What is the vidya equivalent?
Is such a thing possible?
What is the vidya equivalent?
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Copy-pasting has been a thing for a long time in video games.
Total War games
Why did they assault on the first day?
Medieval II: Total War
Total War: Warhammer 2
If I remember I don't think they did in the books. Either that or Sauron was getting impatient
because waiting for them to starve is too smart for movies
Skyrim city battles
every grand strategy game with imagination
think about it logically
they don't eat anyway so they couldn't starve
Warband modified to have 500v500 battles
this game was THE SHIT and it is criminal it isn't on steam
I was hyped for this game, sadly it was 5/10
>Either that or Sauron was getting impatient
The whole battle + assault happened because Sauron was baited into attacking too early.
This. Played it once through and expected much more.
I remember dreaming about a Lotr Battlefront game before this game was announced.
Sadly it was lackluster as fuck with half the classes being out of place
The campaign was pretty good; a variety of objective types, and the evil campaign started really strong with that Nazgul mission. But what a complete turnoff to have the skirmish game modes be 8v8 instead of the massive brawls with grunts in campaign. The combat system really wasn't deep enough for duels to be the main focus.
>they don't eat anyway so they couldn't starve
How the fuck do the orcs know 'menu' then?
There is the first Battle for Middle-Earth scene where you can do the exact same thing on the exact same location.
Theoden was my favorite hero.
They were elves
>Some shitters compared this to got
I don' t know what it' s called, but when I was a teen I played some japanese game on ps2, where you had these big fights and could summons fire balls and shit.
LotRs, among many other movies, really ignited my love for the whole 'two armies clashed' moments. It sounds so juvenile, yet I will never tire of it. This key moment in the game was the only time that flawlessly encapsulated that aspect I very much adore from these movies. It's not perfect, both in length and scale, but dear god was it fucking awesome when experiencing it the first time.
Shame I never got to play the LotRs games though.
Are you saying there was no such thing as an inn in the whole of middle earth?
don't you have kids to teach
kingdom under fire?
Literally TW Warhammer
No, it was 3D. I think you could also switch your "general"? I don' t know.
It had big battles, though.
First Cossacks.
came here to say this
GOT soiboys will LITERALLY never understands
#1 on the "scenes women will never understand" list
Just play the mount and blade mod it is definitively the best LOTR game
Battle for Middle Earth
Underrated post.
Shadow or mordor/war
Came here to post this.
The idea of Pandemic, Battlefront devs, making a Battlefront LOTR game was crazy. Except it wasn't huge a scale battle, the AI in the battles was very few, and it didn't have much content
yeah the battle that you dont even participate in
conquest battles in ac odyssey look similar
although i wouldnt recommend the game
What about the new cossacks?
You don't participate on OP's battle either
cant wait to play tld in bannerlord
Rome Total War, Medieval 2 Total War and Empire Earth 2. I'd even throw Rise of Nation in there tbqh famalam
Will never be topped
There is a TLotR strategy game.
There is a dedicated campaign level for that particular event.
Battle for middle earth.
Three games of hype, shame it all went downhill from that moment.
Mount and Blade: bannerlord
actual fucking kino, bernard hill is a fucking outstanding actor
got shitters actually think there's a comparison
“In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl. A great black shape against the fires beyond he loomed up, grown to a vast menace of despair. In rode the Lord of the Nazgûl, under the archway that no enemy ever yet had passed, and all fled before his face.
All save one. There waiting, silent and still in the space before the Gate, sat Gandalf upon Shadowfax: Shadowfax who alone among the free horses of the earth endured the terror, unmoving, steadfast as a graven image in Rath Dínen.
"You cannot enter here," said Gandalf, and the huge shadow halted. "Go back to the abyss prepared for you! Go back! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!"
The Black Rider flung back his hood, and behold! he had a kingly crown; and yet upon no head visible was it set. The red fires shone between it and the mantled shoulders vast and dark. From a mouth unseen there came a deadly laughter.
