>pc turns on at 2A.M sounds like a jet engine
Pc turns on at 2A.M sounds like a jet engine
>“you’re location is in use” icon appears for a few seconds and then goes away
I had my phone snap pictures by itself before. Flash and everything.
>tv light flashes red and green randomly
>computer crashes for no reason
>"oh god it's fucked everything is ruined"
>boots normally as if nothing happened
>pc turns on by itself at midnight
nothing worse
How the fuck does this happen? I've never had it happen to me?
Is it only for high spec PCs?
Why do you keep posting this? I mean I like the topic but give it a rest, sperg. I’ve seen this same thread with the same OP pic for 4 days straight. Is this the only way you can get (you)s?
windows 10 update i hope
>PC tells you to turn it off
>pc freezes up but music keeps playing
>can't click anything
>webpages stuck on loading
>music stops
>suddenly everything starts again
>no idea what happened
Setting a computer to sleep isnt turning it off. Your computer isnt turning on by itself. Something jiggled the mouse and it woke up because you are a retard.
>keeping your electronics connected when you're not using them
you have to pay the price for being a retard
>turn pc off for the night
>rgb mouse and keyboard suddenly turn on hours later
when you click shut down in the start menu windows doesn't actually shut down your pc nowadays
>pc turns on by itself for years
>try to replace every possibly relevant hardware piece over time, it doesn't stop
>one day I buy and install an inline UPS
>it stops happening
>the exact same thread with the exact same OP picture is made for cheap (you)s
Fuck you, this is why Yea Forums can't have nice things
>Something jiggled the mouse
what meme is this
Only one of the best fucking bands of the 2000s
>enter room
>tv is dim
>before you even touch anything it brightens up
How does it know
>leave laptop on my lap when i sleep
>wake up with burns
>gotta put computer to sleep then go out
>Update and shutdown/Update and restart/Sleep
>Nah I will update later
>press Sleep, see that it enters sleep mode properly
>come back to a running pc
>update installed
God fucking dammit.
>command line screen pops up for a second then disappears
>boot up PC
>command prompt randomly pops up and disappears
>everything is fine
sounds very generic desu senpai.
Based retards
Todd Howard's looking rough after Fallout 76, huh.
I love it, but to be fair it is from their second album which is more of a straight-forward rock album. Try this song, it's their most popular and one of their best:
>PC fans get really loud for no reason
>Open task manager
>Fans quiet down, nothing out of the ordinary
Uninstall far cry: blood dragon
Did anyone catch the game last night?
based interpals
>try to turn on pc
>keeps restarting itself
>panic , shut it off
>run around and worry like a retard
>turn on after a few minutes
>works just fine
fuck you too
>alt-tab out of game while it's loading
>game stops responding and won't minimise
>only solution is to restart
>ps3 turns on at 4A.M sounds like 10 jet engines
The same thread
The same OP
The same picture
The same replies
And the same pictures in the replies
For the fourth time (from what I have seen)
Jesus fucking christ, this is creative bankruptcy at its finest. If this was a decent board the mods would public permaban every single retard that replied here. But it's Yea Forums so carry on this disgusting shitshow.
upgrade to windows 7
PCs don't actually shutdown these days unless you specifically make it fully shutdown like by cutting power. It just shoves everything into memory and enters advanced hibernation. If Windows tells it to wake up like for updates it'll look like your PC is starting by itself but it really never shut down
>TV turnsed itself on by itself in the middle of the night
now i alway remember to plug it off before going to bed
OP is a faggot.
sounds like shit
>put pc to sleep before going to bed
>literally as im about to drift into slumber the thing wakes up and starts whirring like a fucking boeing
>fucking jump out of bed
>pull out the power cable
>grab the case
>smash into wall
>kick it when it's on the floor
>pick it up again and throw it on the ground
>stomp and throw for about 3 minutes before i feel like my rage has been satisfied
>the case is completely fucking fucked
>it looks like a fucking clown car
>turn on the pc tommorow and it works perfectly fine, feels faster if im honest
>a year later and not only is it completely fine but it has never dared interupt my sleep again
That's fine man, I didn't like it the first time I listened to it either. They're one of those bands that grows on you. Sorry that you didn't like it though.
