Why did this ending and MAGA reference from Shao Kahn trigger so many? It's basically non controversy turned into controversy.
Why did this ending and MAGA reference from Shao Kahn trigger so many...
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I've got fugee friends that laughed at this ending.
It's wierd that Jax would care about africa he's a US soldier boomer nig that drives tractors when he's not punching people
I loled out loud to be quite honest with you family. fuck white people and fuck capitalism amirite my fellow channelers?
why did the entire game of Days Gone trigger so many "journalists"?
You're trying to understand the logic of people who consider "black guy ending the concept of slavery in human history" is "black guy is literally killing all the white people," people who fly off the handle at minorities existing in any way in fiction. Or in reality, for that matter.
It's not worth the energy.
It trivializes a serious real world historical issue in a completely hamfisted manner. But then one side turns the argument into people being upset because they're pro-slavery. And then the other side retaliates back with an equally stupid argument and the entire thing escalates.
Hate to break it to you but slavery in america isn't slavery in all of human history. There's slaves in non-white countries right now
but drumpf
Nobody claimed slavery was exclusive to the US.
Yeah, but those people aren't worth helping because as Jax puts it, those people don't look like him. Shared experiences aren't something worth considering to him.
>Why did this ending and MAGA reference from Shao Kahn trigger so many?
Because it's basically magical reparations and 95% of americans back then didn't own slaves because they were like having multiple cars nowadays. People in general don't like being blamed for shit they didn't do. Granted the MAGA reference is just silly and didn't warrant any uproar. Religious republicans called Obama the antichrist too and other silly shit so this is just normal.
Even fictious success of a black male is enough to make white racists jealous.
>Mortal Kombat always referenced popular movies (ex: Kano = the Terminator)
>Mortal Kombat 11 references Black Panther
>/pol/tards flip their shit
its mortal kombat
I only don't like the inclusion of real life slang like "woke", other than that it was fine.
Trump only does harm, while retards praise him. Yet the irony is that it's cowardly conservatives backing him.
Isn't Jax meant to be patriotic as fuck for the USA?
>african slaves never come to America
>african american race never exist
>Jax is african american
nice ending, retards.
>Nobody claimed slavery was exclusive to the US
sure thing bud
americans think all blacks are african american
doesnt matter if they've ever been to america or africa
Because outrage culture isn't just for "SJW's" anymore. Anyone in current year who takes a political side is the most thin skinned of all humans that exist.
forced political shit in video games
Why does his daughter look half or almost white?
this. hilarious watching soibois defend a game where you can rip peoples faces off, after trying to ban it for so many years
>literally says "The world is a better place for everyone"
Yea Forumsincels hate anyone of color and will go out of their way to start shit out of absolute nothing. If they would have sex, they wouldn't feel this way. Too bad it will never happen for them.
all those years and I still don't know how to properly "read" those kind of images
>Trump only does harm
Better question is why Jax looks like Australopithecus man.
He means they all have white ancestors a few hundred years back that look like the founding fathers and would not exist as the same people they are now.
NRS did.
Jax ending on MK11 did.
Where do you people find these images?
They're so bad they must be off of facebook or something
Thanks for showing that you idiots haven't even watched the ending and just want to get mad about black people. Fuck off you fucking retards.
project much?
>yt ppl looking out for themselves good
>black ppl looking out for themselves bad
White fragility is actually real
>the straights are AT IT AGAIN
Is it wrong to be straight now?
hit a nerve? stay mad whiteboi
nope, never bitch-boy. deal.
>the Terminator, the scify robot movie
>Black Panther, the black power ethno nationalist movie.
One of these trigger the white power advocates, guess which one. Oh and don't pretend that thousands or hundreds of thousands of blacks didn't hold their fists up in the cinemas.
>Trump only does harm
Trump got in bed with the israelis who helped him bigtime with targeted ad campaigns with that cambridge analytica thing. The world is changing thanks to the rise of china and a lot of big heads in the west were expecting china to crumble to dust by now, something which hasn't happened. They want to keep america world hegemon so they have to pivot. The corporations don't care about china because they only want money but the US gov does.
These illustrations are so fucking bad.
Between this shit and the banner illustration in Smash, I'm beginning to think standards of quality are going out the window. These are massive studios and AAA games, there is no excuse for this shit.
>Didn't even time-travel back to WW2 and beat the fuck out of Hitler before performing the pit fatality on him
Jax is a weak faggot with no imagination
>Jax is a ethno nationalist
what did Raimi mean by this
>wh*Tes and blacks are equal
wew lad
deflect much?
we aren't triggered, we are laughing at how stupid it is
>whole plot of black panther was to open themselves up to the world, work with the white man to stop an usurper who wished to colonize the world with their superior tech, and instead use vibranium to change the entire world for the better
not really an enthonationalist movie to be fair
>black guy
>going back to WWII to punch Hitler
Imagine the collective /pol/ asspain.
Says it all
Hitler let some blacks live in germany he considered jews to be lower than blacks
The way it should've been
stop taking it seriously; just laugh and move on
all blacks must internalize slavehood and vote democrat
Seething wh*toids want to find any little excuse to get mad at blacks because they fear and feel threatened by the fact that blacks even exist.
Yeah, this is pretty much the post I expected. Months of shit like this if anybody dared to punch Hitler nowadays. Fucking contrarian kids.
All blacks should rise up beyond the two party system and embrace revolution.
>MAGA reference from Shao Kahn trigger
>not creating a black party