

Attached: 2fort.jpg (300x168, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bring back pic related you fucking bastards

Attached: 250px-UllapoolCaber.png (250x232, 42K)

I don't know why people consider this the worst map when turbine exist

Least it was before furries fucked it all up...


Attached: GIT ON THE GROUND.png (428x785, 511K)

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>He doesn't spend his time on 24/7 32 Player 2Fort servers.

Literally makes it the best map. Funny enough, it might actually be the worst map in a regular rotation, but who gives a shit about that lmao

>posting nufort

get this trash off my screen

Attached: b.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

>furry with pink [Queen] skial title, gigantic unicode character steam name, and 40 different lenny binds tries to point the finger at someone else for attention grabbing

>finally see it in game
>pyro (of course)
>pink unusual baloonicorn beanie hat
>several other pink hats you had no idea existed
>strange collectors degreaser that references yiff porn it watches

Attached: Blank+_f4b380d2b4fb0352f4badc2ac644c0de.jpg (520x678, 69K)

Setting up an Engie nest in the Intel room is max comfy

rate my gibuscutie, i have more

Attached: 3-1.gif (264x425, 32K)

calm down grandpa

They're free kills, just taunt after every kill and they'll leave after enough 'fursection'

Conversely, setting up a base in the enemy intel is also based

this is a hat valve consciously added into tf2 knowing what it meant

Attached: Head_Prize.png (737x747, 384K)

I honeslty was considering getting one of those after I saw youtu.be/FXl5rTKsm8s

Heavy maimed a furry and wears its head as a trophy. What's not to like?

write your own headcannon, doesnt change what [[[THEY]]] use it for, although its pretty funny to tell them its an animal abuse hat
its a tranny hat more than it is a furry hat really, although if i had cash to burn id probably make a tranny pyro/furry pyro loadout and name my weapons very very bad things

Attached: fatpepe.jpg (225x225, 9K)

don't worry, i know
i love nothing more than one-pipe obliterating all the furry pyros that tinkle each other in the sewers playing happy friendly time, then watching them scatter like cockroaches as they miserably fail to counter. i swear the fucktards must spend 100% of their time on deathrun servers

lmao im a retard and clicked my own post, heres the (you) i owed ya


>going Big Earner Spy to on 2Fort to relax
>round the corner on the balcony
>fucking Caber-wielding Demo waiting for me
>shoot him, then he one-shots me and ends with like 20 health
It was hilarious.

If TF2 was your home, where would you put your computer and your bed? Where would you cook food? And where would you shit?


What do they eat?

Computer in Intel room. Bed on benches in spawn room. Pyro to cook. Shit in the moat.


Attached: 350px-Demoman_taunt_laugh.png (350x352, 125K)


Attached: 447866230_preview_gibusheavy.jpg (1024x640, 46K)

Why was Pyro co-opted by furfags? Things used to be quite different.

Attached: better times.jpg (600x413, 67K)

>that one autist that doesnt stop running intel on 24/7 server then says shit like "WTF MOVE UP YOU RETARDS" in his team chat

some guy made a theory in the last thread, hes fairly androgenous and ambiguous since he doesnt have a normal voice and is completely encased in a PVC fetish gimp suit.
that AND hes easy mode for tf2 so you can play him with one hand while browsing furaffinity

Attached: FB_IMG_1517855770495.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Furries always like faceless characters. Even halo has a larger then normal furry following.

Attached: do_not_steal.png (916x630, 276K)

hardly a theory, that is literally exactly why

aye, explains all the fetish fempyro sfm porn out there, my fave is the hyper expansion pyro tits.
if you want a good time, youtube search bon oakley tf2, it literally links to its deviant art and tumblr which contains pyro fetish porn AND its self insert OC getting tied up and BDSMd

Attached: 1556698917283.jpg (480x480, 19K)

damn i might download tf2 again and play couple match with the keeds

>jump my way up in some hard to reach spot on spawn on certain maps with a class that doesn't fly all over the place
>someone notices me and starts looking around trying to figure out how I got there

Attached: heavybird.jpg (1920x1080, 112K)

>tfw sentry down

Attached: sentrydown.png (795x770, 582K)

I have a lot of fun grenading 8 year olds.

