Who is coming home?
Who is coming home?
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for feral druids are not only viable but better tanks than warriors
You know, i'd say that a shill or a bot is doing this but the possibility of just a really dedicated autist spamming this thread daily seems more likely
In fact i don't think shills exist at all and if they do, i don't think they even come here. It's more likely to me that people are just that desperate for others' approval
Bullshit now as ever was.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Not a shill or bot. I'm posting this thread because I am genuinely excited for Classic. Going home man. Cue the Ozzy
Rolling Male Night Elf Drood
>best class fantasy
>good at every role
>easy leveling
>high mobility
>teleport to moonglade
>no competition for gear
>great in premades
>always a spot in raid for you
>being the cool druid that everyone enjoys playing with and talking to because you're a cool guy who actually enjoys druid
There really is no comparison
Night elf males look kinda dorky though, weird body dimensions.
I give it a fucking week before the playerbase starts dropping
It's literally a case of "you think you want it but you actually don't", as soon as people see the grindfest you have to go through they are going to either ask to change the game to remove that to the point where it becomes something other than classic or they will outright abandon the game
>Cue the Ozzy
>OSRS extremely successful
>Tons of extremely active vanilla pservers
>P-players are going to drop after a week!
You're pretty dumb
i coulndt wait and installed retail trial today and played a bit. either they fucked up the game extremely or i remember WoW much more fun than it is. its really a shitty game at least for the first 20 levels, made me kind of doubtful about classic... really couldnt put my finger on it, but i just plays like some sort of arcade game
>either they fucked up the game extremely or i remember WoW much more fun than it is
probably both but definitely that first one
Everything in vanilla looks dorky my guy
>No vanilla item progression
>enabling support for mods and add-ons that was not there during vanilla
Vanilla WoW is going to be bigger than retail WoW. Spergs are going to eat this shit up. No shilling needed
>OSRS extremely successful
You are either joking or you don't play OSRS at all
It's really interesting that after every update, even though 3rd Party Clients still work, the playerbase drops like 80%, almost as if the mass amounts of bots the game has can't log in right after the game updates something. OSRS is played by bots mainly, the rest of the playerbase is doing austistic grinding because the game doesn't require skill or the bits that do seem that require skill actually require a mandatory guide otherwise the game throws you into instakill scenarios
i want to level two characters at once but that's basically a day job -_-
>Some people and mostly bots are playing this FREE TO PLAY game, that means WoW will become successful!
Imagine actually shilling for an ((Activision)) product
Male Dwarf holy pallys
Call me when it's TBC/WoTLK
I could play 1-20 for a long time and be happy.
>J-just bots
>Merely pretending!
Not this again
based & maxHPpilled
Is there a single more obnoxious fanbase than Blizzdrones?
They'll only bother with that if Classic is a success.
friendly reminder to roll on a PvE server to avoid virgin neckbeards pretending that they're better than you by ganking when they're 20 levels higher than you.
kill yourselves pvpfags
why was the other thread deleted?
Because these threads are blatant shill threads.
Not you, unless you started playing WoW 2 months before TBC.
have sex
Holy shit dude how'd you fall 20 levels behind the curve so fast? Like seriously the Autists who'll be 60 week 1 literally wont waste the time to kill you cause they're too busy farming flowers for raids already. And if you're actually 20 levels behind the average scrub rogue who le epic solo pvps you're impressively slow
thats the whole point of wpvp, its a crazy fun unbalanced mess, sometimes you win sometimes you lose
I'd play on a pve server, i only think pvp is fun in battlegrounds, wpvp is 99% pointless ganking
Too bad people who play on pve servers are the most boring players in the world
no offense meant
hotw feral/resto is also based in wpvp and completely dabs on mages and rogues, one of the few specs that puts up a really good fight against hunters too
Imagine being this much of a bitch. Holy shit, I can understand being afraid of a fight in real life but in a fucking video game?
Turn your balls in faggot, it's embarrassing.
Just a heads up, weapon skill isn't that good for tanks as most hits are yellow attacks (since you have so much rage most of your attacks are going to be heroic strikes and not autoattacks), so the highest threat tank should be troll as their attack speed with berserking increases their threat by a shitton
Orcs are cool and all, roll what you want but just fyi
Vanilla WoW is going to be bigger than fortnite my dude. Most huge streamers and content creators got their start making Warcraft videos. LIRIK, Yogscast, Shroud, Sodapoppin, etc. WoW Classic is going to top the charts on Twitch for a solid month. Once all the zoomers see this they will want to play, the cycle of Warcraft begins a-new.
>Was this blizzards plan the whole time? >Destroy the game and create a longing to go back to the original, only to bring in even more players once streaming goes mainstream and all the original players come back to the game
Has Blizz been playing the 4D chess long con since 2006??
close but female orcs have better 1h animations
People wanting to talk about one of the most popular games in history, imagine that.
Neck your self faggot
If you want to play Classic pick the most populated PvE server, others will be ghost towns after 3 months.
>being a Allytranny
rate my ret pvp build
Better yet, just stick to retail you fucking tranny.
It's not ret
Until warriors get really geared, this is actually true. Only private server autists who didn't actually experience vanilla would argue otherwise
cool mate
just remember that even as ret you are in a bg to heal and support people, your dps will be super low and if you just try to kill people you will be useless to your team
Imo if you go ret you should get repentance as it's great for teamfights, yours seems more like a dps build which is something you won't excel at
what do you want me to call it? 2h prot pvp build?
Let me just do this while the thread is still young
>it’s just nostalgia poster
>no shoes poster
>paladins sperging about MUH LIGHT
>Xiao asking why people would rather play classic than stay on his server
>seething retailfags
>zoomers LARPing as tier 3 rank 14 experts
>dadgamers complaining about not having enough time
>hybrids bragging about not being invited to raids
>people who played vanilla when they were 11 thinking they know better than people who have been playing on private servers for years
There we go, that’s the entire thread
Why would druid tanking be worse in private servers than in retail?
Er, the threads max out every time, so you're just a tad bit retarded.
I seriously doubt that. I love Classic but it doesn't pander to the younger generation really. Graphics too shitty, game too hard and too complex, and there's a ton of down time.
For the same reasons I think WoW Classic will be popular in the streaming section for a while but won't have lasting popularity. People will tune in to see their favorite streaming personalities do dungeons, raids, and BGs together, but no one wants to watch people just sitting there leveling 1-60 out doing quests. Popular streamers like Soda and Mizkif actually take a hit in viewership whenever they try to do these ironman challenges in WoW. Maybe not the best example, but it's at least an indicator.
For me though, I wouldn't want Classic to become a huge stream game. I honestly think streaming is a bad thing for gaming and hurts it more than it helps it.
Retail is not an indicator of the classic experience. It's vastly different.
>is actually reck
u dum
dont listen to this faggot go out and be the glorious holy knight that you were destined to be
Thanks for the blog post
That grindfest as you call it was the bulk of want WoW was all about back then. The journey to 60 was the main point. Endgame was not something you rushed through leveling for.
Retail is a whole different game at this point
Ret paladins are called retardins and hated in battlegrounds for a reason
They aren't a bad class and ret spec isn't even that bad, it's just that people who play them run after enemies and use all their support spells on themselves and is generally useless when they could be buffing warriors with blessing of freedom etc
Daily reminder that rushing to 60 and minmaxing is the perfect embodiment of a retail players attitude toward WoW and you are just becoming part of the problem by doing so.
