Star Citizen is free to play from May 1 (today) through May 8.
Come check out the next iteration of MMOs that stands to put 20 years of tab-targeting and koreashit to bed.
Star Citizen is free to play from May 1 (today) through May 8.
Come check out the next iteration of MMOs that stands to put 20 years of tab-targeting and koreashit to bed.
Other urls found in this thread:
>post yfw you didn't fall for scam citizen
Is it finished yet?
It always feels good
Guess I won't be playing Star Citizen for the next week.
still just a glorified tech demo
Can't wait for this to be released to my Grandchildren!
>imagine falling for the scam shitizen
what a sad existence that must be
Before that shit releases we'll have real starships to fly. Thank god i didn't fall for this scam.
>Come check out the next iteration of MMOs that stands to put 20 years of tab-targeting and koreashit to bed.
I like SC but this is the second time I've seen this exact line starting a Yea Forums thread and I'm wondering if you're an actual shill right now...
Oh, would you look at that
If you're just trying to tell anons about the trial put a bit of originality in your posts.
Yea Forums told me there is no game
How big is the install?
Hellsing Ultimate was finished faster than Star Citizen.
at least 40 jiggly bits. No idea what it's up to now, but that was the last time I DL'd the current release like a year ago.
But what about Redline?
is it still a buggy mess? does it have any gameplay yet?
>does it have any gameplay yet?
What exactly do you mean when you ask that?
It's got ship-to-ship combat, FPS combat, exploration, contracts, etc if that's what you mean.
But there isn't a campaign or greater context yet; it's just all the systems interfacing right now. You have to make your own fun/objective for now.
>scam citizen
Fuck off shill
this still looks like an incomplete piece of shit
I'll pass
Roberts will have your money one day, cuck.
If I wasnt a poorfag back when Yea Forums was shilling it I might have fallen for the meme
German software wizards have somehow managed to expand the game twentyfold and the install size is still less than 50GB.
I've never met anyone who knew about this game. The only place I've ever heard about it is Yea Forums.
Really gets my nogs jogging.
Reminder to apologize publicly when you bitch out and give Roberts your money anyway.
>Game continues to progress
>Shitposting still hasn't evolved past SCAM xD
Where are all you "it's vaporware" faggots at now? Did you evaporate or did you kill yourselves in shame?
It's more fun to post smug reaction images then spend hours looking over press releases and gameplay videos.
It will never happen.
I'm not interested on a pay to win game masquerading as a commercial game.
>Buy game
>Your starter ship gets obliterated in a second by one of those $15.000 Death Star monstrosities
>i-it's vaporware!
>i-it's a scam!
>i-it's pay to win!
Your starter ship will be literally uncatchable by larger ships in-atmosphere, so have fun being full of shit.
>that stands to put 20 years of
..ripping off investors only to never release!
My math teacher back in highschool kept telling me about how cool the game was and how it was coming out soon, and that he backed it
that was in 2012
Its vaporware you so.y guzzling cuck
>it's all a scam bruh none of these screenshots are real i swear
Well, unlike the game, shitposting is free so it doesn't have to progress.
>check out my jpeg
>this game definitely isn't vaporware
lol its a tech demo, you can fly around in a empty sandbox with nothing to do, the game wont be done for another 10 or so years.
Oh wow a render never seen that in any game before holy shit there arent like 30 other shitty space games that look exactly like that.
When your game comes out and is actually great, 80+ on metacritic, then you can shit talk.
Right now you are just a pathetic so.ybaby man child who wasted his money on a meme.
Ah I see someone that spent well over 50,000$ on a scam has no idea what a tech demo is
Sometimes I wonder how you cucks will handle it when you realize you're the ones that have been denying reality for years instead of the whales that spend in excess of $20,000 on this game.
Is that mass effect andromeda?
I never said it was a scam, because it isn't.
It's just a poorly managed project victim of both feature bloat and sunk cost fallacy.
It will never be finished; this free to play weekend is just intended to attract donators because the project is running out of money (again).
You simply can't deny it's pay to win. You can't.
>tfw specifically remember saying I wanted both elite dangerous and star citizen
>decided to get E:D first and get star citizen later
>never went back for it
Feels pretty good
Its a scam you so.y pussies
>You simply can't deny it's pay to win. You can't.
Explain to me how it's pay to win when the larger ships have limitations that smaller ships don't, you can earn every single ship in-game, and even rent the fucking things for a fraction of the actual UEC cost to permanently buy them? Hard mode: Structurally valid arguments only, no sophistry or fallacies.
>deluded retards thinking the game being barely functional is everything they ever wanted, and worth +200 million dollars
rebel galaxy outlaw will be the game I play
>Scam Citizen is already going free to play
Oh no... Nonononono, oh no no no ahahaha, AHAHAHAHAH
too much for features creep.
Hold the fuck up
Yeah it's a new evolution of the MMO business model. Instead of paying a sub fee for the entire game, you can pay sub fees for specific ships in the game. Once you stop paying you lose them
It's a free fly weekend you stupid nigger. They have several every year. Holy shit you people are stupid.
Star citizen has literally the same amount of content as E;D my dude, they are both failed projects, but at least Star citizen seems to be trying to do something about it, ED is literally on life support
Imagine paying 10 thousand dollars for ship jpegs, then having random people be able to play the game you paid for, for FREE - then defending being scammed, on an anime imageboard, for FREE.
That's not the word I'd use
So when is it releasing? I mean properly.
>that ridiculously expensive coffee maker
>that fucking 10,000 dollar door
sometimes I see this game has more viewers on twitch than a lot of real mulitplayer games (and not during official livestreams either)
who the hell watches this game? aren't there just a few missions and places?
How do I play?
I saw this image on the front page of Yea Forums.
Hate you
Why would they end development? The longer they "work on" the game the longer they can justify begging for more money. The spineless paypigs that are still left after all this time will never demand the finished product. They're so deep into it they probably enjoy being milked at this point. Reminds me of findom tbqh
it's literally 99% viewbots
im registering for the game right now. someone give me a referral code so i get 5,000 vbucks
I spent like 45$ on it
not too bad since there's missions and shit now and it's pretty fun exploring
not for everyone but still cool
Imagine being so far in fucking denial that you automatically assume a whole bunch of dumb shit without knowing what you're talking about.
Are Sœy Citizen players actually going to defend this?
Considering it's a flat out fucking lie I'm not even going to reply to it.
>me and friend start playing at the same time
>i spend $100k to buy a death star instantly
>hes stuck with a scooty puff jr
>i instantly kill him
>he must spend 10 years grinding boars for 16 hours a day to afford a death star
how is this not pay to win
They'll just deny and deny and keep bumping the thread because they're desperate for players. They can't bear to think about the fact that the only playerbase now is a few whales. They NEED more players because they fear the game will be abandoned before it's "complete" (even though it was never meant to be completed and is just a money milking scam).
