Dark spirit has invaded

>Dark spirit has invaded

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This is why games need to be online only. At least in MGSV you could keep fucking with them if they went offline.

I wish d/c counted as a fucking win for the invader.

Same shit every day
Be sure to add it to one of those >2019 collages for that "nostalgia"

What else would go on it

>BULLYHUNTER77 has joined the server

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>spend forever trekking through a shithole
>finally get to a bonfire
>try to rest at it, can't, wtf?
>couple seconds later: "Dark spirit has invaded"
Fuck that shit. You better believe I disconnected.

Trying to play with my friends. I will D/C and then warn you that further invasions will also be a D/C. I'm an adult with only so much time to do shit, I'm not required by any entity to interact with no-life PVP-whore twinks all day.

Get angry all you want that you didn't get to make your polygons fuck over my polygons. I don't care lol.

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>pve casuals don't even know what they are missing out on
>because they are scared a red man might point down at them

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thanks doc

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>First playthrough completely blind
>Minmaxed neckbeards with PvP builds invade me and think they're entitled to fight mw
>Just disconnect

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You walked through an entire area as a human and don't get invaded until you are like 3 steps from the bonfire?
Want me to know how I can tell your story is bullshit?

>walk through dark area
>see building, look up
>redman standing on the roof
>red man points down at you

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Based anti-pvper.

Dark Souls PVP is fucking plagued with cheaters on PC.

dont come here everyday then?

In Dark Souls 2, you are invaded if you're not human. Dumb fuck

>he didn't play Best Souls 2
based retarded poster

Not mad at all. DCs are honestly more amusing than killing you and if you do it enough they eventually ban you.

Dark Souls 3 was cancer because of "le honorable duel invasion man xD" bullshit.

>get killed by sanic speed naked red man with his bare fists
>all my stats get converted to 1, get a billion souls, get banned by namco's shit anti-cheat, and my cat dies all in the span of 1 minute

Gets a whole bunch of shit as the host and people can only be +2 weapon improvement over him and can summon and can be like 20 levels higher than the invaders. This still isn't enough to balance it for casuals, why even bother fromsoft just bring us back dark souls 1 invasions.

I walk through entire areas as human and it's common not to get invaded

>bohoho im old i cant do anything

That mentality is going to be the cause of your depression at a later age when you don't need to work anymore but at the same time are totally alienated from the modern world so you literally have nothing to do

depends on what platform you're playing on but yeah this

I've done it over 70 times in BB and more than I can think to count in DeS both on Playstations. Never even gotten a warning, lots of hate mail though from fags with insta-gib builds and scraping spear. That doesn't event count the blatant cheating I've seen. Teleporters, fliers, insta-kills. Fuck anyone who thinks Souls PVP is legit. Just L O L.

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Eh, invasions are a component of the game that the devs intentionally put there to be experienced by everyone. You're missing out.

Why not just disconnect ur cable instead of breaking it

Just unplug it. If you push those little tabs in before pulling, you can remove an ethernet cable at any time.

This. I just wanna run around with my bros beating up demons and shit. Luckily we didn't get invaded much but every time we did, at least two of us d/c then make the rest of the way to a bonfire solo.
Invading is the most pathetic shit I've seen in a game and you can tell the only people that do it are people that lose in every other aspect of life.

Also you can play offline or hollowed so, seriously why does fromsoft still bother trying to appease PVE babies? There are so many options for them to play offline, oh wait that means they won't be able to summon their friends to carry them through the bosses. When you want to be human for the summons but can't take the invasions. This is what's wrong with the nu-soul community, too many casual tourists scared of a red man pointing down at them.

Or you can, you know, play offline.

Be wary of salt.

>tfw never been pointed down at by the redman
Guys stop talking about it, you're scaring me


Damn we got a fucking expert here on Yea Forums I should just be asking you guys for advice because you're all such brilliant minds

>lvl4 shitter invaded you with endgame weapon, +10 and gems
justify this

>Dark spirit Faglord has invaded.
>Run to an area thats easy to recover my stuff
>Kill them or die
>Continue playing
That simple

You seem pretty upset people play the game as it was intended.

>all this projecting


This is the correct answer to my post. You ought not care but express your own affection for the mechanic. I personally hate it and I am not advocating to have it removed, but if they force it on me then I will deal with it in my own way.

