Admit it Yea Forums, you like Undertale even if it's just the OST

Admit it Yea Forums, you like Undertale even if it's just the OST

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I fucking love the goat

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I always liked Undertale

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Oh yes~

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Hopes and Dreams felt to tryhard to me; maybe I just don't like Asriel, dunno.

I only like Undertale because of Joel

I liked it in 2013 when I played the dmeo
I liked it in 2015 when I played the full game
and I like it now, I dont let hiveminds control my tastes

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same твн, it just seems like it was made with the express intent of being the le epic song everyone creams themselves over

It didn’t see tryhard to me as much as comfortably campy. It just doubled down in being an optimistic animesque final boss fight and I liked that. Especially since the flowy fight was interestingly meta enough

Ok fine

I haven't even played Undertale and I like the music.

>everyone thinks pacifist runs were something new and original when Undertale released
>Iji did it in 2008 and sends a better more nuanced message about pacifism

Literally fuck off.

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Furry bait game

>2d platformer without gamepad support
its forgotten these days for a reason

It's a good theme but not one I can just listen to on a loop

Undertale became more popular by virtue of having a lighter tone and qUiRKy aND fUnNY uNIquE cHaRAcTers

>mocking it for having simply better more memorable characters than the shit you autistically obsess over and feel elitist for liking just to spite something more popular

and it has controller support

I only like Asgore for DILF reasons.

I really fucking hate Undertale but thought Deltarune was pretty good
Party members + not moralfagging you into playing a specific way is a significantly better experience. If Toby refines the gameplay the rest of Deltarune should be a nice experience when it comes out in 9 years

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i played it and didnt think it was that special (i already knew about playing it multiple times for different endings and all that so i guess my surprise was ruined, also didnt play through it more than once). got an amused chuckle at a lot of the jokes. some things got annoying, like seeing a stereotypical obvious secret area/item off the beaten path, walking up to it, and getting trolled

no i dont like autistic games for autistic people thank you.

Reddit: The Game really does have the worst fanbase.

then why are you on Yea Forums?

Reminder that Toby said nigger.

That's not the point. The tone and humor of the game simply appealed to the mainstream regardless of the quality of the narrative and message, trying to argue why the characters really aren't that great would cost too much time here.
Personally if think the games message and view of pacifism lacks nuance and is simply unrealistic.

>citing controller support as a positive instead of the game design or story
Both games are perfectly playable with a keyboard. Is it that big of a deal?

I like the OST and the porn

>Is it that big of a deal?

The OST is pretty god tier

I really can't take the game seriously when it tries to guilt trip you like
>WHOA! Look at all these REAL people you killed!! Don't you feel any remorse you heartless killer!?

The only moment that was actually meaningful for me in it, when in pacifist run the monsters told the story how the goat kid went through hell just to fulfill his dying friend's last wish.

I'm going to play this ASAP thanks user

It can be rough around the edges but it's still quite a gem. I hope you'll enjoy it.

post toby kino

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When does it do that?

I like the porn, but that's it

Didn't he waste Chara's sacrifice by failing to defend himself against the humans?

ASGORE and Death by Glamour are the best tracks on the Undertale soundtrack, don't >> me

How much estrogens you need to like this shit?¿

what in the name of god am I listening to?

Never really did forgive the goat, i hope fucker sad in that shitty plant body.

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I forgot 99% of the game, thats the only memory which stayed with me.

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Undertale became popular by the virtue of pandering to the homosuck audience and underage furries.

>Dirty brother killer
>Sans fight was intentionally designed to be frustrating to give the player 'payback'
>No mercy run ending
>Papyrus fight tries it's absolute hardest to make you feel bad

>Kill a couple of humans
>Get god hood.
>Free your people
Oh the human are angry!
>Fuck them, your there god now.
Like how hard is this shit.

...Yes. I do.

What are you talking about then? Please elaborate.

>Even now, three years after it released, people are STILL seething about Undertale
Is Undertale the indie game that's caused the most butthurt?

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haha i love this gote

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Are you baiting

It's one of the best games of all time so yeah. Everyone I know universally loves it, even people who hate games.

Give me a god damn good reason why i should forgive this Goat?

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A character reacting to another character dying?

I do not know what you mean about wasting Chara's sacrefice. Even the name doesnt ring a bell for me. I know nothing about before or after what I wrote down because I forgot everything else I did in the game.

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Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?

Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.

You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.

Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

In short, you are an enormous failure.

Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.

The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.

Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.

Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.

I genuinely doubt it.

Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.

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>Dirty brother killer
If you kill Papyrus, it's always when the guy is openly not trying to kill you. You don't even get EXP or money for it. I think it's reasonable that sans is upset you killed his brother.
>Sans fight was intentionally designed to be frustrating to give the player 'payback'
You could just be better at video games. Sounds like you just don't like to be challenged.
>No mercy run ending
So if you murder lots of things people won't be happy with you? SHOCKING
>Papyrus fight tries it's absolute hardest to make you feel bad
I like how generic and vague you are with this one. The only guilt trip moment is at the end where you choose not to spare him and mercilessly kill him. So yeah.

It's fun and cute with a lot of fuckable characters and great music.

Not just the OST, I love the game overall

Fuck dude cant i fucking kill monsters in peace?

>not moralfagging you into playing a certain way
the fuck? if anything you're given less choice because you can't even kill anything. It's the same as Undertale user.

>Can't I murder with no consequences

I wish we could physically save Asriel somehow. At least you can spiritually but it's sad how he died just trying to take his dead friend back to his people.

