Show me your tattoos Yea Forums

show me your tattoos Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dude got torn apart in reddit over that tattoo

>ruining edgy scar with cringe tattoo

why tho. it's just a cringy tattoo
the dude just wanted to hide the scar. it's understandable

>admitting you use plebbit
commit die

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The scar looks better than the tattoo.

i mean no shit but obviously the guy was insecure about it

Reddit is where you go to actually discuss topics.

Great idea for a burn scar
Horrendous execution

>go to google
>reverse image search with "reddit" in the search bar
>first result is a thread of the image with 51.4k updoots
Why would you lie, user?

i can hear the MCR and naruto AMVs just by looking at this pic

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not really. you just get censored by other people if they don't like your opinion. it functions off a hivemind moreso than Yea Forums. not saying this place is any better better

Yeah and look at the people you're discussing it with you retard.
Stay there.

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Why the fuck do people do this I genuinely dont get it. I had a girlfriend who would do this shit and when I asked why I could never get a straight answer. What's the catharsis of slicing your own skin?

should have covered it with a barcode, desu


its not that hard to understand. one word: attention. thats it



>have small, cool looking disfigurement
>replace with massive, retarded looking disfigurement

>someone actually believes this

It can actually feel pretty cathartic
Only attention whores do it on visible areas though

While I wouldn't hire someone with a scar, I damn sure would go out of my way to discourage hiring people with tattoos.

then you'll have no problem to go back. and stay there while you're at it faggot

The only body modifications I have are nipple piercings.

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>damn how do i stop people noticing my minor injury
>*paints it bright orange*
>ah much more subtle

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All you retards say this but it makes no sense. People who do this (from my experiences at least) actively try and hide this and my girlfriend would even do it on her thighs where noone could see. Meaning while you're right about some people, noone ever doubted that some people do it for attention, there has to be something else given that clearly not everyone does it for attention .

that reminds me people probably wouldn't hire me based on my scars unless i hide them

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Same as having dumb ugly scribbles permanently inked on your skin, I assume.

Makes them focus on the pain instead of dwelling on the same thoughts as they always do. It's an escape mechanism.

>Wouldn't hire someone with a scar
What field do you work in where scars are considered grounds for not employing someone?

I don't understand, what's wrong with scars?

Crawling in my skin is a good song.

Its not just attention, they're basically drug addicts except their drug of choice is a rush of endorphins. Its why they have a hard time stopping, they're addicted to the rush they get from the pain.
Its honestly kind of pathetic and I'm never dating a girl that does that shit again, they can bleed out in their tub if they fucking want, I'm not dealing with that stress.

Some easily triggered customer might get angry at you and tell your boss to get this walking piece of body horror out of her sight.

>get a children's cartoon tattood in your body
What is it that exactly that you think it's communicating?

Hope you arent with that mentally I'll slut. Cutters should just kill themselves

Probably some irrational bullshit like "If I suffer, I deserve pity or good things." or "I deserve suffering so by inflicting some on myself I'm atoning my sins."

If you need a hugbox of said topic then yeah

You sound mentally ill yourself, friend.

Theres decent literature about it out there, pretty fascinating. A few reasons include:
When you suffer a psychological wound, pairing it with a physical wound helps with psychological healing as you associate it with the physical healing.
If you feel worthless and hate yourself, letting out the blood feels like you are draining some of the worthlessness and causing damage is destroying part of what you hate.
If the world is hurting you are you feel powerless, it helps you regain some power by taking control of your own hurt. Like how death's row inmates will kill themselves.
Pain releases endorphins.
For the more autistic types, watching the mechanical process of blood clotting is very soothing.

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>working retail

Go cut yourself faggot

Lmao no it is where you post lowest common denominator popular opinions for easy upboats and never challenge each other's ideas.

People have real discussion here just laugh at the shitposts and scroll past them.

I have a pretty big scar on my face from a fall last year and I've made the best of it. Amazing icebreaker when talking to women.

Scars are proof that you can't take care of yourself. If a wound is properly cleaned, stitched and dressed then it won't leave a scar. If you developed a scar then it is because you didn't wash and allowed it to become infected.

I liked the feeling of it when I was younger and I didn't realize it would cause scars
But I wasn't depressed either, just autistic

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Have sex.

>be 15
>single mom asks me if i want an ear piercing
>"sure, i mean some metal as fuck dudes have them"
>wear it for a day
>think it looks gay and never put it on ever again
Worth the fucking hole in my ear

Only manchildren get tattoos anyway, you're like a twelve year old bragging about playing CoD.