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Game is fucking dead now lol
I wonder why there's still thousands of people playing 3? I mean 2 is better so you'd think it'd have the numbers to prove it right?

There's nothing wrong with devs forcing shit on people.

>a dar-

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Fuck dark spirits

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You sound like that one game journo who cheated to beat Isshin

I've never disconnected from an invasion.

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is there anything shittier than souls multiplayer? maybe Smash's online

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why the fuck are you even going online then?

>not compensating for lag
psssh look at this casual

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little hollow? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Darkwraiths, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Anor Londo, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in poise-stacked warfare and I'm the top parry king in the entire Darkroot Forest. You are nothing to me but just another host. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this realm, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over PSN? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of invaders across Lordran and your humanity is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, pygmy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can invade anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in R1 spam, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Blades of the Darkmoon and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Lordran, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

lol some people seriously play singleplayer games online. and lol people are still replying to this shit. good luck. :P


This is how i got permabanned too after 300 hours never looked back on this piece of shit game

thats a shockwave noob. git gud

Go away, evil spirit!

I've played over 1000 hours with most of it being MP and have never been banned despite running into multiple hackers
Sounds like you tried to do some cheeky shit with CE and got caught

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I didn't say there was. Learn to read. I only said I would deal with it in my own way. I hope you're still in school because your context clues skills are shite, my man.

Not wanting to PVP and playing the PVE faithfully are not mutually exclusive. Sorry your arguments suck so bad.

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Anything but that

Why do you even play online in the first place if you're going to disconnect from invaders? Obviously you're not doing co-op since an invader wouldn't be an issue. Do you really expect to reap the benefits of bloodstains and messages without a small risk?

Yeah im a hackor

Got invaded in Bloodborne the other day
I had no idea people were still doing invasions and pvp
Kicked his ass

>Cable conection shorts
>Port or the modem now useless

That was my first post and I graduated years ago. Going against their intention shows you disagree with it. I think they should force it even harder so people like you can't slip through. Always online would work, so your game crashes if you d/c.

>and playing the PVE faithfully
Invasions are the mechanic by which the game tries to fix the imbalance introduced by coop, dodging that mechanic is not playing "faithfully"
I don't have any issues with you d/cing to avoid invaders, but stop trying to justify it. You just don't like the challenge, that's it. I brought up the game journalist because it's the same shit, cheating to beat the game is whatever but then he tried to justify it for some stupid reason. Don't do that.

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Cheaters. If you don't PVP normally and you encounter even a single cheater, it is enough to ruin you on the whole rest of the PVP experience.

When they cheat with teleports and invul, your friends don't matter. They are sheep too ready for the slaughter. HTH

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>A dark spirit has invaded

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>PVP is PVE now

Damn dude, you in gymanastics? Because that's some backflips!

I disagree with it, I don't go around telling other people they can't PVP or shouldn't. I just warn them it's not going to happen in my game. My game I paid for. I get to decide how it plays out, who I play with and who I play against.

If your solution to that is to just punish people with "always online" then congrats, you've outed yourself as a cheating PVP'er who just loves easy kills and hates being robbed of them. Exposed. Lol.

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literally me

This brainlet is getting tilted, keep it up guvs

Yea Forums think games qre destinations not journeys, they see invaders as people preventing them from beating the game so they can talk about how they beat the souls games. Not as a way of having fun with other players. PVP to the average story walker is just frustration and agony, losing a fight with an invader means being sent back and having to do more work to say I beat the game. It's sad. Yea Forums is full of tourists and casuals now who think disconnecting is devilish, wow my mere existence made you frantically grab at your ethernet cable, you sure showed me bro, try not to shake too much thinking about how close you were to getting your shit pushed in by the evil red man wanting to ruin all your progress! Like dark souls pvp is cancer! ugh the red guys just want to send me back all I want to do is beat dark souls and never pick it up again! Like the booty blasting in this thread just because people play the game like how it is meant to be played. They want to summon and have fun with their buddies carrying them through the game but can't handle it when some red guy fights them and their buddy, it's too much pressure, he might lose and I'll get pointed down at, why go 4 minutes back to the campfire I'll just disconnect and summon my friend lol. Well Enjoy that ban cool kid. It's sad how much advantages fromsoft gives hosts now but storywalkers don't use them, they still disconnect at the first site of a level 10 red dude with a +2 weapon. Why butcher the pvp for people who will never participate in it no matter how casual you make it for them.