>fag wanting to be le epic bad guy
>breaks down when characters think you're an asshole
literally 99% undertale haters

It's honestly worse than that, Asriel died because he didn't realize (or at least didn't accept) that his best friend was totally manipulating him to start a war

Undertale is old news, grandpa

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I like it aside from a few unnecessarily embarassing moments and jokes make Toby deserve to get hit on the face.
the writing is good, the music's the best of the game and the gameplay is alright.

What was her problem?

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What the fuck is the appeal of undertale and homestuck

He's just a kid.
He's been trapped as a soulless flower for god knows how long that he was no longer Asriel.
He knows what he did was fucked up and apologized.
He destroyed the barrier.
He likely didn't know any better.
He was scared and confused and likely went insane too.
He lost everything. His family, his soul, his sibling, his home.

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You know full well Undertale's OST is a shallow imitation of Toby's true masterpiece.

I do, and I have since the demo since I followed toby from hoemestuck

i never understood why people praise undertale's ost
besides one or two tracks there's nothing really stellar there, just your average indie ost

no, this being never had a problem. in its eyes it just enjoyed a good killing, nothing more.
killing is its entertainment.

Wasn't his friend a child? Why would a child want a war? Or is that a reason people think he was possessed? I'm glad you got to give him a hug after saving him. I'm not gay for him or anything I'm just a big dumb softy who hates seeing characters suffer.

Feels bad even if you kill everyone in genocide, you dont obtain complete dominance. Your power grows sentient, become Chara, and forcible corrupt your save file forever.

If I can take the question seriously for a moment, who knows. Chara is (to me at least) the most mysterious thing in Undertale, moreso than even Gaster. At least with Gaster we have some manner of concrete info, while we know precious little about Chara. I've even seen people theorize that Chara, when alive, had no determination

But its video game, why cant i murder the littler fuckers that are trying to kill me?

Why care what dead people think?

I'd recommend playing Undertale before joining in on discussions about the plot
>Why care what dead people think?
You seem very concerned about it, for one

Jevil > Undertale

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You don't understand that I'm talking from a thematic standpoint, do you? It's how the game presents it's theme and characters and the subtext with which the dialogue is written.

>If you kill Papyrus, it's always when the guy is openly not trying to kill you. You don't even get EXP or money for it. I think it's reasonable that sans is upset you killed his brother.
The fact that Papyrus was innocent and Sans reasonably upset isn't what I'm talking about, it's how blatantly the game has Sans reminding you and treating you like garbage in an attempt to guilt trip the player instead of trying to make the player reflect on their actions by themselves.

>You could just be better at video games. Sounds like you just don't like to be challenged
The fact that it's hard is not the problem, anyone can beat Sans with enough tries and pattern memorization.
It's the obvious intentional unfair design against the player and breaking all rules previously established in the game to throw you off. It's often frustrating and not in a fair sense.

>So if you murder lots of things people won't be happy with you? SHOCKING
Yes it's the obvious logical outcome but the game also feels the need to directly talk to the player and call them a twisted pervert for killing video game characters. Very ham fisted, no subtext at all, just plain guilt tripping, completely tasteless.

I hope i survive enough to play the rest of deltarune

Homosuck is better

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I did play it. My memory is that of a damned goldfish though.

Some people theorize that chara was a victim of either bullying or abuse, so s/he decided that humanity wasn't worth jackshit. Basically the demon equivalent of a school shooter.

In hindsight, when you look at the world, perhaps s/he had the right idea.

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Yeah, sure, that's the problem. It's definitely not the lackluster narrative, writing and lack of subtext.

>He's just a kid.
That for years after he died and got stuck in a plant body, reset the time lines multiple times so he could give people a happy ending.
>He's been trapped as a soulless flower for god knows how long that he was no longer Asriel.
The fucker then got bored an started playing god.
>He knows what he did was fucked up and apologized.
Oh its okay he just murdered people over and over, its no problem.
>He destroyed the barrier.
Only because you gilt tripped him into it.
>He likely didn't know any better.
Bull shit, the dude lived for years, he wasn't a kid anymore, and he shouldnt be treated as such.
>He was scared and confused and likely went insane too.
Well you got the insane part right at least, but that just sounds like something a mass murder would say just to get out of a death sentence.
>He lost everything. His family, his soul, his sibling, his home.
He till had all these things and gave it up every time.
I don't care, what gave you that idea?

The sole fact that Undyne exists makes your statement incorrect

>Sans fight was intentionally designed to be frustrating to give the player 'payback'


there are like only two homosuck references

Based and Jevilpilled

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Starting at :30 the chimes remind me of a cellphone ring
Goatmom reference?

>You don't understand that I'm talking from a thematic standpoint, do you?
No because that's incredibly vague. So what, the game is never supposed to question any action or deed you do? Why?
>The fact that Papyrus was innocent and Sans reasonably upset isn't what I'm talking about, it's how blatantly the game has Sans reminding you and treating you like garbage in an attempt to guilt trip the player instead of trying to make the player reflect on their actions by themselves.
I don't understand why sand is NOT going to shit on you a bit for killing his brother. And plus, if you do kill Papyrus Sans brings it up three more times, if you meet with him in the MTT resort, when he judges you, and after the game ends. I don't think that's a shitload of guilting for murdering his brother.
>It's the obvious intentional unfair design against the player and breaking all rules previously established in the game to throw you off. It's often frustrating and not in a fair sense.
How is it unfair if it's LITERALLY a predetermined order for the attacks? Plus a number of boss fights throw out the preestablished rules. And that wasn't even what you were arguing about, you were saying this was morally guilting you.
>Yes it's the obvious logical outcome but the game also feels the need to directly talk to the player and call them a twisted pervert for killing video game characters.
I just still don't understand why the game shouldn't ever call you out for killing things. I think it'd be a lot dumber if the game completely ignored the fact that you've killed things just to not make someone feel bad at home.
>Very ham fisted, no subtext at all, just plain guilt tripping, completely tasteless.
Considering the fact that you've brought up very few instances of guilttripping other than "if you excessively murder the game will remind you of it" I disagree.