"Old fool!" he said. "Old fool! This is my hour. Do you not know Death when you see it? Die now and curse in vain!" And with that he lifted high his sword and flames ran down the blade.
And in that very moment, away behind in some courtyard of the city, a cock crowed. Shrill and clear he crowed, recking nothing of war nor of wizardry, welcoming only the morning that in the sky far above the shadows of death was coming with the dawn.
And as if in answer there came from far away another note. Horns, horns, horns, in dark Mindolluin's sides they dimly echoed. Great horns of the north wildly blowing. Rohan had come at last.”
bUt tOlKiEn iS a bAd wRiTeR
GRRM wishes he could write anything that epic
go back
Fuck off Adam
I think edges it out.
People who call Tolkien a bad writer have never read a single book of his and are just parroting this "too much door description xD" meme, mostly Americans
reddit-tier writing, go to Yea Forums and see how quick you'll be laughed off the board
Cossacks, the RTS
is that Excalibur?
Sauron was baited into it cause of his ego and believing there was no possible way his overwhelming force could lose to the tiny Minas Tirith force in comparison
Man they dropped the ball so hard on this, it could have been kino. It was dumb fun to be sure, but it could've been so much more
Yup, Aragorn pulled off a major bluff making Sauron think HE had the ring and was about to use it's power to crown himself king of all humanity
So the assault on Minas Tirith was meant to knock out Aragorn's power base before he could pull off that stunt
actually in the book it is discussed that he could wait for hunger and disease to break the defenders, but that he was using fear instead to break them much faster
in the books, by the time he breaks through the first gate every single soldier had fled their posts
this, but zoomers are basically illiterate anyway. non-coastal/red state zoomers are even worse, they're basically rodents.
>pixelated apollo
stop posting anytime
Battlefront 2 is an all-time classic, shame the same quality didn't come across
Why didnt the eagles drop the ring into the volcano
Fine then
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Yes it is.
Tolkien is one of the most overrated writers in history
The man had an amazingly creative mind, but as far as actually putting words on paper, his prose and style and dry and boring.
This is from someone who’s read all the histories and silmarillion
The Orcs were well-armed, and the Giant Eye could have spotted them and brought them down.
The Eagles would have also been exposed to the Ring's corruption.
are ya faggots really that there's no game with few people? lmeo at ya life niggas.
is this a good movie? i've seen a bunch of webms and it looks kino as fuck
Do you even Conquest?
I'd rather take a one in a billion genius creative mind with boring prose than an above average creative mind with perfect prose
You do realize there are actual LotR games out there already where you can actually play this battle as different characters even? What the fuck is Yea Forums nothing but newfag casuals now?
As someone who's also read the books, histories, and Silmarillion, I disagree. I think Tolkien does a great job capturing the style of the era that he was drawing from for inspiration, and the Silmarillion works especially well because it's written like a collection of myths and religious texts. Tolkien's prose really works best for that kind of subject matter IMO.
user are you having a stroke?
I googled for 5 seconds
>tfw I never finished the game because the evil campaign mission was impossible where you had to kill 20 enemies in the magic circle
Nothing I've played captures the feel of a cavalry charge right. Mount and Blade is probably the closest. Damn it I just want to play a Total War game in 3rd person.
WH2 literally.
Here's your Minas Tirish bro
Fuggin' sweet
cavalry in warband MP is absolutely epic. You swoop in from behind and lance peasants in the back.
>only the first outer wall
Wouldn't mind forcing my wolfs head through those gates.
What a faggot
oh fuck i want it
you know it is... what was the point of asking that?
>Only the first Outer Wall
>Grond not even on the field
It's like they're not even trying
Bad news then:
Puzz3D has been dead since 2007
Best ET map
How do people make this stuff?
it is kino as fuck
the action was spread way too thin
i liked helms deep far more
Kingdom Under Fire 2? The series in general seem to try and go for that.
No Total War or Mount & Blade style game can be equivalent because in neither of those games can you actually go to the aid of an army or a castle that's under siege, whenever you join a battle it automatically starts over. Maybe a musou game, but those are always scripted.
