Would a Three Houses Rep be that bad?
Would a Three Houses Rep be that bad?
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I want the dragon loli with cut feet. Smash needs more cute feet.
Only if its another swordie
People hate FE because it's shit, not because of Smash
No it’s because of smash, most smash fags don’t play any other games.
>there are more Fire Emblem reps than Zelda reps now
I would be fine with it if they took at least 2 FE characters out
Anything to see those smelly fucks get angry. They already shit up FE threads, might as well keep making them mad.
even FEfags hate FE
the only people that "like" it are waifu junkies that were cucked into thinking the shitty FE gacha is good
sword fighters are cancer tho
>lol i get to spam aerials for free fuck you
na, FE threads are shit up by FEfags themselves
>half of the zelda reps are rehashes of the first
But fire emblem is also just shit
Zelda had 5 reps in the second game when a other franchises had only one, fuck off
We need midna in smash as a real actual character. Just think of the por- I mean gameplay.
But there's 3 Marths
Well there are more FE games than Zelda games
That's not my point
There's so many more potential Zelda characters but instead we get Link #3
And 2 of them were clones, what's your point? Zelda's also the second biggest Nintendo franchise ever, so fuck you.
Very true
I wouldn’t hate it if Kirby, Zelda, and Dk had the same amount of reps as FE
Pokemon is bigger retard
All FE characters should have durability on their swords just like in the games, that could balance them
I wouldn't care about FE having so many reps if they were actually fucking interesting. Get rid of Roy/Chrom for all I fucking care, Robin's cool.
implying we fucking needed 3 different links either.
Yes fire emblem is a garbage ass game
FE is a shit franchise of boring games I'm glad people are finally realising it
People hate Fire Emblem because the character representation is superfluous, and not representative of the series as a whole. Thing is, it’s impossible to shrink and diversify without a weeb getting mad.
IMO this is how it should be:
>Marth clones/skins bundled into one sword thrusting and swinging sword lord (Marth, Roy, Lucina with some additional lords like Alm, Seliph, Leif, Lyn, Eirika)
>Hector for GBA games, an inspired moveset and because he doesn’t have a sword
>Robin for nu-Emblem games
But with this you don’t represent the Tellius games. He wouldn’t work with my Marth bundle pack idea because the way he uses his sword wouldm’t work in that context. People like Ike a lot but tell me what he brings to the table that other characters don’t and why his moveset is wholly representative of his character
No it's not
Even FEfags know it. Only contrarian smashfags who always suck up to Sakurai feel the need to justify Corrin's existence in smash.
Yes it is downy
But they were all in separate games this is the first time we had 3 Links. In Sm4sh we already had like 3 Martha and they decided to add another Marth/Ike in Ultimate
>the virgin feetard
>the midriffchad
I know someone like this i genuinally wany to rip them limb from limb people that kiss that chink's ass and stick up for companies like we'll hurt their feelings for not approving deserve to be publicly executed.
>Zelda literally the 2nd biggest Nintendo Ip only beaten by Mario
>Constant console seller since Nes
>Literally helped sales of the Switch at launch
>Pokémon is slowly but surely dying since that buzz from Go
>Let's Go flopped
None of the remaining characters from those games are important enough to be playable. We already have the main characters from nearly every one of those games. Sheik and K. Rool are already pushing it.
*adds another FE one-off from a game that wasn't even released yet*
but 4 who marths are cool
Reminder that the people who complain about the Fire Emblem reps are most likely furries who want more anthropomorphic animals in Smash. Disregard whatever they say.
i'll take a 3 houses rep over banjo tbqh
Fuck off Stevefag
>>Let's Go flopped
I wish. In what world is 10 million a flop? It was extremely low budget and was the first mainline Pokemon sold at the same price as a home console game.
FEfaggot who clapped for Corrin here, I think in the state we’re in right now, a Treehouses rep would be a bad idea since we’ve had so many FE reps over the years that, while don’t play all similar to one another, all do have a similar feel to one another, and I think people are tired of seeing shit like that; it’s the reason why many hate Incineroar in this game, cause he’s another bland-ass starter Pokemon & does nothing but melee & grabs in a game with a lot of melee-grapplers. If there was one less FE character in the game, I feel like people’d be fine with another FE char, and frankly, I think Roy should be the one to go, being just a shittier Marth and literally the worst lord in the FE series in terms of gameplay & bland personality.
Based Corrinbro.
It is weebshit, even if I main Ike
Kill yourself footfag
I think the real problem is that smash bros fans are so casual they only play zelda, pokemon, and smash.
Not really most of the FE cast have the same idea.
>Swing stick of a sword fast
I wouldn't mind more 3rd party characters.
I just want more memorable characters
no it's not fucking cool either, stoic anime swordsman are the antithesis of what I like about smash. Personally i'm hoping for more unique characters with cartoonish qualities. You look at a character like k.rool and just from his basic silhouette you know something about his attitude, his style. It immediately lends itself to creating a unique experience.
You look at all these fucking anime swordsman and they exude the exact same energy, pouty stoicism, it's fucking boring.
Not even people who play multiple games would justify this many Fire Emblem characters. Especially not Fire Emblem fans themselves. Fatesshitters don't count. they don't have any taste at all. Unless they only like Conquest out of the three games.
>Wii U was generally adding shillpicks from the most recent games in each series
>we could’ve gotten Ghirahim for a Zelda rep
>we got that Barbie doll Rosalina instead for two Mario reps & the most cancerous iteration of Sheik yet
Hot fuck, I would’ve even taken Tingle, Zelda chars got gypped hard in Smash going forward.
Of that 10 million Japan only amassed to less then 2 million of those sales. If the Nips hate their own game it's a failure.
Smash 4 was a fucking mistake. If you want to pinpoint the exact moment where anime swordsmen and third parties consumed the roster, Smash 4 is it. It brought a lot of good but it mostly brought a lot of shit.
I just want whoever causes the most butthurt at this point
>Doesn't replace 7 Marth into 7 Camilla
And I bet you want Banjo
I think there are still good reps suitable like Waddle dee, Skull kid, Midna, Dixie Kong, Ado, Dark matter, Magolor, Cranky Kong, Impa, and Funky Kong, though I do understand why you think that these characters aren’t important enough since a lot of them are really minor. I just think FE should have an equal amount of reps as the other three.
Impa is important enough to be playable, much more than Sheik at least. She exists since the nes episodes, appears in many zelda games and can fight in some of them.
