20 Minutes till preorders go up, is your system ready for VR kino?

20 Minutes till preorders go up, is your system ready for VR kino?

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how old are you OP
this seems like an underage thread

I’m waiting for Zen 3 and better headsets

Ready, but fuck the price.
This is not a product for people without Vive.
It's only competition is the Vive Pro.
It's only purpose is to get people to drop HTC products and move on to their hardware.
If you don't own a Vive setup, it is illogical to get this product.

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Found the shota

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Thats a yikers from me

if valve dropped the hl2 prequel about the 7 hour war then I would drop money on this and a new rig, until then, fuck it

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What are you listening to while waiting? youtube.com/watch?time_continue=23&v=9x8n18010B0

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How long did it take for the OG Vive and the Rift to drop in price again?
I was totally down to spend upwards of $800 for the bundle, but for some reason $999 feels out of reach even though money is no issue for me at the moment.

More like 2 months

Rumour has it, it's shipping with a secret copy of HLVR

Imagine being upset your 10 year old OS isn't supported by a brand new device, Linux is free and supported if you don't want to install 10.

Who here /preordered/

>There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction

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>Carbon copy of my setup
>Valve told me my GPU isn't ready
What the fuck Valve!!

I have the same GPU and it said mine isn't ready, I guess it doesn't recognize some manufacturers.

no but that didn't stop me.

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3GB version? the minimum requirement is a 970 which has 4GB.

Valve is probably telling you to pay your rent first. You can wait, user.

>no windows 7 support
but does it support windows 95?

Maybe this dumbass nigger should read why they recommend Windows 10 like any VR set does.

why? because 7 is EOL?

Because Windows 10 has features VR needs like async timewarp and monitor mirroring, you can use VR with W7 but it will lack features.

>poorfag with a laptop is mad he can't afford to try cool cutting edge technology, so he writes angry little meme reviews on the products instead of living his life

>using NSA/Windows 10
>when Valve Index will work on freedom respecting GNU/Linux
Are you cereal, my man?

>4 gigs
Very funny

I'm not the one whining about it, if you really want to avoid W10 then go ahead and install gentoo.

>970 which has 4GB

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3.5, whatever. point is it's more than 3gb.

but it's not a laptop? what makes them think that?

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>4 cores
laptop-tier CPU

Gentoo is a bit shit. I prefer Arch myself.

>Index bundle sold out in a half hour
Are poorfaggots ever right? Why do they keep fucking trying?

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>32 GB of RAM
fucking why
what the fuck are you doing

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i already own a Vive. i7 & a 1080 can do VR pretty damn well. there's no reason the same hardware couldn't drive the index. in fact, it still meets their recommended requirements. their compatibility kit was just designed to sound snobby.

t. poor

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VR is just GPU heavy because you need to have atleast constant 90FPS in 2 screens, the intensive part of this headset will be 1440p@144Hz and you wont be able to do that with a 1080.

where is the mac version of that app?

Not him but RAM is cheap.
With DDR3 32GB is around $40-60.
DDR4 is $150.
And i do CAD work.

Not poor, just not a fan of throwing my money away for no reason whatsoever.

wtf when did that happen

>And i do CAD work.

When China started making their own RAM prices crashed.

I will now buy Nostos

Get a better PC before you spend a grand on shit you cant even use, good god.

the 32GB kit i have was $20 difference in cost for the 16GB kit in 2016. it was $160. they are back in that range again today.

i find it hard to believe people still think like this. the RAMlet "you don't need that much" hivemind needs to stop. can you remember the reason why we told you over and over why you want to have as much RAM as possible? you need to think for yourselves already.

>get gtx 1060 6gb off ebay for $130
oh man that was hard.

Wait I'm out of the loop was ram expensive before?

What happened?

My 1060 cant even max out my original Rift so good luck with this thing.

Between early 2016 and late 2018 the only 3 people that made RAM diced to go full jew and scam the fuck out everyone forming a oligopoly, they decided to not decrease prices and dont create a price war between them, this made them to drown in money because there is no one to tell them "you cant do that".
So DIMM prices keep increasing for years RAM was $300 for 16GB at one point to give you a idea.

China has been stealing info and people involved in the RAM business to create their own, and now that they can (even when the yields are shit and the RAM is slow) they can satisfy their own demand so SKHynx, Samsung and Micron have to lower the prices to sell stuff now.
Here to give you a idea:

in that case i might have to go with a 1070. thanks for the advice.

Just get a 1660Ti instead then?
Look for a used 1070ti.

Thanks based Monkey Punch fan.

Bought the Index Knuckles only, might get the rest on a later date when I've upgraded from the GTX 1070.

>Just get a 1660Ti instead then?
too expensive since there really aren't any on the used market.
>Look for a used 1070ti.
is the jump from a 1070 really that big? the 1070 is already roughly equal to the 1660 ti, isn't it?

Unless you're doing development, some kind of video/audio editing, or something like CAD, there is absolutely no need for that much fucking RAM. And even with those things I'd still say it's excessive. I have 16GB and often have the Unreal editor, Blender, FLStudio, Photoshop, Pandora, and Chrome with a bunch of tabs, mostly YouTube, open just because I'm too lazy to close them because I don't have to. Not a single hiccup. And I have a i7-4770k with a GTX970, so not exactly cutting edge.

$20 or not, you're still likely throwing money away for no reason.

Didn't stop me from getting a WMR headset anyway and it worked better than expected but now I'm bored of VR and the headset is in the closet. Only HL2VR will convince me to dig it out.

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1660Ti is a new 1070 for the same or less ($280).
The 1070Ti is almost as strong as a 1080 and better if you overclock it.

You will see why they are so cheap to the point a PSVR would have been a better idea.

>being this attached to an old version of a proprietary operating system

>he still doesn't know the answer
based delusional retard

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I love people who in 2019 still get booty bothered by someone having "too much" RAM.

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yeah but i can get a 1070 for around $200 and it's got 2gb more vram. i just don't like paying the new tax on hardware unless i have a good reason to.

I've had it for 6 months, the only shit thing about it is that the controllers are cheap. Inside-out tracking should've been the future I don't know why Valve is holding the tech back with more sensor towers, I guess cause it's an easy extra $150 to tack onto the bundle.

>31 gigs of ram
what the fuck? Isn't that overkill by at least 10 gigs? What's the point? Being a rich kid?


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Well if you can find a EVGA, MSI, ASUS, Zotac(Not the mini version) 1070 should be good, but if its a Gigabyte, PNY or reference model avoid it even if the price is good.



It's almost universally poor people that are buying VR products. Have you looked at the numbers? Rich people don't spend money on VR shit, they buy beefy computers to play Overwatch. VR is the gimmick that poor people get enraptured by and spend their rent on. It's a predatory industry like gambling, high prices and low rewards.

There was no question.
Hey man, if you wanna waste money, go for it. Just because I'm stating my opinion doesn't mean I'm butthurt. Sorry you're too stupid to realize that almost no one needs that much RAM, and I doubt you're one of the people that does.

Opening more than 80 tabs in Chrome or Firefox.

>what the fuck? Isn't that overkill by at least 10 gigs? What's the point? Being a rich kid?

16 gb of ram is the new normal nowadays.

32 gb is not that unusual

>a thread about waiting for a fucking preorder
What has Yea Forums come to

I guess I'm out of the loop hard then. I assumed 16-20 gigs was normal and high. I feel like I'm turning into an old man at 28. My hand isn't on the pulse anymore.

Yes it is overkill, and it's rich idiots with nothing better to spend their money on or kids with rich parents falling for marketing.

>I assumed 16-20 gigs was normal and high
It is. The only loop you're out of is being retarded and gullible. So pat yourself on the back.

