You're the Dark Souls 4 creative director, what would you do with it?

You're the Dark Souls 4 creative director, what would you do with it?

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cancel it and make something else. Dark Souls 1 and 3 but the story ended.

*Dark Souls 1 and 3 are great

Okay, so you're booted from the project. DS4 must happen.

Make it a FPS with pikmin mechanics and NPCs you can date.

You can only play as Jubilant Catarina.

It could be a prequel.

this and then change the name to Berserk

Buy the Quake rights from id and create a Quake 5 that takes place in the Bloodborne universe and continues Ranger's story
Also, it's PC exclusive

Alternate universe where Gael shit never happened. Modern day urban hellscape that a big calamity happens in, so it’s like a fusion of city and fantasy, with the latter sort of invading or creeping in on the former like a parasite.

Make sure to make a cool map u guys.

Armored core.

Sony exclusive

I make it awesome, that’s what.

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Actually finish it this time

Hey man that's cool

yeah, even ds3 concept was pretty cool

Bring Gwynevere back and have a boss fight where she crushes you with her tits and you have to perfect time parries to hit back causing her sexual pleasure each time until she posture breaks in an enormous quivering orgasm.

I'd focus on the water stuff that was mentioned in 3, build a new mythos off of that - heck, might not even call it dark souls, but go in a different direction with a new I.P. kinda like they did with demon souls to dark souls.


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Dark souls 2 is the best

Came here to say this.

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Make it a King's Field game instead, but still make the title "Dark Souls 4" to increase sales.

Set in a black American ghetto

>what is undead burg?
>what is central yharnam?

isn't kf in first person?

Scrap it and make a new ip altogether not because souls is bad but because it’s been milked and From works best with blank canvases.

first person RPGs are all the rage these days.


Make Bloodborne 2 instead

ditch the shitfest that is Dark Souls and make Demon's Souls II

Increase APM & speed as a whole. These games are way too slow

dark souls is demon's souls II retard

I get Dark Souls 4 cancelled and have the money be invested in a From Biopunk game instead.

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the story of bloodborne already ended.

get a load of this autist

>le future

Halfass the hell out of it, put in a bunch of utter nonsense and passive-aggressive jabs at the fanbase and publisher and still get 9/10s through the bank.



Make bloodborne 2 and duh duh duh duh DAB on these nerds

cancel it and let the series die

thank god you're an irrelevant shitter and has no say in that

funny way of saying you don't exist, because ds4 will never happen faggot

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>wanting more pony exclusives

>im okay with the milking a series dry

You like playing the same game 6 times?

also you probably have heard of me if you like dark souls.

Bloodborne 2 but Switch exclusive to complete the circle

Of course. Have you heard of Yakuza?

bb is finished, it doesn't need another game

I would make it be like Sekiro. You are forced to play as the armored warrior basically and have to play by the games rules. No more faggy builds. Actual narrative instead of pretentious dialogue after being killed to a boss, and I'd fire the fucking music guy since every boss theme is just some autistic motherfucker going crazy on a cello, it should get you pumped up like sekiro's ost did with the loud ass horns.

What would a date in the DS universe look like?

>We can engage in jolly anal penetration!

Set it in 18 century russia

Do you just not pay attention to the story? Dark Souls finished with 3 nigga.


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dude snow, lmao

I would secretly made bloodborne 2 from it ;)

>dude ______, lmao

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Nothing. I'd make Demon's Souls 2.

most of this post is gay as fuck, but i do agree that any future souls-formula-ish game would benefit immensely from some of sekiro's mechanics. though it's hard to imagine the emphasis on deflections, etc. to play nicely online, souls w/ latency is already pretty painful.

get the "B team" because they're better at making video games

I'd make Dark Stars. A cyberpunk style Blame! inspired Souls game.

I'd just remake Demon's Souls with updated mechanics, boss fights, and the Giant's archstone

Shut up nigger, builds are fucking trash

>builds are fucking trash

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Story: make it after the age of fire. It's a sequel in the sense that this game takes place after the previous series, but we don't know how long. It's neither an age of dark nor age of fire; it's a new age entirely, something different from what either side initially wanted. We have the choices for the undead to keep the world as something potentially new and unique, or bring it back to either an age of dark or fire. Give solid reason for either choice from both story and gameplay.

Gameplay should be more of a refined Dark Souls 3. Bring back some mechanics like power stances and hexes. Let us level up and do shit at the bonfires. Make us earn fast travel if you bring it back at all. Make a stronger balance of humanoid and non humanoid enemies. Give us a more explorable world like the first one.

Can the game and make a spiritual successor. A similar game can be successful but there's just no reason to burden it with the existing lore and expectations of the Dark Souls IP.

This is my #1 hypothetical From game.

Open world
Dialogue system
Cutscene heavy story with real characters and development
No iframes
Remove unnecessary stats like the poison/toxic resistance one that no one uses anyway

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Jesus, this sounds awful.

>set it in the original age of fire
>after the witches of izalith tried to recreate the first flame
>your one of Gwynn’s silver knight ordered to march and fight the demons
>you get separated from the others and have to escape the demon hordes on your own
>whole game is about surviving against impossible odds
No bonfires or anything like that, completely change the gameplay mechanics to be more inline with bloodbornes. I think it would be pretty fun.

Fuck now I want to play bloodborne again.

The game is already borderline open world, might as well flex on other AAA devs and show them how to do it right

Real dialogue options and cutscenes mean more replayibility and we can actually learn who the characters like Artorias were as people since we don’t learn who they are in the game
iframes are fucking stupid, just design the game so you have to dodge the actual weapon so I don’t phase through the giant sword like a ghost
No one uses resistance anyway just admit you’ve never invested one point in it

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