All of these are shit picks
Because all that is left for smash is shit picks all the important characters are already in not sayin everyone on the roster is important but the roster has pretty much all the important ones
There's still hope man.
Wish for Linkle being added in Smash.
Put in Rex from XC2 instead
I love FE but the amount of representation in Smash is retarded.
Two words
>4 links
Next level thinking user damn
Does anyone have that chart which shows the number of representatives for a series compared to the amount of money made?
People hate fire emblem in smash because there are so many characters which all function the exact same. There's Corrin, Robin, and 5 Marth ripoffs (not to say that Corrin isn't clearly based off of the Marth archetype as well, but less so)
Dixie kong is the only one there that should even touch smash and she's clone fodder. Get your shit taste out of here
That didn't stop Roy
But really I can get why they didn't want to do that again, Smash 5 and XC2 were in development at the same time.
Show me an exanple of this actually happening. Not just "look on x site" or wahtever. Show me concrete proof that the smash community hates FE.
Nobody has ever been able to deliver when I ask this question, The FE fanbase juat has a huge victim complex.
Tough shit
FE is currently Nintendo’s biggest franchise and there is nothing you can do about it.
>hating 6+ character slots being wasted on retarded anime shit that functionally plays the same is irrational
> Nintendogs have outsold all the franchises from Kirby and downward, it should have a rep.
All of their games were well in development at the time, Xenoblade 2 hasn't even started planning when the roster was decided
If we combined all of FEs 2017 releases into one it still wouldnt be close to nintendos best selling games of that year.
Real talk, I’d main a labrador retriever if it meant I could shit all over tiercucks who think they’re so cool for picking Snake & Wolf & then bark about it. I’d feel bad though watching a puppy get beat up if I make a wrong mistake though. Fuck you user, you made me remember I lost my Nintendogs cart years ago & now I’m sad.
Pfffffffttt, yeah right. Thats why the last 3 games have flopped so damn hard. Biggest success maker here.
Thats a bad comparison because Nintendogs audience hardly overlaps with smashs. Even then a single nintendog wouldnt be a bad pick.
And hey, of you disagree that means you re an irrrational Nintendogs hater since thinking FE shouldnt have 7 means you re that for FE apparebtly.
Didn't mean to make the greentext btw
Nintendogs could make for an interesting character.
She fights with arrows and kicks dude!
your mom should name her mouth fire emblem because it sucks dick
People hate shit emblem because
1. they are bad games
2. that nowadays only exist to promote gacha garbage
3. and that nintendo has been trying to shill for decades (and even after FINALLY achieving million seller status it quickly lost it just a few years later lmao)
It tool 20 years for FE just to sell a million copies and people pretend its as popular as Mario, kek
I feel like going by that logic basically eiminates a lot of potential for new reps
If they made it a mashup of all weird early DS games like how Duck Hunt is all light gun games I'd be interested
I bet you seething at wii fit trainer.
We don't need anymore fireemblem characters. Like why? Just why?
Fire Emblem has 7 characters that are all sword users, 6 of them have a down b counter, 2 of them are Echo Fighters, all of them have similar design patterns, and they all play similarly except for Robin who is the only FE rep that isn't trying to be a Marth offshoot. So yes another throwaway FE rep would be bad. At least the Mario reps all look and play differently
Why would you be mad over a Unique character?
>already has an assist trophy and a stage
user, it’s inevitable.
Not a Wii fit hater, but a character being unique isnt a feature, its the bare minimum.
>At least the Mario reps all look and play differently
mario and dr mario, peach and daisy
most of them are different but both of these are almost identical
I’m not, I’m just wondering why would think nintendogs would be too silly to get a rep yet wii fit has one. I like Wii fit trainer.
Nobody wants to beat up a realistic puppy.
They already beat up issabelle and pichu, user.
>guys hector would play totally different from the sword units I swear!
If you look outside the FE characters the sword users in Smash are diverse. Thinking a spear or axe will change anything is stupid.
>lets get another sword fighter with arching jabs, tilts, and aerials, retarded reach, and a counter!
how about fucking no
Basedsilo Reporting In!
FE should get a heroes rep instead.
>FE is currently Nintendo’s biggest franchise
>throwing hand axes
>thrusting his axe forward on a chain
>an absurd amount of spinning
>movements reference GBA sprite animations with their focus on impactful keyframes
Comparisons could be drawn but if implemented correctly he’d be the most inspired FE rep
> Smashfags hate on anime swordsfighters all the time
> Isaac is a fanfavorite and wanted by many
What dogs should there be for the inevitable Nintendogs rep
>non canon mobile spinoff game should get a rep
Shit like that really just show how far some FE fans can fit their heads up their own asses.
>>throwing hand axes
How would this be different than any other projectile?
>>thrusting his axe forward on a chain
How would this be different?
>>an absurd amount of spinning
Most of the characters in the game spin
>>movements reference GBA sprite animations with their focus on impactful keyframes
So? Everything represents their source material.
I've seen dozens of Hector movesets yet none of them can come up with original ideas.
>FE characters look the same even when you take away the sword
>Sword fighters outside of FE are extremely diverse design and moveset wise.
Reminder that Isaacs AT has him using his magic while Black Knights and Lyns is just using a sword.
Except he wouldn’t be, he’d just be ike with a tipper. Ike has projectiles and axe access in his games but not in smash. Roy has a projectile in his game but that just translated to a really shitty shield break. Chrom and lucina have access to spears in their promoted class yet are pure marths(and having fighting styles in their game emphasizing power over finess). Robin and to a lesser extent Corrin were the only times they actually tried.
Make each skin a different dog
Even if you like Corrin you have to admit they really under utilized the dragon form.
>chainsaw literally only used in one move
>optimal play requires mostly using sword moves
>a counter
>a generic recovery
If Corrin was from literally every other franchise we'd get a dragon to play as rather than a FE sword user that occasionally uses a flashy dragon move.
Yes, but dog breeds do you want to see?
I really don't mind fire emblem as a whole included in smash bros, i just wish there weren't so many characters with a similar moveset, as marth/roy/lucina/chrom are the worst group of offenders on that part because of how many there are.
>b-b-b-but muh heroes!