>If you developed a scar then it is because you didn't wash and allowed it to become infected.
damn, what a retard

Reiju would look better.

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Incorrect, Langer's lines nigger.

Imagine being this fucking dumb.

>franchise is already dead

are you still 15? because the hole closes within months if you don't keep jewelry in it.

ROLFMAi need any job at this point please neetbucks won't come my way

whew boy
this is american education at its fucking finest

desu, little girls shouldn't be getting their ears pierced either. don't know why parents let them

Ok, so you just have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Got it. Noones ever been denied a retail job because they had a minor scar on their wrist like OPs picture. You gotta be like straight outta the burn ward without a face to get denied a spot in fucking RETAIL.

Fuck dude, you and me both

To some people scars aren't beautiful and they want to hide them


He's going to be more insecure considering he made it worse.

Does it matter though?
Your memory of why you made tattoo is not dead.

come suck my balls and i may just tip you guys~

Basically it's autism their brain is feeling too much emotional pain so they use physical pain to drown out that emotional pain and the body releases some happy chemicals

I can't believe how many wrong answers you received. It's borderline personality disorder.

rent free

Unless that tip is at least $50,000 a year, no thank you


I have a scar over my eye, and no one bitches about it.

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it's people like you that make Yea Forums shittier and shittier every day

When every word is replaced with crawl yeah it is

You don't need borderline personality disorder to cut yourself. My boyfriend has borderline. Self cutting is very common among autistic females for instance.

LMAWhy not enlist then, I can't get worse, you turn off your head and just go for a few hours a day?

This is bait and you all are falling for it. No one cares about scars. Maybe for a fully body burn victim but they arent going to be able to work most jobs anyway

I know some people here don't believe in mental illnesses but Borderline Personality Disorder.
It's a way of calming down and to make people take care of them.

Thank you for an actual answer user.
You are absolutely 100% wrong. It's a very European thing actually. In Portugal nearly every girl gets their ears pierced before they start kindergarten. Just one example but I know they do it along in other European countries as well.

BPD is just "being a woman"

Why the fuck would I want a tattoo?

Of all the fucking paid shills on this board I never thought I'd see a fucking army recruiter. Go get killed over some oil fuckface.

Yikerino! Oof! Lets unpack this, you(21/m) are a massive fa***t!

Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold!

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big fucking cringe

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because you're a true gamer

>liking tattoos after Paul Joseph Watson's video about them

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I'm so glad that edgy shit faded away and I never went deep. This tattoo covering it up however is just another level of cringe.

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I like the acoustic version. Also helps that the song came from the heart seeing how the vocalist killed himself.

Tattoos are for degenerates.

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... I didn't properly clean, stitch, and dress me wounds. Be safe out there Gotham

literally who?

At least they got it with cyrillic so your average english speaker won't read it.

>It's borderline personality disorder.
So attention?

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I love how many people get upset over the mere mention of Reddit when nobody wants to admit that this shitstain of a board is just reddit but edgier.
>upvotes = "based and redpilled; this"
>downvotes = "cringe and bluepilled"
>this place is just as much as a hugbox as Reddit, animeonly fags and eastern games dominate the board's culture, discussion for western games is few and far between and memed to death
>epic = "kino"
Deny it all you want, you're browsing reddit right now.

My ear is deformed and looks like its pierced on the front. In kindergarden I get asked by the teachers there who did it to me cause they thought my parents doing child abuse or something. I'm a dude.Also europian, so i can confirm you are talking bullshit

Beyond what and
said, there are enough people of qualifying skill applying for each position that one can afford to discriminate based on looks as well. It is better to work with beautiful people.

At least you didn't get it in English.
user that's very clearly not from a cut. Probably a burn or some sort of chemical accident judging by how the skin healed back up

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>watching that cringy ass faggot

youtuber that libtards hate because he puts SJWs in their place


>mfw they nerfed butters

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>Giving a fuck about literally anything that joke says

I'm boomer as fuck, too old to do the self-harm-for-attention shtick, but sometimes I'm having a very hard time getting a negative feeling or emotion of train of thought out of my head that I feel like the only solution was if I was in pain because the pain would call on my entire attention. It actually seems like a bit of a special power.
>hexed with Brain Drain
>cast Boulder Bash on Your Foot to lift the illusion and cure the hex


Cope all you want, you know it's true.

