Honest question
What do you like about Yea Forums?
Honest question
its always around for me when nobody else is
That it's not Reddit and i can call someone a faggot without being banned for wrongthink
Shitposting is pretty easy. I don't even play say most of the games I post about and I still get people riled up.
It's funny sometimes and rarely there's a good thread.
imagine their vaginas and then compare/contrast
The occasional good thread with just pure concentrated vidya discussion and good times. Usually applies to some given retro games.
For the magic of finding an active thread about a game you like.
The occasional cute art like in your post. The rest of this place can just get fucked.
The threads that are on topic and when the whole board starts shitting on something that deserves it like Battleborn
I like having the option to call someone a bugchasing faggot.
I like Yea Forums for the DMC threads and the fat threads
It used to be a place that was elitist and contrarian, now its only contrarian
Hey, are you me?
I like all the cute animeposters.
This, plus once in a while you useless cunts show me a new game. Lobotomy corporation is a good example.
I didnt fall to Shills and whatever variant of Stockholm Syndrome befell Yea Forums. What do you call it when you grow to like shittier and shittier content? They post about the most dumbass shows imaginable and use "Muh (Fanart Only) Waifu" and "Muh Potential!". There are maybe one or two good shows out today and they are French...FRENCH. That should say something about Comics and Cartoons.
It is sadly the best place to talk about video games
The anonymity. These days it's full of the same twitter attention whores you see everywhere else. Nothing is unique to Yea Forums anymore.
I love all the gay posters and like when assertive anons tell me to suck their cock
I also like the Jojo or Kirby threads
I like how everyone is a Muslim Communist at heart but nobody wants to admit it.
It's a boredom killer when I get tired of Yea Forums
I feel like this is an in-between place in my quest towards true ascension as a human being, the only place with real humans(tm)
The gfur threads
The occasional golden thread that makes wading through hundreds of shitty ones worthwhile.
>real humans
Yeah I forgot that we are incapable of enjoying anything positively.
Committing myself to Shilling for Banjo and trash talking Steve
I want boomers to answer my vidya questions so I know how life was back then.
Cannot compute, what brand are we talking about?
cunnysseurs threads
Stay on topic or fuck off.
Free speech. The last bastion of it, the very last speck of free speech in the entire world.
I don't really like Yea Forums specifically but I do like anonymous posting and I like video games. Hence I am here.
Yea Forums thinks the same way I do
so not much
You pieces of shit ruined Shantae, Splatoon and Hat in Time threads. Fuck you.
Husbando threads, and that's it.
I am on-topic, but the thread might inherently be not. Which leaves the question: why ask v/?
Those few times you can have a genuinely nice conversation with some anonymous person on the internet, without needing to hold back on whatever you want to say
I literally fucking hate Yea Forums . Reddit is waaaaaay better than Yea Forums. Get over it.
We have fun here.
>and like when assertive anons tell me to suck their cock
You guys are alright. Don't come to Boston tomorrow.
you can have a decent thread about those games if you make a decent OP. in that case they won't get shitposted any more often than the average Yea Forums thread
I don't anymore. I only come here out of habit and lack of viable alternatives
Splatoon threads are fine if you don't post retarded OPs
Next destination: 8ch, the True final stage and last bastion of free speech, right now I am unworthy of its presence.
... what place is percieved as worst but ultimately the best v/?
Those rare wholesome threads with banter and different opinions being voiced without any console wars or wojaks.
Nah, Reddit isn't any better but it's not much worse either. Yea Forums is just Reddit Jr. without the moderation or the downvotes, you even share the same userbase.
It's worse than Gamefaqs at this point.
Based, same. I don't mind other game forums, but hate having to watch my tongue.
It always was, thats why you can’t leave here
I'd love you to ruthlessly fuck my throat, user-kun,
You should try ResetEra sometime, I heard they are very tolerant and the absolute best place to have open discussions without having to hold back, nigger is a nice word there even.
Moot never regarded Yea Forums as a place for free speech. Get out of this site, please.
Moot is a faggot who sold his soul and rebranded this place, Moot is irrelevant
Anonymity. It's kind of a double edged sword though. Since I'm never accountable I can spew opinions without needing to back them up critically and never have to ruminate on why I feel the way I do. In theory at least. Being able to say whatever I want also let's me have conversations I'd never be able to anywhere else. You'd be surprised by how saying that one thing about a video game one time ruins your ability to communicate with people on other forums.
