It's live on / borderlands

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gameplay REVEAL
are they going to shoot GUNS???

jesus christ i want to kill randybobandy

literally more of the same, which i'm ok. but randy is insufferable Poor dayquan getting bossed around

it's like he's talking to people that never played borderlands wtf

Did Randy just get ahhhh'd for being so pathetic?

the audience is the definition of drones, literally clapping at jumping and basic movement.

Every year it gets worse people were clapping like this during the fallout 76 announcement

omg the math joke

"i don't know if you got that math joke"

"they got it"

They are letting people play leak imminent

Oh no no no Randy said that it will not contain microtransactions

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Nah not watching it

> / borderlands
>I'm gonna say goodbye tomorr- today- for now.
Why can randy ever stop fucking up?

only promethea so it's probably just a demo not a full game
you didn't miss anything, idiots clapping at jumping , i kid you not.
huh wow. that's kickass. ok that's enough dayquan. wow badass

start collecting loot today just link your twitch up to the official borderlands 3 extension and it will be waiting for you when you buy the game.

Yeah bruh totally gonna do that.
Oh wait im not an incel nerd.

what did they mean by that?

Thanks for the tip, Anonymous!

no doubt but people will have a field day datamining it

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no sleep
we have to treat developers better


>only 2 black guys
that's a little underrepresented the community

Oh boy, a sequel to shooty shoot game where you need 3 million bullets to kill someone.

no you are confused fren, this isn't the division

NG is dumb
NG + is challenging but fun
but NG ++ and all that is after is boring for me because everything is so spongy.

>look at our diversity
>95 percent white 90 percent male
as it should be.

can you level up a specific gun? lets say you find a good one early but its low level can you buff it to your level?


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they didn't mention anything about that.

It's a looter shooter, bullet sponges are par for the course

yeah but i never felt the same way. in the division i felt absolutely powerless

especially when magdumping rifle rounds into a hoodrat

also where the fuck is man of low moral fiber to dab on these bitches??
that guy rocks

It looks ok. But then theres Epic store....

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if you can wait for september you can wait a little bit longer for steam

or i can pirate it drm-free :^)
or buy it on ps4 because no local splitscreen on pc :^)
god i love gearbox :^)))

Everbody have to wait for september. By the time it gets on Steam all is spoiled. Rotten situation.

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Are you playing this series for the story?

I see what you mean. After all, Division is set in an alternate reality and you're fighting normal people.

yeah big fucking deal, as if anyone cares about borderlands story. it's the gameplay loop and locations and builds that matter.. Can't even remember what happened in 2, but i remember digistruct peak and abusing bore.

I'm watching Admiralbahroo or whatever. is it my stream or the game lags?

There isn't a single real person excited for this garbage

>caring about the story in a borderlands game
come on my dude, i hope you're trolling
pirate it

also i think even if there are bullet sponges in BO i never felt that way, mainly because of the movement i think??
not sure

also i think even if there are bullet sponges in BO i never felt that way, mainly because of the movement i think??
not sure

me too yeah. the stream rolls back

How does it function?

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>chamber and barrel are in front of the mag and there is no connection
didn't even notice

With the power of LE FUNNY MEMES!

>/k/ autism

>7 years have passed
>Everything (animations, asset layout, level design, player movement) is the same except for the console fisheye UI
This is literally a DLC

wow loreley is so annoying, they already did the coffee joke 5 times.

It fucking sucks, just the same tepid shit that borderlands 2 was but with somehow MORE stupid forced jokes and cringe AS FUCK dialogue and writing.
And on top of it all with less sexy women.
Not that I was expecting anything good or acceptable from Borderlands but I would have liked to be pleasantly surprised.

no wonder they killed off Roland

>only 2 black guys
Randy is white nationalist.

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it wouldn't kill them to get some actual writers or some good jokes.


this site criticizes japanese weeb games for their art and, they like this "american" shit that looks like edgelord garbage , i will nevr understand americans......

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there must be a white supremacist working at gearbox

That icon. Helping Hands. HH. Heil Hitler. Yeah.

>Mad Max inspired art is batshit insane
Yeah no kidding
Still looks like shit

So is Explosive not an "element" anymore?

>Siren with psychic-ghost-fists
>Doesn't have a Brick-esque punching ability
>The fucking mech does

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I've got to give it to them, this time around they broke ground into a new level of low in the character design department, not exactly a good thing but still impressive if you ask me.


Have they talked about or shown off FL4K? was all just info for amara and zane? Where the fuck is info for fl4k jesus christ


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I wish her was better.

Amara and Zane are the only ones playable for this

From the initial stuff it was mostly Amara and Zane. A trailer at the end shows a bit of the other two though, but not much. Apparently FL4K can stealth.

>What is slag

i like the gun sounds, the ones in BL2 sounded pretty weak, a step down from BL1

there is currently a streamer playing a mission. Dude i kid you not, 10 minutes of the same joke about coffee. what the fuck

Gearbox is part of Operation Paperclip. That is why only dead character is black. Hitler is still alive in Antartica and get easy bucks from Memelands.

>what is a mandatory shitty game mechanic

Why do you think slag is gone? The bonus damage from Slag was cool, but not when it's necessary in every single situation.

i fucking knew it

real talk, who decided that these gameplay events need """""real""""" chatter between the demo players. Fucking NOBODY talks like that. They are LEVEL 10. LEVEL FUCKING TEN. This isn't endgame shit where a single misstep will kill you, there are no large stakes on the line. Nobody in the history of video game culture has sat there with a friend near the start of a game like they were at (level 10) and are CONSTANTLY spouting tactical information like "throwing fire grenade, take care of their shields. I'm going to flank the warper, need cover".

Seriously, this is the cringiest shit every fucking time I see it happen at these event shows. What goes on at boardroom meetings where they decide that this is a good idea. Who did they focus test that positively reacted to that shit. Why does it keep happening.

only ones playable for what

Was the voice acting always this bad? Cause these two sound so flat and overacted
It feels like they're trying to hard capture Jack's charm but failing miserably

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i guess it's because you have to say something, otherwise it's weird, obviously not like this but you get it.

They just called maliwan fascist

wooowooowooow here we go woke boys

someone leaked the game files
people on are working on a crack

Diversity hires who didn't even play videogames before. That's what the world is becoming.

They didn't change his voice, right? It's just a placeholder, right?

