherwise, it would have been available on all platforms. They probably did a deal which gave them money upfront and a better cut on sold units compared to the usual deal everyone else will get with Epic.
Twitch wasn't a thing when Borderlands came out you retarded fucking boomer.
>twitch kids
>twitch the website
Are you fucking retarded?
The unironic hype for the BL3 trailer is all the proof you need that Yea Forums is infested with underage faggots.
I wouldn't even know or care about any of this shit if it weren't for Yea Forums.
>borderlands came out October 9th, 2009
>twitch introduced in 2011
Get back to your room before the nurses catch you, it'd be a shame if you got anymore "bedsores"
early 20s kids
Yep im pretty sure hes autistic.
>zoomer reading comprehension
Look what common core has done to our youth.
Kinda with Randy on this one
I don't consider cosmetic dlc the same thing as p2w/microtransaction/bullshit
And GI making clickbait articles isn't news
hes still spurging out after they changed the tweet
He quite literally explains what he meant when he said that. And guess which part got cut out in the goddamn article? You would have a point if he explained it afterward and not fucking before.
>dang ol' bama man and his dang ol common core you see kids nowadays just dont got any common sense and thats the real problem I think
>Don't make any dang sense lemme tell you about it!
It's the zoomers who grew up on phone """games"""
Not really. If you're not voting with your wallet you're not doing anything.
Jesus Christ this nigga is retarded
You are quite literally embarrassing yourself more and more with every passing post.
>I have swallowed so much shit for so many years of folks on your side of this industry
>Twitch...? Wus that? Like a band or sumthin'?
>"p-please don't hurt my feeling but slapping the truth on my face!"
god what a pathetic humanoid
Do they do this kind of damage control often on /pol/?
The real question is, can you earn them in game or are they only mtx?
You're focusing on the wrong issue here. DLC, especially of the cosmetic variety, have existed since back then, they just weren't officially called DLC. Nothing has changed other than a name changed. Saying it was a better time for video games back then is absolute bullshit.
I imagine Randy typing these as he furiously runs through Gearbox HQ dodging Epic interns trying to take away his phone
i hate randy as much as the next guy but it's funny how him having regular porn on a usb can turn into him touching kids so easily
>I done told you, I don't drink Twitch! Man, that stuff makes my blood sugar get too dang high! Don't wanna hear doc havin' a conniption again.
Well, there were the other allegations of him hosting so-called "peacock parties" where grown adults expose themselves to minors, so maybe some people are just conflating the two a bit.
its the publisher fault
>Can you get in here again, sonny? I keep tryin' to post a dang me-me to argue with this fella on that cartoon facebook website you like but it keeps tellin' me I can add a "web-pee" to the album!
>n-nuh uh
>please clap
>cosmetics were the first f2p microtransactions
>but they don't count as f2p style microtransactions
Not him. But it doesn't matter who spend how much on microtransactions because they shouldn't be in the game at all period the should be unlockables and only that.
Okay but existed
was this you kek
fuck off randy
>it's real
How someone who can't shut his fucking mouth is at the head of such a profitable franchise is beyond me.
I don't know about you user, but I can go back to all of my old favorites and they'll either be full experiences on launch or they'll have expansions+patches that you had to get through vidya magazines if you didn't have a good internet connection. The "DLC" shit started with trash like the Horse skins for Oblivion so if we use that as a point of reference for "back then", then I'll feel completely in the right by saying that you could easily grab any game off a shelf and have a degree of certainty that it wouldn't have cosmetic bullshit packs out of the ass. You're lying to yourself if you're willing to say modern vidya has just as much Cosmetic only DLC as older vidya used to have. Even shit like XCOM 2, a game that supports a thriving modding scene, has bullshit cosmetic trash. I'm not saying vidya back then was better either I can still find a lot of contemporary that I consider pretty great, but I certainly don't enjoy the modern trends we're seeing either.
They were playing on xbox, weren't they? No way UE4 looks this bad, especially after all the showcase we got.
>Paying 2.50 isn't a microtransaction.
>No way UE4 looks this bad
>I’m some kind of profit-only, gamer exploiting liar.
"Here's a song I wrote, sing along if you know the lyrics"
Keep his cock holster shut when it would benefit him. This debacle and him hinting they won't put BL3 on Steam are par for the course for this pissgargler.