I don't believe that anymore. Not since at least 2015-2016. The ease of shitposting has become a means of completely shutting down discussion.
No it wasn't, which is why I left there in the first place.
It's funny sometimes and the OC and edits can be cool. Otherwise it's pretty shit and any other board has better discussion
Anonymity, for better or worse.
But here you are, dumbfuck incarnate!
This. Yea Forums is like a big pile of shit with a gold nugget hidden inside. You gotta swim through the shit to get to the good part.
Hey dumbfuck learn to read
>Which is why I left THERE
with increasingly rarer frequency, I see a thread about a game I like or could be interested in that has genuinely good discussion
Yea Forums is a piece of shit but the main thing I like about it is that I can make a post like this calling it a piece of shit without any repercussions. Anywhere else people will attack me and I'll get banned. I can talk shit here without issues. That goes for the rest of Yea Forums as well.
Not today. I already fapped twice.
Why is the Kollector's reach so long? Its retarded.
Nothing, it lets me waste time at work.
It's a great source for video game news.
I don't always catch the latest headlines.
Also Yea Forums has alright sense of good games so If I see a thread about a game I check it out.
Everyone is equal. No usernames, no upboats, no bigotry, no scores. You're judged solely on the content you give
I know,. But text makes everything less funny and I always presume I’m talking to people who can think a few steps... further, with a little more effort, hence incarnate. It’s ok though, it’s not your fault.
That's almost every other gaming forum. Only difference is the flavor of shit you're sifting through.
Needs long reach for Shao Kahn's shekels
> golden nugget
Name one. Just one
Free speech, and the only place on the internet that isn't completely full of normalfags
Ok dumbfuck
You’re the only people who have called me a fag in a loving manner and acknowledge how slept on are masterpieces like Toy Story 2
Also shitstorms whenever something like Smash happens
Space pirate threads
>masterpieces like Toy Story 2
It's literally a rehash of the first movie
Sorry I meant the game
Funny cause Yea Forums is the most normalfag board on 4channel
That now and then very legit threads about good vidya with low following pop up and you can have honest talk about it with people that aren't complete retards, or maybe they are but they're genuine fans of the game itself at least
what other website do you consider to have more free speech than Yea Forums? be specific
That's why /vr/ was created. Ironically the peak of video game discussion on Yea Forums peaked in the early years of /vr/ before the janitors and mods gave up on it
should I sniff?
That's not the point. The point is you're in the wrong place if you're looking for free speech You MIGHT have more subjects to discuss with here, but free speech is totally out of question. Again, Moot never allowed free speech on Yea Forums.
Feels like the only place these days where you can have a real discussion and actually say what's on your mind. Since 2006 or so, every other discussion board seems to have turned into interactive marketing/propaganda outlets. Users are banned for being overly critical of the industry or by speaking out against the current "progressive" narrative.
When there's multiple threads of people shitting themselves in rage, I know there's news I might want to look into from a reliable source.
Elf san something. Its about plump anime girls losing weight
It's fast and fluid. If this place is boring then I can check back in an hour and it might have something interesting. It's also less restrictive than a lot of other places, for better and worse. Makes rampant shitposting a problem but get an honest discussion going and it can be pretty good.
Only because I love her shit.
>plump girls losing weight
That's horrible
Despite all the shitposting, the average level of game taste and recommendations are just better than most.
Thanks for the suggestion, fren, will do
They suck ass at it though and actually get fatter
I can start insulting people for being wrong.
If you did that on reddit or any forum, they'd just ban you. People need to know that they are wrong, and should be ridiculed for being wrong.
Nice. I'll check it out at some point. Thanks
I like that I can freely be a pervert here. Feels like that's the only thing I really enjoy about Yea Forums these days.
I like being able to do this too
The off-topic memes
I have nowhere else to go.
I'm always really glad when a AAA game gets shit on by this board, since that usually means it's actually good and worth my time. Yea Forums is an excellent litmus test for big name studio games since everything Yea Forums hates always ends up doing well and being good
I love to laugh at trannies and have fun in loli/shota threads
MvCI was pretty ass though
Because this is the alternative
I want to insult you but I simply have no ammunition to fire back, fuck
I like to think yall are the same anons I talked to 10 years ago
I like the age gap yuri hentai.