The rocks to in Frontier to the right of the track before reaching the 1st capture point is a great example of this. It's a nice place to snipe from too.
I usually watch people struggle with it and schadenfreude while waiting for the round to begin.

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>you know the game with the patriots

Attached: 1522455930640.jpg (298x338, 33K)

you are like baby, gimme a few minutes to show you the mother of all frontier spots

Hey Yea Forums

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Attached: ugleh-danc-3.gif (156x200, 393K)

The game feels nothing like it used to.
Even the players and community don't feel the same anymore.

Attached: 1551442637617.jpg (852x903, 225K)

Attached: 20190501195655_1.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

and either black circle left or right is all they can see of you, you can get up there by parkouring up the wooden planks, involves a few strafe jumps

Attached: Capture42.png (1091x623, 979K)

Huh. never seen anybody go there without a mobile class. Respect. Is it useful in any manner though?

Attached: 1546401840435.png (350x418, 132K)

its funny as fuck to snipe the alt exit from there, thats where the snipers usually go, unexpected as fuck, would you like to see an even better one on cp mossrock?

holy shit based


Nah I'm good. Gonna head to bed but you got my noggin joggin. Cheers lad.

I thought you were going to get here, so I got here and it turns out it's a useless spot.

Attached: 20190501220537_1.jpg (1920x1080, 315K)

theres also
>trapping Blus spawn in 2fort from inside your own spawn
>sniping hightower spawn through a tiny ass crack in some wood
>trapping the dropdown grate in 2fort becuase explosive damage goes through it
The list goes on, im a scholar of filth you see

yea nah, if that pipe was a little lower that would be a god tier spot, gotta settle for one in my pic tho

This hat is fucking hilarious, why don't more pyros wear it?

Attached: Handyman's_Handle.png (490x586, 269K)

I literally can't even play TF2 anymore. It's the only game that's fucking laggy as shit.

do you know about configs friend? search "mastercom tf2 config" and take a look, very simple to add to your game and it removes almost all lag, you can get it to run on decade old laptops with that shit

Literally the best and worst map at the same time

There's a 2 foot cock behind the (You), right?

no, get out of here you homo

Attached: 1111.png (402x340, 211K)

the real question is what species?

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How nasty, give me more.

Attached: bored shaking of slime bag.gif (810x756, 3.62M)

nice story buddy but I'm a tradermain and strange collector's degreasers do not exist.

Do you mean this or the roof?

Attached: 20190501221810_1.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Go back to /hmofa/ nerd

>Computer beeps and distant gunfire

Attached: 1555166344314.png (1366x768, 509K)


nah, gimme a minute and ill show u, but please, sit down

Inter-species romance is the purest expression of love.

Attached: 8f31c8da7f374249ef05b46cc0803c73.jpg (709x954, 289K)

this angle lets you see the main place they can push from

Attached: 20190501202920_1.jpg (1920x1080, 143K)

>tfw you play on Xbox so you can still get in their spawn and back stab them

Attached: Untitled.png (186x397, 83K)

and they have to land THIS shot before you can, also crouching in that spot blocks bullets, for some reason you can only shoot through the top half of that crack

Attached: 20190501202944_1.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

I used to have an unusual circling peace but I traded up years ago

i remember the first time i saw that, some youtuber just casually walked into their spawn and didnt react at all, i was at a loss for words, he didnt even say anything

yeah but I thought it was some climbable spot, at least with the roof above that spot spies will have harder time getting there.

