Have you ever liked a game enough to buy it twice?
Have you ever liked a game enough to buy it twice?
Monster Hunter World, on PS4 then PC.
>imagine being this much of a consumer tool that you pay twice for the same shit to """support""" a multi billionaire company
I bought Nuclear Throne thrice, does that count?
is super mario 3d world that good? it felt pretty mediocre to me when i played it. seemed like it was made for only children
Hollow Knight
Dragon’s dogma 3 times. Normal, dark arisen, then on pc
Why I pay for the same thing twice?
The Gamestop copy didn’t work, I haven’t even played that shit lmao I’m a collector
I had so many scratched up copies of Smash Bros Melee.
He's clearly not supporting Nintendo by buying second hand games.
All the money went to the store.
Hollow knight on pc/switch, skyrim on PS3/pc, considering buying stardew valley again so I can play it on my switch
yep did this with XB2 just to support monolith
i have bought mass effect at least 3 times
Dark Souls. I'm such a cuck I bough it 6 times.
X360, OG (Collector Edition)
GfWL, I was a big achievement whore back then
X360, Artorias
Xbox 360, download (albeit free because it came with DaS3, so it doesn't really count)
Xbox One Remastered
Switch Remastered
Xbox One Dark Souls Collection
I bought Undertale for both PC and Switch.
If it counts you could say I bought several old games all over again when I bought the SNES mini.
I have 2 copies of a lot of games, some special editions as well.
Especially if there is a Vita+ps4 release i buy both.
Sometimes I buy a version, find out its censroed and then buy the better version like fucking Death Mark
Chrono cross and ff7
I have a backup of my pirate copies does that count?
Undertale, unironically.
>weaboo and furry shit
Jurassic World Evolution.
>"its shit"
I like it. I like it enough to put 200+ hours and 100% it on pc. Got it on ps4 (on sale) because I had JPOG on ps2 and it felt right. Waiting for the next major dlc to drop before I start that one tho.
Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Mario RPG, PKMD, Drawn to life, ect.
I used to sell my games when I was younger.
Good taste OP, never understood the hate for 3D World.
I bought Hollow Knight 3 times and you know I'm buying SilkSong as many times as I can
Resident Evil 4
GC, PS3, Steam and PS4
>owning even one copy of valkyria revolution
Ocarina of Time.
Like 4 times.
>Buy ps4 first
>Buy 4k xbox X later.
>Have to rebuy some games to take advantage of the native 4k.
>Planning on rebuying resident evil 1-5 + REV 1+2 that i had on ps4 to the box.
I feel like the only time that it’s acceptable is when you’re playing the console version and pc version of a game. That’s it.
Imagine buying a game even ONCE
That wouldn't profit me in any way, so no, I'm not retarded. Don't suck corporate cock, they don't care about you.
sony cares about you.
Catherine, Wonder 101, Persona 4 The Golden, and probably Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker soon
I've bought sonic 2 like 6 times
no, because they are equally as worthless as your pirate copies.
Yeah fuck OP for wanting to increase the chances of getting more of what he wants in the future!
Do game bundles count?
Eh, for the sake of the thread, sure.
Those games are worth it though, and at least you're skipping 6.