Anything to actually do in the game?
>retards who believe everything they read on the internet
Go back to Facebook, boomers.
Probably because it's a nonsensical hyperbole you invented and are somehow not being ironic about.
I'm gonna play it when(if) it comes out, I won't waste my time with an alpha. Massive waste of time
Post your bets anons, which gets finished first. Berzerk storyline or Star Citizen. Accepting applications for other things that will never release too.
>free to play
What has the world come to, that we consider pre-alphas and tech demos something worth playing.
my post yeah, there's a few things like accepting missions for bounties, detective work and dog fighting where you can earn credits and buy gear and ship stuff and on foot FPS combat
there's also 2 separate modes that let you fly and do the FPS component
no thanks
It's not. It's just fucking not okay, you don't even know what you're talking about. Unless you're a at LEAST a High Admiral in the Chairman's club, you don't know shit about Star Citizen.
>i-it's not real guys!
>I haven't been fed a line of shit by butthurt failures like Derek Smart have I?
>uh oh
Tell you what, when I can buy it on steam or the epic game store or what ever for 60$, Ill give it a shot k? Until then, until its a GAME... its a tech demo, I'm sorry you spent so much money
why do you make all these stuttering posts? are you fucking stupid?
>i-it's vaporware!
>i-it's a tech demo!
>i-it's a scame
Same tired old bullshit for years from you people.
Deal with it faggot.
how does no one realize you're just fucking with them.
you're painful to read, please stop
Nice wallpaper you got there bud.
Ill just wait for the full game to come out and drop 60 on that, thanks for your support.
>Pay real money to get better equipment
How is it not pay to win lol.
I took the screenshot myself, it's an alright game it just needs bigger servers and permanence right now.
>this is all fake guys I swear!
>Derek Smart
like clockwork
I don't even know who this fag is but LITERALLY EVERY TIME someone criticizes star citizen, the drones drop this name and pretend it's a counterargument somehow
It's seriously cult-like how they've created a "devil" for themselves and blame all their ills on it.
ok but you can buy a $27,000 ship
yes we've already seen your posts you fuckin shill
I got diamond in amway does that count?
no one is saying the "game" is fake mate. They're making fun of you for spending money on it, and making even more fun of the people who spend literal thousands on the game+ship jpegs+vr equipment to fly around in a laggy dead environment with almost no gameplay, and it's still in pre-pre-alpha or whatever.
Yep, that totally looks like the product promised
>reaching the highest rank before even playing the game
But most people aren't looking for "alright". What i aw when i watched a stream was a pretty mediocre game.
What is there to do?
I dunno who the fuck Derek Smart is but if you honestly think Star Citizen isn't a scam you've been unironically indoctrinated by the festering shitheap of a "community" that the game has. It's more like a collective of crabs in a puke filled bucket of Stockholm syndrome, so used to having promises broken by their most holy scam that it's the only way they can get up in the morning anymore. I'm not kidding. If Star Citizen somehow, someway actually released and wasn't the most repugnant putrescence ever regurgitated from the game's industry I think most of the Star Cultists would commit ritual suicide. They just wouldn't know what to do with themselves without all the constant and unrelenting delusion. Daily drubbings from Chris Roberts is all their masochistic minds can understand anymore. "Another delay? Oh yes daddy Roberts please push it to 2030!", "Of course you can have my paycheck, after all, you've earned it with all those tech demos!". These are the daily thoughts of Star Citizen devotees. Their minds are warped beyond what can be called human.
Also, this is your daily reminder that scope creep is the #1 killer of professional and amateur projects, and they wanted this game to be finished YEARS ago.
Is there anything you can interact with in these city/cities? Is it different from an empty desert?
>t-tech demo!
wow another screenshot of empty soulles shit, let me know when there will be something actually to do in this shitshow
>200+mil scam and counting
>Game still incomplete
>i-it's not real!
>Is there anything you can interact with in these city/cities?
No, its basically fucking SWTOR.
You properly get like a few areas you can go to with a bunch of shitty NPCs.
>Same tired old bullshit for years from you people.
>Y E A R S
ya buddy we know, star citizen is taking for ever. Again when the game comes out (if) Ill try it ok? Until then please stop giving them money I'm kind of worried about you... and all your cult friends.
No, the buildings are basically just boxes for scenery, you can't do anything with them.
user where can I buy a full copy of this game and when will I be able to play the full release? It looks amazing.
>4 people
>not empty
Yes as of right now (and for a really long time now), it is just that, wallpaper. When they release a beta, then it not wallpaper anymore.
Like come on now, most people would love to play the game, if it ever game out of Alpha.
Yes, its a very pretty Tech demo and I'm sure when its a real game it will be fun... I'm just saying watch out on how much your spending ok? Make sure you talk to friends OUTSIDE of the SC forums and what not before you buy any "new" ship pictures ok?
Can you answer the question properly? Are you saying that there's one interactable builing with a hangar in the entire city?
>tfw I fell for it but got a refund
Ofcourse its ready user. Its
Fuck this industry.
Rentals are an in game thing with in game currency, not real money. They won't actually be coming to the game until 3.6 at the end of next month though.
It's mostly streamers who set up their own content. The biggest one is a guy who gets groups of 40-50 people and sets up big organized PvP operations with air support and stuff. The game is pretty cool for that kind of stuff because there's so much empty land area that they can do it in a distinctly different place every time.
Except that death star would be completely useless. SC's big expensive ships require huge crews (as high as 80 people for the biggest one) and will be incredibly expensive to outfit and operate. They'll basically be worthless without a whole org backing them.
>holy shit there arent like 30 other shitty space games that look exactly like that
Show me one, I'll wait.
It's one landing zone on one planet in one solar system full of planets, moons, asteroid fields, and space stations. Does that answer your question?
Elite Dangerous is half of what Scam Shitizen promises and is still a better game than it will ever be because it actually exists
How do I download this shit?
It forces me to select a game package.
>the best part about the game is how empty it is, you can get together huge groups of people in a big empty plain to LARP all at once and there's no NPCs, game mechanics, or points of interest to stop you
Who is this again?
>he doesn't know about the cities
user stop shitposting about MUH SCAM
Mismanaged yes, but a scam doesn't have 500 people working on it to finish the project.
this, Star Citizen is less than fucking X4
>Rentals are an in game thing with in game currency, not real money. They won't actually be coming to the game until 3.6 at the end of next month though.