It should be the opposite to be honest.


Nevermind, you're just baiting at this point

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Based and truthpilled

Goalposts have been moved

>has no argument
>calls the other argument baiting

A fine tactic. I hope it works out well for you in the future. Please let me know how well it goes piddling about on the internet and telling people they can't play their games how they like. I'm sure it will win you oodles of friends.

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They are stock images intended for hyperbole, autist.

What does -- Jones do?

that was really fucking rare, though, at least on PS3 (haven't played SotFS)


>imbalances by coop
Nigga have you played fried finger mode? That shits balanced. Old demon king with 4 people actually to us 50 tries, but on solo we could kill him in 1.

>person pussies out
that's a win in my books. who tf cares about covenant items in current year

>Old demon king with 4 people actually to us 50 tries, but on solo we could kill him in 1
sounds like brain issues to me

If you invade. Ur gay, end of discussion.

Do people who invade others get mad when I do that?
I hope they do, it's their own fault for being annoying cunts and trying to ruin my game.

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If you unplug the cable, you didn't really disconnect the internet. REAL internet users cut the cable. Git gud, cut the cable and come back once you've done that, you fucking casual

Have you played it? You do absolutely minuscule damage.

>Dark spirit has inv-

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just helped someone with O&S and I got 75k souls instead of the usual 25k. were they on NG+ or something? can you summon across different NGs? playing remastered btw

Yes, I've played it, having the boss constantly switching targets removes any tension from the fight because the boss wont be attacking you half the time.

c o p e

Based, sweaty autists will not be able to cope with this post.

That's always been the case except for Dark Souls 2

yea, but I haven't played dark souls in forever so didn't remember

Demon king has alot of AOEs so that's what got us, and I can see why that would be the case for most DS3 bosses tho, we only dry fingered demon king.

>Dark spirit has invaded
>turn on trainer
feels good

It's a Rolls-bourne game man. Just keep rolling and you'll win. Some people have infinite patience and think lingering i-frames on a dodge button means they have skill.

It was probably was challenging for you because you don't have autism and you actually have friends.

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I'll try that, sounds fun.

>invade someone
>they're clearly cheating
>still win because having higher numbers doesn't mean you suddenly get good
>spam point down emote on their corpse
every time

>a dark spirit has inv-

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Try to beat me and my infinite health, fag

>doesn't know how to in-line comment

>pushes you off a cliff
nothing personnel, scrub

Checked and also truth pilled

When alone
>pvper stalks you and takes potshots at you with ranged weapons. prompting you to engage.
>pvper then takes you on a wild goose chase, further wasting your time until they find an opportunity to take a cheap shot and kill you.
>The pvper gains souls and you lose progress through the zone you were in, forcing you to restart and waste more time.

With summons
>pvper appears and tries to separate you from your friends
>pulls the same stunts and still manages to waste your time
>you eventually gang up on him and take him out.
>you get some souls but some time was still wasted with the pvper
>pvper does not lose progress or souls, just some time
>pvper then proceeds to complain on Cambodian clay-sculpting forum that he can't gank people anymore.

>not just telepathically sending all your comments to anyone working with your code

As a PvEer, why should I care for a unbalanced sidegame mode added as an afterthought to prolonge longevity in a game like Dark Souls or Bloodborne?

I have over 1500 hours in all 5 Soulsborne games combined. I'm quite content with the 95% of the game I play for, why should i bother with the other 5? If i wanted competitive pvp id play street fighter or something.

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I wouldn't mind it if it wouldn't be minmaxing tryhards almost all the time - there were a couple of good matches I've come across (both ones I've won and lost), but the majority of the invaders are absolute cancer.

I think you're the autist here for not getting clear sarcasm. Taking things too literally is a sign of autism

>recently get banned on purpose with my bro
>hacker servers are practically dead so enjoy a full coop playthrough without interruptions
>still have full access to fun online features such as messages and bloodstains
No fucks given about the game getting too easy, already beat it a dozen times before. Coop playthroughs can be so fun but getting a huge priority at being invaded makes it a chore.

