Redpill me on this good boi game

Redpill me on this good boi game

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This game would be 10 times better if there was a mod that removed Issun's obvious hints for the puzzles in the game.

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Beautiful, very lengthy, very easy, writing rather aimed at kids, great soundtrack, good exploration. Is occasionally called the "best zelda clone".
I think it's worth for the visuals, soundtrack and exploration, but don't expect challenging fights.

>30 fps

Why is this game considered good? Didn't it sell like shit?

Great game, but having re-played it three times already on three different platforms (PS2, Wii, and PS3) I just couldn't bring myself to do it a 4th despite how amazing it looks/plays on Switch.

The one Zelda clone that's up to the quality of the mainline Zelda games.

It’s a game you don’t play for the actual gameplay. The world is amazing and I loved experiencing jap tales like the mermaid box, the cutters, etc.

>aimed at kids

I've played like 2 hours of the game and you can see the girl's ass.

The absolute easiest Platinum/Clover game ever, but also the longest and prettiest. Probably my most favorite character designs in their studio's pedigree, too.

Has some great big honking titties and not nearly enough art of them.

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You're fucking retarded.

Kids like asses.

>removed Issun

Fixed that for you. He's the reason I think Okami is bad game. Horribly unlikable character son of a bitch who we're stuck with.

I really don't see this being aimed particularly at kids. It's too dark in tone for one, way too drawn out and slow paced, and I don't see the art style appealing to kids at all.

My favourite game ever but holy fuck is it ever flawed. Padded out the arse, massive amounts of useless dialogue, unskippable cutscenes outsideof NG+ and insultingly easy dungeons.

7/10 it's a masterpiece.

The best Zelda game ever made.

Don't even @ me, creeps.

The 'padded' content can be fun. I must have spend 20 hours on the fishing minigame collecting alone.

He is right, the game sold badly it needed to get re-released like 3-4 times before it broke one million units sold. Nobody actually likes Okami, they just like Amaterasu because she's a girl which means furry porn. If Amaterasu was male? Wouldn't even have that porn angle.

That sounds just like you.

Ha! Got 'em!


>and I don't see the art style appealing to kids at all

Thought I was the only one who thought Okami had an ugly art style. Even Windwaker has better character designs than this tacky looking thing where only Amaterasu's design seems decent.

It is 3d zelda but twice as long, some neat shit like time shenanigans, pretty much touches on all the most important nip folklore.

He asked why it was considered good when it sold like shit. If ever there was a place on this shit hole called the internet where people recognize good game qualities over sales numbers it's this board.

30 fps.

Okami is really nice looking, but appreciating it I think requires understand what it's inspired by. Kids will just interpret it as flat and washed out and overly-simple.

Overrated trash. the handholding is disgusting. It's a 5/10 at best

It has an amazing aesthetic but the game itself is just okay, incredibly easy with items that you don't really need to make it easier. Biggest surprise is how long it was. The game is practically cut into two different stories with both easily being able to be their own game.

But fuck Wallmaster's. They start out brain dead easy just like everything else but I actually stopped playing the game because the last one is beyond obnoxious.

the fights are designed to be "get highscore and finish every enemy off for demonfangs" and not "fight to survive"
i don't think i ever failed a fight in the game and everyone i talked with who played it has never seen a gameover screen until looking it up on youtube

This is the sort of arty-looking game that actually looks better at a lower frame-rate with lots of motion blur and filters on everything. Not trolling.

The game gets a free pass for muh artstyle and because it's a kamiya game. In reality it's all style and no substance

You don't even get your score docked for using items, aside from the points lost for losing health.

what degenerate draws porn of ittle dew

Attached: ittle.png (639x479, 158K)

>the game sold badly

>the last one is beyond obnoxious.
use your phone

It's a japanese game.

>the fights are designed to be "get highscore and finish every enemy off for demonfangs"
Getting highscores is also super easy once you quickly learn each demons weakness or get the appropriate brush techniques.

Okami deserves a proper sequel to iron out the kinks.

