>benchmark confirmed to be delayed, Yoshida HOPING for release by end of May
This expansion is fucked isn't it? Everything is half-assed and/or behind schedule.

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Other urls found in this thread:


nice source jackass


I bet viera are to blame for this.

>playing furry faggot tranny fantasy fourteen
What's the point?

Just wait for Classic WoW like the rest of us.

>linking to redit
Go back

Dammit. I just want to be a Viera lesbian already.

>get's btfo
>"g-go b-back"

>ask for source
>get source
>g-g-g-g-go back

>game has been half-assed since its inception
>worries if the new expansion will be half-assed
You're a XIV player alright.

Stormblood was the last straw for me and even then that was out of stupid stubbornness and really no other good MMOs on the market to play. Fuck this furry gay ERP infested trash. The more I get Emails alerting me to the next glamour I can buy the happier I am I quit.

you know they could at least release the fucking video or something for people who don't give a fuck about gay bunnies.

Classic wow will die within six months

>six months
That's a lot

What are your thoughts on the famous "Onahole of the Black Shroud" Raya-O-Senna?

Attached: biggest cumslut in xiv.webm (1404x950, 2.59M)

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I wish we could play as Padjaal

And I wish we could play as miqittens but apparently yoship wants that sticky wad of furfaggot cash

Attached: khloe is a blm.png (1494x920, 1.35M)

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fuck off pedo

But Im not a retard

>classic to be released in july
Is this why they're to release it much earlier than the usual?

In English you fucking spic

Blizzard has always released something around the same time as a new expansion of FFXIV to keep their sub

>end of may
Just kill me already

Attached: looking_forward.gif (350x350, 251K)

>tfw learning monk's tk rotation
The timing for this shit is so fucking strict.

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>but 16-year-old Alisaie's nubile baby ejector is fine

haha mentally ill tranny gets btfo and this is the best come back you got? go dilate

>16 years is a child
Fuck off pedo

info soon tho

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-01 Ethys on Twitter.png (914x453, 50K)

i dont think they are allowed to say anything about the media tour until some embargo lifts, right?

the live letter on the 24th, but you can expect some leaks to go around before this.

>even bothering to learn some playstyle that isn't fun

My brother, just go for the true MNK experience: the 1.8s GCD SS stacking build. It's fun, rewarding, and challenging in a good way. And pulls better numbers but the community is too blind to know it.


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Is the horse on the right still doing XIV shit?

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The wait is killing me, I need something to keep me occupied for the two months left until release.

I spend hours installing Skyrim + mods only to stop playing after half an hour. CK2 has become tedious to me. WoW BfA is shit.
FF XIV is the only timesink vidya I can stomach left, but I've used up all content.


Play Monster Hunter or YGOPRO

Craft food for ShB and make some gil.

this Shad expansion is gonna be a gil mine m8

Looks like it.

Attached: cefce1bd-714d-41c9-a096-e511acd05afc.png (883x804, 1.18M)

calm down nigga. we barely know anything about the expansion other than where we're going and we have 2 new races/jobs. We have no idea what the gameplay/QoL/story/content changes are.

Finish your sightseeing log.

Why food? You can find shit anywhere for the 3% boost it gives and the stats for dungeon running might as well be pointless. Stuff like watered cordials though that gatherers are going to want lots of seems like a better alternative.

Why would I need more gil? I own a house, all the furniture I want, all the glamours I want and have 50 mil in reserve on top of two retainers full of crafting mats.

she cute.

Attached: 1550525005192.jpg (928x928, 145K)

>get back into the game after quitting in HW
>so much shit to do that I become immediately overwhelmed
>so much content I've missed out on

Attached: 1535469383656.jpg (256x256, 10K)

>but I've used up all content.
Frontlines, my friend.

Attached: Frontlines.webm (720x206, 2.76M)

>there's too much video game to enjoy

I'd rather the game be delayed and done right than released on time and looking like everything is rushed.

As someone who has never played an MMO before is a good game to jump into? Was going to try WOW but apparently its complete shit now, is ff14 in a similar state or is it good?

Then clearly you should unsub. Type /playtime inside the game and reflect back how much time you could played other games

>have done just about everything except for eureka
>feel completely satisfied and almost don't feel like playing
We're not so different you and I.

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I'd rather it be delayed so I can clear uwu before 5.0 fucks it up.

Funny how there was a thread earlier today about the worst thing to happen to SB.

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>FFXIV """pvp"""

No thanks. The netcode and systems provided ensure that playing any melee is a nightmare that can't even stay on a target because nobody is where they appear to be and are 0.5s ahead, while also ensuring that counterplay is not a thing making it a boring slog to kill anybody.

The truest PVP experience this game had was the Hydatos portal sniping.

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Free trial up to level 35 and free base game with twitch prime.

Attached: Golden.png (473x300, 171K)

weird name for an expansion

Got a macro setup to say the lines of UBW whenever is activate dark arts. Gonna use it today for my duty roulettes. How many comms am I gonna get? I remember to use for every line

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>a good game to jump into?
Yes. And you should wait 2 months till the next expansion comes out to buy it UNLESS you care about doing the content when it's most relevant, in which case shell out now. I think it's on sale on steam.

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FF XIV is great. It's a lot more focused on endgame content than WoW is though, and not as accessible. Parts of the leveling MSQ (main story questline) are an absolute drag to get through, but it's all worth it once you go into Heavensward content and beyond.

Anybody ever slept with a woman they met on this game?

Can you buy a house as is from someone?

Attached: nippon house1.webm (750x314, 2.83M)

Yes but if you want the whole story you'll need a good week to get through it. So buy it now if you can.

>Really like Bravura Nexus
>There's no replica for it
>But want Ragnarok Zeta
What do?

Attached: Okay.jpg (344x380, 71K)

No, the house must be demolished and the plot of land relinquished.

Not directly.

There is a replica for it, though.

Attached: 1528977587356.png (397x381, 65K)

Fuck yeah!

You can buy the replicas once you reach Zeta, not before.


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this house, while being a neat achievement in floating furniture, isn't practical
the camera must be carefully moved or it'll jank all over the place
they used up the entire item limit and walled off the side rooms and the basement, making their mansion half as big as it was

You've transferred off Crystal by now, right user?
You're not sticking around to play with tranny game journos, are you?

Attached: 86930222431.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Aah that explain it.

Farm the zeta upgrade like normal with fates? The drop rate is so high nowadays, I got a bunch of duplicate crystals.

>2 months from the expansion away
>people are waiting every day of their life up to that moment waiting for leaks, benchmarks and the character editor

Why not just pass the time and do something else?

Nigga if I fled the whole data-center because there were players I didn't like on mine I wouldn't play this game at all.

Attached: 1534528346492.gif (185x198, 68K)

What does it do?

who gives a flying fuck about trannies
crystal is still the most bustling DC and I manage to clear content just fine
plus they're scared to pvp so top 100 feast is super easy

>faggot journo
>plays on balmung
Well, that's bloody typical.