Chan you can't say the name of here.
You know this le last bastion of unlimited free expression the internet. Real IPs only, questionable activity will be logged and proactively reported to the feds.
Hahaha good one, you probably added 10 pages to that thread with your comment alone, they love to jerk each other off
MVCi wasn't popular though, I probably should have mentioned that since Yea Forums hates games that are popular.
Also who the fuck cares about Yea Forums's opinion on fighting games?
That's because you know it's true
>Also who the fuck cares about Yea Forums's opinion on fighting games?
Good point
I know you aren't or you would have outgrown frog memes.
There's always a changing variety of topics to pick from. Always a chance to discover new favourite games if you happen to wander into a thread with passionate discussion and something catches your interest.
Although some people are here for nothing more than destroying discussion, there's also many people who are actually interested in video games, and anonymity keeps people focused on just that.
>That's not the point.
How? If you are standing in the best hospital in the world, perhaps you're looking for good doctors. If you're standing in the best library in the world, perhaps you're looking for good book. If you can't name me a website with more free speech than Yea Forums, if we truly are standing in one of the place with the most free speech in the world, why can't we assume that perhaps we like free speech? It's easy to prove me wrong, just name me a website with more free speech. You can't and you won't, because deep down you know that this website allows you to say nigger with impunity, and few other places do. It seems you're angry because Yea Forums is not 100% absolute perfect free speech, because you can't get away with posting child porn or death threats to US politicians. I don't care. I said that I naively believed this site had absolutely perfect free speech on a purely theoretical level that doesn't exists. I only said that I liked free speech, and if you are posting on this accursed website then so do you.
That's one of the most "I'm not owned!!" ban messages I've ever seen from a forum mod
>I never* said that I naively believed this site had absolutely perfect free speech
I accidentally a word.
Whether is completely accurate or not, trolling, or shills in disguise. Yea Forums is a good place to just see game news regarding to releases, new announcements, dlc, and games (even shows) you would not even know about unless some major outrage surrounds it to pop up in some random website's sidebar.
Sure there are better places to get such info, but Yea Forums is a giant melting pot of info
I am.
News.... and nothing else.
I'm still with you man. I'm not sorry if I ever called you a fag, tho, you probably had some shit opinion
Third time i said it here
actually I was homeless from 2012-2017 so I have no clue why people hate frog and feels memes now. I just chop it up as yall being retarded
The people in discussions for games who are genuinely passionate in ways they can't be elsewhere.
However as said it does feel like how often that happens is dwindling. A shame as I enjoy vidya as much as ever, so it's an issue of me liking less games these days.
There isn't much better than having a good discussion with someone equally passionate about a series I love like Metroid, Gravity Rush, Smash, Infamous, Tales, Blazblue, Taiko or whatever. And Yea Forums is nothing if not passionate, it's just finding the positive passion in the sea of shitposting and negative passion.
Or just chop it up to being new
nothing, i fucking hate it.
im just a dumb fucking neckbeard NEET that has nowhere else to go.
They became popular so of course "le oldfags" will hate it
Keep posting them, I like them. Especially Apu. God bless Finns.
Just go to hell dude
The anime tiddies
i am, Yea Forums IS hell.
Nah it's not you're just depressed probably.
For the purpose of this conversation I consider most *chans to be about the same. They have different owners and different moderation teams but the principle is the same, people are anonymous and they make shitposts with loose moderation. I am only talking about Yea Forums because it's the most popular version and because that's where we currently are. Yea Forums isn't even the original iteration, it is itself a clone of 2chan.
Everything here is throwaway apart from my will to stop coming here.
Also makes a great point. Autism breeds genuince passion.
Sometimes there are threads about obscure, unmarketed, autistic games which I live for
lol I stopped caring about newfags a long time ago. Overtime it all just blends together. The only thing I hate now is all the /pol/fags are the new ponyfags and sfw boards are enforced.
Yeah they are pretty cute. Im honetly surprised there are still hurr oldfags around. That shit reminds me of XD sekret club amirte
It's really just junk food for the brain. Once in a blue moon there is a decent thread, but they're too far and few between. I mostly have been coming here out of boredom and all other social media type of sites kind of suck.
>Yea Forums
Put up with a ton of entitled whining and bitching at each other. Everyone is mad and every other user is legitimately too stupid or angry to understand why other people disagree with their objectively correct opinion. The saving grace is that you can't tell who is who and it forces some people to have an actual discussion when they normally would not.