Your Best Nightmare + Finale > Hopes and Dreams > Megalovania


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I like alphys and really need to get around to finishing that nezumi-tier 3d model of her I mad so I can have her gape after getting fucked by snow wolf or a giant horse creature and show us the fountain of monster semen escaping her voluminous vaginal canal

I want to fuck a male goat

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Muhammad, no.

>He till had all these things and gave it up every time.
What the fuck could they have DONE? Asriel is permanently stuck as a flower until he's dead for good. If anything, the reason he panicked and ran away is because he didn't want his mom to see him that way.

Answer me right now how the fuck Toriel, Alphys, Asgore, Sans, or ANYONE could have done to save Flowey/Asriel.

I want the male goat to fuck me

Serious question, is Ralsei supposed to be as shady and mysterious as he is? Because I replayed Chapter 1 of Deltarune and man, Ralsei really is suspicious as shit

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this is why undertale is bad, think of all the goat and skeleton porn that only exists because of it

ralsei is evil

I like the porn


just trust him and buy his doll

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The real question is what would Ralsei be hiding in the first place?

i do not trust this doll
it looks like it's going to come alive in the night and k

ralsei is obviously late teens asriel as opposed to shota asriel and adult asriel we saw from the first game

it will be revealed at some point and probably nobody in the trio will care because they have no idea who he is outside of "toriel's kid"

You can save someone who doent want to be saved.

It why he a plant underground.

Not only that he properly got over it once he started playing god and fucking with them.

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Ralsei is hiding the fact that he is an eldritch being made out of pure darkness

>those video recommendations
what the FUCK?

Are you being retarded on purpose? Lemme spell this out for you. Flowey. Cannot. Be. Reverted. Back. To. Asriel. EVER.

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>No because that's incredibly vague. So what, the game is never supposed to question any action or deed you do? Why?
Can you not separate thematic elements of the narrative from the basic plot?
The plot is what actually happens in the world of the characters, it can be summed up as a dry list of events. Papyrus dies. Sans is greatly upset.
The theme of a story relates to the plot and what the plot says about the games theme and vice versa, it's how a story FRAMEs it's plot in a certain way in order to saz something about it's theme. The theme of a story can judge the things that happen in it's plot as good or bad depending on how it wishes to frame the plot it relates to. You, a DERANGED, HEARTLESS KILLER takes Papyrus' life who WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT. This is WRONG and Sans is coming to BRING YOU TO JUSTICE FOR THE KILLER YOU ARE.
This is what I think is executed very poorly in Undertale. It's written with minimal subtext and dosen't let the player think for himself, it tries way to hard to force the obvious message of KILL = ALWAYS BAD and MERCY = ALWAYS GOOD down your throat. It's an insult to the player's intelligence.

The fact that he tells you to close a dark portal, but won’t let you close his.

Ralsei's story certainly is questionable, especially if you look at it from the outside. Let's list a few facts.
>Ralsei, according to himself, has been along his whole life
>Yet he still knows the prophecy
>Also he knows Kris and Susie's names even though that's not part of the prophecy
>Ralsei mentions multiple times that your choices matter when the game has insisted that's not true
>Ralsei doesn't stop you from interacting with the fountain and leaving even though you haven't banished the angel's heaven
>His explanations are all very vague at best
>Oh and he looks like a motherfucking boss monster and his name is an anagram of Asriel.

no thy couldn't and the reasone his gives it up is because he cant love anything cuz he lacks a souls

Lol what, when did i say that.

I mean who gives a fuck that he now a flower, i bet you they would jut be happy to have his as back.

Maybe his father would have stopped murdering kids.

asriel is also nowhere to be seen in deltarune, supposedly being "away at college"

methinks he's a magical dropout turned tyrant

Your points is...

It's the type of game I'd be dreaming making when I was 15-16. Thus why I cannot hate this game; I even enjoyed it despite some cringe aspects of it. But I will always forgive it because I know I would love the fuck out of it if I was 15-16. I am now 28 so yeah, I am slightly nostalgic, even though I was a big piece of autistic shit back then.

lmao no he dosnt the only reason sans fights you is because he knows that the world is going to be destroyed he dose not fight you if you kill his brother

Not him, but that's possible. With that said, bad communication or just a failure to do so is actually one of the themes of the game.

Also there's the whole bit where Lancer says he has no idea if sealing the fountain is a good idea or not, but he trusts you. That's setting off some massive red flags.

is that even if he wanted to love them he coudnt he could only feel hate for them

>wtf people like memorable and well-written characters?

I noticed that in the true lab, there’s still a heart in the determination extraction machine, is it Charas? It’s dark red like it’s been used a lot, but it’s still a heart. Is there anything we can do with it? There’s gotta be.

>it tries way to hard to force the obvious message of KILL = ALWAYS BAD and MERCY = ALWAYS GOOD down your throat. It's an insult to the player's intelligence.
Of course, you just have to ignore the first time pacifist playthrough ever happens.