I don't, why would I ask otherwise? The look of it seemed familiar but I've never actually seen the film so I could have been mistaken.
true enough, ET map would have been a lot better if the game could support 100+ players
>Yea Forums
Fuck off and never come back. One of the lowest IQ boards.
Someone give me a map and unit composition where I can simulate the shitty battle from this week's GoT in Shogun 2.
I've got a feeling I can do better.
Not a GOT fan. Was the battle that much of a disappointment?
they charged light cavalry frontally into a fortified enemy position as their opening move
Anything's possible, noglet.
yo dawg I heard you like sieges
so I put too fucking many of them into the game lol
It's fun
>Lord of the Rings game
>doesn't use Jackson's designs
>doesn't even use Alan Lee/John Howe designs
Was there ever an option added or a mod to skip the Captain intros/outros? Those turn me completely off of the game.
>whenever you join a battle it automatically starts over.
Good. People need to stop being tyrannized by the look of the movies
Was there ever a mod which turned Shelob back into a spider?
Fuck I now remember loving that game
man i was quite hyped for this. But then in the first 30 minutes when i climbed a tower to reveal a map my eyes started glazing over and i just brute forced my way through the entire thing just to be done with it as soon as possible.
I don't know why they didn't go with the movie designs for established characters. I mean, I don't hate the ones in the game but still...
soul overload
Someone explain to me why GoT S08E03 could not be more like this
Went to Yea Forums and the first thing I found is The Room recreated by some Yea Forums madman.
You guys are alright
Because of talentless writers.
The look of the movies is miles better than anything shat out by these incompetent devs.
If that is tyranny then call me a fucking bootlicker, you dumb twat.
Helms Deep Reborn for L4D is as close as we're gonna get.
I like the idea of each ringwraith having a unique mask but their robes look fucked in the game.
Also, the mask thing was used in the Hobbit movies, right?
What was up with that? Like where the fuck is Gondors army? I thought the whole thing with them was they had a legit standing army that was paid instead of a levy like system like Rohan. So you have Gondor which is quite a large kingdom so it should have at least a bit of a professional army, but where is it? There was a small amount of soldiers at Ostgiliath, but wheres the rest, the amount in the city is so fucking small, especially for such a large city.
Just seemed so weird that in the films the only large armies ever seen are the enemy armies or the Rohirim at Pelanor fields. Also, why the fuck are the human forces at the black gate literally like 300 something dudes. In the first movie when they show the flashback about the battle against Sauron theres like easily 10,000 men and Elves on the field. Being well into the future of that battle, where are these armies, was this ever discused? Are the Gondorian armies strung out defending Gondor from other enemy armies?
Here's your lotr vidya bro
>the gameboy version was a completely different game to the console one
Twice the soul.
>26 minutes until gandalf
Battlefront just doesnt work with Lotr
It should have been more like dynasty warriors
whats ET
Eternal Totality
>those great interviews you unlock
Those large-scale battle maps always felt awful
a lot of gondors army was in the south getting fucked by pirates
in the books aragorn actually comes with those dudes instead of the invicible ghosts
Uruk-hai always won this shit when I played
>still no taxposting
>Edoras and Minis Tirith had no surrounding farmland
What if they had elven bread? CHeckmate
Exactly the same as the first but prettier, anyone who says its shit was just waiting for a revolutionary game while it's more of the same.
If Legolas shot Sauron in the Eye, what would happen?
I almost leaped out of my seat when I first watched this in 03.
LoTR Legolas? Nothing.
The Hobbit movies Legolas? The entire tower collapses.
i've not seen it yet, but i'm guessing that's the final showdown with mordred on camlainn?
LoTR Legolas singlehandedly killed an oliphant or whatever its called you nigger
What a Leggy moment
Because the writers are retarded.
It's why the "intelligent" characters are either reading the script or may as well be wizards.