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I’m pretty sure the original VA isn’t coming back for 3.

Link the thread faggot. Oh wait, there's no leak.

his original VA accused randy of cheesey pizza or embezzlement ?? so i guess the guy is out and they got a replacement.

will we be playing this week?

The original VA left Gearbox sometime after 2, it is a new voice. He wouldn't return anyway, he hates Randy big shocker.

I liked it, to be honest.

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The female twin villain is surprisingly flirty




LOL!!!!!! now that's B A D A S S!!!!!!!!!!

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>gameplay demo
>constant slow pans, nearly every 10 feet or so
>tilting the analog stick ever so slightly to mimic a walking pace, rather than moving at normal or optimal speed
>constant weapon switching, frivolous use of abilities with cooldowns and grenades

This triggers me WAY more than I feel like it should, but for FUCKS sake, play like a goddamn normal person. I get that this is a large media event for a corporate entity and that everything is obviously done this way to best display the product but it triggers me to know end watching "gameplay" like this, especially for a gameplay reveal, where this is how literally nobody will ever play the game.


>I want to see them rush through the game so I don't get a sense of the mechanics and gameplay


>those spaghetti western ricochet noises with Jakobs guns


>jakobs shotgun that turns into a masher while jumping
what do we think of it Yea Forums?


appealing to the fortnite community

what are you quoting user. There can be a balance between artificially trying make shit cinematic for a fucking loot & shoot game of all thing and speedrunning it, this slowpanning shit is in almost all game presentation now, it's jarring, same thing for the tacticool communication between two players even if they aren't even in a raidboss

>I need my hand held when watching somebody play an FPS because I can't understand basic concepts like sliding or crouching
>lets be sure to include pushing a button to open a door, thats a novel concept too
>cant go TOO fast now, maybe that small child didn't read the HEATANT joke after the 5th time we passed it
>know what? Lets be sure to verbally address the joke, just in case
this is how you sound


Fortine tranny detected

Honestly looked pretty good
The writing, as per usual, looked cringy
The gameplay looked slick

No thank you i don't want to be part of the 40%
Tranny's will hang

You putting words in my mouth doesn't say anything about what I sound like dickcheese. If you think it's fun for them to pick up all items without looking at it fine, but I would like to see how compare scores look, how the HUD looks etc.


play the game with the voices off, that's it.


I like the slow pans
It's classic conference gameplay
It's tradition at this point. You're never going to adequately show off the game in that venue anyways, so might as well take it slow and show off mechanics and visuals

when will we see footage of characters that aren't Zane or Amara

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>incels seethe at a joke weapon

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this dude is borderline mentally ill

>they dropped every legendary to bahroo on stream

it was a literally shittier joke, that and the coffee , it went on for a whole mission.

they're probably the only ones who are done enough

this is more cringe then the fucking joke though

is it doe??

fucking yikes

>crouch slide and ledge pullup
glad to see borderlands entering this century in movement tech

>laser weapons as a class aren't returning
>Maliwan just does lasers because it can

oof yall

delete this

I fucking hate this with my soul, lasers were perfectly fine as a subclass and now they're just in Maliwan weapons, which just further dilutes the weapon pool for them.

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your build is bad enemies literally melt until ultimate and at that point i expect them to be difficult and not die easy

The "magazine" or whoever you wanna call it got "eaten" by the gun... slowly, its magic, it just works

Don't you love when they showcased the trailer and they pulled up people to talk about bl1 remastered it featured 5 woman and 2 browns
But gearbox is mostly white dudes like most things

Can they get more subtle pls
actual footage of the leaker getting the files

Except player movement has changed. There are more movement and traversal options than before. Level design apparently involves more verticality to make use of the ability to climb around. New animations have been added for reloads, every character has unique melee animations, and there are animations for picking up guns. Environmental assets have more interactivity as well. Cover is breakable now, there are more environmental combat options like breaking open ducts containing oil to light on fire, and you can push elemental barrels around with melee. There are still plenty of other things they could've changed, but they literally added to all of the things you mentioned.

Dude not to rag on the NSA or the 3 letters spooks, but in the age of technology , how are these people allowed to go out with anything from that facility without first being literally anally checked at every exit and entry?? Like are they really this dumb??
That part pissed me off, and if it is what happened in real life it's honestly ridiculous that this agency is in charge of national security.

They said on the stream that they were intended to evoke a feeling similar to douchey, unbearable live streamers who still somehow have millions of followers.

For the demo gameplay. The current build that people have access to only has Zane and Amara. That's why only their entire skill trees have been leaked.

while still using said streamers to market their game??
huh , that's some next level marketing

well they are unbearable

goodjob randy

Fair enough, but I still feel like the VAs themselves just suck ass
Hell everyone I've heard bar Zer0 and Rhys sound pretty meh

I don't think it's exclusive to Maliwan, there's Eridian tech attached to guns which makes them fire energy

>your characters sound, look and feel terribly written and acted
>"no no dude that's intended"

i really, REALLY hope Gearbox goes under.

Why wouldn't you spend your action skill whenever you want? It's a free resource that doesn't take that long to come off cooldown anyway. There's no reason to save it up.

Moxi is one hot fe(male)!

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Cringekino is still kino.

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I agree that they sound like shit and have the charisma of a pile of shit, but I also feel the same about your average big streamer. I guess it worked, but it's still going to be annoying to listen to. Purposely annoying is still annoying after all.

yeah she looks like a tranny alright

Cool, the writing is still shit.

Nah, just someone trying to gussy herself up too much. Makes sense since she's a redneck who shat out like 20 kids

I dunno what you expected.

Boredomlands is the capeshit of vidya, no matter how mediocre and bland it is there will always be normalfags ready to throw money at Randy Bobandy

>loot games
>good writing
Will never happen

i mean in a way it does work, but when every single character in your game is an insuferable piece of shit, i don't think your game is well written.

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looked pretty fun. what I took away from this event is the following:

- no microtransactions
- weapon sounds are amazing
- 3D map
- quicktravel right from the map menu
- three action skills instead of only one per character
- zane can even equip two of those at the same time, making him by default the best vault hunter
- rhys' new voice isn't half bad
- Humour is still hit or miss, even tho Burch is gone

- Humour is still hit or miss, even tho Burch is gone
- it seems you can STILL only have one (1) quest active at one point in time, meaning you can and will probably drive past side missions' objectives without realizing, pissing you off in the long run because you constantly have to check your map/quest log so you don't have to backtrack as much and can do a smart route through the current map
- september release instead of tomorrow

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>Same lousy gunplay
>Minor graphical improvements
>Same shitty writing
>ONE BILLION GUNS* (99% of them are vendor trash)
>Boring and uninspired talent trees

Why should I care about this trash again?

well he probably expected it to not be shit since burch is aus

Back to smash threads incel. Totally Yea Forums game!