Dunno, usually when a new console is about to launch there is always a sticky, when AMD or Nvidia do it there is always a thread.

I have 8 gigs and way long past my increase date

probably going for 16 because I don't do cad or anything like that

what's wrong with gigabyte?

>The only loop you're out of is being retarded and gullible.
You sound like a huge faggot.

>Spending $70 in ram means you are rich
Just how poor are you user?

Hi retard, I know you drifted in here from Reddit and ape all the "CORPORATIONS BAD SPEND MONEY BAD" shit but this isn't a digital game you absolute mouth breathing faggot, kill yourself

I'm still running on 4

>Yes it is overkill, and it's rich idiots with nothing better to spend their money on or kids with rich parents falling for marketing.

Or people who do large cad/photoshop/video renders.

Shitty quality in general, Horrible heatsinks, fucking delta tier loud fans but they are really useless, and horrible VRM design outside their high end line.
Google Windforce problems to give you a idea.
They have been shit since Maxwell, before they were decent.

It's funny how pc threads always bring out the most adversarial people. If you head over to /g/ it's like this just amplified. Why are the crowds that discuss this shit so faggoty?

What OS are you running? What's the waiting times between closing programs and opening them?

when is the software reveal shit

my system is "idling" at 3.8g

post yfw he has less than 32GB of RAM

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Don't get mad at me because you made a useless purchase. $20, $70... doesn't matter. That's beer you could be drinking instead of transistors and capacitors that will go unused for their entire existence.
Yes, I didn't say that in the post you replied to, but I said it another one.

Gimme the sauce, boss

>Need a $1000 PC in order to use a $1000 VR headset
>Not to mention the fuckload of troubleshooting most will have to endure while trying to play their VR games.

There's a reason PSVR has easily been the most successful VR headset on the market: VR needs to be on a closed environment, standardized platform (like a console) so developers can actually optimize their games around one platform and kill troubleshooting horseshit that plagues PC VR. Also, a company like Sony has the development power to support the platform with actual PSVR exclusive games, which is what you need to actually entice people to buy the system in the first place.

PC VR has none of these advantages and is why it will never take off; shit's way too expensive, not enough major games (especially with no proper developer supporting the system with exclusives) and troubleshooting VR games on PC is a fucking logistical nightmare. Literally nobody outside the most hardcore of hardcore PCFags are going to buy a $1000 VR headset that requires at least a $1000+ PC. Prove me wrong.

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>$1,000 for a full kit
Was looking forward to this as an upgrade from the Vive, but for what little it offers over the Vive? Hard pass. I might pick up the controllers though.

It's like manlet anger but worse - people ask questions and get met with hostility and rebukes, then people don't learn anything and the nerds get to keep on sneering like they know important secrets of life.

But you can't watch o rplay porn games on PSVR

Windows 7, I'd say the time from clicking to opening is generally 10 seconds. Sometimes more.

Yeah bro, I agree, on that point, PCs are also user unfriendly and need to die to support our console regime

It offers 144Hz instead 90Hz and the new controllers, outside that is almost the same, look at it as a vive pro replacement more than a vive replacement.

Not him but there was a period when I didn't have my main rig, but one of my RAM sticks died so my laptop only had 4GB instead of 8. It was practically unusable on Windows 10 and it eventually got me so frustrated I punched the screen and broke the fuck out of it. To be fair, I think there was also something wrong with the hard drive.

Ordering mine when I get home. I love being white and not poor.

The PSVR is a very comfortable headset and it looks great too. What ruins it is the god awful dildo controllers with no thumbsticks or triggers.


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Yeah Sony definitely needs to improve the controller situation for the next iteration. Never understood why they chose to stick with the shitty PSMove controllers.

wow, that's a surprise. i had a gigabyte p43 motherboard from 2009 that i really loved. i still have it working in a secondary computer to this day.

This is why no one makes VR games.

I mean this isn't that much for adults
People spend thousands on cameras and cars and fishing and cycling, this is just another hobby

You're literally arguing that because most people are poor and retarded that all companies should focus on the poor and retarded.
Some companies seek other niches.
Don't be upset PCVR absolutely crushes PSVR with your fucking black bars and FPS dips, loser.

$2000 is a lot no matter how you swing it. That price is a barrier to 99% of the consumers, so good luck convincing any developers to support the platform with exclusives that will actually take advantage of the hardware.

The refresh rate doesn't really do much unless you have the raw power to push that for both screens. A steady 90 for both screens is already a push with a number of cards depending on the games played, but almost doubling it? I'd personally prefer a much better resolution and better FOV. As it stands there is nothing in the Valve Index to justify buying it over a Vive Pro off of ebay. Better off just getting the knuckles separately or waiting another year or two.

It's a good thing VR games don't even need to be exclusive to VR users to work then, otherwise you may have had a point there.
VR is literally just a display difference, not every single game needs to utilize the wands or room scale.

Yeah it's definitely in the enthusiast phase, all tech was like this once though
Basic flatscreen TVs once cost a few grand too

I'm a software developer that makes $110k. I would not spend that much money on this shit. This is a down payment on a car, or a security deposit for a new place. Or a vacation somewhere. Meaningful things. Don't get me wrong, I waste tons of money on vidya, but that much money for something with so little content is just not worth it. Plus I don't want to clear out a room just to use it. I truly don't understand the market for this.

You can get a Windows MR headset with controllers for $200 now. It's retarded to complain about price when people are talking about cream of the crop hardware.

>Literally spends money to spend free time outside of his house
>"Why would people spend money for something tangible and can be used more than once"
Yeah user I can tell you're a smart guy and not lying on the internet.

If 95% of games are going to be forced to have parity with other VR headsets in order to be economically viable, then what's the point of increasing the cost of the headset by including room scale to begin with? For the 2 tech demos Valve actually puts out that make use of it?

It's a superfluous feature if developer's aren't going to properly design their games around it. That's part of my point: VR is better when it's tied down to singular hardware specifics (like on a console), as developers know exactly what hardware they're working with and can take full advantage of it.

Have sex.

Because roomscale and VR integration can be added later on and patched if not done right because we live in the digital age and not the PS1 era?

Wew, I managed to get my Pre-Order for the Headset and Controllers in before it sold out.

Got him coach

just woke up. where are the games

>tfw no one's made a cheaper version of Vive's extra sensor hockey pucks.
I really want full body tracking but I don't want full body tracking for 300 dollars.

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Are you upset with your purchase? Let me know how I can help.

Is there any reason to play VR besides porn?

What happened to foveated rendering and eye tracking is it another meme that they won't bother with until gen 3? If this is gen 2 it's disappointing as fuck
>more expensive not cheaper as anons predicted
>iterative shit where the only decent advancement seems to be controllers
>archaic ergonomics
>no wireless
>no big valve game (they had 6+ years to make it and still only putting out tech demo shit and relying on other devs shit like boneworks) correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this pretty fucking disappointing?
Wtf is going on with the lack of pc vr games yet consoles and even mobile have endless vidya even if it's trash
Because it's some fucking gay shit they didn't even make or will probably be bone works they'll just buy more devs like they always do and let the games die
It took you an entire week to finish vr? Jfc the absolute state
Where did u pirate them from? I'm hoping to find a cheap oddesy plus
Ausfag here life is pain even used sets are $$$
Imagine mordhau in vr
It's already fucking amazing in ultra wide I can't wait to get stuck into it once the servers are fixed
What list? My only interest was playing some car and flight sims but I Cbf honestly it just doesn't have enough killer apps and like user said you can burn through it all in a week.
Plus I'm Aussie so they vr player base is in the hundreds overall and fuck all games to play online.
>what is 5g
I thought index was 120hz 2880x1600x144hz max
Besides a 100fov is tiny as fuck my 21:9 does 90-100 and still looks like tunnel vision in fps

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Why would you even want full body tracking? The only thing you can use it for right now is ERPing in VRChat.