Yeah once. Which was dumb, but was also a pretty singular moment and isn't repeated.
It was meant to be spooky not glorious
GoT was for political intrigue anyways and that's basically over
>Phone game labelled Shelob as a Maiar.
That’s /x/ actually. Yea Forums and Yea Forums are close.
Actually, Yea Forums is the lowest.
Like that but not like the end where the anticlimatic invulnerable undead army cleans everything up.
I've never seen LOTR. Which cuts do I watch?
Post yfw credits song.
>such was bedevere's respect for his leader that he had to try three times to return the sword before finally gathering the willpower to cast away his final memento of Arthur to Vivian
It's still so odd that britain of all places could come up with such a tragic and timeless story
Extended Edition. Watch all three movies in one day. You have to start in the morning, you'll end when the day's over.
Warband has moments like this. I recreated GoT's battle of the bastards in it recently.
FOTR Extended
TT Theatrical
ROTK Theatrical
You can get the extended cuts on blu-ray for fucking pennies nowadays.
Or just download it, I don't care.
>tfw I saw Return of The King over 50 times
I am surprised my video tape copy survived it.
Then spend another five hours listening to the soundtrack.
Then watch all the comfy making of DVD/Bluray extras
*Dominions games
And then go even further beyond
>tfw I like both
Songs were the only good thing that came out of the Hobshit
then sauron couldn't spot the eagles as they flew in to drop the ring into mt doom
Bedevere was tempted by Excalibur's beauty and splendor, a lot like the One Ring, and lied to Arthur three times that he threw it away, Arthur even lamented he was going to die with a disloyal knight at his side before Bedevere finally did it.
It's not even the Hobshit version.
Clamavi's version is much better than the original.
Where men cry
>tfw watching the Extended Edition in the cinema
Dynasty Warriors
That was great.
>All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
Fuck anons, I think I just had a personal revelation ...
Britbongs have had flashes of excellence during their existence
After those comfy making of extras, you watch the extended editions again, but this time with cast commentary. It's beautiful
It's really depressing how far it's fallen.
Ned takes a wound to the leg, and walks with a permanent limp as a result. When he tries to do the right thing despite surrounded by enemies, he dies as a result.
Robb makes repeated fuck ups and alienates allies in his attempts to do the right thing. As a result, the unthinkable betrayal of a host to his guest happens and he dies.
The strategists flat out forget they're fighting a necromancer. People get surrounded by ravenous wights that have been shown to swarm and kill in seconds. The Night's King surrounds his target.
The result? The swarmed people survive minutes on end. The Night's King makes every villain cliche in the book rather than having his horde rip the target to shreds. He then gets ambushed by a person who managed to sneak past literally hundreds of watching wights and walkers that have been shown to react instantly to threats. When he holds the ambusher by the neck, she slowly drops her knife and he watches as she stabs him.
GoT has become precisely what it was meant to deconstruct, but because it's under the delusion that being surprising is a good thing, it doesn't even do it well.
Will we ever see kino like LotR again?
"He stooped and looked in Mirrormere and saw a crown of stars appear." Gives me chills everytime, dwarves are the most based fantasy race.
Theatrical if it's your first time
Extended on the second time
The Arthurian legend is so old it predates the modern British, it goes back to the post-Roman Celts and Welsh sheepfuckers, and the version most people have known for the past 600 years or so is a Frankenstein of the French and British. It is not a monolithic entity.
booting this masterpiece again Yea Forumsros
No. Even the kino LOTR had lots of shit ruined or hammed up in the writing process. These days it would be even more of a problem.
then you watch the original movies again because of how good they are
>I'm going to Mordor alone!
>Of course you are. And I'm going with you!
Sam is my role model, what a hero.
I love that shot
So what you're saying is it is going the way of TWD? Lazy and half assed the further the series goes on?