She's gonna get betrayed by Troy. Already we've seen him being the one who has to remind her what the real goal is when she starts losing herself in dreams of ECHOnet fame.

hilariously enough, it's the only IP that keeps them afloat, if they released Battleborn 2 or Brothers in Arms 4 the game would bomb without a doubt.

She does alright.

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>No Fl4k or Moze gameplay

I'm disappointed as fuck, bros.

I mean i don't remember her face being that square . but ok

Certainly not that, they cranked up clap's annoying behavior to 11 and the new voice makes it seem even worse. If every character is like this then it's safe to say it'll be even more annoying than 2.

>looks normal
Nitpicking incel BTFO

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>no microtransactions
oh honey...


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because , wait for it.


What the hell are you even trying to say faggot

>zane can even equip two of those at the same time, making him by default the best vault hunter
He loses access to a grenade if he does so, and his abilities don't seem that great anyway. He's going to be a great utility character, but I don't think any of his abilities will end up as game breaking. His clone with the teleport is pretty sweet though.

>can't read
I said back to smash threads, cocksucking monkey

Either you never played Borderlands, or you just expected something else.

>tfw we will never get a good support character like Roland from BL1 ever again

I just want to have unlimited ammo again.

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What does "Totally Yea Forums game!" mean? Smells like ESL in here.

Tell me how I'm wrong.

I was looking down Amara's and Zane's trees using the extension and their final skills seemed really underwhelming for final skills. I guess the augments are what's gonna be flashy this time around?

>game being shit forever means we should expect it to keep being shit
not him but jeez, looter shooter players really are worse than gachafags.

>hasn't seen his Hitman tree.
Zane is gonna be crazy.

Rockin' and Roland!

I just started watching, what are the individual character abilities?

biggest fucking con for me is having the calypso twins as some kind of retarded ass social media stars and influencer kind of guys.
this is not funny.
i remember a sidemission chick from the PS4 spiderman chick who also had this as her thing. it was ultra obnoxious. i hate the social media trend. I'm an actual boomer and kids doing their tiktoks, youtube prank shows and instagram shit is pissing me off to no end. I have students aged 14 who literally say and I quote "Instagram is my life, I could buy [Game] or [Clothing] but I spend all my money on stuff for Instagram photos so I can get more followers and get noticed" - in that regard giving me an incentive to kill those fucking zoomer calypsos .. it worked. but I find this whole angle extremely unfunny and it probably won't do much for me

How long until the crack?

You can link your epic account to Twitch. I imagine it works the same way Warframe stream loot works.
Which is barely.

>Minor graphical improvements
This is what happens when you showcase the Xbox version.

I'm not sure, user; healsluts are pretty popular in gaming these days.

this twitch integration is ultra disappointing. it's an actual raffle, good luck getting loot when there's thousands of other people watching. what a fucking joke

do i smell datamining?? do i smell chinese bastards wanting my cash???

I mean, you really expected Randy doing SOMETHING ELSE more intelligent than this?
Besides, I never really consider a game to be shit unless I played it myself. With games like theses, it's either hit or miss. So you just gotta play it and see how you feel about it.

Just looking at the augments, yeah. Their capstones seem more like the kind of skill that flies under the radar until you realize just how much they actually do. Like mentions, Zane's capstone doesn't seem crazy until you realize that he has a lot of useful kill skills and making them stronger and better is going to be great. Combine that with one of the skills in the middle of his tree and he can activate them all on command without even killing anything.

Roland was trash though

You didn't tell me how I'm wrong.

They're villains, you're not supposed to like them.
Plus, remember that moment when Handsome Jack started to behave differently than he usually does? They might do that aswell.

>Zane is Scottish

Wasn't expecting that

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Probably yeah, considering rocket pods was Axton and Roland’s capstone while Zane has that as an augment.

He’s got somewhere near a dozen kill skills right?

>you really expected Randy doing SOMETHING ELSE more intelligent than this?
Touche, i just think that the genre has potential but only hack developers try anything with it.

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Do know very little about Moze and FL4K, but Zane has a drone, digi-clone he can trade places with, and a shield he can drop on the ground or pick up. Amara has a ground pound, phaselock-like ability that grabs an enemy with an arm from the ground, and she can shoot a projection of herself with her fists forward to do damage. Skills have individual augments along the tree to change their functionality.

I'm sad that they didn't show a lot of mech girl gameplay.

Already happened on Elpis, what are you talking about?

>i just think that the genre has potential
>loot shooters

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>They're villains, you're not supposed to like them.
Then why did I like Jack more than any of the "heroes"?

Well, I can't deny the fact that you're not wrong. But the fact that Randy is behind all this just basically announce that this game will be special, per se.

>enemies seem to no longer scream in agony when they're dying from fire / electricity
minor detail that made elementals cooler to use, i hope it's added in later

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>titanfall gameplay if you play as Moze

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On that tree alone he has six. Eleven overall IIRC.

I'm disappointed in Amara's skills. The only worthwhile thing is the phaselock which is a reskin of an ability we already know. The groundpound is useless as fuck. Why pound when you can shoot? Don't get me started on the projection attack, what the fuck? At least the phaselock has utility, these two other skills are just press once, now you dealt damage. Bullets are the best medicine, why waste time in an animation that does the same thing as boolit?

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atleast gore is back

Because deep inside, He was right about everything.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

Because memes.

oh yeah that's pretty cool, I missed that from 1.
Technically BL2 had it too but it was pretty weak and rare, you might sometimes see a limb vanish from an explosion to reveal red jello but that's it

They're definitely not quite as whacky on paper as what I would've expected, but I feel like her augments will make up for it.

streamers were pretty fucking autistic, I hope retards rise up and kill all those soibois

Unless the projection has infinite range AND applies some sort of debuff, it's literally not worth shit. The groundpound is just unsalvegable.