>crystal is still the most bustling DC

Attached: crystal btw.png (380x74, 61K)

>DRK rp walks in between trash pulls
>has a soliloquy going that is tailored to the dungeon and its bosses
>vote kick him before the last boss / climax of his speech

Attached: 1548696602336.png (512x443, 108K)

What are you queuing for?

Your queue is bugged if you're waiting for more than an hour on anything.

it lets you play at a competent level on controller. Now less questions and more activating.

If you really want commends play as a cute DRK lala and make a macro out of Sole Survivor that acts like a minigame. If DPS can kill the enemy before the buff expires then DPS get a hug.

Show me a screenshot first.

Stop shitposting and go back to your classic containment threads.

It's rad as fuck though

It isn't bugged. There are just no people who want to play the content for the past 1-3 months. They're all busy jerking each other off in ERP. Even at prime time it takes half a hour to a hour to find a party.

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Ya’ll weebs should play a real mmo like ESO

If you want half-assed you need only look at WoW, in almost every aspect FFXIV does things better and with more passion. Even the events change every year to be something new.

Still haven't told us what you're queuing for.

Things will settle down once Balmung is closed off again

I would if it were a mmorpg, but ESO has real big issues ever since they added level scaling monsters. You essentially become weaker the more levels you get, to a point where trials and instances are dominated by level 30 players.

ESO furry race is better than FFXIV's at least

Attached: 1555121791741.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Call me crazy, but I kinda like how some shitty korean MMOs look. There's something about it. Some of them do a better job on city aesthetics than XIV, I'd say.

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never, ever had queues that long
what are you queuing for you falseflagging shiteater

It won't be the same. the 90's babies are using computers now and are in their twenties.

Yes I'm sure that's why your not-bugged queues are all over the 1h indicator mentioned. What are you queuing for

This is going to be the worst of the Addons and only because of Squares own incompetence.
>Lets keep the Dev Team small and shovel all the surplus money FFXIV makes into the bottomless pit that are our other projects like XV

Balmung is technically never closed down. Most problem players are from non-Balmung worlds and you fell for actual Reddit memes.

If only the combat was so bad that you can automate the endgame PVE with 2 buttons only.

doing this now

Attached: yes perfect.png (326x173, 11K)

Korean MMOs do have better looking cities but at the price of their game client running like pure dogshit even with an i7+GTX 1070

The true leader of Ishgard!

Attached: aymeric messy.jpg (600x800, 150K)

Fucking hater. I'ma brpa on your ass.

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Do people still run old content? I'm still doing HW MSQ but I really like the look of that T-rex mount from Eureka. I hope it doesn't become basically unavailable after Shadowbringers comes out and noone is doing Eureka anymore

Attached: ff14.jpg (699x462, 51K)

Eureka Anemos is still "current" content, you're good for it.

It will die after shadowniggers is out but right now Eureka is active in every instance. You have plenty of time if you want to do it be for relic, armor or mounts.

I love this house. I always wanted to work on my house but I hate that you have to glitch everything. I also don't want to work with a Japanese aesthetic but it seems every nice looking house has to be an eastern design.

Eh. Khajiit are pretty basic too.

>Let's keep the dev team small
They have been looking for new members for more than 2 years now.


Nobody in Japan wants to work making console MMOs now that handhelds/phones are the market leaders.

Heh, I got a macro that screams out Go! Persona! whenever I do a ninjutsu. It also takes my mask off as well. I wonder how much comms in gonna get compared to you.

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Who would win?

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That's the biggest detriment to this game. No one wants to work on it and at the same time Square doesn't want to pump the funds into it necessary to incentivize people to join. And any money it does make is siphoned off to the next mismanaged overbudget fucking mess they won't abandon till years too late.

Alexander would influence history to make sure the fight either never happened or would go in his favor

If Alex get enough Aether to do what the fuck he want without killing us all, then him.

Daddy Alex

Alexander. Control over time trumps everything. He already even killed WoL but lets you go back to save yourself once you've proven you have the power to save the world.

We talking alexander prime vs o11 omega?
Probably Alexander because time stop lmao. Omega's got a nice arsenal but can't do much against a foe that can disrupt time.

alex is a primal
omega's just a robot

Even if SE pumped a fuck ton of money into FFXIV more than any other project, nobody will choose to work on it still. MMOs are niche among niche in Japan. Gacha mobages make 5x more revenue for 10x less soul crushing work. and simply out there's not enough qualified people out there to help develop the game blame MMOs in Japan being niche as hell while also Japan has a high rate of NEETs.

Omega subdued Bahamut so that doesn't mean much. Alexander is still more powerful though.

Omega went/goes on pair with Midgardsormr that is the original Shinryu from all the final fantasy series. He is damn strong. Daddy Alex from FFXIV though has the power of time and that overkill.

Why do people assume that they pump the majority of funds from FFXIV and not from their gacha games on phones? Are you people shareholders or have investor data that we aren't aware of?

Yeah, if anything SE gives them extra people to work on the expansion, but everything else is the responsibility of the core team. Its concerning that they said the finished a cgi for ShB a few days before fanfest. I am expecting zones to be dead with building you can't enter like what happened with SB

primal btw

I love that muffled effect they used during that sequence.

I started Frontlines yesterday and have no idea what's going on. Why aren't people capping all the points? Each side will cap 1-2 and then everyone runs around like retarded ants.

They're aware that XIV is one of Square's most profitable non-gacha projects but aren't aware just how much gacha eclipses XIV in profit

Camping points means little if you feed the other alliances and that's what happens when you are low in numbers.

Because despite how much the game makes it gets fuck all when it comes to returns? Look at the texture quality and stunted development every expansion post HW.

>Lazy skin, lazy body, and one decent head

Because they have trouble getting new staff, not because of money.


>p-please q
kek get rekt pvpfag

yeah this is why I don't pvp
it doesn't tell you jack shit on what or why you're doing stuff
I just follow the herd, run into enemies and die so I can get my marks faster

I would actually play Hrothgar if so much gear in this game wasn't obviously designed with females in mind, especially for Casting and Healing jobs.

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Ishgard comes pretty close, but damn it's so empty. And then those few interesting places we can't enter (yet) there are such a fucking tease.

What ninja coat looks like this?

HW had terrible texture quality and a bunch of reused assets and wasted time on diadem of all things so I dunno what "post HW" is supposed to mean

She has cute panties and it's cute how she's worried that she'll never be married.

Attached: 1531531351531.png (1680x1008, 1.33M)

Are you a brainlet?

>those fucking roe feet

Attached: disgusted cat.jpg (640x480, 36K)

There are plenty of traditional wizard robes and shit like that

It lets you access more actions without cycling hotbars by holding one trigger then the other. You can also enable WXHB which lets you access even more actions by double tapping and holding either trigger.

Attached: schcontroller.webm (660x196, 2.62M)

>HOPING for release by end of May
Well, fuck me there's absolutely fucking nothing to look forward to until ShB release. There's nothing else for me to play and I'm already blazing through Eureka as it is. Oh well I guess.