Possibly Stronghold
Why are some people so angry that warhammer has done so much better than previous installments
no you kill yourself I bet you can't even run total war warhammer 2 you actual fucking subhuman, please go back to redit
muh old games means im cool~
>not recreating the vastly superior battle of the blackwater
It's the most perfect cycle of cinematography of all time. LotR will never be topped, it's kino through and through
probably these people are intrested in historical accuracy and warhammer is too fantasy for their tastes.
The problem is that its popularity really picked up in S3 after the red wedding, and people had it in mind that it was because
>omg so shocking! anyone can die!
Which, while technically true, missed the point. In context, the unexpected deaths make sense in the narrative, and are only subversions because people expect the heroes to always win.
After S3 the show started more and more to be shocking for the sake of it, regardless of how much sense it made, to pander to their new crowd, and it worked. Losing the source material only accelerated this process in S6.
Right now it's barely above Rian Johnson tier in making retarded decisions to be "subversive", because nobody expects the writers to be shoving crayons up their nose while putting out drafts.
What actual, unironic kino
You read the books
Then you watch the theatrical cut. Extended cut adds pointless shit that Jackson was wise to dispense with
Not true, you can arrive as reinforcements too an ally siege, whether defensive or offensive it's just walled sieges are rare sometimes and getting the ai to attack once your in position even more so.
For me it's because they made huge improvements to the engine and quality of their product and as I don't care for warhammer it seems like a massive amount of wasted potential.
>GoT has eight seasons with another two or three on the way
>will be regarded by popular culture as one of the greatest things HBO has ever produced
>Rome got cancelled after two seasons
Absolute tragedy
Underrated traitor
Kessen was the shit. Broke out the old PS1 a few weeks ago and played Kessen 2. Cut scenes and all that game still stands up decently.
Imagine watching Games of Yass Queen's.
It was a based show.
Total war has never been remotely historically accurate though
>eyes tear up as Aragon helps Boromir grip his sword
What the fuck is wrong with me, I've seen this scene like a billion times.
C&C Red Alert. Set tech level to 1 and spam barracks
>meanwhile in 2006
Rome was shit and was GoT tier thirty minutes into Episode 1.
Sean Bean is really good at dying
Always pissed me off how fast your boys died. I just came off of Kingdom Under Fire where they were the focus.
Lego LotR did the charge pretty well
Absolutely based.
Fucking Rome was it. Wish they didnt have to compact season 2's storylines like that.
afaik all the actors are still alive and affordable. Make more Rome happen.
>will be regarded by popular culture as one of the greatest things HBO has ever produced
The funny part is that a few years down the line, we'll get the bandwagon crowd rewatching it post hype, running into the more grounded original seasons, hating it and writing edgy "hot takes" about how it's not as good as everyone thinks.
This will cause others to watch it, remember how good it used to be and what could have been, then get depressed and talk about how shit it became
Why do Normalfags love GoT so much?
It will never be topped will it
Because right now it's generic popcorn fantasy that they've been told they're allowed to like.
I dont understand how a Lego game was able to capture such kino scenes, a beautiful looking world to travel through, and, all the while, silly slapstick humor like shooting Boromir with a broom before sending him over the waterfall to pinball off of rocks
You motherfucker.
Rome was cancelled because it was too expensive to make.
More like they stopped adapting the books and went ORIGINAL MATERIAL without understanding what stops GoT being another generic medieval TV series. The latest episode should've been an episode everyone was dreading because so many main characters would die in typical GoT fashion, but instead people were literally being gang banged by zombies and had plot armor
I guess it's equivalent to Metro series? I don't know how much of it is actually faithful to the books
Is it true that GoT is pretty much just now there to empower women and making them look strong?
>rome couldve finished properly with many more seasons
>by that time grrm mightve finished writing at least one more book
>we couldve then had a proper lengthy more faithful game of thrones adaptation
im jealous of those fags in that alternate dimension
>By brother ... My Captain... my King ...
teared up just knowing it was coming
well what King Arthur kino is good to read and watch for a 21st century brainlet like me?
Found out that during this scene sams actor stepped on a broken glass bottle and cut his foot and still continued acting.