Also this.
I don't wunna play janky modded crap what's the point of this jew fangled controllers with fingering if no games support it retroactively via forwards compatibly
Vr is a cluster fuck reminds me of the early 90s 3d console pc wars where there where like 10+ graphics companies and none of them did anything well no standards retarded proprietary shit everywhere
And as soon as the industry now decided on standards nobody uses them even for shit like foveated rendering eye tracking and virtuallink usbc

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You can make them for $20-50 but they are a pain to make i rather spend the extra money for them.

If roomscale is being patched into pre-existing VR games, we both know it's going to be an afterthought. Assuming we're talking about some generic multiplatform/multiheadset VR game, the base game is inherently going to be designed to have parity with other VR headsets and not take advantage of Valve's features. Even if you patch support for Index-exclusive features like roomscale, it's just going to be an afterthought since the developers can't change the original design to take full advantage of the feature.

Even still, what incentives are there for game developers to spend resources adding meaningful and in-depth support for Index-exclusive features (like roomscale) when platform is only going to makeup like 1% of all consumer VR headsets due to its price?

Well that's the thing though.
I don't actually want to ERP, but I want to use fullbody tracking as make shift motion tracking for videos and animations. Also, while in VR chat I'm naturally an animated person and I feel like I'm really locked down not being able to use my legs. I feel like my sense of humor is locked down.

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Lmao it already sold out.

500 sold

As a poorfag neet with a 2080ti they are just jealous a beat up pc case with 10 years old shit in it stomps over their s o y led rgb gaymur shit
Same with my car the asshurt from normie wagies keeps me going
Zen 1 doesn't play nice with 32gb kits and I can't find a 3400+ cl14 kit at all and 2x2 isn't an option

Sounds worth it just to dab on HTC

Fuck you Gabe make a some fucking games.

Well as long you know basic soldering and C++ should take you around 1 hour each one.

I've been saying this for years.
It's a unfocused mess
Their is standards like steam vr nvidia and virtual link but nobody uses them it's a cluster fuck.
I said the 90s was bad but this is worse it's like the wild west of tech atm everyone's trying to get in on the gold rush bubble before it pops (gen 1 already has) they are trying to do over with gen 2 but it's hopeless.
Hopefully gen 3 will be worth jumping into when gen 9 consoles lean on it in a big way Microsoft's next console is fully vr apparently.
Also raytraced sound and vr depth would be amazing

The Index lacking eye tracking is the baffling exception to the trend of all new enthusiast/enterprise HMDs featuring it. I can only imagine they have plans for an add-on - perhaps built into or achieved through their rumored BCI EEG add-on (probably a replacement strap that you are expected to transplant the existing speakers onto).
>HLVR is some fucking gay shit they didn't even make

anything that benefits from immersion in any way, ie. all single-player first-person games.

wonder how many headsets were produced versus lighthouses. it wouldn't make sense to produce a 1:1 ratio if they're backwards compatible with old hardware and they wouldn't want a bunch of unsold lighthouses kicking around.

Naysayers BTFO again

So fucking predictable. You "people" do this shit every time pro-orders for headsets sell out.

Even if it were 100, a sell out is a sell out. They got the best possible outcome.

They can't make games when they keep making hardware like the Steam Link, Steam Machines and Steam Controllers. At least they're doing well in the VR department.

>prove me wrong

You really don't know what you are talking about. Roomscale is on all of the major pc HMD, like fucking really you dumbass. Controller adaption is hardbaked into VR (why the "exclusive to vive" fallout 4 worked on rift with hardly any effort).

Developers have avoided making use of advanced VR specifics since it started. In most case they don't need to (for the retards out there, this means the top selling games don't even use all of the more advanced features). PSVR is too little, but most of these sets are too much.

How does that corporate cock taste in your mouth?

Hlvr won't be hl3 so why should I give a absolute fuck.
Even if they retcon it through the portal 3 universe it's still not gonna have muh dyson sphere and borialis freeman kino and Gordon riding a mother fucking black hole boat into the combine.
Fuck valve desu I waited 10 years for a pastebin

Mixing your actual emotions with shitposting isn't advised.

OOF. Ryzen was a mistake. I can't recall the last time I need to make sure of anything so specific about ram when making a previous AMD build or any Intel build.

>Stating facts means I'm pro-corporate
Just digging yourself in deeper.

Beat Saber and Pavlov are two obvious ones for more accurate movement tracking.

Watching movies in a bigass virtual cinema never gets old. Especially with the old 3d blu-rays.

Yeah I'm pretty pissed I either get 3600+ ram but cl16 32gb and no guanteee it will run at those timings/speed or keep my existing b die 3200 cl14 16gb and prey ram requirements don't balloon.
Zen 2 is backwards compat but I need a new motherboard x5xx series if I want better memory so I thought fuck it my 2700x isn't even a bottleneck at 100fps and does 200fps easy if I turn the graphics down


I can understand Pavlov but why would you need full body tracking in Beat Saber? It's not like your sword swings are gonna be more accurate because you put trackers on your legs.

were there any big problems with first adopters with the Vive and Rift?

thinking about this is whats holding back from me preordering the Index right now.

For the DDR mod

Will my graphics card be able to run it or no? None of these checker programs seem to identify it correctly. If not what should I get? (cheap).

I can get a USB 3 pcie card.

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Just let me know if the better controllers can be used with the Rift S and I'll be good.

dont even bother with these tests.
if you can play modern games on relatively high settings with a good FPS, you should be fine.

i say this because a lot of the games that are actually worth playing can be run off smartphone hardware.

Run the SteamVR benchmark, if you get a 11 then yes.

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Ignore the GPU detection, look at the performance score.

So, uh... Where's the games?

that program is a joke. if you click the learn more button it just loads a webpage with the recommended/min requirements and the titan definitely checks out. it's comparable to a 1060 in performance. it's not the greatest but it's still fairly good.

Who would win?
Half Life 3 VR or Ape Escape 4 VR?

Yes although i can see Ape escape being total trash thanks to sony related stuff.

>thanks to sony related stuff.
what does that even mean?

Ape Escape 4 if you're a patrician.

Or they just didn't have a lot of units ready for launch because they're shy about making too much hardware. They don't wanna have to practically give them away like they did the Steam Link.
I put my reservation in around noon so I hope I don't have to wait until september or something to get mine.


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They can't, completely different tracking system. They will work with the original Vive and base stations, though.

I have no idea and i think i should go to sleep, but i can totally see Ape escape 4 being total shit, anything since 3 has been a disaster and with the current state of Sony i wouldn't get my hopes up.

I got a 1060 instead of 1070, but since I have a AMD Ryzen 7 and 16GB RAM it should even out.

>with the current state of Sony

can you stop saying shit that you dont even know what it means?

>Or they just didn't have a lot of units ready
Yeah user, they put a fucking timer on their main page because they were gunshy about it.
No need to be fooled by a bunch of faggots that were angry it blew them completely the fuck out, there's absolutely no reason they'd try to force scarcity on a product like this

Yeah downloading it now. The rift ran fine when I borrowed it from a friend.
I mean I could always buy a new one if it has problems, already considering spending £920 on this thing, what's another £530 for an RTX 2070?

What's its fucking problem?