Little Cart

eh, a spy could shoot you if he sees you so im fine with a few backstabs, also unless ive been doing that angle for a while i find i dont get targeted as sniper, i should feel insulted i guess

theres a server plugin that plays sounds if you type certain phrases, little cart is the loudest one and i bound it to my screenshot key ages ago like a retard

Party van when?
I wanna play that mario map again and pretend it's 2009

Attached: 1547067901333.jpg (1200x800, 911K)

console 2fort isn't completely dead yet?

search that in server browser for a nostalgia trip

Yeah but this is a TF2 thread and that means yore ugleh

Attached: 1522759189150.gif (220x220, 365K)

2FORT=Engineers home :)

Attached: 1550371781610.gif (300x300, 931K)

mario kart map servers do still exist, except now they're all free item + grapple servers, and filled entirely with actual kids. and the worst part is, you can't even stomp the server because grapple gives every cunt the ability to instantly escape the moment they're in danger. so yeah it's not really worth playing

> Yea Forums defending casual games
the valve drones are taking over

Attached: 1556738106486.png (726x108, 7K)

You can find around 50 people peak on weekdays and 100 peak on weekends

Attached: 1556738164479.png (700x95, 7K)

Do NOT ruin my comfy tf2 thread nigger

Attached: 1459258880517.png (640x427, 557K)

*kills fps genre*

Attached: 446.jpg (259x194, 11K)

the game isn't casual if you actually play it how it's intended, I'm sure you wouldn't last very long against a team that plays seriously if you hold this sentiment

Nah that's CoD over saturating the market

it's the rpgcodex boomers
just ignore them

>enter any 2fort server
>heavy crit death scream heard immediately
every damn time

Attached: CoverCat.png (394x403, 121K)

its not just me, its also earrape isnt it, its like the server buffers that sound while youre connecting or somethign.
>connect to halloween map server
>earrape halloween bass boosted sound effect

lmao valve drones
tf2 is a dumbed version of tfc which was a dumbed version of qwtf.
thats all valve produces, quake clones for retards.

Go peddle your low quality contrarian shitpost somewhere faggot this isn't your blog

mad because real fps players dont like your game

ikr like lol these old nerds cant even keep up with overwatch omegalul, im like *press Q* PLAY OF THE GAME LAWLZBALLZ :3

go to /vr/ and see how boomers hate your cinematic garbage. not just rpgcodex

What binds does Yea Forums use?

I use the good old
Random crits are fair and balanced

Attached: 1490548160327.jpg (495x581, 194K)

I'm too lazy to set up a bind, but if I did it would be this

Attached: dude let me in jigglypuff.png (500x417, 257K)

>Using binds

Attached: fucking cancer.png (1280x720, 566K)


Just go to console and type
>bind z "say benis"

I still have "Orange Monkey Eagle" bound with my kill bind.

Attached: 575df656cd9bd.image.jpg (1024x682, 68K)

I don't use any binds because I'm not a gay.

thanks bro

What's the matter baby?
Getting dominated ?

Attached: 142458947593.png (640x400, 32K)

Like it or not, Soldier is the core of all balance in TF2.

Attached: 1529998582295.png (256x256, 86K)

mouse 4 - good shot
mouse 5 - good job

oh boy it's the resident "i don't play it, so nobody plays it!" fag
judging by your posts you've either never played or got fucked every time you did play, so now it's your mission to complain in every tf2 thread

nice samefag btw

Attached: 37736041_658788141173517_2624621056790364160_n.jpg (351x485, 35K)

The most balanced class for sure.

Attached: __the_soldier_team_fortress_2_drawn_by_wahae__bd1c1b3cd7dc5fa9a73b38667af94bf2.jpg (1107x917, 991K)

mouse 4 - positive
Gotta keep those teammates smiling while saying BLOODY BRILLIANT

Attached: OK.png (913x1396, 600K)

peadphile or sweaty nu-metal trashlord?
or both?

Attached: image_13.png (303x545, 196K)


Attached: 1526563128869.jpg (720x405, 43K)

oldfags hated tf2 remember that valve drones

soldiers that can direct shot their rockets are real nice but the majority that ground-crocket are absolutely insufferable and shouldn't pretend to be good

He can't keep getting away with it

Attached: 1503520729432.jpg (1110x414, 98K)

I have seen this, and now so will you.

Attached: Autism.jpg (1700x1700, 245K)

Attached: 1471649578049.jpg (480x712, 18K)

just as bad if not worse than sfm porn makers using tf2 maps

thats goin in the folder

How fun is TF2 on PS3?

>some stock hong kong style map that already exists, oh sure ill use it i guess
>im going to consciously draw
and put it on the internet for others
idk bout that one bruh

oh, you think THAT's bad?

