Tik Tok Hedgehog

Tik Tok Hedgehog

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based, "30 fps" posters absolutely seething

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crash is officially much better than sonic. i want a crash and mario at the olympic games game now

Imagine actually thinking this


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Imagine being in this much denial


Imagine not thinking this

But natural selection baby, enjoy TSR with the Fortnite audience


Crash is so shit that his series was dead for 9 years until the remastered trilogy, you are fucking delusional if you think it's better than Sonic when nobody gave a shit about him for almost a decade

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Jokes on you shitty Bandicoot, I'm gonna enjoy both.

What's wrong with it? It's just as fast-paced as CTR.

Imagine being a Sonicfag and trying to make fun of any other video game icon after releasing a trailer like this

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How come the Crash series isn't filled with all the autism and degenerate that the Sonic series has? Most of the characters in Crash are animals too.

So you have no argument, then.

There's nothing to argue, CTR is the epitome of racing games and skill.

I was hoping for a comfy CTR thread, not this.

>Yea Forums
pick one

No, that's F-zero GX, but nice try.

>drive in a straight line

>drive in a straight line
This isn't Wipeout.

not enough retards and autists in the fanbase.

TSR and CTR aren't even comparable. TSR is Mario Kart tier "anyone can play" shit, but you have to actually learn how to play CTR.

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This game is gonna be better than TSR so doubt.

I remember watching a video about why theres a lot of sonic ocs or something like that and they blamed the archie comics. It doest help Sonic always had the more grander plots you have to be slightly autistic to like. Also its way easier to make a Sonic OC than a Crash OC.

This too
Compare the paheal numbers the difference is fucking huge

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They're fundamentally different games. You retards keep comparing them but only CTR is a kart racer akin to MK.

>Sonicfags trying to talk shit about remasters when their only claim to fame in years is literally a rom-hack.
>When they have a movie coming out that might actually dethrone the Super Mario Bros movie as the worst video game movie of all time.
>When the only thing that has kept Sonic relevant in recent years is pure weapons-grade autism of it's fanbase and main-stream memes joking about how terrible Sonic is.
It's like being smug about being the undisputed king of shit-mountain.

When was the last time a Sonic game sold 10 million copies? Shit, even 5 million?
A free iOS game? Mario and Sonic at the Olympics games, perhaps. Sonic is fucking old news, kid.

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who /eggman/ here?

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> Crashfags being retarded and in denial
Crash Bandicoot? More like Trash Bandicoot!

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I really hope I can main him this game. In the original he's not that good. Hopefully you can slightly change character stats or vehicle stats.

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Crash is Sonics ASS game for a reason
But really I'm excited for both

He's just a Polar reskin in the original

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boy this pic didnt age too well

And that's bad.

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Twinsanity remake when?

>that knuckles voice
Did they ditch his previous va?

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that's a sumo digital game. Looks and plays like Outrun and it's what I want to play.

How about if you actually discuss things related to the game instead of shitposting?

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Mario Kart is better


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>undertale is playable
>now with pesona 5 fiasco

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What's the difference?

Now make Crash hold up 3 (three) (trois) (tres) fingers.

No Tawna no buy
Made for human dick

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Look at Sonic's fingers.

reminder if Beenox considers her leaving Crash canon, she is evil and on Team Cortex.

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Why didn't N. Tropy go back in time and tell Cortex "Please don't evolve any bandicoots please also tell N. Gin to build a big rocket to blow up Uka Uka's prison thanks"
Would have saved all of them some serious trouble.

because time is like a train track, the solution to paradoxes is extremely simple: you alter time, you end up on another train track in an alternate universe. Paradoxes are for brainlets.

They're kart racers, you fucking autist.
Drift, boost, hope you don't get hit from behind or crash. Relax.

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I would honestly prefer this scenario over the actual one.



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>mfw people keep arguing over skill gaps and """advanced tech""" in a bunch of kart racers
Can you people just leave? I just wanna play a racing game cos there hasn't been a good one since Transformed for ps3. Every CTR and TSR thread is always filled with shit flinging
>muh tap L1 while drifting is the pinnacle of skill
>muh 30fps
>muh only relevant through remasters
>muh shit live action movie
It's fucking sad to witness. Just play both. TSR for higher speeds, good music and dynamic racetracks. CTR for bigger roster, tighter drifting and an more variety of characters/tracks (even though some of the tracks are very boring let's be honest here).
Just stop trying to treat these like you would a fighting game or RTS or whatever, cos no matter how good you are or skilled someone can just fuck you up completely with a lucky shot.

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That's objectively a more suitable duo for Olympic exercises than Mario and Sonic. Sonic would thrash Mario in virtually everything, but Crash would only thrash Mario in ball throwing.

Crash is great, but not as big in game history as Mario, Sonic or Pac-Man.

Is that why Cortex fucked around with the timeline so much, because he knew that anything he did would be some other timeline's problem?

I've wanted to write a Tawna x user story for a while now but have never been able to think of a good premise

Based and redpilled.

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*dabs on your corpse*

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Penguin yay 1


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What will Penta's stats be in the remake? I assume it's gonna be handling like in the NTSC-U version but I wouldn't mind something better.
I also hope there's a cheat that gives Penta perfect stats but prevents online play until you disable it.

The double, the triple...

The pentanigger

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the changes he brought forth do seem to have the purpose to install a dynasty though'from the egyptian glyphs to N. Gin's rocket company in the future. Technically Cortexverse IS another universe as he switched the railroad the moment he went back. If Future Frenzy is the future, we should ask: is Cortex truly a horrid despot if his rule leads to THAT?