Idk who you're talking about but tattoos are for people with no personality that think having one gives them depth

Wrong, 95% of Reddit is normalfags posting awful memes and attention whoring. 5% is actually useful threads, the ones you find on google when you look up "how do I fix X obscure problem?", or leaks/dev amas.

You are an idiot. Scars happen no matter what unless it is a very minor wound. If some sort of accident happens that hurts you severely you are going to have a scar. And forget about taking care of yourself, all it takes is for some other dumb idiot to trip and drop acid on you or drop a knife and you are hurt.

He should have just left it then. Then again, I'm not one for tattoos so

You damn right son, now go do your duty

demons souls

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go dilate

i bet the tattoo artist got 2 month worth of money for that

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>vegeta but no goku
>two different versions of butters
>that over representation of adventure time
>no alien
>no heffer

>I'm European
>Meaning I live in one country in Europe
>Therefore I can confirm the cultural practices of every country in Europe

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The scars look cool.

My brother just joined and I don't agree with the military. I'd rather starve on some employer's front doorstep.
>implying it was ever about oil when we have texas and alaska

>nu-/pol/ now likes e-celebs because they trigger muh libtards
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, you dumb kike.

It really doesn't

Can you be my gf pls

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Self-harm scars are generally seen as unattractive and they incite gossip. I'm not saying the choice to cover them with Charmander was a good idea, but covering them is understandable.

Incredible body-type. She's got that Neville longbottom.

say hi to your discord for me

You have no idea how scars work, and it's literally illegal to not hire someone because of something like a scar in the USA.

What's would (You) get to cover up a scar like that?

>People like this allowed to work

The fact your movieshit loving redditard ramble isn't hidden by default disproves your theory.

I'd add (you)s to upvotes

Fast food will hire anyone and most are not even going to drug test you.

Bowser makes it less cringy and more cringy at the same time.

>no Duane

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damn that's actually pretty dope

>Dude fuck burn victims LMOA
If you're ever actually in a position to make hiring decisions don't publicly admit that. There are legal protections against that exact kind of hiring discrimination.

Actually, unironically, literally fucking who? What the fuck is it with zoomers and their e-celeb worship?

Your not a true gamer unless you have the most epic gaming brands permanently inked into your skin

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Obligatory. Happy Birthday, Rick.

Of course, you could just hire someone who doesn't have a scar, and say "oh they're just a better candidate"
I already tried and they said no, drugs are the least of my worries.

Kill yourself.

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kys faggot. PJW is based as fuck


he's not wrong though

fuck off with your SJW falseflag shit

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A small fine print of OOPS! under it in red.

Cringe and unkino

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

Did you do that before or after they ruined the lore with bad awful writing? Never go full retard.

Fuck off back to where you came from
No one here wants you around

something tells me you're not getting the reference.

it could be actually cool looking without the Adventure Time shit. Who watched that gaebage?


The only time I did this intentionally was when I was drown in school work and was overdue.
I had a small piece of glass and made a small cut on the palm of my hand.
Although, doing it excessively is fucking autistic, there's no way someone could be in that much emotional pain without killing themselves, at that point it's just attention.

I literally have a scar from my dog accidentally biting my leg through my pants which didn't even break the skin. You are certifiably retarded.

>these are the boomers who claim you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps to succeed

Isn't there something missing here?

50 dollars and 000 cents?
You're pretty cheap.

Why do you have to shit up two sites, why not just stay on Reddit

LITERALLY fucking whom? fucking libtard zoomers worshipping random internet people piss me the fuck off.

Is this like that Jordan Peterson fag who's just a surrogate daddy for retards but people pretend he's super deep and insightful? Fuckin clean your room or whatever the meme phrase is? If you need to watch a youtube video of someone telling you how to live you should just an hero

don't think most people would

>try to shitpost without contributing anything to the discussion at all
>get your shit flushed
it's great to see you shitters getting filtered

fucking compare me to a shitlib again and youll live to regret it.

I did, it was decent but clearly went downhill towards the end. would've been better as an adult swim show, just like regular show, but oh well.