Labrador Retriever
Toy Poodle
Corgi Pembroke
Shiba Inu
This, the FE reps character designs are bland and generic as fuck. Captain Falcon and Little Mac are 100x as recognizable, and they haven't had a game in like 20 years
His Wolf Beil/Hand Axe would be a quick boomerang projectile that could richochet off of floors/walls with its tranectory.
The chain would be something like Simon’s whip, except with his axe on the end of it. It could be stopped with a push of a button. It would have a sweetspot on the end of the axe, and the distance this sweetspot is could modulate based on when you press the button after firing.
Spinning incessantly is a quirk that the GBA sprites have in their critical animations. Hector would emulate many attacks from other axe-wielding classes, taking notes from their animations.
>Everything represents their source material
There are dozens of characters that take liberties from their original incarnations and make things up. This is especially egregious with Fire Emblem characters. Nothing from the other Marths is 1:1 to their games, only feeling vaguely related to their character. Roy is pretty much an original Smash creation. Ike and Chrom have Aether, but that’s pretty much all they have. Robin is a shining exception, having durability and some tweaked versions of spells that all have their designs present. I can’t say much for Corrin, but I’ve heard a lot of the moves he uses are in-character but not actually lifted from Fates.
If nothing else, I just wish for characters to be better represented. Hector is just a way for me to prove that it could be done.
FE is WAY more popular than any of those series
I'll agree but pretty much any NES punchout character is more well known and iconic than the FE characters.
Yeah, what's your point? The fact that its popular doesn't excuse it having bland design.
Fire emblem is currently shit and the only way to fix it is to turn it into a porn game, Nintendo should have FE as his r18 series
Only if it’s a male/loli
Otherwise the porn outweighs any drawbacks
Imagine being this retarded
Go on the street and see how many people recognize Glass Joe compared to any FE character.
Yeah, it would. In what world wouldn’t it be? It’d be Corrin 2.0 only worse because Ultimate’s smash picks have been almost entirely stellar.
>not liking lolis
b-but muh gachashit that makes gorillions off of addicted whales
Three Houses is the blandest looking FE in a long while and they would just go with generic Lord or Avatar again. Keep that cancer away from Smash.
There's so many other options. Like character from one of their top selling IPs with shit representation like Zelda. Newcoming juggernauts like Splatoon. Alternatively a rep from series that have 0 characters in the rooster despite breaking the 2 million mark like ARMS. Or even legacy series that never made it: Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Murasame Castle, Chibi-Robo, Sin & Punishment, Rhythm Heaven, WarioWare, Custom Robo.
>Tfw FE is the only Nintendo franchise I care about besides Metroid
Eat shit, fucking basedboys
That still wasn't his point user, why are you trying to argue with someone who isn't interested?
Wario is Warioware
That's why his yellow outfit isn't the default, and why his stage is Wario Ware and not Mario Land 2 or Wario Land
>2.85 million across 3 versions of the game
>across 3 versions of the game
Thanks for calling me based, fag
>likes faggot emblem
>calls anyone else a basedboy
Oh yeah I forgot Smash is for you exclusively.
Who would be represented? One of those 3 fucking house faggots? This game looks like a huge embarassment on its own, no need to make it into a smash char as well.
Sakurai or the Nintendo executives must be on meth to have this urge to add a new couple new Fire Emblem characters every new Smash game comes out, Jesus Christ
I want Sothis. Edelgard would be a fine compromise since she’s an axe user.
I like male Byleth’s design but he’d be too similar to the other FE reps.
Tingle, Sheik, and Beedle are all recurring characters in the series that haven't gotten in.
We could get Ganon if they ever felt like it
Use the LTTP design with the trident and lots of weird trajectory projectiles
Did you mean Impa?
>Edelgard would be a fine compromise since she’s an axe user.
>implying you actually care about the axe
I can only imagine all the butthurt a move like that would cause
Even a Dragalia Lost rep could cause a huge meltdown
I prefer OOT Ganon, and I’m not even a huge OOT fan. The fat blue pig with a trident just isn’t interesting, we already have enough goofy fat characters for memelord retards to play like Dedede and KRool.
The funny thing is Anna gets suggested constantly but you know FEtards are gonna think "HA BEETLE JUST THE SHOP KEEPER"
Ganon wasn't ever portrayed as goofy as K. Rool. Plus we onky have a few wizardy characters (Zelda, Palutena, Robin) so that's a niche that could be explored more.
And we do have OOT Ganon in Dorf's final smash now, which is fine.
I really don’t care about her as a character yet, I have no reason to since we’ve seen so little of the game and her personality. Hell the most characterization we’ve gotten for anyone is Sothis, who is an aloof lolibaba.
Yes. We got Corrin for no fucking reason, lucina and chrom too. People want ANOTHER swordie with a counter? Fuck that.
let's be real here, not saying FE's choices are perfect, but there are literally no worthwhile Zelda characters to add that wouldn't just be pointless padding(inb4 BUT THEY'D BE UNIQUE), Zelda, Link and Ganon are the main 3 characters, and they're really the only Zelda characters that are worth adding.
eternally BTFO
We got Corrin for shilling purposes and Chrom because nips whined.
Majora's Mask alone is more well known and iconic than anything from FE.
Counter must be the blandest move to add to a fighter, and it's amazing how so many of them have it. Can't believe the madman actually managed to sneak it to Joker's moveset, honestly
>hating on incineroar
>complaining about a Pokémon grappler that plays differently to the other Pokémon
Garbage taste
Stop exaggerating you fucking retard
*We got Corrin for Sakurai purposes and Chrom because Sakurai whined
Why the fuck would Sakurai whine? It’s his own game and he didn’t add Chrom in Sm4sh.
Reminder that Smash 64 had no counters, it got worse for each game afterwards
FE has nothing recognizable outside the FE bubble outside of whatever characters in Smash. Zelda does.
It has waifus, music and feet
Imagine being so btfo you can't even make a coherent argument.
To be fair, Sakurai did blueball Chrom's fans like he did with Ridley. He probably added them both out of pity.
Why can't they make a sword character without a fucking counter?
Fuck, even Joker has a counter.
>"oh no those poor awakening fans only have 2 characters along with all the other stuff that game has. I'll add in Chrom to soothe them"
Unless they make a loli/muscle macho man that punches things into nonexistence and force it to be a fan favorite, yes it will be
The only sword characters with counters that aren't from FE are Shulk and Swordfighter(which you can replace)
This meme of blaming swords when the issue has always been FE needs to end.