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assuming he's in in the first place, remember he's just a Crash 2 NPC. I'd much rather have the blue rat creature as a racer if we go like that, the first one in the game. tutrtle woods, blue rat thing.

This. I don't see why there is arguing anyway. The games are exactly one month apart. It's not like you have to choose one over the other unless you run on a REALLY tight budget. I was skeptical about Sonic since the games haven't been good in like forever but TSR is slowly starting to win me over. I'll wait and see what is said about it and if it's a good game I'll buy it. I'll buy CTR no matter what though. The way people complain it's like they are released on the same day. It's nonsense.

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Where were you anons when USF was confirmed?



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Exactly. I'm literally just gonna have both and switch between them whenever I feel like driving a certain way or playing certain tracks.

The more stuff they show, the more exciting it looks.
>Mission based story mode
>Customization up the ass
>Stages have set pieces and some are more interactive to make up for the lack of transformations
The only hopes I have are for Sonic says loading screens to return from the first All Stars Racing, for there to be Mirrored tracks like Transformed had, and for them to expand on the roster, and I'll be satisfied with the game.

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Exactly. I'm literally just gonna have both and switch between them whenever I feel like driving a certain way or playing certain tracks.
They're just racing games, not the second coming of Christ.

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I swear I aborted my post. Why'd it still post the unfinished one

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Can any NA lads confirm if you can download CTR directly to the Vita without needing to transfer through PS3? Any answers I've tried to find are decomfirmations from years back so I'm hoping it's not the case now

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Crash is universally loved compared to Sonic though

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this desu

Those evil doctors knew what they were doing

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why do the sanics burn all their bridges? we both got reasons to hate Mario, yet alliances seem beyond their mental capability to grasp.

unironically soulless

I don't see how it is. Even other parts of the game have soul, like there's checkpoint missions that use the actual checkpoint posts from the games

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Who created Fake Crash?

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Japan, they ruin everything they touch.

Japanese bootleg toy manufacturers.

With the speed buff to handling karts and buffed USF they may actually be top tier.

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Sonic is the home of spergs, while Crash is rather normie-friendly. Alliances are for normies.

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Doubt he's canon, but I love to believe N. Brio sabotaged a cloning attempt by Cortex by contaminating the sample with his DNA. (the teeth and all) I came up with this on the spot.

>Can you people just leave?
You're pointing the whole problem of Yea Forums and just asking everybody to leave. I love CTR but I swear I never cringed this hard reading threads on 4channel.

But he's in Crash 3

yeah but the Mario Nintenbabies are worse.

then he's just a failed splice? again, not canon. Gag character and all.

How can Bandicoot girls even compete.

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Crash Bandicoot Ntranced on the GBA explained it with Cortex capturing and brainwashing Coco and Crunch through some wormhole. When he tried to get Crash, Aku Aku helf him back, and Crash was sort of split into two individual Crashes, Fake Crash being transferred to the other side.

Tawna > Rouge

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Is it me or the video is contradicting itself ? ( or not using the stupid terms right ) Because there never was any "super" boost pad in Polar pass, and they may just mix terms with the speed increase you have by naturally chaining boosts, without ever mentioning the remake having more super boost pads

>The more stuff they show, the more exciting it looks.
It very much does. I guess is played on a VERY low difficulty? It looks really slow and not at all like the footage that has been released before it. Honestly, if this was the first time I saw the game I would be turned off as it looks very boring.

>They're kart racers, you fucking autist.
Drift, boost, hope you don't get hit from behind or crash
Lotta good that's doing them.


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As far as I know, you can't download it on Vita at all. Not even though (((PS3 Transfer))).

Why not both in a hot lesbian scene?

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It could be, as there are speed classes just like Transformed. I've also heard Rings make you go faster and there's no cap for the amount you can get, so getting hit makes you reset to default speed

They're pointing out that Beenox fixed USF so that miniturbos don't cancel it and now it's a true boost tier.

And yes there may be changes in super turbo pad locations... (CNK didn't have any at all, until now)

Brendaniel, Sonic High School. That is your fanbase.

Just hack your vita and use nonpdrm

Who would top with a strapon?

How about a bondage theme? Something like 50 Shades of Grey, but with Tawna Bandicoot.

my refined gentlemen

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That player is just abnormally stupid.
>see a drop where you need to turn to avoid it
>drives straight
I fucking hate these people who are paid to showcase games in such an awful way. The CTR gameplay vids have been abysmal.

This is... honestly a better explanation.

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> I've also heard Rings make you go faster
Aaah. Makes sense.

Well, my guess would be Coco and Rouge are about the same height, with Tawna being taller, so she would be the best to use the strap-on. Coco on Rouge and Tawna would be asymmetrical.

I want to hug and protect coco

But user...
Small dom, big sub is superior fetish.

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Handling was always 3 speed.

>fixed USF so that miniturbos don't cancel it and now
But they didn't even say Polar pass now have a super boost pad, that's what I'm pointing. Unless it's in precised in another video

I mean... it does confirm that learning the game takes a bit more effort, seeing how many utterly fail at playing it

>thinking about how much fun I'm going to have shitting on MK refugees
>realize they'll all be on switch
I wish there was cross platform multiplayer

why does she use Cortex Tech? (the kart)
Is she friends with N. Gin? Is it reverse engineered?

It was 2

I'm playing the N. Sane Trilogy as my first experience to the games, and that stage's alternate path was some fucking hell. Was the original this finnicky with its jumps? Despite doing everything the same I sometimes fail jumps I previously didn't. Feels like the jump windows are either extremely tight or somehow really inconsistent.