Also regarding your other points,

>I don't understand why sand is NOT going to shit on you a bit for killing his brother. And plus, if you do kill Papyrus Sans brings it up three more times, if you meet with him in the MTT resort, when he judges you, and after the game ends. I don't think that's a shitload of guilting for murdering his brother.
What I already said in and the fact that the game needs to tell you through Sans at all as if you couldn't tell by yourself. MAN, HOW DOES SANS FEEL ABOUT ME HAVING KILLED HIS BROTHER? I WISH I KNEW!

>How is it unfair if it's LITERALLY a predetermined order for the attacks? Plus a number of boss fights throw out the preestablished rules. And that wasn't even what you were arguing about, you were saying this was morally guilting you.
It's not impossible bu the game introduces new rules such as the removal of invincibility frames, getting attacked on the menu, Enemies being able to control your movement, dodging, etc., all in a single boss fight with no time to get familiar with the mechanics at all.

>I just still don't understand why the game shouldn't ever call you out for killing things. I think it'd be a lot dumber if the game completely ignored the fact that you've killed things just to not make someone feel bad at home.
Again, the game can do it, just in a less painfully obvious, badly written way. Execution matters.
>Considering the fact that you've brought up very few instances of guilttripping other than "if you excessively murder the game will remind you of it" I disagree.
Right, as if this isn't the ending of the story and a major development essential to what the game is trying to tell.

And honestly that one of the worse theme ever made.
I thought he couldn't feel anything and the whole reason he was a dirt bag was because of that or something. It been a while since i played the game.

Hell even when he got his a soul, he till wanted to murder you until you gave up.

Why is the cute healer a boi and the brash axe dps a girl?

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He really damn well wants to hate everyone, but he kinda acknowledges that it's just masking his own insecurity and desperation over the situation. His hate or in other cases dislike stems from trying like hell, it's not that he immediately respawned with flipped emotions.

Dude if you do a neutral run and kill Papyrus Sans just pretty much says "but why'd you kill my brother? That's fucked"
Even in a genocide route, killing Papyrus isn't why Sans fights you

>not posting his Masterpiece

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>Chara is not my name!
That shouldn't sound so fucking adorable.

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Toby wanted to create a perfect world where everyone is as big of a faggot as he is. He since developed a scaly musclegirl fetish and a clown fetish, hence why you have Deltarune

>And honestly that one of the worse theme ever made.
Not really, out of most themes one can pick, communication issues is the one you'll most likely run across hundreds of times over your lifetime.

>I thought he couldn't feel anything
He's lacking empathy and love, everything else is intact.

no he wanted to reset the game so you and him can keep playing for ever its only when you remind him of the good in his heart that he stops and breaks the barrier

Yeah, it's because you're a fucking threat to the universe.

How does the pacifist run negate the message of KILL = BAD? Dosen't it play right into it by saying Mercy is always the right option? Can you elaborate?

>the fact that the game needs to tell you through Sans at all as if you couldn't tell by yourself
He mentions it three times over the entire game, I don't see how that's excessive.
>t's not impossible bu the game introduces new rules such as the removal of invincibility frames, getting attacked on the menu, Enemies being able to control your movement, dodging, etc., all in a single boss fight with no time to get familiar with the mechanics at all.
I don't see how that's a bad thing, it's one fight, there's a save point right before it, and really you haven't said why this is a bad thing once again.
>Again, the game can do it, just in a less painfully obvious, badly written way.
I'm still waiting for you to explain how exactly the game should have called you out and not done so.
>Right, as if this isn't the ending of the story and a major development essential to what the game is trying to tell.
You can kill everyone or save everyone user, one isn't more canon than the other.

>FOR A HAPpy life
Jesus that's painful.

only good post itt
the masses praise undertale for being "unique" when in reality it just takes bits and pieces from existing materials and simplifies them

Exactly. And it's not because he's getting revenge for Papyrus. Just like I said.

>He since developed a scaly musclegirl fetish and a clown fetish
Toby sounds based as fuck.


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I don't. It's a mediocre game propped up by faggots who never played Mother, SMT, and shmups.

Because no one, not even Undyne gets on your case in the ending for 'killing' Asgore. As far as they know, you did it, but nobody gives you shit over it, because they acknowledge that there really was no other choice. The reason why Genocide goes to such extremes is because at that point you're hunting for sport, going for systematic eradication.

It wasn't a ride i expected, but a welcome one.

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Are you just mad because people liked it

Caliborn was too good for homestuck.

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you could also take nearly any Megaten track and it'd sound better than anything from undershit
OP, ya seethe bitch lmaooo

Fuck, marry, kill

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this is pretty mediocre

I've played all three and I thought undertale was good. I don't get why people have this mentality that you can only play one game or one series over something else.

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show me a better song from undertale then and i'll prove your dumb ass wrong
dumb zoomers idolize """retro indie""" music but don't care for the source material, what a world

Fuck ralsei, marry susie, kill kris

>He mentions it three times over the entire game, I don't see how that's excessive.
The mere presence of the reminders is the problem because they are completely unnecessary and only serve to shove the games message down your throat in a ham fisted way.

>I don't see how that's a bad thing, it's one fight, there's a save point right before it, and really you haven't said why this is a bad thing once again.
Do you know anything about game design basics? Like how excessive trial and error is a bad method of teaching a player and how you should introduce new mechanics n a low risk scenario and then later on force the player to deal with them in more difficult situations? MegaMan 2? It's intentional shit design.