At least the soldier guy this time around has some cool stuff. Teleporting around, throwing reinhardt shields down. Excited for the rest of the cast, but Amara is just... yikes.

based retard

>- no microtransactions

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Didn't expect the gameplay to look this good or the graphics be improved that much but wow they somehow pulled it off.It's seems and looks distinct from BL1,2 and TPS.

i can see them shine through mods. for example imagine the shooting fist chaining, similiar to this skill from diablo 3

Reminder that you can view the entire skill tree for Zane and Amara here

Come on user - shitty (You)bait post. Literally seconds before he said that, he made it very clear he's going to do more cosmetic stuff like he did in Borderlands 2. You know he was talking about premium currency and lootboxes kind of stuff NOT being in their game.

Are you being ironic or shilling for free?

>Liking the shitty phaselock skill
Yikes, Maya was pure trash to play in BL2, I'm glad this one has at least two more action skills to choose from.

Just stating what I feel about what I see, didn't say I like everything but most of what I see is what I like so I guess free shilling

Maya was one of the best characters to play once you got Cloud Kill. Phaselock was great for pulling enemies up out of cover and activating the plethora of debuffs attached to it.

thanks for the virus

And it made it fucking hell to complete missions where you had to kill enemies in specific ways or with specific weapons, because the debuffs would kick in and make the kill not count.

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>We're not having these kinds of microtransactions, just this other kind of microtransactions, so we don't have microtransactions!

I'm happy with the tweaks to the gun mechanics, alt fire, more corps for more gun variety, looks good. The biggest thing I'm hoping for is more customization of your character/abilities based on your skill tree. They only touched on that a little bit with BL2. Like having axtons turret visually change based on its upgrades by getting a laser sight, second barrel, hover base, etc. Also with gaiges mech COMPLETELY changing its visual look based on your skill tree. That was really cool, really hoping to see a lot more of that.

Maya was awesome, and chain reaction was a beautiful skill.
Who were the streamers?

>Looter shooters

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Why you guys would fuck him on this is beyond me... thanks a lot.

I was concerned theyd kill the borderlands vibe but then i saw the gameplay reveal and it looks comfy. Only cosmetic microtransactions? Sounds awesome

Also slag being gone is great because it killed Borderlands 2 for me at the end.

you're all gay

Some dude was making infinite guns drops and showed off tons of legendaries.
One torgue rocket launcher shoots saw blades that cut along the floor to the enemy.
There is a hyperion smg you can throw like a tedior gun.
There is a jakobs full auto assault rifle that you hand crank to shoot, its so fucking rad. Im so excited for this game.

>hear Scottish accent in some of the Twitch streamer videos

Pretty sure he is Scottish. He's right.

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Good thing we kept cryo and lasers are here to stay. Cryo realisticly is a better slag anyways.

Does this look like the face of a spazz? Because that's what she sounds like.
Talk about voices not fitting a character's appearance. At least they're not super edgy.

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Yeah on the streams he absolutely has a scottish accent. Was expecting australian or some eloquent british voice.
Nah its just scottish

Yeah, she's a spaz. That's why she's not going to be the final boss.

Jack? Is that you?!

The twitch player was ki11ersix
Check his profile, im sure there are tons of clips from that stream

>Does this look like the face of a spazz?
Yes, look at that dumb fucking tiny face.

>anime reaction pics
opinion discarded

He's Irish.

any good VoDs?

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>Zane Flynt
>Already had three Bandit bosses named Flynt
Any relation? Because if so, I hope he changed his name instead of being named after a title like Captain or Baron was.


Don't really feeling it at the moment.
All I want is a junkyard space western.
Nothing will ever beat the feel of this music

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>implying there is a difference
You make me lole

Not same but I don't really care about the story, but I don't want the locations and planets and skill trees spoiled to me before i can play it myself.

>it's the same game except this time the UI has rounded corners

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>tricked ya kiddos
>when you assclowns killed me in the Warrior's vault I just got rebuilt by my New-U! I own the company that makes them you Jackasses!
>anyway, I headed straight for Sanctuary while you idiots were picking guns up off the floor and stuffed this clown bitch with one of my jack endo-skeletons
>course I would have preferred stuffing her with something else like the good old days but you know what they say about traitors.
>good for only one thing, or two in this case.
>dying AND becoming my death bot!
make it happen

>while you idiots were picking guns up off the floor

I'm just tuning in now. From what we've seen, did they get rid of the brand-locked gun gimmicks?
I want vladofs with gyrogets and I want dahls without burst fire etc

No. If anything, they doubled down on gimmicks with the new alt-fire modes.

>did they get rid of the brand-locked gun gimmicks?
No, they doubled down.
Now manufacturers have two gimmicks and you can select which one sucks less.

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Well that's depressing. What have they shown so far? Did they at least get rid of grenade reloads?

Why is the enemy AI just as brain dead as ever? Seems too boring and easy.

>The new villain
Damn they figured out making actually attractive characters was the key to success

>Same lousy gunplay
>Same shitty writing
opinions cant be wrong
>ONE BILLION GUNS* (99% of them are vendor trash)
the only time having high tier weapons matter are when you want to fight raid bosses(which makes sense, they are fucking endgame bosses)
even in uvhm unless your build is certified shit its not hard to kill shit with just blue weapons
>Boring and uninspired talent trees
i kinda agree with this. compared to the pre sequel amara and zanes skills arent anywhere near as interesting. still no idea how i can prove "x is boring" wrong unless i personally know the person saying it though
>Minor graphical improvements
this is easy
just look at the fucking game

The guns really lack a kick to them i am disappointed feel very unsatisfying to fire damn it.

>Minor graphical improvements
looks the same shit as the previous 2 games with worse art style since every female needs to look like an tranny

Americans are fat.

>guy starts screaming for no reason
>close stream
I'll just look for info dumps later I guess

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No. Now grenade reloads do even more ridiculous stuff like growing legs to run towards an enemy.

It looks fun.

You're supposed to throw them dummy

Well we dont know what other changes they could made for bl3 but i hoped they pick up stuff from games like path of exile or diablo . Mainly going through dungeons to get unique loot/ sets . Make the end game a little bit better. But i think that would be a bit too much and may stray away from the original idea of borderlands

Can the mech pilot wall run and use a grappling hook?

I think gearbox could be sued at that point.

Scotty mad

Borderlands games are so shit.
90% of dead time, and never enough enemies.
You just walk around, mindlessly look at the mini-map for quest marks, kill 5 or 6 enemies of which 4 of the kills are stolen by your friend(s), and then watch an in-game cutscene for 20 seconds while a character talks.

