There will never be a game as fun as Lost Planet 2 ever again

>there will never be a game as fun as Lost Planet 2 ever again
Hold me, bros

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hear me out user
lost planet 2....

I'll take it!

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I want to strangle the retard that put iframes in a tps with hitscan weapons and no dedicated servers

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Ive been looking at EDF gameplay, is EDF similar to lost planet 2 or does it just look like that on the surface?

I really want something to vill this void

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most of my LP2 friends use EDF to fill the void
I'm sure capcom will give us happiness one day

fuck, i remember spending countless hours in co-op having a blast, insane how much replayability there was in the campaign, multiplayer was fun too, fuck the loadout system though, solidified the T-eng weapon meta to a retarted degree were basically everyone was using plasma, and fuck every subhuman that abused the Iframes on the VS
IFrames are primarily for projectile shit and preemtive grenade detonations

There's still hope right?
Capcom is making a comeback right?

Iframes were a fucking retarded idea and completely killed the competetive multiplayer for me
>lol lemme just roll through this explosion without a scratch
Fuck off

Just port it to Steamworks you fucking cunts. Even Dead Rising 2 OTR of all things got ported.

I want to believe, but Lost Planet as an IP doesn't have a strong following like DMC, RE, or hell even Dragon's Dogma. If a Lost Planet 4 was announced, I can't imagine it'd have much of a response at all from crowds

I like to think that capcom's holding out to announce a LOST PLANET 2+ where it's just more LP2 but also on steamworks
like a longer campaign, maybe a chapter with the femme fatales as actual characters

I have it for steam but its fucking unplayable due to games for windows live permanently fucking it over. Tried several fixes for hours, no luck

Lost Planet 3 sold so horrible that they'd probably never touch the IP again. Let alone let some other people try making another one.

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I think there's a trick with fucking around with the gfwl exe in sys32, worked for me
but that's for win10 I guess

For as flawed as this game is, I can't believe the amount of hours I played in co-op. I wasn't expecting the game to be so fun when I bought it. I really miss it now. Which they would bring it back. Also, which PvP wasn't a broken mess

im on windows 10, but that sounds like a whole lotta bullshit just for a single game to get working.

I think it's one of the top reviews in the game, and it actually works and is totally worth it just to play it with others

What were they thinking with that unlock system?

The bigger problem than the GfWL issue is that the game itself straight up doesn't load if you have more than a 6-core CPU. I have a Ryzen 1700 (which is 8-core). You have to boot Windows with disabled cores in order for Lost Planet 2 to even load beyond a black screen.

I like it
it's a shame the gun sword SP is locked behind the 10k slots
I used the confetti shotgun for so long that I never knew how good the shotgun actually is

Samefag here. Also, setting the affinity for the game itself isn't enough. You literally have to boot the entire computer with disabled cores.

Revolver 4lyfe
Enjoy those midrange instant headshot kills

>Yeah we'll make a sequel for you
>Budget? We'll make it for whatever change you find in the couch

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think i found it, looks like my issue was i didn't wait 5 minutes for GFWL to try and finish connecting. Absolutely retarded. Will give it another go, been wanting to make webms of LP2 for a while now. It's still a pretty game in certain spots.

Why do you like it? This game has so many fun toys that I bet most people never even saw because they got sick of getting nicknames in the slot machine.

Is this game what people mean when they go on about soul? It's flawed in many ways yet it's exploding with personality and you could tell the developers loved working on it.

as much as people bring this up, a revival of Lost Planet as a monster hunter spin-off wouldn't be that bad.
Although they would never do that since they would likely just be competing against only MHW on PC

because it's a neat way of unlocking things, certainly haven't seen it in any other game
it rewards you for playing the game more and better or just doing the final portion of the treasure borrachos chapter over and over to get gorillions of crates