>I'm still waiting for you to explain how exactly the game should have called you out and not done so
Let the player think for themselves? Just emphasize the absence of a character in order to raise the chances of the player stopping by themselves and reflect on their actions without screaming KILL BAD! in their face? Subtlety?

>You can kill everyone or save everyone user, one isn't more canon than the other.
Did you listen to what I said about theme and plot? You mean the game dosen't say anything because it has two different routes that don't even thematically contradict each other? Does that mean the game dosen't say anything at all? Is this a joke?

how are you going to prove me wrong by saying that the song that i post is shit ? if you wanna talk about the source material here have this

Reminder that Susie is the true hero of the game.

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>STILL being this assblasted about sans

in other news toby rips off shit from other sources, or just reuses trash from homecuck and that laughable earthbound romhack
color me surprised

>Ha ha I say user is butthurt therefore his arguments can be dismissed
Fuck. It seems I have to concede this argument.

i dont think you know what a rip off means user nothing in what i posted sounds like megalovania

Marry, Kill, Fuck

>>see discussion about a game
>lmao why are you having this discussion stop being so mad
dumb faggot

kind of an interesting choice to pick from when the title and the melodies sound similar
even youtube troglodytes are saying it

Fellow man of taste I see.

only because toby stated that this song inspired him the songs them selfs sound different

>The mere presence of the reminders is the problem because they are completely unnecessary
You haven't explain why they're completely unnessicary at all.
>only serve to shove the games message down your throat in a ham fisted way
Three mentions over 6-8 hours doesn't seem ham fisted.
>Do you know anything about game design basics? Like how excessive trial and error is a bad method of teaching a player and how you should introduce new mechanics n a low risk scenario and then later on force the player to deal with them in more difficult situations? MegaMan 2? It's intentional shit design.
This seems like you're talking totally out of your ass. Do you have literally anything to back this up, or is it just your opinion man?
>Let the player think for themselves?
The player can still think for themselves while the plot does its own thing, user.
>Just emphasize the absence of a character in order to raise the chances of the player stopping by themselves and reflect on their actions without screaming KILL BAD! in their face? Subtlety?
But user emphasizing the loss of character would also be ham-fisted according to your logic. If three mentions over 6-8 hours is ham-fisted, them emphasizing a loss of a character seems like it too.
>Did you listen to what I said about theme and plot?
You didn't explain yourself well, maybe if you did it this thime I'd see your point.
>You mean the game dosen't say anything because it has two different routes that don't even thematically contradict each other?
No, I'm saying that there's two different outcomes, and you were claiming that "don't hurt anything" was the true message of the game.

>The mere presence of the reminders is the problem because they are completely unnecessary and only serve to shove the games message down your throat in a ham fisted way.
I can tell right away that you probably have a burning hatred for fairytales if repetition of any kind pisses you off this much.
>Do you know anything about game design basics? Like how excessive trial and error is a bad method of teaching a player and how you should introduce new mechanics n a low risk scenario and then later on force the player to deal with them in more difficult situations? MegaMan 2? It's intentional shit design.
The reason Sans' fight is difficult is because it's quick and doesn't let you linger to learn the patterns. Every other fight gives your borderline infinite attempts within a single fight, whereas Sans forces you to adapt immediately. Once you realize he can A) attack several times, B) blast from outside the border and C) switch the 'lighting' off for a moment, it's just a matter of being quick on your feet.
>Let the player think for themselves? Just emphasize the absence of a character in order to raise the chances of the player stopping by themselves and reflect on their actions without screaming KILL BAD! in their face? Subtlety?
If the changing music, the abandoned Snowdin, the different dialogue from certain characters didn't clue you in that you've gone overboard, you're past the reach of subtlety.
>Did you listen to what I said about theme and plot? You mean the game dosen't say anything because it has two different routes that don't even thematically contradict each other? Does that mean the game dosen't say anything at all? Is this a joke?
What the game actually says is that some conflicts are inevitable, but merciless slaughter is bad in every case. Even Asriel at the very end stresses that pure pacifism won't cut it. You learn roughly 2 minutes into the game that you don't have to just Mercy everyone, it only draws the line at murder.

>Just emphasize the absence of a character
hmm care to give and example of how the game can do that

Why are you asking me, the other guy said it
Unless you meant to tag him and I'm being an asshole. I dunno anymore man

I legitimately enjoyed it and still listen to the soundtrack to this day whenever I need some cheering up

ya ment to tag the other guy sorry user

literally who game

The soundtrack is my favorite part of the game. I remember buying the steam bundle with the soundtrack and just listening to the Undertale track with no context on where it happened. That track was so good.

Ralsei is a good boy

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Reminder that the three heroes are the Discarded Vessel, Noelle, and Lancer.

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>Three mentions over 6-8 hours doesn't seem ham fisted.
>You haven't explain why they're completely unnessicary at all.
How hard is it to guess that Sans is upset by Papyrus death yourself? Do you take the average player for braindead? These reminders only serve one purpose, that is shoving the message down your throat, which isn't very great storytelling.

>This seems like you're talking totally out of your ass. Do you have literally anything to back this up, or is it just your opinion man?
Are you fucking kidding? Go play Dr. Jeklyll and Mr. Hyde for NES and tell me it's good. The game and the Sans fight share the same design philosophy.

>The player can still think for themselves while the plot does its own thing, user.
The theme and it's message say otherwise. The game goes out of it's way to make sure you think what it wants you to think in the most persistent way possible.