>I've about had it up to here with this fella mockin me. I tried checkin' that picture of his but all the numbers are messed up! I think he's hacking facebook I messaged ol' Zuccerberg about it
This looks like a shitty machinima made in the Sims 4 engine
Uncle Ruckus is based af
allegedly ancient mages
A man's gotta eat.
>Sonny! I almost got 'em now! I checked when he saved them pictures of me and that really got the noggin' joggin. I plotted it all out on that mike rowe soft XL and I think this feller might be part uh ISIS Al Quaeda! Im cruntchin' the numbers but if he keeps posting these pictures of me I might be able to find his location and tell dang trump to drone 'em
Holy fuck randy bobandy
>A straight forward yes or no question - Can I buy with real money any kind of item in BL3?
>As I said at the live event, we will be working on big campaign DLC and will probably also offer additional cosmetics, just as we did with Borderlands 2. What will will NOT do is F2P style microtransactions - no premium currency, lootboxes, etc.
>Context matters! I just said “no lootboxes” and reasonable people in context understand exactly what I mean. But some nitwits can say “but Borderlands is littered with loot boxes”. Anyone can click bait anything by missing context and failing to respect obvious intent.
Randy Pitchford is completely fucking delusional. Can't answer a yes or no question, can't understand what everyone is actually upset about, can't recognize what a microtransaction is. Can't go two sentences without contradicting himself. The perpetual victim. Somehow in his mind he's twisted this into dumb gamers getting upset that Borderlands has boxes of loot.
>retarded boomer converts randomized filenames into timestamps
Kojima. His clown underlings have even infested Yea Forums.
he might have surpassed cliffy b on the coveted cuck charts
That was his most generous empty promise though?
He has no fans, nobody gives a fuck about him. They only care about Borderlands.
I dunno. He have not done anything worth while and it’s pretty damn obvious that he just wants to live out the western celebrity life but he is by far the furthest from the self made clowns like Randy or Cliff.
Too bad borderlands isn't very good
You really are a massive fucking retard. You know that, right?
More like BOREDOMlands.
I never *got* the series. Coming off MMORPGs when the first one came out and seeing that it was basically that, but for just 4 players, without a meaningful reason to cooporate since everyone has abilities to survive and solo everything? Barebones!
I thought they were going the Destiny route with this one, but it still seems to be rooted in the same thing where it's another "It's fun with friends" meme game.
he makes good games
seething alt right manbabies can keep seething but he remains a successful millionaire game dev
This is your brain on BADASS
I saved pic related last year btw
Well, yeah. But it's really all Gearbox have right now. I think their last game that was passable was Bulletstorm, and that shit came out back in 2011.
Witcher 3 says hello randy
Wow, I made the exact same reply to you last year? Should have cropped the left side of the image, buddy.
The random Spurdo seems like a bit much.
>I swallowed you cum. Why wont you play pr for me?
what did he mean by this?
don't forget there was a guy responsible for the android port of Duke 3d that has some serious shit like cancer and randy stole all the revenue of the game from the guy
What a fucking crybaby, they act like they called him a nazi.
no he didn't.
>im the good guy, these other people wanted premium currency, but i said no!
>please be nice to me :)
If you buy Borderlands you're directly supporting this cancerous lying faggot and should seriously consider washing your mouth out with buckshot.
>Please reconsider what kind of internet you want to be a part of in your future
*Randy* doesn't have fans. Neither does Gearbox. Unless you count frothing at the mouth SJWs.
People are fans of the games *Randy's company* makes.
>drama incels literally follow every tweet from some fucking developer to seethe about it
And then you are mad about reddit, discord trannies and all that. You faggots love eating shit, admit it.
Someone make a death generator to add to my collection
More info on that?
Mate you can't have one without the other. If you buy Gearbox games you are directly contributing to his continued existence in the industry.
Just pointing out that you've been impotently running filenames through a converter like you were a hackerman uncovering a grand conspiracy
Weird thing to fall back on after you got btfo so bad but I've seen worse
Short answer: yes. It was also child pornography when you were both 15.
>his fans
There was a case in my country where some kids had sex, someone from their class filmed them and it got spread on Facebook to bully the kids.