Lucina shouldn’t have even been added to begin with
>7 FE characters
>seven FE characters
>fucking S E V E N FE characters
Jesus christ, that is grossly inflated. FE games have sold 10x less than Zelda games, and yet SSBU has more FE reps than Zelda ones. Disgusting.
Roy created a precedent that got way out of hand. That's why.
Ike was a fan favorite, Marth was a symbol to the franchise. Everything after those two is just marketing, just like Roy was.
Zelda had 5 characters in Melee when many other series only had one character, fuck off.
The truth about Fire Emblem is that people actually like it a lot, but the roster for it is full of similarly-playing people. It says something when Corrin is the most unique person among them, and even he/she has similar core mechanics to the others.
I think that if there's a Fire Emblem character needed, a greataxe user would be sweet. Big, heavy, slow. Hector is a great choice, people would like playing as him and he'd give the roster some variety. Of course, i'd rather no FE picks at all/
Nah, you can fuck off. Zelda, Mario, and Pokemon are gaming's biggest and most iconic franchises, all their reps are deserving, and they could absolutely do with more (Waluigi, more new/old Pokemon, etc).
FEcucks eternally seething
> No argument
only awakening was actually succesfull
for some reason nintendo still hasn't caught on that people don't buy the newer games
> 2019
> Still hating on Waluigi
I thought this shit died after the 2000's
It was just an example, and he would be infinitely better than any more FE characters.
So? That doesn't mean Chrom is entitled. He's by far the most bland newcomer in Ultimate so far.
>We have 3 Links and 2 Zelda
>People want Gannon as his own character too
Fuck off. Give me Skull Kid, Midna, or Ghirahim
>Zelda literally the 2nd biggest Nintendo Ip
No, that would be pokemon.
Robin and Corrin are actually unique. Should be Marth, Ike, Robin, and Corrin.
>How would an axe and spear be unique?
Corrin should fuck off for being a blatant shill rep from a set of mediocre games.
Those are fictional creatures
It still astounds me how nintendo is blatantly aware skull kid is a fan favorite, yet they try to pretend he doesnt exist as hard as they can, it takes samurai or the hyrule warriors team to make let him make a cameo
How diverse are all of those reps who are Lords who use either rapiers or giant swords again?
Having the same phenotype with a small hair color variation sure doesn't help as well.
To me, FE characters and Palutena just doesn't look right in Smash as they are rendered nowadays, but that's just another issue
>How would an axe and spear be unique?
There's no one on the smash roster that uses either. Spear could be fun for poking people out with long disjoints, while axe is fun for big overhand Ganondorf-DORYAAA swings, as well as maybe tossing it? Acting like people don't have reasons for wanting those things is disingenuous.
Hyrule Warriors was Zelda fanservice done right. There's like, 37 playable characters in total.
Not to instigate, but Belmonts have long reaches and axe projectiles. A spear user would be cool though.
>tumblr filename
I hate it for both reasons
Yeah, and they're pretty fun. I'd like to see more of them, diversity is always good in games like these. Don't worry user, I know what you're implying even without the pretense, but thank you for doing that anyways.
Still counts, you had WAY to much shit before anyone else, it's perfectly fair that you don't get more newcomers.
>you're not allowed to dislike a character
ok dipshit
Is this really what you care about?
What can axes even do that a sword does not? It has even less options than a sword because you can’t thrust. You just want it for a differing aesthetic which is pointless because the FE characters that would likely get into smash all have a similar look anyway.
>Hyrule Warriors was Zelda fanservice done right
I'm still mad at weakness points
Two of which were clones, one of which was replaced in the next game, and then fucking nothing until the old clone came back. You’re a moron.
I wouldn’t be surprised if isis told sakurai to add lucina over chrom after lucina was literally the only input they had in that disasterous warriors game.
>The last original Zelda rep was added in Melee
>Out of the six Zelda reps, three of them are clones, two of them used to be the same character
You mean the weak point gauge when bosses are stunned? I didn't really have a problem with them. Certain characters are better at draining them than others, though.
Still, Nintendogs need a rep
Why are Zeldafags so entitled?
>FEfaggot who clapped for Corrin here
Why? I can't even accuse you of having shit taste for liking a shit character, but the games weren't even out yet. You were clapping for an advertisement without knowing anything about them just because they came from a series you like.
Do you have an actual response or not?
It gets annoying the thirtieth time you try to do damage but you just keep bonking against them because you have to bait their WP exposing attack and wait for them to take it, or blow your limited amount of magic in a single one of them
It drags out the combat
What the fuck is autistic about that? You're the one who's autistic for being so pissy about people disagreeing with your opinions. Neck yourself.
>Spear could be fun for poking people out with long disjoints
Tons of moves already do this.
>Acting like people don't have reasons for wanting those things is disingenuous.
Because they don't actually want them for any other reason except for having more FE characters. Remember all the "waddle dee is bland because he just has a spear"
Expecting a single character for every weapon from FE is entitled as fuck. Ness and Shulk use multiple things to represent whole games, why can't FE?
Give me one good reason it should have as many characters as it has, let alone more
Stop wanting more shit when you already have enough retard, You got 5 characters in the second game before anyone else, which is fucking unfair. And look now in Ultimate, not only characters, but also stages, music, assist trophies, and a lot more.
You are a selfish fuck but you own't deny it, you have FE so rent free in your head that you can't see all the shit Zelda has. Fuck off with you retard,
This was during the period where people were so upset about no swim suits and face petting(we totally care about gameplay!) that people translated a game that was already being officially translated. So there were a few people that actually played the game.
She was going to be a Marth alt costume originally but they realized it looked kinda jank so they changed the model skeleton a bit and called it a new character
b-but I don't wanna beat up a puppy!
>wanting a single new character is entitlement
>FEtards wanting Smash Bros to be nothing but FE characters isn't.
How the fuck is that unfair? Zelda is right up there with Mario. Zeldafags are asking for character diversity rather than three fucking Links. It’s an actual issue when there hasn’t been a unique moveset since fucking Melee for a series so lauded as Zelda. Your only argument is B-BUH MELEE, a game from 20 years ago whose additions to the series is literally all they’ve gotten. Go fuck yourself.
You're fucking retarded
Isaac does things no fighter currently in Smash could do, and that no future fighter could unless they add a Rock or Ground Pokemon (meaning it would need to be a starter).
Too late!