Stop using win7.
>wake up to the piercing beeps of xbone turning itself on in the middle of the night
>sometimes more than once a night
>carlos bf
>not cute paul bf
Just not my genre, man, it all sounds the same to me. Not shitting on your style.
>police siren stops outside your house
>wake up because HDD starts making loud clicking noises
Stop fapping to lolis and you wont have to worry about that
My SSD doesn't have this problem
It does sound much the same because it's from the same band, indie disco music
>Audio suddenly lags and stutters
interpol was always shit
why not pull the plug?
Yeah well I can't get an SSD that's 12tb without refinancing my house
>wake up because ambient sound of PC running stops
>basically becomes an alarm for when there's a power outage
Just get multiple SSD drives dummy
>wake up to FBI bursting in and taking my phone/computers/switch
This was a week ago. I have to report to prison by 3 PM today.
>USB disconnect sound plays
>everything continues to function like normal
>indie disco music
>open up TF2
I dont know why I found this so funny but I nearly fucking pissed myself user
For what purpose I use my HDDs to store media. I have an SSD for my OS/games
Yeah. What is that? Its happened a few times for me.
>alt-tab while playing tf2
>come back and one random enemy is now invisible for a while
T-Thanks valve
>he's not shitposting or playing games at midnight
>BSOD whilst fapping
Then it shouldn't be clicking if you aren't accessing it. Move whatever program you've got running in the background to your SSD.
go into console and type "record fix; stop". that'll fix it. it also doesn't matter what the file name is either.
>just store shit on an SSD bro!
I have a media server that accesses my HDDs
>Launch a game
>Crash at the main screen
>Restart the computer
Sweet. Would retry fix it as well so I'm not making all these demo files?
>Poor fags
If the whirring stops when you move the mouse it means someone installed a virus on your computer and they're using it to mine bitcoin while you're asleep
It stops mining when you move the mouse so you can never catch it in the act
>Email warns me that somebody else tried to log in
>check the last attempts
>20 attempts from china trying to log in
no I didn't
This is one that spooked the shit out of me a few times
>Computer is off, I'm not touching it
>Suddenly computer starts itself
Fucking NSA ghosts or some shit
What is this image even from
>email warns me that someone else tried to log in
>it's me from the same computer
Why is China such a shit-tier country?
it's a music video
There are people retarded enough to actually need this feature?
This shit is the entire reason I stopped using gmail and switched to a paid provider
Every time I went overseas it would fucking lock me out of all my email accounts REEEEEEE
wtf why not? what does it do?
This except with India
thats mott you newfag, he invented the 4 channels
>PSP consistantly turns itself on every time I go to sleep.
This is the best thing about Win10. Having random windows processes eating up your RAM/CPU just doesn't make sense.
I dont know, I kinda like that they inform me when somebody tries to fuck with my email..
It was pretty obvious that it wasnt me who tried to log in
>Pretty Small Penis constantly turns itself on every time I go to sleep
Cortana, what is "anti trust"
I'm so glad I switched to Linux
This shit always made me super paranoid, like wtf are they doing?
Windows is such a spooky OS
shotas are meant to be protected and play baseball with them. You fucking degenerate!
>Turn on gameboy
>Pic related
>using my laptop to fap, got several tabs open
>mouse starts flicking around the screen clicking on things from any kind of input, tabs change randomly, no control over anything
>I'm freaked out that it will somehow post something to social media or some shit.
>after a couple seconds it just stops
That's some freaky shit.
>Try to run away
I used to have a Windows Basic mouse.
Motherfucking thing would, at random unpredictable times, suddenly jump across the screen.