Nearly everyone who shared it got sentenced with distribution of CP
ahaha i love watching this KEK get assblasted so hard. his wife is a huge fat bitch and his son is an assbergers fedora retard
the ONLY THING he has is Borderlands and I am sure if that crashes and burns one day he will kill himself
I want to fuck the goblina on the far left so fucking bad I'd drag my dick through broken glass to sniff her butt
Probably the only one that gets close to Randy is Cliffy B. They're both in a league far beyond the rest though.
What fucking suits, Gearbox is a private company, is it not?
Randy is a lovable sperg and is therefore irrefutably our guy. Plus his games are fun and BL3 will be too.
The guy who said that Randy had CP on a flash drive made those allegations as well. Coincidentally he's being sued by Bitchford for embezzlement and fraud.
>They're not microtransactions! It's just cosmetic stuff (not like BL2 because that wasn't just cosmetic stuff) it was just premium currency!
>Now let me show you a magic trick
I am so glad Gearbox has Randy Pitchford.
>I'm tired of being called the bad guy!
>You know me (lies, lies, lies, lies)!
>Not my fault for the Epic exclusive!
>Proceeds to shit on Steam in full-force
>No Microtransactions!
>There are
>That's not child pornography!
>It is
>What Aliens: Colonial Marines money?
I still don't understand what this mess of words is supposed to mean
I'm certain he has about 20 sockpuppets to like his twitter account. He's way too narcissistic to not have them.
Pretty much all twitter narcissists have multiple socks they defend their main account with.
It's owned by 2K, retard.
You're wrong.
It's just him putting all the current popular shit into a blender and thinking this will make a great advertisement for Battleborn.
Ironically, this was how Battleborn was made.
Prove it
is randy retarded? does he not know how the free market works?
I fucking hate shitford so fucking much
on top of being a narcissistic lying fucking faggot he's done absolutely nothing warranting being such a narcissistic faggot
in fact it's completely the opposite, he should be ashamed of the absolute fucking trash his company has managed to produce
oh shit i remember when he would only reply to sockpuppet accounts praising the game. accounts with now followers no posts and just created whenever gearbox released new stuff
>I can't believe anybody would accuse you - the developer of Aliens: Colonial Marines - of misleading people during the marketing of a game!
Pretty based response.
He is retarded because he was seriously replying to parody account.
Remember when Randy Pitchford straight up said that he was going to sue the Ion Maiden devs who made Megaton edition because he owned the rights to Duke Nukem and straight-up said that prior contracts with the IP were no longer valid despite the fact he has a contract written by a 3D Realms employee?
Yeah no, fuck off Randy. I hear catching shit is a pastime of yours, anyway.
Randy is a gift that has always kept on giving
>borderlands 2 is the gold standard for DLC
I went to high school with Randy. He was the weird, quiet kid who tried to pick up girls by "being nice" to them.
Randy IS a fucking 'nice guy', and by that I mean he's a total goddamn creep. It wasn't that he was specifically a nerd or someone who was inherently "dork-ish", but rather had only himself in mind.
When he graduated and went on to create Borderlands later in life, a lot of his former friends considered him to be a skank for breaking off with them in order to embrace "the big time", as he called it.
He was a HUGE fuck back then and he still is now. Randy's whole life is a joke.
>made up an insane story about beating Gaben at poker on a riverboat just to explain how he named his studio despite how easy that would be to disprove, then refused to answer when journalists called him out
>created a fake reddit for Battleborn porn then tried hyping it up on twitter 30 minutes later insisting it wasn't him
>loaded up a flashdrive with sensitive corporate docs AND porno then left it at a renfair so that some kid could find it and blackmail him
>then publicly told this story on a podcast saying he saved the porno because it features a camgirl that squirts a lot, calling it "magic"
>then tried to play it off as being interested in an actual magic trick the camgirl performs when former employees started alleging the camgirl was underage
>Please reconsider what kind of internet you want to be apart of in your future
Man's got a point
I hate to live in a world where it's all you shitposters but i don't want to continue clown world either
>100% of these DLCs can be bought with Handsome Collection for like pocket change in numerous huge sales
Is it possible that Randy Pitchford could ever redeem himself?
How long has that been the case and how does it make the sheer amount of nickle and dime bullshit on offer less annoying?
This is somehow not micro-transactions.
Oh my god just let it go Randy. The more he act like this the more its giving more power to the article.
In my eyes? Sell Duke 3D back to 3D Realms or Interceptor, he's not using it and is actively keeping it off places people used to be able to find it like GoG.