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Dude was like: "I want MUGEN on my back"

go away zoom zoom, time to dilate

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I need moar

fucking faggot im not a tranny sdubhman piece of fucking shit and watch your words because im not someone youd want to fuck with when youre dealing with someone such as myself youre never as anonymous as you tihnk you are

it's just natural selection trying to kick in
all the cutters are weak faggots who get upsed over their parents buying them the wrong iphone color

It is pretty true, but at least we dont have an account system that shows your aggregate internet points score and then have other people picking sides based on whose epeen number is bigger.

seething tranny

fuck, i can't find the pic of that god awful kratos tattoo someone got on their leg. please hook a nigga up if you have it

fucking faggot you got a death wish or something you fucking liberal piece ofp shti

>people unironically think this is cool

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Those feet look delicious

>Seen this pic plenty of times
>Only now notice the cut marks

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>two butters

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>I can't find the pic
Fuck off, it's the first result on Google Images of you type BAD KRATOS TATTOO

PJW is a reactionary clown peddling onions supplements, even to his core audience I don't see how people can like that retard. Even worse than Sargon.
That's really the heart of the matter, how quickly people will associate themselves with anything trying to "trigger the libs." PJWtards say they care about preserving high art and culture but all they do is cry about liberals and call everything propaganda. You can't dismiss identity politics while feeling threatened for "the white race."

You're the cancer that's killing Yea Forums please kill yourself as soon as possible.

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>Oh well you know I was going through a really difficult time and my parent/friend/pet died and I was in a really bad place mentally and that game was there for me and got me through it.
>So now I have a this logo from an electronic toy for children on my arm.

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why would i shitpost on reddit if disagreeing with someone is enough to get you hated by an entire community and have your opinion buried because of downvotes?

but google is so far away.
whatever, you guys know what i'm talking about. let someone else get the (You)'s for posting it, i dont care.

Still healing

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Are you stupid? You will likely get a scar regardless of how well you take care of something if it's a bad enough wound.

based and redpilled

Back side

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Why the fuck would they not hire you? Either you went to jail for poisoning people or you have a shitty attitude. I have never ever seen minimum wage jobs turn people away, even if they have quit twice and come back begging.


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i didnt know better in 2012.

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It was okay until every episode became 2deep4u Emmy bait shit like Jake the brick and Jake's tail.

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is this some copypasta from 2011?

because it's fun to shitpost on Yea Forums

This is what people have to resort to when their history and culture is gone. Adorning themselves with meaningless pop-culture references.

so basically only americans do this

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No, fuck off you lazy retard

>thinking history and culture are above pop culture
>thinking anything is above anything else
>thinking life isn't just a meaningless meme

As opposed to what, "meaningful" tattoos? Get a job, you bum.

go back to resetera

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I don't know. I'm a college grad, a Yea Forumsirgin in disguise (people tell me they like my voice). I had one job opportunity, a sort of boot camp, but it was java, and though I could do it, good GOD I hate it. I fucking hate it. I could never hold a conversation about it like I could anything that I enjoy doing. Pretend all I like, sit in the mock interview room with a smile on my face, trying my damnest to actually give a shit about it and coming up flat for the questions they answer, I just gave up. Fuck the 60k+ I was looking at in two years, I couldn't last two weeks without spending all my free time drinking and sitting in the bathtub, that was not going to be me. I just want to be assigned a simple mindless braindead job rather than having to fucking find one that "suits" my "skills".

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yeah much better to get some celtic knot you googled the significance of a day beforehand

Thanks for confirming redditors are the cancer of this site.

you'll never be in the position to hire people tho because you're a fucking melt who thinks people only get scars from infections LMAO

already have a couple tabs open for it chief

>tfw too autistic to get a tattoo

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Those things are just pop culture from centuries ago. If people had the technology to make cheap graphic tshirts back the you can bet you would have seen dumb shit with your favorite gladiators face on it or OEDIPUS REX in big letters.

I have quite a few high quality tattoos, that being said I make more money than any of you clearskin cucks guaranteed. How does it make you feel that a tattooed degenerate like me makes more than you? yikes

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cute boy

user what does it mean explain to me please ?

if you dont like reddit go make your own forum than losers

>be carnage main
>keep playing him even though he turned out to be shit
>he gets buffed
>now everyone complains I'm a tier whore

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You forget the format makes it so those based posts aren't sorted any differently than the retarded posts. Anonymity and equal posting field makes the whole difference. Also redditors think 2+2=5.

kill yourself


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make an effort next time

if you care about beauty, don't go defending a pokemon tat

Not a boy.

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Your bloodline, or the Batman symbol? No difference if you ask me!

the truth hurts i know

If you get fired or in trouble because somebody complained about you having a scar seek legal help because that's illegal as fuck in the US.



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You're right, it's the mark of a very limited manchild either way.