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We already had an Ape Escape game with move controls

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970 is minimum requirement.
I guess the test is looking for recommended requirement

Correction, it was the minimum for a Vive, the Index has better resolution than the Vive

State of the art tech needs state of the art hardware. Not some 3+ year old card. My 970 struggles to maintain 60 on plenty of games. My pc is old af though from 2013 and hobbling with a 970.
This headset is not for the weak on cash

Got that first batch delivery locked in

now where
the fcuking

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Say what you will about how they've trated their older properties in the past. Moving forward, I believe you'll see about a dozen or so older PlayStation mascots popping up with next gen games.

It's still the minimum for Index

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They want a 980 or better.

I don't think those specs are right then, no way 970 works when it was the minimum for Vive

Now do it in VR. It only took twenty people to make Astrobot.

Well it is backwards compatible with 90/80hz games.

If it was a real ape escape game I would buy a headset for that alone. Half life would have to actually be good for me to get it.

>$750 for VR

how did this peasant get through the castle wall!?

Shit I thought there was a limit on steam wallet.
Could have used that instead of missing out because payment problems.

I had some problems with paypal, but luckily I had my card details saved as well.

>I'm a PC gaymer!
>buys a Ryzen cpu

>Miss pre-order window, get on reservation list
>Estimated Availability July 31, 2019
God damn it.

hopefully this reservation shit wont be too stingy.

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>$1000 for pc
>$800 for monitor
>$200 for keyboard
>Complains revolutionary next step in vr hardware is priced the same
I know you are probably a 3rd worlder like 1/3 of Yea Forums and it makes me laugh, shitskin.

why do you just make shit up?

>Still not available in Canada

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nigger that's what it says when you click on 'reserve yours"

>revolutionary next step
VR is equivalent to foldable phones
its a gimmick that won't take hold
VR isn't even taking hold right now, its been out for 3 years and still barely anyone has one, even with the affordability that is WMR
name me at least 5 games that are 100% worth spending at least $150 on a VR headset to play and is exclusive to VR

heheh wasting $1000 on nogaems goggles
this is just a troll thread r-r-right?

>its a gimmick that won't take hold
>Uptrend in sales for 3 years straight isn't "taking hold" because I'm too poor to buy it
>Index bundle sold out in 30 minutes flat.
Are you actually retarded user? Be honest

>name me at least 5 games that are 100% worth spending at least $150 on a VR headset to play and is exclusive to VR
Beat Saber
Blade and Sorcery
Budget Cuts

The fact that sony hasn't abandoned this yet and left it dead in the water like all their other gimmick tech speaks volumes

Attached: 1556739857431.png (500x413, 143K)

Too bad PSVR is dogshit.

>31 aug
The regret I had for pre-purchasing this has disappeared

Attached: 1.png (720x480, 90K)

>Foldable phones
kys you short sighted ape. Having a phone become a tablet is the next step in design technology. The current prototypes arent great, such is the case for all new technology.
VR is not a gimmick and you have to be fucking retarded to think so.

thefuck i literally looked at ram about 2 weeks ago, 2x8gb 3200mhz ram sticks and they were almost 200€ on amazon now they are fucking 92€ what happened

That is a lot for adults. Adults don't normally spend upwards of $1000 unless they're traveling or making that once-a-lifetime purchase like a whole glorious entertainment center to share with family and friends. But a device for personal entertainment that will just be outdated in another 3-4 years? That's a lot and not that common.


Crypto crash

shit dude, i almost missed out because for the first 5 minutes or so it was available, it kept giving me an error saying to try again later or contact support. it finally went through though.

Why do we always get shafted

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>But a device for personal entertainment that will just be outdated in another 3-4 years
Explain consoles then.

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A console is $400. VR is $400 plus another $400 minimum for a PS4 (or something like $800 minimum for a good PC).

they said something that they make the headset only in limited quanitity, but id rather wait for the valve "flagship vr game" releasing "later this year" but im also fucked if it isnt available anymore then, wat do

Bought an Odessey+ last year. Perfectly happy with it. Show me some fucking games if you want me to be yet-another-vr-headset. There's like 20 different headset models now. And most are barely an upgrade from the rest. Shit is pointless. Less hardware. More GAMES.

Or you can just buy a stand-alone VR set like the Quest for $400.

>1000 dollars is a lot
Are you poor or have kids? Holy shit

>$400 buy in
>Need TV already
>Need to buy at least 2 controllers ($120)
>Need to buy at least 3 games ($180) to not want to shoot yourself in the head from monotony
>Need another 60 for a year of online
Damn, that's $760 if you only play with one other person and already have a TV

You have to keep in mind $400 is an impossible amount of money for almost half of america.

The first person to make a rape/humiliation/ryona simulator with virt-a-mate tier graphics will become the richest man alive and solidify VR's place in every living room. I will pay $400-$500 for that game. Right now. Do it.

I'm ordering it because I have a big library of VR games already from my Vive and I wanna play them with a better HMD and controllers. Hell maybe Fallout 4 VR is worth playing now that modders have had some time with it.

I've been jobless for like 8 months now and still have a few grand just laying around, this is just fucking pathetic

t. 23 year old

i looked it up but have already forgotten the name. it's not even porn, that's supposed to be the joke.

>VR is not a gimmick
it's a gimmick your wallet keeps falling for paypig lmao

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>Yea Forums is pro Intel
>/g/ is pro AMD

Why are our boards so different from each other when it comes to CPU's?

Attached: 1390288064810.jpg (634x423, 28K)

My laptop only has 4 and thats its max limit. OSX runs fine when I need to boot into it. I use Ubuntu most of the time though. Just having Gnome, Firefox, and Slack open is enough to eat through all RAM and start writing to swap. When using i3 instead of Gnome, I usually have a gigabyte free. If I wanted to, I could replace Firefox with Midori, and have Slack run in a browser tab to have the whole system running under 1gb, but I'm too used to certain Firefox extentions.

They are just poor. People buy new phones for 1k every year and its not a "once in a lifetime purchase"
95% of the population is retarded as fuck.

>indie games that gives you 3-4 hours of fun
>doesn't even mention Onward

Who the actual fuck wants to spend $1000 on a device that barely has anything good to play on it? If you have money like that to throw at underdeveloped products, good for you.

23 year old who has no trade, experience, or college

Yep, we keep falling for it, so much so that you keep remarking how it's a dead meme gimmick fad and letting us live in your head rent free so you come to our threads to cry about being poor.

yea uptrend that still barely anyone owns
and just to let you know, every faggot with a niche device supports it to death so they can cope with how they wasted money on it (look at Vita fags that eat up every garbage thats released on it)

For 1k you can buy a console, a TV, a second controller and a couple games and still have money left over. Plus the TV will have a significantly longer lifespan because they're not designed to be replaced unless they somehow break.

There are tons of good games for VR on PC, though.

T. Poorfag who cant understand spending money

Well it ain't gonna do 4k 144hz but it should work.

Attached: 1556739930150.png (533x409, 16K)

So if I got in on the Index pre-order, does that mean I get it early or do I have to wait until the 31st like the people on the reserve list?

Attached: 1503506609791.jpg (500x508, 17K)

>Buying a bunch of obsolete garbage to justify not buying state of the art tech
Damn, I'd be shocked if anyone still watches TV anymore

I have an iPhone 3G. Bitches are always like "Wow, is that a new iPhone"? Great conversation starter.

>TV will have a significantly longer lifespan because they're not designed to be replaced
Every piece of modern tech is designed to be replaced you idiot

Didn't realize the Vita got several generations of releases that weren't just recolors.

Ok so lets say 300 dollars for the console. And how cheap is your tv? Fucking 400 dollars? Spending less than 600 on a tv is a waste. You are such a gullible little consumerist slave.
The man who buys cheap boots that fall apart every year has no money yet the man who buys expensive boots never needs to replace them.