Attached: sfm__my_little_elf_by_crazedg-d5oz9u9.jpg (1024x576, 74K)

The most offensive part of this image is the possibility that Scout is gonna score.

Attached: Need_a_Dispenser_here_by_Racoon_sama.jpg (700x376, 97K)

your game is fucking shit zoomers

What drives men to do the things they do.

Attached: 2676964c3e177fb168f04feb85bafb6d.png (1698x1915, 1.48M)

shut the fuck up these are pure

Turbine is such a claustrophobic piece of shit. I cannot understand how people want to play it over and over.

lol i dunno

Attached: sfm__white_chocolate_by_crazedg-d5bgkls.png (900x506, 263K)

Attached: firefox_2019-05-01_13-31-03.png (933x525, 568K)

hah, I didn't click on the image :p


Attached: just_one_more_hat_by_nateyou-d5ulf4p.jpg (790x1011, 122K)



purely disgusting, maybe

Attached: leave_him____by_emi_ookami-d6z39v7.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

There's a party van every Friday and Saturday for TF2, sometimes Sundays. They've been experimenting with different games for Sunday, three days ago was 32 player L4D2 custom campaigns.

this piece shows scouts submissive side, soldier took pity on scout for being caught out and wants to show him some tenderness for once..

actually soldier is trying to get scout to cheat on sniper with him

Attached: everybody_deserves_the_help____by_zummeng-d5egh22.png (900x607, 450K)

oohhh, some drama and exploring inter-class relationships, very intriguing, i hope when aliens discover our planet thousands of years in the future, they pull out a hard drive containing these images from the dust

take your faggotry back to OW threads

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Bros...the fujos...

Attached: 1499399447033.jpg (472x482, 16K)

It is

>most map are heavily biased towards his movement
>weapon that deals 100 direct damage with strong aoe
>minimal self damage at close range
>good weapons
>beats any class 99% of the time in a direct fight

I don't get it. Why scout. Is it the bucket or chicken?

Attached: 83adf686770cd306ecf0ddcb17f1a728.jpg (800x565, 83K)

What did he mean by this

why this pairing, what logic was behind it, why these two specific characters i dont it


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Attached: before___after_by_zummeng-d6774zn.png (1024x1455, 1.27M)


>scout with facial hair

Attached: 1549604305368.png (853x477, 435K)


>thinking sniper says that
this nu-wave of tf2 players 2 bee H

Attached: 1522434499623.jpg (636x656, 49K)


Yea Forums dubs Meet the Spy when??

Attached: 1499386905393.png (640x640, 38K)

Is Turbine the worst match of all time? It's literally all of the worst parts of 2fort without the charm and memes


Here's how you can get fags to stop whining.
Remove random crits on range weapons
Leave them on melee because crit pans are the best thing in the game

Turbine is at least a decent TDM map, 2fort is just liquid shit.

Attached: 2bjx66qnsmu21.jpg (986x698, 107K)

>remove random crits
thats exactly what the leftists want

Attached: 1482447865233.png (411x630, 19K)


yeah, those were the days

corridoors then a small box with 2 smaller boxes inside of it
i dont get it


Attached: eedea96b221429d2f79f.png (200x200, 62K)

>literally zero attention ever for ctf_well, the superior ctf map

lmao all these zoomers having nostalgia for tf2.

>*decloaks on the other side of the intel*
>*cloaks again for another 10 minutes*

Attached: spyboss.jpg (184x184, 8K)

2fort>Double Cross=Sawmill>Well>>>Landfall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Playing something other than CTF>>>>>>>>>>>Turbine

I didn't say it was great, just decent.

TF2 is deader than dubstep, and I miss it every day


Attached: fire.jpg (398x367, 34K)

I'm a furfag who mains Engie and Pyro but I mainly stick with Engies as Pyro, is that at least better than W+M1 shitters?

whenever i join a turbine server, one team is spawncmaping with engies in mid

TF2 stopped being fun and lost it's soul to Reddit and E-Sports Autism after Tough Shit and Meet your Rage

Attached: 1520972424681.gif (136x102, 102K)

It's worse. Don't bend to the w+m1 crying shitters.


tf2 used to be fun, now its competitive

Tu t'es perdu khey?