Enjoy the actual RPG elements of the game and immerse yourself in the world. The pathway of minmaxing ultimately ends in emptiness, loneliness, and boredom.
>only reached 10m unique players in its peak
>most popular
Show me a single good premade comp that uses a ret paladin.
>1 thread that constantly fills to the post limit is nothing but a shill bot thread
>he doesn’t want to dunk on dads and redditors as soon as possible
So this is what it’s like to be low test
>it's ok that we shill because other threads are worse xD
>Overcompensating this much
If I could, I would feel sad for you user.
generals go in /vg/
This is not my home. WoW is not my home. I wanted it to be, but no. The RTS games are my home. The story in them that doesn't have 10 Tetratons of bullshit like WoW has. But this will never happen. There will never be a WarCraft IV. Not with Blizzard in its current state. As long as they have the likes of Christie Golden and are ActiVision's bitch. Free of WoW faggotry and idiocies. It will never happen. WarCraft ended on TFT.
I’m going to join a ganking guild and kill alliance scum all day just because of this post.
Stop using words you saw on Yea Forums like they're FotM you sheep
faggots go in /lgbt/
2nd best noobtrap zone, can't wait to skip it.
>enter stranglethorn vale
>it ain't me starts playing
Based racist human cuck
Pretty sure they tried but tranny jannies just delete it and say it should just be part of the retail WoW general. Which I would agree if that general wasnt filled with futa and requests for erp in goldshire
How fast are the autists going to burn out on this? They are going to rush to 60 and quickly full clear the available raids.
Your dad. With the belt.
This x10000.
ANY paladin is a huge asset in a team fight if they are cleansing the shit out of their friends, freedom'ing their warriors, bop'ing their clothies.
The opposite, where you use your shit on yourself and waddle after some mage for 10 minutes is fucking useless and why no one likes to see a ret or reck enter the bg. Reck is a fun spec but almost even more useless on its own in a bg than ret since once the melee realize you've spec'd into reckoning they're just going to avoid you. PoJ isn't enough if you think you're going to chase fags down, you'll end up perma cc'd since most rets dont even know where BoSac is in their spellbook.
BUT if you are useful then like i said, it's totall;y fine. Even better if you are better at healing, and a shockadin or holy/prot is insanely survivable in bgs while also being able to make any melee suffer that is stupid enough to get on your ass. People that care about winning go this route.
Further facts: there are no good rets. Esfand is garbage. Watch any duel when he fights anyone with half a brain and keep an eye on what consumables Esfand is tossing out to even be semi passable.
Even an enhance is preferable to a ret since enhance won't forget to purge the fuck out of everyone while he's waddling after some clothie.
AGain stressing this since it's the entire point: don't ignore 90% of your toolkit in pursuit of memes. Or if you do, grow out of that shit fast if you want to win. For solo wpvp do whatever the fuck you want, obviously, and "anything" can potentially work in that regard.
>the very same OP spammed every single day
>the very same type of format and replies in every single thread
>keeps bumping it even if nobody posts
>game already heavily shilled by most e-celebs
BTW what class and race are you guys rolling xd?
Absolutely based
>going to play 4-6 hours a day
>while doing each zone's quests I'll also just spend a couple hours exploring, grinding mobs, gathering mats for my profession
>doing this alongside the friends I will doubtlessly make along the way
>each night when I go to bed, I'll retire to a tavern and talk to other players in general chat for 30 minutes while the melatonin slowly fills my bloodstream
>the AFK timer eventually logs me out after I wrap myself in blankets and drift to sleep, dreaming of all the adventures I might have tomorrow
I played WoW since launch faggot. Neck yourself
thinking dwarf rogue
but there's gonna be so many rogues, I might end up trying something like undead warlock
This. So much this.
Soda pulls like 25k doing iron man challenges. Project 60 was also huge, a lot of streamers did that and it was a big success. Even brought me back to the game for a while.
You're underestimating the influence of these YouTuber and twitch streamers. There's a reason they make so much fucking money from devs that literally beg them to play their game. Whatever is the most popular on Twitch will rake in cash from new players. They already know they'll get a good chunk of players from WoW vets. The ONLY reason they are giving us Classic is because they know it will influence kids to buy into WoW for a little while.
At it might be a stretch but imagine this, fren. Imagine the possibility of this revitalizing and stirring up interest in MMOs again. This could be the 2nd rebirth of MMOs. Once kids realize how fun a GOOD RPG like classic WoW can be, they won't want to hop on Fortnite when that precious time could be spent on leveling and gearing their character. It's more rewarding and gives a better sense of accomplishment than constantly getting 15th place in Fortnite because you suck. Even if you suck at WoW, the sense of accomplishment is still present. This turned into a book but I hope you get the picture. Have faith, frens. Invite your zoomer siblings to Azeroth.
>be the best pvp support/healer in the entire game
>decide to be irrelevant instead
>hated in battlegrounds
are you retarded? just getting blessing of kings from a pally is enough to warrant having one on your team. A good ret player will obviously support his teammates, but that's true of every class and isn't just raw healing. I'd much rather him give me a freedom or a buff than a random flash of light
Nope, Westfall is kino at 20. You breeze through the entire zone, out-tagging all the lv 12-14s, doing all the quests that matter (eg. NOT westfall stew, boar hunt, etc). Everything dies very quickly, especially with a bro. Tap it and Drop it
You did? Post yours.
>inB4 "I sold/lost my account"
>Thinking you can hit 60 in a week
Nigger you must not have been there at the time.
Well, technically is doable if you share the account and 24/7 non-stop the first week.
Imagine being such a failure in life and in relationships that the only solace you can find is picking fights with players too low to defend themselves, and having to live out their power fantasy in a video game.
Turn your balls in faggot, it's embarrassing.
Feral druids can put out more threat than fury tanks spamming the /sit bug for max threat. Also, this won't be vanilla, it will be Classic. It'll be based around 1.12 same as all those private servers
>Guys Streamer influences how popular a game will be
>Btw don't talk about APEX :)
Played from open beta and sold it in TBC. Fuck outland.
Do Activisiondrones actually have a mental illness? I mean how far up a companies ass can you be?
Hey guys whatever you do don't spec into ret for doing bgs, pallies should only heal so I don't have to get destroyed by them...
>Butthurt horde shammyfag detected
>I'd much rather him give me a freedom or a buff than a random flash of ligh
That's the point of the dude you're replying to: most "dps" paladins dont freedom anyone but themselves. There's a reason ret is hated in bgs and its not because everyone is jealous.
Fucking incompetent moderation does absolutely nothing to stop these shills.
They're probably the ones being paid to allow this shit to go rampant. Fucking degenerate worthless reddit scumbags.
You forgot that Alliance always better than Horde. Warlock based and undisputed best class in the game (both vanilla and current retail). Human better than all other races. Wpvp is theft of time others paid for to play and should be shunned. PvP only belongs in an instance.
WoW is and has always been a game for Zoomers and e-celeb cancer.
>totalbiscuit logo
Best part of the image
>playing on elysium
>see 4 fucking pallies on the enemy team
>they're all ret
>ez honor
>Unique threads only, no repeats!!