Too cumbersome. I prefer muscle memory.

>23sec queue
When was that?

Are you autistic?

Media tour and 5 hours long combat live letter this month

you are a fucking idiot and cancer and the reason we have so much faggot bullshit in the game
>glamour? what's that!?!?!!

>xivtranny brings up WoW when nobody else is talking about it


Attached: 1556665961013.png (484x37, 41K)

>5 hours long

Attached: 1475112297013.gif (470x400, 2.72M)

It's not combersome at all. Its completely intuitive

So why doesn't Yea Forums apply for these jobs? It reminds me of PF in-game. People say they want to raid but never put in the work of making/joining statics so they claim that raiding is dead or bad. Same idea with FFXIV by saying the team is lazy because they don't have enough staff.

>WoWfaggot brings up tranny

>healer dps will be reduced to one ogcd and a filler
>all melee positionals are being removed

make scholars great again

New DRK Job Quests
>Meet waifu who you can confess your love with
>You have to protect her from some evildoers
>Last quest:she dies or she's revealed to never exist


Attached: beato.png (376x408, 145K)

Not many people on Yea Forums speak Japanese, have experience in MMO development, and can move to Japan.

Nippon onry.

>game's tiny staff finally catches up with it in a bad way
>Yea Forums chants "lazy" almost as if to convince themselves

Attached: 1540796711850.png (264x258, 56K)

No, only got my dick sucked by a twink

SCH is the most overpowered healer in the game what are you on about?

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Nippon onry and I seriously don't want any self-titled raidfag getting into raid development after how it's fucked up other MMOs.

witches dont exist

If it's behind schedule, how do you know it's half-assed?

Attached: 1507134996532.png (620x545, 475K)

>why doesn't Yea Forums apply for these jobs in another country where you have to speak the language and have experience in the field
Are you fucking retarded

god I hope so
Imagine how faggoty it would be if they had even more westerners working on the game



>But I dont want to join a static.
>Western culture should ccompletely change to accomidate my desire to find high skill groups in DF
>No I wont study and pull my own weight to make those runs a success

Those types wont succede no mater the situation.

makes the game objectively better on pad than on kb is what it does


This would be an absolute dream for a weeb but I guess weebs no longer use this website.

Koji is probably the only western weeb who works on FFXIV.

>limited jobs
>limited races
>limited benchmark
>limited expansion

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To be technical, BLU is 2.x content and should not be considered Shadowbringers content.
If you want you can consider the last ugly fart of Stormblood's mediocre legacy.

How much desynth skill do you need to get the stuff for the Zodiac phase?
I'm hard blocked there and people sell them at a crazy overpriced price

Attached: 1522240494456.jpg (1280x720, 330K)

It's also a pipe-dream for the average weeb because you have to do some work and MMO crunch-time is legendary.

>play SMN or MCH casually
fun and flashy
>play SMN or MCH optimally

I just wanna do flips and summon ghost Bahamut bros...

Attached: 6723980131.jpg (720x939, 247K)

Is combat any fun? I only played GW2 at launch and I never liked it.

Attached: 1.gif (650x500, 43K)

what does it say, i dont speak mitsubishi

>To be technical, BLU is 2.x content and should not be considered Shadowbringers content
BLU didn't come out in 2.X, it came out in January. It's another symptom of the rushed/delayed/half-assed development going on currently.

I kinda wrote off BLU as being the way it currently is by thinking "this is what BLU in ARR is like", and most jobs suck in ARR in general.

does preordering charge immediately or will it not charge until the game comes out?

>I seriously don't want any self-titled raidfag getting into raid development after how it's fucked up other MMOs.

Attached: 1476575168414.png (1600x2509, 229K)

Don't be pedantic, you knew what he meant. BLU is accessible to players that only have the base game and can be considered 2.X content, or 2.X-restricted content.


Attached: Capture.png (931x592, 78K)

And that's relevant to fucking nothing in this conversation. You're calling me pedantic when you're pointing out that BLU is available without expansion purchase when that's not the point of what was fucking said at all?


Attached: D2UHyDuW0AATPJi.jpg (500x500, 59K)

>1.8s GCD MNK
I’d like to know more about this religion.

I imagine he's not too concerned about optimizing his performance in a fight when he oversaw its development

Depends on where you preorder. Steam takes your money right away, GameStop only requires $5 down payment, SE store only charges near release or if you finalize early.

>This would be an absolute dream for a weeb
That's why it's called a fucking DREAM you stupid faggot. Dream all you want you won't get hired or be able to do the job.

>No mention of Furor's "You have 14 days"

What a shitty infographic.

Why'd you pretend it meant something it didn't if you're going to ignore it either way?

Attached: 1531606508836.png (207x160, 1K)

Eureka is unironically the best content in the game.


What the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger? The conversation was about how BLU is a symptom of the CURRENTLY ONGOING rushed/delayed/half-assed development. Are you fucking retarded dude?


It's a mountain of shit with a small vein of gold through it.

Holy mad

Or just play retail. It’s still better than weeb fantasy also known as a cheap Korean mmo knockoff and a wow clone.

Kinda janky and the focus on chaining didn't work, but it got closer to XI than anything else in the game. Also I got a Kirin's Osode to wear on SAM so I'm happy.

Elaborate so I can call you a fucking retard

you would need around 100 desynth (which in 2.x terms, basically endgame levels) of each craft to do it yourself, but this is such a ridiculous amount of grinding for a minor goal it's hardly cost effective. You would be better off just earning the money to purchase the items directly.

I don't remember the level, but you need all crafters to desynth the shit you can buy at the Silver Bazaar, or know people who can. And even then it's still RNG to get the right material for crafts. Also, IIRC a few crafts need material you can only get from ARR treasure maps.

God why is his lalafell so ugly I hate it!
Ugly potato!

It’s time to confess user, what sins have you committed in this game.

Attached: 2FEE7290-54C4-4512-B1B0-38AC4AB91D42.png (1229x1160, 58K)

I don't have to, they're going to keep making new eureka content in 5.0 and you're gonna enjoy it.

Pyros and Hydratos are cool, Pagos and Anemos are gay. I got high hopes for future Eureka since they now see what works and what doesn't.

>Everyone else in my friend group runs off to do raids and combat based shit at 70
>I just like Gathering, its fun and comfy and I get gil
>Get invited to join a party, they laugh when they find out I don't have 380+ gear
>Just buy it all off the marketboard in one go, they get mad claiming I didn't work for the gear like they did

Getting my mining to 70 next. I'm guessing if I powerlevel my gatherers when shadowbringers arrives I can make some gil on the new items. Good idea? Bad idea?

Attached: 1556684076850.jpg (1912x2500, 3.01M)

More like nobody in Japan wants to work for Square now since every in-house project they've developed for the past decade has been through hellish dev cycles.

