Is the current streaming market too overcrowded to get a foot in the door?
Is becoming a male camwhore a viable alternative?
Is the current streaming market too overcrowded to get a foot in the door?
Is becoming a male camwhore a viable alternative?
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99% of streamers have less than 10 viewers
It's a lottery if you make it
Stop watching and donating and be a decent person and develop hobbies
Get a voice changer and make a decent 3D models. Western style virtual youtuber market is untapped market
No one wants that cringe shit, that's why.
That shit isn't even very popular in Japan
>Is becoming a male camwhore a viable alternative?
dunno, you're gonna have to post pictures of yourself
Every single "person" that gives money to streaming women is ugly.
I remember all the mentally ill creeps who spent years watching Eugenia Cooney's streams and giving her money while defending her saying she wasn't anorexic, now she is in recovery or dead and no one of those beta cucks knows where she is.
Yet StudioFOW made two millions from shitty SFM
cuck sfms at that
If you're entertaining or a hottie, you'll develop a following. Otherwise, lottery
>male camwhore
You'd have to be really cute to pull it off.
bait your livestream preview with an image of some whore, you'll get an eventual following if you entertain the horny virgins or children who click on your shitty channel
You could always try to leech of a top streamer. It worked pretty well for Greek, he pulls more than 10k now and he started as a sniper fucking with Tyler1
Unless you know someone who can help you get started you might as well buy a lottery ticket because your chances of winning that are about as likely.
>friend tells me to start streaming
>tell her that I'm 5 years too late
>I'm not extroverted, outgoing, interesting and will never be able to hold the attention of anyone who would want to watch me
>im male so that's double the effort required
>also have a terrible mushy british accent and most of the day just sit in silence
>"just do it for fun"
>dont find the idea of streaming for 0-1 people while talking to myself fun
>You'd have to be a trap
What causes a "man" to become this pathetic that he begs streamers to notice him?
This bitch's videos don't even reach 1/5 of actual popular social media people.
Also she's annoying as fuck
Dont start streaming on twitch. It's overcrowded. Go to Youtube or Steam or whatever.
I become really happy whenever Pokimane thanks me for subbing. I don't think I'm pathetic, I just fucking love her.
That's what I said, yeah.
Too oversaturated at this point.
Nothing more sad than waltzing into a stream of a sad fuck with 0-1 viewers and seeing the depression and quiet seethe that he is trying to hide behind a fake joyful exterior
Good head on your shoulders
Bitch looks like a fucking doll with that amount of make up, and not in a good way, she must look like an abomination without it, why do people find her attractive enough to give her free bucks?
I don't get this girl, she pretends to be white but she is a big hook nose muslim, she should praise more that fat ass.
>Is becoming a male camwhore a viable alternative?
not possible.women dont need to work hard to get the attention of men, you would need to be a 9 to even manage to survive for a week.
twitch exist on the thirst of sad lonely dud, for you to succeed you would need actual content and very good content at that or walk into a black neighborhood and scream nigger for shock/lulz may then after you get punched you might be able to make something.
follow pewdiepie to the new twicth competitor and pray you get to ride the wave by being there early if it blows up.
>>dont find the idea of streaming for 0-1 people while talking to myself fun
>buy viewbots
>get a small following of lonely retards who are desperate for any human contact
>they donate to you so they can hear you say their internet name
one problem. I'm shit at multiplayer games. well, I guess I could buy a console.
>get them anime cam shit that mimics your movements
>get a voice changer
I will try this soon to see if I can make some lil extra money
Lifetime of leisure and entertainment. People think it's legit okay to give strange women money, fuck and marry cartoons, jerk off to traps, etc.
you're not thinking in spanish
plenty of gay faggots are on twitch all the time, look at the popularity of the funny gay porn meme
aim for those
Hey kris
>jealous cartoon woman
be like clint stevens
>21 y/o streamer
>at his peak 4th best Ocarina of Time speedrunner in the world
>now a moderately successful variety/SM64 streamer
there's a lack of decent IRL streamers. you could try that. but you're probably an introverted sperg that's afraid of pushing boundaries. twitch will ban you for anything.
>you're not thinking in spanish
>plenty of gay faggots are on twitch all the time, look at the popularity of the funny gay porn meme
aim for those
ha you mean Ricardo. we cant all just be sweaty muscular men and dance with a speedo on, c'mon now, that takes time.
>using prostitutes was always kinda pathetic
>then they came up with strip clubs were you could still interact with the whores but not directly fuck them
>then they came up with phone sex hotlines, where you could only talk to them
>then they became camwhores, where the only interaction you had was mostly through chat
>now they are streamers, where the whole thing isn't even directly sexual anymore
what's the next step from here?
how can it get even more pathetic?
what ever happened to backpage? after it got banned it just went to the dark web. i think something like that will happen again eventually but with streaming in mind haha
Patreon and tranny orbiters.
Retards don't understand that make up is gross.
it's huge in china
A tranny?
>too overcrowded
not if you're talented, you'll stick out pretty well
>yfw you'll never be this guy
>male camwhore
It can be done.
But a man who has the potential to become a top streamer because of his looks and charisma could easily become successful in any other career he chooses.
If you have the potential and can live with the knowledge of having no practical skills whatsoever after the fad has died down, do it.
>literal jealous roastie
Voice changer technology is stuck in 2011.
I donated 1,000 dollars to her last night, ask me everything.
It feels good knowing there are people more pathetic than me.
Unironically reveal your powerlevel.
The normalfag market is fucking oversaturated as hell, don't even bother.
Stay user. Don't dox yourself. Shitpost with your voice.
What we need are some more /ourguys/ streamers.
ASMR is great. There's nothing better than pretty girls giving you personal attention and making you feel relaxed.
>Shitpost with your voice
Not in current year. Shitposting was at its peak 5-6 years ago, now you'll just get banned.
He does things other than speedrun so not yet.
I used to be a NEET who pissed in bottles and shit in cans, but even I wasn't desperate enough to white knight for a female streamer.
