Is your body ready?

Is your body ready?

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2hours to go for Randy's magic show

No, I will never accept cancer into my body.

>Level 15 bull shit
>No capstone skills
>No unique weapons most likely

name one fucking thing borderlands does that you can't get in another game, better.
this game is fucking 100% focus group on a disc.

Will we get a new Randy song?

Borderlands was never good

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>name one fucking thing borderlands does that you can't get in another game, better.
>this game is fucking 100% focus group on a disc.
Zer0. Best designed playable character probably ever.

yeah, I even got my dilation station ready so I can dilate while watching it

why did they fuck up Tannis, Marcus and Lilith so bad?

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cant wait to pirate it on day one and buy it as soon its released on steam.

Won't be cracked for at least a week.

What's wrong with them? Marcus and tannis look fine.
Lilith is a big bitch, hope she gets killed off or made irrelevant.

I hope my boy Salvador is in there somewhere

Tannis is passable, marcus just got fatter, Lilith really got fucked up.

it makes sense markus would just get fatter and older I dont see your point
his just sits around selling guns he doesnt do shit

is this on twitch?

Blame Moxxi for Marcus' weight.

Tannis' skin looks too smooth, and her face is wy different

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He says browsing Yea Forums

I should've said
she looks younger in BL3

>no twitch memes

borderlands was always good

Hey Randy how about you stop shilling on this board just like in the old days of Yea Forums before Borderlands 1 release and go back to your usual leavingcompanyusbdriveswithbarelylegalporneverywhere business.



thanks babe

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Fuck off, Randy.

Do people still really care about this after all this shit randy been saying?
You guys are fucking cuc ks, holy shit.

Filthy shill

Best girl left Gamespot.

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if Randy wants to kill all the blacks thats none of my business I just want to play a game I like

call me crazy op but i think i know how the game's gonna play
and its not great

My torrent client is ready.

My body is Epic store exclusive ready

>he doesn't have any friends

What's he been saying?

coop is shit
literally giving away your gameplay to someone else

water turns frogs gay and he hates blacks

>he REALLY doesn't have any friend

>no counter arguement
i win

That's exceptionally based and red pilled, tho.

I'll play it since Tim already paid for my copy.

You keep fighting the good fight user. How's boycotting Captain marvel going for ya?

>Not putting the fucking twitch/YouTube link in the OP
Retarded levels: over 9000

I just want more tiny tina

>level 15 bullshit
>capstone skills


I hope this time the higher tier guns won’t be spread out in their usefulness.

so wait your saying i can walk around and shoot stuff? I never seen that before woooooooooooooooow!

>He thinks pirate versions can't be used to play coop
Lmao kid


fuck this stupid ass franchise and every braindead moron fan. kill yourselves and end this inane chattering existence you've come to occupy through failure after failure.

big penis mode must be activated
that requires you to scan your dick and the minimal is 9 inches
sry bro

>using tunnelers and having to configure routers with your friends
How poor are you to even consider this worth your time lmao

Fuck off Randy I'm not supporting Epic

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No steam no buy no watch!

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I lost it in a data mining accident


shit man

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Fuck off Randy i pray your head gets blown off.

If it's steam game - google Spacewar workaround
If it's not steam game, then you need crack and probably hamachi or similar soft.

I'm not poor. I just don't want to give money to EGS.

t-thank you user

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Coop will probably require an online connection. Doubt they will support local play.

When’s the show starting?

1 hour 20 min
go to their website for countdown

Marcus got fatter
the covered up Tannis beacuse females showing any skin is haram.

50 minutes for pre-show, 1hour 20 minutes for live gameplay

>kill monster
>find good gun
>woha monster die quicker now
>get further
>monster got stronger takes longer to kill now
>awr i wanna kill them fast again i need better weapons

This for 500+ hours

Less than an hour.

18:30 CET time. it is currently 17:43 CET time.

shoulder pads

Fuck Randy Bobandy

sounds fun

You can always go to low level areas and complete quests.

If i remember correctly ammo was cheaper in low level areas. So if you were a cheapskate you could always travel back and get the cheapest ammo.

Do you think the Pre show will be so bad it’s good like the BL3 reveal?

It's going to be full of Randy Magic tricks, if that's what you're implying

I hope Randy makes himself disappear.