>scream squad
what did he mean by this

Well fuck me

I don't think they'll do a "fragment of WoL comes to life accidentally" thing again. At least not so soon. I think this storyline will be about Sidurgu and the girl

I can't stand the attitudes surrounding Savage and other high-end content so the highest difficulty I usually end up doing is EX primals.

It gets fun at endgame, but early game is pretty dull because the gcd is 2.5 seconds. But later it speeds up as you get more and more ogcds to weave between gcds

It also doesn't help that SE recruitment standards are high since they're literally the only game company in Japan that's making global scale console/PC MMOs.

Problem with MMOs is you have 2 types of players.


And this is then divided into NEET and Job.

So you see the FFXIV model designed to carter to people with a job.

You come home at about 8 you go and do your daily queues and beast quests. After you're done you go and log out.

This is the majority of FFXIV players. 1~2 hours a day of FFXIV.

Eventually they get bored of running the same 3 expert dungeons and then quit.

Raids continue for a while, social fags don't give a fuck they just ERP or whatever.

After a while the raiders quit, so inbetween patches you're left with the erp social faggots.

New patch comes out some people come back and repeat.

Then you get big population booms with expansions and the 2 months post expansion tent to be the best time to play MMOs.After that the game slowly loses 80% of it's population, if not in subs but sure as fuck in content clearing with others.

People who enjoy doing their thing > People who get peer pressured into doing other's thing

I greet people with o/

The sooner you cap gatherers and crafters, the sooner you can dig into those markets, but don't go full into them, zones are probably gonna need the MSQ to unlock, after all.

Attached: Gb4NcjE.png (340x291, 176K)

I've been saying I'm a girl to my FC. The spell ended last year.

However, I caused a lot of drama indirectly and managed to get someone to spend $50+ on the mogstation for me. I can't tell them the truth because it'll negate the friendship we have. I miss the times when they still thought I was a girl because they were really nice and actually seemed to care about me.

I'm not a transsexual but I'll keep this secret to the grave.

Attached: 662750_original.png (244x165, 104K)

I greed on gear I don't even have the jobs leveled for

I'm feeling generous so if you're on primal give me your lodestone and I'll hook you up

>Just buy it all off the marketboard in one go, they get mad claiming I didn't work for the gear like they did
That's so fucking stupid. Did they want you to get one shot by all the raidwides?

Attached: fat and wild.jpg (565x669, 154K)

How do you manage to do this in times of discord and social media? I used to do it in older MMOs to (who didn't) but it's really too much of a hassle nowadays.

That's not a sin. I'm greedy for the GC seals.

Thats a good strategy hoesntly.

I usually have the inbetween gear for all classes ready.

Like right now I have the lv65 sets for all the classes I'm gonna level to 70 slowly over the next 2 months. I had it since the start.

It's actually pretty good, I'm wondering how much he's playing in his free time.

So do they think you're a girl or not, faggot? You're talking like they both do and don't.

I play as a girl lalafell even though I'm a black guy irl

Everyone says books are worse, but those only take away time. Zodiac step takes time, high RNG luck and a shitload of gil. They really need to come up with alternatives for new players. Then again it's a market few dominate and can easily crash if enough players gave a shit.

Nobody socializes in Eureka which kinda sucks. People were a lot more alive during 2.X at fates.
Watch as Sidurgu fucking dies

I just treat BLU like when you use cheat codes to fuck around in video games to hack NPCs or party members who die back into your party to take them into areas they shouldn't be able to get to
Pretty fun when you stop taking it seriously
Tried to solo Satascha Hard on one yesterday but the 2nd boss is immune to Doom and I can't figure out a way to survive his hits, even with Mighty Guard

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Wonder why. I'd be surprised if character creation isn't done by this point. Past that all they need to do is have a camera pan across new zones and a bunch of characters whacking a boss. How long should that take to throw together?

Why is there no porn or doujins of Omega-F?

That's when they'd started suspecting me when I wouldn't go on discord. The funny thing is I didn't actually have a mic.
They did until about last year when they created the discord and I refused to go on it.

I play as a catboy

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brainlet here, what does benchmark mean in this context?

>The First
I am interested in seeing how they're handling the job quests considering they'll most likely happen in zones no current job NPC has access to. Maybe the job quest writers wanted a clean slate and saw this as a good opportunity.

How can you think of him as your friend when you conned him into spending fifty bucks on you?

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I've fucked so many cute boys from this game and strung them along while fucking other ones. No trannies cuz fuck that shit and if they start leaning into that stuff I dump em.

On Primal the Eureka instances are full of /shout shitposting and LFG posts. I don't know how it is on other datacenters though.

You can try out character creator for bunnies and Hrothgar and see some areas early. Also dropping 32bit support.

Oh shit. Maybe they can do the waifu twist then. Just kill em off in the first

I'm indeed on Primal, but what do you mean by Lodestone?

Underrated HNNNNNG

oh cool

Character creator with the new races, new skill previews, new gear previews, area previews, music previews and datamining

My character was originally a female Highlander and I swore never to fantasia into a Miqo'te, I fucking hated cats. But my pride faltered when I saw the cutest fucking poopnose and I haven't turned back since.

>join the discord
>talk completely normally but still insist on being a girl
>they can't say anything without being labeled a transphobe
It's that easy

Installed a mod that changes face paint textures to cum and fapped

>Queuing for DF synced turn 11 or something else that no one does

Benchmark - a computer program to test the performance of the computer.

in the case of FFXIV, it showcases the new expansion stuff, gives you access to the updated character creator, and allows people to see how the game runs on their PC without downloading the full game.

I've listened to him while he was having family troubles. Apparently his fiancee and him was having a massive fight and I helped kinda relieve some stress off.
It's not as if I caused them to spent money on me. I mentioned on how cool x was on the mogstation and they bought it for me. I told them not to buy it for me either. I even bought him another set off the mogstation to make up for it.

He definitely spent more on me though.

your character's page so I can see your name and what server you're on so I know where to go
for example

You can also just say it here I don't care.

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I roll need on gear I don't need

That's not as bad as it sounded then. But why lie about being a girl if you weren't trying to get free gifts?

I wish there was 4man extreme raiding content. The worst timesink is wrangling a consistently present, consistently good group of 8 people. Working makes it that much more unlikely your schedule will allign with the already sparse raiding pool

>BLU not unlocked
What did the director of the game mean by this

Oh then, I'm Akam Mizuna on Leviathan
Where do you want to meet?

Are you ready for Khloe's new model in 5.0?

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So if Susan Calloway is the musical voice of Hydaelyn, is the guy from the ShB trailer gonna be zodiark?

Trailer song is different from the main theme. We gotta see if there's a Calloway theme this time or something else.

sometimes i just stand still in a populated area, pretend to be idle and pan my camera around to look at other peoples toons

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I'm going to get the stuff first, since I have to hop around servers to make sure I'm buying as low as I can. Just make sure you're on Leviathan and I'll find you.