>that guy
I like how he calls her bullshit but lmao that last paragraph is just pathetic.
What's the new twitch competitor
Do you have to have some degree of self confidence to make the leap from being told you looked cute to thinking shelling out the money to go to twitch con in order to get drinks and 'seeing where the night takes them' and all that shit
Its actually quite alarming to me that there are people more pathetict han me
That just implies there's a deeper hole i can fall into
Yeah on twitch or youtube. Who gives a shit plenty of other options out there.
>pissed in bottles
ok but
>shit in cans
please elaborate
>Just Chatters want to make a Union against Twitch
Dlive but it's dead on arrival.
but asians ain't people
some goffie streaming site pewdiepie is using its still small though. its Dlive.
Pathetic, lonely people looking for love in all the wrong places.
This, especially considering you normally can't shit without pissing too. Did you use a can and a bottle at the same time, and how did you manage that? I'm assuming you did this in your room, weren't you afraid of getting stains on the floor? What about wiping, and washing your hands? There are so many questions that need to be answered here.
>google it
>Live Stream on Blockchain
t. "american"
You jelly, Yea Forums?
>this average boomer twitch user
Here's an idea. Have the virtual youtuber also have official porn of her that would be distributed outside of youtube and would contribute significantly to her youtube-fame. The porn could be monetized as well.
only legit streamers have to worry about being doxxed because of the losers trying to get into their personal lives. people who want to scream nigger can just be banned by the service, their identity doesn't matter to anyone.
Why don't women like to take side profile pictures?
where do these freaks get the money?
I am, actually. You can be completely average and still rake in beta bux, being female is so fucking easy.
>make 60-70k as a software dev
>no family
Youre just a different variation of a pathetic neckbeard
Youtube bans porn stars.
he looks like he knows how to code
is that dsp`s dad?
OY VEY EY EY EY EY EY EY ey ey ey ey ₑᵧ ₑᵧ ₑᵧ . . .
But we're talking about virtual youtubers! That's quite different to a profession centered on porn. The youtube content would obviously have to be extremely modest with the character denying any promiscuity on her part.
A lot of them don't have a lot of money. They literally brag to each other about missing rent payments to donate to a twitchthot instead.
Believe it or not no.
Clint is unironically /ourguy/
spat out my soup KEK
i talk to myself while playing anyways so i started doing it
it can be fun when someone joins and we just talk about the game, but i don't really have any delusions about making money
plus i'm too inconsistent to really build a following
Is there a market for trans streamers
twitch but put lgbt tag
I was expecting worse.
Except she is a professional voice actor and born female
Holy fucking kek.
Does anyone have the reddit post of that one guy who has donated his entire six digit inheritance money to streamers?
>tfw stream for 0 viewers 95% of the time
whats the point?
This, it's kinda unfair they become 2D too.
I'm straight and all but I have an underdeveloped femboi look to me... if I play it up in a stream do you think many lonely men will donate to me?
He was 2nd best!
Don't, what goes on the internet stays on the internet forever. After all the trannies become a hero, the fad is pretty much over and everyone goes back to being straight.
you know those socially awkward middle aged guys at work who have no family?
you can make a decent amount of money over 20+ years of working if you have low expenses
just be regular streaming cuteboi
you will make bank
>especially considering you normally can't shit without pissing too.
that's just you, user. while I doubt you're in any danger, I'd recommend you consult your doctor about it
would bang
Cringe and yikes.
thats a parody account
Literally nothing wrong with the last two
i will donate you money so you can buy a gun and shoot yourself you degenerate cocksucking whore
Except she is a professional voice actor and born female. No males will be able to do that.
What did she mean with that she bought the hair
Post her pics without makeup.
its a wig
What race is this?
>I have an underdeveloped femboi look
>I'm straight
asian jew
So did she like dye it or is she wearing a wig.
Good point...
Thanks for your support guys.
I don't see the problem, she looks above average
No, that is pretty normal, user. If you take a shit while needing to pee, you'd have to actively work against your body to stop it from pissing
Why wouldn't you get that fixed when you're given thousands of dollars from neckbeards for being hot?
post the tourettes bitch
World War 3 can't come soon enough.
I don't know or care about who poki / literally any other twitch thot is, nor am I one of those pathetic yellow fever betafags...
But she's not ugly, even without makeup. Far from it too
I'm pretty far from a kegelsfag, but you need to master your sphincter user
>zoomer who's active on snapchat, instagram and tik tok
our guy indeed
If that's "above average" for you I sugest moving out of Chernobyl
>not having 4-5 real life friends that like to chill and watch you play a game
Feels good to keep the tradition going boys, even if we do live hundreds of miles apart
Have you been outside a day in your life? Or seen a woman in anything less than perfect lighting? I don't want to be a white knight but seriously your perception is skewed as fuck.
have you been outside
what kind of shithole do you live where that's above average
She's neither beautiful nor ugly
do you think her pussy contracts when she tics? imagine her having a tic fit while you were inside her
Woah, this is is legitimately depressing.
Imagine being a woman and spending hours putting on makeup and getting in front of your smartphone to take 100+ pictures to get the perfect angle and lighting where you think you look the best and then sharing it "casually" with your followers so they can give you a self-esteem boost for your crippling insecurity
Imagine how meaningless your existence is that your self-worth is derived from how much validation you get from orbiters
I cannot comprehend how sad being a woman even is
I don't know where you're from, but where I live most girls are WAY prettier than that thing.
only if you're a good looking girl, else not fuck off
then you can do pretty much whatever you damn please and the thirsty mods and admins won't do shit, while if you're a guy you get v& the second you do literally anything
>don't be rich
>one of your hobbies is throwing money in the trash
this is the kind of stupid that needs to be studied
>he thinks fags, twinks, bi, dykes, etc, are going anywheres.
Literally LMFAO.
Forced conversion therapy might disappear tomorrow, but nothing else is going anywhere and when it rolls back to "a normal state" fags and traps will be considered mainstream.