Attached: 1539445513-1538936894-jesuscool.png (708x540, 315K)

I... At least know airblasting basics? I don't use the Reserve Shooter but still use the Regular Shotgun like it?
Fuck I dunno I just like DoT and helping folks out.

Attached: luckynnaa.gif (256x256, 276K)


Attached: spy.png (226x313, 121K)

Vien par ici ma biche

Attached: 1539499965235.jpg (1044x592, 202K)

>tfw literally all of my online friends to this day are from a rainy 2fort server i played from 2009-2014
rip hals playground

>Last Online: 567 Days Ago

Attached: 1520302969267.jpg (739x569, 58K)

Attached: 1533387301157.jpg (1024x768, 127K)

>hey look you shapeshifted into a dead guy!

Attached: sprisoner.png (715x637, 233K)

woah woah woah retard don't tell me you actually believe ctf is better than payload and KOTH

Needs to be Heavy's smash bros stage


He clearly has brain damage seeing as he likes 2fort. Just leave him be.

valve drones are so casual that they hate the idea of tf2 being competive.
no wonder valve produces dumbed down quake clones.
its like you people never played tribes, unreal, quake, doom, blood.

Why do people get so mad when you kill them with the classic?

>implying that earlier versions of TF (Quake TF, Unreal TF, TFC etc.) are "competitive" either.
Name me one class based FPS that is "competitive".

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (600x600, 35K)

inb4 overwatch

keep defending the company that killed old school fps and arena shooters then.

How did Valve kill them? It's not like Valve making Half Life stopped people from making and buying arena FPS games at all. If the market and other developers stopped producing Arena FPS games, that is on the market and developers and not Valve.

Attached: pstf2transpsmall.png (512x512, 154K)

Season 2 never ever.
Fuck you Gainax.

Fades between these two based on proximity

Attached: TF2SK.png (512x512, 168K)

it started the cinematic fps trend. It will forever hated by retro fps gamers.

>last online: 1028 days ago
>this is his profile description

Attached: 1532357620629.png (1776x463, 298K)

Give it up Merulafag. Your full house can't distract that it's all about Penny now

Not as sad as the Heavy one desu

Attached: 1542832994840.jpg (320x200, 8K)

It hurts bro

Attached: 1477216490983.jpg (1776x1000, 286K)

It starting a trend doesn't mean that you should blame them for the trend. A trend occurs when sheep and hacks copy what is popular instead of what they want to make. Again, it is on the market and developers to make Arena and Classic FPS games.
Besides that, even id Software and other classic developers went down this route.

>Get wife into tf2
>She cant aim for shit
>has a savant for pyro for some reason
>"user, I want to make my pyro CUTE!"
>Oh no, oh no no no
>Get her 4 buckets of pink paint, head prize, and a few other cutesy pieces of shit
>At least I have a pocket pyro bullet magnet to spycheck me 24/7

Attached: 1556643089069.jpg (474x549, 43K)

The one where user was called "doctor" and the "heavy" had to go see the real doctor saying that "doctor" was his only friend?

better to have loved and lost friends, the memories we have of tf2 will forever live in our hearts long after even valve shuts down.



Reminds me
>Weeb gf (Didn't last long)
>Get her into TF2
>Goes for the weeb bait spy class
>Fails at first but then gets good
>We'd always do a thing when I distract the enemy as my engineer while she stabs them
>This went on for a while
>Find her book of drawings
>mfw she drew art of my engineer and a female version of her spy
I was turned on but also weirded out. I wish I had scans of some of it because it was that out there.

Attached: Bugs.jpg (500x552, 83K)

oh my fucking god who remembers 3boody? some fuckin sad arab dude on youtube who got subs from double teaming cheaters on orange servers w a vaccinator medic and old DDS, he should be a /tf2/ lolcow

Attached: Iiu_0Hh_gyzJYfX3w9ECmeBXVwIgMQfOnZaNw6d8.png (345x338, 89K)

>Engineer X Femspy
Sounds pretty kino desu
>Build me a toy, darling.
>Show me what that metal hand can do, monsieur~
>Dont worry, darling. That clown of a spy on the other team stands no chance against me. You just keep building.