It's insane how much tumblrites copy each other's ugly fucking artstyles


also I think the male vocals are just soken or koji doing it with voice changes. they've done the previous male vocals tracks in-game

Now the trick is to say you are a guy, drop subtle hints you are a girl, and refuse to go into discord. They'll think you are a girl pretending to be a guy.


Tons of people born in the 90's played vanilla and used computers, dipshit.

No, they actually got an outside singer this time for the proper vocals, the guy who did rules of nature for mgr. The chanting was Soken though

Whenever I play as a girl in an mmo, I like saying that I'm a girl IRL. It just feels different pretending to be a new person. I even pretend to have certain events happening to me. Such as failing my chem test or not being able to make it to the debate team. Stuff like that.

primal is unironically, statistically, the best NA datacenter now.

I like people watching too user. Nothing wrong with that. Old people do it all the time at parks.

I always hear about how much work it is to make content for mmos. But its hard not to be skeptical when I see the sheer amount of copypasted assets from one xpac to the next. Way more than I ever see in proper sequels of non mmos

>failing my chem test
>not being able to make it to the debate team
wut? they really believe that?


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I remove waymakers and press vote abandon in 24 man raids.

Anemos was pretty cool at the time of launch. Nobody knew what to do.
Pagos was Anemos 2.0, only with the horrible light farming.
Pyros was dope because of the sub skills you can equip from mnemes. Oh bloodbath, how I've missed you on WAR.
I just got to Hydatos last night so I can't say much about it.

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Did you know that Yoshi P's favorite NA server is Exodus

Well uhh...it actually did happen to me when I was back in high school LMAO

Someone has to command the herd.

>Pagos was Anemos 2.0
No it wasn't. Doing fates was unviable and you had to level by chaining mobs, you had to spend hours upon hours killing the same mob. Then you had to do the same to gather light. The layout was terrible, it took ages to get anywhere and everything was shitpacked with mobs. Original Pagos was absolute hell.

>only have FSH, ARM, LTW, and WVR left to lvl along with not getting o12s mount despite killing it pre echo

Just kill me

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Dont disappoint us this month, leakers.

The most fun you can have in PVP is baiting the enemy team as a Ninja into making mistakes

>That healer who constantly uses rescue on the tank
Fuck off you annoying little cunt

Release Pagos actually had it to a point where you were likely to have all your light by the time you capped, the issue was crystal gains.

Its whatever. It's the easiest area probably but pretty slow paced since most people just hang out in town

Alex if hes like Batman and gets prep time because he can prevent the encounter from happening at all.

Ima do this now on 24 man raids, thank you for giving me this idea.

They are just trying to wait for classic WoW's release date. The need to release it after that game launches or FFXIV is dead.


I'm actually a nice dude who wanrs to help sprouts level up and lead others into new raiding content.

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>Rescue the BLM to be an asshole
>Between the Lines teleports back to where he was
>calls me a cunt in alliance-chat
>give him exclusive The Balance/The Arrow rights afterwards

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I ERPd with my fc leaders EB. He took it way too seriously and chased me off the server.
she joined me soon after
Looking back at it I regret doing it. It was a nice small company who were always chill, and we barely even talk anymore

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Classic WoW isn't until mid-late summer at the earliest. Meanwhile Shadowbringers comes out June 28th.

Probably Alexander if he has full access to his time abilities. Hell, he let you destroy him because that was the only timeline he saw that didn't end in calamity.

Otherwise in a straight up fight, Ixd probably bet on Omega

psshhh you wish kid

I genuinely and really enjoy Blue Mage

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>tank keeps moving out of earthly star every time and aoes dropped on the floor for no reason
>pull him back in until he learns
just try and stop me

The classic NTR man. I'm proud of you.

That's no sin, user.

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I still haven't finished the fucking story.

Just in case, I was able to get the stuff for Perfect Velum, Perfect Pestle and Përfect Pounce and craft them in HQ.

I made an external macro to swap classes really fast without the in-game macro delay. It causes a continous high pitch noise to play for everyone nearby me. I haven't gotten banned for using it yet because it leaves no public chat log evidence, I assume a GM has to be right there to see it to punish you since they can't go by other people's word without confirmable evidence.

>people who help bring the end of FFXIV.

Thats, uh, odd

I desperately wish to get into ERP but play a male elezen and don't think I'll be able to find anyone who's into what I'm into.

Well what are you into user

I like griefing people in MMOs so I try to find ways to do it without getting banned. This is just one of my latest attempts.

macros are annoying as fuck i just do my job as a tank and always get all the comms

This is even better when you do it with the limit break and its loud as fuck global noise

I've gotten some pretty good nudes sent to me but that's it.


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pay them.
im pretty much not into anything i ERP.
I just try to read the other person, guess, and go with the flow.
but i do that for free, so im sure someone would do it for gil.

Go to /vg/ and whore yourself there

meet you there bb


Have male viera fags killed themselves yet?
Is it safe to browse social hubs again?

People like think otherwise

Oh, that one is great too. But it's hard to pull off because someone else will just steal the LB.

People like him will probably write a sprawling, multiple-post complaint on the official-forum about how they were betrayed by the decision to make BLU limited.

Thanks for helping ensure I will never get to play the game with my favorite job you complacent niggers.

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Not a terrible idea, but I'll have to make some money. My poor ass can barely afford to buy food and infusions let alone pay for ERP.
As far as I can tell they're only into cat and lizard girls. At least, as far as I've seen.

Just got 4 comms so you're wrong fag.

It’s funny to see them cling onto something that’ll never happen tho.

It was never going to end well user. YoshiP knew this and that's why he was hesitant to add the class to begin with.

why would you lie

The way it was worded on-reveal was that it wouldn't be in the game at all if it wasn't limited. Besides you get to dab on SMNs using boss skills and whatever they cook up for Ravana, Bismarck, Thordan, maybe Nidhogg.

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That and the OF realising they were mostly shota loving degenerates that wanted them included for their fetishes and turned on them in disgust.

>The way it was worded on-reveal was that it wouldn't be in the game at all if it wasn't limited
That's a bullshit excuse and you know it.
>"Look we were never going to put forth the effort anyway so you should really be thankful with this abortion."

>roe in limsa with full thanos glam

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Can't wait for the new census after transfers close.

Cry moar faggot

im not tho

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They've tossed around BLU since ARR and it took them this long to arrive at a limited job, most likely they've had a set idea for what it should be since then. Scrap anything broken for balance's sake and people will wonder why we can't learn Doom from the Qarn sub-boss.

That's pretty obnoxious user. I wouldn't commend you

take up a gatherer from leve quests.
once its Lv65 u can get free maps, and do aquapolis with a group and get anywhere from 100k-500k a group. (per day)
its pretty easy honestly.

also, u can clear all of savage on "good enough" food, and "good enough" potions.

you really dont need the top of the line food/potions.

unless ur aiming for 95 percentile or better.
you'll still be in the 80-90 range, and thats more than enough for clears. (My whole LS did this, and even double dipped with 2 WARs, 2 DRKs, or 2 BRDs a few times. Its not as severe as people make it out to be. Just do rotations and mechanics.)