Bloodborne had the best invasions

>you have been invited t-

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I have never played Dark Souls in online mode and I never will, so I've never been invaded, nor will I ever invade or summon anyone ever

Mostly because I'm not paying for PSN

This is like bragging that you'll never have diabetes because you can't afford to keep enough food in your house.

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If I get invaded I just go to the boss.

The only time this doesn’t work is if there is an event I need to do before beating the boss. I will play offline if there is something I need to do before beating the boss.

The only thing I feel like I'm missing out on are the soapstone messages. Summoning, invading, being invaded, I couldn't care less about. It's not worth the subscription fee. That's not why I bought the game.

At least in first game you had to be human to be red phantom and became hollow if you died in the other world. Cant recall if this was the case in the other games, but it was always stacked against reds from the beginning.

And keep in mind pre patch humanity was severely limited.

Sour grapes

>mfw playing Dark Souls 3 back when it was released I would stand in front of the boss door, use the dried finger, wait for someone to invade then enter the boss room kicking them out of my world
>do this several times with every boss before finally moving on

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Says the pedant who thinks people dont know how an ethernet cable works.

not an issue for me, i just play offline

Bro. listen.

I hate PVP too. But the benefits of PSN for myself are great enough to make it to where one shitty game series' PVP would be enough to remove me from all online games on my PS.

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why do people care about invasions? if you really are that concerned with your souls being lost, its ludicrously easy to just put yourself in a safe place (e.g. next to a bonfire), or if you don't want to pvp but you to want to stay online just go fight the boss. why not just embrace the invasion? it never happened enough anyway.

I don't particularly care but it would be nice if the game said "connection to the host server was lost, Host of ember was Vanished" and then you recovered your humanity/gained an amount of souls or something like that.

I bought the console and the video game, why would I want to pay more for online that I don't use? If I want to play multiplayer games I can just use my PC.

Like what? Most of the games I'm interested in have physical releases and are singleplayer games.

>I was merely pretending
Unplug your ethernet

While I never disconnect from people who invade me, it is pretty lame that all of them are either twinked the fuck out or cheaters. There is no in between, and there is no regular dude invading me in my level of gear; it's always some faggot playing a meta setup or something that has a cohesive combo he can do on me. Add in lagstabs and other wifi bullshit, and there's just no reason for me to even consider that there's a "git gud" for this type of game.

If you want to "git gud" at something, see me on a fighting game.


>Cast Chameleon
>Stalk them for half an hour before kicking them off a cliff

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>people actually pvp in soulsgames

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>food analogy

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How so?

Sanic and have sex

>get summoned
>immediately afterwards host gets invaded
>cast chameleon
>host baits the invader to me
>I flatten the guy before he even knows I'm there
god this game is great

I have 700 ethernet cables and manually cut them when some faggot shits up my lobbies. Only true men of taste do this. Anyone who "unplugs" is poor.

> xxxlagmaster69xxx invades
> equip ring of invisibility
> equip ring of hushed movement
> poke him with arrows while he runs back and forth trying to find me

i've always enjoyed seeing other players' ghosts when we're in the same area
i'm not sure if that happens if you play offline

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>people actually hate PvP
I mostly play the Souls game for the exploration and lore but fighting enemy players is genuinely fun and the games wouldn't be the same without it. Do you just throw yourself off the nearest cliff when the invader approaches?

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That doesn't happen either, I've never seen it. That and soapstones are what I feel I'm missing out on, so venturing into a new area is completely alien to me, completely isolated and alone. It's an interesting experience.

No we rip out our ethernet cords, didn't you read the op?

I usually make the invader waste a lot of his time by running around for no reason and then turn off the internet when I get bored.

>Got no time
>Plenty of time to play
>Just suck and can't get good at PvP

Yeah we all know this story. You "don't have the time" yet your profile probably has 80% of the achievements.

Nah you're just a casual dude. A guy who is bad at games. Own it. Breathe it. Live it.

A post able to make a million losers cry.

>Several times with every boss

So you die on purpose then go back and do it again? sounds like you are wasting your own time more than invaders....

>power cable isn't even plugged in

Does that mean you have to spend the time re-connecting and summoning your friends each time?

Seems like a bitch and like the invaders cause you more trouble than you cause them.

Unless this post is a lie, why not just gank the invader with all your friends that you say you play with.

>plays a game as efficiently as possible
You're fun-hating faggot and probably a German as well.