>Only AI may post here because if people make a thread everyday about the same topic, its big corporate SHILLS mmaaannn.
BTW heres my new smash roster speculation hehe xD and my map from map builder. O and post Peach R34 plox
>doesnt know that the bottom of every thread shows how many individuals have posted in the thread
>every single game that is released is SHILLED by some sort of eceleb these days
>A good ret player will obviously support his teammates
This is the problem
Ret paladins don't, because they think they are melee juggernauts and that their tunnelvisioning is useful for the team
Anybody can be a bad or a good player but most players at least play to their class's strength
Ret paladins don't, because they believe in the misconception that ret paladins' strength is autoattacks and seals
Paladin is a very strong support class, even when specced ret, but it's played wrong by almost everybody
How do you get to this page? I can't find a way to look at sub history and the transaction history only counts times you've bought things directly through battlenet but I got all my keys and gamecards from retail stores.
Based immersion poster. This above all else and fuck PvP. Let's get a good pve guild organised lads. Alliance pve comfy lefty based guild. No locking anyone out of raid due to not having the 'correct' spec.
Terrible bait
Who cares about PvP
Based optimist user. I hate these threads because every fifth post is some faggot screeching about how retail will die off in weeks, then they’re clearly ignoring the insane amount of hype behind it.
>Best blizzcon reaction of all time
>highest rated post on WoW plebbit
>constant threads on Yea Forums that always hit bump limit (for what that’s worth)
>twitch streamers with huge reach pledging to stream wow classic when it launches
All the people saying classic will die due to its “antiquated gameplay” are clearly forgetting why WoW became popular in the first case. It’s a middle ground between the truly hardcore MMOs like Everquest and Ultima, and the casualised mess that retail has become
>but the raids will be cleared in a week! It’s a solved game!
Literally who gives a shit. No one’s enjoyment of a game stops because some sweaty neckbeards completed it 14 years ago. And in terms of difficulty - believe it or not, there was a time before raiding was the sole purpose of every MMO, and we’re returning to it.
We’re going home. MMOs will be saved. Retailfags repent.
I'm going to roll Paladin, but I don't like sitting behind my team the entire game watching them have fun. Is this a problem?
Yeah but streamers make their money/viewership off of hype, not because they like a game. The initial release of a big upcoming game always nets the the biggest viewrship/tips. After the hype has died, the streamer eother never comes back to the game or beats it like a dead horse with their average viewership until the next big Hype title is announced
ret paladins are even worse in pve
How do you check that with the new page?
No one called this a general. When did it become against the law to post a game thread on the game board? IM SORRY I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!
>rate my ret pvp build
Learn to read.
you chose the wrong class, then
>Caring about literally any rts game
So. Fucking. Pathetic.
>Guys there are shitposters shitting up this board this means we can also shit it up with our shilling xD
>No one called this a general
You could call it a ham sandwich if you want to, it's still a general thread.
How can anyone see this post and still fail to realize it's coming from a shill?
Are any posts in these threads legit or are they all being posted by the same 5 people over and over again?
Why aren't these pieces of shit being banned?
t. shitter
please do stay in the hugbox pussyboy.
You can be a ret paladin and attack people, but 90% of the strength with paladins is their support spells
Rolling a support class and not wanting to be behind your teammates is a problem, yes, it seems that you are rolling the wrong class as paladins have the lowest dps in the game
My father died in February asshole. He was 73 and I'm almost 40.
That won't stop the belt.
kill yourself wowfags
>another person tricked into being useless by the “epic crusader xD” meme
I started a home thread today because there wasn't one up. I started this one too and most of the ones today because I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE GAME! This IS the video games board. WoW Classic is a video game.
t. Tranny Fantasy XIV
Are you excited for the reskinned version of stormblood?
Fuck. Warrior it is then.
>tfw almost no game does the plate-wearing Knight with magic, sword and sorcery class fantasy correctly
There's where generals go. Stay with your own kind.
So. Much. This.
Then start a general on /vg/ instead of making the very exact same thread with the very exact posts every single time.
I’m glad you’re mature enough to change your mind and heed better judgement, user. A lot of ret paladins would benefit from that quality.
Welcome to the club, warriorbro.
I mean paladins has the strongest defense in the game with plate armor, heals, bops etc etc etc
Obviously they can't be big dpsers as well, that would be pretty op
Yeah you can't go back that far since they required you to change to a battle.net ID from an og world of Warcraft account.
>premade comp aka "rbgs"
>too shit to be able to do anything on their own in pvp so need a 10 man premade
retail shitter detected
Go back to your containment board, you fucking trannie
Tell that to Gacha/DMCfags first.
>comes to the thread to be a part of the problem he cries about instead of simply ignoring it
Have I been taking bait this whole time or are you really this gay?
Yeah, sadly Paladin is as hard support as they come. A druid does a bit of everything in PvP, and a shaman will help focus fire people and do it damn well. A paladin just stands around healing people and being fucking invincible.
I played WoW for 2 months 7 months ago. I don't get the appeal, I felt drained from doing so many meaningless quests.. kill 25 slimes, collect 15 shells.. so fucking boring.
Why would I want to play classic?
No one can play alone that much without stopping.
Did you play retail? It's a completely different game from vanilla
Alright so I guess my next question would be.
With this build could I stand in the back giving out heals/blessings, and when a rogue tries to target me would reckoning be powerful enough for me to deal with him?
>Being a Hordecuck in this much denial....
You don’t, so don’t play it. Not all games are for you and that’s okay.
you make these threads everyday. you will run out of tendies and die before this is released
I've decided on a female human priest, wish me luck
>How do you get to this page?
Dunno, I have it bookmarked to prove wrong these fake vanilla veterans every now and then. The address is: eu.battle.net
But I can. Git gud.
Nono user you got it all wrong, it is totally organic and not at all a shill from Activision.
It's just new people coming in these threads every time posting identical replies and posts praising the game like the second coming of Jesus and saying how it will be the biggest thing ever because it comes from one of the biggest gaming corporations!
It's like I've seen this very thing before....oh wait that was the Artifact threads
Found it. I started in early 2005 sometime, but let a friend play on and he got it permabanned. Learned my lesson with that one and started over on a new server that had just launched.
Okay dude.
You don't. Nobody does.
This game is garbage, and these are shills desperately pushing this shit as hard as they can in order to create an illusion of expectation that simply doesn't exist.
Literally nobody gives a shit about this game since 2008. I still don't know why these general threads aren't being deleted instantly.
create a general and shut the fuck up.
What denotes a thread as a 'general'? This is about the anticipation for classic not just a general open discussion. We are posting about the joy of the game and going home. Don't like it don't come in here. Don't post. Just hide the thread and fuck off.
Sure, but almost no rogue would ever target a paladin unless they were complete retard
Repentance>Reckoning in group pvp, better to go 31 ret points
I wish you would say that to my face Sonny. I'd break your fucking neck.
Yea Forums.org/rules
Woah, you're literally the first guy that post it instead of posting excuses.
Stay mad you don't have a home to go to. Also get fucked not a tranny. I'm just a regular dude.
>This is a safe space for us Activisiondrones, don't you dare say anything bad about our beloved company's game!