Attached: 250px-EngyGrinder.png (250x194, 60K)

>only thing I've binded is instakill on 0.

Attached: 1554849866928.jpg (709x1024, 67K)

>trying to snipe against other sniper
>feels like my shots are going right through him
>I keep dying around corners
>mfw his name was in Spanish and had much higher ping

Attached: 1553036937925.gif (500x500, 448K)

>gibus scout watching in corner confused and scared
someone make an sfm of this

>Orange Monkey Eagle

Attached: e0e.png (1024x768, 932K)

i only have frag enhancing binds, not chat memeing binds.

user who posted story:
I have SFM and this sounds hilarious.

If only they still did saxxys

do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it

Attached: 5-1.gif (344x391, 52K)

Screenshot the posts because it might take me a while to do and I might not make it for this thread.



T-this p-pic is not official ? I mean, somebody just made up that pic ? R-right ?..

Doing god's work, user

Attached: 500px-Medicbuddies.png (500x443, 165K)

It's just a picture of soldier with one of those virtue signaling Facebook profile pic filters

yes, valve tweeted it out for trans visibility day 2016,

Attached: Internet-Troll.jpg (950x534, 99K)

BASED uglehposter.



Is TF2 dead

>has more people then New York City currently has playing it

Too bad his sources are shit and hes a lying fuck who has contradicted himself 6 times in a row now

Honestly, I feel like TF2 could easily be a test to see if an AI can wring out a patch every once in a while and I'd believe it.

most are farming bots, valve wiped most of them out a year ago and the player count went from 70k peak to 30k peak in one day

Didn't he say it was actually Team Fortress Classic that had 2 people working on it?

Turbine is way fucking better. Both suffer from a turtling problem and a spawn camping problem but at least Turbine doesn't make you walk everywhere all the time.

2fort is not fucking built for TF OR TF2. It's an alright map otherwise.

He said before, "wouldn't it be terrible if 2 people were working on TF2 right now?". Then he backtracked, then he said, "BUT IT'S CAUSE THEY WERE IN HAWAII", then he once again went back and said, "HAHA MAH SOURCES SAID NOBODY IS WORKING IN TF2"

Attached: 1523666488768.png (256x256, 30K)

So...training wheels?

i'm not using crutch weapons though

How does one even get unusuals? Either buy them or spend money on keys? There has to be a better way

"frag enhancing binds" now thats goin in the folder

Turbine is great. The center region is perfect for ambushing and murdering everyone as Scout.

>some sounds freeze and loop for a couple of seconds

if there were people working on tf2 who cared, we would have an update by now.

its been over a year, valve knows they can make a million or more in over a year just from not updating.

how long can they stretch that time before they give us attention is the question.

sell your shit, play the game, but get rid of your shinies before its too late

>minigun and scattergun shots
>demo hurt sound
>spy crit death scream

not the zoomer hat

>If there were working on tf2 who cared, we would have an update by now
Oooor and hear me out. Valve is a company about quality over quantity. Invasion and MYM were so shit people were denouncing them. Sooo instead of having that happen again, what if they DIDN'T rush updates like MYM, took their time, and made good updates people wanted and liked?
Giving YOU attention is selfish as hell, theres 50,000 other people who play this game user, they don't have to give you diddly squat. They have to the community at large updates they enjoy.

Or they could just be working on a big update.

stop jesus christ

this is literally Stockholm syndrome

you need to accept the reality.

if they do have an update, it will not be enough, and then in a years time they will add the actual content changes to said update,

just like jungle inferno

Gimme map ideas to make in hammer, i'm bored and want to fuck around in it.