It's okay, but not much even goes on there. You also have to watch out and make sure you don't hurt somebody's fee-fees or they'll complain to their lynch mob about you. I saw TJ Henry Yoshi getting people up his ass because some guy went back in time and screen capped something he said (out of context). They proceeded to block him and show the screenshot off for the world to see, effectively cutting him off from defending himself while they jump to conclusions in their secret club. I hate people who do that. 4 chan is hardly better, but at least an user can't just block someone like that.
I've been once or twice and I don't get it. It's just a popularity contest. I was hoping that it would be informative, but as it turns out it isn't really worth anyone's time.
"Think like me or you're literally Yikesler". Haven't been there, but I've seen more than enough screen shots to know that I'd hate it and most everyone who uses it. I'm fine with wanting to be PC, but those are the kind of people who weaponize it and pretend as though they are holier than thou. Legitimately just as bad as your average 4 chan user, but also a psychopath.
Actually good. Haven't been there in years, though.
Yea Forums is the lesser evil. Sure, there are some major fucking freaks on this site, but I'll take it over the major fucking freaks who pretend to be normal.
Yea Forums is shit sometimes but I still like it more than other places. You fags got me to try games I'd never play like Dragon's Dogma, Bayo or DMC, and fucking hentai porn games.
Do yall guys remember hot donna or DJ Groundhog. Those boards were legit the funniest times I had here.
I guess my thing with most gaming communities is that they all buy into hype. They all look at a fucking game with a good trailer and they hoot and holler like girls at a boyband concert. Yea Forums for me seems to be the only place where the community feels entirely on guard. They don't buy into the hype. They make more a sport of talking people down than getting excited for anything. They've been hurt before, and they stop the cycle of buying into the hype and getting themselves dissapointed. It might be negative and cynical, but it's genuine all the same. Not sure if i came across clearly to people, but shit, that's what i think at least. I think people here are a lot more honest with their thoughts. They're not afraid of being openly discontent.
it's 95% trash, but there are some good game recommendations, analysis, & snappy one-liners mixed in with the bullshit. every once in a blue moon there's a good thread, those are neat.
Yea Forums is dead honest about how they feel about a game or why they do or don't like it. If I go on Reddit and ask someone to buy a game they will NEVER tell you not to get it and always come up with some bullshit reasons why the game is totally awesome.
Plus the style of Yea Forums is a lot better than Reddit, gaming boards tend to overly rely on shit like cosplay and art projects rather than discussing the game's mechanics, trying to set something up together, or generally just offering a place for newcomers to ask questions.
So just like every other gaming board. Except on Yea Forums you can say nigger
>If I go on Reddit and ask someone to buy a game they will NEVER tell you not to get it
That's wrong. Though I don't blame you for not spending enough time on reddit to know that. Also Yea Forums prioritizes tertiary shit over game mechanics all the time.
Yea Forums is not dead honest and they're fucking retarded. They also rarely care about mechanics.
Yea Forums is the singlehandedly worst place to ask for an opinion of anything, they have put so many masks and are under so many layers of irony you can't genuinely tell how much of this is honesty and how much is just to get (You)'s
everytime I have a laugh.
every christmas night you can read all the oldfags. for a few hours Yea Forums goes back to its roots.
>no scores
Not really. Half the people who troll in v threads typically like the game. They just want to shit post.
Can I get accepted on Yea Forums if I am a zoomer with a boomer mindset/if im a boomer at heart?
Yea Forumsingo threads allow anons to pool their collective autism for good instead of shitposting.
nigger just post good porn
freedom of speech, and most heated discussions get forgotten anyway
>Not really. Half the people who troll in v threads typically like the game
Most of them haven't played it
I lurk to catalog to pounce on cunny threads since I've given up finding actual video game discussion threads that interest me. I play more video games than ever before, but they are never discussed on Yea Forums.
i dont even play games
It’s a place where I can interact with children.
>I play more video games than ever before, but they are never discussed on Yea Forums.
which one?
What games do you play
Also maybe fucking start the discussion
Yea Forums used to be the best place to be to talk about video games.
That goes against the newfag narrative.
Idk lots of funposting I guess.
Its easy to get some fun responses when you know how to correctly word your topics.
I started on gamefaqs, came here, now I suspect gamefaqs is probably better desu.