Fucking retarded Zeldafags
you mean yoshi and downward.
still deserves way more than just an assist trophy and a stage
Ya boiling? Ya seething?
ok this HAS to be bait
Nintendogs as a whole has sold about 40 million last time I saw it
>I want the dragon loli with cut feet.
>cut feet
Are you Chinese?
I wish dhd wasn’t absolute shit, I love his rottie coloring
You are the who are seething, whining about wanting more Zelda shit when you have more than enough
Why are you whining? Im happy that my favorite FE characters are represented, and I bought the game to prove that.
Oh, you also bought the game? That mustve meant the roster wasnt a big enough deal to you, and youre being hyperbolic.
You actual retard. It’s Mario, Pokémon, than Zelda. Sonic has sold more than fucking Zelda.
> actual Nintendo characters from classic series like fire emblem in Smash are bad.
> People actually think Master Chief, Heavy TF2 guy and Goku are solid characters to be in Smash.
Sakurai should have never put in third parties desu.
> Wikipedia
Use a better source stupid
>it's good to have 7 characters from a series that barely sells, 5 of which are shill picks
Kumiko lolibaba dragon for Smash!
Right, quality characters like fucking Waluigi and Incineroar, that's supposed to be an improvement over Corrin?
Waluigi is unironically more iconic and popular than any FE character, that's how shit FE really is.
Wtf is wrong with Waluigi or Incineroar?
Days since FEcucks seethed over the best newcomer: 0
Main Mario characters are more recognizable than at least 90% of game characters.
The solution to FE is not to cut their characters, but to double up on any series that has less than four reps.
>DK gets six or eight based on my own picks
>Kirby gets three more
>Zelda gets double or even triple
>Mario and Pokemon get as much as they want
>F-Zero gets three more
>Yoshi can stay right where it is until its games diverge away from Mario and go in a new direction on its own merits
>Wario gets Syrup, a Ware character and a Wario leaning on Wario Land
>Mother gets Ninten and an echo for each of the protagonists
>Star Fox gets Krystal, General Scales and Panther as Wolf's echo
There, problem solved. Most of those series show more with less. Imagine evening the playing field.
That sounds terrible
>F zero gets 3 more
why though
the only notable thing it did was help launch the SNES and have one ok arcade game
This is a good idea, but it's possible to fuck up even more if the slightest mistake is made. Your specific character suggestions are... not good, but I like the idea.
If you were gonna do more Mother characters, the non-PK users like Duster could work
Why not?
>the only notable thing it did was help launch the SNES and have one ok arcade game
Oh, you're one of THOSE people. Never mind.
What's wrong with them outside of
>muh relevancy
>I don't like them
Take your time, too.
You're being hostile and defensive for no reason. I'd rather let you keep thinking your opinions are infallible and make yourself look like more of an ass.
This is a shit idea, if they did it, no new series would ever get a playable rep.
So basically the reasons I stated. Fuck adding arbitrary 3rd parties.
As far as I'm concerned that's already happening with how many potential reps got spirited.
The solution to FE is to gas anyone who has ever played it
>thinking this is feasible and more practical than just cutting FE characters
Gatchashit doesn't count, user
>They didn't add MY favorite games so I'm entitled to more characters
>springer spaniel deals more damage to characters with hats
> All this shit
> Punch-Out gets nothing
It didn't even get an AT, show it some love too.
>final smash has a bunch of police K9 german shepherds attack other fighters
I know, I forgot Metroid too.
>King Hippo and Glass Joe as a clone of Mac
>Meta Ridley as Ridley's echo and one of the Hunters
came here to post this
FE gets a special treatment only because Sakurai is a biased faggot, haven't you noticed he's also biased for Kirby? he doesn't care about new kirby stuff, only the lore he created is what matters to him
How about a Heroes rep instead.
Just a reminder that Byleth is getting confirmed for Smash this weekend at FE Expo.
I really hope she dies in the story.
And I hope I get to be the one who kills her.
>mobile gacha non canon spinoff with unethical business practices
This is complete bullshit. There would be no reason to hate FE if not for its number of Smash reps. The ONLY complaints I see about FE that come from outside of the fanbase are seething Smashfags who fear that any FE character they see could be a character in Smash.
Veronica would be a better rep than her.
What's wrong with that he adds characters he likes
if i was sakurai's position i would add the characters i like
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
>What can axes even do that a sword does not?
look cool
I’d take either.
I'd add Nichol.
>waaah why do people like Zelda waah
Why does Yea Forums have such a hateboner for FE again?
Okay but why do you hate it? There are barely any ACTUAL non-waifu FE threads on Yea Forums and even the waifu threads are about as abundant as any other pseudo porn thread
Terrible idea, not to mention straight-up almost impossible to feasibly carry out.
Already a stage
>Fire emblem is currently shit and the only way to fix it is to turn it into a porn game
I unironically agree with this.
>cut feet
Begone Zhang
it's one of the most shallow, basic rpgs I have ever played. all you do is throw your meat wall at the enemies' meat wall, and if your meat wall is shaped better you win.
>Every FE character that has gotten in
>Main character from a recent game
>Every Zelda character people want
>Link’s companion with no real moveset or villain from over years ago
That’s your problem right there.
The sweat from my left testicle with a smiley face drawn on would be a better character.
If game sales mattered Wii fit would have more representatives and the Miis would be deserving of at least 8 characters.
There would be grounds to add Mario Kart characters and Ridley wouldn't yet be eligable for inclusion into the game.
Punch out would not have a rep, no Ice climbers for what that is worth and drop Palutena I guess.
>fire emblem
It's nice of you to expose yourself as a butthurt smashfag who never played the game
>brother buys all the FE games for his 3DS
>I don't
>eventually get around to hacking my system
>dump his carts to my system
>play shadows of valentia
>30+ minutes of VN cutscenes with a single tutorial battle (which itself is half cutscene) in between
>quit because I'm not waiting through god knows how many more cutscenes
If the basic tutorial takes 30+ minutes there's a problem
> haven't you noticed he's also biased for Kirby?
Modern Kirby got a fuck ton of spirits and music, stop complaning.
>it’s the reason why many hate Incineroar in this game, cause he’s another bland-ass starter Pokemon & does nothing but melee & grabs in a game with a lot of melee-grapplers.
Is this bait
Then Zelda can go fuck itself.
no real moveset isn’t an argument when all of the goofy retro characters exist
sakurai can pull that out of his ass whenever he needs to
Its funny how game sales is always a viable argument to CUT FE characters but not to keep them.