Yeah that screams pay to win. That's what those shitty cash grab games use my dude. They force you pay a bunch of in game currency that you have grind to get. Hoping that eventually you'll get fed up and buy something with real money.
berserk will never ever be finished star citizen on the other hand will only never be finished
>this star citizombie sperging out because people keep calling his moneysink a scam
I didn't say it's not real. I said it's empty, soulles, uninspired and without anything of substance to do.
so is there anything to, yet?
or is it just a tech demo. still.
i wouldnt know because i dont follow scam citizen much.
oh and the website does not have a download page, it tries to force you to pick a $45 package. pretty scummy.
He doesn't know what about the cities?
And Space Rangers did all of what Scam Citizen promised, and actually released in like 2002.
Chris Roberts is still making Freelancer I see.
Just let it go Chris.
>procedurally generated city
what happened to the "entirely hand crafted universe" you fags kept spouting 5 years ago?
You don't have to buy it, it's the same shit every free fly.
You have to find the article they posted about it on their site and use the key there to play for a week, they wont let you do it any other way.
None of these tell me when I'll be able to play the full release tho. You seem to have information that we don't, just tell me.
>mfw i have no face good enough to post for this feel
>I said it's empty, soulles, uninspired and without anything of substance to do.
Whereas I say you can go fuck yourself.
FUCK off with this scam bullshit
How is this a scam, you can do more in SC than in ED
For fucks sake all you do in that game is buy one artificially priced teapot and sail 200 galaxies away for a profit
yeah im not willing to jump through hoops to download 80 gigs of a game then try to play it only to find its a completely unoptimized piece of shit since its still in development, then try to fly a ship only for it to bug out and be sent spinning off into the void, then reboot it several times to get it working and ultimately find out there's nothing to do in the game since there are no game systems done since robert wont stop fucking with the physics engine.
Fuck, I'll give it a try, why not.
Post webms
> I say you can go fuck yourself
truly an amazing counter-argument starshitsen fag
When does it release user?
It's not unoptimized, more so it just requires 16gb of ram and an SSD, the rest of your specs don't need to be that good past that.
Also there's missions and griefing people right now, so ya take that as you will.
This is user, who are you?
Why let it go when your fanboys are more fanatical than most organized religions AND they're paying you a king's ransom to scope creep yourself to oblivion? It satisfies egotism and greed all in the same move. Even ITT there are pathetic wastes of life defending a tech demo FOR FREE. Here's a hot pro-tip, if the game demo was fun you'd be playing it instead of telling people how fun it was.
It's right at the top of the front page, but you have to skip past the stupid pop-up thing. Here's a direct link to the free fly download page for anybody who doesn't want to fuck around with the website:
Wow, such argument, real good user.
I see you speak from experience user.
>16gb ram
fine i have that
fuck off no game should REQUIRE a goddamn ssd.
There's a roadmap on the website. I have no interest in spoonfeeding you fucks any more than I have an interest in shilling my referral codes here. I'm not here to sell the game. I'm here to tell you faggots like these how full of shit they are:
Notice how they completely ignore the screenshots, refuse to actually look up any material or gameplay videos, and demand to be spoonfed like cretins.
I mean how the fuck don't you have an SSD now since they're so cheap?
On top of that, if you're running higher refresh rates, it's sort of required on bigger, more modern releases.
Is this why I see scam citizenfags shilling it in 2077 threads? To try and get cyberpunkfags to play it and give more money to their masters?
Oh? So what can you do in Star Citizen? I'll add one restriction though. It has to be something between the game and the player. PvP is a given, but anything community organized in it's entirety is out, since that's just LARPing in a computer as opposed to the woods. What's the actual gameplay like? Support your statements with video evidence since the demo is apparently so amazing. Go on, this is your chance to sell me on this.
>There's a roadmap on the website.
But it doesn't have a date.
do you jerk off to these screenshits?
because its superfluous that's why
Post webms pls
And yet you still don't have a playable game. Just modules it's fucking sad mate.
A roadmap with no release date idiot. Now kindly answer the question or stay in dev purgatory where you belong.
there is no gameplay. ED unironically has more 'to do' than SC does right now.
>Notice how they completely ignore the screenshots, refuse to actually look up any material or gameplay videos, and demand to be spoonfed like cretins.
I really do love wallpaper
Considering all of these screenshots were taken less than two minutes before they were posted that's a pretty stupid question.
What's the community like in this game?
> I have no interest in spoonfeeding you fucks
>sperging with wallpapers for hours now
Oh you mean that totally arbitrary thing that changes constantly? Hey, remember when this game was gonna be done in 2016? Are they still trying to crowbar Cry Engine into supporting massively multiplayer persistent worlds?
>What's the actual gameplay like?
There's no such thing, that's why the retard will screech about the screenshots until this thread dies. He has nothing else.
Feels real good man.
it doesn't have an ingame community because there is no game
the closest thing they have is an incredibly shitty FPS
can i run it?
Go play the freefly for yourself then fuckhead.
>A fucking menu
Amazing. Never before have I seen such a thing in a game.
Yes, I don't know, and that's the exact reason why I'm asking, and that's also the exact reason why I wanted to get a more clear answer other than stuttering greentext.
tfw this game will look like shit by the time it comes out
A whole list of shit to do and things to interact with and still you dumb fucks just can't get it. I legit wonder if you'll contemplate suicide when you finally hand over your money to Roberts' bank account.
Shut the fuck up already. You people have NO RIGHT to shit on Star Citizen. How much have you donated? A hundred? Fifty bucks? Have you even spent any money on it at all? If you haven't spent then you literally don't even know what the Star Citizen experience is. So just fuck off and stop badmouthing my game
Sure, I'm downloading the game right now. But my internet kinda sucks so it's gonna take a while. What should I do once it's installed? Is there something cool I should look for, like a system that's good for exploring or a dogfight mission that's tough but fun? Any NPC factions I should check out? Any space pirate hotspots to avoid? Cmon, I want my first experience with this game to be as optimal as possible.
lmao why are you fags so determined to defend your game on Yea Forums. accept the shitposting and play your tech demo. you gain nothing here you fucking nerds
>An empty corridor
That'll be 19999.99$ + tip
>208 replies
>93 ips
>A whole list of shit to do
>literally only "go for a thing, bring me a thing" quests
>What should I do once it's installed?
Decipher the recently overhauled flight model and controls so you don't crash into the side of a skyscraper. Take some contracts. Get enough money to buy a real gun. Fly to Hurston and shoot some corporate thugs for money.
ArcCorp is covered in city and the procedural building generation shit isn't fully implemented yet so there's only delivery missions. Hurston's got all the good mission meat right now.
Why are there no webms of this shit?