I'm unfamiliar with FFXIV, but i just wanted to ask why this is the "tranny MMO"?

But you can play it
Just not in current level content
Honestly I'm really hoping they let BLU into PoTD when they raise cap to 60, it'll be fun to be able to solo it as them
Also some more instant cast abilities would be nice so you could weave more between cast times

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Why do Ala Mhiggan's make up 13% of the population but account for 52% of the crime in Ul'Dah?

I like how the OF has a viera male support and it’s filled with faggots talking about little boys being used to breed. Going as far as saying a 16ish year old child is okay for reproducing.

you were lucky to be surrounded by rp faggots

>shits on gays and fujos with Hrothgar
>shits on trannies by quarantining them to their own datacenter
>shits on BRs by making them pay more for their sub

Yoshida is a pretty based guy.

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>people will wonder why we can't learn Doom from the Qarn sub-boss
No, a few autists will wonder why we can't learn every single fucking enemy spell in the game when BLU has never done that anyway. Why aren't these faggots complaining that Gravity doesn't do 1/4th of the enemy's health?

Memelords that blame any behavior they don't like on trannies, you're about as likely to bump into the genuine article as you are in the average WoW guild but XI/v/ beats the dead horse for everything it's worth

when yoshida takes up his new job, hopefully someone else takes the reigns and fixes BLU for raids.

personally want them to make BLU a class, and then get a job stone for "Blue Battlemage" which will play differently than BLU, go into duty finder, but doesnt get the outside exp bonus BLU gets, and has a penalty to exp earned as BBM. (to encourage solo play)
spells can still be learned as BBM, but at half rate maybe?

>No, a few autists will wonder why we can't learn every single fucking enemy spell in the game
You do realize Blue Mage learns Doom in most games where both the skill and job appear?

Every themepark MMO is a tranny MMO because it's accessible. The only MMOs you won't find trannies in are Sandbox MMOs because they are anti-accessible.

>when yoshida takes up his new job, hopefully someone else takes the reigns and fixes BLU for raids.
Lack of staff ensures he's not giving up the chair.

Yea Forums is an obsessed tranny phase. it'll blow over soon when they move onto their next fetish. Hopefully, /ss/ again.

You do realize that doesn't fucking matter because they can decide to just not give it to BLU in this game because it's an MMO?

Well shit, I've been buying top of the line as often as I could just to make sure my FC doesn't scold me for doing low DPS or something like that. I'm not totally devoted to getting 90 percentile or anything like that, as long as I'm not dead weight or getting yelled at by my FC leader I'm content. I'll try working on MIN again though, got it to like 40 and just kind of got tired of it.

what the fuck man
I just want my big muscular rabbit jungle chads
why do pedos have to cling to things I like

Still got comms fags

>the "idea" of Doom is counting down to the target's death
>reimagine it as an OGCD that increases in potency as the enemy's current HP lowers
Damn, that was hard....

>tfw have been playing this game for 2000 hours and still solo
>tfw really want friends
>tfw have an eb and they're my only friend but they only bother me when they need crafting stuff or their sub paid
Does anyone on crystal want to be my friend? I like most stuff and raiding .. Just not erp.

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I mean they could always just open the MSQ up to Blue? I'm not even sure why they bothered locking it, I really don't see why BLU couldn't do those shitty overworld fights and even the instanced ones. They're not exactly pathetically weak or anything so with WoL buff they should be fine.
Unless they just didn't slap instant death immunity on the bosses and don't want you instantly breaking it, but even then it should be simple to fix. I really don't believe the excuse of "oh but you might not have spells" when even Water Cannon is a fairly decent 120 potency

because it's the most aesthetically pleasing and relevant MMO out there and trannies are massive narcissists

>Say fuck, banned for life
>Talk about underage lovemaking, nothing.
The OF is a silly place.

>dont even have an eb to abuse my crafting and gil

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I don't fucking get that last panel

>reimagine it to do something Doom hasn't ever done and still doesn't when used by enemies in XIV

pick up all 3 leve quests in a Lv40 area, and get the exp bonus items from seals (forget what they are called)
once done with all 3 (dont worry about doing well or not, just pick the highest % option, and watch a movie)
once ur done, turn them in and get a free level up.

once in ishgard, set homepoint in ishgard, and set shortcuts to other towns, as you'll have to pick up 2 for each zone.
this is more annoying, but will grant u nearly a level up each turn in.

same with SB, homepoint in kugane, teleport to the rest.

also, only upgrade tools, gloves, body, and legs, dont bother upgrading the rest.

and only upgrade if its a good increase, and not too expensive.
not worth spending more than 30k on an item, for only +7 gathering.

Go back

Based yoshida

If only you were on aether...

edit, u can put on spirit bonding accessories, this way the gear is 100% by the time u upgrade gear again, and get some materia to slap on gear.
dont forget to remove the materia when u upgrade again.

How does Yoshi not have the mounts given to you by doing MSQ?

So like half the skills in the game currently? The blue magic in the game currently already functions differently from the enemy versions. And you don't even get Doom from Qarn, you get it from a totem.

>shits on gays by implementing a gay furbait race

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They ripped out his eyes.

Sounds like Yea Forums.

>Say fuck jannies for deleting a FFXIV thread on Yea Forums, get banned for a week
>Post porn and off topic shit, stays up for a good 45 minutes and when they do get banned it's only 3 days

How can you call your friend a good friend if you don't do all of the above and get each other off, then go back to normal after.

>shits on gays
>by adding a bara furry race
What did he mean by this

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>divine benison

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Because that's not his personal character, that's his GM character.

Dolts that think hrothgar fans are getting *dab* *dab* *dabbed* on by no helmets as if they weren't going to expose their Cheetahmen heads anyways, and male viera beggars (a fringe minority) as if anybody cares what they think

Male vieras are way more gay than Hrothgar ever could be. I mean just look at in-game and compare how many gay miqotes there are compared to roes.

Sounds complicated, but at least it will give me something to focus on. Paying for gear was the major detractor for me, so knowing that I can get away with only upgrading those few pieces sounds like a good deal to me. I appreciate all the tips though; I've been wanting to make more gil for a long time now. I've heard there's not much to do with it once you're rich, but it would make me feel good all the same and let me pay for ERP like a degenerate .

>>shits on BRs by making them pay more for their sub
what the fuck are you on about? last i checked i'm still paying 13 dollars a month like everyone else

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There are more gay cats sure but that's just because there are 100 times more cats than Roes. As a percentage there are more gay Roes than cats.

Sub used to be cheaper than 13 on Steam for BRs, then they raised the price in SB.

You'd think they give you the new healer dps skills as soon as possibly in new expansions but yet again you have to get 4 levels in to stop hitting for nothing.

>Sub used to be cheaper than 13 on Steam for BRs
well good, that's what they get for playing on steam, poorfags need indeed not apply

>He cant level his healer as a dps.