Seriously, why don't you guys go to Reddit? You are literally crying every thread the moment someone doesn't worship your zoomer game.
lol after 10 months of DMCfags making their "cuhrayzee" dancing Dante gifs and singing their shitty theme songs, Yea Forums rule #6 doesn't mean shit anymore.
Not me posting them every day. I just started a few today for the first time. Usually there is one already up.
>It's ok if we break the rules and shit up the board with our shill threads because there are bad threads on this board xD
Why are shills so retarded?
>long term, recurring threads belong on /vg/
This is recurring, but is it long term? Rules require that it be both before it goes on /vg/.
just play vanilla on kronos3
Go back to your containment board, fucking shill.
A smash thread died for this...
i ended up posting excuses anyway
Stop playing stupid, it's not a good look.
Good rp idea for a priest that are not being a healslut?
>t. Schizo that doesn't understand the long term implications of Classic WoW and also doesn't understand that most zoomers have never even played an RPG therefore classic WoW will be their first experience of creating and attaching themselves to a character that is a permanent, impactful part of a completely new world filled to the brim with other people doing the exact same thing as them.
My nephew is a good example. The closest he's ever gotten to RPG glory is Minecraft when he was 7-8. He's now a 10 year old that plays overwatch, Fortnite, and Apex. He constantly rages and flames other players because he's fucking 10 and sucks at fps, also, console
I'm inviting him to join me and my brother, now in our mid twenties, on an adventure through Azeroth when Classic drops. Just telling him about the classes, the races, the factions, and creating his very own character had him fucking mesmerized. Most of these kids have no idea what they're missing because for the past 3 years it's been nothing but Battle Royales topping the charts on Twitch. So thats all they know and all they understand. Classic will literally be to them what it was to boomers and doomers because they have never immersed themselves in another world outside of playing a game of Fortnite.
I'm not a shill, I'm just smarter than you.
Why do you have to come into my thread and post? No one made you click the thread. No one forced you to read it. No one forced you to shitpost. You chose to do it.
says the guy who posted the rules without actually reading them
I've been going back and forth between Orc Warrior and Human Paladin for a few months now, and I think I can confidently say that while I like Paladin more, I ultimately would feel way too cucked in any group content.
Sure, I could try to tank dungeons, and I could find a nice build that lets me be more flexible, but I realize more and more: Paladin is the "buff your allies" class, and I want to be on the front lines. So I think I will main an Orc Warrior on a PVP server, and then have a Human Paladin alt on an RP server. I'm willing to bet autistic RPfags are more accepting of meme specs and things like Paladin tanks, so that's why. Although I'd prefer RP-PVP.
kill yourself wowfags
Stop shitposting here. Nobody gives a fuck about this shit game, you fucking larper.
A year is long-term, yes, it's a stupid fucking question.
This. If we are still posting in a year maybe the zoomercuck smashtards would have a point. Into the trash their argument goes.
There won't be RP servers.
Nelf priestess of Elune, but everyone will beg for your purple pussy regardless.
>Yea Forums finally rebelling against stealth generals despite MGS/DMC/FEH/Smash/etc. doing it for literal years and nobody caring
Good smash is absolute garbage. Get fucked it's not a tenth of the game Vanilla WoW was. Fucking children. This is why we need to sterilize half the population, and 100% of the right wing.
>a year is long-term
I agree, but these threads haven't constantly up for a year.
I don't like the night elves in wow
>/sit bug
That's not going to be in classic. none of the /sit bugs are.
>leveling at a comfy pace, see "lf1m (x dungeon)"
>decide to join
>run goes well, everyone is chill and you chat it up during the run and have fun
>do a few more runs
>go the tavern after and chill for a half hour
>add each other to friends list before departing to continue on your journey
Why aren't these fucking shills being banned? Literally NOBODY gives a shit about this discussion, and it's probably the same guy replying to himself. WTF is going on here?
Cite a source faggot.
My point was that even with abusing a bug, fury warriors couldn't pump out as much threat as feral druids. And if the bug won't be in classic, you do the math.
This guy gets it, the whole reason WoW got as big as it was at it's peak was because it has a universal appeal. EVERYONE that likes video games wants to live in a virtual fantasy world and be a hero, fuck that's why Skyrim was so popular with normies too. But very few games do it right, and even fewer MMOs. Classic is one of those few, and it's the biggest.
>watch guild clearing BWL in a private server
>vaelastrasz lasts literally 12 seconds
wtf bros this is not the classic I remember
Based og vanilla experience poster. This so what I want back. Exactly.
Because this is an open board in which everyone can talk and discuss in, no matter if you like the game or not.
If you want a safe space and mods that delete and criticism about your favorite game you should head to Reddit or Resetera mr shill.
Human Warlock for me, on a PvP server.
also seething smashfags gtfo
Face it FFXIV baby.
Classicchads won. Our threads are endorsed by the mods, otherwise they would be deleting them (they never do).
You better get used to it now because we aren't going anywhere LMAO
Can you imagine how hard the lack of tanks will be?
>several replies discussing the game every minute
>"these are all the same person"
Newfags need not apply, also I forgot how hilariously unstable servers were at first.
>60 unique posters in thread
How fucking retarded are you?
rp as a missionary that is asking people to donate gold to the church of holy light, and reap the profits for yourself
>Which class and race are you going to roll xD
bears are the worst meme
100% based. Warrior is difficult to level and gear up, but over time I’m sure you’ll fall in love with the class. I rolled one 6 years ago on a private server and I haven’t looked back since.
Usually people get too into the whole MUH LIGHT MUH CRUSADER thing to realize they’re just gonna feel cucked, and they’ll have to force 39 other people to carry them.
Good luck on your journeys, bro.
there isn't one.
There will be pvp, pve, and RP (pve) servers at launch. It remains to be seen how many but we know at least a few per region, likely for NA one of that set for each time zone at least. The idea is to start minimal and then ramp up if needed.
What user is referencing is the lack of a RP-PVP server. Which is accurate. At least at launch but they've said its possible they add some if there is demand.
The problem with rp-pvp is that outside of maybe one server with the ruleset, they qiuckly just become another PVP server. The autist roleplayers dont like their rp being fucked with, and naming rules were historically more lax on rp-pvp. A server like Emerald Dream NA is the exception, not the rule.
A fellow goblin player
>"that doesn't count as discussion because it doesn't meet my own personal arbitrary rules for what constitutes discussion"
Troll mage for me.
Thanks for asking.
Based, I love NE male druids, they are always goofy bros
I'm not a shill. I'm not paid by anyone to post here. I just love og WoW and want it back. My point is that if this thread is so damned offensive to you, why don't you just fuck off and leave the rest of us in peace. There are probably about 12 smash threads you can go jerk off to. Go there. Piss off. Get the fuck out of my thread.
>There will be pvp, pve, and RP (pve) servers at launch
Cite a source faggot.
Paladins are still arguably the best support class in pvp and arguably the best healer in pve
They are shit at dps but godlike as healers, you don't need to be carried just because you play paladin
You too my man, maybe we'll see each other out there somewhere.
Fuck PvP
It's the same guy asking the same question and replying to himself.
I can guarantee you these posts would immediately stop if IDs were activated. This fucking cancer is out of control, jesus christ.
dwarf paladin, I will be an unstoppable healing machine
>p-please leave so I can shill in peace.