Im so glad Im not like this fuck.
How do I become her paypiggie bros?
These people are so retarded, either they are completely loaded or just so bad with money that they send it to random internet people. I used to stream got a few subs, but I said fuck it, I am tired of pretending to care about these people that watch me. We have nothing in common other than I am producer of terrible content and they are consumers. I don't think I could keep getting money from these people, its not satifying.
And I don't know where you're from. Do you think she's ugly, or is it only the "above-average" statement that ails you? (I'm not that poster)
No, I just can appreciate a woman without getting angry about it like you toonosphiles.
She's making 5,000 dollars a month on Patreon.
and how many of those girls do you see without layers upon layers of makeup?
most women arent all that hot until they put their mask on
First and foremost, you are better off streaming as a man. Women get their foot in the door easier but men are more enjoyable to watch for humor/content so they have larger audiences in the end.
Second, to make it you must be
1. Not autistic
2. Social
3. Bee urself
4. Not ugly
5. Creative/innovative to an extent
6. Bit lucky
How am I supposed to find good streamers to follow anymore when It’s so overcrowded? The streamer I usually watched just up and quit.
Requesting that vid of her playing Fortshite with that little 11-year old telling her "I beat my meat to your pictures everyday"
wtf is this another shitty amrican custom liek "tipping" ? i could never understand the concept f donating money to streamers, tehres amillion of them if one dissapears ill watch the next one , but support them? fuck NO
her eyes look so soulless and vapid. jesus christ at least orbit around a pretty twitch whore holy fuck
>tfw find all my viewers annoying as fuck
>have to humor their dumb attempts to treat me as a friend simulator because I don't want to make them feel bad
Made me quit streaming.
I'm pissed at this the most.
It used to be a comfy tight knit community with girls sharing their triggers with each other. IE girls make hair brushing videos for each other.
Now it got subverted by whores trying to make money.
These are literally the same people that complain about the joos
post yfw you're neither anthony burch nor any of these twitch donators
nice blog faggot, to bad no one fucking asked
He has the same puppy dog eyes in real life.
>mfw i donated 1,000 dollars
As a streamer you become a puppet, you get a few subs or donations, and then do some stupid dance or reaction to get more. Before you know it you are a whore, doing humiliating things for money, and thanking children for their parent's cash. I have more pride than that. While I don't exactly like my job its easy and steady income. I come home and am able to do what I want without anyone watching me or questioning me and I don't have to worry about entertaining some random person for the potential of making a buck.
That has to be shopped, such deformation would be visible from front as well
You don't need a voice change if you're a pro
>too much of a nice guy
No, you're too much of a retard
hey, I have similar nose
someone even asked once if it was broken before lol
>yfw you're neither but still a failure in all other aspects of life
have you left your house? maybe it's different from where your from, but in america she's above average
Not him but I too save other people's twitter avatars and am also a failure in all other aspects of life
Hold still.
>mfw I'm not a "nice guy"
No one robbed your Wii U though. Neither you tried and failed to get fucked in the ass by a demographic that will fuck literally anything.
you can still improve
being either of the two is a permanent stain on your very soul
this is real
>she acts like it's not okay for him to say that
>she did that shadow ops or whatever fortnite cosplay stream one time
>her fanbase is probably all just horny children and men
What a faggot
thirsting over a twitch thot isn't any less pathetic
Failure or success has nothing to do with the soul damage you've sustained over the course of your life. The real soul damage is independent of such trivialities.
why attractive men do not need makeup to look good, but women without eughhh makeup straight up ZOMBIES
>I'm shit at multiplayer games
morepeople would be willing to believe you're a girl if that's the case
Dani Daniels doesn't look too bad in that pic. The blonde to the right of her is also not that bad. The other 2 blondes look horrendous though.
I will
Turns out decades of chemicals on your face have a toll. That and all the semen must not help either.
There's plenty of ''ugly'' streamers but they're either autistically good at the game they play or they have charisma seeping out of them. Just look at Greekgodx or Asmongold. Two guys that you would never think look like successful streamers yet they have 15k+ viewers all the time. You don't have to have all those qualities but having a few help offset the others. I was streaming some shitty phone game and was getting average 8-10 viewers after a week, biggest thing was just being consistent and don't stream one of the super popular games unless you're REALLY good at them to stand out.
Because men think makeup is attractive even if they dislike the idea of it and it leads to an interesting conflict in cognitive bias:
>"LOL, why do women wear makeup? It's stupid facepaint."
>"LOL, women are so fucking ugly without makeup."
>tfw streamed less popular games
>0 viewers
Luck plays a big part. There was some really good Overwatch player who plays on a potato and he got a $5000 to build a new PC.
Most of them aren't that bad, but then again, I think I look better then some of them as a fairly masculine man.
Hmm, perhaps I should say games with low or no other streamers playing but would have a decent playerbase. Phone games are great but it's hard to expand after that. Retro games you'll have people wanting to see some nostalgic gameplay, etc.
>how much was it? I want to donate the exact amount so I feel like I bought it for you
ok thats it, im glad that humanity will eventually be wiped out and everyone will go to hell
>Youtube bans porn stars.
really? how is that even allowed
can some guy explain to me, what is the deal with streaming? why do people donate and how do subscribers work? and who watches these?
What's with Americans and horrible porn make up? They look actively older?
Moroccan princess!
Reminder that in S.Korea people watch and donate to streamers eating lots of food.
This guy made me sad.
people pay for validation of their existence.
Yeah, I don't think that guy know what he is talking about. Johnny Sinns has a youtube channel, unless they banned him recently.
I don't understand this kind of behavior from people in general, but men especially. I've been lonely a fair amount of my life, with no romantic relationship whatosever, and I still can't even begin to conceive of a situation where I would donate money to someone for just... doing things online.