The shitposting.
I like it since I think its kinda neat. Being anonymous does have its perks. The only downside is the difficulty in having any real conversation since everyone can be everyone else. lack of accountability creates a layer disengagement.
But sometimes I love screaming into the void.
The shilling.
Anonymity. A forum I still go to recently became draconian with certain topics and phrases and I had to call out an admin on his shit when someone was quoting a hip-hop lyric with the word nigga and he got pissy over a fucking quote. Doesn't help he recruited more people with his safe space faggotry. I had to take a break from that place.
Recently I've completed Silent Hunter 2, Tyrian 2000, System Shock Enhanced Edition, Star Wars Dark Forces and Blade Runner. Right now I'm playing Wing Commander, Ultima 3, Wolfenstein 3D, Marathon and the first Command and Conquer. Granted most of this is /vr/ stuff and I don't even expect Yea Forums to have half the taste, let alone age to be able to discuss them so I don't bother making threads.
Unlimited entertainment. If I feel like seriously discussing something I can do that. If I am bored and just want to shitpost I can do that. Most threads are shit, but that means the truly legendary threads, the ones that really matter shine out all the clearer. Everyone is anonymous so I dont have to pretend to be something I'm not. I dont even make real human connections, which is stressfull, so its extra relaxing. It feels like I'm talking to new people all the time, though its probably a lot of the same people really. Sometimes I make reaction images or fake greentext stories and someone reposts my stories or my images which is cool. All in all, Yea Forums is based.
>I like old games, I don't expect you peasants to understand my rare and unpopular elevated tastes
you're right maybe you should fuck off
>Tyrian 2000
good job proving his point
You can always try man. Also
>dark forces
The people are honest, I can say whatever I want, boobies aren't seen as a mortal sin
But honestly I feel like coming here less and less when every post is either
- screen cap of retarded journalism meant to summon /Pol/
- porn
- console war bullshit (now extended to digital store war bullshit)
If I blocked all those thread there would be like 5% of Yea Forums left
His point is that people don't like or discuss his games. I like his games. I'd like to discuss them. In my experience, Yea Forums likes most of these games and wants to discuss them. His point is absolutely 100% wrong. He is acting like an insufferable cunt and he'll be treated as much. I won't miss him.
>The people are honest
Good thing he probably isn't going anywhere
>Yea Forums likes most of these games and wants to discuss them
And yet they don't.
I don't visit this board so I don't care
But here you are, dumbfuck incarnate!
Based fat loving user
I've been on this god forsaken website for 14 years. I've seen all of these games discussed.
Prove it.
not within the last decade or so you haven't. there isn't discussion of games like ultima and dark forces on Yea Forums beyond a passing mention in the current year let alone any recent one.
I don't expect anything from Yea Forums.
I saw this thread. I didn't take this screenshot but I distinctly remember this cringy thread. Might have posted in it, can't remember. I browsed /ll/, god what a shitty board, pedofags have terrible standards for art quality.
that's a cute picture, OP
Like here's a summary of the current threads on the catalogue
- bait about Undertale being good
- bait about smash roster (by the way one of the worst cancer on the site)
- bait about the epic store
- bait about female streamer
- 5 sonic thread
- template thread "how do we fix XXX"
- bait thread about people not having enough sex (no idea how this is videogames)
- 2 more rosterfagging thread
- porn thread about videogames character asses
- bait thread about BOTW
- a journalist has a retarded leftist opinion about how someone isn't allowed to exist because he said something the journalist didn't like
- 3 more sonic thread
- another rosterfagging thread
- another epic store thread
- twitter thread about randy pitchford saying something dumb
- another porn thread (this one has a bulge OwO)
- bait thread about the FGC
Don't these people ever go slowly insane?
>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>*CRUNCH CRUNCH* Insert pretentious opinion *burp*
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>*Shitty thing about game* What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of *insert band or album*
>*Smacks lips*
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>Astolfo/Gerudo Link thread
Most of them already are. Like most other gaming forums Yea Forums is basically a virtual daycare for severe autists
The fact that you can find a thread literally anything. No game gets forgotten here.
The vast majority of games are forgotten here.
god resetera fucking sucks. so many butthurt people
same thing that makes the rest of Yea Forums good, it's good for quick and dirty shitposting/discussion
agreed. source of more artwork? Based Fusion post