What will be the big thing they lie about this time?

What will be the big thing they lie about this time?

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"it's good"

If Iliac Bay, expect sailing to be a key feature.


>meme about lies

The lies won't be the problem, it'll be the building minecraft and microtransactions that ruin it. If you think Skyrim was bad it's gonna get worse.

Something along the lines of : "bringing the game design to a whole new level - nothing you've ever experienced before!"

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i love being able to sabatoge the lumber mill in skyrim to jack up the price of wood

that's not a big lie. i mean
>infinite quests
>hundreds of endings
>climb that mountain
>sabotage the lumber-mill

"it just works"

Oh, that's a big thing we've all been lied about, watch out!
That's really nothing when you compare it to the other games pre-release interviews. But yeah, hating on Bethesda is a trendy thing, asking for using your brain would be too much. I'm glad Bethesda's games selling well, just to spite faggots like you.

What are you even trying to say

That i'm tired of your dumb memes, brainlets.

Radiant Exploration

Radiant Storytelling

Radiant Questlines

See this game? you can p-lay it!

fallout 76 flopped lmao
radiant ai

First 3 aren't lies

>you'll be able to make mods on console

In reality it'll be an extremely locked down editor.

>infinite quests
technically not but incredibly misleading
>hundreds of endings
he said this for fallout 3 where there are two endings. it's the same bullshit as ME3 where they're like "there's only 3 endings to the main quest but some non essential NPCs wont be there if you kill them! so that counts as a different endign!"
>climb that mountain
you can awkwardly jank-walk up it. the game has nothing resembling climbing.

You can do that

That there won't be microtransactions, there will be.
That the graphics will be good, they won't be.
That it will have significant mechanical improvements over previous titles, it won't.

does bethesda ever take into account what players actually want and would like to see?

you absolutely 100% cannot do that

are you roleplaying as todd howard to bug people?

Why would they?

they'll be making it with photogrammetry so probably something about it being 1:1 scale with real life and a perfect recreation of a real virtual world.

The game doesn't exist. The trailer is the lie.

It's not flopped lmao
Radiant AI what?

because some companies do

It's actually a lot worse. A lot of games use bullshit animations and downgrade their graphics in pre release which is awful but bethesda straight up lies about some pretty integral shit.

>straight up lies about some pretty integral shit.
Like what? And don't say lumber mill.

can see this being the big one
and then it'll only be a slightly better looking skyrim at release with shit repetitive quests

>It's not flopped lmao
ok but it did
>radiant AI what?
the lie that started the "trend" as you called it of shitting on bethesda's lies... 15 years ago.

Imagine being an unironic Bethesdrone in the year 2019.

>Technically not but misleading
>He said this for Fallout 3
Yeah, and technically again depending on what you did in the world related to side quests and such there are minor variations in the ending counting as hundreds of different endings.
>You can awkardly jank wall up it
Just because you don't like how its done doesn't mean its not there. Jumping up mountains is a feature is there version of climbing even if its janky.

but when have they ever?
>when have they lied? and don't mention their lies!
remember on stage at e3 where todd said you could play 76 singleplayer

Based retard.

Nice argument Yea Forumsipster

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>Remember on stage at E3 where Todd you could play 76 singleplayer
You can do that tho.

>ok but it did
But it's not
>the lie
What lie?

no, you can play it solo. that isn't single player. it's an always online game and you're a fucking moron.

He never said you can play it offline, retard. You can play it as singleplayer.

Todd please go

>No you can play it solo
So you're a single player playing the game? Thus playing it Single Player?

"it's a game"

is fortnite singleplayer when you play solo you utter fucking dipshit


If you mean the PVE mode, yes.

of course i don't.

>defends bethesda
>calls others brainlet

How much can they still simplify compared to Skyrim?

>voiced protag
>perk chart

It's gonna come full circle. No more perk trees, skills are raised by using them, attributes are back.

you can't possibly believe this

>Look at me, I'm smart because I'm hating like everyone else

>skills are raised by using them
Skyrim had this, what are you talking about?

>Look at me, I'm smart for doing the opposite

I'm not contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, retard.

I heard that there's only going to be one playable race: Redguard; to prevent game journalists from latching onto a white savior angle. Fuck it. I'm still going to buy it.

They'll "bring something back" that was removed between Oblivion and Skyrim (or even Morrowind) and they will but it'll be severely watered down.

You quite literally are though, you're only defending bethesda because everyone is shitting on them.

The next Elder Scrolls will be a tremendous success and will sell tens of millions more than your favorite animimifeefee games combined.

You fucking fags.

Yeah, right, brainlet. I love their games because everyone is shitting on them. Fucking retard.