>that double take
koreans are insects i don't give a fuck
but the guy replying to her is probably some 29 year old white guy loser with no family, no friends, donating to make his life feel better by being "connected" to an e-girl
>>also have a terrible mushy british accent and most of the day just sit in silence
I'd watch solely to mock your accent
>tfw living in a world where people actually donate money to streamers
On a positive side, at least they are not buying useless shit with their money.
>I’m straight
All it will take is one guy
>Is becoming a male camwhore a viable alternative?
Haha, no.
Pic related
I would watch a lot of these if I knew about a cute girl who could eat a shit ton of food.
thats the saddest thing i have ever heard
>what is the deal with streaming?
take me for example i like to see people owning in a game i like example either dark souls pvp or LOL (i know im a casual fag right?) i will never donate a single cent to them i dont care if they stop streaming i just move on to the next streamer as simple as that ,but im not american so the concept of donating money to any type of streamer is insane
Me and some friends started up a shitty podcast as a hobby, the market is oversaturated but we have fun recording, maybe we will get lucky and take off but we aren't counting on it
Male camwhores don't have to attract female viewers
that's the reality user. people are getting distant and even having friend is a luxury. they even donate to streamer so he/she could say his name.
this heavy feminization and homosexualization on the internet has been repulsive to watch throughout the years honestly, how can people be so weak
It's already a thing.
The voice actress behind this avatar also sells full on sexually explicit audio on Pixiv Booth, featuring the same character.
Anons of this thread, there is only one thing to do if you do not like this degeneracy. We must denounce internet culture and videogames. Get fit, learn to socialize work blue-collar construction jobs( they generally pay pretty well.) and find ourselves attractive right-wing women, value family over thottery.
>Boohoo this i-is so hard to watch
>How can people be so weak
You just answered your question.
God I hate all fucktard boomer scum
They are literally the demographic that worships Jewish actors, comedians, and political pundits and thinks Israel is part of some endtimes prophecy
what about the gameplay does anyone even care? what i mean is do you have to be good? or is this basically a popularity contest where if you’re attracted you make money?
>where I live most girls are WAY prettier than that thing.
just accept that you have peculiar taste, there is nowhere in the world where that girl is below average
like someone pointed out best chances at making it - either be charismatic/entertaining or very good at the game.
the worst thing about zoomers is they obsess over these literally who twitch camwhores when based mfc camwhores exist
>do you have to be good
If you're a woman it doesn't matter what you do, only how you look. If you're bad at game beta buxers will console you, if you're good they'll praise you
What programs are needed for this virtual streamer thing?
Doesn't matter, she was born female, a male wouldn't be able to do this.
Let me tell you a story
>be me
>buy 800+tax vive
>play as a girl in VRchat
>oh shit my voice deep
>use voice changer
>everyone: shut the fuck up and turn off your voice changer
>i return the vive because voice changer technology is still outdated
I've been thinking about starting steraming, but I don't think I would make it in the end. Friends always tell me it's entertaining to watch me play and talk my shit over it, maybe someone else would enjoy it too then.
It would be a chill stream, no face cams, call-outs or anything extra on the screen, just the game itself. I'd play games I like so it would be entertaining to my viewers and myself, and I'd have a lot to talk about if it's a game I've played alot in the past. Talk with the chat too if they're there discussing something
But this is just a fairy tale I guess
Cheers user.
did her nudes leak yet
>>be me
Back to el reddito
Coolio thanks
Oh, I have no interest in using a voice changer. I want to have a loli character and have my deep black voice come out of it. I'm in it for the fun.
This, basically don't bother until Japan invents a voice changer. Last one was made in 2011 by MorphVox.
>paying whores who play games
>paying whores who play with their clit
It depends if you want 5-10 viewers or more. its much harder without cam.
She looks super cute without make up, goddamn it.
>watching 100-200 viewer streamer i usually watch
>guy randomly comes in and donates $5,000 worth of bits
>stream is now just about this for hours
im happy for you but you ruined my comfy stream
>I've been thinking about starting steraming
You and every fucking person in the world
I guess I could have cam, but personally I just feel that it doesn't really add much to the stream. Well I do like to wear silly costumes, especially sun glasses and hats so I guess it would be funny to do that every now and then, but not too often
>mfw bargaining stage
>ywn be a girl and make big money because of your titties
its not fair bros
>hate league
>it's the only game which brings viewers
dude most of these cam girls on twitch have like 80 viewers. don't worry they aren't making shit. there's a few who made it big yes but that's literally the 0.1% of twitch.
>not fucking your friend
Stop the cycle, do something meaningful, you are a puppet, a whore for internet money. You aren't proud you secretly hate yourself for it.
Girls can get easy viewers but breaking past their small base is hard. There's way more big male streamers than big female streamers.
80 viewers is still more than the total I would do in a whole year of streaming every days
It is for THOTs. If you are going to orbit some slut on Twitch you are better doing it with one who has like 100 concurrent viewers because you'll get that female interaction you so desperately crave that you aren't going to get from the bigger ones.
With men though it will be far more meritocratic and down to skill and/or personality.
Between bargaining and depression for me
yes but 80 viewers equates to nothing. i bet 0 of those people even used a twitch prime on them.
sadly you were born without boobs or charisma
the replies to this just shows how retarded and reddit Yea Forums is now that they can’t tell what a parody is
Can I have 1,000 dollars?
>Pokimane, Lilypichu, STPeach, xChocobars and all the others
Wouldberry etc. but motherfucker, how do you deal with actually watching their streams? They are devoid of any kind of personality and the games they play are shit as well. Not to mention chat moves so fucking fast, there is practically no interaction happening.
>be good at video games
>friends told me to stream YEARS ago (when was still a thing)
>never did
Thinking back at it I really wish I did and stayed super consistent. Oh well, that's like thinking about wishing that you invested in apple back in the day.
Idk dude, I had about 10 after just two weeks. Biggest I had was 25 after a month. A friend of mine plays retro games and has about 70-80 after a year. Has like 100+ subscribers too.
Or bought Bitcoin, or got those lottery numbers right
Most just want to imagine themselves fucking them.
So there's that.