Yea Forums only cares about game performance, which is overwhelmingly dependant on single core performance.

/g/ cares about scientific computing, rendering, multitasking, and FLOPS. Not a single person on Yea Forums would ever get a threadripper.

Because Yea Forums is fucking stupid and know nothing about technology. we just buy what we think runs games good and ignore everything else. Also our parents pay for it all

fallout 4/skyrim vr are literally the vanilla versions with a VR mod on them being sold for full price. all of the existing base game mods are compatible, even your base game saves are compatible with the VR versions. it's a complete fucking joke.

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>Women talk to him
Yea Forums is not your dream journal user

A lot of people also think "Lifetime Warranty" means it's warrantied for the entire time you're alive. I do plumbing/HVAC and run into these assholes 3x a day.

Attached: richboi.png (497x409, 101K)

You know you can plug a computer into your TV these days right Grandpa?

>No Windows 7 support
Unironically install Gentoo

Attached: works_on_linux.png (1080x1231, 194K)

Don't forget that Fallout 4 VR lacks the DLC.
Even fucking Borderlands 2 on PSVR is getting the DLC.

Attached: 1556543823437.png (1022x1274, 1.19M)

No there aren't.

Oof user sorry. I know the type. My entire family is them. Something breaks 8 years after buying and they act like they want to sue. Fucking entitled morons. Even your own body breaks down why should your cheap chinese junk last longer


Attached: 1533027974871.jpg (800x450, 69K)

it's almost like thats what happened with the Oculus and WMR as well
kill yourself faggot

>>A lot of people also think "Lifetime Warranty" means it's warrantied for the entire time you're alive.
That's literally what it means, you should be upset at the companies who misused the term to sell bullshit to idiots, not the people who have functioning brains unlike yourself.

The idea of a "lifetime" warranty only applying to the lifetime of a product is so dumb it makes my head hurt. It's like buying insurance that protects against anything but damage and theft.

Meant for

Let me guess, someone will post an image of VR games and you'll reply with "all tech demos"

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If you think the quest isn't going to sell out too you're delusional retard.
You're going to get BTFO every single time you have a chance to prove your retarded poorfag theories to the world because you don't actually know shit, that's why you're some broke ass kid on the internet in a thread about something you can afford pretending you're a potential consumer.

Attached: 1555837104876.png (751x557, 468K)

I actually tried the "is your PC ready" thing on 7 and it gave me a green tick.

It'll probably work fine on 7, the problem is that devs are braindead as shit and trying to take any excuse to stop supporting the only good OS left out there.

Correct. Call me when VR gets over 10 AAA games to choose from and then I'll give a fuck about it. I don't buy consoles before there's games for them, so why would I buy something 2-3x more expensive with seemingly less available than a console at launch?

There is nothing wrong with that term. As you said, it applies to the lifetime of the product. It's the consumer's fault if they think their little $3 alarm clock is guaranteed to last for 100 years. That is sheer retardation. The only thing that could possibly be guaranteed for a human lifetime is rocks. And maybe some tungston jewelry if there were no moving pieces.

"Muh EA, Capcom, Activision, and Ubisoft are evil!"!!!"!@!""
"Ummmm, why doesn't VR have AAA's that aren't VR exclusive"

I don't want to play last of us VR

Attached: 76b.png (704x400, 420K)

Freddy, I am.

At least Skyrim VR is based on SE so it has the better engine and all the DLC. It's also a half-decent VR port. Fallout VR is a goddamn mess, though.

>it applies to the lifetime of the product.
No, it applies to the lifetime of the customer.

I've got some fantastic warranties to offer you, man. Lifetime deals on everything you own, only 100 bucks a year!

Oh, but if anything breaks, you know, you can't get a replacement or something. Because if it broke, that means its lifetime is over, right? So, where do you want to sign?

One of the pcs has 64 gigs because it is for fucking work.

Not everyone just plays games dipshit

>So, uh... Where's the games?

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Attached: NOGAEMS_OCULUSPSVR.jpg (4813x4255, 3.69M)

Yea Forums isn't one person.

I do, though it wouldn't be my first pick, since there's several dozen AAA developers out there and I'm not a huge fan of Naughty Dog.

How depressed are you right now that your shitty meme never caught on?

Datacenter crash actually.

>16GB 2400MHz single channel
user rearrange your RAM sticks, you put them wrong in your motherboard.


Attached: VRfags.png (963x900, 172K)

>windows 10
>2080 ti
oh user no

If you are not on a budget and do nothing but play games, Intel is the best cpu. End of discussion.

However, if your on a budget or do other things on your PC besides gaymen, AMD is a better choice.

>bark bark bark

Shut up, dog.

Why do none of them look appealing? It all looks like heavily commercialized crap, with no artistic flare to almost anything, besides some of the ports.

Get a 2080ti if you're going to spend thousands on VR you shitbag

Once it stops being overpriced as fuck i will.
Nothing from the RTX lines makes sense to buy at all even if you have money to waste.

kill yourself

I love how so many people who obviously never tried VR, proceed to talk down to others and lecture about it.

Sorry pal. I think the VR users and the multiple business giants producing for it, may know more than you.

>doing work on a windows machine
lol get a mac, you nigger.

There'd be no standards on this board at all if I did, apparently.

the dildos have triggers.

i didn't pay out of pocket for the kit so i'm definitely not going to waste money on a 2080.

Sounds like you're nitpicking over the title pictures

>Linux is free and supported if you don't want to install 10.
the operating system has to run games, though. wine does not qualify.

I'm talking about the games themselves.

Nah. You wouldn't have made that comment if you had.

Steam in Linux runs games with no problems stability wise, performance wise there is a hit though because Linux GPU drivers always suck.

>discarding dozens of games out of hand based on their logos
>for the sake of your stupid tortanic meme
you don't know what taste is

Fuck valve, never buying anything from those jews.

proton counts as wine.

Obviously some Favela street rat with a stolen smart phone and a PS2 knows more about the heart of the people!

lol, granted I haven't look at every single one, but I've looked at most of them. I've been browsing VR games for a couple years now and still haven't bitten the bullet. The vast majority of them look like they don't have any art directors on the teams, or the art directors are twats with heavily commercialized sensibilities (i.e. they're just aspie gamers and not people who actually love the arts).

"I'm talking about the games themselves"
"Art directors"

Attached: 1555729889196.png (531x709, 231K)

Sounds like you're not on my frequency

As in the games don't have art styles, retard.

>performance wise there is a hit though because Linux GPU drivers always suck
The performance hit comes from
a) translating dx to opengl or vulkan
b) native games that have shitty ports
The drivers are actually really good nowdays.

An artstyle can't be a hindrance to a game unless it's so bad you get annoyed looking at it, if you're going to sit here and tell me that's the case for every single VR game, you're lying to save face on an anonymous imageboard, and that's pretty fucking sad

Attached: x27.jpg (855x1050, 131K)

Attached: file.png (225x350, 123K)

>An artstyle can't be a hindrance to a game
Says the aspie gamer.

>if you're going to sit here and tell me that's the case for every single VR game
There's no if, that's more or less what I'm telling you. I haven't looked at every single one, but I've looked at most.

>Literally cuts out bits off my post to pretend he has a functioning argument.
If you put this much effort into job hunting you'd be on my side buddy

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Does this thing have eye tracking and all that like the new Vive is supposed to have? I have an oculus and needing to adjust and try to get focus is a nightmare, not to mention dealing with the sensors.

No sensor towers and automatic eye focusing is what I want for another VR set.

Fuck if I know.

Attached: specs.png (1314x788, 479K)

user buy a used I5-7400.