Gear that should be deleted from the game.
Wow. So much erudite.
>It's the same guy asking the same question and replying to himself.
says the guy literally replying to himself to make it look like someone agrees with him
Legit going to do this on RP servers. Going to get a level 1 too dressed in rags to panhandle in the streets of Stormwind and Ironforge. Donations go to my main. Muwahahahahahaha
Now to start my own in game religious faction and have secret digital child marriages. I will be the virtual Mormon cult leader.
Do I have to download current WOW to access Classic?
Oh I don’t argue that. Every healer Paladin I’ve met is based, and I’m gonna have difficulty adjusting to not having paladins when I roll horde.
But these threads - and a lot of classic discussion - have a lot of people who refuse to go anything but ret, and swear they’ll be competitive in raids. I’m mainly talking about them when I say they should reroll.
PvE is more comfy for sure, but I prefer the constant tension that comes with PvP zones...
It only really sucks when you're way behind the curve and getting fucked by bored 60's.
For me it's Human Warlock. Maybe Gnome Mage or Human Priest as alt. Probably make Human mate for alt though. Fuck all other races.
Games for this feel?
Read your post carefully and let me know
No one cares about PvP anything. Fuck all PvP servers. I am going to petition Blizz to drop em from Classic citing theft from players killed while playing. It's robbery plain and simple. We can't allow this to happen. Social Justice.
Female gnome warlock, just have to see wich spec i feel for going im thinking destro or demo
based and druidpilled.
Druids really are the most fun class. Efficient talent tree that allows for heals and tanking, awesome at pvp and wpvp, don't even need to buy 60% mount as they can easily reach that with enchants/gear.
It's been a dead genre for decades.
Getting one shot by a dragon in a cove because of how low level you are when you find it? Rune Factory.
But will you write lewd stories about your imp fucking you and post them on the realm forums?
Alright bro see you in gnomeregan 20 hours before every raid
Nice mate i wish you a great evening, brb going on a walk
sure thing
you'll be sm/ruin or ds/ruin or you're not getting any invites anywhere.
My point entirely. It's theft of playtime you paid for. Why let Blizzard allow someone to cuck you like that? Play on a comfy pve server so Blizz doesn't get free money from you for wasted corpse time.
It's in a streamed Q&A.
But honestly user this is old news and common knowledge at this point. Not everyone here is trying to trick you, it isn't like this shit isn't easily googled in 10 fucking seconds.
Same for people arguing about /sit proc'ing reckoning - its already been shown that it /sit to proc shit didn't work in the demo, and since that was removed prior to 1.12 there's really no arguing about it.
If you're interested in this project i would suggest motivating yourself to read up on it as unfortunately while most of the official info is highlighted on the bnet forum, there are some aspects (like the above twitch garbage) that are not. Twitter has had a few confirmations of info as well and fuck twitter.
>not doom guard or succubus
user get some taste
A carebear crying hysterical tears is so very nostalgic.
Where i will spend most of my time
Tauren is the only tank on Horde that makes sense.
So do druids kill each other in moonglade? Or is it some unwritten rule that everyone chills there.
I always figured my Warlock would use the succubus for sexual pleasure.
Like MMOs, then.
Playing Horde makes no sense. No shoes niggers
destro is the pvp spec
cant wait to play a warlock again
finally going home bros
depends, generally the latter
can't forget the druid code
>druid v druid
the code isn't really there out of benevolence, shit just takes forever
They one-shot low level druids and avoid real PvP, just like every other zone.
Quite the opposite, even retail as shit as it is still has subs. Hell even swtor has subs. Just WoW lost the good parts. Classic will be an mmo renaissance. Wait and see. If Blizz doesn't take note when the subs soar and incorporate Vanilla design aspects into future expansions some other developer will take note and make something that may finally kill retail WoW.
tauren everything bro
based warlock brother
Wow Classic is just another haunted image of a future that never came to be. We're stuck in a timeless loop, desperately trying to reimagine past cultural forms with no capacity to imagine a new future.
Yatta ain't gay you faggot.
Those aren't MMOs.
Warlocks are best class. Alliance lock based.
Who else comfy non-speedster leveling here?
>get home and boot up wow
>should I continue questing in STV?
>maybe i should see if any similar leveled guildies want to clear out of elite alterac ogre quests from southshore
>a lot of my pieces are showing age, better people know I'm down for scarlet monastery
>whoa so many items sold on the auction house! I'll make another run to ironforge and put up more meat and crafted gauntlets
Tauren look retarded in plate
>4 horns
Star Wars: The Old Republic and World of Warcraft are very much MMOs.... Are you simple?
Get out of here Madseason
>be Houndmaster Grebmar from BRD
>lair gets attacked multiple times a day and everyone gets killed
>chill with my hounds in the basement all day because nobody gives a fuck about me :)
Can someone link me that warrior leveling build and a decent/good meme Arms builds for lvl60 pvp?
I would go with this:
You should throw Kings on pretty much anyone in PvP, including melee who on the other hand will most likely need BoFreedom, so improved Might is going to be wasted. Assuming you will be throwing around heals (like a proper support would), you'd want to go for Spellpower rather than raw Str/AP, so the 3 points in Holy are also not valuable. On the other hand, Sanctity is your only offensive aura, as will Judgement of Crusader. Also, when Classic is out, see if you can get more than 1 proc of Seal of Command on full Reck stack. If you can't, use Seal of Reckoning instead. Finally, the 1 point in Vengeance seems like the only thing that can push your damage a bit higher but if not, it will serve as a trash buff against Priests (and sometimes Shamans), as they can dispel/purge your seals.
Be warned, healing under pressure as a Paladin sucks if you don't have Conc aura and, more importantly, the talents in Holy.
>go afk on nelf and take a big fat ogre shit
>Come back to my nelf, dead
sm/ruin is good for both pve and pvp.
Hey for a former Hordecuck Madseason isn't bad. I like his vids.
Wont be no sickness because no debuff slots for it lmao
I’m gonna be leveling my first character as fast as possible because I find that fun, but I also can’t wait to level my farming alt at a comfy pace.
your fault for not shadowmelding
Yeah but if raiding gotta go DS/Ruin
then why don't you go and imagine up a new future instead of frogposting on a Romanian hentai board?
>now shadowmelding in a bush
You deserved it
Here bro.
Half my time leveling will probably be picking flowers or fishing.
>not going troll for burst threat
based comfy leveler
it's really good solo, but if you're rolling in a premade the godlike conflag focus fire will be appreciated
nah you don't, especially not for the first couple of tiers. Besides, someone needs to be the imp buff bitch.
Home... I'm comin' home
found the retailfags
Same question as this guy.
I can't wait, user. I am going to get really into my character, make relationships with guildies, and be generally known as the chill druid alchemists who can do anything you need.
Need a tank for your 5man?
>I got you bros, here's some potions to help us out. Let me get threat before you dps
Need a healer?
>i'm on my way, lemme just run by the bank and grab my healing gear.
I did shadowmeld in a bush, my only guess is I was killed by the hacker known as forchannel
What are the rankings for best pvp class/spec? From Tier A to D.