Fucking stay there then Jesus Christ

She looks like she fucks black swordsmen.

uhmm sorry sweetie but my interpretation of the word > your interpretation and that's ceremonial law according to the true church.

Internet karma is dystopian as fuck

literally no difference

no one cares whose cunt you shot out of

Again, doesnt explain how you cant get a job at McDonalds. These places have crazy turnover. Work experience not necessary, I have worked with literal schizo talking to himself while he serves people at the grocery store.

Just tell them what they want to hear. That you want work experience, that you are hard worker and fast learner, if they ask about bs like where you see yourself in five years just say something like hopefully the manager of the place. They will take every opportunity NOT to give you a promotion unless you harass them about it so you arent committing to anything.

Cringe, bluepilled, and just embarassing

It feels good. Some people also do it for attention. I myself hid it because I was ashamed of it.
t. Someone who used to cut

me too man. Being able to draw and letting other man draw on you it's one of the most cuckest things I can think of.

>cover a scar with a faggy tattoo

This. Preserving your culture is so childish.

True intellects get the United Nations logo instead of Batman or runes.

Wow, she must have a lot of dedicated fans to be able to afford all that merch and shit.

Is it time?

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That happened on april fools and you fags ate it up like a girthy uncircumcised cock.


She leeches off her parents, actually.

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Even less people care that you obsessively played a video game in highschool.


Don't only Jews consider the laws of Leviticus still valid?

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This, however, likely isn't a self-harm scar. It's a burnt scar, and statistically, self-harm by burning are very rare.

Very cool Funko Pop tattoo.


literally the same amount of people care: none

people who do it on wrists or visible areas know what they are doing, retard

God, imagine having parents with enough money to keep a roof over your head for more than a year at a time; nevermind buy you stupid shit like VHS tapes and gameboy necklaces

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>cuttings in your flesh for the dead
what did He mean by this

I love how redditors have come here and normalized referring to reddit

Harming your skin on extremely short sighted ugly dumb shit is pathetic, yeah. You have the exact same thought process as cutters.

>to read the opinions of circlejerk fags and hide what I don't like
Fixed for you

There is an astounding lack of self awareness in regards to mental health in this thread and it's hilarious

The board full of NEETs who invest in escapism all day can't understand self harm. It's poetic.

>Less people than the already stated 0 people
Based retard

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Which is better?

Lmao cultural heritage identities are just as bad as fucking trannies they never shut up about it. It is the reason why humans have war in general, why chinamen got executed for not shaving the front of their head, why Confederate flag assholes try to lie about it not being about slavery.

It was a lie to get people to die for dumb shit, just as bad as religion.

What's wrong, Gosling?

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oh no that's in the chest


Cool squiggles bro

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>...he typed, while wearing his favorite fast food restaurant t shirt

It's to remind him of that one time he stole a PS3 and Fifa to play wit his boy 'cos the bitch was nagging.
Not to not do it. Just don't get caught next time nigga.

Didn't say I accepted that number, autismo.

Your body is a temple for the holy spirit. Getting a tattoo is like spray painting a literal temple of God.

>All fairly popular and relatively well-known characters
>Except for Flamerus Rex, a boss from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

that's quite unfortunate

post it reddit person

>BPD is just "being a woman"
I just read through the symptoms and yeah, you're pretty much right.

There’s more where that came from


More than that.
Average price is between 100-150 per hour. Average time in the chair per day is between 5-6 hours, give or take.
Just the outlining of that tat (no colors, no shades, just the basic outline) would have been atleast 3-4 sessions. If the artist was at the lower end of 100$ per hour, just the outline cost was 1800-2400$. The coloring, as massive as that is, coupled with the shading and blending, that would be easily another 5-6 sessions, and thats lowballing.

He prob. spent about 6-8 thousand, and thats on the lower end.
Of course, there earliest he could have done it safely is over the span of roughly a year. That much trauma to the skin on your back without time to heal would be devastating and clearly show in the tat with massive amounts of scaring.

It creates deep jealousy.

>someone somewhere says something stupid
>lol must be american
god damn shut up
theres a countless amount of stupid people around the fucking world and retards always assume its one of us for some fucking reason

Wow great post
I'm going to pay Hiro $5.99 to add a microscopic jpg to it

Yeah, but it was ironically.

I live out in the country and still see people throwing minimum wage job applications on top a gigantic stack of applications like it was just a another thing to sort out later.
One job I actually got, the co manager accidentally showed me a list of people they denied for the same position and the names were in the hundreds atleast.