>you aren't allowed to like the game for the characters it has!
good bait
>complaining about parries
god im glad im not a smash fag
I don't know why people want to cut characters.
I don't play most of the 3rd parties, the Kid Icarus characters, Sheik and Diddy Kong but I would never advocate cutting them.
Don't care didn't buy fighters pass lol
>dude modern kirby got some PNGs and MP3s, stop complaining!
It doesn't deserve a character and you know it
It's fun how people act like that pic is a big gotcha. FE got bigger fairly recently,
Awakening and Fates are responsible for almost 40% of the sales.
Yeah because what smash really needs is yet another Fire Emblem rep added solely to shill another one of their mediocre games.
We need more shilling of other system's games.
> Zeldafags being entitled again
You got a fucking Majoras's Mask stage and Skull Kid as an AT, fuck off you greedy bastard
I want a stage though, the newest Kirby game even considered for a stage was Epic Yarn.
like Persona 5 for the PlayStation 4!
FEfags are allowed to like Fire Emblem and want more characters, but don't fucking tell me it's not overrepresented.
What's your D-list series didn't get a character, user? It's always like this every time someone uses entitled. Names. Now.
If you could give me an objective standard by which you base that statement then sure.
>throwing hand axes
Unique from the rest of FE but already in on Simon.
>thrusting his axe forward on a chain
This a feature of the GBA general, not Hector as he would be represented.
>an absurd amount of spinning
Hector doesn't incorporate spinning in a single actual attack. The spinning is all just flairs he does before starting the actual attack.
>Comparisons could be drawn but if implemented correctly he’d be the most inspired FE rep
That would still be Robin by a country mile.
Not to mention
>Let's not count Heroes because it goes against the narrative I'm trying to force.
Nice try dumbfuck, he's already in,
Not him, but
what is it about fire emblems fans that gives them such an inferiority complex?
Joker didn’t have a grappling hook in the original Persona 5 and Simon can do shit Richter could only do. Lets not act like Sakurai couldn’t take stuff from other axe wielding units.
Does this incorporate Heroes or leave it out because it’s convenient.
I fucking hate Smash
dumb fecuck
>wanted a spear and axe user from FE
>get lucina chrom and dragon faggot instead
>black knight is a fucking assist
My disappointment is immeasurable and eternal.
I'd love it.
I believe those are unit sales. Heroes doesn’t make money on its downloads, just on its IAP garbage.
>chainsaw literally only used in one move
...the chainsaw is the sword.
>If Corrin was from literally every other franchise we'd get a dragon to play as rather than a FE sword user that occasionally uses a flashy dragon move.
Corrin uses significantly more transformation moves than Sword moves even of you count the Lance moves as not being transformations(which they are).
>Falseflagging this hard
Another coward. Try again next time.
depends on if it is another down b counter character
>"fire emblem shouldn't get in because X"
>"you're just salty"
Every time.
If she was playable, it would be both her and Wolf Link.
What falseflagging? I wanted Sonic to be in, and he's in, do you see me complaing about reps?
>mfw we get another fire emblem rep.
>No Ghirahim
Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside? FURIOUS, OUTRAGED, SICK WITH ANGER!
Tell me, tell me it's not true.
I'd take fucking Erdrick over another Fire emblem character.
>is a retard
color me surprised
This is the only swordsman who needs to be in SSB. He's also more of a real Nintendo character than shitters like Snake and Joker.
You're bitching that Zelda fans want more than just three links, so yes.
Three Houses looks like complete and total shit so yes.
I meant more Sonic reps stupid, be happy you have so many Zelda characters
Someone took the time to make this and research it.
Imagine the smell.
It’s not a competition of which series is bigger, MM is not important in Zelda as a series it’s just the baddie of one game and wouldn’t even work well as a PC.
What's with Yea Forums speculating 5/5 third party DLC characters, anyway? I don't really follow all this.
>wanting this goblin
This literally can't be argued against without admitting that there's some kind of FE bias.
Female corrin players are the worst.
I won't be happy, and you can deal with the fact that Sonic won't have any more reps, and I wanted Tails this time around. Suck a dick crybaby.
>the eyes
Sales aren’t the end all be all retards, FE just has lots of main characters that you don’t have to fudge the shit out of to make work.
>not wanting kumiko in smash
>only awakening was actually succesfull
Fates sold twice as much in Japan alone
Not as much as you kiddo.
They're boring and samey without all that. It's all there is to it.
>Thanks to the overall FE reps picks, every other sword user not in FE gets ripped apart since people are beyond tired of sword users
>FE reps who are NOT sword users get ripped apart since people are tired of FE
Join the club
>"fire emblem shouldn't get in because i don't like it
>"you're just salty"
Every time.
Pokemon Go made a mint too, but the difference is it didn't make up the majority of the series' profit.
Except it's not
>punch out would not have a rep
Mike Tyson's Punch Out is 3.3 million lifetime which is more than any Fire Emblem
Super Punch Out may as well not have existed but PO Wii was a respectable 1.1 million
Autistic people (read: RPG faggots) need to have their arguments utterly crushed or they'll keep sperging. That's what they do. They don't accept "You're annoying, shut the fuck up." You gotta use numbers and figures.
Look, no one thinks FE should have 7 reps, but it'd be a dick move for Sakurai to do
>except for a couple of FE characters cause i dunno lol
obviously there's going to need to be some cuts for the next game, but having them all here for one time isn't the end of the world
when will the pain end?
There isn't a reason to add any more Fire Emblem characters, the series is well represented in Smash with lot's of characters from games both new and old. I really don't want a precedent to be set where just because there's a new game in a series, people start bitching about how that requires a new Smash character. That would get annoying extremely quickly. I mean, Yoshi just got a new game, does that mean we need a new Yoshi rep?
I'm bias but, if there's a nintendo franchise that deserves another rep it's Pikmin before anything else. That series still only has one character after 3 smash games, and all the more important Nintendo franchises are all pretty damn well represented to the point where all people even care about anymore is 3rd party stuff.
Bandana Waddle Dee
Marx (If he weren't a boss)
Dark Matter (Swordsman)
Skull Kid
Dixie Kong
Cranky Kong
Funky Kong (easy echo to implement)
Lmao this thread is hilarious
It's 2019 and people are STILL butthurt about FE representation in smash
>no arguments
this but unironically
>twitter meme
>Facebook filename
>+364 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
Just not another swordie. I would love a FE character if it's a spear rep. A small fighter with a long disjoint like that would be fun.