>But user emphasizing the loss of character would also be ham-fisted according to your logic. If three mentions over 6-8 hours is ham-fisted, them emphasizing a loss of a character seems like it too.
No user, because trying to make the player think does not equal trying to make the player think what you want them to think. Wow, Propaganda sure makes you think, huh? Both are designed to do the thinking for you.

>No, I'm saying that there's two different outcomes, and you were claiming that "don't hurt anything" was the true message of the game.
One half of the message. The other is MERCY = ALWAYS GOOD
Oh yeah. Games can have like, multiple themes that work in tandem with each other.

>You didn't explain yourself well, maybe if you did it this thime I'd see your point.

why isn't this game and the sequel on the Xbox? It would be easy cash.

Toby Fox is objectively talented, even if you think Undertale is shit. Guy single-handedly made a well-received game's writing, gameplay, music, (most of) the sprites and artwork. While the quality of some aspects can be debated (the obnoxious "killing is wrong" message, overused metahumour), other aspects are quality. A consistent theme in bith the writing and soundtrack is rarely executed so well in major releases.

It's obvious that Lancer and Noelle are guaranteed to join the party eventually

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>These reminders only serve one purpose, that is shoving the message down your throat, which isn't very great storytelling.
You still haven't said why it's unnessicary. In fact if anything this is just your opinion that you don't like it. Why is that not good storytelling? And once again 3 mentions over 6 hours isn't shoving anything down your throat.
>Are you fucking kidding? Go play Dr. Jeklyll and Mr. Hyde for NES and tell me it's good. The game and the Sans fight share the same design philosophy.
I like how you didn't answer my question and moved the goalposts as hard as you could, to another game decades ago.
>The theme and it's message say otherwise. The game goes out of it's way to make sure you think what it wants you to think in the most persistent way possible.
How so? You haven't mentioned anything besides Sand being mildly upset that you killed his brother.
>No user, because trying to make the player think does not equal trying to make the player think what you want them to think. Wow, Propaganda sure makes you think, huh? Both are designed to do the thinking for you.
So your way is better because you don't think how the developer wants you to think, but you are thinking how the developer wants you to think. Also if both are designed to think for you then why is the other way better
>One half of the message. The other is MERCY = ALWAYS GOOD
And the other isn't, thank you for keeping up.
>Oh yeah. Games can have like, multiple themes that work in tandem with each other.
Even when those themes are polar opposites? Hmm. Seems like you're moving those goalposts again user.

one of us

>Three mentions
if you kill his brother sans only shows up in the judgment hall and calls you a dirty brother killer once how is that bad

>How hard is it to guess that Sans is upset by Papyrus death yourself? Do you take the average player for braindead? These reminders only serve one purpose, that is shoving the message down your throat, which isn't very great storytelling.
>a brother expressing anger over his brother's death is hamfisted
Fucking hell man.
>Are you fucking kidding? Go play Dr. Jeklyll and Mr. Hyde for NES and tell me it's good. The game and the Sans fight share the same design philosophy.
Now you're just straight-up bullshitting.
>Wow, Propaganda sure makes you think, huh? Both are designed to do the thinking for you.
The fact that you think the game is propaganda really speaks volumes about you, honestly.
>The other is MERCY = ALWAYS GOOD
Pic related, the fact that you whine about this yet also say the game isn't subtle enough is a fucking kneeslapper.

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I wonder if Berdly will.

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By no means an Undertale apologiest, but the game is literally unbeatable without violence.

The three mentions I brought up are that, (where Sans mentions it after the EXP talk) the part where Sans brings you to talk in the MTT resort (I believe if you killed Papyrus he still talks to you but ends the talk much more ominously. I think.) and when Sans calls you in the end

Undertale literally has nothing to do with Homestuck. Well, maybe you can say that having Sans and Papyrus speaking in particular fonts was something inspired by it.

No. Wait.
Not even that has something to do with the comic because Toby got the idea from a different work in the first place.

If anything, you can count the Intermission (literally the most dismissed section of the entire comic) as an inspiration due to its archetypical, simple, yet interesting characters and less verbose nature, and it would still be a huge stretch to make.

God I'll have to go to sleep in my timezone soon so don't be surprised if I stop responding.
I'd rather not argue with two people simultaneously but I can't fully ignore this either.

>I can tell right away that you probably have a burning hatred for fairytales if repetition of any kind pisses you off this much.
God dammit, why do all my points go over everyone's heads? Look, I think the game would be better off not having these at all. Why? Because the way the reminders are executed makes it painfully obvious what the game wants you to think and feel.

>The reason Sans' fight is difficult is because it's quick and doesn't let you linger to learn the patterns. Every other fight gives your borderline infinite attempts within a single fight, whereas Sans forces you to adapt immediately. Once you realize he can A) attack several times, B) blast from outside the border and C) switch the 'lighting' off for a moment, it's just a matter of being quick on your feet.
It's difficult for all the wrong reasons, a boss is supposed to test your skills and everything you have learned up until now and not introduce new things you have to learn while taking the test. It's like taking a biology test about the human body and then it asks you to answer questions about evolution. Y'know just be quick!

>What the game actually says is that some conflicts are inevitable, but merciless slaughter is bad in every case. Even Asriel at the very end stresses that pure pacifism won't cut it. You learn roughly 2 minutes into the game that you don't have to just Mercy everyone, it only draws the line at murder.
I'm not going to create a sub argument about how nuanced the message is, EXECUTION MATTERS, and Undertale's executes upon it's themes poorly as I was saying the whole time.