The gameplay demos are going to be like they always are- on the easiest mode with like 5 skill points. Borderlands is BORING until you have at least one capstone skill, usually.

Why should I another game store than steam?

88%, just as Hitler intended. Epic is based.

Because it is out half a year earlier?

I hope he get raped by 12 niggers while his family get there heads get cut off via butter knife.


fucking Mass Effect classes have more depth than him

But then I have to use epic to play one game for the rest of my life.

we in bois

will it be borderlands gameplay?

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They aren't half as BAD ASS though

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me too xDD

First playthought - old jensen, hobo robot, russian squatter or muscle pajeet?

Zane > Amara so far

I need to see Moze and Fl4k skill trees to decide.

CheekiBreeki Mecha Girl

I'm going with Old Jensen. Barrier three looks Hyped, especially with that Cryo ''Restart your cooldown'' shit.

>Replaying Borderlands
>Look up and see this
What the fuck did that space Nazi Randy mean by that?

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I'll wait until we know all skill trees. Right now tending towards I Never Asked For This.


It's been confirmed several times once in a Battleborne Easter egg that Tannis is the secret antagonist of the series.

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Classes, not glasses.

>another BL game
>another single playthough

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>no MC with a turret skill

Usually the best way to do it. Sadly. People are dicks.

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>live event thing
>no snackies

Just bought myself a chicken sandwich and poutine to go with my coke



yerr a pedo randy

Gearbox has never made a good game. Even Opposing Force was just a retread of the vanilla campaign with a couple new weapons and enemies


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jack clone.

Jakops CEO apparently

2 minutes left for the looter shooter of the decade.

warframe has been out for like 5 or 6 years bro

it begins

>put up with us for 30 mins.

i mean i can see how it might be good if you are playing with friends. but i always played it as single palyer and it was agressively average.

>2019 Yea Forums is now young enough to have positive nostalgia after the embarassing pile of garbage that was borderlands2 and the mediocre generic trash that was borderlands
Explains so much.

It’s fucking nothing. Ded bread

Gear box will double dip in terms of sales. A shit ton of dumbasses will buy it both on epic and steam

I guess when all you do is boss runs you forget all the meme garbage like claptrap

fuck off randy

>just a trailer and no real gameplay

>i was only getting crappy weapons
>every drop is important tho

>they disabled ResidentSleeper emote

Hope they get windows media player to work this time

I wish someone paid me to spout vapid bullshit about how much I love this new

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That's not how it works. A love for borderlands will grow and fester within you; and you won't know until someone tells you.

even VLC would've been a better choice, fucking randy always messing shit up

At least it aint vlc.

>he rehearsed claptraps dialogue ad verbatim

Anything that bitch didn't ruin?

>Paid actors

my virginity

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>epic streamer montage

Do marketers think people want fluff like this?

Zane looks like a one man army with his talent trees. Amara will be cool for CC but Zane is a beast.

>all that bullshit before the actual reveal
>"borderlands 3 speculation"
>at the fucking BL3 reveal
jesus fucking christ

>you can earn guns by watching streamers
I want this to fucking end.

just have a stream play in the background muted at 160p

He’s so fat

Where is Battleborn 2 Randy?

I did this for like 20 streamers back when they did it with Warframe. You could even get an app that did more and just leave them playing overnight.

huh theyre optimizing for amd not for nvidia

>80% white male
Pitchord redemtpion arc begins here and now

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Based. Also,
>People getting hyped for a reskin of Borderlands 2
It's amazing how many times you can dupe the average Yea Forums poster. Have you already forgotten DNF? Colonial Marines? TPS? Gearbox has produced nothing but shit. ZERO HYPE. Negative. Null. Nill. Nada.

Yeah I was surprised

>New-U stations are still in the game

Is this cringe or based? Seems all standard so far.

they took minimal risks

Isnt that a good thing? You guys always complain when they do wacky things.

>you guys
shut up

Standard means very good in terms of Gearbox.. their last projects tried to be "badass" and it was a dumpsterfire

Who's the writer for BL3?

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was borderlands always this cringy?

>People spamming chat with STEAM as if its going to suddenly allow 2K to exit out of an exclusivity contract already in place

crimson raiders? more like cringe raiders

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Thats far from the weirdest shit you'll see in this series

>fake hype screams from obvious 2k/Gearbox employees
Why do they do this?