This. Gimme my fucking advance wars back.
Retards, WHO should they add?
FEshill seething hard
While I'm not actively bothered by the FE additions i also agree with the people that argue the reps should at least present some variety, but the problem is that they always go for the default MC hence the anime swordsman meme
>4 Marios
>5 Links
>3 Zeldas
>3 Ganondorfs
>2 Bowsers
This is bait right?
>cant suggest a tales rep without causing muh swordsman butthurt
>suggested tiki before she got deconfirmed and only got muh fe butthurt
it fucking sucks, fuck chrom fuck lucina fuck roy and fuck that garbage shill pick that is corrin
>female corrin
I wouldn't be completely against another FE rep, as long as he or she plays differently from the rest. That being said, I don't see a Three House rep being in because Sakurai has literally no base to work on. The game hasn't been released, so they have no moveset for the characters. But I'd honestly prefer having another series being represented, like Sin and Punishment, NMH and plenty more.
>Sakurai: yeah, theres too many FE emblem characters and we know people where angry at Corrin
>Being a faggot
who the fuck wants to play as Funky Kong? Funky has always been a non-character at best and an absolute joke at worst (MK Wii, Tropical Freeze Switch).
>>Sakurai: yeah, theres too many FE emblem characters and we know people where angry at Corrin
And yet we got Chrom
For a DK rep, make a Pokemon Trainer style character featuring Tiny, Lanky and Chunky Kong using the Tag Barrel to swap out.
I hope we get another FE rep just to spite all the faggots seething over it.
Take a shower smash niggers.
>Bandana Waddle Dee
meme pick
literally who
>Marx (If he weren't a boss)
meme pick
>Dark Matter (Swordsman)
literally who
literally who meme pick
literally who
meme pick
one-off assist trophy
>Skull Kid
one-off meme pick assist trophy
we already have him
>Dixie Kong
diddy with a wig
>Cranky Kong
too old
>Funky Kong (easy echo to implement)
meme pick
why the fuck would you want any of these shitty side characters when you could have the main character of a new game like byleth
A marth reskin
Imagine getting mad at a reskin
>thinking smash is a popularity contest
Ridley K Rool and Simon literally got in because of popularity
Smash is shit too
Play real fighting games
No one wanted Simon, people wanted Alucard or Trevor
>says there are no more important characters for Kirby, Zelda, and DK
>brings up important characters
Wrong, Sakurai said Simon was highly requested
Still a new FE shitter after Sakurai was aware that they were not welcome.
I'd be cool with 7 Fire Emblem reps if they weren't all sword users. Fire Emblem has a weapon triangle, it should be represented by axe and spear users as well.
>believing Sakurai
>cranky kong
>too old
Every fighting game series has an elderly master character you stupid zoomer son of a bitch. High time Smash got one.
>smash doesn't have an elder character
Never thought of this. I guess the closest thing was Old Manondorf from 4.
The asshurt this image causes always gives me life.
You’re a fucking idiot. Simon has never been as popular as Ridley and Rool but he’s been requested since Brawl.
Isaac only uses his sword to summon a meteor
Every single other attack you do in game is cast elemental/death/animal summon/buff-debuff magic or a djinn summon
And even outside combat you're burning through your "mana" for the overworld application of these spells
I fucking hate Sakurai's autism, separating Wario and Yoshi from the Mario stable as if people give a shit about their solo games. At least DK was supposed to be its own thing from the get-go.
fortnite haves 250 million registered players and we dont got a fortnite guys yet
fnaf has lots of players to but we still dont got freddy in ssb either come on nintedo
> Wario Land
> WarioWare
It would be amazing.
They have reasons for wanting them, their reasons are just dumb. They don't actually add anything to the gameplay that can't (and hasn't) been done with a sword, it would just look different.
This. Cumilla should have been the newest FE rep.
Thread should have ended here
What about them, faggot? Hardly anybody plays those shits as the list tells us. Wario, on his own, is a C-list character. It's just that Samus and the Fire Emblem shitters are D-list (deservedly).
>contrarians STILL pretending to hate Waluigi because he was by far the most popular newcomer request pre-reveal
I never said that gave Chrom a free pass either.
Marth, Roy, Ike, Robin. Perfect fire emblem representation. If you really want someone from Fates then throw Ryouma in there.
I would remove Roy. He’s not exactly unique or interesting. At least Ike’s moves are mostly different despite also using a sword.
As much as I hate to say it, keeping Corrin would be better from a gameplay perspective.
>FE: 16 games
>Splatoon: 2 games
>same sales
Kill yourself
I understand your perspective. Personally I wouldn’t remove Roy cause I’m used to seeing fire marth around and don’t really mind him. But i wouldn’t mind if he was replaced with Lyn just to keep a gba fe rep.
I’d rather not have Corrin, even if he plays differently just cause how blatant of a shill pick he was. I think Ryouma looks better as a character and as a fates rep but he’d probably end up playing the same as FE swordies.
This is why a very small part of me wants the Nakoruru "rumor" to be true. It'd get people butthurt about another "sword character" and get a very select few angry because of the whole SamSho thing. Other than that seeing people butthurt from the sidelines because of FE characters is pretty entertaining.
I have my own reasons to hate FE.
Fuck that series.
I'd be happy with an Arvis trophy pulling another bbq.
i already played shulk
also Dante is cooler
The only other swordsmen that would be welcome in smash are Travis Touchdown, Isaac, Chrono and Sephiroth
The only other swordsmen that would be welcome in smash are Travis Touchdown and Sephiroth
Fixed it for you user
I never played any golden sun games, but I threw Isaac in there cause I think he could have potential for a good move set. And Chrono cause I think he’s a better pic than any DQ rep, I hope to god we get chrono instead of edrick. Travis and Sephiroth would be a dream come true.
That wouldn't work. Most of them have signature weapons with unlimited uses.
leave Fire Emblem to me
>>we could’ve gotten Ghirahim for a Zelda rep
Gayrahim was never getting in the first place
fuck that faggot ass and fuck the retards who thought he was replacing Ganondorf
that didn't help Decidueye from getting in over baracat
>Japanese name for Order of Heroes is Wiess Braves
>She was excluded from the Dragalia Crossover
>Braves stats could fit her fairly easily
>Brave lacks a rapid jab which makes sense for a single handed lance user
>No tether, Wall Jump or Crawl which no FE character has
Pack it up bros, she's in.