Probably not, Noelle has the naming easter egg which heavily hints at her becoming a party member.
Berdly is just some dick

>the part where Sans brings you to talk in the MTT resort (I believe if you killed Papyrus he still talks to you but ends the talk much more ominously. I think.)
he dosnt i remember watching a playthru of the game by a japanese player and after thy killed papyrus sans didnt show up until the judgement hall


>If the changing music, the abandoned Snowdin, the different dialogue from certain characters didn't clue you in that you've gone overboard, you're past the reach of subtlety.
Right, those are good things Undertale does, if only it had stayed there.

>God dammit, why do all my points go over everyone's heads? Look, I think the game would be better off not having these at all. Why? Because the way the reminders are executed makes it painfully obvious what the game wants you to think and feel.
That's just such a dumb point of view if I'm being honest. It's like you're saying that they should never again bring up what you did. No character should ever react to the death of another, and every NPC should have stock dialogue.
>It's difficult for all the wrong reasons, a boss is supposed to test your skills and everything you have learned up until now and not introduce new things you have to learn while taking the test.
Literally every boss fight in Undertale introduces a new element.
>It's like taking a biology test about the human body and then it asks you to answer questions about evolution. Y'know just be quick!
Sans is also the toughest boss in the game, and like the other user said once you get his main gimmicks it's just a matter of paying attention.
>I'm not going to create a sub argument about how nuanced the message is, EXECUTION MATTERS, and Undertale's executes upon it's themes poorly as I was saying the whole time.
If you could give even one example then I'd agree, but seeing as you can't I'll say that I completely disagree with you.

>the part where Sans brings you to talk in the MTT resort (I believe if you killed Papyrus he still talks to you but ends the talk much more ominously. I think.)
No. If you kill Papyrus, it skips the MTT date entirely.

I wish

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Oh then it's literally only twice he mentions Papyrus, judgement hall and at the end of the game

I never liked this pice of shit and the music is overrated. Its nothing butt a bunch of tumbler fag shit and gay cute shit l. Fuck this game and its fanbase

Yeah I just forgot, my bad

No, its shit

hi. i had to go poop.

lol and thats supposed to make it ham-fisted lmao if sans never said what he said it would make his character worse it would make it seem that he dose not care about his brother at all so saying that it shodnt be there is wrong and stupid that user is on some stupid ass pills

>Because the way the reminders are executed makes it painfully obvious what the game wants you to think and feel.
It does so ONCE at the very end, and once more as a parting message. If that's too much for you from a brother, I really don't know what's the level of emotion you'd expect from any character, much less ones in a familial relation.
>It's difficult for all the wrong reasons, a boss is supposed to test your skills and everything you have learned up until now and not introduce new things you have to learn while taking the test. It's like taking a biology test about the human body and then it asks you to answer questions about evolution. Y'know just be quick!
does this.
>I'm not going to create a sub argument about how nuanced the message is, EXECUTION MATTERS, and Undertale's executes upon it's themes poorly as I was saying the whole time.
Yeah all you're saying is that it's poor and then ignore what everyone keeps telling you about the subtle moments. Of course the game isn't subtle if you decided it's not and ignore everything to the contrary.

No prob

>Asgore murders children
>Toriel lets children get murdered, but only tries to get you saved because she likes you, then gets mad at Asgore for not going out and murdering people faster
>Sans sits by and watches everyone get murdered and doesn't stop you until everyone is already dead because he's lazy
>Undyne tries to murder you, a child, even after Papyrus and another (monster) child beg her not to
>Alphys preformed a bunch of experiments on monsters, forcing them to fuse together and didn't tell anyone and created a murderous robot
>Mettaton wants to kill a child for attention
Why is every monster in this game so morally reprehensible? The only "good" monster is Papyrus.

Siblings can't show emotion over losing a sibling. It's bad writing and not subtle enough.

>then gets mad at Asgore for not going out and murdering people faster
lmao she was not mad that he didnt do it dumbass she told him that if he really wanted to save his people he could have done it after getting only one soul but asgore didnt she wasnt mad that he didnt do it she was mad that he was giving his people false hope


Asgore could've just murdered ONE kid, then gone up to the surface, and murder 6 people immediately instead of waiting. What a bitch


And not even during its prime.

I can't understand the appeal of Undertale unless you have literally never played any deeper games than Call of Duty, Mario, and Angry Birds. OST is sorta catchy but amateur hour in terms of real vidya works, writing and story is passable, graphics look like dirt, and the "morality" are hamfisted and uneven. It's practically the very definition of "indie pixelshit" that everyone accuses PCs of having. Worse, every complaint leveled against Undertale is met with "dur you're just a contrarian" deflecting.

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shut up nigger

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>You still haven't said why it's unnessicary. In fact if anything this is just your opinion that you don't like it. Why is that not good storytelling? And once again 3 mentions over 6 hours isn't shoving anything down your throat.
Are we doing this? Are gonna stare into the abyss of nihilism and question why feeling good is good? Fuck man, I you do not comprehend why in my opinion a thing is unnecessary because it's bad and don't and don't think evaluating opinions is something worth arguing over then drop out of this argument right fucking now and I shall declare you the winner.

>I like how you didn't answer my question and moved the goalposts as hard as you could, to another game decades ago.
The point you asked me to prove is why the design of the Sans fight is intentionally bad, since the NES game and the Sans fight are designed with the same philosophy, excessive trial and error will make the player learn, the fact that the game is widely considered bad should do the job, unless of course you wish to argue about why feeling bad is bad. Don't try to accuse me of these kinds of tactics please, let's not extend this further with technicalities about arguing.