Laughing in SCH.

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Seriously the questline leading up to Titan is such a fucking drag holy shit.

Jesus Christ these days is the worst time to do anything in PF, everyone sucks on all NA datacenters. You got level 70 players in near ilvl 400 gear doing worse damage than players in their level 60s.

How are new/returning players supposed to get anything done now?


Lmao someone's mad

eureka worth doing?

meh, it's decent if you have nothing else to do

By not being shit and expecting everyone else to carry them.

Not really. But if you want to do it for whatever reason you still have time. It will be all but impossible once ShB launches.

Alexander is literally unstoppable because he can just delete things from existence if he wants to via time fuckery.

Titan and the ARR patches are definitely a travesty

>just started doing eureka
>level 14
>feels really difficult to solo now
how do i stop being shit

Reddit trannies neck yourselves

>didn't even notice the pic said shadowniggers

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You aren't suppose to do eureka solo u pip

Go to MB and buy the elemental bonus top.

Don't solo it you nerd. So much in this game is either more fun or better to do with others, Eureka in particular you'll want to join groups and do it with others.

whats wrong with that? I've never seen any stigma around it

most leves cant be failed.
but a small few can be failed in HW/SB areas.
for those, just use your one ability to raise accuracy, i forget what its called.
after ur out of GP, u can spam the rest and should always be fine.
upgrading 5 slots of gear wont happen too often.
i usually only upgrade once every 10 levels, w/e is cheapest in those 10 level ranges.

from 50-60 the leves gave me nearly 100k, and spent 70k on upgrades for 60+.
spent 15k for Lv50+ upgrades.

only issue is running out of level allowances, which you should run out around Lv62ish, if ur Lv40.

well my problem is that everybody is already 20 doing weekly challenge logs and nobody is near my level

Join them to grind the FATES lmao

You're literally retarded lol


Wow! What a great guide! Literally nobody ever knew about this obvious shit!

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>Guide to tanxiety
Nigga you slap on a tank weapon and push AoE threat skills, tank anxiety is the dumbest shit.

Just got BTN to 50, what should I do now? Any leveling/Gil making tips?

Most xiv YouTubers are pretty insufferable
>Weeb skits
>White guy who overreacts at every new thing in the game
Wtf, any good YouTubers out there?

My advice is get to 70 and get geared up so you can be ready to jump into ShB. You probably aren't gonna make much from mats now that the expac is winding down.

Certainly not at lvl 50.

Still better than shitheads like LBR or MMOsdotCom.

For 1.0 content.

They're cool. I'm not too big that the fact it's mainly a podcast. I need pretty pictures and videos to hold my attention.

They get a bit autistic at times but they're probably the best we have.

Are there any rdm weapons that look like a saber?

Can anyone help on glamour that lets me look like a 17th century redcoat including the trihat?

t. R'ollo!

Look it up on Garlandtools. They got every gear visible in the game as a 3D model.

People get tank anxiety because if they screw up one mechanic it could wipe the entire party and have everyone look down on them. It makes people who are social trainwrecks panic hard. But then again they shouldn't be playing MMOs or tanks in the first place.

This Brit for news and casual shit

I kinda like this autismo as well, he at least puts a lot of effort into his stuff

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But trannies are social trainwrecks but they play this game fine.

>mentor crown blm in aurum vale
>using transpose instead of fire iii/bllizzard iii
>casting freeze

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It's funny how it's always tanking people equate with anxiety inducing, when healers have it so much worse.
Tanks are naturally tanky and have almost always much less mechanics to deal with than the rest of the group. It's often healers all the mechanics are loaded upon, since you lose the least DPS that way, your responsibilities are much more vital to the survival of the group than the tanks, and every little fuck up of yours has very obvious consequences.

They are personality trainwrecks which is different from a social trainwreck. Most trannies out there are glorified sociopaths.

I thank God every day for the mentor crown because it's the biggest fucking red flag ever. I know exactly who to avoid.

It's very rarely sustainable to have more than 1 or 2 caps at a time. If your team tries to cap a third node, your first node will be taken by the the third team, and you'll probably wind up pinced by both enemy teams.

if you want exp, leves. if you want money, Flax. Outside of the camp in South Shroud in the marsh. Flax all day. Flax all night

Botany quest items sell decently too, but Flax is the main money maker

I enjoy Frontlines.

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Frontline has been incredibly consistent for months now. Quick 72-man queues. The real issue is Rival Wings is fucking dead (again).

If she's worried about getting married, why doesn't she just magically make herself look older like her sister does?

Kan-E doesn't use magic to do that, she just styles her hair, uses make-up, and deepens her voice.

>tfw level 37 currently going through the main quest
>Was planning to just go all the way through the content of the base game before waiting for Shadowbringers so I could get all three expansions in one go
>See this post

What do?

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>gets summoned inside your waifu

Whatcha gonna do about it

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>enter Eureka for the first time
>run around for an hour
This seems pretty awful

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You can probably get caught up to Shadowbringers before it releases if you do.

>no red
That's Alphinaud.

even full time jobbing it it would take you about a week to get through Stormblood. if you get this now you can catch up to the rest of the playerbase, and maybe even enjoy some of the content when its current

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in what cutscene does that happen? I haven't played alex in a long time

If you want to play Shadowbringers content at launch then buy the expansions now before they shoot up in price. Or don't and enjoy the game as is, too many people try to rush through the game and they get burned out fast because of it.

After you beat Cruise Chaser he stops time and charges a laser to shoot at you. The time stop mysteriously breaks and lets you jump out of the way.
Later, during the fight against Alex Prime, four party members go into temporal bubbles and end up on the outside of the Cruise Chaser arena to kill some adds that are creating the previous time stop. When you kill them, you find out it's you that ended the time stop so you could jump out of the way. Alexander only opens up the portals to let you do that after he's acknowledged you're worthy.

Is it still possible for someone on Primal to log in for the free trial and do a free server hop? I want to nab a pal off Leviathan and get him into my FC on Excalibur, but he doesn't want to drop a penny into this or invest in making a new character.

Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


Why don't they try and see

Challenge logs.

>tanking dun scaith
>party full of mentor crowns
>they all wipe again and again to Scathach and Diabolos mechanics
>healers from other parties have to rezz them and heal me, the last man standing

pathetic, worst players in the game

I want to fish every fish in the game, where do I start? What are some resources for starting this adventure?

Can server transfer through may 7, but if yours is a congested world, they will not be able to migrate there.


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I would at least reach the very end of HW before making the full plunge. You got a lot to go through before HW including the infamous ARR patches

I just want the garo mount. What class should a shitter go in feast for 30 wins?

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Ranged DPS works well, as you can stay mobile the entire time and put pressure on the other team.

Do you think Rival Wings will be added to the pvp roulette?

I hope not. Fuck Rival Wings.

Is there a site with all minions in the game?

This reads like a high school student's essay.