What am I in for if I want to main a Holy Paladin?
pls respond
this is my favorite pasta
I have a 660Ti, do I need to upgrade my graphics card to run a second monitor? I want to have WoW open and Thottbot at the same time.
Ret paladin >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else besides shamans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shamans (any spec)
Why is parry underrated? With 5/5 you double your parry chance from 1/20 to 1/10, besides parry will haste your next swing. It's great for big fat 2handers.
fury 1-40
arms 40+ with axe spec preferably
for 60 pvp is standard arms/fury spec
That ain’t classic chief
TOR is not an MMO, but a single-player RPG disguised as one.
WoW at this point isn't even a proper MMO anymore due to what they did with it after WoTLK. Classic WoW is an actual MMO.
Wear a dress and be a buff expending machine basic heal slut full of daddy's cum.
I'm going to main female dwarf holy pally. It'll be fine.
What about PvP?
So I'm thinking either lolifeet or cutenfunny
What's not comfy about this, bro?
>When you hear the buzzing
SM/Ruin is good for raiding too since you bring blood pact to your group, that's a lot of hp
Ofc DS/Ruin is 5% more dmg but yeah stamina is important assuming you don't have the instance on easy farm
At least it was before the Titans fucked everything up.
Do warriors have to change from raids specs to do pvp?
pvp heal sluts perform basically the same as pve heal sluts but you would be also taking some horde cock too.
You can pvp in fury like swifty did but it's worse than going arms
So yeah they have to change
You want at least one SM/ruin for imp and improved CoS.
When can we expect a concrete release date? "Summer" is a little vague.
Your opinion on the games does not disqualify them as MMOs. Eat a bag of dicks.
What said. Also I'm not really concerned about PVP, will probably just do occasional AV (when its available) and TM/SS when in the area.
What about it? No one gives a shit about pvp fucko
You could raid as Arms in a non-poopsock guild. Hell, many warriors MT'd as a 31-5-15 (hybrid pvp/tank) back in the day.
>improved CoS
u wot m8
does parrying reset the swing or something?
if so I did not know that
Yes lad it reduces the time remaining until your next swing.
There's no such thing as improved CoS, this isn't TBC
But yeah usually 1 SM/Ruin and rest DS/Ruin, but even then I'd say several SM/Ruin isn't bad, blood pact for other groups than tank group isn't useless
I guess you're that guy who plays on a PvE Server and advocates for Classic Expansions.
why do people have such a hard time believing it when someone says he's played vanilla ? millions of people played it
i've played since the start and ill play classic
and yes nostalirus was great
>tfw looking at all those "1 day exempt"
can't remember the last time they did that
Fuck off. I'm very anti 'Classic+' I just reasonably despise wpvp
Druidbros unite. Hopefully furaffinity gets some fresh content today
you can go the whole expansion without touching DS/Ruin, it's a very small difference for a big utility/QoL loss
It doesn't reset the swing timer but it does speed up the next swing. If you are tanking a boss and a few shitters attack it from the front and get parried over and over it will make you get hit with shield block down.
>why do people have such a hard time believing it when someone says he's played vanilla?
Because the majority of "vanilla veterans" are Nostbabies.
>Giving the blizzard jew money.
How about no.
The worst part is thinking those screenshots prove anything. It would be so easy to shop. It's in fact so irrational that it leads me to think that whoever is asking for them is the one who's faking them and is asking for them to cover for that fact.
So, you can't post yours, right?
Why does everyone here pretend like that they can't wait to "quest" in STV. Anyone who played vanilla or on private servers know that you never fight someone your own level, just get one shot by an autistic corpsecamper 15-20 levels above you.
>he wasn't in the beta
>he didn't play on 11/23, day 1
well, if people who never played vanilla are constantly shilling for vanilla then that means it must really be a good game and it's not just nostalgia
Because they're delusional and think they'll be ahead of the rest while leveling.
A forsaken priest who was a high ranking church member in life and can't accept that he's undead
Troll witchdoctor priest who's healing spells have many accidental side effects on his party members
And that's assuming you'll be a healfag. Edgy shadow priests would be easier to RP as.
>AV will be streamlined nu-AV with the nerfed weapon rewards, no korrak, barely any npcs at all
What's the fucking point of AV without those things?
Based and logic pilled. It just speaks volumes how bad retail is. People want WoW but retail sucks too much
it was released on the 11th of february 2005 in europe though
at first i found out about it at my local pc bang where i played dota and cs 1.6, eventually i got my own account a few months later
Not sure user, rogue would definitely be in Tier A though
Is Nostlike so it must be good.
because people would rush to the end either way
You literally can't in old av, that's the point.
Well here you go, mr shooper. I hope the fact that I'm building credence to your bullshit scheme pays off and you give me something lulzworthy in the future.
Shills are real but im with you on these threads
>15 years later
>people still want to grind
Is WoW the most addictive game of all time? I remember it being on the news all the time back in the day because a large number of young men weren't leaving their homes due to playing WoW 24/7.
>my local pc bang where i played dota and cs 1.6,
>people are excited to waste time
You are pathetic and this game won't be what you think it is or anything like 12 years ago.
State a spec/class and I'll tell you
I ain't making a full list though
If you're over 40 you would be hard pressed not to break your own in the attempt.
The belt still yet comes.
Newsflash NIGGER. video games are a waste of time for 99% of people.
ignore this retard go arms 1-60
no /sit crit bug will make fury worse than it already is
this is 5x better for pvp and versatile for tanking dungeons if you want. take out imp hamstring if ur playing pve
the /nostg/ sticky is still unironically the best quick guide i know for vanilla
i'm not an r*tard
>real vanilla
arms is crap for leveling, fury is better even without /sit
Why aren't you using this time before release to find your optimal routes and catalogue what's going to work best for you when the game launches instead of being cucked by 13 year old guides that were never really optimal unless you're a hunter or warlock?
you're right that was my bad i was just heated and you were an easy target
come here bro give me a hug
>This post is advertising or begging.
listen to this guy. that being said, you gotta use the hamstring kiting method
dont listen to this guy
A) I'll play warlock.
B) All pservers have wrong quest values, so is pointless
C) Sharding will make anything works due no competence.
>rushing to cap level
At that point you can just play retail.
No it's not. I asked why are you being a lazy sack of shit and not making content or finding out optimal routes for when classic goes live? Is it cause you're a filthy casual?
home is nigh
>finding out optimal routes
what a way to ruin the fun.
we dont give a fuck whats optimal we just want to have a good time leveling like the first time
zoomers will never understand. just stick to retail
Why is alliance so great in vanilla bros? Horde has some comfy zones and cities here and there but it literally can't compete.
I played actual vanilla, so pretty much remember all i nèed to know.
Sharding is for the starter area only, lel.
"Fun" is being corpse camped by people that rushed 60, being behind economically, gear wise, and profession wise? Enjoy killing turtles in salt flats while I gank everyone I can in Redridge.
I want to say the Ony questline makes it feel like a single player game in the way it can engage you but I never played Horde past lvl 20-something so I can't compare. I hear people talking about finding Rexxar to be of note.
your only resurrection spell can be used in combat and has an insanely long cooldown
>Preventing a wipe with a tactical Battle Rez, Barkskin, Tranquility
>nu-WoW client and servers
>sharding only for the starter area
Keep repeating that to yourself, drone. Game can't handle 100 players on the same place.