The game should be 90% combat and 10% wasted time, not the other way around. I have no idea how I liked the first game so much when it came out. But I played the rest a year ago and was fucking bored to death.

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it's good. Brand identity is stronger. S&S and Eridian were confirmed brands in a datamine btw but they aren't present in this.

Attached: BL3 brands.jpg (1587x2052, 2.07M)

During the live gameplay of bl3. Ki11er Six was able to show off near 30 legendaries in his play through

Does someone on the team have a midriff fetish? Why do so many of the NPC girls show off their tummies?

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Grappling hooks are in lots of games. Wall running was in cod bo3. They could get away with it.

>and don't you worry one little bit, I've got plenty of these endo-skeletons for you and your friends back at that bandit camp you call a base.
>and I'll enjoy stuffing every single one of you scumbags with metal that's worth more than you.
>oh! I didn't notice you in the back over there!
>new vault hunters huh?

thanks for the big pp making image

It's not what happened in real life. However, they won't say how he did it.

>that opinion
>that pic
>that structure
here's your (you)

>Sirens melee tree has the melee gap closer as it’s capstone
They’ve learned absolutely nothing. You basically can’t play it as a melee build until level 30

It's the same shit as Athena.

>Randy has a tummy fetish

Attached: Pitchfork.jpg (177x265, 8K)

Do all Jakobs ricochet and do all tediore literally grow legs and persue enemies(eventhough they would be without ammo after i throw them).
These sound like horible base traits

Is there any good gameplay revolving around the Infinity?

I'm not feeling it I dunno.They have spoiled the story and it's just... underwhelming.
The game seems to be bigger in scale but lacks any kind of epicness, I just have a feeling that it's going to be a big but rather mediocre game.meh

The bad:
Even more guns with shitty gimmicks.Overall bad gun designs.
Returning characters look weird, someone clearly messed up their the modeling.
New vault hunters are nothing special.One of them is Poo in loo with horrible accent.Thanks gearbox.
Claptrap's voice.No Troy Backer.
The twins are kinda lame and I highly doubt they can live up to the greatness of Handsome Jack.
>tfw it was Anthony Burch who single-handedly carried bl2 with his writing.

Also something is wrong with the gunplay. There's this weird recoil,bullet impact, hitmarkers,it's almost CoD like.Something definitely feels off.

We know that Tediore have different reload effects. On the stream, one Tediore exploded into MIRV rockets and another turned into a bouncy grenade.


Haven't seen people consistently critting with Jakobs but you get a neat spaghetti western ricochet noise when you do. Tediore diversifies its disposable guns in several ways. Ones I've seen:
>Gun that runs at enemies, shooting its remaining magazine and blowing up
>Gun that explodes into homing rockets
>Gun that bounces around yelling Ouch until it explodes (presumably on impact)
>Gun that functions as a turret until it runs out of ammo

S&S guns gonna be the best non-element non-gimmick guns.

>looter shooters
opinion discarded

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They'll have at least one gimmick with the alt fire stuff

>Implying CoD has bad gunplay
>Giving a shit what claptrap sounds like
>Listing 'epicness' as a need when the game's story and writing already seems leagues ahead of two
Fuck off Anthony, no-one misses your writing

Looks like more of the same, that's fine but I'm not interested.

Borderlands becomes very boring and repetitive, I say that having just put almost 100 hours into the enhanced remaster of borderlands 1 and 200 hours into borderlands 2 last year.

The issue is all of the white and green and blue guns eventually become useless, to the point you never even pick them up. The loot system in general only works for the first 10-15 levels, and then after that you eventually either find an orange weapon which will last you 10 or so levels, if not more and be your main weapon of choice, or find a purple that will last you 5-10 levels and do the same, rinse repeat. The only purpose to ever pick up green weapons is to just inventory them and sell them at a machine.

In addition, you never really have to switch weapons except on true valt hunter mode where every single enemy is a bullet sponge and requires you deplete their shields with a shock weapon, then corrosion for armor and incendiary for flesh, rinse and repeat over and over again. Oh, and also in borderlands 2 literally every single enemy has to be slagged on TVH mode to be killed because they are such massive bullet sponges. It becomes so fucking repetitive and boring. Sniper rifles are mostly useless in both games too, especially on TVH mode where SMGs are the best weapon by far.

>Looks like more of the same
Except it doesn't. Watch the videos.

It's the same exact fucking game AGAIN, the graphics aren't even better and the gunplay looks absolute fucking ass!


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It's not supposed to be epic. It's not skyrim. BL1 was just you, on a shitty planet, fighting bandits and corporations. The whole "save the planet/universe" shit was Burch.

And she felt like shit to play until you got her capstone.

I bet they will have an alt fire that shoots all bullets left in the mag at once for a really strong shot. Like the one shot wonder action skill claptrap had in tps

So many strong female characters.
Epic and dare I say, BAD ASS??

so many strong female midriffs for me to lick

This take on "brand identity" is bad because it limits combinations and shrinks the weapon pool. Brands should have their own style and sound effects and should have favored mechanics that they're far more likely to spawn with, but every combination should also exist.

"Every gun from X brand always has this mechanic and no other brands are allowed to ever have it" is a really fucking awful way to create "brand identity."

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You missed the point of borderlands.

>epic store exclusive
This is how I can promise you that I will never own or play this game.

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You're fucking retarded. Guns look better than ever now.

Go back to CoD or Destiny garbage you fucking mongoloid.

There straight up is a hyperion gun someone got that you can throw like a tedior gun

>ad hominem
>no argument
Thanks for admitting I'm right!

>Retard duck poster too stupid to pirate
Surprising no one

if you want gimmicks on other guns, that's the whole point of unique weapons. There'd a hyperion gun that works like a tediore when reloaded. There's a Torgue that shoots lasers and energy projectiles like Maliwan.

They had this huge set up with the vaults at the end of bl2 so it seemed that finally leaving Pandora would be a big deal but what gearbox showed just doesn't feel like anything special,that's what I mean.

Handsome Jacks was pretty fucking amusing and one of the best parts of bl2 so I don't mind Burch.

Give me one good reason to waste hard drive space and bandwidth on that when I could use both to download high quality Japanese fetish porn.

