What kind of brainlet criminal goes to court as witness on their own trial?
What kind of brainlet criminal goes to court as witness on their own trial?
>not a brainlet.
Pick one.
It's a strategy. If you can more thoroughly nail the falsely accused defendant, you in turn become more secure.
You can't say no if you're a witness though?
I guess his stupidity made you wince in pain.
He came forth as a witness, when he could've anonymously reported the crime.
>Hey dude can you go feed my cat? The killer (who you have already seen, and has a gigantic and very memorable scar going down the center of his face) is using my house as a hideout/dungeon for the girl you're looking for, so if you see him say hey (because apparently I couldn't get a hold of him to feed the shitrat).
Literally nobody would suspect a witness. It's the perfect alabi.
>it's another "the murderer is shown in the intro cinematic" turnabout
What kind of defense attorney gets drug into the case as a suspect?
Why do they do that? There could actually be some whodunit and immersion if they just didn't do that shit. It's supposed to be a mystery to Phoenix so why cant it be a mystery to us, the player?
I’m about to start the last episode of the first game. Having a blast so far. I heard that the 2nd and 3rd game is even better. Thank you based Capcom.
why does everyone say this is the best case
it fucking sucks
2nd game isn't better. It's actually pretty awful.
because the ending was cool
>What kind of brainlet criminal goes to court as witness on their own trial?
But...it's not? It's someone else's trial and they're just trying to ensure their frame-up goes as planned.
The trick is not to get baited into answering questions that exposes you as being disingenuous.
Because he thinks he has more chances of getting away if he convinces everyone someone else did it
>literally a pajeet
yeah, i wonder why...
literally the single most asian looking character in the series without the surname fay
i'm on 3-2. Does any of the fucking loose ends from 2-4 get resolved?
He didn’t get baited, he said the time was 1:00 when he knew as a fact it was 4:00
whodunnits are always shit in phoenix wright, howdunnits are way more interesting
Second game is the worst in the original trilogy but the final case is fantastic. Third game is arguably better than the first. Also, get out of this thread to avoid spoilers and don't fucking read spoiler tags.
Ok I’m leaving now
Because for once you're defending the crimional and when you find out he's already trapped you in 4d so you have to go 5d on him
in the Japanese court system the scales are stacked against the defense.
Chinks don't understand the western system and legal traditions so wouldn't understand why it would be jarring for things like this to happen.
AA feels like a cheap danganronpa knock off. And yes you fucking idiots, i know it came first. It's just got worse writing adn gameplay.
He thought he could get away with it by claiming to be a witness of his own crime.
At least he's not as retarded as pic related.
Or as unfunny
i don't know what you mean.