Can someone explain to me why Other M Samus was so hated?

Can someone explain to me why Other M Samus was so hated?

Attached: Wii_MetroidOtherM__1718850a.jpg (960x540, 290K)

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Hijacking this thread.
Post your favorite
>Metroid game

Also, the combat is literally just roll your thumb on the D-pad and press 1 to win.

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The same reason people hated Fusion's plot, except Other M wasn't even as good of a game as Fusion so its a failure on all fronts.

Fusion was all that is fair and goodly, user...

Retarded Samus fanboys' headcanon didn't match Sakamoto's image of Samus.

Also I read that a lot of female fans didn't like that Samus got a fat butt in Other M.

because it gave samus a personality trait that seemed a little out of character in the time she was in.

fuck off

According to you headcanon?

Should I play Other M?


This is what you all sound like, get over it

Do what you want friend

That's when it became clear to me just why Madeline was so afraid of the Space Pirates' resurrection. It wasn't that her story had holes in it—through the holes were glimpses of the danger that was right before her eyes. If everything she said was true...

Why don't you play it instead of wasting your time replying to everyone itt to spout some shitty meme.

I can’t believe someone okay’d this fucking dialogue.

>Bounty hunter taking orders like a grunt from dead AI boyfriend to not open doors in an abandoned research station with extremely hostile shit in it
>Chronologically AFTER the entire incident with Zebes and SR388
Even worse that Other M is a prequel to Fusion which i'd prefer to just forget entirely.

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Her characterisation was terrible and so was her role in the story.

It wasn't her fault, I don't hate her for it.

>not my invinicible American style hero
>it's terrible
Shut the fuck up, you degenerate

Don't put words in my mouth faggot. Fusion's characterisation of Samus wasn't that and that was a perfectly good take on the character.

that's really the worst offender

I'd have been willing to ignore the pants on head retarded story if the game was a solid team ninja action game with good combat but it's entirely automated sub uncharted tier garbage

kid icarus uprising unironically did what other m tried to do far better

Other M Samus is some kind of bizarro reverse Mary Sue.

>expecting ACfag to actually play games

Most people complaining about Other M Samus are headcanon idiots

Fusion didn't really portray her character like Other M did

If Other M had competent writing and was a very good fun game, people would hate it because people are never going to like it when a character who essentially their blank slate is given an actual personality that could never line up with their perfect headcanon for how the character acts.
People still hate it for that, but don't forgive it because The Baby shit was seriously annoying and Other M should happen somewhere in the timeline before it actually did and the game wasn't really that cool.
Proof : People liked Fusion upon release, even though it also attempted to characterize Samus just as radically relative to the time it came out, because Fusion is a cool game.

So before Other M we didn't know much about her she was kinda mysterious and cool and sexy, but then other m just threw all that shit away and made her very meek and needy, she constantly needed the validation of some guy, they literally turned her into a little bitch.

Attached: Samus.png (219x282, 117K)

Fusion Samus has a few monologues and conversations which show a lot about who she is, what she believes and what matters to her. There isn't as much time spent on it, but it's also not fucking retarded or insulting.

>this hard ass bitch spends years on space alone and fights of pirates and hostile life forms on her own like its fucking NOTHING
>skip to other m and she a little cry baby bitch that needs people for literally ANYTHING

>shit personaluty
>shit design compared to her past designs
>made to be 5'4" in heels
>no muscle tone
>muh Adam
>muh Baby
>weak willed bitch
>in an incredibly shitty game that's better off considered non-canon.

>Proof : People liked Fusion upon release, even though it also attempted to characterize Samus just as radically relative to the time it came out, because Fusion is a cool game.
There was a backlash against Fusion when it came out for being too linear, too handholdy and too story centric.


thats literally it
nobody hates other m for being a bad game (because it is a bad game)

>no muscle tone
Is it true she had a fat butt?

>made to be 5'4" in heels
It doesn't piss me off that she's short, but that they are inconsistent about her height in the same fucking game.

Attached: Height.png (1391x521, 673K)

That pissed me off even more, Sakamoto may have fucked on the story but this shit here was all Team Ninja and they can fuck themselves for this.


She's hated because she's not Ellen Ripley

Fuck off, Sybb

goes completely against the established personality that was created in the other games

>Should I play Other M?
just watch this and save your time playing this mess of a game (a game so bad that it's considered to be the worst Metroid BY THE ENTIRE FANBASE):

>Fusion didn't really portray her character like Other M did
to be fair, no Other Samus acted like the Other M version.

the bad story directly influences its quality as a game though

it's unironically the only example of a nintendo movie game

even if Other M had no story, the gameplay was downright horrible because you were forced to use a Wii remote and nothing else

This plus it's linear as shit.

Why did nintendo try to make metroid appeal to the japanese? The west always the bigger market for the series.