From like 2015
All this shit is post launch. Campaign DLCs are genuinely good with new raid bosses, rarities and shit. Lots of endgame content.
Only later after main DLCs they started adding the smaller and cheaper ones like headhunter missions packs which are alright again. And dumb fucking cosmetics.
He'd like to think he did the right thing
Randy is the worst type of person
as he makes completely selfish choices that he knows will piss people off he lies to everyones face in an attempt to earn peoples good will for his own selfish desire to have people like him
In the US version Michael is a generally incompetent boss but on several occasions demonstrates that he is a masterful salesman to the point where Jim even wonders whether he could ever be the salesman Michael is. Randy is not a good salesman and not a good boss
i think hes seriously autistic or something
>What fucking suits, Gearbox is a private company, is it not?
He means himself
Hes the suit, hes a schizo, there is no other way to explain his behavior
He screams no micro transactions while saying there are micro transactions, but his micro transactions arent micro transactions since they are too micro
Hes fucking insane
hes freaking out now whats with the /6 numbers
Randy might just be the pinnacle of passive aggressive faggotry of a completely delusional fool under the illusion that everything in the world should turn up Randy, and he should never face any adversity. He’s a piece of shit. Just lacking in any and all sense of grace.
ho baby
Twitter has a retarded 250 character limit which makes effortposts like this retarded because he has to spread his message over the course of like 20 tweets to get the full thing in. Most normal people use twitlonger for this sort of thing but Randy is of course retarded.
I feel bad for them, they having a bit of dark humor but it has to be depressing to spend years working on a game and sell nothing
If you publish on steam your game will be drowned in 1000 other games released that day, if on Epic everybody will hate you, if you self publish nobody will hear of you, you cant win
It seems the only way to sell games is to invest a lot in marketing, bait or pay jurnos to write about you a lot or hope to be lucky
uh what? the cosmetics in BL2 that were sold as "dlc" looked like shit compared to in-game unlocks
the fuck are you smoking?
all of Krieg's dlc faces and skins looked like shit
literally the HAHAHAHAHA face looks better than all the microtransaction cosmetics combined
He really thinks Borderland 2 is some gold standard of quality somehow. It's completely delusional
>randy, will your gaem have micro transactions
>probably, but in a sense that they won’t feel like micro transactions and implemented in a way that’s offensive to the consumer and the industry
>don’t quote me on this or make me feel bad
>t randy
Todd is garbage too you stupid Bethesdrone
>Borderlands is the gold standard for DLC!
They sold a DLC pass for "all future DLC" and then decided that wasn't enough so they randomly went and decided to make a bunch of DLC separate and charge people for a SECOND season pass.
Fuck him.
is this game going to have crossplay
bring the nig- black boys up to the front
we need to show we are not racists
>at /15 and still going
He has to be off work, this is what he does in his SPARE TIME.
imagine being an investor in this dudes company and being all like 'yeah, randy is a good CEO!', I'd pull my fucking money out so fucking fast goddamn
>You know me
This is the kind of language liars use to convince you otherwise
If you play as the siren, yeah.
or hes about to have an aneurysm on the toilet
I find it hilarious that aliens: colonial marines is enough to make him go apeshit
The real take away from all this, is that despite the Epic exclusive money, and the extra 12%, Randy still wants paid dlc and cosmetics post launch.
Can someone really be this retarded and technologically illiterate?
what are the chances of someone as stupid as randy creating a successful company like gearbox?
He was very stupidly and awkwardly trying to gain good boy points at the height of the small "why won't PS4 allow cross-play" controversy
you DO know while using catalog view, your OP post like this looks like a 100% retard made it?
>Campaign DLCs are genuinely good
The Hammerlock one is genuinely the worst DLC I've ever played in a game.
this is why i can't stand this website
Any idea what camgirl it was, I like the squirters.
you can say retard special ed handicap child
oops meant for this user im retarded
who cares about that dead ip?
duke nukem will never be relevant again
>duke nukem will never be relevant again
Because of Randy lel
if i was caught in such an embarrassing lie as his gaben story i would probably stay out of public for the rest of my life
More like your fucking retarded and don't understand context. He said it has the same DLC plan as BL1&2. Whats so hard to understand? Why is everyone being retarded about this?
What did he mean by this?