>So your way is better because you don't think how the developer wants you to think, but you are thinking how the developer wants you to think. Also if both are designed to think for you then why is the other way better
Yes, because I think, maybe most people think, things that don't intend to stop you from thinking for yourself are good. And thinking differently is not really the point, it's the game not trying to prevent you from thinking differently.

>And the other isn't, thank you for keeping up.
>Even when those themes are polar opposites? Hmm. Seems like you're moving those goalposts again user.
Wait. You think the message of the no mercy run is that murder is good? I don't think so. Just watch the ending of the route again please.

>ah yes, I do play undertale because it's fun, how did you know?

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You're just a contrarian.
But unironically this. Yea Forums, and people by extent, need to learn that how much you enjoy something, and the quality of said thing, are not always level. I've played it through a few times and enjoyed it, it has a number of pretty kino moments (like the music box in the rain). But just because you enjoy something doesn't mean you need to defend every aspect as though it's a personal attack.


does this.
Imagine playing MegaMan 2 but suddenly Metal Man can deal damage to you in the Weapon Menu after it had been thoroughly established to you that the Weapon Menu pauses the entire game. Is that really fair?

>Yeah all you're saying is that it's poor and then ignore what everyone keeps telling you about the subtle moments. Of course the game isn't subtle if you decided it's not and ignore everything to the contrary.
The good outweighs the bas. I have already acknowledged that Undertale can be subtle sometimes but it's not during all the important moments like the goddam ending or while killing every single boss.

Nothing about the gameplay is fun, riveting or original

>how much you enjoy something, and the quality of said thing, are not always level
fuck off gabe

>Imagine playing MegaMan 2 but suddenly Metal Man can deal damage to you in the Weapon Menu after it had been thoroughly established to you that the Weapon Menu pauses the entire game.
In the game
New Mechanics
>Is that really fair?
Legitimately how many times would that need to happen to stick, beyond just the very first occasion?

I thought it was ok, I killed that anime liking girl and dropped it. My issue was the OST actually. I just drop a game if the soundtrack sucks.

>comment that simultaneously says nothing, yet tells everybody how retarded you are
Try again.

it's better than your common FPS/MMO gameplay for sure mate

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its good but
just don't talk to the people who think its the best thing since sliced bread

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yes its fair because you can dodge all of them

If you use buzzwords, the cringy fandom, or politics to shit on undertale as a whole, you've already lost any kind of credibility. Unless you've played the fucking game, you shouldn't talk about things you clearly do not understand.

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>In the game
>New Mechanics
Except they actually do it in a good way with weak low risk attacks with a lot of room left for error, they don't bus out one shot attacks for these sections. Agains, it applies the same MegaMan design philosophy.

>Legitimately how many times would that need to happen to stick, beyond just the very first occasion
Once. Learning to react and dodge an attack however is different. A player can't dodge an attack they only saw once before, those are ridiculous expectations you\re setting. It would be fine if Sans introduced the attack that hits you on the menu if it didn't deal major damage and gave you even less room for error learning other attacks.

It’s anime af

You're talking about a GameMaker game, faggot. It can't be anything but garbage if you don't enjoy Toby's humor or his writing. You fanboys never had any credibility to begin with.

Are we trying to argue that the character who knows he can't ever beat someone who can just revive reload and try an infinite amount of times so his only hope is to break the rules as much as he can and be as unrelentingly unfair as possible and try to frustrate you into giving up instead is fair or not?

Lol he got beaten by her

Did you play it?

Yes. It's bad writing and bad mechanics. It's just bad. Bad. Very bad.

I used to. It becomes very repetitive, sadly.

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but it's that way on purpose, he can't game you so all he can do is meta game you

Deltarune is better.

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The intent is irrelevant, it's bad.

Watched a full playthrough at least. I did play Deltarune though and it was really fucking boring and cheap-feeling so glad I didn't waste my money or my time waiting for a torrent to finish downloading

Buh buh buh BASED

I only like it for those Haruske doujins.

based and floweypilled

Oh god oh god oh fuck Ralsei does things to me man I dont know what it means for me

op samefagging goes hard


I only literally like the ruins song

The battle system is fun and the music is good. Characters and writing can be hit or miss. The "moral" of the game is retarded and preachy. There are no consequences for killing anyone other than being locked out of the cringy "power of friendship"ending and you aren't given any reason to feel bad for killing 99% of the enemies/bosses.

Yea Forums magnetism strikes again

1st time I've ever seen Iji mentioned here is while I'm listening to this:

Attached: 1552258532964.jpg (595x596, 75K)

i love undertale but hopes and dreams is probably the only track in the entire ost i think is shit.

Of course, not only that, but it's my favorite indie game.

yes? people on here liked undertale. why are you

Turns out I wasn't good enough to communicate what I meant to everyone since it seems we view media in a fundamentally different way and trying to slander their characters at this point would be truly turning into the jackass everyone has been taking me for so far. There are more things I wanted to say but I just don't have the patience to type out all of it anymore.

I'm not really conceding as much as I am apologizing for wasting our time. We couldn't change each others minds and to think you can do that over the internet is even more ridiculous. Take it as a victory if you want to, I'm going to sleep now. It's pretty late in my timezone. Goodnight, Anons.

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Absolutely based

At least post the best version.

Also you can like both Undertale and MegaTen fag.

You're right, I just like its OST, LOL.

Undertale has heavy reference and sound from several other games NES, SNES and probably a couple other system I don't know of. Megalovania supposedly has a lot of inspiration from this
The begining her reminds a lot of chrono trigger
and so on. Yes a lot of people will recognize and like the sound.