The contracts are localized you retard.
This is so pathetic because it isn't bait
>The contracts are localized
Heh. Hah.
>A fucking subway
Neber sin befur
what's the ship combat like these days
I remember a few years ago they had a patch where it was actually slow to turn and stuff and it was way more fun. then hornetniggers complained so they patched it back to point and click with your mouse floating turret style again
You sounds like one of those bootlickers that fellates the devs on forums. Are you the same dude who gets pissed when twitch streamers admit they're married?
I can't answer your questions because there isn't a release date, I can't post videos because the frame rate is still trash. Can't show you any interesting stuff bar same space station coz game doesn't have anything to do.
Smash tier.
>They're just Skyrim radiant quests
Not playing til it's done, thanks.
Imagine paying ten thousand dollars
To pre-order a vehicle
In a game about doing fetch quests
Where nothing happens along the way and you just go on auto pilot.
imagine then defending this purchase on Yea Forums
Imagine spending literal hours dumping screenshots to desperately convince yourself you didn't waste your money.
Imagine succumbing this hard to the sunk cost fallacy.
Severely autistic, extremely sensitive
Scam citizen literally stole my money and told me to rebuy the game to play it.
>Clips through everything
Collision is an extra 500$ goy.
i see why this guys hasn't posted any rofl
>wallpaper engine
cause its vaporware
Wake me up when you can marry cute 2D girls. Till then enjoy your suicide simulator
>Only thing to do in the game is kill yourself
Wow! True to life for Star Citizen fans!
Joke's on you nigger I'm the same person.
>still hasnt posted gameplay
>nothing has collision and it's literally all just for show
holy shit imagine paying a hundred dollars for this
I'd unironically rather have bought Mass Effect: Andromeda
Woah! So cool!
What is truly pathetic is somehow SCdrones think ArcCorp is some sort of success.
That's like trying to prove God. You can't.
Apparently I have to fly all the way to Hurston to prove there's more than just delivery missions see you fags in 10 minutes.
See you in 10 hours
I honestly can't even imagine this
see you in another 20 years when the game hits beta
I hope you'll crash along the way and die. If you do, don't come back.
Why would you want him to lose his RL life savings? That's a bit harsh don't you think.
Do us all a favor and crash into a planet.
>no fast travel
Mostly not that bad, actually. There's a small but extremely loud contingent of autists and cultists, but most of the people you'll encounter in the community and the game are reasonably well-adjusted and civil.
Whatever helps you sleep at night cunts.
but im literally about to play it without ever having paid for it
is this game still running like shit, has like 2 planets with nothing at all but a couple delivery missions?
is the game still full of people who waste thousands of dollars and are proud of it?
You're not wrong but they aren't going to play it. When this game finally releases you'll be in the target demographic age to play space sims. A large chunk of current backers and fans are already in their 40-60s. They'll all die before the game releases.
swtor also has hyperspace travel
How will Yea Forums ever recover
>fast travel
>in a space sim
Oh wow... more wallpaper.
yes and yes
why are citizencucks so overly defensive over this game? is it because they paid hundreds of dollars on ships?
there's still nothing interesting to do in this game no matter how much empty screenshots you will post
>wanting fast travel in an mmo
scamcitizen is shit but this isn't why. the problem if anything is the opposite, that it's too casual and you can choose not be interdicted and raped
Yeah I love the immersive experience of waiting 20 mins just to travel somewhere
Yes. Sunken cost fallacy.
not that user and not even a scam citizenfag but
>no game should require an ssd
is a very dumb statement. There are barely any games that do require an SSD but for certain processes in next-gen games you're kidding yourself if you want console-tier load times. SSD's are getting cheap as hell now and it's practically already required for any AAA game thanks to their bloated audio and textures.
*how many
>taking 10 minutes to get anywhere
>every time
quality game lmao
yes and also this videogame is the only worthy thing in their miserable lives
NASA's Juno probe reached 266,000 km/h when circling Jupiter. It's the fastest space speed ever achieved in the history of humanity.
With how far away Hurston is (about 15.5 million KM), it'd take you almost 60 straight hours of nothing but flying in a straight line to reach it.
So I guess we will see you in 2.5 days.
>mfw I never gave my money to any Kickstarter project
Feels nice.
on ship IOUs, as you can't actually do anything with them
based frankposter
>what's the ship combat like these days
>I remember a few years ago they had a patch where it was actually slow to turn and stuff and it was way more fun. then hornetniggers complained so they patched it back to point and click with your mouse floating turret style again
This damn it. SHILL user WHY DON'T YOU ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT THINGS WE'D ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT LIKE BLOWING SHIT UP. It looked awful the last few years, little laser pointers with zero meat to them, no awesome weapons that would actually feel good to use at all.
All this other crap is meaningless to most of Yea Forums if the pewpew isn't up to snuff. If you can't demo some real fucking battles the fuck off.
Put yourself in our place. You haven to listen to dumb fucking faggots scream "SCAM!" and "VAPORWARE!" for six years straight, all the while the game is being developed openly and the development team give updates on their progress -every fucking week-. Gee, I wonder why we might be a little hostile to the piles of human shit that spread blatant lies and misinformation about the game? A real riddle, that.
Whatever you say senpai.
I bought it like 5 years ago. Fuck, wasn't it advertised that it would come out in 2013?
Anyway, i spent 30 dollars or so back then
I log on sometimes, but i find that there is fuck all to do if you have no friends and nobody to play with. I just walked around in some empty "city" and when i tried to get into my ship, the game lagged out and then crashed.
This was like earlier this year.
is there something to do in this game besides taking screenshots?
But the community for the the game do the exact same thing. Honestly the community turns away far more than the ones who scream scam.
Boy wow look at that it's almost like there's things to do. What a shocker huh?
Did you think "scam citizen" was just a meme? years of development and what you get is an empty sandbox.
>updates every week
updating a single texture and bloating the ram/instal size requirements is not an update
you know what an update is? adding fucking content
hint: flying in empty space with nothing to do is not content
Oblivion had more interesting quests
>only 13gb download
>2 different mission types, take this from here to there or blow up some npcs that dont move or fight back and pose no challenge whatsoever, both for pennies
yeah real thrilling. getting flashbacks of ED now.
How about you go play the fucking freeflight and find out?
how is this any different from picking up meaningless quests in any other p2w mmo?
Someone give me their referral code
I'll be enjoying my life. I can build an inground pool for $20k.
t. Cope
>How about you go and give me some money goy, it's worth it you'll see
nah thanks
what starter ship do you get?
12gb of that are textures and uncompressed audio lmao
>2.2 posts per IP is unreasonable
t. Robbed
Come clean, user. How much did they swindle out of you?