>horses just knocking orcs over left and right at full speed
That's not how horses work you niggers.
The Once and Future King is a bit bizarre to get into, but everything past the first book is kino
>tfw rewatch the hobbit
>literally everything is CGI
>get angry
When did movie makers give up?
the only one arthurian kino
Fate stay night
The original Fate/Stay Night VN is surprisingly accurate and has fun takes on the legends they use
I would of loved Rome had it not included the two rando non-historic characters that conveniently show up for every major event in history. Honestly them shipwrecking and running into Pompey, and then later hanging out with Cleopatra was so fucking stupid, I couldn't even bother with season 2.
The actors we're insanely committed to their roles. John Rhys-Davies had to go through hours of makeup each day and the glue they used he was allergic to or burnt him or something, Viggo Mortensen
broke his foot kicking an orc helmet and kept shooting the scene he was in and worked his scream of pain into the scene. He also nearly died in the scene where Lurtz hurls a dagger at Aragorn, the actor couldn't see cause of all his makeup and was meant to throw the dagger into a tree, but hurled it full force at Mortensen instead, and the man batted it away with his sword saving his life. They liked that almost death so much they kept it in the movie. The movies sound like they were mad to shoot
Fate is good outside F/GO
>Spartan Total Warrior
God damn that game was fun
>tfw the persian army.
The movies mangled Frodo's character so badly in general, but this was probably his best moment and I'm glad we got to have it.
>Outside of F/GO
I wish the story of FGO was in a traditional turn based RPG or something instead of gachashit, the story is pretty good, at least the parts Nasu wrote
You can go back to your containment zone on Yea Forums and argue which arthur's female clone is best waifu
do you actually think the dagger was real or something retard
a lot of these stories are fabricated
Yeah it does get better when Nasu joins in from what i've heard.
I wish we could get a hybrid of it and the arcade version
That's secondaries
>that horn
My dick
>implying that means warhammer is better than Rome
kys hypenigga
>go play the game braindead zoomers like me LOVE
>back to redit
Indeed, go back to plebbit fag
>not liking Pullo and Voreinus
I got bored. Suffers from the same problems ass creed games have, where theres so much mundane shallow things to do that you end up just wanting to do the main quests just to end it.
I choose to believe the cool stories, makes it more fun than assuming everything is bullshit
I loved playing as the scout or knight in this game. Mage was great too, but the game as a whole felt unfinished.
>Is such a thing possible?
no because everything must be a console port
Definitively medieval 2 total war. You can wreck a small army with only three horse men.
When you hear about how much effort Weta put into making real props for the series it isn't hard to believe.
It may not have been sharp, but odds are that was a genuine steel object being chucked hard at Viggo.
>he haven't played anything past AOE2
what movie
It was a fucking miracle that The Wire ran for five seasons. The Golden Age of Television my ass. On how many seasons TWD is now?
Kaamelott. You just need to learn French to a level in which you can understand all the subtleties first.
this game had such horrible interface and camera
Depends on how much you're a fan of the source material. Theatrical cuts are better paced and constantly exciting and entertaining from anyone's perspective. Extended editions include a lot of scenes that, while well acted and intriguing, bog down the pacing and tone in some areas. But if you're all about getting lost in a massive adventure and being totally immersed in the world the movies create then the extended editions will give you just that.
dont be mean help a bro out
how the fuck did they manage to make such a timeless masterpiece?
it sure as hell wasnt jackson
or is it a once in a life time sort of thing when all the planets align?
because when you mix 2 properties with vast amount of soul, you get the purest form of Soul
Most of the people working on it loved the books. Even those who didn't know a thing about Tolkien worked to try and understand what made the story and characters so special, because they recognized how serious everyone else was taking it. And while it wasn't Jackson entirely, he was still instrumental in getting the films made and making sure they were as good as they were; it was just that the material he had to direct and edit together was of an exceptionally good quality due to how hard everyone was trying.
My god these fucking chills down my spine.