No, the remake is trash, play the originals.

Not even close. The original let Crash hit ledges whenever and is much more fluid.

Could be stolen parts from the crashed space station.
Also she could have hacked into Cortex database for blueprints.

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No cross platform will kill this game within the first 2 months. Thanks fucking snoy.

Coco really is a noob at this evil thing, isn't she? I learned this from Pinstripe: you're supposed to weight them with something and hurl them into a deep lake or the ocean.

That is very true. So I guess Coco has the strap-on while Rouge pleasures Tawna in other ways to the point she's unable to control her body.

but why would she use it? she seems like the type that takes pride in making her own stuff.

She isn't going to have Tawna killed. Look at the label.
She is sending her to /trash/

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in that case she needs a steel crate, not a framed steel wooden crate, no, steel. she is a Bandicoot. Wood crate. Bandicoot.

I want a spinoff game with Tawna and Coco as main characters.

Tawna's got no room to move in that tight box. Can't bash or smash or spin or anything. Also she's tied up and naked.

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I'm confused. According to this speedrun tier list I sometimes see get posted around the stats are the same as always.

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she just needs to bash her footsoles on it though? the thing looks too small for her... personally I'd go for all limbs tied steel animal cage. great for rape.

not how Accel lacks a character, Oxide was meant to be here! Should N.Brio take this vacant spot? I -NEED- N.Brio in adventure mode. he is like the mix between cortex and ripper roo, which is hilarious yet badass.

If they ever make a Tawna Bandicoot spinoff game, I want to play dressup with her.

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>you dense motherfucker

Weren't accel karts actually faster than all-round karts in a straight line? The in-game stats seem to be lying about a few things

accel is recovery, the top speeds between speedsters and accels is too small to matter, thusa accel dominates.

What is wrong with the remakes?

Who's your favourite Dr in the Crash series?

>she just needs to bash her footsoles on it though?
Her knees seem to go above the height of the box and the lid would pin her legs down, not allowing room for the bashing.

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Sorry crash, but I'm more busy memeing about the movie than our games

Just looking at the wiki, it seems like there's a lot of conflicting info about what the kart's stats actually are.

If we assume that the current stats are the most accurate, then the acceleration characters are faster.

Crash falls noticeably faster at the crest of his jump (higher gravity) and his model likes to 'slip' off the slightest ledges, also very quickly.

In the original he wasn't affected by standing near ledges.

Let me try that again:


is Tawna worth pursuing though? if her leaving crash for pinstripe shows she is unreliable and a Cortex ally. I'd go wholesome for Coco.

Tawna when?

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Hard to like any of them now, they have been ruined by being showed too much. Human characters shouldn't be shown too much in Crash. Anyway, N.Gin in Crash 2 had the most effect on me as a kid, followed by Cortex in Crash 1.

> Hard to like any of them now, they have been ruined by being showed too much. Human characters shouldn't be shown too much in Crash.
Kill yourself furfag

I just like the boob envy/bully/lust with the both of them.
Also potentially with the trophygirls, if artists would give them love once they are 100% confirmed. We saw the hands in one of the pictures, so there is some hope for them.

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I never agreed with the breakup as soon as Naughty Dog left the helm. The character was DESIGNED to be Crash's girlfriend even from the concept stages, and was supposed to drive his motives

I honestly think the character is missing something without Crash and vice-versa. It should create interesting conflict. At the very least, her promiscuous nature should be played for laughs in the game itself, not offhandedly mentioned in outside material with her never appearing in the game itself. That's honestly worse than just forgetting she's there.

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>TSR for good music
You better not be talking shit about CTR's tunes mate.

Haha! Nice hat Mare-io. Think i'll keep it. Whoa!
>Mama mia papa pia fettuccine linguine

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There's 0% chance CTR (original or remake) will ever surpass Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

The question is will STR match Transformed

The jumps in Jaws of Darkness pissed me off so nuch. He would always slip off those rising pillars.

This. It was the result of meddling and nothing more.

That's not saying much tbqh

reminder the green-haired torphy girl only appears for evil characters and Oxide if he's hacked in. (he is a cut unlockable afterall) does she have the hots for Oxides' …. uh? Jagon?

>only one other female character in the game
>no female speed kart

Surely they have to realize this. This is unacceptable female representation in current year.

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I think Crash secretly misses her. He has a poster of her in Mind Over Mutant.

Wasn't she also one that wanted to become a racer herself?
I remember a post credits epilogue talking about what each character did and one of them was a trophygirl wanting to be racer.

It really just depends on what you want out of it, TSR has minor appeal from people who preferred the first All Stars Racing and didn't like the transformations, but has the more weighty physics and slick drifting from Transformed.
At the very least it's continuing the trend Sumo Digital has of taking staples of the kart racing genre and doing them in a new way.

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I want R63 tiny tiger. Tina Tigress, but nobody made it yet.


He has her picture somewhere in a lot of the games.

There isn't a single good crash bandicoot game.

Sonic doesn't even think about crash lmao! Probably doesn't even know who he is!


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I thought Sonic and Crash fans would be united in their love of bat tats and bandicoot mammaries.

actually crash and sonic are better than mario

Gotta have that rivalry.
I just wish there would be potential crossover lewds, like the forementioned TawnaxRouge.