Made me freak out thinking it was someone in my computer
>turn off gameboy
>push the cartridge tighter on the socket
>turn it on again
>it's fine
>3 A.M. pitch blackness
>no peripheral vision from staring at the bright monitor
>remember the computer desk scene from The Grudge 2
That is included with my love
>Fapping on bed
>Get comfier and change possition
>Have this happen
>Jump up and pull my trousers up at the speed of sound
>Heart beating at 100000 bps
>Realize wireless mouse is on bed
>It moved due to my fatness distorting the fabric of my bed
>Leave pc on and go out for lunch about 2 months ago
>come back and none of the peripherals work, even after unplugging them and plugging them back in again they still won’t do anything
>restart pc
>never happens again
Wtf happened here?
>You see a Morgana Icon on the desk top.
>Start up pirated game
>Cmdline box pops up for half a second then vanishes
>Game starts normally
>Nintendo logo is corrupted
>Keep the gameboy on indefinitely while staring at it
Probably motion and ambient light sensor?
Your USB drivers probably crashed or got corrupted and windows redoenloaded it after restart
>grandma dies
>old radio starts turning itself on every night
>ITT 100% computer illiterate redditors and underage
You can use "-novid" in for any Source game. To add it, right click on game and select properties. Then "Set Launch Options" and type in "-novid". This will skip the launch video.
>Finish downloading huge fucking game after hours
>Open containing folder
>Game pretends to install
>Forgot to read the readme.txt and apply the crack
>Can't run the game
>Can't bring myself to uninstall it and try again
>first google result
>Power cuts out
>The computer has to do a 30 minute restore
Yeah I guess that’s the only real explanation, I built it about a year ago and that was the only weird bug I’ve ever encountered.
>game is glitching and freezes
>Repeats last sound effect on repeat
>Try to quit
>Can't quit
>Ctrl alt delete to stop game
>Doesn't work
>Have to restart computer
>hard reset
>Doesn't respond to pressing restart button
>Hit off switch
>Doesn't work
>Unplug computer
>It's still on
>Wake up
>You never had a a childhood, teenhood or adulthood, you just sat on your computer and learned all manner of useless things that you could never use in a professional environment
>You never had a first kiss, held hands, or ran down a creek with your friends
>You are too fat to ever get laid
>You are a well respected member of an obscure forum that you secretly hate
>You cry yourself to sleep
>Its too late now
It's not shocking at all
>last restore point is from 2007
What did?
Fucking Thai faggots trying to get into my Twitch account. I don't even use it, but it still pisses me off when they think they pulled one over me.
I'll one day go over there and fuck their cheap women all week long as a form of payback.
>capitalizing greentext
Go back, nigger.
Most of this thread is meme responses. You'd know if this wasn't your first thread
>wake up middle of the night
>Go to the couch downstairs to try to sleep some more
>The fucking printer suddenly decided to clean itself again
>NPC stops you to tell you you have a great smile
>game is glitching and freezes
>Repeats last sound effect on repeat
>Try to quit
>Can't quit
I did a PhD in Computer Science and Windows still spooks me.
It's so full of exploits and government backdoors that I can't tell if this kind of shit is just the computer acting up because Windows sucks, or an NSA agent / hacker fucking with me.
Never looked back when I installed Linux
Yeah and I wasn't talking about those but you'd know that if you didn't show up here first thing 12 minutes ago you shitstreak newfag.
What games do you play on linux
>uh well uh m-minecraft works at least a bit!
Yeah that's what I thought
>I am here to complain >:(
XCOM2, CK2, Cultist Simulator, Hitman
Most of the games I want to play are playable on Linux
Lmao, faggot this thinks it's 2004
>2 hour unity meme
Yeah that's what I thought
*flicks you away*
Dang, you got me, I'm not a cultured gamer like you who plays Smash and Mario
Ah I see.
Windows 10 right?
They spy on you even if you shut down the damn thing lol
>Accidentally click Facebook button on porn site
don't worry, nobody uses facebook anymore
>asks you to log in because youre watching porn incognito because youre not retarded
this, what the fuck happened?
>having a facebook in the first place
It took you 2 months to eat lunch?
>rich scrawny trust fund faggots that never had to earn a single thing in their whole life