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Anybody else hype to wipe in naxx or just me?

Attached: Skärmavbild 2019-05-01 kl. 16.07.51.png (2004x1090, 2.54M)

imagine dying to thaddius

Well, I don't plan on wiping.

the new hulk game looks nice.

The time commitment to raid in general is far too high, let alone the commitment needed to work with a guild to clear up until Naxx. I played Elysium at its peak and leveled to 60, which was really fun. But the knowledge that I now had to raid made me quit.

I seriously don't understand how you maintain any semblance of a normal life while raiding.

Exactly why casualized raids in modern WeW is a good thing, even if \vee\ disagrees like always.

Naxx is gonna ruin classic like it almost ruined vanilla.
I don't know why people seem to omit from their memory how tedious the raid was from the amount of farming you had to do each week for it (even for vanilla standards), to slowly having to grind gear from within it since tier 1, 2, and 2.5 weren't good enough, to trash respawning every 30 mins, etc.
It was a cool looking raid and all but something stupid like only 0.01% of the game's population actually cleared the whole thing back in the day (something like there being around 800,000 something players on NA server, and only 29 guilds actually cleared it fully), and a large amount of guilds completely split up because of it.
Only reason it isn't remembered as the worst thing about classic is that since TBC was coming most players didn't even bother with it so it was only the hardcore guilds that got shafted. With it being the capstone to classic, I really do wonder how the playerbase will react to the last piece of content they get being something they'll probably never get to do.

I mean a couple raid nights a week and a few hours of casual farming isn't a huge commitment
Obviously depends on the guild you are playing with but raiding isn't all hardcore

G r o u p leveling, is it more efficient to level with a friend or two or is it better to just level solo?

Thinking of playing warrior or warlock with my healslut mate

I played naxx on priv servers and it's the best raid in vanilla
Why the hate bro, it's not that difficult, people were terrible back in the day because the game was new but with all the knowledge available today it's chill

Raiding is where you get to the fundamental flaw in WoW's design: Multiplayer grinding
Classic MMO grinds are mostly solo activities. Your grind is done at your own pace, the only interference is if someone else gets in your way
In WoW grinds, wiping on raid bosses all day, the grind is a group effort. This is a bad thing because now, the worst player in your group is holding all of you back from just getting it over with.

Does anyone know when vanilla is releasing? I'm taking summer off between jobs and need something to do

>Classic MMO grinds are mostly solo activities

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probably july or august but who knows

Depends on the class. Hunters, druids, priests and warlocks are definitely faster solo. Group questin is more fun though, although I would only do it in a duo.

what the fuck did i just read

Solo as in not depending on someone else to do their job, not solo as in nobody is there.

Like farming some mob for materials, for example. You're mostly just fighting that mob, probably on your own. In modern WoW, because all the grinds are group content, you're stuck together with 4-39 retards, and the worst retard in the group sets the pace of the grind. There's less of this issue in classic WoW, but the raids show the seeds of the problem that brought down modern WoW.

>the worst player in your group is holding all of you back
This is literally what multiplayer means

I know what the word means, you retard. I'm just baffled anyone would say something that fucking stupid.

Delete thread we don't need three

I can't help but think 80% of classic players will be zoomers. Nobody that was around in 2006 has the time or patience to play classic anymore (unless you turned out to be a neet or filthy rich) and even then there's those who already experienced vanilla in private servers and can't be arsed to do it all over again (and pay for it)

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No hate man, I'm actually looking forward to getting to do it myself but the numbers from vanilla don't lie. The top guilds back then by the time naxx was out weren't in any way bad at the game, it really was just that difficult. Pservers have probably tuned it down slightly just for that reason.

>wotlk thadd

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The opposite
The private server I played on had naxx bosses 3x hp and increased damage, shit was hard, but we still cleared it and even though there was some dedication needed it wasn't important for everybody to be a huge nerd, just the officers
In the non-buffed classic wow version there will be a lot of guilds being able to clear it, since there will probably be some people in each guild with pserver experience (or even experience from 2006). People will go "oh this was how easy naxx was?" when they played it, just like a lot of people who played on nostalrius thought mc was way too easy in comparison to hard people said it was

>Classic MMO grinds are mostly solo activities
what the fuck
MMOs prior to wow forced you to grind in a group even for leveling up

>MMOs prior to wow

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No you don't. The advantage contemporary players is tremendous. Even an average player has greater effective experience/skill level than anyone but the marquee players of the day had (veteran players are obviously better off now with possibly 10k+ hours of extra experience, but there's a BIG catchup effect from being able to follow the lead of those vets: in vanilla even world first raiders and active PvPers consisted of clickers and keyboard turners for fuck's sake), knowledge advantage is tremendous, the mentality towards min/maxing is much higher (both in terms of things that take effort, like using all possible buffs and consumables, and those that don't, like getting more performance out of loot distribution) - even the fact that almost everyone is able to run the game with >60fps

Talent and skill/experience aren't the same thing. At any given moment, the most innately talented players are most likely the best ones at the game, but at time of vanilla Naxx, even the most talented players had had maybe a few thousand hours to hone their skills. Nowadays some people are clocking 10k+ hours (and even rookies can copy what these long-time players are doing and in actuality show more developed play than any retail vanilla player).

So, a player like Kungen (or some other high-end raider) was good relative to his peers at the time and because he's a talented gamer, Kungen is good relative to his peers now, but there's NO CONTEST about which version of him is the better player now. Obviously, it's Kungen with 10k+ hours of additional personal experience enjoying 10+ years worth of development in WoW "meta". This alone is sufficient to expect superior performance today: in every raid you have some folks who are just that experienced and will be able to carry the raid, reducing the demands set on everyone else.

But that's not what you actually see. In actuality it's not just personal experience but the advancement it's in community's know-how: simply through virtue of not being a keyboard turning clicker (just look at some vanilla raid footage) you'd be superior to the bulk of retail vanilla players. I previously suggested world first raiders of the day might have been the most talented but that's an incorrect assumption as well: talented players certainly were overrepresented, but even top guilds at the time were "a group of friends" - a top guild would have had top players but they might also had average of worse players, while actually the most capable players were literal whos.

Hell, even if you look at WotLK or something at which point the players and organizations were a whole lot more experienced than vanilla, the play still seems lacking by contemporary standards.


I can't wait for Asmongold and Sodapoppin to play and be hand fed from there audiences.

To later complain about there is nothing to do and how boring this is.

>But the knowledge that I now had to raid made me quit.
BWL gets cleared in half hour these days. Probably takes more to farm consumables than to actually clear the raid.