Holy shit
Were you born with a vagina? (I'm against neo vaginas)
this is actually pitiful. i can't even laugh at this.
Semen is actually really good for your face.
just wanking it honestly. i decided to stop consuming porn, so a fat ass on some dumb chick has to do.
The only way to grow these days is get a host from a bigger streamer. Its luck.
I'm trying to figure out a way to get Asmongold to host me. Need to appear more on his stream. I was thinking of setting up some quests for him to do (a long one) and at the end of it give him some rare item he doesn't have. Hopefully get a host out of it and boom, bunch of followers for free.
Personality wise its overcrowded but not skill wise. If you are a high ranked player on an online shooter or MOBA you should be able to drag viewers.
Darn, I rolled a penis.
this reaction
>Personality wise its overcrowded but not skill wise
Its the opposite.
Ummm why not just practice your actual voice to sound like a girl?
>decent at FPS and fighting games
>too autistic about lag to stream
>also, no personality
Would be fun watching someone playing fighting games in stoic silence, eh?
That's a dude, isn't it?
I have a better body than that
Is doing gameplay videos of flawless gameplay with no voice viable, game breaking bugs and achieving a few WR's in some stages still quality content?
nope. i've studied twitch. they want to see pathetic people who are "incels" and "virgins" and can make fun of themselves constantly.
basically its a lot of self deprecating humor
Pro tip: Just tell him yes. He has no way of verifying whatever you say unless he sees it in person, and you can avoid that by acting like you're too good for him.
>asmongold sits there all day watching youtube videos that are donated to him and makes thousands a day
yes im jealous
So twitch thots are virgins?
yes. I learned this from a GDP episode
The world would honestly be better without Amouranth. What a sad state of affairs.
A lot of pro moba players stream no mic no cam, you just have to be good and make sure the game is popular.
Hey Yea Forums you want to look at cringe?
No I'm talking about males. Twitch girls don't make it big compared to the males on the platform.
Not him but the time I considered bitcoin I just asked what it was used for. Turns out it was basically hitmen and drugs. I didn't buy any. Can't exactly regret it after knowing what you could do with it at the time.
Women on twitch are legit psychopaths exploiting dudes that are so sad they will willingly donate to some average looking Becky just to hear their name being said out loud.
Also this whole idea of faking niceness and pretending to care about the random autist that donates. I'm telling you women are psychopaths at the highest degree enabled by these lonely retards who have such a low self-esteem even just a girl mentioning their name makes them happy.
Giving women rights was a mistake and I cant believe people are still blind to this fact
that you???
have sex
This is all boring as shit
advertising on Yea Forums is against the rules
Part 3
24 Hour Overwatch
PS4 Sonic Mania 100% in under 10 Hours
First time Playing Hat in Time
Rubi vs Amythyst Flawless
Don't respond to twitch thot threads then.
Posting anything twitch related is against the rules.
Thats the joke. They are meant to be cringe and boring.
>All these pokemane shills itt
brittney venti boobie girl was right about this bitch
I know some sub-200 viewer thot that somehow baited 3 of her orbiters into a donation race. She got 8k dollars between bits, donations and gifted subs, in 2 weeks. After that, she blew up in exposure. started dating a tier-3 pro gamer and the retards left in shame.
Like a year ago someone posted a site that had stats for virtual youtubers and it was fucking dour. There are thousands and thousands of them, most just some anime girl, and they have fuck all subs and views.
I honestly believe that men who support these streamers should be killed. Euthanized at the very least.
>defending her saying she wasn't anorexic
But that's a good thing
Pretty sure she's full Moroccan.
do these people realize they can pay for sex? Like if they they are that desperate then go and do it.
You really want that ban don't you user?
You are a fucking dweeb dude, delete your Yea Forums account
It's not a very good joke.
Well, that's not the problem for them.
It's human interaction.
they're probably amerifats too scared to break the law or go outside
who was that? Invader vie?
Look at this user
A guy with no personality just streaming games and not being entertaining.
Its not for the introverted but the extroverted that is extravangant and explosive.
People love that shit. People love people that are full of themselves that once they fuck up. They get the ban hammer.
Just look at that roided nerd speedrunner.
He done fucked up for being a faggot racist.
Kill all simps
There are tons of findoms on twitch, and they are feminists to boot, so just imagine how perfect these girls are for them.
Even if your're a chick with a good career ahead of you, you'd be stupid not to scrounge up free cash on your rest days.
They have such a low self-esteem they can't even imagine fucking a girl. roasties exploit this knowingly
We need sharia law in the west
you think thats bad?
You know you guys are baited right? Don't respond to that idiot.
They should add the tag twitchthot
>that double take
Nah, the one I'm talking about streams League
Most streamer fans are little kids.
The only reason a grown adult would watch a streamer is to check out a game.
They're not looking for sex with any woman, they want intimate relationship they can only get by parasocial means
This movie is important anons
Report your local Ethot for cash money
>that article "how invader vie blew up on twitch in her first month"
funniest shit I've ever read
reminder that this artist made a suicide note saying he was pushed suicide in the middle east for being gay, i guess he faked it
You get the same thing or better on chaturbate or other non Russian sites. But atleast there you don't have to pretend you're not there partially for her sexuality.
These guys are financial slave kinks.
>No one wants that cringe shit, that's why
not yet. Donating to twitch thots is already cringe shit, its only a matter of time til people become more degenerate.
That is some scary shit. I hope he just ignored that post.
>You get the same thing or better on chaturbate or other non Russian sites.
No you don't. In anything the fact that it's not sexual (or being able to pretend its not) is part of the point.
There's no kink. These people are just marks.
Wow, I had completely forgot this. Hopefully I'll do it again
>that double check
But the dude doesnt look that bad though.
In fact he looks like your average "twitch streamer" template.
>tfw used cum on acne
>it cleared my face
I don't know
>stupid cat pic
>watching a streamer over 40 viewers
kill yourself man, hope you see this you on your guaranteed thread tracker thinking someone is replying nice to you
fucking die
Based 12 year old
>Wolf Among Us
Still hit-able because she’s not fat.