Attached: epic.gif (300x203, 507K)

The Infinite will return in bl3

>japan censor porn considered high quality
Disgusting tasteless mouthbreather

Well people told me there wasn't anything like that earlier

Alright I didn't watch the stream, what character looks the most fun? I wanted to play buff Indian girl when I watched the trailer

The two they showed was ok but low level. They havent shown the interesting ones yet.

Most of Jack was the VA improving.

City looks really boring and lifeless. I can see why they never did that before.

No steam no buy no watch no care.

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They did. City of opportunity in BL2.

I think it looks fun and the siren villain a cute. Will be buying day 1 on the Epic store. I really doubt I could wait 6 months

That was an unfinished small area so it made sense to not have much going on.

Writing is as usual, art direction is through the roof and probably one of the best in recent PC games. Gameplay looks terrific, with both fun and actually good idea (like full ammo refill, barrel lauch, lost and found...).
Yea Forums's gonna hate it

based head canon

There seems to be tons of quality of life improvements. Was it confirmed they were playing on PC? If so that's pretty based. Pretty sure Randy is a pcfag

Gearbox always shows maxxed out pc footage for their games.
They were running on amd parts though.

I didnt see any physx stuff, hope thats still a graphics option

They outright said they're partnering with AMD.

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I just got here what did I miss? Is it good?

If that means no physx then im a depressed boy

I like my eye candy

Kinda a bummer because I really enjoyed the physx effects. It's still the only good implementation of it, but it was incredibly unstable on newer cards, and it's been all but abandoned

>tfw they brought back the shotgun looks from BL1 instead of the hulking pieces of shit we got in BL2
Thank god. Now all I want is for sub-legendary weapons to actually be viable in the game and I'll be satisfied enough to buy it.

is that a cyber demon ripoff

Just like BL1, that's what you guys wanted, right? More like BL1?

the gunplay looks like a huge step up from BL2 and pre-sequel, iono i'm pretty hyped for it

I'll also take sliding in any fucking game, it always makes shit more fun

Physx on tps was up to date and i could run extremely well. Very upset.

Its a minor complaint, but do the reload animations for literally every gun look stiff as fuck?

>make a thread about Borderlands
>people who fervently hate Borderlands for some reason have to come in and shit everywhere
Like... why? Why Borderlands to have such a huge fit over? It's not even that popular and has a very niche scope of influence.

>Thought Zane would be the sniper guy
>It's most likely hoborobo instead
I can live with this.

Its incels that are consumed by twitter politics, hurr randy this randy that.
I didnt even know who the fuck that was until Yea Forumsirgins shitted about it two months ago.
How can they be so consumed by something so worthless like this?

>they're exploring Sanctuary III
>enter the medical place aboard
>expect to see the man, the myth, the legend Dr. Zed
>instead we walk in on Tannis trying too hard to satisfy her vore fetish

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i wanna see fl4k

The Gigamind seems to have a couple of cool boss mechanics, here's to hoping that the endgame raid boss is actually interesting and not just a cheesy snoozefest

Two of the skill trees have already been shown though user. Amara gets Bloodsplosion and isn't entirely melee based.

S&S is elemental too

>no rush down punches
>no beserker punch mode
I'm hoping her augments can make Amara more melee oriented because so far I'm not really seeing it.

i don't see the problem

He likely moved back to Fyrestone once the Hyperion mess blew over. No doubt you'll meet him again there as the mandatory BL1 throwback moment.

>3 different action skills
About fucking time.

>can only equip one at a time)
Ehhhhhhh. I guess it's still a step forward. I'm happy.

Does anyone besides the obvious shills even care about the borderlands series after the mess that was the pre sequel? Only the first two games will ever be good.

the pros doesnt sound that great, they dont change anything meaningful or improve anythin from the game.

>- three action skills instead of only one per character
>can only equip one
make it available at all times, fucking all shooters with skills have more than 2 actives now days. no one wants to fucking go into menu to equip

>first game

BL2 > Tales > TPS > BL1

BL3 looks already better than all of them though.

What's wrong with the first game?

Will seed the crack for years

its boring

1000 shitty green guns is no better than 50

Plus you had some really bad attributes like thumpers and wave pellets

The best thing in BL1 was how finding a decent legendary could carry you 10 levels vs BL2's 2 levels before your were outclassed.

Say what you want about Gearbox BL3 will be fun. The guns seem to be a huge step up from previous games. Action looks better, basically the gameplay will be fun. Sure the story will be stupid as always but I don't care if I can have some fun with friends.

Randy is still a cuck and was the most obnoxious part of the reveal. But his team has some talent and the game looks fun.

idiot here will we be able to play with others with a pirated version?

>police robots in the city and in Zero cinematic have exactly the same design like Gaige's Deathtrap.

Attached: 1556543650235.jpg (315x300, 12K)

Different team made TPS you actual fucking retard so that's entirely irrelevant

Some people liked the aspect of wandering a desert alone in BL1, some didn't. It's really a preference between atmospheres. BL1 had a lot of that wandering-across-the-desert feel, BL2 had a lot more action to fill the emptiness.

If I had to guess, we're on Gaige's home planet. Marcy (schoolmate) stole her design and was going to sell it to the cops.

Bad boss fights and terrible enemy variety
Same tired, bland environments over and over.
Shit MMO quests (collect X, kill Y...).
Bad skill tres with boring active skills
Minimal, unengaging plot.
Simplistic, non memorable characters (until BL2 fleshed them out) aside from a couple of stand outs.

Loot drop rate and scaling is better, but that's it.

>How many troops did you bring?
>Do you count each of my biceps individually?
I'm sold.

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TPS was outsourced though

Yeah, for sure. The actual gameplay in 2 and TPS is vastly improved, as is the questing and environments.

I dunno, I guess I really, really hated the writing in 2 and TPS, and I don't like any of the playable characters in 2.

Well, her father did after Marcie got Deathtrap'd.

I've only played a bit of 2 like 5 years ago, and the only thing I remember is the annoying forced radio chatter being nothing but endless meme shit. Is there any way to disable that? Also is 2 worth playing?

By radio chatter, do you mean the player characters shouting shit like "AMMO" or "It's like christmas!"?

If so, yeah, you can disable that under "Player Callouts" in the options.

Same, don't crucify us.

