Dark........SOULs 2
Dark........SOULs 2
Can I get one of those as a pet?
more like Dark Soulless 2 lmao
>that hallway where they're in cages but break out as soon as you get close
what's the deepest lore behind that?
It was a postmodernist critique of gamers, how they would willingly play such a shit game when they could so easily quit and play something better.
Something about Aldia combining all kinds of shit trying to make a firekeeper.
>that basilisk in the entrance hall inside a cage with space between the bars large enough for it to walk through
sick woke post my dude
good game
I think you confused your greater-thans and less-thans friend
But that would put DaS3 somewhere that isn't dead last.
>From Soft employee tries to think of how to make the game more challenging by playing with what players use as cheese tactics
>"Hmm, if I give certain enemies attacks that actually recognize when a player is trying to backstab fish them, this can be a nice surprise for players and may make them reconsider their preconceived notions"
>Actually clever idea
>Some department boss comes in
>"Hey, the execs want us to play up the whole "Prepare to Die" thing, how do we make the game "super hard"?
>Same From Soft employee
>"Oh, oh, how about we have all enemies turn on a dime every second to always face the player, even in the middle of attacks?"
Honestly, who actually thought this was a good idea?
I really doubt the turning on a dime was intentional, it's just easier to implement enemies that continuously track the player rather than having a sense of weight
tfw recognize both the flaws and stong points of 2 and overall quite enjoy it despite seeing why some people can find fault with it but the constant years of shitposting have created only extremist positions on Yea Forums
>Whaaaa why i cant have a backstabbing fest like in the first game the Ai is more smart here and i need more skill to do it not fair!!!!11
Snap your neck
WTF they had Americans in DS2???
Dark Souls 2 is easily the best souls game I have played.
If DS2 didn't have the documentation of it's development that it did, I would believe you.
However, videos from production as well as the Network Test demo indicate this wasn't how enemies always used to be.
I honestly do believe that this (as well as the mob spam) were put in afterwards because, again, the execs wanted to capitalize on the whole "Dark Souls is so hard!" meme all the cool internet kids were peddling
How stupid do you have to be to not comprehend what he was saying? They already designed enemies to counter backstabbing but gave them excessive tracking anyways.
2 has the most fun exploration and build variety which made it for me the best in the series
>Talk about how I think enemies with natural backstab resisting attacks is actually clever and could force players to reconsider their options
>Talk about how I think the enemy turn was lazy in implementation, and would actually hide the unique enemy attacks
>"Whaaaa, why can't this player just git gud and like the game I like, it's not fair!!!!!!11
You first, fag
Link to one of the videos? I'm not saying you're lying but I'd like to watch for myself.
gimme dat butt
Every time I see someone complain about "mob spam" or too many enemies I laugh thinking they're probably the same people that bitch about gaming journalists wanting easy mode in Sekiro.
For the last time, the problem with mob spam is not the difficulty you absolute retard. It's just tedious and lazy. If anything DaS2 (vanilla) is the easiest game in the series because of lifegem spam.
I want an ogre to sit in my lap
from across the room after i've already moved away but I feel the weight without him actually being in my lap and then he's suddenly there
The best thing I can say about 2 is "at least, it wasn't 3".
>playing the game is tedious
DS3 is at least decent by virtue of it not being DS2
Dark Souls 2 only had powerstancing, armor variety and PvP going for it. Everything else is trash.
Also fuck you OP for spamming the same thread every other day.
Not seeing any difference in AI in those vids.
I did noticed something rather mundane in one of those vids that I honestly never really gave that much attention to until now but is truly baffling in hindsight: DS2 is the only one in the series that turns objects like trees and bushes transparent when they block the camera.
They don't. They break it if you go inside the cage and make them crazy.
That isn't actually true.
No reply KEK
This, they were Aldia’s experiments
>Yea Forums constantly claims it's a terrible game
>Still gets daily threads, five years after release
they completely failed at both in das3
Being the worst Dark Souls game doesn't make it a terrible game.
All FromSoft games are shoddily made (not counting Bloodborne, as it had outside support from Sony Japan) and would not have been nearly as notorious if not for the vocal retards who bought into the "OMG SO HARDCORE!!!11" marketing. Add to that a bunch of YouTubers and Twitch streamers shilling the series like crazy, and you've got a "cult classic" tailored to the 2010s.
>the weakest game in a series of games infamous for how unfinished and unpolished they are
I'd say that makes it pretty fucking terrible.
>the worst Dark Souls game
>That isn't actually true.
While it doesn't in the game the spaces are still larger than that thing.
>Yes, one copy of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin please.
I like them all.
You're not allowed to do that.
I'm preeeeeetty sure that's explained in the backstory.
Don't care, I like them.