Wall masters? Huh?


He obviously means the Blockheads

I'm getting a PS4 soon, looking forwards to checking it out.

he means these lads

the last one is hidden and has like 15 dots you have to remember, absolute bullshit

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Every now and then you have to do a minigame where you have to memorize then hit the weak points of a wall to break it, sorta like simon says.

They're usually easy except for the final one which goes stupidly fast, has a lot of weak points and if you are a pixel off then it doesn't count.

the best part of this game is the artstyle rivaled by it's soundtrack. no joke it felt like you're a part of old nip myths

I’d honestly just be happy with them porting okamiden and not splitting towns into like 6 different zones

I just used my phone.

>tfw found a way to skip this guy on oni island
it's easy lads, jump then headbut the pillar, it will give you momentum to kick the wall behind and do double jump over him

>You play as the sun goddess, the most powerful deity in Japanese mythology
>In the form of a great wolf
>ThE GaMe iS tOo eAsY

Ammy is a gurl.

Blockhead Grande only has 8 points, but it's still more than the human brain can properly keep track of so you pretty much have to cheat it.

Kids in Japan can handle that stuff. Have you seen Jump?

Good girl then

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The "last boss" isn't the last boss.

I loved how the game felt like it had multiple arcs. I'd love an Okami anime.
I also enjoyed Okamiden, even with its translation issues and odd story points. Chibi a cute.

Attached: huey plays okami.jpg (1600x900, 300K)

if blockhead had graph paper like skin it would be alright but those dots have to be placed really accurate from what i remember

>Draw something retarded on the mask
>It's all over the walls in Sei-An City later in the game
I loved that shit

Ok here I go
+Zelda clone with God tier aesthetics
+Grafically beautiful. OST is great too.
+Hugue to explore. New things to discover anywhere.
+Brush is a great gimmick
+Story is great, feels are too strong it made me drop some tears at the end

>Combat is too shallow and basic. Which is contradictory for a Kamiya game
>Pee and shit dedicated button
>Brush is fun to use, but it slows down the gameplay pacing, especially in combat
>Dungeons are not well designed
>Overworld maps are mostly rehashed
>Slowest pacing I ever experienced in a videogame. You'll love it if you like the game tho
>Enemies are literally braindead monkeys, so AI is purely shit
>Repeated bossfights over and over again
>You can't change the dificulty level, so it's easy by default. Actually there is not even Normal mode, so the WHOLE game is piss easy
>Game spoonfeeds you in every puzzle and quest.
>I insist. The game is so insultingly easy it makes you want to punch Kamiya in the face for treating you like a toddler.
When you like a game a lot, you start to see the flaws. Still my personal GOAT. Play it. It's worth it.

>Pee and shit dedicated button

The game should have had a hard as fuck mode as a unlock, the whole game was like a God power trip, the only time i was in danger was one of Kamui devil gates

Oh it was cash

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Didn't you get the memo, children are less sensitive and more mature then adults these days. Why do you think you're only allowed to see titties in Nintendo games but not something like Mortal Kombat?

Peeing and shitting is completely optional and cost a fortune so most people most likely will nevre see them.
Also there are some good fights I thought were challenging.
>Fighting the foxes
>Fighting the dogs from that cursed town
>The kyubi for the first minute when you realise she also can draw but is really slow
>Those 3 secret enemy rushes that have like 10 waves of enemies with increased health and damage.

>Also there are some good fights I thought were challenging.
The kyuuby fight was surprisingly half tought. I felt it like the peak of dificulty in the game.

When i did not knew how to draw the time slow brush the samurai was hard as fuck

I might be halfway into this game right now but I'm not that impressed. It's ok i guess.

>Its only good if it sells

God people like you are why games are so shit now

Ooops i mean the Samurai boss you fight inside the dude

Ninetails is only really difficult when you're getting mobbed by the Rao clones.

I got 100% and I'd say that the triple Izanagi fight was the only point in the game that felt genuinely difficult from an action point.

Thats why i said it's only half tought.