You must be a teenager or one of those "let them eat cake" fags cause what you describe ain't the reality of the job market, kiddo.

I used to bite and give myself hickies for similar reasons. Fortunately those don't leave scars.

Do you even understand basic English syntax? He said "noone cares about x" you say "Even less people care about" meaning less than an already established value. You were inherently referring to an already existing axiom of the conversation. But sure I'm retarded for knowing how fucking words work.

But Jesus dabbed on the old laws. These were in place to make easy identification of enemies. Those enemies are gone now.

oh no the text isn't centered


I got the same exact design higher up on my neck so I can grow my hair a little longer to cover it up, and I'm 6'6 so most people don't notice it.

My dad really liked Berserk and he passed away.

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I make it a point to stay off the internet on april 1st, it is just a day full of retarded HURR LOOK AT OUR FAKE CONTENT WE SO FUNNAY

t. multicultural diverse melting pot citizen.

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oh yeah i was wondering what that was

mystic quest owns tho

I'm not passionate enough to get a tattoo.

Tattoos mark someone as a cumdumpster.

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a small portion does it for attention, some for self-punishment in BPD for example and a large group because they haven't learned good coping behavior.
t. child sexual abuse ptsd patient and also medical student

Should've done the fruit from that ios game.

I should have become a tatoo artist instead of a security guard. Holy hell i didnt knew you can get so much money with this

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I want a tat now >:D

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Kill yourselves new Yea Forums

You dumb nigger they decorate temples all the time with all sorts of shit.

Betting all on Venom because the AI has learned the movesets, time to get out of the saltmines.


It was probably a tap out session, no one is going to spend 6000 dollars on a tattoo.

I would charge 2000 to do that whole thing, big pieces like that are too unrealistic to charge hourly.

ooh, cheap vegetables

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Even less people than the real and significant number of people who care about cultural tattoos, autismo.

what is this image supposed to prove

I've considered something similar for my mother but does it ever bother you to brand yourself with something someone else liked?

We're only get skin once, I dunno. Not criticizing you - Legitimately curious.

War is the natural state of humankind.

how much money do I need for a gf like this?

I want to impregnate her!

Weird Suggestion: Get a tattoo over them.

Something about weak shits that cut themselves piss me off. Kind of wish I knew why, but it's easier to get mad at someone thinking cutting up their own body is a good idea.

>"heh, how idiotic, scarring your skin for no reason"

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Ear gauges should be outlawed, holy fuck.

My brother got the heartless symbol tattooed on his shoulder. I'm still the bigger fan tho ;^)

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You could have just said you didn't know how syntax worked. Learn how to fucking speak English you moron.

Why is this twink trap even nostalgia fagging over a system that is older than him?

Even on a tapout, your still spending 600-700$ per tapout and the max most tapouts go is 8 hours. Youre STILL spending upwards of 5 grand, even on tapouts

Yeah but you'll still just read about it later anyway.

Cutter scars on thighs can be pretty hot at least.

have fun growing older with that shit on your body.

As long as you have an actual job, you can easily afford all that autism.

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Nothing, citizen. Everybody is the same and race is a social construct.

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I forgot someone actually got this. Spoonfeed for the people who don't get the joke.

because it usually is

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I sure hope that t shirt ain't polyester you fucking heathen.

Not with spray paint.

It's not a MUGEN roster without Kung Fu Man on it.

do you just have a bunch of random pictures of scary black people saved

Agreed, here's some Yea Forums gold for you friend!


We know the authors of many of the books tho.

Stop replying now, autismo. Somebody is breaking the rules on your Minecraft server.

8/10, the thought of people like this being in positions where they decide whether you get a job or not actually made me fucking angry

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fireknight or axeknight



I have a Vault Boy tattooed on my arm, I'm employed and have sex multiple times a week

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Yeah bruh the game just means more to be because it got me through the time my uncle molested me

I don't see race, citizen. So I'm not sure what you mean by that.

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based and cringepilled

only faggots say
based and repilled
cringe and bluepilled
remember were not one poster
just because some fags say that doesn't mean it applies to everything

>Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

>max most tap outs are 8 hours
I’ve had a client go 15 hours, it varies.

Damn, france looks like THAT

you don't but keep dreaming

She's 29.

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have se-

>Only white person in the picture is a fucking goblino shoved in the corner
The absolute fucking STATE of France

tats are fine
cutting off your dick isn't
prove me wrong reddit
i mean Yea Forums

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Im 35 and dont have a tatoo. You know how rare is is to be my age and not have one? Especially from where im from. It's crazy

jfc this forearm is super long

Why are you stalking this trap?