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If she's in this game, Bigdad will surely deliver

Dont know where most of this shit flinging comes from since the majority of us have said that we are getting both

It's fun

It's just banter, lad

>>Roster: CTR Characters, CNK Characters, CTTR Characters + N.Sane Characters (Tawna, Moe, Baby T, Boar, Koala Kong, Brio) + others
>Crash, Coco, Cortex: 30
>Others: 15
>>Kart: CTR, CNK and CTTR kart + new version
>> New Content about Twoc, Twinsanity, COTT, MoM
>> Tracks: CTR, CNK, CTTR tracks
>New: Retro track, 5 N.Sane Track, 3 Twoc, 3 Twinsanity, 3 COTT, 3 MoM

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Because it's easier to be negative

Well the music in CTR isn't exactly amazing. It suits the game but it's not something I'd ever listen to. That's just me though. Never really paid much attention to crash music.
Never. Transformed is in it's own league.

>tfw play Polar

>Well the music in CTR isn't exactly amazing


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Yeah I really don't see what's so good about that. Crash music always felt lacking to me.
Probably cos I stuck to sonic more and crash was a game that I played on the side as a kid. If you like it though, doesn't bother me

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>Yeah I really don't see what's so good about that
It's a musical technique called counterpoint. It's what makes Pokemon music sound good.

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I'm of two minds about this

on one hand, I really hate the idea of anything Titans being in this game, but at the same time I really want Nina back.

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>Source: Dude, trust me



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>Papu's pyramid
Since when did Polynesians build pyramids?

He started with fucking bait. It was fucked from the start.

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>this thread
>not comfy by Yea Forums standards
Won't last a day here, newfag

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wanna believe this mainly for based HOG

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>not as big in game history as Mario, Sonic or Pac-Man.

Code for japs don't like western garbage

...except Kurashuu Bandikuu

Shame N-Sane trilogy bombed in Japan

Based eggchad

not gonna lie I didn't believe you until you mentioned the Boar, I was literally just thinking about how it's bullshit that the other ride characters got in but not the Boar

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really hope egglad gets in

idk man just because some of the edges are curved doesn't make the gameplay bad. Especially not as bad as the Spyro remake. Those fucking load times though are atrocious.

I'm not the guy that always shows up saying NST is 'shit'. It's a perfectly good game, very challenging.

I'm just not going to defend those glaring issues I pointed out.

My only concern is how they would implement him with all the new customization options.
Most karts in CTRNF seem to use an updated, albeit standardized design - even Oxide's hovercraft is modified with a steering wheel to fit all characters. That said, I could see how Trance's gorilla arms might be a problem to animate since his original model was specifically tailored for his team's CNK car.

Maybe they'll make his arms smaller while he is in the kart? I'm sure they'll find a way to work around it since they found a way to give Dingodile his tail

That's... a lot of dialogue to record for one game

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Don't die on me thread

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Someone start posting Coco lewds, that'll keep the thread alive.

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I much rather wait for the bump limit to post anything not blueboard-friendly.

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>New Content about Twoc
Nibba gimme that Solar Bowler Remix

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Becuase Crash never had real fans, so there's no fanbase for it to degenerate. Crash was a way to cope that you couldn't play Mario 64 nothing more, compare it to Spro, it had real fans so the fanbase grew up into scaly degenerates

But Mario 64 is shit.

What reality do you live in that you think you can only play one game or the other? This mentality always astounds me. There has always been a way for anyone to play fucking Mario retard.

>play both Mario and Crash
Your strawman sucks
Anyway there is a fanbase to degenerate you havent bothered looking at all the gay fat giantess feet porn

Not to mention you can always just emulate Mario
Its not like Mario was this hard to reach IP that few people played

Attached: Fakewumpa.png (512x529, 615K)

I know this is hard to understand for actual zoomers, but back in the mid 90's N64 emulation wasn't a real thing and you didn't had more than one console per generation.

I remember joining this now dead steam group that had online CTR running on Mednafin and had a few fun matches. Anyone interested in figuring out if it still works?



>me boomer me know how things really were
I had a gamecube and my friend next door had a PS2 and thats how I played both and this applies to both SNES SEGA PS1 N64
sorry you didnt have a single friend growing up

Attached: 1498160714925.png (424x424, 10K)

>I'm a faggot that had no friends and my parents didn't love me.
yeah fag whatever we get it.

I would but I'm actually a giant shitter that can't do any techs at all so I'd just get stomped

It still does. I was literally about to ask if any of you were interested in playing a few games.
Who's down? I can post further instructions if need be.


Penguin yay 2

>Crash was a way to cope that you couldn't play Mario 64 nothing more
Except I had both games you colossal faggot.

It was the only fucking game that worked on my N64

Attached: 2ttzud.jpg (498x631, 64K)

You got any substitutes for those broken links?

this desu
I was a Nintendo kid but my friend had a Playstation and that's how I played Crash 2, 3, and CTR
console wars are and always have been fucking stupid

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Anyone else find Ripper Roo oddly cute in the N. Sane trilogy style? Fake Crash too honestly. Never had that opinion before.

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It's the fuzz

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He looks like a puppy

He was mutated as a child

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I do, actually. I tried to make it as retard-proof as possible.

Download mednafen_1.21.3_CTR_netplay, extract the folder somewhere, then extract the bin and cue files from ctr.zip and drag the cue file onto run.bat. Press Alt+Shift+1 to configure your controls. Press T and type in /connect fobby.net to join the game, then /nick to change your nickname.

If you want, you can download your own instance of mednafen from mednafen.github.io/releases/ (the stable version is 1.21.3) if you don't trust some random fucker on Yea Forums, but you'll need to set up multitap yourself.