The end of the Wii era was the beginning of Nintendo's dark age that lasted until the launch of the Switch, where they just couldn't stop making completely retarded decisions and fucking up shit that should have been impossible to fuck up.

because after Prime 1-3 they thought "stupid gaijin piggu we'll show you how to make good gemu"

Remember that time Adam shot Samus in the back infront of a Metroid he didn’t know if he could freeze or not, armed only with an ice gun? He was a good commander.

>Other M

>M Other


Did ju rike it?

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Iwata was pushing Nintendo more towards getting the Japs more on their side, Sakamoto wasn't fon of Other M's art direction and said that was Team Ninja, Sakamoto fucked up the story and Samus's personality because he felt that people had the wrong idea of what kind of person Samus was thanks to the Prime games, he also didn't want the Gravity Suit to be purple in this game. The gameplay issue was both a Sakamoto and Tem Ninja issue, Sakamoto wanted a traditional 2D Metroid game, Team Ninja wanted Metroid Gaiden, the end result was the mess we got. The story was some Sakamoto but mainly D-Rockets wanting to turn this shit into a cinematic. Sakamoto's own team at the then known SPD1 barely did anything because they never made 3D Metroid games so they were out of their elements and didn't work on much. Sakamoto put his foot down on the Zero Suit not making many appearances but cried over the story because he thought it was good and even flew here to the US to cast the voice for Samus. Glad he mellowed out and realized his mistakes with Samus Returns.

>the beginning of Nintendo's dark age
That wasn't the end of the Wii era, it was the end of the gamecube era.
Seriously save for few gems like Mario Galaxy, Wii era Nintendo was shit


>The Bottle Ship
>Baby's Cry

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Gameplay wise:
>Pixel Hunts
>Wiimote only + Aim at screen for missiles
>Points of no return without warning

Regarding the story my only gripe was how it tried to romanticize her weird, creepy relationship with Adam who treated her like a drunk, abusive father. If they had romanticized her relationship with "REMEMBUH ME?!" guy it would have worked since he looked at her as an equal and there was give and take in looking out for one another. Also the writing being really retarded sounding didn't help. And the whole "Deleter" thing.

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Nice hijack

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lol at this faggot

Sakamoto is a hack. It was a complete coincidence that Super Metroid was even good to begin with, and he proved how untalented he truly is with Other M. And the only reason Samus Returns was actually good was because it was made by some Westerners who better understand the series than Sakamoto ever did.

did adam fuck samus?

I'll post what you want... IF YOU SUCK MY DICK!!

super metroid was not a coincidence. The soundtrack, the ambience, the gameplay, everything in that game is top notch.

The idea of the armor as a magic girl outfit is retarded but what's even more retarded is that it can be turned off by shooting her in the back "breaking her concentration" which begs the question of having fucking armor if it doesn't work when attacked unexpectedly.

Wtf was other M’s Director’s problem?

It was boring.

the cuscenes were cringe as hell

>Also I read that a lot of female fans didn't like that Samus got a fat butt in Other M.

Damn they did give her a tasty looking booty.

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>Wtf was other M’s Director’s problem?
Sakamto had an ego.

>the cuscenes were cringe as hell
and you couldn't even skip them

He was jealous that Texans highjacked his series and made good games, but in a style he didn't like, so he wanted some accolades too and "set the series straight" but instead he just took a shit on top of the series and expected people to clap.

The cinematic experience was a serious departure from form. People were used to being dumped on a planet with little to no information and just shooting at everything that moves without rhyme or reason until the credits roll in. Other M gave Samus a personally that conflicted with the female Duke Nukem people thought her to be, and gave her universe more depth than just go to planet, exterminate, repeat.

Aside from her behavior. Her backstory is contradictory to all the previous games. Even her thinking of Adam like a father isn't right, as Zero Mission shows she considered the Chozo to be that, esspecially in the manga that Sakamoto commissioned she had more feelings about Grey then she did Adam, who she spurred to go try to save them.

In Other M though, she acts like a complete imbecile and a child, either following orders to literally and having to be told to activate vital suit functions that would save her life, or not following orders at all. Even then, when her father figure literally shoots her in the back, putting her in a more dangerous situation for very little reason, she instead thanks what is clearly an abuser and not a respectable man that Fusion made him out to be.

Other M wanted her to be relate-able, instead it made her even more distant and almost robotic. She was suppose to be emotional, but Sakamoto wanted her to speak softly and monotone and that we were suppose to get her emotion from her actions and not her words. She's a walking contradiction and Sakamoto doesn't know how to write people. She should have just remained as how the Manga portrayed her, except less naive. It's sad when the non-canon Joey and Samus manga presents a better idea of who Samus is.

Sakamoto isn't a hack at all, you're getting him confused with Tanabe, Sakamoto just shouldn't have made a 3D Metroid game and put so much focus on the story and he now understands that.