You two can just shut your dirty whore mouths, Radical Heights was amazing.Cliffy B is a dumbass though
because there's room for ambiguity there since he literally contradicts himself and his response when it's reported on is playing the victim for HOURS on end
get that dick out of your mouth, randy is a married man.
True, Alien Colonial Marines was such a masterpiece, still waiting for the sequel.
I believe he shits on the Duke ip in one of his songs.
He has though. Remember when the Blue Checkmark brigade got mad at him for objecting to Anita Sarkesian promoting a story one of her fans wrote about literally murdering Randy?
>3 girls
It's obvious he means no loot boxes/pay for legendaries type shit. Yea Forums is just addicted to outrage culture.
A decent magic trick
I really enjoy the notion that randy can escape from any criticism with “it hurts my feelings”. Isn’t he supposed to be running a company?
hold a usb
that's a Gondola you uncultured faggot
greasy hands from that big ol turkey leg
I'm tired of this dickriding of Todd because memes haha buy my game
Fucking disgusting shilling for free.
Normal people don't use twitter at all. It's like the internets holding pen for the deranged and delusional.
It was a joke, their game sold really well
>worst locations
>worst antagonist
>worst main story
>worst side quests (lol kill these rare monsters that almost never show up)
>worst raid bosses, one of which is also the most expensive
>no mr. torgue
the only good thing about it is the rough rider
>How someone who can't shut his fucking mouth is at the head of such a profitable franchise is beyond me.
Almost all of Borderlands successes had nothing to do with Randy. He was actively kept away from the project for a number of reasons.
Here's a few projects he was involved with
-Aliens Colonial Marines
Every one of his fans plays Lawbreakers every day.
Boringblands fans are just as pathetic as him if not more
no shit
borderlands 3 is actually coming out
>says no (F2P) mtx
>will be selling skins
this is some galaxy brain level :thonk:
there's 0 chance of that outside of a serious economic downturn to the point where people won't be playing games because all their time is spend working on how they're going to get their next meal. It's really unfortunate.
>randy tweets
ah shit, here we go again
lawfag here
This is actually a really novel hypo in criminal law circles as of late. Hell, some have been arrested, convicted, then killed themselves as teenagers because they were labeled a sex offender for trading nudes with their girlfriend. The tl;dr is that situations like that fall into a weird gap in the law between the policy objectives at the time child exploitation laws came into being and the letter of the law itself. Only a few crackpot puritans would have suggested at any point in time prior to the past ~5-10 years that a teenager has engaged in the sexual exploitation of another teenager by the consensual exchange photographs. Yet most laws (varies by jdx) can technically be read to do so.
But yes, depending on the state or county prosecutor, one could reasonably expect to face charges for that conduct.
>Saying literally nothing but the title of game that he is responsible for developing is all it takes to set him off
KEK what a bitch
>as usual it's folks who either still hold a grudge about Aliens, i mean, get over it already, jeez, or other folks who try to paint him as a creep & a thief after reading spurious headlines - no wonder he gets his back up when news outlets misrepresent his work now. i would, too.
Jesus fuck these people. they deserve to be taken advantage of
'yeah this dude scammed a company and thousands of players out of money, and yes he's demonstrated a lack of remorse and refuses to take responsibility for the damage he caused, but like get over it already :^)'
randy has always been a trustworthy guy, especially when he embezzled all the alien colonial marines money
>But yes, depending on the state or county prosecutor, one could reasonably expect to face charges for that conduct.
Is it because of an overzealous prosecutor who wants to make a name for himself as "being tough on child porn" ?
>it's real
Randy is such a faggot lol
Randy Pitchford is a diddler and Gearbox is likely a front for child trafficking. It's only a matter of time before all the people he pays off turn on him.
when you're rich you pay for twitter followers just for kicks, lets you feel like your voice is heard no matter how inane
I don't get it.
A few of the default menu keybinds are retarded but that's literally a non-issue since you can just remap them anyway
That guy's a fag
Try several with the times we live in.
Respond to this you complete damage controlling-cock sucking faggot
>Tried to screw over Eduke32
first of all, who the fuck does he think he is? Second of all, how?
I genuinely believe they don't actually let him speak to their investors and just tell him he's too important for that while letting him sit in his office watching piss porn.
JK the truth is he's probably one of those incredibly common buisness idiot savants like Tommy wisau and MJ.