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Everyone's a little "cuter" with their NST designs. Except for N. Gin. Poor N. Gin.
Bad opinion time: I understand not liking how it takes some of the 90s Warner edge off some of the characters but I honestly think Crash's old 3D renders were creepy as fuck, he looks great in-game and in 2D art but I literally had nightmares as a kid about Crash's gigantic teeth and mouth on the boxart, on 2 partially but especially WoC and FUCKING Nitro Kart. Did not want to see that shit if I opened my eyes in the middle of the night.

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calm down, japan.

Lets not fight when we’re seeing the potential for there to be a resurgence of kart Racer games being popular again on consoles not made by Nintendo

Downloading. Gimme a few because rural burger internet

I always thought it was something Crash just shared with Cortex himself. The same wicked grin Cortex has.

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Are you a nip by any chance?

Same but with Fake Crash instead

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>his hands are free

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how big are crash's 'wumpa fruit'

>actually got five
nigga what the fuck

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He's got five too

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post yfw he's in

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After a good nap he's ready to WHOA

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And in those 9 years there hasn't been a single good sonic game

off-topic but do you think spyro reignited trilogy will be released on pc? otherwise ill just get the double pack for ps4

None of you nintendotards have answered my question yet. What is the appeal of Mario?

I think it will but it’s probably gonna get the n sane treatment so you might be waiting until November

Id kill myself with the other Ninafags

Attached: 1544131936695.jpg (250x250, 25K)

Where are those mains. Post em.

Attached: dingodile-n-sane-trilogy.jpg (653x690, 112K)

Not everyone came from a poorfag family like you. My family owned both consoles and a Saturn too.

For me, it was the lips

If he gets on over Twana and Brio, I'll be fucking pissed

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They're probally struggling to port it. That useless team had trouble creating the base game

>Mariofag falseflagging as a Crashfag to anger Sonicfags
Nice try, but we've always been bros

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This. Plus both games look WAYYYY better than Mario Kart anyways. I'm glad to get both on Switch

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CTR: Crunch, Dingodile, Coco, Pinstripe, hopefully Nina if she makes it in, Unironically Rilla Roo if he makes it

TSR: Knuckles, Silver, Metal Sonic, Vector Omega, Chao.

Attached: Crunch_Bandicoot_Twinsanity.png (193x275, 58K)

Maining on the spot

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>It's another thread where people honestly think a remake done by a Skylanders assembly line studio will be a better game than a Sumo Digital racer

Attached: ah shit.gif (500x375, 2.39M)

You can actually change the paint job and decal with your kart? That's actually pretty rad. I'm a sucker when it comes to Customizable Karts.

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Just be prepared for inevitable cosmetic DLCs.
Because Activision.

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I hope he is unlockable after 102% just as a joke.

I keep thinking Sonic is succing Crash's face from the thumbnail.

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She wants the Crash.

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Sonic fans really don't have any leg to stand on after the last 20 fucking years

Was fun. Looking forward to see if a more stable server can be found.

Cocofags spam again? I wonder what will happen when game comes out, there are 2 possibilities.
1.- They are only lame waifufags so they will get destroyed by everyone else in game and they only are here to spam
2.- Since they are so autistic, they might know every corner and shortcut of the game, being powerful enough to force their cocofaggotry on everyone ingame

Time will tell, i guess.

Mad you're not as pretty as Coco?


Attached: 1498827000927.png (1750x1258, 620K)

Cocofags would be better if they could find or produce fresh fanart. It's all the same. But it's certainly better than some shitty tripfag crying about pictures he could just filter.

The hell are you doing here? Go back to the Yea Forums drawthread you no talent faggot.

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Cash was never good

Crash? More like Crashed franchise, LOL

at least Sonic is still going

You take that back right the fuck now.

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>at least Sonic is still going
yeah straight to the grave lmao

anyways how come they didnt put wave jet and storm in the new sonic racing game?

Post more Cocos to trigger the tripfag

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I feel like if they do DLC, they'll either be the first or last addition to the game

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honestly theres a lot of characters that could have made appearances but just didnt?
and because of the team comps
It feels like charmy espio and cream already wont show up

No worries I got you with some predicted DLC bro
I doubt most of this will happen but Sumo went crazy with DLC characters for Transformed, so if they were given the reigns to do it again I can see them at least put forth the effort

Attached: Possible TSR DLC Teams.jpg (3069x2302, 2.44M)

whose the black erml guy and the guy on the bottom right?

I miss the Babylon Rogues. Too bad free ride killed the riders series.

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Bottom right is Heavy from Knuckles Chaotix and bottom middle is Gemerl from Advance 3.
It's a huge stretch to expect them but they're good placeholders
It is a shame, but I would love it if they did Riders themed DLC with them and an extra chapter/missions and stages based on the Riders games

Attached: 1527396724569.png (917x821, 265K)

>not Espio/Charmy/Mighty

Insulting people gets you free bumps because most Yea Forumsirgins are too young or dumb to know what sage is. Sadly, it's just easier to make threads using bait. Anything else dies after about 10 minutes.

I actually do have Mighty on a separate team in an edit of that image, which adds Classic Sonic, Ray, and Mighty as a team

>Sumo went crazy with DLC characters for Transformed
Yeah, on the PC version.
Outside of that, it was just "here's Metal Sonic again, bro."

>mighty has already been forgotten

>not the three ghosts from Unleashed

Well designed platformers with decent physics. What else is there to say? Do you like Crash for the lore? Or do you play the games because they're good platformers? I'm assuming you don't play platformers for their deep backstories or relatable characters. If so, you should probably reevaluate your life.