>Is there any way to disable that

>insert your tip
If that was a woman, i would

I mean the other characters like the villain calling you all the time, to the point where they speak over one another. I remember at one moment the villain calls you and he's chewing loudly on a fucking sandwich or something and all he says is "Hey champ you dead yet? I bought a pony k bye bye". It was just tiresome

>have only 4 black guys
>groups 3/4 of them right in the middle right next to himself

C'mon Randy.

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But, this always have been a thing since bl2, there are cosmetics for like half of a dollar in the steam store, so... no big deal, I never feel the need to buy them, and still don't care,

Yeah, can't turn that stuff off.

"Hey champ. How ya doing? Yeah, I'm just- god, these pretzels suck, blegh- did I tell you I bought a diamond pony? I was gonna name it after you, but 'stupid jackass' doesn't have a good ring to it. Maybe Butt Stallion? I dunno... Kay, bye." Something to that effect, yeah? Short of just turning off the voice audio, you're stuck with the memery.

Though, if you like loot games, and like shooting games, it's worth a go if you can get it cheap.

>dude epic diamond BUTT STALLION LMAO
Because you're a fucking idiot.

Why would he go back to Fyrestone, there’s literally nobody else living there, not even Bandits

Zed never intended to leave in the first place. Hyperion tried to give him a fair chance to leave, but he kept refusing until they sent the robots to evict him by force.

>tediore is good now

i fucking agree. i played several hundred of hours both bl1 and 2 but nowadays i can't stand those games. they have really bad design gameplay wise. as you said; there's so much empty stuff in there.
i guess when they came out i played it with my bro and i were bit younger so obviously it were much fun but now bit wiser about games nah.
i'd even grind bosses for some stupid loot.
also those missions were just those MMO tier fetch missions and couple dumb escort ones. also the core gameplay is kind of weak. add the empty killrooms to that and... pretty bad yeah.

my hype for bl3 is completely dead now. thanks.

man they made moxxi's tits look great, surprised the cuck randy didn't cover her up

>Watch the videos
literally more of the same

her face shoulder ratio is fucked up


i dont look at her face, she was never really a looker in any of the games anyway
her tits were the appeal

eat shit chink bug

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>That fucking "livestream" on stage
When the fuck will companies learn people don't give play by play when playing with each other? Gearbox could've at-least made it so it was parody of other co-op demos.

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when will we see dr ted

Meh, I was actually really excited for it, having played 2 with my brother for all our teens years. But after the reveal it felt... kinda disappointing. We'll wait after release but I'm not sure it's going to be as good as they hype it up to be.

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Writing looks shit. I thought they would have learned from Tales. 2 actually had a decent story after the Buttstallion and Tiny Tiny crap.

You're lucky they're even giving Tales the slightest bit of acknowledgement. About the only things that are going to be canon from that is Scooter dying and Rhys running Atlas.

Can you please unironically kill yourself. I really despise (((people))) like you.

Attached: Not friends.jpg (756x976, 127K)

I'd say it's too early to give judgement from what little we've seen but it's clear the Twins won't have the charisma jack had which is a shame because his delivery made the character work the most.

It reminded me of the feel I had when I played Crisis 2. It feels off.

Where did we hear Rhys's voice? Pls help

Thanks user!
If nobody told me he changed voices, I would never have realized

Zane is an annoying faggot with an irish accent.
Really hoping for a whole cowboy thing with him.
But you know, that makes too much damned sense and would have been entertaining.

She sounds and acts completely different than I expected

i actually liked it

please don't hurt me

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Fill me in on what happened between David Eddings (old Claptrap) and Randy that reportedly got him fired. Is there a specific source for it?

Yeah I expected something more sinister and intimidating out of the twins.

Good for you.

Troy is clearly being set up as the sinister one.

yeah it seemed to me like they were gonna be fucked up cult leader type people

i hope this is true

their looks and voices don't really match
she sounds too normal, but maybe that's the point

>loud cheering whenever an old character shows up
>half hearted cheers and clapping when Ellie appears
>a few scattered chuckles when Tannis appears

Attached: 1513494697543.jpg (1280x1395, 658K)

Didn't feel like it. We'll see.

>literal npc's vs beloved playable characters people remember fondly

Mostly silent, except when he has to speak up to remind Tyreen not to obsess over ECHOnet followers (brainwashed or otherwise) and to focus on the real goal. He's clearly the brains behind her, and no doubt is going to betray her when he feels she's no longer useful.

Fl4k deserved gameplay over Amara.
Zane seemed really fun though.

The fact they have 3 action skills puts them leaps and shoulders beyond the other vault hunters. Makes them look boring in comparison to the new ones.

They're clearly being set up to have one of them die and the other will go full Jack for the rest of the story.

Moze when

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Supposedly the AI of Fl4k's pets was so bad it caused delays trying to fix it, so we might not see him for a while

What's wrong with her face

Literally who?

Scooter's fat-ass sister.

His pets were definitely the basis for having the guns with legs weapon. They probably reused his work on things like that and Zayns drone, since Zayn can also mark people for his drone.


So next month.

Tyreen is a full on echowhore who probably has an ego that's bigger then Hyperion's moon base and will be the "They made me look like a fool I'll destroy them" type.
Brother is the driven lunatic who takes things in stride but will lose his shit and go rip and tear when everyth8ing doesn't go according to plan.

Who's hyped for this feature?

Attached: 2019.png (518x436, 196K)

He's spiralling

Attached: DmEyB[1].png (600x302, 34K)

Just ditch the stupid pets bullshit and just give him robot sidekicks or have him upgrade himself into bioorganic monster a murder bot or something else.

some of the dlc should be out by the time the game comes to steam so I hope they give us a deal on those.

I don't like that they made the guy Oirish but other than that looks pretty good

>yfw randy starts gamergate-2

Attached: 1541301126430.jpg (1369x1183, 338K)

>being poor and having to pirate

Attached: uploads1554838098242-clownpepe.jpg (636x333, 37K)

Zane seems like some unstoppable juggernaut of passives. Not sure how they can make the last two appealing compared to him.

She's the massively obese mechanic from two that's Scooter's surviving sister, she did exactly one thing in 2's plot by building you a vehicle you have to use exactly once.

Gotta love having to wait a whole year to play this shit on steam so I can relive some of my highschool days

Fuckin' epic dude

Vidya Jihad

Attached: when starts the magic show with card tricks.png (200x200, 40K)


Can someone explain the appeal of this game? Its 2019 and the game looks worse than fucking sponge bob and todays its 20th anniversary. I dont understand why people enjoy stylized games.