How do I leave Novice Network?

It's because they equate Tanking with being the Group Leader, and that any fuck-ups would be their responsibility, and that they should know all the ins and outs of the encounter, while Healers only have to worry about keeping the party alive and nothing else and DPS don't have to worry about anything at all.

So they don't play Tank and find out that wow the Healer threw a Regen on you at 10% health and expected that to be all they needed to contribute and the DPS somehow got it figured out that they need to Quick Nock on solo mobs and only use their focused Wildfire combo when there's a pack of 7 mobs gathered.

I used to enjoy Ethys but he was such a bitch during his playthrough of Detroit BH I was turned off forever.
Then again my mistake was to think a Twitch whore was worthy of my time to begin with.



Doubt it. It seems only 3 way modes are in roulette

>I used to enjoy Ethys
I still enjoy Ethys but FUCK is take on Nier is so god damn bad.

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Do you do the 8 man Feast or the 4 man Feast?

>running Syrcus Tower through roulette
>see a DPS get the AOE that raises everyone above the instant kill Quaga
>run to the edge of the arena and wait for it to start
>rescue him
>sprint to the raised platform
>he dies

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4 because nobody does 8

ah yes, how dare someone not worship taro's overrated works

>all these people hating on Ethys because he said something bad about a dumb weeb game
Based ethys

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t. someone who didnt play Nier and Nier: A
I dont think Ethys even finished the game either.

Training because fuck you garo shitters for fucking up ranked queue.

Won't people get mad at me doing ranked Feast, because I lowered their score?

You can think something is bad for completely banal reasons.
If DSP says "game bad too hard" no one here would take his word for it.

Well you will generally be getting other unranked and bronze players when you start out

I originally thought it would, but now I've realized that Astragalos is just an objectively worse version of Hidden Gorge.

Even discounting the gameplay elements, the achievements as they are now would make it so no one would want to do Astragalos. Right now you can earn both "Play matches/Win Matches in Hidden Gorge" and "Play matches/Win matches in Rival Wings" on the Hidden Gorge map. Playing on Astragalos would lock people out of half the rewards, so people just wouldn't bother queuing on Astragalos days.

I've played both and they're both solid 7's. I wouldn't worship either of them.

I got all my battle classes up to 70 a long time ago, and quit. I recently picked it up again, and while I really main War/Sch, I'm not sure what dmg class to play. I tried out RDM, because I am a rapier-fag, and it's fun to ress and such, but isn't it really boring to play, I do nothing but look down on my hotbar to check status on the bar, and see if I procced. I usually use BLM, and that is pretyt fun, but I've used that as my dmg class since 2.x

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If Nier: A is a 7 what do you even consider an 8+?

Did you play Hidden Gorge? That shit was actually fun.

I have no idea what he said since I don't watch his shitty steams. I used to watch him back when he was still doing youtube videos. He had some bad ideas back then and he's a annoying personality on podcasts.

That's a pretty good point.

Is this game ever going to see some actual improvement to its basics instead of adding shallow features to hide the laziness of the devs ?

Why did the cutscenes never reach the polish of 1.0 ? And I'm not talking about graphics, am I the only one tired of the fucking emote based cutscenes ? Really drags the story down after a while, isn't the FF series supposed to set the bar regarding presentation ?

Why did they never go back and fix the cities to be seamless now that PS3 isn't an issue ? Don't tell me it's old content and people have no use for it, you see players hanging in these parts all the time, also new players constantly go through these.

Why the fuck does Yoshi think it's ok to be lazy because for some reason players have put up with it for a while ? I was willing to cut them some slack in ARR and even in HW cause starting from scratch after 1.0 required cutting corners, but surely by now they've made enough money back to actually build upon the game and improve it instead of retreading the same fucking shit every time ?

Is the playerbase really content with things remaining so low effort forever ?

Are we going to have to wait for the next FF MMO to get a game that actually feels current gen ?

They don't have enough staff and even if they had all the money in the world people in Japan still refuse to work for MMOs because it's too much work involved compared to other games like gacha mobages which turn a better profit for less work.


I've personally played with far more problem players for Balmung than any other server.

what do white mages meld?

Thanks brah

I leveled my weaver from 60 to 61 exclusively crafting glamour prisms. Ama.

DH if youre a speedkill fag and really need that 0.5% gain.

1.0 did not have all that many animated cutscenes because they used costly mocap. That's why they were more polished.

>Why did the cutscenes never reach the polish of 1.0 ?
Mocap was a feature in FFXIV because it was new and needed to distinguish itself, 2.0 was made on a shoestring budget with gameplay in mind and another engine. So I'm guessing the engine is the problem and money.

>Why did they never go back and fix the cities to be seamless now that PS3 isn't an issue ?
Consoles and Engine issues, also why remake old shit when you an pump out new shit. All the old areas are literally obsolete in MMOs these days. This isn't Rangarok Online where you go to your home city to hang out with friends, they got houses in FFXIV. Old cities are literally useless.

>Why the fuck does Yoshi think it's ok to be lazy because for some reason players have put up with it for a while ?
Because for 5 years hes been doing what he has and people will gladly shell out 20€ for a fat cat mount.

If you look at other MMOs doing actual mocap quests and story is basically a no no. It costs too much.

the newest healing chestpiece from pvp makes my pp the big pp


The easy fix you're talking about is retrofitting the entire game from the ground up making assets for content no one plays except people blitzing through MSQ as fast as possible.

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See that's the problem right here : The playerbase (which I'm assuming you're part of) always finding excuses for this lazy dev team instead of calling their bullshit.

That's why the game's been in the same stale state for years and it's not going to change cause Yoshi knows by now he's getting your money each month without lifting a finger.

I'm usually not into the paying with your wallet bullshit but if the sub count would actually get low maybe these lazy asses would start to get their shit together and make actual improvements to the damn game.

But no, let's all preorder SB 2.0 because Vieras and some shoehorned new 'race' is all it takes for the playerbase to throw money at these hacks.

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t. Nep

>Mocap was a feature in FFXIV because it was new and needed to distinguish itself, 2.0 was made on a shoestring budget with gameplay in mind and another engine. So I'm guessing the engine is the problem and money.
That same excuse doesn't hold up anymore. And FFXI had much more dynamic cutscenes with no motion capture.

>That's why the game's been in the same stale state for years and it's not going to change cause Yoshi knows by now he's getting your money each month without lifting a finger.

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The crown is the marker of the shitter.
I can literally write a book about all the shit I encountered with these """mentors""".

Fuck off reddispacing shitposter.

People know exactly what they're getting and they're still playing the game. It is quite clear the devs don't have the resources to do things differently. Take it or leave it.
On another note, Blizzard has more than enough staff and the game is still kinda shit so they don't really have an excuse.

Reddit in a nutshell, basically.

trade crown is best crown

>Male characters: Ugh, the gear in this game is so obviously made with females in mind!
>Female characters: Ugh, the gear in this game is so obviously made with males in mind!

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