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Don't remind me.... I'm hoping they don't pull that shit again because there's tons of DLC stage and roster potential for this game.
I could never forget, I just finished up my Mighty run of Mania a few hours ago
I have a feeling that they'll cameo in the nighttime Rooftop Run stage. I mean, it's got a haunted theme, so I don't see why they wouldn't

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For a fucking racing game? How low do your standards have to be? Sumo made the best kart racer ever and TSR is 60fps, you would only buy CTR if you care about brand value / nostalgia.


>just finished up my mighty run of mania a few hours ago

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Why do people care about him? We already got one Roo

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Tawna will make a cameo in CTR:NF in Hot Air Skyway, blowing kisses to her boyfriend Pinstripe as his boss race begins.

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I don't get why people are posting about this game so much. Like, yeah, it's great to have Crash Bandicoot back, but it's just remakes now. I'd be happier if a new Crash game came out. A remake of a spinoff isn't much to be bragging about.

>How come the Crash series isn't filled with all the autism
They exist. They're all Twinsanity fans.

>yes i enjoy both sonic and crash! How could you tell?

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Giga-chad is one of my favourite recent memes.

This is my nigga, right here.

what is it even from?

Not canon

>dethrone the Super Mario Bros movie as the worst video game movie of all time.
What the fuck, what thing about the Super Mario Bros movie makes it "the worst video game movie of all time"? It's literally a fine movie.
>B-But it's nowhere close to the games!
And? What the fuck did you expect? Two hours of an italian autist going "BING BING WAHOO" while jumping on turtles?

>No argument

Glad my man Dingodile always got the good stats.

He's elusive

He's mysterious

Everything about him is an enigma.

Who is he? What is he? Why is he here?

He "exists".

He's our new shitpost material now that Zam is confirmed

Is it gonna be on PC? I like my mednafen but the resolution is dogshit.

Only console versions have been confirmed, a PC version might happen later like N. Sane Trilogy

I actually haven't played the remake yet because it looked like a high-schooler's Unity project. Is it good? And most importantly, does it look less shit than when it was announced?

>is it good
Well I mean it's the fucking Crash trilogy. There are a couple of weird stupid hitbox changes but nothing you'll notice 99% of the time. It did get some graphical upgrades since its reveal, but the only one that looks really good is Crash 3.

Just pirate it, if it can run at 60 on my billion year old rig it can run on yours.

How big is the file size? I ain't got much space.

I think is better than using a credit card

>What the fuck, what thing about the Super Mario Bros movie makes it "the worst video game movie of all time"? It's literally a fine movie.
It's not a bad movie, it's just a bad Mario adaptation.

It didn't really bomb. They just imported the western version since there was a 2 month delay

I agree, just look at his smile in the Crash 1 box art

It looks like this youtube.com/watch?v=xQJ87yLWz9w

>F-zero GX
>drive in a straight line

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Reminder that the absolute madlads at Traveler's Tales were going to put her in the game.


Attached: evil coco bandicoot_crash twinsanity.png (145x457, 83K)

Crash, Bandicoot 2.
The greatest sequel ever made.

Attached: Crash Bandicoot 2.png (1920x1080, 880K)

>Tik Tok
Never expected Ke$ha to appear in a racing game.

are you sure

3 is better

Is it normal for there to still be no gameplay of the switch version? There's screenshots that are just now coming out but I need to see it in motion.

I knew CTRfags were philistines, but Jesus Christ.

I mean... the same people saying CTR is a MK clone are even bigger philistines. You owe it to yourself to play CTR if you want more out of the kart racing genre.

Not him and never played F-Zero, so I can't speak on that

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what does the A stand for?


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It is not the same team behind transformed

Don't get me wrong user, I love Crash 3, but 2 is objectively the better one.

>Has a better difficulty curve
>Good secrets
>Really fun to 100%
>Minimal use of vehicles
>Bonus: The vehicles are also fun to use
>All levels built around your abilities (Crash 3 often neglects the power-ups)

Attached: 1556161658602.png (1440x1080, 2.11M)

Fuuuuuuck this game had such an incredible look. I've always wanted to make a game for PC that's pretty much identical to the PS1 games with none of the limitations.

Attached: 71f.png (600x652, 457K)

This, Crash 2 is clearly superior and less gimmicky.

Why the fuck does this game look better than every game in the N64 library despite being on inferior hardware?

Anyone got a link to a rom of CTR? I found one but it doesn't have a .cue file so it doesn't work on mednafen.
pls halp

It's literally modded. Naughty Dog hacked the PS1

Got a story on that? Sounds interesting.

>Tawna height compared to Rouge
>her with a strapon mating press Rouge

Attached: 1496948743263.png (961x876, 1.07M)

I prefer the original
I know it's a pain in the ass to 100% but I never cared about 100%ing it.

>Tfw still got my old discs

I'm tired and it's taking me forever to find, but the gist is that they would write their own libraries to alter how the Playstation would render the levels.

They were able render textures at much higher resolutions since they didn't need to be blurred with distance, and when they were done altering the culling system it was smart enough to detect when an object is being obscured by another object, even if it was directly facing you, (it would intelligently guess what objects the player could and couldn't see in real time, unlike a normal culling system that would just undraw things not facing the camera) and it would undraw the object being obscured until you got close, so yeah, even stuff that's facing the camera. It operated far beyond what other culling systems were capable of at the time.

They also would put a huge chunk of useless data in the middle of the disc to push all the files containing level geometry and characters to the outer edge, because it would read faster on the outside.

Attached: Zooks2.png (2000x1818, 1.52M)

Damn, Naughtydog really was the id software of the PS1

Guys please, I wanna play it again

I only have an ISO

It's NTSC though, I imagine you would be PAL

No, my emu has a US bios

Well... they did use vertex animation in Crash 1-3

woah the threads still alive!