You have a learning disability. That's what your problem is.
Be warned, it's actually like 45gb, it'll download the rest after the first 13gb part.
Use this and give some random user a referral
For the free-fly? Arrow, Prospector, Cutlass, Avenger Titan, and Dragonfly
everyone but whales know its a scam
I see you are sufficiently butthurt now, jumping at whales as if it's an argument.
In all seriousness, do you see how pathetic this makes you look? In real, released games, those kinds of tasks are the bottom of the barrel as far as content goes. Take the Witcher 3. A game made for $60 million (Star Citizen has 3x this budget) that actually released. What you've posted are the equivalent to the Witcher contracts that get posted in minor towns and cities throughout the game. They exist to show that the main character can go out and actually do his monster hunting job in-between actually important story quests. It's basically one step above padding. The real meat is the main questline full of complex characters, choices and their impact, and story moments. CD Project Red didn't try to sell The Witcher 3 with the promise that you can take a witcher contract to kill 3 drowners in some random town. They sold it on an epic world changing adventure filled with cool characters and interesting RPG choices. And then they delivered on that sales pitch. Meanwhile Star Citizen has sold itself on an epic open world space adventure, and has delivered mundane fetch quests. This is why people call it a scam.
>In all seriousness, do you see how pathetic this makes you look?
Right back at you faggot. You're all trying to cope HARD with the fact that this game turned out to be the real deal and you guzzled Derek Smart's dick so hard you actually listened to his bullshit despite the fact he is a gigantic fucking failure as a game designer and spread so much misinformation that you can't tell what's true and what's not anymore.
Never understood why people shit on the game if they haven't paid for it.
i think what you're thinking of is squadron 42, the single player storyline (supposedly) in development
ad hominems are not an argument you shill faggot.
>NASA's Juno probe reached 266,000 km/h when circling Jupiter. It's the fastest space speed ever achieved in the history of humanity.
Not to defend that tard but this is an idiot example too user. Even with our existing tech that's nothing, if we were genuinely serious (we knew the sun was going to go nova in another hundred years say) we'd build a thermonuclear pulse drive which would be good for up to 5-10% lightspeed. Even 5% would be around 54 million km/h.
>travelling from the spawn point to the new "city" and content
>6 minutes in quantum travel and counting
Neither is all caps hyperbole that doubles as a blatant lie, fag.
It's pretty much just people that really lust after the game but are ballblasted because it's not out right now.
WHERE IS THE GAMEPLAY. Show fucking combat. Tell us about the meaty guns and missiles and rockets. I have yet to see anything that would even feel as good as Freespace 2 did, regardless of how pretty the planets are.
The hate is just a meme right? You people don't actually believe the shit you're saying... right?
Love the fact that it's not "why do people shit on this game if they haven't even played it" it's "why do people shit on this game if they haven't even PAID for it".
A lot of it is just inertia from a few years ago when there really were serious doubts about the legitimacy of the project, combined with the fact that people who've spent a lot of money on a game like this are pretty soft targets for trolling.
But how much? Are you a whale? Do you feel like that title is a badge of honor?
Did you not read the rest of his post?
enough shitty bland screenshots, posts some interesting gameplay and i might check it out
It's just hilarious at this point
Sorry I don't read posts that open with lies and misinformation.
Not him, but I'll be real. Combat is ass right now. The new flight model was a huge step in the right direction but they fucked it with god-awful weapon balance and broken aim assist. It's fixable and it's gradually moving in the right direction but it's shit in this patch.
Thermonuclear propulsion is purely theoretical at this point and we have precisely zero progress towards an actually working prototype.
Hell we can't even make a REGULAR thermonuclear reactor without irradiating fucking everything, let alone use one to move.
Oh shit he actually did say paid, I thought he said play.
Whereas the thread is predicated on a freeflight weekend, so I don't know who you think you're criticizing. Oh right, you spergs can't look past diction because you don't want to.
>bew bew
>bew BEW bew
No wonder the shills never actually put up webms of fighting ships but just walking around and traveling between locations.
On my way just for your bb.
It's just an interesting fact about Star Citizen loyalists and their mindset. I'm sure giving another $19,999.95+tip to the cause is much more enjoyable than whatever paltry amusement can be garnered from these childish "Games" people keep bringing up. Why even play the free weekend? I've already paid for it. That should be enough.
>another 15 minutes
Actually I already would have been there if I didn't have to counter-shitpost you fags. I overshot it by 60km.
Those sounds are so fucking bad. Like there's no depth to them. They're right out of the 90's pc era
If you want to shill your game, at least make fucking webms.
>bitching about weapon sounds from 2.6
>when projectile manager and audio rework are on the publicly visible roadmap
Proudly ignorant I see.
Also note that at one point they fly within 20 feet of an enemy that they've engaged, and it doesn't even shoot back. I don't even think it moves. It just sits there and waits to die.
top fucking kek that's some serious buyer's remorse
By the time it will come out it will be obsolete in every aspect
>>They're right out of the 90's pc era
Looking at the actual 90s PC era is what makes it truly sad user:
>Released in 1999 a month AHEAD of schedule
>developed in a few years
>shoestring budget
>they made this
>already has been 8 years
>two hundred gorillion dollars
>hundreds of devs
What the FUCK happened to the industry Yea Forums?
Claiming something will be improved in the future is pointless grandstanding. Presuming that anything on that map will be implemented is a faulty premise. Especially considering previous publicly available roadmaps have said that the game was going to release in 2014. You know, 5 fucking years ago.
I'm probably going to get shot trying to do this alone and taking screenshots at the same time.
Because you need to be paid to even play this shit.
Awesome feeling weapons are literally the most important thing in a game like this. But in scam citizen it's an afterthought to fully rendered elevators in landing docks. Does not bode well regardless of roadmap.
>I'm probably going to get shot trying to do this alone and taking screenshots at the same time.
That doesn't look like a spaceship. That looks like an FPS, of which I have many. And why don't you just do a screen recording?
often times people are unable to manage deadlines and budgets when they are emotionally invested in the project
Cool tech demo buddy.
Same as it was 5 years ago.
See you in another 5.
>on the roadmap
Yeah, I'm glad this shit has only been in development for nearly a decade
nice game starbabs
Bruh just pot you fighting in a space ship, if we wanted FPS we would go play call of duty or something.
Why every space sim goes the "ultra futuristic grey squares" aesthetic?
If your ship is not cool, why bother?
You're thinking of Elite.
I have an exclusive pre-alpha version 9 star citizen video here for you user have to admit the gameplay is looking pretty good!
The plague of sad panda
>defending a shit 'game' where the bulk is just taking screenshots of blank empty space
You really have no idea what this game is, do you?
