Punches his commanding officer who he's known for decades, perhaps one of 10 at most people close to him...

>punches his commanding officer who he's known for decades, perhaps one of 10 at most people close to him, in the skull with no emotion whatsoever

Is Master Chief autistic? Can he form any bonds with others aside from his fellow autistic Spartans?

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chief knew Keyes for like a week at best.

He is a husk, he is a big green suit of armor that you move around.

That's because he knows that's not Keyes anymore, just another person that got consumed by the flood. Cortana tells him that Keyes would want to kill the flood on the ring, which is believable, especially if you watch the terminal from CE:A that shows what happens when he's being consumed into that gravemind. Also, he didn't know him for decades since he was in cryo, the same scenario for the Halo Reach mission where you have to defend the PoA so it can take off (holding a thumbstick at some direction or something shows Chief in a cryopod).

If Keyes was alive in that condition; it would be mercy kill and he's the only one with the neural implant that allows Chief to blow up Halo.

isn't halo a robot?

He did Keyes a favor

CEA isn't canon

Because you say so? Lmao

Nothing 343i has made is canon

Of course he can

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Keyes was dead and gone, man.

>He actually supports a 60$ asset flip

shut up jason for the last fucking time

epic scale
epic stories
epic characters


Halo: Reach isn't canon.

Nothing Marcus Lehto writes is canon.

user are you retarded? Its already been confirmed that the anniversary versions of CE and 2 are the canon versions.

Nt him but CEA was $30 at launch, shows what you know.

As long they are studio in charge of the franchise anything halo related they do will be canon wether you like it or not

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Halo: Reach is canon

Games override books

>anything produced by 343

>Is Master Chief autistic?
To put it simply, yes. He's extremely autistic.

>Supporting 343i

I only paid like 5$ for it, so yeah, i do.

He's an indoctrinated child soldier. All he knows is following orders and killing things in the most efficient and successful ways possible.

What Marty and Joe wrote into the series is canon from Bungie, that's Halo 1, 2, 3, and ODST, Reach wasn't written by them it was written by Marcus, an art director who hated the first three games and the lore that Marty and Joe always referenced because they loved it. Reach feels like the odd one out in terms of Halo games, it's not canon.

That's not how canon works bro

>an art director who hated the first three games and the lore
Source? I've never heard much about Lehto but I want to know if this has any backing other than anons going "he made the shit game that means he hates everything."

Sure here's the Waypoint Vice interview.
This is from Marty
>Halo 4—eventually Reach—was taken over by Marcus (Lehto) as project lead. I don’t know how the decision was made, but conceptually I remember talking about not continuing the Master Chief story. It would be a prequel to Halo. So we were going finish our Halo run without any need to figure out the Chief’s future.
>t was probably the largest team at that point—the production values were higher, we had more of everything, more designers, more artists, more everything. Marcus was the first project lead who hadn’t come more directly from the game design side of things. So it was sort of a different view of how things should go. And that was interesting.
>I wasn’t super excited that some of the real stakeholders in the history of Bungie and Halo weren’t working on Reach. And there was a point where I was trying to convince them to bring Paul (Bertone) down and have him polish up the final design, and get Joe (Staten) down to help me get the dialogue for the mission script better than it was. I think I was rejected, so that was tough, because we knew that the future of Bungie was with Destiny and Reach was our final chapter of Halo. It’s always important to make the thing you’re going to ship next be the best possible, and I felt like we were not doing that.
>I could never convince the team to make a choice with which way they wanted to go. Suddenly there were all these characters—but they were just cannon fodder. They were nameless voices with no story. There was going to be a story of this girl and her father who was a doctor, but it kept getting cut down until it was meaningless. You didn't care about anybody on Reach.


>The other thing that happened was we were moving to a new studio, in Bellevue, so we were going to leave Kirkland. And as the artists finished, they moved, then the programmers. By the time we were finishing Reach, there was a skeleton crew. That was weird. We put the last piece into Reach, pulled the plug, closed the door and went over to Bellevue. It was definitely an end of an era, in a lot of ways.

Frankie on the subject
>I have heard it is both the best Halo game ever, and the Worst Halo game ever, almost every day since it launched. See also, all the other ones. I have a soft spot for Reach because I wrote most of the story and script. There’s some stuff we cut that would have been interesting.
>Just some more scenes with civilians to get a better feel for the effects on the general population. Often everyone’s a soldier in games. For brevity.
>I also did NOT do the date/PoA positioning retcon, but it didn’t bother me and it helped with one aspect of the story. That happened after I left tho.


>There was going to be a story of this girl and her father who was a doctor, but it kept getting cut down until it was meaningless
Oh yeah that was the girl from the first mission Jorge talks to right? Interesting there was gonna be something more with her.
Marty is pretty harsh on Reach though I think it's all on point. Who was Paul Bertone? Not sure I'm familiar with him.

He should be, even he knows Reach wasn't best. Maybe some of Reach's hardest fanboys could learn something from him.

*the best