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Its been a bit since we've had a thread reach over 200 so thats nice
I hope for just a tiny bit of news though

Attached: Crash_Bash_Fake_Crash_Bandicoot_Icon.png (213x190, 50K)

>>muh tap L1 while drifting is the pinnacle of skill
Nigger 1v1 me in a race faggot


Attached: 15wp4c.gif (300x158, 677K)

Will the PS4 pro version be 60fps?

Attached: 1366017516398.png (198x176, 56K)

What is the best item and why is it the bowling bomb?

Attached: 8EFEB463-9AA7-4A00-AFA9-32DC5705C905.png (47x30, 2K)

I read somewhere it will on bot the Xbone X and PS4 Pro

and deff on PC when that drops in the future

Attached: 1549571318339.png (814x1063, 401K)

I think invisibility is underrated and would be really cool to have in some sort of ranked arcade

>avoids missiles
>avoids bomb aim assist
>mask users can't see you
>probably avoids warp orb

Attached: Crash_Nitro_Kart_Invisibility.png (60x64, 2K)

I like the shield since you can protect with yourself first then decide to use it as a weapon, actually shoots just like a bowling bomb just with no ricochet

Still going.

Search up how to make custom .cue files, its pretty simple actually.

Of course. Until everyone's false hope of Tawna being in this game dies.

If by best you mean being inaccurate and useless.

>I much rather wait for the bump limit to post anything not blueboard-friendly.
>this pic

Attached: 1495377346550.png (254x261, 9K)

Why would she not be?

Attached: 1556159100075.jpg (1200x897, 112K)

The cast for the game is admittedly a sausage fest and could do with more female racers, but Tawna is sort of like Candy Kong from the DK games, a sort of non entity the developers would rather forget about.

How would they utilise Tawna anyway. She has no canon dialogue or hint of a personality outside of being Crash's love interest.

Flesh her out then

Nothing to stop them creating some. It doesn't matter much what they do, especially if the character remains shelved in the main games.

>''Oh you're approaching me?''

>Pregnant marsupial

They have boobs, something marsupials don't have.

Any Coco and Tawna should both have pouches.

Alright, I downloaded it. How do I get it into a .bin and .cue file?

Hey, shut up.

Attached: 1555988636641.jpg (820x508, 94K)

It's still Sumo Digital, and they consulted with a lot of dudes who made Transformed, made on the same engine as Transformed, and is mechanically identical to Transformed outside of the transformations.

>this thread is still up
we're heading to the end of Yea Forums really fast

rule 34 pls

> Sonic = Super translate power
> Crash = Super rotate power
> Mario = Super scale power

Could Mozart still be alive?

Attached: Unity-Transform-Gizmo2[1].png (584x302, 14K)

They don't call it Nitro-Fueled for nothing

Attached: 1544045149573.png (1960x1103, 2.7M)

> Crash thread is still active
How is that a bad thing?

plenty of CTR threads have reached these numbers
Just wait til we get another piece of news you'll see even more 400+ post threads

Attached: nina spin.gif (337x280, 1.05M)

Well, most people fucked off to Resetera.

They're more likely to pick those teams horizontaly than vertically. I think it's pretty clear that to fit every character in not everyone will have their original teams.

>Creams mom
What kind of delusion is this?

Notice how CTRfags are always trying to start with TSRchads. Why are CTRfags such pieces of shit?

Why did they even choose a bandicoot as the main character? That's such an obscure and weird animal you could choose from

fuck Charmy. Fucking horrible character with a horrible voice.

Give me Espio/Fang/Mighty

Sonic is trash, Crash has better games

Plenty of people would prefer the threads weren't started with bait.

You have 4 good games faggot. Sonic has way more even for a shit franchise. Kill yourself retard

Lmao stay mad autist

Like they had multiple names for the character, Crash Bandicoot just sounded the best. His original name (Willie the Wombat) sounded like shit.

Seething Sonicfag

>OP can be something simple as "Post ur main"
>OP is a simple insult based off one of the commercials

They wanted to do what SEGA did with hedgehogs and choose a slightly obscure animal so they grabbed a book about Tasmanian animals

>Implying Twinsanity was bad
>Implying Tag Team was bad

Twinsanity is a guilty pleasure let's not fool ourselves.

Tag Team Racing is the guilty pleasure get it right dumbo

>Why are CTRfags such pieces of shit?
They're insecure. Can you really blame them?
30 fps for a racing game is truly pathetic

Twinsanity is where the series began to faulter.

CTTR is only good for Passadena. Nothing else.

Tag Team is not a guilty pleasure, it's unironically fun. It's basically Double Dash done right.

> Twinsanity is when the series began to faulter
Fuck off, it's better than Wrath of Cortex

>When your autism hedgehog's game is so shit that the only thing about the competition that you can shit on is framerate
lmao, can't blame you when your mascot's last good game was basically indie pixelshit

While I admit that the best of Crash is better than the best of Sonic, I don't think Sonics entire legacy is trash.

Sonic Battle remains as one of my favorite GBA titles. And let's not even talk about his mega drive legacy, that's untouchable.

WoC is hard and looks terrible, but at least is is finished and functional.

Not him, but for all of WoC failures, I liked the coco stages and the ones where you roll on a ball

Its balanced horribly but theres something fun about it
The humor works sometimes so that doesnt hurt.