Honestly though once Heavy is buffed what could the game need more?
You're talking as if TF2 is some sort of unfinished early-access game with no content

Space station with rotating skybox

Asymmetrical CTF map

Post the clip

Attached: 250px-Texas_Slim's_Dome_Shine.png (250x235, 71K)

Ive been out of the loop what did furries do to tf2? Is it there fault for the rebalances please i need someone to blame

Someone posted long time ago an idea I find really cool: two airships fighting for a single control point

your ignoring everything i just said

vertical map

a pass time map where the goals are spy's gaping asshole

>Pyro wins the war
>gets some trash weapons
>fire particles get fixed ( which was going to happen anyways )

>Heavy loses the war
>the "1 second of shooting to reach full damage and accuracy" nerf is completely removed
>gets the banana, an amazing secondary

Lmao if someone said jungle inferno was the heavy update they wouldn't be entirely wrong

>you need to pay money to play MvM


Funny because the new fire looks very out of place and is more annoying

I just said fuck it and made a thread instead

Pyro's flames used to be broken and inconsistent, look it up.

what thread are you talking about

Yeah I agree,but the new ones cover the screen too much. Its a pain in the dick to use the Dfury because the fireball is way too bright and big

Oh absolutely they're very annoying. Once I get attacked by a pyro I can't see him at all because the flames have zero transparency

What's the saddest thing is the concept of new pyro weapons aren't bad
>Projectile based weapon that rewards consistent shots making close encounters next to multiple people a victory for the pyro
>Mobility tool that allows Pyro to reach further than he would with the detonator
>Area denial tool allowing team mates to burn enemies to make your job easier as Pyro
>Meme weapon that is in for fun


>Dragon's Fury was ok on launch and needed a slight buff but instead got a nerf
>Jetpack's deploy time is still too long and the "burn enemies with the exhaust" stat is bugged
>Gas Passer takes too long to charge, doesn't start full charge and the afterburn it gives is pitiful. Only useful in MvM and only on specific waves
>Hot Hand doesn't get used because people don't want to do all the contracts to get it when they can get the banana.


Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.49M)

lol nice zoomer map faggot

Attached: 1202785-ezquake001small.jpg (640x480, 36K)


How to fix the JI weapons

>D-Fury back to launch status
>you can use the jetpack in the air like the MvM upgrade
>gas passer afterburn cant be remove and is a different afterburn from regular flame weapons
>hot hand slaps refresh afterburn duration

>new map has nothing at all to do with fire or infernos
>is instead yeti themed, a creature that's very similar to heavy in stature
>heavy even gets a yeti costume
I'm convinced Valve expected heavy to win the contest and decided to shit on pyro out of spite when he won.

i use this all the time

>I'm convinced Valve expected heavy to win the contest
This is my headcanon now as well.

I turned homeless 4 years ago but I still have my steam account and I'm planning to buy a PC and play the shit out of tf2 when I find a way to change my life.

It's a promise I did to myself, I hope I'll be able to hold it.

Attached: 1532357724399.gif (740x900, 1012K)

Attached: 1549138240200.webm (722x406, 717K)

Also, while you're at it, please change the design of the Dragon's Fury. Seriously, TF2's weapons are all visually pleasing, but that one is so fucking ugly.

Heavy update is canceled.

at least it was before valve killed comm servers and removed arena mode.

Attached: 746gtwam9hiz.jpg (1680x1050, 301K)

I agree, its too blocky

Attached: 67427307d42f7c57347bbb672573379a.png (358x676, 62K)

dont click this link, it makes your computer start producing mustard gas

>no more major updates planned
it's truly ogre now.

fuck it. they need to fix the pile of shit before they fuck off.
matchmaking is a hot piece of shit and most of the new hats/maps are unoptimized as fuck.
at least if they fixed those, the game could be kept alive by the community.

Help the OP you faggots.


>tfw no pyro gf

Attached: IMG_20190401_222906.jpg (1339x1620, 140K)

Ain't clicking this. What is it?

the death of a classic. end of an era. valve being valve.

it doesnt open 4 me, show me the video

wacky faces
post em

its an mkv file, right click and save as then open it in your media player.

Attached: file.png (817x509, 501K)

New update when?

i can not imagine ever being this stupid
this level of retardation is genuinely unfathomable for me and i am very thankful for that

Attached: 1556110838039.jpg (640x717, 139K)

Attached: file.png (615x601, 419K)


I did that but the download fails. Could somebody upload it somewhere?