She literally doesn’t look that bad.
Tell you what.
Compare the likes you get from tinder to what she gets.
There’s your answer.
But it's the gimmick that he uses to separate himself from others.
>all these retards saying thats cute
lmao she looks double her age.
Fucking women wearing makeup like its a fucking mask.
He's still a dweeb bro
True. But you have to remember all twitch streamers are dweebs. This is not refutable.
Literal incels
Would be a Twitch/Patreon pimp be a good alternative? I kinda proposed the idea to a female close friend of mine partly as a joke.
why though?
>tfw watch some average looking girl on youtube streams playing games like heroes 3 and neverwinter nights
>she usually has around 40-100 viewers
>watch her one night while she plays thronebreaker from cpdr
>two guys donate her around few hundred dollars
>since she wasn't american but slavic it was quite a load of money
Yeah, it's really hard dude
kill yourself, no more yous, just autistically keep checking the thread
>watching any streamer at all ever at any point in your life
are you faceblind, she doesnt look old at all
>kill twitch thot
>another takes her place
>world is now better
Better solution would be to kill turbovirgins like yourself and starve them of their supply.
>Replying that fast pretending to not be you
I don't pay these ewhores money
Anons ive only been streaming a month and about to hit affiliate, with already a dozen or so randos that have stuck around.
Just find a niche you are passionate about and focus on improving your schtick and production value every stream. Not that crazy.
She’s for BAC only
I don't get it. Looks uncanny to me
he doesn't look bad
he even looks cute and I'm not gay
There are tons of them and nobody cares unless you're kizuna AI.
Just something about the american diet. Girls who only eat olive oil and fish do just fine.
The thing is user. Its very hard to bring in people to play with
Especially when they say Nigger on stream to try to get your twitch banned.
There are people that are fake viewers just to gain your trust then to twist the knife in you. Just look at Caleb. Streaming isn't viable for men anymore. At least not on Twitch.
Mixer or Dlive maybe but aside from that I am half tempted to leave all that I built up these 5 years at twitch with no social circle of friends I could chat with even when I try expanding my network and reach out. People are just not that friendly.
yeah but her tongue is huge and i love her incest videos so i don't care
based twitchape fincucking his IRL wife
What are some Yea Forums recommended camwhores?
long tongues are a dime a dozen
only on the surface, she is getting double penetrated by other people every night
>Watch youtuber for a long time
>Find out that they are a complete snowflake and pussy
yeah but i want a long tongued mom not just a long tongued hussy
None because you are the cancer that keeps these whores in line of findom and dominating a platform of gaming not sexual tentilization.
fair enough
Aren't they all pussies in real life when you are trying to be confrontational about it?
People these days hardly have any backbone and those with money do. Its the NWO bro.
Ive been watching this pretty small time youtuber for years now and in the last year or so his attitude took a nosedive.
Now for every playthrough he starts he is talking about comments he doesn't want to see, backseat gaming etc. because he will ban those people.
I've never seen comments like it and the dude gets maybe 50 to 150 views on his videos and not many comments. It's fascinating to see these people deteriorate over time.
any of the american or russian ones on actual camsites. You can even.. talk about games with them too as they are stuffing themselves.
This. The only time I ever stream is when my friends are at work and I have a day off, I stream so they can just be bored and watch.
I occasionally get a random viewer pop in and talk, but I don't even keep the chat open so I often accidentally ignore them.
Cope harder whiteboi
please more like this
there is no other, and she has tons of videos to relieve your blue balls.
To be a successful male streamer you have to be really fucking good at video games in general, either competitive or non-competitive. Speedrunners that constantly hold world records, "game specialists" that created a huge twitch career like lobosjr with Dark Souls 1, that one guy that does no-hit runs of Souls/fromsoft games, others that do similar things with other games. You can't make it if you're just gonna be a "chill streamer" because that's fucking boring to most people, you need a gimmick and to actually be good at it. The one exception to this is Jerma, because he went from youtube to Twitch and he's a funny dude that spends money filming big skits and does comedy shit on stream once in a while, and he's generally not that great at playing some games, people tune in more for him than whatever he's playing. I observed these people often because I wanted to learn what it took to "make it", and the answer is generally "be good". That's why so many fighting game players are also doing streaming on the side, because if they are good and well known then they can ride that fame and have a fanbase to build up on when streaming non-fighting game stuff. Everyone does it now.
For women it isn't THAT easy but still easy as fuck. You have to be a very attractive female (or wear makeup to look the part) and be a little slutty once in a while to attract the pathetic orbiters ready to donate 1K+ to you because they saw a little bit of one of your ass cheeks that one time when you bent over to pick up nothing from the floor. Not to say they can't make it by just being good, but generally no one watches the girls stream for their skills.
The internet was a mistake. Humanity wasn't meant for this.
the cope
The man is getting amazoness/giantess fetish satisfied every night.
Yeah and you’re talking an even smaller chance of making it than being a 10/10 hot chick who streams flavor of the month while flashing her ass
It's pretty easy to get some following if your mother tongue isn't English.
I've started streaming about a year ago, at first to 0-5 viewers which is normal, but then more people started coming in, because I was online during the night where most of the streamers of my language are offline. The highest I peaked was 250 viewers without hosts, I was almost literally the only streamer of my language online at that time. Currently I average about 100 viewers, has been there for about 4 months. I have only 5 subscribers and I don't take any donations, so that's about all my channel makes after a year.
Yet, I feel very lucky that I have that much people. I think that if I just keep going and maybe poke a few "flavor of the month" games every now and then I can finally make the channel self sustainable and switch to streaming 5-6 days a week (as opposed to 3-4 days a week now, excluding holidays)
Looks like a hapa
dude, ive seen the video
>my best friend
lmao, he is a beta cuck at his finest.
You know how much work he put in all of this before he started to gain any money from it?