Fuck Randy and fuck white people
Randy goes home every night to his beautiful wife. Whose really winning here Yea Forums?
>Randy can see everyplace in his home from his office
>even able to see cars in the drive as the approach the house
Perfect for wiping those drives before those cops make it upstairs, huh Randy?
I try not to assume the worst when it comes to a prosecutor's intent with regard to whether or not to pursue charges. That being said, I cannot possibly imagine a well-intentioned prosecutor not bristling at charging a 15 year old for sending nudes to his girlfriend as a sex criminal. I suppose you could say that political influences are behind the wheel, but the prosecutors in my jdx do not care nearly as much about their constituency such that they would twist the law like that. It's impossible to say with certainty as I've only worked as a public defender, so I don't really get a comprehensive view of the state's reasoning
Corey and Trevor you fucked up again
Anyone have the original tweet where he said there were no micro transactions?
where are the people complaining about those few skin packs that they released for bl2? Oh right, nowhere because thats all he's fucking talking about having in the game. Never thought I'd defend Randy Pitchford, but i really have to in this instance because everyone is being pants on head retarded.
You're missing the entire issue
randy: there are no microtransactions in BL3
reality: there are microtransactions in BL3
It's not rocket science
it was during the presentation
Fuck off randy
not damage control at all
Randy must have had some work done, look at that hair compared to now.
im such a stupid faggot
exclusives are a cancer to the industry, borderlands 3 being on the optimized wasteland that is the epic store is enough for me to not support the game it'll have all the dlc by the time it's on steam so it's overall a better deal to use the platform that's been around for 16 years
Holy shit just calm the fuck down Randy. Dude has the self-control of a headless chicken.
Borderlands 3 is actually looking like it might be fun, I'm looking forward to pirating it.
The lack of self-awareness one has to have to think publishing an essay via tweet will somehow sway people's opinion in their favor.
kojima is gaming's only true auteur
No, this is inexcusable shit too.
Microtransactions will never be okay and you can fuck right off.
Epic has shown in the past to not be very tenacious, they abandoned PC when it was in a rough spot and they only came back because the market for PC games got better
If PC finds itself in a rough spot again who's to say epic won't close shop and leave everyone high and dry like GFWL did?
Steam is deeply rooted in PC gaming whereas epic is not so epic really should be begging for forgiveness and taking notes from steam on how to gain the trust of customers.
>t. im a layman who doesnt knows the first thing about UI
pure PC UIs dont expose button functionality because the buttons already say what they do, and dont have an UI tailored for a 4-directional control with tabs like every Borderlands has, pure PC UIs try to use as much of the screen as possible with no directional navigation while focusing as much usage as possible through the mouse, all of this meaning that while GB probably indeed developed first on PC, the UI never went through the same philosophy, it was pretty obviously developed for consoles because console UIs can work on PC while the opposite isnt always true.
Also Randy is a lot smarter than most people on the basis of being a CEO alone, he will cut corners, step on balls, side with known anti-consumer partners, scam the likes of 2K and SEGA and god knows what else to get his shit done. Make fun of him as much as you want but dont understimate the man.
pedophiles are usually good manipulators and liars.
>the blacks are segregated
The difference is that Molyneux came and went, but Randy seems to actively jeopardize a company that would otherwise be moderately successful, just by speaking publicly
He's one of the only major development personalities who people largely have a negative opinion towards, yet represents a company that makes games that are more or less widely liked
How does the purported CEO have so much time to shitpost on twitter? Wasn't he in hot water for getting accused with possession of child pornography only to excuse himself with it being saved pornography of "barely 18" girls?
>pays every streamer imagineable to livestream the reveal event
>calls them shitty cults of personality when describing the villains
He just can't help shooting himself in the foot at every turn. It's like he thinks he's so amazing, and he's hyping himself up, and then his logic just turns off.
Lazy console ports won't even bother changing the button-mapped based menu navigation for consoles and will just replace it with arbitrary keyboard keys, which is made even more egregious when it's mapped to stupid shit like the navigation keys or the numpad, which nobody uses unless you're playing some autistic simulator or you're using custom macros.
>Haha, look at this loser who got laid!
Are the bullies in your country retarded?
Guys.... Randy is losing his mind. What can we do to speed up the process?
Oh boy this is hilarious