Nothing quite like nihilism to make your life a blissful joyride.

You must be made of steel because most artists I know wont go past 9 hours due to scaring and just normal hand cramping

They're both self-mutilation.

>Does away with many of the holiest laws including eating pork and working on the Sabbath

prove it

I never got this argument against tattoos
When you're old if you're gonna look like shit it will happen with or without tattoos, nobody is like "wow that 70 y/o would be so hot without that tattoo on his arm"

I just follow cute girls on instagram.
Why do you insist that it's a boy?

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You mean Fallout Boy from Fallout 76?

>projecting your virginity on others

Stop posting e-thots.

Thinking about getting a tattoo of my Steam profile picture...

Attached: that damn cat profile picture.jpg (800x800, 141K)

Yeah, agreed

>Lmao cultural heritage identities are just as bad as fucking trannies they never shut up about it.
Agreed. Mostly because we are fucking boring. (humans)

I lived in a small rural city, population 91k.
I'm 27, literally every fast food place is understaffed and cant hold on to most people longer than a few months. Most places here have signs offering 10 dollars and open interviews. I got rehired at grocery store I got fired from simply because they wanted someone who knew wtf they were doing.

Honestly though, just go to a temp agency. They WILL place you. They do all the legwork for you. They wont get paid unless they get you hired. The one I went through was starting minimum 12 dollars. You said you had some comp sci degree or something right? You will get grabbed for simply knowing how to use a computer and spreadsheet.

I have a triforce symbol on my hand and brand of sacrifice on the back of my neck

Twin swordsman, and only because there is no twin shieldsman

You don't like cute girls, user?

Cause he is.

It's a tattoo thread.
Here, have some bottom of the barrel tattoo trash.

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It wasn’t fun, she keeps coming back. Two full sleeves in one day. I wish everyone sat like her. My back was killing me

Scars tell the story of your life.
Tattoos tell the story of your autism.

Shouldn't the marks be in the wrist and not the chubby part of the arm? I've never been a cutter but i had the impression they are supposed to go there if you are one.

Are there different reasons/meanings depending where you cut yourself?

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How do you come up with these crazy ideas user? It must have taken you months to think that up.

You can lazer out a tat but not re-attach your dick and balls!

>for some fucking reason
Oh gee, I wonder why...

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>no bulge

Kinda the games sucked dick

> he thinks he's entitled to not to die in a pointless pseudowar for his corporate overlords
Just enlist and if they try to send you to war suck your commanding officers dick that'll give you a one way ticket home.

10/10 wife material.

wait, why does that little girl have a hijab? Who the fuck would even sexuali-
oh right, Muhammad. My bad

it could be bad learned coping behavior. They may not have learned healthy ways of coping with stress, anxiety or even regular emotions

When I was getting my back done, I found it was nice just putting my tablet on the floor and watching movies. Didnt move for shit. But from what my artist told me, people squirm a lot. Makes it difficult

It's funny that this is what tattoos have become in Western culture.

Used to be that they, too, were intended to tell the story of your life.

It is, but it wouldnt really be any less dumb to fight over what side of the bread you butter your toast.

t. Dr. Seuss

Your skin will be further damaged though.

>Scars tell the story of your life.
"Yeah I got drunk one day and um did stupid shit!"
Oh yeah big fucking difference!

are you two retards gonna show proof its always american's posting stupid shit or are you just gonna keep posting shitty gifs of ugly bimbos laughing?

Who cares user we are all just gonna kill ourselves one day or get cancer. Or get ran over, shot by some random white guy at a concert ah life!

Nah, they have been always a way to call for attention

Why are tattoos so fucking cringe and gay?

that's a fucking HUGE red flag in a women

I like this
Its not dumb bullshit or trying to be clever or smarmy
Its just a video game character that some dude likes

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There is a difference though. Tatoos signify that you are dumb enough to have comissioned someone to mark your skin with something stupid. Scars usually come from accidents.

That’s what I did when I got my back done too. I recommend it to clients. The worst is people who talk the whole time, because they usually laugh to be polite, and laughing is the worst thing you can do when you’re getting a tattoo.

Damn, you don't say?

I bite myself instead. My right arm has been my screaming gag for almost a decade now.

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You're an awful human been and I feel pity for you.

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You're definitely wrong about that one, big boi.