But the girl in your pic is also wearing assloads of makeup. The basic thing that most people dont realize is that a majority of humanity is ugly, so people mask their imperfections in any way that they can. Women just have an easier time because makeup is by and large a product marketed to women as something to give them a +1 or +2 to the 10-point scale, and is largely ignored and ridiculed by men.
Meant for what? Idolatry?
Women have been exploiting legions of unwashed men since before we discovered fire.
It’s ridiculed by men because you’d have to be a faggot to wear it.
Really? Since before humans discovered fire?
>Hides her personal life of having a husband
>Mod who has donated thousands of dollars finds out she's married
>Gets buttblasted by her for telling him it's none of his business
>Starts splurging out at the end of his message
You know, that's fine if you're mad about her secret marriage but honestly she can do whatever the fuck she wants and none of you guys don't even have to know about it. But what's more pathetic is this dude thought he would be able to date her somehow by being a complete nice guy faggot for all the money he has donated and being a moderato and expecting something in return. So sad.
>Helga bends over in grass
>Gronk sees Helga, moves over into position
>Helga grunts and moves her ass away until Gronk gives food
Literal apes do this shit so yes
>kill the player not the game
If you throw money out of the window, it's not the window's fault, you utopian troglodyte.
You're right. But that's not the point I was trying to make, retard. I'm saying that the explanation for women just looking bad is that they've always looked bad, but they have ways to hide it that most men wont use because it's for fucking faggots.
>To be a successful male streamer you have to be really fucking good at video games in general
Or just have a funny accent. Or autistically screech in a way that kids find funny. Keep in mind 90% of what gets streamed on twitch is effectively children's entertainment.
Then you don't know real loneliness. When someone donates to a streamer and gets their name heard or hears the streamer read something you typed, it's like one big larp where you're hanging out with your "friends" playing games.
It's sad and pathetic but extreme loneliness can really fuck you up and lead you to do this shit
Too self-conscious and self-referential to be real.
yes it is because your moral obligation ends only at the limits of the knowledge of your best self
at some point during the day, they're occupied by the personality or have the thought "a lot of my fans probably can't afford this but i encourage them to do it"
that doesn't require a big brain or phd to realize, so they know it, and they do it anyway. you're supposed to lift up your fellow man, not hasten the manufacture of his own destruction under the guise of self-determination. this country has no fucking soul.
There was a fire on my block that took out the house where it started and fucked up the 2 next to it. People came to me asking for donations and I told them to fuck off. How do these betas actually donate hundreds to thousands of dollars to these thots is beyond me.
I don't understand why people like to watch streams instead of playing the games themselves.
>muh pretty girls
Why not just watch porn instead?
I'm pretty sure twitch didn't exist before humans discovered fire.
Whether or not this story in particular is fake, you already know there are a bunch of autistic Twitch orbiters doing things like this.
it's funny how her nude vids just suddenly disappeared
I remember 2012~2013 in old /lolg/ she used to have nude vids floating around the genearl
suddenly it all disappeared and can't even find anyone talking about it
Is she paying some cyber agency to delete all of it? I probably have it on my laptop still
>later Helga walks around the woods during the day gathering the berries
>encounters 5 men hunting
>they try to rape Helga
>she runs back to Gronk begging to protect her
>Gronk gets awarded with sex
That's about how it worked.
Women were rape dolls until around 1500AD, and even then it continued this way until 1700AD or so.
That makes it over 150000 years of women being raped and used as birth machines, after giving which they usually died anyway.
Women getting ANY rights besides riding a cock is a pretty fresh trend, and it is the reason why most industries go to shit.
>chance to get to personally know the streamer better then the rest
>Hope to move in and continue to worship her ability to rake in cash like a Queen of Hearts.
Its that fucking simple user. They might not get to be personally involved in her life but they try as they are lonely and single and got nothing better to waste their money on.
Only way you can make it as a new streamer, is to offer something other streamers don't.
You know, i shit on japan sometimes for their idolshit and extreme purity standars but compared to that shit being an idol is an actual job, you actually need some talent to pull that off
my country is a shithole so i haven't seen a lot people donating money on the internet but im worried this streaming shit could start leaking in a few years
like what is wrong with you burgers? don't you know prostitutes exist, they will actually have sex with you for way less money
Morally, you're correct. She's a shitty human being.
Realistically speaking though, she's not "forcing" anyone into anything. If stupid people ruin their lives by giving her money then so be it. At least it's some sort of natural selection.
Cohh is successful and he isnt good at vidya or screech or have a funny accent (unless a Carolinas accent is funny to you)
desu he kinda stands out in how much he doesnt stand out
have sex
man ive been trying to find this video
aren't actual porn streamers also a thing? you get to see way more for less money, im sure there are a ton of live cam sex sites
there are always exceptions to the rue
ask on gif and i'll upload it to mega for you
Which vtuber is this?
Why are you so mad?
>lot viewers bad
>smol streamer good
Show me on the streamer list who hurt you, you faggot.
ive only gave money to camwhore that i liked fapping to once, she gave me like 30 pretty gud fap videos that weren't uploaded anywhere in return
was definitely a penis buy though
I fucking hate streamer chat and reading donations out loud. Streaming looks like fun but it wouldn't be a worthwhile endeavor for anybody with a shame gene
Natural selection does not even choose for the best adaptations, only those that are "relatively" best. For example:
Therefore, what is "natural" is not always what is best, and therefore is not worth basing a moral imperative on.
How did Helga escape 5 hunters?
how much have you donated
why on /gif/ specifically?
As a wizard myself i'm almost interested in conducting an experiment. I have one free primesub from my amazon membership, maybe i'll find a tittystreamer and donate once and see if there's a gateway drug effect
But the thing is i'm not interested in watching streams of FPS or BR titles and im totally burnt out on MOBAs to be interested in watching those. Most of those grils go for the popular shit to pull in the dollars right?