>have 80% of achievements

Lol you can't even keep your own insult coherent. You can call me a casual all you like if it makes you feel better about the truth of Rolls-borne PVP, which is that it's a huge joke overrun with lag-stabs and cheaters. I don't go for cheevos. I play the games with my friends to do the PVE and that's all I get out of them. Yes I am probably more casual when it comes to Mainly-PVE games with shitty PVP rolled in. Who wants to waste time getting good at the garbage parts of a game? I guess speedrunners maybe?

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If your free time were that important to you,you wouldn't be playing games nigga.

It actually became a thing we agreed upon when we realized our time was being wasted doing pointless PVP against cowards who want to run and hide behind enemies.

Last guy who tried to ruin a run with us tried to invade 7 different times. 7 different times he was ousted and we all laughed and sent him ASCII dongs in response to his hate mail. Ruining the fun of tryhards will never get old.

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This people always know when you're at the beginning of a level and have the courtesy to invade then and not later when you could possibly lose progress we are not bad people honest.

Shut up idiot.


>Souls PvP
Niw that's funny

I don't even pvp that much, I just respect developer intentions.

>we are not bad people honest.
>Shut up idiot.
cringe and eslpilled

Invaders who complain are the worst scum to ever exist.

I respect them, hence I do not call for their removal or to ban invasions. I have never said any of those things.

However, I don't have to play by them. This is also an option, you see. You're fine liking PVP and PVP'ing all you like, but posters who treat it like you're missing out on something fun are just fucking retarded. PVP has always been for minmaxing spergs and cheaters and to claim otherwise is either disingenuous or bad faith.

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From is based for realizing multiplayer was a mistake and removing it entirely in Sekiro
Hopefully Bloodborne 2 and Dark Souls 4 or whatever are completely singleplayer

Souls pvp is a fucking joke, people that want to pvp should queue up and fight in an arena or something. Imagine if you were playing Skyrim or something and then some random fag showed up to fuck your shit up while you're peacefully questing

Not playing by them means not respecting them doorknob.

>Imagine if you were playing Skyrim

but i dont play shit games

>used to love ds3 invading
>decided to make a low level character
>got friede's scythe, gael's sword and the nameless king spear at level 25
>pulled out avelyn with exploding bolts sometimes also
>people just fucking disconnect when I pulled out friede's scythe, or charged up the nameless king weapon art
>parry + riposte someone
>they disconnect
>kill an overleveled phantom in full havels that the host summoned
>they disconnect
>kill two people in a 3 person gank squad
>they disconnect

What the fuck happened?

>Imagine if you were playing Skyrim or something and then some random fag showed up to fuck your shit up while you're peacefully questing
The only reason that'd be bad is because Skyrim's combat is ass


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>shilling for sony's shitty paid online service

>exploding bolts, gael sword, parry riposting (probably with hornet) at sl25
you deserve it

Nope. I respect other people's faiths and religions, but I don't have to live my life by them.

All the same I respect the developer's intentions and I do not modify my game to remove PVP. I play using all the rules and options given to me. And one of those options is to avoid PVP. If the game can't literally force me into it, then I don't have to do it!

I would also say I'm respecting the intentions of the Dev's more than Lagstab McCheaterPort. Hope this helps.

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>play with a summon, putting you higher in invasion priority
>not engaging an outnumbered opponent, claim they are cowards
>disconnect, resetting your invasion cooldown
>resummon, putting you higher in invasion priority
what did OP mean by this?

But I had so much fun wearing that ring that made you invisible outside of lock-on range, and zapping people with the nameless king spear weapon art in the catacombs, or using friede's scythe to stunlock people and frostbite them at the same time in Farron's keep.

They're crying that "the invader hides behind enemies", like the invader should just 1v3 them and die instantly

playing with friends is a good time, not with the loser autist with no accomplishments in real life who invades you with a twink build

if you've been killed by a dark spirit during regular play you're a shitter

>dark spirit has invaded
>use tree branch and go have a fap
>they get bored and leave

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Yeah they should. They wanted a fight so bad, they're wasting other people's time for it. So they should get on with it.

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How many of you invaded as a purple just to do random shit?