There’s probably cool ships in this game, but I’m sure you have to either grind endlessly for them or get out your credit card.
>one guy just stands there
Nice AI lmao
That's pretty shitty too but at least is not a grey square, i'll give you that
>You really have no idea what this game is, do you?
I guess not. I THOUGHT it was a space game, where you did cool stuff in spaceships and occasionally ventured out, but from your screenshots it's apparently a mediocre FPS where you just use spaceships to add long delays between battling over collecting 5 space raccoon pelts.
It's unfinished. A lot of the issues you're defending (and failing at) come from the fact the game just isn't done yet. Come back when the game releases and try to sell us on it then
If you think that's bad, they didn't even shoot back in 3.3.
This just in: Planets are in space.
Imagine playing a tech demo in development for 10+ years with millions in funding that doesn't have 1/100th of the features a shitty MMO released 10 years ago does.
I honestly can't. How far down into delusion do you have to be to come into these threads and just post scenic screenshots repeatedly as people call you a complete retard? It's beyond stupidity. It's being so fucking braindead you can't even do basic human interaction anymore.
This shit is honestly scary. People joke, but SC is the biggest IRL cult in recent times. It's fucking terrifying to think you could be this guy posting this shit.
>2012: S-SCAM!
>2019: T-TECH DEMO
I bet what would really help me optimize my missioning is a nice set of spreadsheets and then I can have so much fun typing in numbZZzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzz
star citizen is a massive fucking scam. sure is a beautiful game though and flight feels fantastic. Other than that there's literally no content, they're never going to have the semblance of a story and it is designed to be the biggest pay to win piece of shit ever.
what will it be in 2050 haha
It's Stockholm Syndrome. They so desperately want a sci-fi game on this scale and they have become disheartened by the constant lies and deception in the gaming industry. Instead of lashing out at the people who are responsible, they get angry at people who aren't retarded for not falling for the bullshit scams. They are battered wives. Instead of coming to terms with the truth, they'll try to excuse it any way they can with empty promises.
>This just in: Planets are in space.
Great, then I'll be playing superior space games like DOOM or Serious Sam that also don't cost twenty thousand dollars.
2012: scam
2016: vaporware
2019: tech demo
2023: early access
2026: outdated and ugly
2030: who?
So here's the reality of Star Citizen. CIG completely fucked around for the first four or five years of development. Up until sometime in 2016, the entire development really was a shitshow, and the "game" they had out wasn't even a tech demo, it was a mockup placeholder that contained basically nothing that'd go on to be in a final game.
However, that changed. I'm not sure if it was just them pulling their heads out of their asses, if it was them taking over Crytek's old German studio, or what, but shit actually started happening and the earliest version of the real game finally got into players' hands with 3.0 at the end of 2017. Since then they've been moving along pretty well and have done some pretty impressive things, but it's still a very early unfinished version of what the final game is supposed to be.
In other words, SC hasn't been in development for seven/eight years at all, it's really only been around three. Shit makes a hell of a lot more sense if you look at it that way.
None of them are exclusive.
It's a scam because the finished game is not worth 300 gorillion dollars.
It's vaporwave because the game promised will never come to be and instead they'er only going to release a half baked ghost of a game.
And so far, you only have a tech demo.
Even better knowing that people are paying it for me!!
Yeah, I wonder what word people will be using for it in the next ten years, when you still have to defend it like an ape because it still is a fucking tech demo. Hang yourself.
>CIG completely fucked around for the first four or five years of development
You wouldn't be able to get CryEngine to do half the shit they have in 50 fucking years armchair game designer.
lol the amount of salt in this thread from jelous poorfags you are all going to be so raging when this game comes out and is the greatest game of all time and us super backers destroy you come late peasants because the deals we got will be gone for you only the loyal and visionary can get them.
>game came with my gpu
>my gpu can't even run it
Make sure to put a bullet in your skull the moment you think about giving Roberts $45.
It really is. Fucking insane that videogames can do that to someone. Really shows the current state of the industry, with so many promises and early access shit and crowdfunding and stuff.
Nice Halo2/Doom3 lighting and bloom
they have been taking and spending money this whole time though. so yes it has been "in development", dev hell money blackholes are still "development" if there are actual salaries being paid which there were. just because they pissed a ton of cash away doesn't change that.
The joke is that I bought into this game for $35 and the best they can do is scream "20,000 dollars!"
I dunno user. They've been releasing ships you can buy for 500 dollars very frequently the entire time. That's why there are literally several hundred models.
If you have several hundred models of ships for a game that's still missing it's core systems, you know there's something very, very wrong. Or at least, you should know.
I can't even find the place where it's free to play. I go to the fly now section and it asks me to select a 45 dollar starter pack. To make things worse, I couldn't even register with chrome, I had to use fucking Internet Explorer to register. What kind of fucking morons run this shit?
Imagine how far in denial you have to be to claim a game is vaporware and a scam when Spectrum oversees all their data, multiple states have ruled in CIG's favor over allegations of fraud, and they receive government benefits in three different countries for ongoing game development while employing several hundred people.
But it's all a scam right? Hundreds of people work around the clock slaving over "vaporware" that people play on a daily basis. You faggots are hilarious.
>can't figure out how to register an account and download a game client
>calls other people morons
Is there anything to do yet or it still just space trucking for worthless money and piracy(random murder) for equally worthless rewards?
That's right, keep shilling for your corporate masters.
But no one could download a game so big in such a small amount of time.
Read the thread.
>reddit spacing
Okay smartass, show me how you do it then?
>reddit spacing
you're too new on Yea Forums right?
I've been here since 2007, but I'm sure you'll deny that just like you deny every other thing you've been wrong about. Consider suicide.
>showing screenshots of words instead of gameplay
Great example.
It's the contract interface for taking jobs unrelated to mission-giving NPCs you complete fucking idiot.
You don't understand what a scam is.
Stop posting.
I'm not the guy you replied to in the first place
I'm just a guy who remembers the old times and that spacing definitely isn't from reddit
Entry cost for the full game was 20€.
It's not like it was a big investment.
I'll stop posting when you livestream your suicide faggot.
>I'm not the guy you replied to in the first place
Then I apologize for the suicide remark and stand by my statement. An empty linebreak between a post reference and a text line is reddit spacing. Suck it up and move on.
Cause that makes it better you absolute piece of fecal dandruff.
>I've been here since 2006-2007
Every time a newfag decides to LARP as an Oldfag, they ALWAYS choose these two years.