WoC is just a retread of the worse aspects of 3 it works but you're just playing a functional boring game
Twinsanity wasn't finished but it still had its own thing and brought something new to the franchise even if it didn't work all the time. Plus people over complain about the glitches not once have I run into something that just ruins the mood/gameplay

fuck you at least our racing game is initiative you cum gargling asshole. enjoy your gay hub worlds in a racing game niggerface

This. The main thing Twinsanity had going for it was the humor, a lot of people hated that too.

>Plus people over complain about the glitches not once have I run into something that just ruins the mood/gameplay
Did you never saw the people complain about the weird checkpointing and the fact you make the game's flag go back, causing the player go thru stages he already beat?

It is delusional, but if they wanted to add Cream it's the only way to put her on a team that somewhat makes sense. They have no reason to split up Team Babylon so they would stay intact, Team Chaotix would need a Power character, and if they want Cream they'll need to give her a full on team as well.
But why would they pick them horizontally? Each team goes Speed, Technique, and Power, from top to bottom, as does the actual in game roster

> Tfw was on the Rusty Walrus part on the N.Gin stage
> Died several times, expected to start from the begining of the chase
> You start OUTSIDE N.Gin's ship and have to beat the whole stage and N.Gin again
Fuck this shit

>enjoy your gay hub worlds in a racing game
You can always just play arcade. ya seething cunt

It's bad that this is probably my strongest memory of Twinsanity.

>Says this when TSR has a less interactive world map instead of interactive hub worlds

>Tfw this thread is the first time I have even heard there was a sonic racing game coming out
>Have known about the CTR remake since it was announced

Well of course, STR threads keep getting deleted because of NSFW posters

>There was no Moulin Cortex stage in Twinsanity where Crash and Cortex slide though a burlesque house catching many a bandicoot in various stages of undress.

I recall beating the academy and saving afterwards, when I loaded the save, I had to do the whole thing again

I can't believe naughty dog hasn't released a good game since the first jak and daxter.

CTR is for people that like Mario Kart
STR is for people that like Sumo Digital racers

If you don't like Outrun you'll probably not like the way the cars handle in the Sonic Racing games.

>tik tok
>not tick tock
Zoomers are actually aids

>the only thing about the competition that you can shit on is framerate

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Learned today that it will also have a bunch of characters an tracks from the ps2 game

I never played that one but this is fucking great.

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There was a CTR for the PS2?

Is that game good?

But literally that's the only thing your autism mascot's game has going for it compared to CTR.

>This retard doesn't manually detonate
I bet you also don't snipe fuckers with forward-thrown potions

Nitro Kart is pretty eh, I like the 60fps but it dips alot of the time so I prefer the more stable 30fps of the original. It's got some cool cinematics, though.

yeah, and apparently it was also quite good.

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sad but true

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What's a good PS2 emulator to play this game on?

I liked JaD3. Probably one the few person that did.

Never played the second game though

I think it also got released on Gamecube, play it on Dolphin in that case, Gamecube emulation is a million times further than PS2 emulation

It's a disgrace that they ditched the race flag loading screen in favour of a basic ass one, the original was an amazing touch

CTR autists have nothing to be excited about or discuss. That's why all of their threads are just them ranting about their pretend rivalry with Mario Kart / Sonic Racing

>Maining anyone but penta
Literally why?

Well 90% of the thread is sonic autists screeching while CTRchads are trying to discuss the game at hand.

Only if he's maxed out

anons talking about CNK

To be fair, not all sonic fans are that bad, I've seen plenty get along with CTR fans.

Their game will probably be more fun to play tho

I'll probably go with Dolphin like that user suggested.

Most of the PS2 era games I wanted to play were already ported to new consoles anyway.

Nigger we're talking about the fandom that spawned "people" like chris-chan
It's fair to assume sonicfags are either fucked in the head or heavily autistic/retarded


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Then why have I seen some chill ones who even wanna support CTR too?

Crash spawned guys like Caddicarus


>Even on the same level as chris chan
He may be a cuck, but atleast he's got a wife and children and is a normal functioning member of society for the most part.

Do you guys think the remake will spawn an actual competitive scene?

Isn't Chris Chan also like the deadest of dead horse lolcows too? Cmon user.
And don't act like you folks aren't at least a little bit autistic either, pretty much talking Beenox's ears off till they get the physics and exploits exactly right in this remake. Autism is the reason Sonic Mania's physics were so one to one with the genesis games and same applies here. Need I also mention we're practically on the autism board itself?

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Maybe, though I'm more looking forward to Yea Forums weekends. I haven't played the original since I was a kid, so I'm ready to get my ass handed to me by some turbo autist.

yeah, njigger, bigdad is great.

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I'm currently practicing on the original version so I won't get my ass handed to me by a veteran. What's the best map in Arcade mode to git gud on?
Also, is it a good idea to practice with Penta?

>What's the best map in Arcade mode to git gud on?
If you can consistently get the speed and jump height for the sewer speedway shortcut, you're solid.
>Also, is it a good idea to practice with Penta?
>Practicing with stats that won't be coming back.
The wider turn radius on the acceleration and topspeed karts are actually a lot more useful for powersliding on straightaways. Only play Penta if you're planning on adjusting yourself for the handling karts.

he really isn't

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what the fuck is this

I'm sorry he improved your waifu user, but it's okay to have different tastes. There are plenty of artists who stick to canon designs or just draw sticks in general; you can dislike the subject of his craft, but his art is objectively good

I'd be fine if it were just the designs but his narrative surrounding the Membrane kids is woefully trash.
specifically his decision to make them nbr siblings. If you're going to make the effort all to justify your boner, that's pretty stupid.

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