To those that play any of the following in World Of Warcraft private servers or did in vanilla:

To those that play any of the following in World Of Warcraft private servers or did in vanilla:

How the fuck do you defend yourself or farm as a non damage spec?

>Protection Warrior
>Holy Priest
>Restoration Shaman
>Restoration Druid
>Holy Paladin

Out of 9 classes, 5 of them won't be able to defend themselves against competent players if they aren't specced correctly, how do they make money and farm materials?

I've always played rogue but I want to try priest, but not if respecs are 50g and I won't be able to farm during non raid days.

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>Holy Priest

I was friends with a R14 Warrior.

You can't it's a rip
Need friends bro
That said paladins and druids can't die so just run away

if they're not on then you can't farm either

d*mn. whats the best class to raid and pvp with in the same specs? i'm so used to cheap respecs on k3

Warlock or hunter, sm/ruin or trueshot aura are ok for pvp

>Holy Paladin
15 years later and people still dont know Holy Paladins can defend themselves.

warlock in sm/ruin if you dont want to tryhard extra with ds/ruin in raids, even then youre not free kill

>teamwork required in an mmo game
Holy wow

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No one goes deep resto druid. A mix of feral/resto is more optimal. And you can very easily aoe farm in the world or in dungeons because Hurricane is very strong.

>a holy paladin can defend themselves vs an aq geared dps in pvp spec

>holy paladin
carry a STR plate set and if shit gets though, bubble hearth

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Sell your services to groups or get a gathering profession. As a Holy Priest I would herb in Azshara all day and MC people off cliffs.

son, not everyone is a neet


I play with my friends. we gank everyone.

>vs an aq geared dps in pvp spec
Yeah because in Vanilla EVERYONE was in AQ and T3 gear........

Can't fucking wait to use the Black Book with imp, gonna be tits.

We aren't getting that level of gear for like a year

have you played on a private server? stuff gets cleared within hours of release
ok t2 then

>casuals and single players should be able to access all the content that dedicated groups can
This is the exact mentality that got you retail wow. Go play it.

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short answer is you leave the area, if a hunter opens aimed shot on you from 45 yards away while you fight a mob you're dead no matter the spec, game is not balanced around 1v1 and ganking

>5 piece Nemesis Black Book pets soloing Mages

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im literally in one of the best guilds on k3 lol

>private server
Yeah because those are EXACTLY the same as Blizzard servers... low quality m8

Then what the fuck are we talking about nigger?

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>Prot warrior wont have damage talents
>Resto shaman is deep resto all day every day
>Resto druid is deep resto ever
My man, let me tell you about something that people have forgotten about those old trees. as shamans you could heal MC and even BWL in your pvp spec just fine, same for druids and their wierd half feral half resto farm build. Tank warriors were merely "balanced" in pvp instead of being unstoppable juggernauts like full dps. Holy priests always had friends around if they were in raid spec and I cant speak to paladins because Im not a prancing lala homo man out to groom 13 year old boys.

im just saying like sometimes you wanna get on at 3 am and farm

>Pre-TBC patch that added Fel Guard
>Hotfix nerfed BB hard

Fuck me it was fun to 5-shot Naxx geared tanks

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anyone play shaman? are playing with totems fun? it seems kind of fun to try out

Then play hunter

Delete thread we don't need 3

fuckin retard i want to heal or tank cant you read

hpriest can hold its own and sustain ~150 dps easily, they're fine, hpaly can aoe farm or put on str gear and can't be killed anyway, people just need to stfu and play desu

You are the retard if you don’t realize that your class/spec choice makes you better at some things at a cost to others. That’s the fucking point of them all being different. Go play retail for homogenization.

don't listen to anyone not saying rogue/warr warlock pvp? lmao fucking idiot

>>Restoration Druid
The fuck are you on about? farming with hurricane is the fastest no matter what spec you are, and swiftmend and x/x/21 are both prime PvP specs. Plus you can always just run away. Or go invisible. Or what fucking ever. Druids don't know what trouble is.

what are you even saying dude

Ele/resto shaman. Its good enough to heal raids and can light people up in pvp

>Frost shock
>Earth shock rank 1 to interrupt
>NS lets you 3 minute mage with healing spells
>Kiting warriors and rogues while searing totem slowly zaps them down
>all the totems that aoe break stealth
>Those magic moments where you get to give the MS warrior windfury and heals
Hot diggity damn what a spec

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They're buffs and rebuffs you have to cast for each fight, that's it really.

Arenas came out during TBC, right? All we'll have for organized PvP are Battlegrounds, correct?

organized pvp sucks, and yes