I swear I could shit on a plate and you borderlands faggots would eat it up without a second sniff.

Attached: peepeepoopoo.png (1179x1062, 147K)

>yfw trump tweets about it

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It's like Diablo, but a first person shooter.

And with le epix may mays.

It's aight man, when we finally get the game it'll be a GOTY edition with all DLC included.

>*Note: 99% of those are vendor trash

Reminder that Moxxi is in her 70s by the time BL3 comes out, and that she's fucked most of the population of Pandora.

And that she's a speed runner now


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Too bad she's still the only attractive female that isn't Maya. Here's hoping for a cute female Psycho NPC

I would unironically fuck most BL girls, especially Tannis

I would rail the shit out of Tannis.


But user, you can't fuck my wife!

I can't even begin to imagine how one would attempt to marry Tannis

Last I checked, she was going steady with her favorite chair.

God fucking bless them if they do

Attached: 1555441708370.jpg (680x1123, 488K)

Why the fuck do you think that would stop me.

Lol this game looks like total shit just because it's some dumb cunt playing and talking.

>face-sitting on the chair while Tannis rides your dick.
Interesting threesome scenarios at least. Is her chair a foldable one?

Don't forget she built that robot of herself. Sounds like a foursome.

>ceiling chair is watching you masturbate

Thats still more guns than any other game

Zane sounds too cocky for my liking in his dialog for this part, i guess i would play either her or the robot dude as first characters and then mute the dialog when playing the other characters

Zane is a snobbish rich hyperion boi, also related to the Flynts which are also assholes.

Yes. And the shooting animations. They have little to no kick. Something about this game screams smaller budget than Borderlands 2. Their excessive reliance on social media/streamer advertising and flacid presentation, (with little camera movement, which was a prominent style in borderlands 2&TPS), stiff gunplay, and underwhelming animations and voice acting. It seems like a game with more locations, vehicles, small features, and weapons than Borderlands 2, but somehow seems like a much smaller scale than the previous game
Borderlands 3 is going to suffer from Battleborn's terrible launch.

i guess i would have to hear more of his dialog to properly judge him but so far "IM A FOCKING ONE MAN ARMY MATE" and shit like that i don't like, hopefully he gets more humble later on, all vault hunters may be kinda assholish but so far none of them has had this kinda attitute

I would assume he changed his name, since the Flynts' mother is a douchebag who likes medicinal titles.

The BL1 crew were hyper cocky, especially Roland.

"Elite, my ass!"
"Another one bites the dust."
"Oh, yeah. That was all me."
"Another notch on my weapon!"
"Uppin' the kill count!"
"Are we keeping score here?"

Also had the best loot quotes

Hell yeah.

indeed, i know what im gonna be doing with my first sniper rifle

Attached: 1552761079617.jpg (468x676, 39K)

I enjoyed it but I just wish more Moze was shown.


Amaras siren powers seem underwhelming

>so you want me to share huh?

plays like a fuckin mobile p2w game

Attached: myface.png (256x221, 115K)

Playable Sirens have always sucked. In lore they're supposed to be insane, and Lillith in Borderlands 2 is mega overpowered.

At least Amara gets multiple different action skills.


Because they didn't make her a melee gimick character and instead made he have Maya's power as a tree and a boring ground pound. Other user is also correct as sirens have never been that interesting gameplay wise.

>using 3 skill talent trees

goddamn wrpgs are for retarded mongels

Attached: trashtiers.png (1181x668, 1.67M)

I say that BL3 should not have bothered with a Siren and instead made a variant of the Mechromancer as the "mage" class. Borderlands tech is practically magic anyway with all it's capable of.

fuck is a mongel

>there are people who do not want2sexdisgirl
the thought of this makes me sad for humanity

>Playable Sirens have always sucked

Lilith melting everything around her was fun as hell in BL1 though.

She would have been awesome if her Siren powers were basically Star Platinum's oraoraoraoraora shit. But noooooooooooo.

I think the problem is that Sirens are underused despite being central to the plot of 2 they're mostly just there. It also doesn't help their signature abilities aren't that impressive compared to Gaige's mechromancer and Zero's perfect invisibility

That's in one of her trees for sure. I think the mystical assault tree. It's an augment to make area of effect punches.

>Tfw when Zane is more of a stand user with his teleport ability and sntnl being a sheer heart attck than the girl with 8 arms for punching

Yeah, it feels like Sirens, if I'm honest, shouldn't be playable. Either that, or they should be a prestige class kinda thing that makes you ludicrously overpowered.

This is considering BL2 specifically though, and the crazy Shit Lilith pulled off with raw Eridium.

What I mean is more like Brick's Action Skill, but with really fast, repetitive melee strikes, ya know?

Lilith was garbage though. Like the speedrunning and healing shit was busted, but she was terrible to play as.

Mordecai and Brick are the only fun characters in that game

Should I get the handsome collection on PS4?

I have no friends it'd just be me and any swinging dicks if there is match making.

did anyone watch Bahroo? how did he like the game? only real opinion I care about

If you care about value for your buck, you get 2 games and all their expansions with proper 1080p60fps
and it usually goes on sale for dirt cheap anyways
only downside is dealing with some strong cringe dialogue

Attached: 1513113919703.jpg (854x640, 100K)

How do the games play when solo?

he liked it
broke it on his first run

>no copy of your main weapon in every arm augmentation skill
It would be retardedly strong but come on

Should be manageable for the most part unless you want to take the game "seriously"
2 is alright until you get to the 3rd playthrough for a character, since it's when the scaling gets real bonkers
TPS is more manageable since the numbers are about 1/10 of whatever BL2 throws at you, but the low points of that game are stronger than the low points of 2

I guess it just depends on how much you like the diablo style grinding.

It's fine in solo, I suppose. I play the games exclusively solo (because I'm a fucking autist), and they certainly drag at times.

I've been trying to get into Borderlands 2, after finishing the first game recently, and I just kinda can't. It feels like leveling takes so long in comparison. Any tips?

you've got problems, user

i hope that the animations are just not finished yet but they probably are because the game comes out in september
that was the first thing i noticed too, they do not look good

>open a chest
>get 2 white shotguns

i only see QoL changes and the gameplay being just as archaic

Play Gaige
Cheat using gibbed

>its shit
what a fucking waste of "reveal"