>speed leveling
absolutely disgusting
Blizz literally said it was just for starter zones.
>Sharding is for the starter area only, lel.
They haven't stated this anywhere, and people in the fnf beta say it's everywhere. What they did say is that they'll remove it by the time they introduce world bosses. They specifically mentioned Kazzak, which implies it'll be in higher level areas as well.
>trusting nu-blizz PR
Are you retarded?
they didn't say it was "just" or "only" for starter zones, they said it would be useful, "especially" early on.
For leveling fury with a 2h weapon is actually the best.
How're you supposed to corpse camp / gank lowbies with sharding?
You'll gank the lowbies who share a shard with you and the ones who are in another shard with 0 swole undead rogues will go unmolested
>3 hours
>3 hours
>3 hours
Slowest "speed leveling" ever?
I can get to 1-15 in less than 3 hours
>I can get to 1-15 in less than 3 hours
nice lie
He's not the only one that wants to gank lowbies, ya know.
>in retail
Who else creates a story for their character in their head as they play? Or am I the only one that's autistic as fuck?
I leveled 8 Undeads to level 60. I know what I am doing
I quit in TBC
Westfall is kino you fucking faggot
Alliance races are garbage without Draenei
are you implying this fucking sperg who shills his shit everywhere is not, in fact, the world's best leveller?
I've been watching his stuff, and a lot of the problems he has:
>No mobs cause Chinkdale.
>He is brainlet so no idea how to quest proper.
>He keeps getting distracted by stream chat and ends up grinding.
>Can't find dungeon groups cause no one speaks English.
>He chases PvP opportunities instead of questing or grinding cause "red = dead" even if the players are 5-7 levels higher. He literally murdered a paladin 9 levels higher cause he saw him keyboard turning while killing mobs.
>Literally trolls alliance AKA sapping skull level players just cause he can, ends up getting killed for it later.
>Literally can't play peacefully with alliance at all.
>Got kicked out of a quest group cause he wouldn't stop killing the reds in the area and had to abandon the quest. (Lol.)
If anything he should retitle the videos.
Im 15 years older now and I really want to play the real deal again but I feel I dont have energy left to do it properly and enjoy like back in the good times...
Or maybe people like classic wow
I plan to level 2 chars, one is definitely warlock. The other is either warrior (which ived played before, or Druid... help me decide between those two.
I don’t want to tank. If I went warrior I would DPS, I’m not worried about guilds or whatever telling me to change if I want to raid. Druid I wouldn’t mind healing, as long as i could still solo content along the way (I hear pally healers do 0 damage, so paladin is out for that reason).
You don't have to poopsock and rush to endgame. Most of the game's content is 1-59. People used to take a year to hit max level in MMOs.
Well druid healers also do 0 damage
Good luck on your choice though, I'm still thinking about mine
Stop posting reddit memes in these threads you fucking sperg
You're talking about a tripfag who's seething so hard that he's now samefagging without a trip because everyone filtered him and stopped replying, why are you surprised he's a retard?
His 1-40 grinding is respectable. Pretty good considering the tradeskill leveling and final $$$ count with mount / twink gear purchased along the way. If he skipped twink gear he'd be able to epic mount @ 60 straight away.
How are those actions "retarded?"
If anything, not fighting reds = timid, AKA, beta, AKA, cucked.
Honestly I advice against druid in PvE unless you already played the class in vanilla before and know you like it. Its not about hots or whatever like in the future expansions, vanilla druid is a healing touch spammer with really bad numbers and you will mostly be there to innervate the priests. Not having a real revive is also super annoying.
Benji you are mentally ill
Get help
For druid you can be feral/resto, effectively heal and tank content, while also being capable of lasher/aoe farming/questing. But for PVP you probably wont be killing people, just flag running
I don’t have to go healer. Ignore end game, I have all the game in mind. I’m also levelling with a healer for the Druid / warr, which straight away makes warrior more appealing.
I just want to enjoy the class though, druids look like so much fun
>posting about yourself in third-person
fucking christ
This actually sounds fun to watch.
5 seconds in fireden, kek
Feral is completely unviable PvP?
Nah. I played like 70 cumulative days of WoW in highschool. Been there done that.
nice try "user"
I saved his image cause it's good data. I plan to go undead rogue too and am learning a lot from his data.
>Still posting wojak in 2019
It's not a waste of time if you enjoy it.
You just also happened to preserve the filename
PvP'ing is part of the fun of leveling. Being a peaceful little beta while the reds quest / harvest resources is timid gameplay.
Why would you NOT kill another player you have 100% advantage over? I can understand not attacking groups when they outnumber or level you, but if you see someone 2-3 levels under you, solo, why not murder them?
feral rapes
It's called feelsguy you fucking newfag
No it's pretty ok
Why would I change the name?
This actually makes me want sharding.
If you want to kill people easily you wanna be balance/resto. Feral works but you'll need Manual crowd pummelers to really rip people apart.
Feral is good. When you do WSG if you want to tryhard and win as much as possible you will flag run a lot but that doesn't mean druid is bad at actual pvp.
Someone just said they are flag carriers, do they actually hurt?
If SwoleBenji wants nothing more than to gank and camp lowbies, why not druid?
>Cat stealth
>Travel form
>Moonfire lowbies to instagib them from range.
How is rogue better?
Bro I have a fully written interconnected backstory for my first three characters. Full backgrounds and character development. My friend I played with also has ones for his two mains. In fact our characters who leveled together actually value the friendship. Oh the days we had from fighting the undead menace in Duskwood to drunken dueling on the Horde airship in Icecrown after killing all the NPCs. Man that's the good shit.
>using mcp in pvp
that's some real dedication
All it takes is one schizo to ruin literally every home thread i guess jesus fucking christ jannies
Depends if you can shapeshift properly
Hybrid classes aren't meant to wreck anything
That being said they are fucking monsters at flag carrying and really fun
That's not how Yea Forums filenames work.
don't think he could handle it, druid is a lot more difficult than rogue
you do not need the crowd pummeler, they have no problem with burst ie pvp, feral gets very nasty in pvp and aq gear
Rogues can kill enemies 10 levels higher than they are. Druids struggle to kill things barely a few levels higher unless they attrition their way to victory.
You honestly become a serial rapist and pretty much obliterate anyone 1v1 with mcp active.
Yeh except he's sleeping and won't be up for another six hours, unless that shit about him only sleeping 3-5 hours a day is true.
Maybe they dont explode stuff as hard as others, but they have tricks nobody else has like shapeshifting to not be poison kited by a rogue. So they are good.
I'm pretty sure he's underage, he's displaying 12 year old's first time on the internet levels of stupidity.
His mechanics and reaction time are on point though and he's an oldfag to boot.
where do you guys get this shit? there were tons of asshole cats on nost and elysium, druids don't have pvp problems
>not using MCPs enchanted with Crusader in pug WSG
lmao poorfags
I can learn. I liked warrior in cata mop and wod, will I like warrior in classic?
He's not sleeping you can see him on Steam he's playing Dead by Daylight and shitposting in their general right now are you dumb?
>implying anyone pays attention to some tripfaggots schedule
You can stop posting about yourself now, this is getting pathetic
IMAGINE being as big of a cuck as "benji" is, lads
They don't have problems, but they can't handle bigger threats nearly as well as a (prepared) rogue can.