>logical cores

Attached: 1554764282606.gif (240x266, 3.86M)

VR is too young to have any real visionaries / art directors yet, I'll admit. But if you can't see how they lack art styles compared to the HUNDREDS of games with great art styles we already have, I don't know what to tell you.

>only 31.9 RAM
I am so sorry OP
32 master race

It's a touchy balance. A lot of the more artistic looking vr games get wrote off as walking simulators and tech demos. More art can mean shorter campaigns too.

I like the games that use the unique perspectives of VR. Moss has you looking down on a 1:1 scale mouse character as you both control with buttons/stick and use the motion controls to interact with the stages. A Fisherman's Tale let's you interact with a tiny version of your play area as you watch your giant self above. VVR does a lot with a simple art style and using headsets to change scenes.

I can buy a medium-high range PC for that price. Gaben can go fuck himself.

>Admits to VR being a young medium
>Compares the games to a subset of the industry that's been making millions for decades
One step forward and two steps back I guess

Threads are logical cores, cores are physical cores (duh).

Imagine having a computer hooked up to the internet and thinking you're safe from spying because you're using a discontinued operating system.

get the fuck out of here

Moss would look pretty good if there were other NPC mice to interact with and stuff. When going through the town area at the beginning I thought it was pretty lackluster. This is my biggest issue with the VR games currently, their world designs are very bare and obviously very little budget is going towards this aspect of gaming. Hopefully as more developers experiment with the mechanics and comfort necessities of VR they get these things under their belt and then start to develop with bigger budgets and more of a focus on employing more designers.

Ultimately this conversation is about whether VR is worth it or not. It's not for me because I have very high standards due to having played video games since the 80's.

The social aspect of VR is revolutionary and positional sound with headset movement is the most immersive thing in gaming.
Throwing someone a mag in a shooter or being able to rustle the jimmies of some manlet, that you can CLEARLY see is a manlet is something you can't do with regular games

I think you're missing the point of VR

Two gifs at once

That is how most servers work though.

>PSVR selling 5m+ units keeping the meme alive
Who are these retards?

Attached: 780610d87ec720c3.0.jpg (1200x800, 328K)

Yeah, but you need to take into account that I have to go to the point of the game and I will be there at this point I don't know if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time and I will be there at this point I don't know if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time and I will be there at this point I don't know if you have any questions please feel free to contact not be in school on Friday so that we could get the point that we have the separatism is it ok for a few minutes before Stoney is it ok for the love himself to sleep and wake you can come to me or my opinion.

I agree that Moss could have done more with what it had. It was just a straight run from left to right.

Would have been great if it were stages linked together like in Zelda and you could freeroam. That sort of thing is probably harder to design and bug test though.

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 17K)

Why does that app say that I'm good to go with my Windows 8.1?

I think you're missing the point of the adventure and RPG genres. My favorite genres.

It says 7 is good too.
I assume it will use something from the shit added to 1809 for VR.

>1079 euro
I'd have to work and starve for 2.5 months to buy this crap

Hi poland user.

If you actually READ the warranties instead of trying to sound like a smartass, you'd see the timespan of the warranty is clearly outlined. And it's usually not even in fine print. It's right there at the top. No one is trying to trick you into believing your mattress will last for 100 years. They are (wrongfully) giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not completely retarded and will understand.

>still using pancake terms to categorize games
I knew you didn't understand

My rig is mega fucking below the range for this crap. Although I do applaud Valve to helping further vr development I won't be interested for another 5-10 years. There just isn't enough games to justify it and it still isn't good enough imo to warrent wasting money on. Gen 2 VR is shaping up well but it won't be till like the 4th or 5th gen when it becomes more cost effective and worth it.

VR doesn't change the definitions of any of the core genres.

HMD first batch is totally sold out. I'd be really curious to know the actual numbers here.

Attached: gone.png (943x1117, 973K)

Factually incorrect T head. The target audience is for all face having individuals.

Attached: CohF-tyUkAEqOun.jpg (908x768, 100K)

Why would anyone pay $1k for a new VR headset that isn't even next generation features? Who wants to use base stations and not have eye tracking and other shit?

Same. Batch 2 is also gone, I wonder how long it'll take for 3 to go, if at all.

>Who wants to use base stations
Someone willing to pay $1000 would likely want the best tracking.

Lighthouse tracking is the absolute best quality that can be had. It's the WMR-style inside-out CV tracking that's the quality-compromising budget solution.

>it doesn't have eye tracking

All the patents that Valve filed around the index pretty much BTFO every other device on the market right now.

Do their base stations require USB, or just power? If it is just power that is a bit better. Running rear USB sensors for the Oculus is a giant hassle, and I have found it constantly breaks and you have to readjust.

It's just power since all they do is sweep IR through the room.
Hence, lighthouse.

Where in the documentation does it say anything about eye tracking and autofocusing?

bruh no way they wouldn't be mentioning it by now if index had it
I'm sure they're doing r&d for it like how oculus is for halfdome but index doesn't have it

>no windows 7 support
What are they gonna do, lock down the open vr standard?

It is, tho.
That account just looks like Yea Forums leaking out of 4channel.

If you use Valve VR check program it has no problem with win7

Use the WMR API that is only in windows 1809 and later.
Should be easy to port to W7 since it already got ported to Linux.

>tfw still remember of a tard user screeching that the knuckles would cost less than 100us

What new GPU should I get?

Attached: Capture.png (846x432, 141K)

>tfw still remember of a tard user screeching that the index would have a much higher FOV than the vive

I bought the odyssey and its based. Definitely great quality.

if you want to upgrade the wands but dont care about the finger tracking meme consider waiting for these guys

Attached: aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9UL0IvODM1Njc5L29yaWdpbmFsLzAzLmpwZw==.jpg (1500x671, 178K)

1070 is the recommended requirement.

Fuck these retards, and fuck anyone else who just straight up ignores 10% of the population.

Why does Valve shill so much on this site?

>consider waiting for an inferior product
what a sale damn

I had the exact same issue. Order went through officially on the 7 minute mark.

My brother.

Devil hand uprising when?


it is not asymmetrical, there are two models

it is not about being inferior, it is about having shit i don't need

it is not asymmetrical that user is retarded

why did you let them scam you like that user? 3gb version is a meme

Because you've gone off your meds and every positive opinion posted on Yea Forums is a conspiracy to deceive you.

the fuck do you mean its not asymmetrical? Its absolutely asymmetrical what do you mean by "There are 2 models"? the left one has a menu button while the right one has A and B buttons with the thumbstick

It's just a dumb promo pic.

it is not dumb, it is to show that they are accommodating both options

Attached: kys.png (542x335, 73K)

they're not asymmetrical by default, there's two different version you can mix and match.

That manages to be the worst of both worlds, imagine buying controllers you have to set up for every single game you buy just because these fucking retards couldn't pick between trackpads and analog, so nobody can be bothered supporting the SIXTEEN potential combinations.

if you hate having options you can always go back to a console

I haven't kept up with Pimax. The store only lists the controllers bundled with the base stations for $300. Since you seem to be implying this will be a better value than the Index controllers, is it safe to assume they will be sold alone on release?

Those are just different older versions of the knuckles, no idea why someone would put different versions together in a pic.

"Valve's flagship game that is coming out this year is HL VR" - Valve News Network

Attached: 1547576929815.jpg (524x455, 31K)

They aren't selling different versions, the two knuckles in the pic are different prototypes.

So Source VR when?

Valve told that to all journos that tested the Index, he's just repeating third hand news which are the only thing he doesn't completely fuck up.

It's dumb. My first reaction was that all of it was an original design no dev will ever support, next I noticed the vive/index layout on left and right, then I realized both together made no sense and had to research to confirm this isn't a standard pair of controllers.