>would kick afk players across the entire Irthyll bridge and drop random items like pitchforks or lightning bolts
>would invade somewhere, chameleon right away, and see how long I could follow them as a chair or a box
>used to just follow people while invisible, then sabotage them right before the boss fight
>dropped black knight weapons for no reason sometimes
>tageted one sunlight phantom in a group for 40 minutes, killed him 3 times, got cornered, and killed myself with bloodlust just so they couldn't get the satisfaction of killing me

>Get invaded.
>Run all the way up to Aldrich, then all the way back.


I am perfectly aware invasions ARE meant to be unfair and keep me on my toes and all of that business, so I usually just play about as cheap as they can get. Invisibility/invisible rings, mimicry, seeds, running, dodge spamming, range-locking/sniping, phantom spamming; if any fail, just rinse and repeat.
If one side gets to be cheap, everyone gets to be cheap. I usually don't bother disconnecting though, feels more satisfying to just let them waste their time and force a rage-quit.

>online only
May you have to pass a Lego through your urethra

I fail to see how playing with his friends and disconnecting every time he gets invaded is a good time.Not only he is wasting his time,but he is wasting his friend's time as well.Even worse when they can just gank the red and be on their way.

why cut it when you can just pull it out you stupid fucking nigger

Nah cause I like to be summoned and see ghosts and make stupid jumps to read dumbass messages. Keep your ebin r1'ing burrito lagstabs away from me.

>Get invaded
>He's lagging like a motherfucker
>Can literally do nothing as I get backstabbed to death
>Taunts me
Yeah no thanks, fuck online, fuck niggers and spics and fuck jannies.

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Just as the dried fingers increases invasion frequency, they should have added an item that could decrease or even stop them for a time.

Invasions are extremely fun events you fools.
In DS1 I had one guy repeatedly invade in anor londo and he camped at the other end of the roof railings. He then shot at me with the big bow that causes lots of knockback so he would make my character fall and die while I was transversing the railings trying to kill him.
I didn't quit like a little bitch but actually kept trying until I was able to run through the raillings at full speed, while dodging his shots to kill him.
He gave up.

if you die while invaded or kill the invader, you can't be invaded for 15 minutes unless you're in a covenant area

but it would need to have a downside to truly be a counterpart to the dried fingers. such as not being able to summon at all. that makes it pretty much the same as being hollow so why bother having such an item at all?

Nigger I don't want to have "fun" with you, dancing around for 7 fucking minutes against some obnoxious meta build only to have to chase the faggot all through the level once he hides behinds mobs cause he ain't as gud as he thought.

>Imagine if you were playing Skyrim or something and then some random fag showed up to fuck your shit up while you're peacefully questing
That IS in Skyrim though. NPCs can hire grunt mercs to hunt you down and kill you for transgressions or if the Dark Brotherhood is feeling particularly ornery. I once completed an earlygame dungeon with an a guest NPC and the moment I got back to the overworld four mercs showed up to the dungeon entrance and picked a fight with both of us. Checked the bodies to find a hitlist on me, for no real reason from an NPC I didn't remember meeting.

>This is the correct answer to my post.

That and the fact that you're a fucking PUSSY!

>forced to pirate the prepare to die edition because they removed it from steam and I didn't want to play the remaster
>was never able to experience invasions
Are 2 and 3 worth playing?

>People actually trying to argue that invasions aren't an intended part of the game, or that it's some kind of side mode
You can do whatever you want, but don't pretend you're not just pussying out of a problem the game intended to have in your way.

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>was never able to experience invasions
this is false because there are NPC invaders

Third party here, you're in the wrong, the guy talking about unplugging cable was clearly being making a shitty sarcastic joke, everyone else took it too seriously

this and the fact that i can deny some retarded invader this part of the game they paid for makes quitting after they loaded in just so they can look at the same loading screen again makes it even better lmao

>Dark dick has invaded your daughters tight white pu-

You know what I mean. A retarded npc showing up and dying isn't the same as fighting a player.

>something you can completely avoid and barely had any balancing done
>not a minigame

>interested in the story and lore
>enjoying the atmosphere
>suddenly invaded by MegaFaggot69
>all immersion thrown out the window

You better believe I played offline.

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you are right
because the NPC actually fights you, a player runs away or just rolls around like a retard

based adultposter

the remaster is objectively superior though
>fps cap doubled
>easier to summon friends
>more people playing

kill yourself

Lol at thinking cheating and minmax bullshit from PVP'ers is just another obstacle in the game.