Can't wait for you to post "Oldfag pictures" you got off KYM and Reddit.
it isn't
if you're here since 2007 then you'd know (I'm here since 2008)
>But it's all a scam right? Hundreds of people work around the clock slaving over "vaporware" that people play on a daily basis.
I don't think number of employees has anything to do with your argument. Plenty of companies have been a scam whilst employing a lot of people.
Then go play the game and find out dipshit. You know what I learned from these threads? I have to be outright hostile and hateful to get anyone to listen.
Typical response faggot. You're all the same.
>they ALWAYS choose these two years.
do you know what happened in these years? fucking newfag
Looks like you failed, shill piece of trash.
its not an MMO
lmao your picture literally looks empty and bland as fuck like a settlement in fallout 4, like dude its got some magazines and machiens in the back but its fucking barren in there
>game is still a bug ridden mess
>runs like ass still
>gameplay is dogshit
>netcode is dogshit
>physics are dogshit
>people still saying that you'll be able to buy the biggest ships with in game money (enjoy grinding for 1000 hours to do that lol)
>whales who sunk 1000s into the game safe in the knowledge that they will destroy anyone else with their ships (b-b-but you still have to buy weapons! muh shitty weapons on my shitty ship will DESTROY their massive ship just you watch!)
>fans being so uneducated that they actually think it will be possible for cig to merge all the modules into a cohesive whole without completely breaking everything they have built
Damn lol
What the fuck was the meme about this game never coming and and never being playable if it seems like it is playable?
Posting standards change. Don't want to get called out on reddit spacing? Don't do it. I've had this exact same conversation from your standpoint before. I then realized the person I was conversing with was absolutely right. Note that I never accused you of being from reddit.
You're reading my posts right now you absolute fucking retard. Not only that you're replying to me. These two facts together tell me you're listening. Whoops.
I'm listening in the vain attempt you actually provide a decent argument aside from insults and gay screenshots.
Shitposting to be honest
t. teenager
Too late for that now famalam. You cunts have me in full shitpost mode now. You brought this on yourselves. At this point whether you try the game or not is irrelevant to me. I'm done trying to reason with people in this thread.
well I just think reddit spacing is just a meme in the same tier of seething, cope, etc
but that's just my opinion
Seamless planet to space demonstrated in 2006
Procedural City generation demonstrated in 2007
that's what shills do. they project the illusion of a working product when it is in an absolutely broken state.
Do you? Yea Forums(nel) has been around since 2003.
Yet every single fucking time I see a newfag LARP as an Oldfag to get other Anons to support their argument, they always, without fail, choose those two years.
>it will be possible for cig to merge all the modules into a cohesive whole
You realize that happened years ago, right? Everything that's in Arena Commander and Star Marine is also in the main persistent universe, the other modules are just quickplay arcade modes.
Enough of this kikery
>i-it's broken!
I wonder how long your bullshit will hold up when these people actually go play the game. You could have said this about 3.2, maybe 3.3, but 3.5 is as stable as it's ever been.
looks pretty broken to me.
That's fucking retarded. I've been here since this site was still Yea I'm not going to start writing like an illiterate teenager or condensing distinct paragraphs into an unreadable wall of text to fit in with some phoneposting newfags.
>Intensification (2007 - 2009)
>This age was an era where Yea Forums became the focal point of the Internet, and even popular culture in the same manner as 2channel in Japan.
>but 3.5 is as stable as it's ever been.
>five minutes into the video
>creator admits bias
>doesn't understand that Squadron 42 is single player campaign considered a separate product from the online Persistent Universe thanks to the fact every fucktard in the world thinks they can sue CIG for not releasing SQ42 and 150 systems in the PU at the same time
Yet the post you just made is completely bereft of reddit spacing. I think you might be misunderstanding the concept here. The dead giveaway is the empty line between a quote reference and the text below it, not a separation between two paragraphs.
Wow, good job. You read shit off a wiki and than copy and pasted it. Thanks for exposing that you're a LARPing newshit nigger. Now I don't have to waste my time.
Here's the site he got this from by the way:
Difference is, even in a shitheap like Fallout 4, those things are interactive and serve a purpose. This is literally just set dressing.
how convenient you drop it before the absolutely shocking gameplay starts
>The dead giveaway is the empty line between a quote reference and the text below it
It's called fucking letting your text breathes and it's used in nearly all books, reports, or written documents of any kind to visually separates two parts you absolute fucking retard
You're not even replying to the same person you were conversing with in previous posts right now retard.
Sure is, it means I don't actually have to engage with your faggot ass. Go play the game yourself instead of lifting your opinions from fucking youtube.
>Too late for that now famalam. You cunts have me in full shitpost mode now. You brought this on yourselves. At this point whether you try the game or not is irrelevant to me. I'm done trying to reason with people in this thread.
It's your own fault for creating/posting in an off topic thread. Yea Forums is the board for videogames, whereas you've been posting a bunch of spreadsheet and walking simulator shots with no gameplay.
>people spent their live savings to play this
Ohno bros
Yeah I'd like to see you report it as off-topic so you can get banned for fraudulent reports fucktard.
I grabbed it from some wiki so a massive retard like you could understand it
Yea Forums became popular in those years and every person who came there was a newfag
I came here in 2008 and I'm a newfag
you're just fucking stupid
How could this happen
>go play the game yourself instead of looking at video evidence of its shortcomings
It’s almost like they’re a hundred-million dollar company!
I'm glad you're so proud of lacking the ability to make decisions for yourself.
>play the game
There is nothing to play in it though. The space combat is abysmal. The FPS is worse then, well, actual good FPS of which there are tons. Other games do "walk around" better too.
It's not our fault your shitty company has pissed away 8 years without ever bothering to make the basics of fighting in spaceships fun. Maybe that's "on the roadmap" but it should have been the FIRST thing to work on not the last. They should have not been wasting time on hulls when it's mods and core gameplay that's the most important, they should have done hulls later after figuring that out with a small ship set and made sure each ship did something interesting and useful.
Pay attention, children of Yea Forums
THIS is what a real shill thread looks like.
>caffelluxxe demo
Kill yourself for being unable to read.
but all you're doing is begging that user to play an unfinished screenshot experience
i saw footage of a bug ridden mess of an alpha build and decided not to play it. seems pretty clear cut to me.
Holy shit it's like I'm watching Ion Storm all over again. Roberts is Romero reborn, and Star Citizen is Space Daikatana. It all makes so much sense now.
Whatever helps you sleep at night cuck. Go play it or fuck off and die. How's that for playing?
>tells me to play the game
>say no
I like Star Citizen
i thought turning off western would filter this shit out
I'm not sure what you're implying? They not only paid for the machine but also paid (or that's included in the margin) for one of their sales guys to give them a demo on how to use it.
