Xbox updated their community standards

Please combat toxicity and harassment on Xbox live. Do your part!

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>being so autistic that you can't tell the difference between bants and cringey edgelording in various contexts so you get upset when TOS prevents you from acting like a huge retarded faggot
Kill You're Self

>Upload custom gamerpics that show animal abuse
That's very fucking specific which means this must be a common issue and probably one of the reasons why Sony and Nintendo won't let us do it.

>being this much of a pansy
Commit self-harm dude

Adding someone on group chat without permission should be an insta ban.


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Good to know I can still make sexual slurs if I'm not responding to someone.

>help us clean up our community by containing shitty people

i don't see the problem

The party that system was a mistake. Everybody is on some gay ass discord or the equivalent and no one ever talks to eachother any more. Literally a safe space with your friends. No public interaction, no shittalking, no fun


Just ONE report and I can get you degenerates permabanned???

based microsoft

These policies are irrelevant because nobody talks outside of party chat or send messages anymore

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Multiplayer is so boring now because of how sterile it is.

Xbox had no rules in 08 I'll tell you that lmao

kill yourself


How is this a bad thing?

You first

Miss the old days. Some shithead got butthurt on XBL a couple months ago and kept spamming shit at me for about an hour. Nothing violent or offense just calling me trash etc. Eventually I gave in and send "gg fgt" as a reply.

I was banned from communication for 2 weeks like 15 minutes later. Pretty lame.

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>dude just let corporations and governments censor people because of mean words lmao
fuck off roastie

Start using DFN instead

What's next?
> the youngest player gets to choose who you play as
No, wait, that's Overnerfed.

no fun allowed - xbox

Welcome to anything after 2016, where people's feelings trump anything else.