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If an "intended" part of the game required me to pay a subscription service and wasn't available when my internet cut out then it's hardly intended. This isn't an MMO here.

>Actually thinking pulling the plug makes invaders mad
By the time you sit back down after bitching out, the invader is probably already loading into another world. Most invaders take DC's as a win anyways, or did you actually think people care about invasion rewards?


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dsfix worked fine with me though. and art style gets such a big downgrade that i didn't want my first playthrough to be on the version with fucked up graphics.

If the invader had stylish armor and complimentary weapon I allowed the duel

If it was some tryhard with optimized clown gear and op weapon then fuck you *pulls cord*

The game can't exactly do anything about you plug pulling/not having internet, or are you saying that instead of letting people that can't connect play the game anyways, they should have just forced it to be an always online game?

That's not the only thing you miss out on by not being in human form/body form/ whatever. Doesn't make it less part of the game.

There's also plenty of poorly balanced aspects in the Souls series that are still just as much a part of the game as anything else.

>, or did you actually think people care about invasion rewards?
when i play a game i care about gameplay
not getting any and just watching loading screens must suck


Either one. Either be an always-online game and account for invasions and summoning, or don't make them essential due to the nature of offline play. Don't say invasions are intended and you're missing out when one isn't willing to pay for PSN and so that isn't an option, but gets to experience the other 95% of the game they bought regardless.

I've been playing internet MP longer than most people on this site have been alive and I wouldn't bother with this shit either because it doesn't interest me. Maybe you should grow up.

It’s not dead, I got summoned within a minute of dropping sign this Sunday.

It takes longer for the DC'er to get back into the game than it does for the invader to invade another world. Not to mention most people don't DC, so it's not actually that big of a deal.

just that comment already made you mad, of course DCIng make you faggots mad lmao
>search for someone to invade
>wait a lot
>loading screen
>oops he didnt want to pvp and quit
>loading screen
>back to waiting for searching another player

meanwhile PVE player
>load back in
>takes less than a minute and made another PVPfag waste his time

life of a PVPfag is misery and waiting

I want to massage Priscilla's feet!

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is there anything better than SoulsPVPers trying to justify the existence of that garbage PVP? topkek


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Don't confuse intended with essential. Invasions are intended, not essential. Things like covenants are exactly the same. If covenants were somehow online only, then offline players not having access to them, which wouldn't hinder the game itself, would not make covenants any less of an intended part of the game. Offline mode being a thing and not having invasions is just a convenience.

>or did you actually think people care about invasion rewards
I assumed I wasn't playing against literal cuckolds yes

>color code doesn't follow a pattern of full color and stripe color

Fuck off google shill

>wait a lot
I mean, those five seconds of the "Invading another world" message that immediately pops up might seem like a long time to some people.

You dropped using Ethernet?

>Most invaders take DC's as a win anyways
win against who? because you obviously didnt find an opponent lol

Imagine being so beta that you have to play a Souls game offline.

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Imagine being so beta you play a souls game


Why would I be mad? Only one of us is losing out on an experience.

>mad cause can't rope me into your autism
Praise these nuts!

Imagine being you.

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Imagine playing a Souls game for the online segments
Why are you even playing the game at all?

>Sekiro isnt going to sell because it has no PVP
>PVP is what keeps Souls games alive and also the most important part of it
>Sekiro is the best selling FROM game
imagine the coping PVP tryhards have to through, but im sure they are just in denial

This is why we needed soul memory. But you faggots had to bitch and moan endlessly

Autists don't call each other pussies. Try visiting the outside world sometime. You are an adult, aren't you?

You're a pussy. It's completely fine to not experience PVP in Dark Souls but that makes you a pussy as well.

>Forcing your opponent to run away isn't a victory
It's not even a time waster. Invasions are plentiful unless you're playing DaS2 for some reason.

>redman touches your diddy

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I want to lick her cold feets with my hot tongue.

>not happily jumping at the chance to fuck up some cocky fag with your bros

Imagine playing a Souls game for both offline and online components.

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>DC is seen as a win
>didn't get your item
>couldn't kill me

but you didnt force anyone to run
you just invaded someone who didnt want to take part in PVP
the only thing you did was waste your own time