I don't even get the point making a vive wand layout, no one will want that.

i am not implying anything

i am only keeping an eye on it because i only care about the thumbsticks, if they offer a good deal over the knuckles once it is released there is just no reason for me not to buy it

>Steam Machines
>Steam Link
>Steam "paid" mods

I'm sure it'll be different his time user

What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1555909977753.png (808x377, 110K)

That a 1060 cant do 1440p@144Hz twice.

why would I want 144Hz? That's a huge waste. 60 is fine.

>Buying something without a review

Yeah this will go well.

Attached: mars-giggle.gif (500x356, 659K)

Because in VR anything under 90Hz will make you puke.

Speccy is known to not show RAM properly. It thinks my 3400mhz RAM is running at 1666hz.

>If you don't own a Vive setup, it is illogical to get this product.
I mean, I own a Rift, if I really had any other options, that would be true. With Oculus taking the shit route with Rift S, I don't really see many options without paying even more. I want IPD adjustment (my IPD is 70-71mm) and proper tracking, so in other words Lighthouse or Constellation. Oculus is out, WMR is out due to having the worst tracking and generally no IPD adjustment, so that only leaves SteamVR headsets. Vive is too old and not an upgrade over my current Rift CV1, Vive Pro is worse than Index and priced too close for me to consider it, Pimax looks pretty good but the headsets are just as expensive if not even more, so by process of elimination the only upgrade option I have is the Index.

There's nothing else on the market which would fit my IPD while also being an all-around upgrade from my Rift. That being said, I have not pre-ordered because I don't like pre-orders and the price is still pretty damn high. If I'm spending this much I want to at least see a decent number of reviews and user opinions, especially for flaws which you may only notice after using it for a bit longer as a daily driver.

you outed yourself as a tortanic faggot, now kill yourself console nigger.

they are. it is pretty stupid, because nobody actually wants the big touchpad version, but that is absolutely what they are doing. big touchpad version will be dropped almost immediately.

>No Windows 7 support
Steam Machines/Steam Link 2.0 incoming.

I have the most basic WMR headset and I'm fine with it

That is not the problem user, the problem is that he is running it in single channel mode and not dual channel mode.

Valve didn't say anything about it other than 'VALVE FLAGSHIP VR TITLE COMING LATER THIS YEAR' on a powerpoint slide, but the only way it's anything other than HLVR is if they've very deliberately mislead us all with fake leaks.

controllers are $179 more than i was anticipating
seriously what the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 1535820723420.jpg (216x282, 23K)

>they are
They aren't, stop spewing retardation without checking, there's only one version of the consumer knuckles which are a mirrored pair.

>the only way it's anything other than HLVR is if they've very deliberately mislead us all with fake leaks.
Nothing at all ever leaked about what they're working on and HLVR was fanboy speculation from day one that's just snowballed ever since to the point it's barely even second guessed.

all WMR are 90hz. it is only Pimax and now Oculus who have ever dropped lower, down to 80hz and now 72hz for the Quest. PSVR runs at 120hz interpolated from 60fps video feed, with mixed results.

journos have been pretty glowing about the true 120/144hz effect on presence. 'hyperawareness' relative to 90hz feeling 'groggy' is one description.

>nobody actually wants the big touchpad version
i remember seeing a meltdown when the prerelease knuckles were revealed to be lacking that large oreo in the middle

maybe they thought there is enough demand for it

Attached: ut4r4Wq4.jpg (400x400, 27K)

After rigorous medical-tier testing Valve came up with the "90hz minimum" standard and was obviously going to push further since it was just a minimum, now faceberg is trying to pretend anything lower than that is acceptable.

>Nothing at all ever leaked about what they're working on
The same leak that confirmed the existence of the Valve Index with "Vive Pro Resolution" and higher FoV at the end of 2018, including 3 pictures also said they're working on Half Life VR: uploadvr.com/valve-135-vr-headset-half-life/
>Sources: Valve Planning 135° VR Headset Bundled With ‘Knuckles’ Controllers And Half-Life VR


We’ve also heard the field of view will be 135° with “Vive Pro resolution.” It may also come bundled with ‘Knuckles’ controllers as well as a Half-Life based VR game that could be a prequel rather than the much-anticipated Half-Life 3.

Disgusting. How are they even doing that with strobing screens? I remember seeing flicker at 75Hz on CRT monitors back in the day, I needed at least 85Hz to not see flicker. Is the Quest actually going to flicker visibly?

Well, if Valve is going to push upwards, someone might as well try to push downwards. Fits Zuck just fine.

If they're really not even doing any interpolation then I have to imagine 72hz is going to be pretty uncomfortable but it will probably be hard to pin down exactly why

HLVR has had constant text string leaks with every Source 2 tools update (ie. DOTA2 and CSGO updates), showing a clear progression over time. I'm not really going to bother arguing this with you, you're just wrong. Again, the only way this isn't the case is if Valve has deliberately faked it for some reason.

They're called the 'Sword' and 'Sword Sense'. The 'Sword' is the one with the big circular touchpad, aiming for Vive Wand feature parity (with some implicit extra benefits). The 'Sword Sense' is the one with the knuckles-like control layout and grip sensors, aiming for Valve Knuckles feature parity. At least currently (and this may well change) customers are able to fully mix and match left and right hand versions (all four possible combinations presented from a drop-down menu) when placing their deposit. You're stupid. pimaxvr.com/products/pimax-base-station-and-wireless-controllersdeposit

Oh so it's just retarded irrelevant pimax shit ripping off the oculus controllers, you're just confusing people posting chink shit in a thread about the index.

that's a surprise. try updating your drivers and run it again.

okay user :3

I will not be preordering because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already: over.

It's time to move on Valve.

Attached: 1548277057645.jpg (653x767, 44K)

Attached: x.png (339x490, 188K)

Yes, a meme gimmick fad that has somehow stayed afloat for the past 5 years and every single time something interesting comes out for VR people say that it's a meme gimmick.

3DTV. You just got: BTFO.

Attached: 1528722237709.jpg (1000x1000, 55K)

>buying a console without games

Attached: 1556476250874.gif (285x287, 131K)

HTC Vive and Oculus Rift both sold out within hours, Oculus Quest and Rift S both sold out within one day, Valve Index sold out within 30 minutes. The VR-tortanic meme faggotry is what is over.


not this shit again

Good games

>tech demos and neutered ports

Attached: 1552056204627.gif (250x188, 1.2M)

No wireless (adapter), no buy.

Attached: 1556214906050.png (800x566, 495K)

Have you played them?

>mfw just bought a Rift 6 months ago
>mfw the price for this

Attached: 1530977706292.jpg (472x472, 39K)

Well I have a reference 1080 gigabyte card and it has been rock solid. Granted I did stripped the HS+F off it and made it liquid cooled.

Why is SonicFox molesting that kid?

Well 3d tvs were overpriced and you had to be perfectly positioned to get the proper experience.

if i was a vr dev i'd be supremely pissed off at valve's attitude towards VR.

it's hard to read this as anything other than another tonedeaf move by a company that's currently rudderless and out of touch.

should have waited and got a rift s for 399.99 lmao
its okay I bought my Oculus last year

Gotta save something for MK2. At this point, PC VR is primarily about parting richfags with their money.

Now mark red the ones that can be played without VR (Such as MOSS, stupid rat!) and then get BTFO

Attached: miku smoking.jpg (1000x1000, 192K)

Rift is superior to Rift S, and costed less.

>Speccy is known to not show RAM properly. It thinks my 3400mhz RAM is running at 1666hz.