>I threw Isaac in there cause I think he could have potential for a good move set.
Of course he does because he's just like most other jrpg protagonists
look at all the replies on this post and tell me if anyone cares what Smashfags think?
>a 2016 game before DLC planning began
Dog is based fuckface
>That didn't stop Roy
Roy, plus scrapped Melee Lucas, were last minute clones
t. dogfucker
>more anime shit
Why would anyone seethe with the trainer?
She a hot
What does it mean to 'force' a series? Fire Emblem was never a big budget series, and Nintendo already threatened to axe it once. Blame Sakurai for anything related to Smash.
it doesn't
What, are you mad that nintendogs would have a more interesting move set than fire emblem ever could?
It would be still be cool to see
yeah good luck surviving that media buzz by these pricks
surely they can jump out of that like Color Splash shit
>Shill pick
I love this meme. Also Roy is far more of a “shill pick” than Corrin ever was.
if i was in charge of making the choice between a three houses rep or making the next four choices fornite default guy, minecraft steve, sans undertale, and dragonborn i'd pick the other four
I hope THR doesn't get a rep. It was cute when they did this preview bullshit with Roy (that only people in Japan understood because Binding Blade was the only GBA FE game that didn't make it overseas), but doing it again just highlights the absurd favoritism that Nintendo has for FE now.
They survived 3D land, they can survive smash
Honestly you could use any of the Dream Friends from Star Allies and they'd be cool.
Are you fucking retarded?
Not even top 15
Agreed, but on top of the dream friends, you could also use galacta knight, prince fluff, and dark matter who was already mentioned.
if that was true, how come nobody bothers to?
seems like people don't think beating up real puppies is interesting even as "smash figurines"
Yes. But it's going to happen.
You're getting the axe girl, and you'll like it. Then Banjo at E3 to make people feel less stinky and whiny.
>please i want to fuck a little dog!
go back to /trash/ you degenerate dogfucker
When did I mention about fucking dogs you illeterate retard?
Dr. Kawashima still isn't in yet
>Marth Clone
>Heavy Marth
>Heavy Marth
>Marth Clone
>First Marth Clone is now semiclone
>Corrin and Robin were okay though
>Heavy Marth
>Marth Cone
>Semimarth Clone
>Semimarth Clone Clone
>Corrin and Robin
I hate Fire Emblem in smash because I like Fire Emblem and think the choices are bad
They could use shit from other early ds games and it would be great representation for the ds. And I think nobody has thought about it because it may seem too silly or you said, people may get uncomfortable beating up dogs.
Didn't Prince Fluff just get an arsenal update thanks to Extra Epic Yarn?
this is literally anti-Ridleyfag logic...
Reminder Corrin was originally just them thinking they should advertise an upcoming Nintendo game, and Fates turned out to be the only plausible pick for that since the Wii U had fuck-all going for it.
This is not the case any more, and if anything new is advertised it won't be from a series they've gone above and beyond for already.
Yup, even better, I rooted for him and bandana dee during the ballot
They’re both shills. Roy and Marth shilled FE to the west and Corrin shilled his game. Fire Emblem is only popular because of smash and then that attracted all the weebs and waifu fags. If it wasn’t for smash FE would have died.
They play identical but at least they're different characters, they're not literally just Marth, Brave Marth, Warrior Marth. Also Ike is good competitively and Robin is diverse enough
okay, i guess Corrin was an amazing pick and deserves to be in because he's "le unique"
>Minecraft have outsold all the franchises from Kirby and downward, it should have a rep.
That's not Zero
Pretty sure it has sold more
Lol no, Ike’s game on the same system as melee failed. FE saved itself with awakening, QQ more.
shit taste. your mom's opinion has been disregarded.
it would be a waste of dlc slots, not even cool stuff like crash bandicoot or doomguy
Do you think Fluff would be more requested for Smash if he remained the main character?
I'm just waiting for them to add Venom Marth.
> Smashfags hate on FE swordsfighters all the time
>yet they ask so much for Black Knight and Lyn
Probably not
FEfags are never satisfied
>blaming FE fans for Smashfag bias
>>Hector for GBA games, an inspired moveset and because he doesn’t have a sword
I'd like Hector too, but let's be real, he'd just be Ike with an axe, don't even kid yourself into thinking he'd be super unique.
We're talking about two different things.
It really speaks to the uniqueness of Fire Emblem that 3/7 Smash reps are clones of one character, and the 4th is that character.
>>Mother gets Ninten and an echo for each of the protagonists
literally none of the can echo, maybe only Ninten.
funny thing is only Lucina is actually top tier
The rest of the of the top tiers are Peach/Pichu/Wolf/Olimar
aka not anime swordsman
really makes me think
so stay on my topic
she cute
>Alm's promoted class is called Hero/Brave
>The Royal Sword's Double Lion gives Alm a Brave effect
>You have to be pretty Brave to fight a god
Alm confirmed
yet there's retards that cream themselves for Black Knight
>getting beat by a girl
People only ever suggested Black Knight as an Ike Echo.
its around Super Mario's alley
Fucking this
>Could people hate our game because its actually terrible compared to its former self???
>No no, its the smashbabs fault!
pokemon is literally the most profitable media franchise of all time
yet they still ask for him so much
he's still the only FE character and villain to get anything more than a trophy in Smash
what about 3D Land?
He's in.
PETA REEEE'd when they saw the Tanooki Suit in 3D Land.
Isn't FE basically just a VN these days anyway?
I'd wager than 99% of FE fans haven't played a game older than Awakening.
>anyone caring about peta
which is never happening
no modder or fan dev cares either.
imagine getting defensive when somebody points out your degeneracy
In brawl i played a lot of ike. His moves were fun.
In sm4sh i got roy and mewtwo cause melee and played a lot of them.
Then now thanks to weebshit ballotfags we got chrom another marth clone instead of black knight over ike because weeaboo animefags dont give a shit about a charectar unless it has anime eyes and flippy haircuts or is "kawaii"
lucina,corrin,chrom are unessecarry id replace all 3 with black knight so marth has 1 clone and so does ike while sakurai also doesnt have to waste development on the worst addition to smash.
Also i have never played a FE game but mabey someday ill play path of radiance cause fe is boring and cope only weebs play it cause they luv the animey games!