You're a city boy who's never seen a horse, much less rode one in adverse conditions, and I promise you that if a horse charges into you, you will be moved out of the way.
it absolutely was jackson, as well as everything else coming into alignment. we will never see the likes of it again
yeah but can you actually train a horse to charge directly into a wall of people holding pointy sticks?
when they learned that normies will still line up and pay to eat shit
It actually was Jackson. Not solely; but he was definitely the core of it.
Do you know absolutely nothing of cavalry warfare before the advent of firearms?
The Sword in the Stone is perfectly fine if you skim past all the falconry shit, which admittedly is a hell of a lot. The rest of the book is pretty fuckin' kino, though.
I do not, that's why I asked a question you asshole
It was Jackson when he was given a decade of preproduction
Wow, look at all those copy-pasted assets!
What the fuck do they eat? Honestly? Do the people just go out onto the enpty fields once day to fucking graze or something?
The difference between Lotr and the hobbit is that jackson wasn't writing the script while filming
Then they make GoT...
Malt beer, ripe meat off the bone.
The salted pork is particularly good.
It just works
Le Morte Darthur (1485) with modern spelling and glossary. Accept no substitute.
No shit, Absolute best, and probably most historically likely Arthurian book is the trilogy by Bernard Cornwell, called ther Warlord Chronicles. Fucking kino no shit, you won't be able to stop.
But you also must get the audio books of them as well. I listen and read along just for the immersion. The recording is done by Jonathan Keeble who is the GOAT.
Certain horses were trained specially for that purpose in the mid-late middle ages.
Before that, horses would shy away from spear walls and refuse to charge.
Remember playing this bad boy?
And how silly it was fighting Sauron on the tower in the end?
>This book written two days ago is better than literally the source material that everybody know and study.
>Evil mode unlocked as you played through the campaign and let you fight as the watcher, the nazgul, the Balrog and others in the boss battles you played
The Third age is an underated gem in LotR games, wish we got another one in the same vein
There is no source material dumbass. A priest writing about 'Arthur' living several hundred years before that. All the rest of the characters in that story were even added on over the next several hundred years.
Do your own research brainlet.
>mfw you find these guys camped out of the edge of Rohan in LotRO
I always hoped that one day we'd get a final fantasy title that looks exactly like Amano's art style.
Everyone in those books are such assholes and morons I really couldn't bring myself to give a shit, the actual fall and ruin of Arthur's kingdom felt justified.
Why did the Orks form a line infront of the gate instead of surrounding Minas Tirith and actually using their strength in numbers?
But the dream user
The city is in a natural defense point with the mountains to the back, and there are multiple gates leading into the inner city. Really all they could do is line up and try to breach the outer gates, their number meant shit until they were inside at least this first barrier
armies larger than that have existed in the ancient past. but yeah, the resources and logistics of supplying your people is like the #1 issue in having an army
I know about the mountain but in OP's screenshot there orks aren't even attacking the furthest part of the wall, instead of assuming a wide formation that could attack from every angle they just stormed it in a line and only small parts of the army branched out to the sides
its beautiful bros
Normally at this point they would have started pillaging nearby farms but this place is strangely devoid of farmland, the stronghold is literally in the middle of a plain with nothing to see for miles and miles, and I guess the people who live there are made of fungus that survives on moisture in the air.
Still not as bad as having Rohan being norseniggers that live in shitty wooden forts tho.
It think they established that the outer walls of Minis Tirith were impenetrable, so the effort to spread out and pressure the city on all angles would have ultimately been futile since the only effective thing on the walls would be siege towers. I'm sure there's some other reason like the Witch King spreading fear and weakening the gate with his magic for Grond that kept them from focusing on the gates, but it's been a good while since I read the books so I'm not entirely sure
Wooden barns are good enough for their horses they're good enough for the horse fuckers in Rohan
>dude just stands there as Arthur gets run through
>like literally a couple feet away
>does nothing
Slowfag here who hasn't seen it, but the fuck?
He stepped forward but Arthur gestures him back