That's the correct value though
1666hz x 2 = 3332hz (aka 3400 rated RAM)

you're only getting that x 2 if you're running in dual channel mode, which that other guy is not.

Nice, then I don't feel any regret


Game = Intel
Computing/rendering = AMD

If you are a gamer, just grab Intel. Easy? yup.

VR is not a real product yet. It is currently a beta test you pay money to participate in. There's nothing wrong with that, many products such as the Galaxy Fold are like this.

But let's not pretend that VR is anything other than an experiment. Unlike the 90s we're so damn close to it being a real, practical product. But it's still too expensive, it's too restrictive and clunky and requires powerful hardware to work.

There's no killer apps yet to push consumers to buy VR like Doom was for Windows 95 or OpenGL Quake was for 3D accelerator cards. It's not a cheap entrance point to a new technology like the PS1 and PS2 were, either.

There is no incentive yet for consumers to buy it at even $400, let alone $1000. Outside of industrial and prosumer applications, there's no real reason other than "well I have the money, and it looks pretty cool" for a regular gamer to buy it.

500 units is not a runaway commercial success, that's just a successful market test. We're almost there, but not yet.

So just breathe, dude. You didn't waste your money buying VR, but I haven't missed out on anything by *not* buying it either.

Attached: 1544756085792.gif (635x474, 1.99M)

Uhh, it'll work won't it? I mean it says 970 is ok but my 1060 should be fine as well right? They are about the same and my 1060 might even be a bit better. It's the 6gb version BTW.

Attached: Screenshot (150).png (1091x829, 386K)

I really don't think you should be dropping 1k on that shit if you have a budget build.

They upped the requirements from a 970 to a 980 I think but I think you should be ok. Might need to run it in 90hz mode.

It's actually a laptopI live way out in the country and can't get internet to download games, the only way to play games is to get a laptop and download them at work or in free wifi places and play them when I get home


nvdia laptop min spec for index res screens is 1070. save yourself some cash and just get one of the cheaper headsets for now. unless you want to throw even more money at the problem and buy an external gpu.

>Uhh, it'll work won't it?
It'll "work", but it'll be highly dependent on the game(s). You'll be able to easily play shit like Beat Saber or Space Pirate Trainer, SuperHot and all the other shit that they could also port to the Quest, but don't expect to run anything like Elite Dangerous, Project CARS, Fallout 4 VR, No Man's Sky, Obduction, The Solus Project, Robinson: The Journey, DCS World or similar at anywhere near acceptable framerate or quality (might work if you lower a bunch of graphics Options).

>VR is not a real product yet. It is currently a beta test you pay money to participate in.
This was true at the time of the original Rift and Vive launch (which both launched in simply unacceptable/incomplete form, in different ways), but hasn't been since then. It is still a technology experiencing constant major innovation and rapid obsolescence of any individual product, but the same goes for ANY new tech.

You don't know how many units they pushed, that user pulled the number out of his ass

They seem to be doing a good job of giving support to a wide variety of headsets. They are the only ones making an effort to provide software tools that make all games available to everyone rather than making an effort to restrict games to their own headset. There isn't anything wrong with pulling from the top with their hardware while allowing others to push from the bottom. Valve putting out a $1000 headset doesn't stop you from buying and enjoying a $250 headset. People always said good things about WMR until the Rift S was announced and Oculus fags decided to start trashing them to differentiate their form of inside out tracking. It will still play all of the same games as the Index and you can hold out for a more definitive upgrade.

Haven't kept up, whats the deal with the new headset? Better than vive pro or what? Still got an oculus, but I rarely put it on.

If its wireless, they might have me though.

Attached: 1543292438752.jpg (1000x1800, 1.17M)

>Better than vive pro or what
Yes, this is the best consumer headset you can get. That is if you can afford it.

/g/ has always shilled hard for AMD despite AMD constantly fucking up.

>IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT :^):^)^))^)
fuckin poorfags I swear.

It's the best consumer VR headset in existence, not wireless tho

why does it say you need 3x USB 3.0 ports?

The Rift needed a port for each tracking camera, it was stupid.

That was a requirement for the Rift.

Shame, I'll probably hold off then. Its not like any of the VR games out right now need a better headset than a default rift of vive.

I'd be extremely tempted if it was wireless, I know there's technical limitations with that power, but the cords are just a monster to deal with.

It'd be nice to get tracking that doesn't require 3 usb ports and super specific layouts to work.

I'll probably hold off on headsets until there's a good stand alone one. Its just not worth the trouble of having to unplug multiple devices and my monitors whenever I want to play VR

>Its not like any of the VR games out right now need a better headset than a default rift of vive.
I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to distinguish the front sights on several rifles in h3vr for the first time when I get my index. Really I think anything that has you looking out over distances much of the time, e.g. any flight sim or fps would benefit from the screen, though I'll see when I get it.

I mean it wouldn't hurt to have those things. But even in games like onward or such, you're usually shooting by muscle memory or scopes rather than needing tons more resolution or clarity.

Its one of those things where I think valve is making a lot of nice QOL changes to the vive, that would be needed further down the road, and thankfully they fixed those god awful controllers. But VR really needs to focus more on getting away from the tethers imo. I'd pay $1000 for a wireless headset, but I'm not going to for a slightly better screen.

Is the Vive Pro even worth the extra $800 compared to the standard?

Fuck no, he's better off with CV1 than S. S is pretty much the incarnation of "1 step forward, 2 steps back".

Not them, but what's bad about the S?

I just looked it up, and honestly I'm tempted to go for that as an upgrade over my original rift.

One of my biggest issues with the rift right now is the stupid towers, I just don't have a good way to set them up due to how my room is set up. Inside out tracking would be really nice.

The vive pro is just a normal vive with blue plastic and a higher res pentile screen. HTC probably became dead to half their userbase the day they announced the price.

Maybe if you regard convenience and easy of use as pointless. Plus considerably reduced godrays and screen door effect.
Cus setting up cameras is shit.

That shit is inaccurate obviously

Attached: perhaps.png (911x704, 291K)

>Really I think anything that has you looking out over distances much of the time, e.g. any flight sim or fps would benefit from the screen, though I'll see when I get it.

HP Reverb or Acer ConceptD OJO might be better choices for Simmers that use it solely for that, since they both sport 4K screens, although they both have 2-camera WMR tracking and the retarded WMR Controllers. I don't think it's any question that Valve Index is the best new "Overall package" though.

>Not them, but what's bad about the S?
No headphones included, no manual IPD adjustment, worse tracking ("easier to set up" isn't really an argument), worse refresh rate and arguably worse panel. It's not even produced by Oculus anymore, it's a rebranded Lenovo WMR sold by them.

Only the resolution is an upgrade (and maybe the lenses) but otherwise it's worse.
>no IPD adjustment
>lower refresh rate (and potentially prone to visible flicker for sensitive people because of it)
>worse tracking:
>won't track in the dark
>cannot track behind the headset
>may also have issues tracking when very close to a camera (think like using a bow, your hand will almost touch your face)
>significantly worse audio than CV1
It should look better than a CV1 as long as your eyes hit the IPD sweet spot, but everything else is inferior. If your eyes don't hit the IPD sweet spot, depth perception and sharpness will be off and in the worst case you'll get headaches and fuck up your eyes due to misaligned lenses.
>I just don't have a good way to set them up due to how my room is set up.
I don't know what your room is like. I personally hung them upside down from my curtain rails and the 3rd sensor I have sits on top of an old CRT TV, itself on top of some taller furniture.

>Maybe if you regard convenience and easy of use as pointless
Not pointless, but saving me the "trouble" of a one-time process of sensor mounting which took me like an hour isn't a selling point when it in turn degrades the hundreds or thousands of hours I spend actually using the thing.