I do have the ability to make decisions for myself and i decided star citizen is a piece of crap buggy game just like fallout 76
You retards are so gullible it's pathetic.
okay SC fags see if you can help me
I have no mans sky and elite dangerous
no mans sky is fun but feels like a kid's toy after a while and has really nothing much to do
elite dangerous is fucking cool but there is nothing to do or explore after you've seen a black hole, a pulsar, landed on a planet and ran with the car, mined some asteroids etc
I played the last SC trial and it was cool
the game ran like absolute shit
walking through your ship was cool
I picked a delivery job, went to an empty base, grabbed a crate and walked back to my ship to place the crate into my cargo (this was really nice)
when delivering the crate (in an also empty base) it clipped through the floor and was lost forever.
So, is this game still that buggy? what can I do in the game besides this? I'm not really interested in space combat.
how's exploration?
I'm also not planning to dump money in these fuckers more than the base game price if I end up buying the game
>I grabbed it from some wiki because X
No, you grabbed it from a wiki because you don't actually know what happened.
At least you admit you're a 2008 newfag, though considering the fact that you needed to consult a wiki. This is most likely another LARP to save a little bit of face. I guarantee you're an electionfag.
I'm just curious why it's so shit with no gameplay user? Please help us understand we're on your side here and just trying to understand why Star Citizen is such total shit please help.
They didn't pay for a goddamn thing you fucking idiot. A demo is when they send a machine to a workplace for a limited period of time with zero strings attached.
I can't find it on steam. Is it on epic?
I discovered Yea Forums because I read about the newfag flood
I'm not even american and I don't give a fuck anymore about you
don't bother replying to me again
>he's never had a demonstration of a newly purchased piece of equipment from the vendor done
Hahahaha starcucks revealing themselves as jobless basement neets.
So what exactly does SC have that I can't get from ED or even X4?
Uh, no. They bought it and had it installed. Then since it's an overcomplicated piece of shit they got a demonstration on how to work it. How fucking young are you? Or has the only job you've ever worked been for fast food or retail floorslave?
Screenshot after screenshot of gameplay and you dumb fucks keep denying it. I wonder if your mental health hinges on the idea that this game is a scam? Normally I would think such a thing absurd but it's the only explanation as to why you fucking idiots keep repeating yourselves that the game doesn't exist or doesn't have gameplay when you have screenshots, video, and an entire fucking freefly event to prove otherwise.
You are a fucking retard and have no idea what a "demo" is for. You see a machine in a tweet and start screeching about how expensive it is when nobody even bought it. You are cancer.
>So what exactly does SC have that I can't get from ED or even X4?
The exciting opportunity to spend tens of thousands of dollars on polygons without any weapons to equip to them except shitty laser pointers.
>Uh, no. They bought it and had it installed
Prove it cuck. Tip: You can't, just like nobody could prove the blatant fucking lie that the front door cost $20,000 to build.
Try again cuck.
the gameplay I saw was pretty trash
like it was the most boring corridor shooter gameplay I ever saw, enemies with non existent AI and dull objectives
Right right so you acknowledge it's a empty spreadsheet with no gameplay but the question is why it's so shit? That's all user, we're you're friends on this here. We agree the game looks great overall, just with the one little issue of being total shit with no space gameplay at all.
And I hope you get to have a job someday too, do your best user-san!
You have a confirmation bias bordering on schizophrenic delusion.
i have graphics set to low at 1440p, get 80fps a lot, but with constant drops into the 20s. is it because i installed it to the HDD, or is it really just that unoptimized?
They showed they bought it and installed it son. It's ok you don't have to be so mad about your objectively shitty """""game"""""".
to be fair, the first pic has an actual, verifiable product and price listing. your pic is just a guy pretending that he knows how something was made and pulls numbers out of his ass with zero evidence.
Man, I've played this game for a long time, and while I've seen some pretty broken shit I've never seen anything close to the levels of fucked up this guy experienced and recorded. Looking at the comments he says he was running it on an HDD instead of an SSD and that'd explain a lot, there's a reason SSDs are so strongly recommended for this game. Otherwise it seems to be a pretty fair and reasonable video, though.
Shit, yeah, I totally thought you were talking about the paragraph break. I'm so used to seeing morons screaming "reddit" any time somebody writes like an actual educated adult.
>the gameplay I saw was pretty trash
Oh but user I thought the game didn't exist? I thought it was vaporware? Are you telling me now that you have formulated an opinion on a game that does not exist and does not have gameplay? What an interesting concept.
>They showed they bought it and installed it son
Prove it cuck. Did you know that they publicly released their expenditures for every fucking year just recently? Kill yourself.
Where did it all go so wrong bros? It was supposed to save vidya and now nearly a decade later even the most dedicated stockholm syndrome superfans can't so a single instance of ship combat gameplay :(. Sad!
Not that guy. But I hope you know that because you used a wiki and pasted a excerpt from wiki, no one is going to believe what you say since you could have just as easily read about it on the wiki.
>Looking at the comments he says he was running it on an HDD instead of an SSD and that'd explain a lot, there's a reason SSDs are so strongly recommended for this game.
hmmm yes let me just put this 100gb game on ssd :) this is acceptable in 2019 heaven forbid the devs make their fucking game work as intended
You need to learn how logic works son. You see since they showed they bought it and spend tens of thousands of dollars on doors but you claim they didn't the burden of proof is now on you! Think of it like a game, except one with gameplay unlike scam citizen so don't use that as your model!
Imagine being this toxic over unfinished trash. You are what's wrong with gaming you piece of shit.
>they showed they bought it
Prove it. If you point back to a tweet with the words CAFFEELUX DEMO in it one more time I'm going to wish cancer on you so hard it might give me a stroke.
>no one is going to believe what you say
I don't care
>You are what's wrong with gaming you piece of shit.
Right back at you faggot kill yourself. I'm not here to make friends I'm here to call out dumb lying niggers on their lies.
>no optical drive
Oh my god, holy shit. How do you even expect to drive the optics without an optical drive? Your optics are slowing down because they are not being driven. You fucking idiot, do you know anything about computers?
>Screenshot after screenshot of gameplay
This is the problem you dense motherfucker, you are not posting WEBMS OF GAMEPLAY, JUST STILL JPGS.
That's cute coming from the one not showing any gameplay save for vague screenshots. All it took was for some valid evidence, which you can not provide. Exit the board please.
Go ask /scg/ then. This thread is a burning dumpster.
Feature creep, or rather, feature sprint.
What started off as a promise of a polished high quality space game quickly became a promise of a 1:1 reproduction of an entire fictional universe with so many different aspects that there simply isn't enough time in all of creation to effectively do it all.