Oh yeah I remember, the video where she masutrbates in her room after stripping right? It was a room with mirror on the right
its real you fucking moron. Why do you think she always walks backwards to the bathroom. It's not just so nobody can see her ass, it's to hide the side profile.
Cope and Stay Mad
Just assuming best case scenario
Otherwise next time it's Gronk who's in the hunting party and he gets to rape Helga too. Or any other female for that matter, of any age.
The fact youd post this about something thats already "cringe shit" just makes me want to vomit. I hate this e celeb watching cancer hole now.
>everyone on the internet is no longer straight males
kys you fucking snowflake
Name a 10/10 camwhore streamer.
rent free
what the fuck
This is unirionically one of the best scenes in GTAV.
whats the issue here? her eyebrows are a bit too far apart and her eyelids are a bit asian which looks slightly odd on her. otherwise she is completely fine.
I cannot fathom a more easy life than being born a sexy white woman in the 21st century. Literally getting thousands of dollars a stream to casually play videogames, knowing that hundreds of men are fapping to you at any time, being the envy of every other gril who's not hot enough to become a twitch thot... It's just, holy fuck. There has never been a better lifestyle in the history of humankind. There has never been an easier way to get rich overnight. And we will never make it because we lost the 50/50 dice roll and were born dudes.
she looks older becasue of the lights, the hair coloration called lights
>it's another I'm not giving you any (You)'s for satisfaction episode
You are literally making the person less likely to see your reply, are you this dense?
>the reddit asian is also a giantessfag
I hope you mentally ill hapas never leave the site, because you fags have been my guilty pleasure close to years now
why don't you just put on some panties and stockings and take pictures of your bulge for money
nu-Yea Forums
Thread is already dying sachikofag why bother?
she's from Turkey I think
I've already tried that ;_;
larkin is cute without makeup
you guys are fags btw
No matter how many times I hear the "oh no no" shit I always lose my shit.
Fucking KEK, this world is really going to shit.
Is androgynous twink a viable niche in the streaming market?
I've been trying to get my gf to stream on Twitch cause she keeps complaining about having no money. How easy is it to gain a following if you're a grill? Does it all come down to how much boob you're willing to show?
it's a sex doll stupid, CAN YOU PLEASE, TRY A LITTLE HARDER
is it cp?
truth is user, you could probably make a good bit of dough if you're enough of a degenerate. honestly sounds like you're just too much of a coward and won't put in the necessary work to get there
Yes, you must be hot and have good tits. After that, all you need is a clip to go viral on r/LivestreamFail and the rest will come easily.
get her to flirt with bigger youtubers who do podcasts. Flirt with every male youtuber who does irl streaming. Get on one of those 'bachelor' podcasts, start raking in money.
Remind her to hide her relationship status and act as young as possible.
Direct your curiosities to the next shitty thread then.
Thanks m8
sounds like a boomer trying to say Pokémon
jesus where is this from
>I won't even be good at it
Ew, do you take that attitude with you for everything in life?
Dude plenty of people can take a shit without having to piss my man.
Doesn't have alot of boob going on she's sadly
tell her to wear a push up bra, but i doubt it'll matter. Legal lolita look is a hot for twitch.
lol having a chestlet as gf, do you have no shame?
I'm mad that I didn't come of age in time to profit off of Bitcoin and streaming back when you just needed to exist on to get a following.
Now I work a shitty wageslave job for less than 15 an hour paying off a student loan.
She's lazy and I'd have to push her to do that. We're both from a country where IRL streaming isn't really a thing especially her since she lives in the middle of nowhere
I keep telling people makeup should be banned its like buying something but getting another item
>Tell her
Post her feet
I know but I like her and she buys me chicken wings and drives me home from drinking when I'm out with my mates
Nigger, that site is pretty much a known honeypot, he pretty much linked you directly to the government and you still fell for it.
well I don't look for these kind of stuff so why would I know it
I'm not american
ok thats very wholesome of the two of you
What makes it even worse is that the guy many times tried to show how "tough and hard" he is
I have been watching him and enjoying his content for years, yet when I, for the first time ever indirectly criticised him about something, not even insulting him directly, he goes ballistic on me in one of his videos, acting like I'm a piece of shit, when he KNOWS me and that I have been a long time viewer
Now you know. Welcome to the watchlist.
I was thinking that, I've given her my old rig so I'm just waiting for 5G to get up and running in her area so she can get decent internet
It's just hanging out watching the streamer day in and day out that tricks you into thinking you're familiar with them and friends. Then you either self insert larp pretending you're a part of whats going on as "chat" or sub and donate to get attention and get the feedback of hearing yourself referenced to.
I don't really know how it works with tittystreamers. They're all boring as fuck and even my fucked up desperate need for belonging and friend-devoid mind sees through their bait.
well I'm okay as long as I'm not fucked, I don't have any activity to hide
With sound:
Alpha as fuck.
Have (a) sex (change).
ive been watching twitch all day for years now and i still dont think any of them are my friends
people are fucking insane
>I'm not american
canadians and brits are actually my two biggest groups of subs
Went through most of the list. 80% are average to decent looking. The rest are below average, but not ugly.
how do you make money being a straight male degenerate
>go to twitch con
>girl makes sexual joke to me
>i make one back
>everyone laughs
>month later
>i get banned because she decided to complain to twitch
You have a discord?
EZ Clap
>her fucking face when he says it
i want to flap those milkers around and ooze a fat load on her ugly face
why would you even try to shit without pissing? explain
Stupid viewer got his feefees hurt. WAAAAAAA
>another thread where boring losers tell themselves that the reason they're not popular is bad luck or the lack of a pussy
just because its a one-way friendship. You're still invested in their lives.
god thats fucking hot
>implying this is about my feels
This is about the fact that the guy projects a persona of being "a badass" and always says how his long-time viewers are "his friends" but in reality unless you are writing something positive to him or giving him money, you are worthless to him and he isn't interested in anything you have to say
better magnet your drive user
usually i stop watching if they start blabbing on about their personal lives because its annoying
im just here for shit talking and videogames
where do you think you are