>Prime 2/AM2R
>Omega Pirate
>always the Gravity Suit
>Ice Beam/ Dark Beam
>Speed Booster/ Shinespark
It's OK user, we're all waiting for MP4 to come, even if it doesn't look like it right now

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Can someone make an edit where she's dangling a tiny woman between her fingers?

the funny thing is even nips hated it

I remember comments from 2ch being like " sakamoto went full retard"

Fusion at least showed that Samus hated her position, but she had to comply because not only was she heavily depowered, but the feds were drip feeding her power ups and if she tried to deviate, she just wouldn't receive anymore help. That was realistic. It showed exactly the kind of situation a third party contractor would face being hired by the government for an investigation into a research station incident. Samus even shows that she's willing to deviate from protocol when she can't advance. Other M would have had us believe that she would have just sat in the Level 5 security room because Adam never told her that she could activate it.

That was funny, at that moment Sakamoto realized he would never win the Japnese audience and went full western again as of Samus Returns.

For real ...i loved the Game

>gave her universe more depth
no you mongoloid, other m actively ignored large parts of the metroid mythos (everything related to the chozo especially)

it made the universe shallower, not deeper

>Theres a whole new unexplored area RIGHT THERE with old enemies that cant be defeated the usual way so you may need to get new powers/use your wits/whatever
>You dont get to see it
Why would any developer blueball the players so hard and with such stupid excuses?

>no you mongoloid, other m actively ignored large parts of the metroid mythos

Attached: OtherMFullOfPlotHoles.png (1310x330, 37K)

here’s your reply, you’ve earned it

just the way i like it.

Yes I can.

They should turn Metroid into a porn game, the only thing that is important is sex appeal.

>needed the validation of some guy
This is probably the worst of it. Even worse is that some SJW try to make this out to be a good thing, because of trying to show emotional depth of Samus or something? She's a WOMEN because of this and anyone that doesn't like it can smoke it.

I just don't understand, isn't the lack of a man and still being a badass what they want?

You would be a good person if you made it, and I would be thankful. But it's also completely understandable if you don't, and just replied to state it as a fact, in which case I hold no grudge against you even if it disappoints me.

So I guess you like your female characters to be whiny crying bitches who must be told by men to do everything, even activate a purely defensive suit system to not be cooked alive in a lava-filled room, and are obsessed with babies and motherhood.

>Also, the combat is literally just roll your thumb on the D-pad and press 1 to win.
As opposed to the riveting combat of Metroid Prime, where you can just press lock-on and don't even have to aim?

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>Proof : People liked Fusion upon release, even though it also attempted to characterize Samus

because it was done well in Fusion.

Other M did not do it well. Seriously, deathly afraid OF SOMETHING SHE HAD FOUGHT SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE. What horeshit is that?


Imagine all the black guys she's fucked

Samus pretty much functions as a female player avatar for a gameplay focused series. In that sense she is truly equal to other games icons such Link or Mario. But "female empowerment" types don't actually care about gameplay focused adventure games they want girly stuff like cutscenes and dialogue showing empowerment and emotions, so they'll take that over a stoic depiction because it's for a gameplay type they don't give a fuck about even if the narrative approach was dumb and retarded.

You get blue-balled the entire game. Samus accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in Other M. Every single plot thread is either left dangling or tied up by someone else.

Ridley? Queen Metroid kills him.
Sector Zero? Adam destroys it.
MB? The Galactic Federation troops kill her.
The Deleter? MB kills him.
The GF faction who made MB and the bioweapons? Unpunished and still operating.

There is no satisfaction or accomplishment in this game.

You still need to move around and dodge attacks. I find the people who cry about the lock-on aspect to be very retarded.

>SJWs love Metroid Other M
>SJWs love Halo: Reach
>two of the worst games in their respective series
Is this a coincidence?

I'll never understand the Yea Forumsirgin obsessed with this, especially since Yea Forumsirgins also despise black people so much.

If Other M came out today, criticizing it or it's dialogue would be considered "SJW" and hundreds of retards on Yea Forums would insist it was GOTY because a feminist somewhere said it was bad

Take your pic.

Even SJWs are divided on Other M. Some of them hated it as much as everyone else (if only for what it does to Samus's character rather than the rest of the game's issues), but then others like Dobson, Movieblob and Arin Hanson seem to love it.

>was silent protagonist, you could interpret her personality to be anything or even self insert somewhat
>suddenly voiced, monologues in the most monotone voice possible about shit that took place 20 seconds ago, essentially received LESS characterization
>the baby because of the baby the baby made me feel this way

Those three are walking example of hypocrisy so their opinions mean nothing.
>Dobson constantly cries about how fictional women are "treated" in games
>adore sMOM because "Samus has a personality now!", ignoring how her personality is everything he hates being shown everywhere else

this would not happen because other m is also a moviegame