Tattoos are for defenerates

Reddit is becoming the new GameFAQs but broader where they just answer stupid obscure questions to basically anything you could possibly think of, within reason. I'm quite thankful for that, it saved me a lot of times.

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What are your thoughts on the Brutal Black Project, Yea Forums?

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Speak for yourself, Trayvon.

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hope there's no cheese on your sandwich goy

Cool bite marks user, what video game or movie are they referencing?

Well idk why no one else says its for suicide prep. Thats why i did it, needed to take baby steps till the real thing. I’m not rash enough of a person to just pull the trigger right away. Baby steps, baby cuts, then i’ll be ready.

I'm white! So I may actually shoot somebody else according to statistics.

A friend of mine ages ago cut himself and somehow ended up drawing stars on his chubby part. Like the other anons said, some do it just for attention and as for my example even take it not-seriously enough to end up turning it into a "fun" accident

Describing reddit and Yea Forums in the same post

>Not just squeezing your flacid dingus until it starts hurting and then stopping.

lmao git gud


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i wish that was me hyaha

>giving a (you) to shitty reddit larping

I don't understand why anyone would actually kill themselves, what a waste

>having a tattoo

I wonder, is Yea Forums this straight edge towards things like tattoos, alcohol, weed etc. because they never got invited to parties growing up?

Not trying to meme, i'm seriously wondering if that might be it

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How hard did your mother beat you every time you displayed even a shred of genuine joy, user?

You wish you were a poor girl that was traumatized, probably because her father raped her daily for years?

No. At least until 90% of posters are willing tripfags it will never be anything like reddit.

>wanting a pencil dick
I already have enough problems as it is.

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>Watching porn

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Are you European friend? Oh well you might get bombed or acid faced instead!

I was not invited to parties, but I do love booze and weed. Tattoos are retarded, though.

ive been to more parties that you could count and think tattoos and weed are for fucking degenerates that should be hanged on the street

I got invited to parties growing up and still hate all that shit. Yea Forums hates it because it became the norm in society and this is a board for people who hate societal norms.

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and there you go

family parties don't count

wrong fucking charmander tattoo, retard

pic related is the bad one

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This is actually the exact reason why.

That's what happens when you invite foreigners.

>invisible in snowstorm

self hatred, attention and morea reasons, but for the most parts its attention.
most people are hiding it for the sake of a meta lie, "if i pretend to hide it people wont thik that i do it for the attention, after all im hiding it". yet you're allways aware of them doing it anyway.
if they are hiding it, why do you allways know about it? i mean in your girlfriends case its fucking obivous...but in general.
most people "hide it", yet you allways know about it for some reason.

At least the sun shines here!

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it's because contrarianism now means being an actual dickhead as opposed to just a pretend one on the internet.

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>the one guy who just got the Republic symbol
What an asshole

I know nothing about pricing. How much would a ~1-2inch Brand of Sacrifice on my right trap cost?
>want one
>never care enough to drive to a parlor and just do it

oh, forget about what I said then

I'm assuming you have a tattoo, well, tell me, why do you get it?

With "muslims" you can count Americans, since they are just as brown.

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whos the dude in the mask

>poland that high

my friend from highschool got that on his chest but it was poorly done so everyone thought it was a spiked dick

U triggered?

do you also have to tip the sun though?

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>not only getting a shit tattoo, but also getting a shit tattoo of a shit game

Good grief

Just die already, grandpa. This is our world now

Uh, thats not white. I don't know if shes a gypsy or something but shes not white

What this user said . (You)'s are more akin to upvotes with downvotes not existing.
I don't even use Reddit outside of business but I can still tell this board is just Reddit with out moderation.


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I got 3 tats and regret 2. I regret alot of things but I didn't get em for attention. I got em because fuck it. Pretty sure most people just get them because fuck it yes.

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Man I think it's because I'm a self taught brainlet but I fucking love programming, it's like an open ended puzzle game that when I play it long enough, other games pop out.

Your parents didn't beat you hard enough if you think branding your skin with corporate logos, manchild movie references and internet memes is cool.

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It's to show fealty to God, you twit

Hi /pol/

I love all that shit but usually dont post about it.

The problem is sXe are the obnoxious fuckers who always have to let you know they disapprove. They are basically like vegans except worse because they dont actually commit to anything difficult and are 100% more likely to sperg on someone who doesnt follow the same code... whereas vegans will lord it over you and say how great it is for them but are less likely to shit on eating meat since 98% of sane people do it.

That's a cool shirt, though.