>Rogues can kill enemies 10 levels higher than they are.
If the enemy is afk sure
didnt read the thread, but feels strange there's so many of these kind of threads lately. vanilla wow's been playable for many years now on variety of private servers (yeah i admit some of them didn't turn out too good) and you pay activision zero bucks for it. plenty of fun has been had and most of the people there have been decent folk. what's with the hype for the activision version for it?
that pic is really dang neato.
but he said he was 12 in 2005 when he was getting 9 characters to rank 14 in real vanilla
Literally faster to grind beasts in Arathi than try and quest in STV on PvP server.
>what's with the hype for the activision version for it?
Because my normie friends will play there and because my old guild will too
And because pet pathing probably won't be garbage
I agree otherwise, priv servs>blizzard servs in many ways
it's so obvious that you're the streamfag, just stop
woah there cowboy
Hard to say really. Warriors are a cocksucker to level BUT depending on player skill will absolutely destroy other classes. If you want to tank you pretty much have to go warrior.
"Playable" doesn't mean working properly.
Forgot that fgt rogue shilling his youtube page
Me and my private server guildies are looking forward to classic because
>don't have to worry about the servers shutting down by a C&D and losing all that progress
>don't have to deal with a server population that's 90% chinese and russian
>don't have to deal with corrupt GMs who ban people to reduce the rank 14 competition for friends/customers
>don't have to deal with servers doing shit like selling thunderfuries for real money
If all we have to do is pay $15 a month, which we already decided is worth the price back in 2004-2006, then I'm completely fine with it not being free.
>unless they attrition their way to victory.
Yes, they're druids. That's what druids do.
Because they think they'll be at the front of the pack and it won't be camped by people 20 levels higher corpse camping, but they don't understand how hard they'd have to poopsock for that to happen.
I’ll have a healer levelling. I’m thinking Druid though double heals would literally be a breeze.
I have no desire to tank properly, though I’ll be up for low dungeon runs as one to group fast
Nah, just been watching him. Not like anyone else here on Yea Forums to watch play WoW. He's literally the only one.
my biggest hesitation about private servers was the fact that they could get C&D'd by blizzard or shut down at any time if the creators decided not to bother with upkeep anymore, which means all character progress would just be completely gone. there's at least some sense of permanence with an official blizz server, although i'm still not to keen on paying $15 a month for it.
fuck of benny
I keep track so I can troll him.
where is this?
You're not fulling anybody. Your diction is very recognizable.
you will always lose your character on private servers
Which class has the most utility for PvP? Is there any class that can deal with any debuffs/ccs and remove buffs from enemies?
>Because my normie friends will play there
true, i think this will be the selling point for many. lots of newcomers aswell.
i do wonder how many of us here have played vanilla back then, at any point on private server(s) and/or are going to play on retail. how many of the "going home" posters have done any of the above?
yes, and?
karazhan, deadwind pass
definitely warriors
He's never said his age.
He said he was wagecucking when WoW released which means anywhere from age 15 and up unless he worked illegally.
The fuck is Diction mean?
Just cause he doesn't keyboard turn, hotkeys everything, knows rotations, reflex gouges ganks, knows if he's DoTTed, vanishes if he accidentally aggros in dungeons within 1/2 a second of entering combat, knows how to gouge / bandage / cannibalize, jumps autistically everywhere, does inventory management while fighting, and excells in PvP doesn't mean he's mechanically sound.
Not always. Yeah, Nostalrius died from a C&D, but then another private server picked up their account/character database so everyone got their characters back. Then one of the big guilds donated 2000 euros towards server costs and then charged back the donation causing the server hosts to shut it down from lack of payment for a week. It had 40k players before this happened, then struggled to stay above 10k after it came back up
Don't lie to people who are new and asking questions
>Which class has the most utility for PvP?
Mage or one of the healer classes, like druid shaman priest or paladin
Depends on what you mean by utility though
Wait seriously, what can they remove and what utilities do they have?
That's literally what mechanics are.
I know who Benji is. He's Buddhist:
Not hard to figure out.
He's (Read: You're) a habitual liar so nothing he (Read: you) says holds any weight. You're even multiquoting like he does. All your posting habits and word choice (diction) 100% match his but you'll probably just insist that's coincidence again like when you got called out for your "cata" speedlevel screenshot that was taken last week.
Ok and can these classes remove debuffs and cc from themselves? like stun, root etc.?
Hey Benji
all healing classes have an assortment of debuffs they can remove, but they all have limits.
>priest = offensive and defensive magic dispel, disease dispel, no poison or curse dispel
>shaman = offensive magic, defensive disease and poison, no curse or defensive magic dispel
>druid = defensive curse, poison, and disease, no magic removal or offensive dispels
>paladin = defensive poison, disease, and magic, no curse or offensive dispels
>mage = curse dispel
priest and shaman are the only classes that can remove enemy buffs. shaman can remove 2 at a time, priest only removes 1 at a time but can also dispel magic off teammates, which shaman can't do.
remember mages, throw detect magic on sheep targets and it will eat the dispel first.
Will there be achievements in classic?
they're amazing at winning fights 2v1, them and their healer vs. randoms
>theres no cute boys
>cant stare at the boys ass
How do I into warrior tanking? I tried doing it in a TBC private server, but I always lost aggro, and had to constantly use the taunt in order to keep it. Is tanking hard on Classic as well?
you bind sunder armor to a hotkey and press it
Paladins can remove any slows/roots with blessing of freedom, druids can just shapeshift out of them
Mages can remove stun with blink
All of the above as well as priest and shaman can do either decurse or dispel or purge as well
Warlocks can dispel with 8s cd with felhunter
Technically rogues can remove slows with sprint and vanish
If you play gnome you can remove slows/roots with escape artist
I mean there are 15 billion examples, could you be more specific pls?
Not that guy but nice writeup, thanks
Elwynn then go to Westfall then go to Redridge then go to Westfall then go to Redridge then go to Duskwood then go to Redridge then go to Duskwood.
Add Deadmines and Stockades somewhere in between.
The most "utility?" Now forgive me because it's been a while, but I would have to go with Shaman.
They have interesting spells unique to them that serve specific purposes. That's the embodiment of "utility" right there.
Also they are able to spec into any need that a group has.
Even as basic healers they are constantly dropping cool totems and buffing allies, as well as CCing enemies. They serve many roles on the battle field. Not to mention they have cool abilities for themselves such as ghost wolf
New thread
What would you say is the most useful removals for PvP? Can any class remove hard cc like stun, daze, fear etc.?
After the pull, bloodrage and then battle shout for agro. Against a boss you have as much rage as you want to so use heroic strike on every attack, spam revenge and shield slam on cooldown, and sunder armor every single gcd in between. When rage matters you use revenge on cooldown and sunder as you can, if there is more than one target you distribute sunders around, depending on the enemies and how much rage you have it may vary a bit, like it may be worth to spam demo shout or cleave etc.
lost at the aids and feces part
for their own sake, mages and druids are the most slippery fuckers around
for others', paladins are definitely up there
Thanks man. I never really tanked back in the day, and I want to do something different, specially if that means being useful in a raid.