Going home bros....
Going home bros
Other urls found in this thread:
If you play anything but Warrior you aren't a real alpha male
I'm going to play a Chad Tauren Druid and drink constantly, berate people in comms, heal, dps, and tank in the same raid while topping the charts, but actually be a really nice dude willing to help out all my horde bros.
>drunken shit talking cow, gives no fucks and calls everyone faggots
is that pinnacle rp
Hopefully I won't play with any of you wojakposting faggots
Will speedrunning raids become the meta once everything is cleared?
help bros
So it'll be out before Gamescom starts, nice
I'm gonna roll chadadin and laugh as I steal all the warrior plate that I don't even use.
r8 my shaman build classicdb.ch
Pretty much played paladin only back in the day. Dunno what to play if my friends decide to go horde
Did shamans have any flexibility or were they forced to be healers in the end?
you can bring 1-2 enhance shamans to a raid for that sweet 20% threat reduction without losing windfury(resto would only have 70% heal uptime while dumping totems, and enhance being 3/5ths of a person works out to about the same) but enhance is mind-numbingly dull in PvP and just outright shit
30/0/21 is a decent enough healer in raids(and you will be healing), and the go-to PvP spec being a competent healer and having hunter-tier burst.
I have two questions
what, and why
Let's go
Im convinced blizzard made a bot that makes these threads every day.
The past is gone. It will never be the same.
what the fuck
be aware that every raid will bring at most two druids. preferably just one.
I already know I'm going undead female priest but let's see what rng had planned for me
why is it so bad?
I mean it looks like you randomized what talents to pick based on dice roll or something
What will you do with the spec? raid? pvp? farm?
It is a joke, isn't it? You just clicked things at random and posted it here. Tell me that's the case.
Shit chart, makes it impossible to be a female human paladin or female ne druid.
let's derail
Always played safe and just rolled on a Normal realm back in the day. Is it worth going to a PvP realm in classic?
rolling, sadly its more likely to get something ive already lvl'd to 60
I clicked on talents that seemed useful. I'll just read a guide instead, thanks anons.
>play druid
>have literally 0 loot competition
sounds nice
Yeah, I'd recommend that. You shouldn't try to do everything like that, you dropped out of every tree before you got to any of the good stuff.
It's the proper way to play the game. The only reason you do the raids and get geared is so you can fuck with the other faction in world pvp.
I meant no offense
I just need to know what you are trying to do with the build, I can't evaluate it with no information and I can't give pointers either
>p r i v a t e what? beep beep...error product key invalid...
>I do not play on that I only play on the official blizzard sanctioned servers
It depends how triggered you get by being ganked and how much fun you have ganking. It won't be the same as classic I'm sure, but back in the day I wouldn't have traded all the camping in the world for the fun of TM vs SS battles. Or raids on Astranaar/Splintertree
You're limiting yourself from content if you go on a normal realm. Even if you hate PvP there's just more tension and you form friendships from helping people fight off gankers, I can't think of a reason why you'd go on a normal server unless speed levelling was your top and only priority in Classic
>going home bros....
Go home to a gas chamber you obese nigger
Better at least be horde ffs
what class/race are you going to be playing? I wanna go horde and be a mage, but I also don't wanna be an undead or troll, I might be forced to roll human, which disgusts me.
god I can't wait for this fucking meme to die when classic hits. literally all of us boomers are 15 years older, the only home we're going to is yours when your daddys out to fuck your mom in the ass while you mope in the basement listening to cardi b or some shit
why the fuck would you not want to be UD? their animations are godlike, and cannibalize is the perfect, practical teabag
I would say no, world pvp is a joke that essentially boils down to someone ganking you or you ganking someone else. Even in those large scale battles it would just disrupt people trying to play the game when there's legitimate zones designed for that one purpose
the way they run, stand, and cast, drives me insane. I wouldn't mind otherwise.
Same. Yea Forums was flooded with Shitstalrius threads, then it got fucking BTFO'd by Blizzard and people bitched and moaned for months. Do people honestly believe Blizzard would keep their promise for "Vanilla"
>he doesn't know
>disrupt people trying to play the game
It's a part of the game whether you like it or not.
Rolling for dwarf priest or night elf warrior
It's melee focused but then you have points to increase your heals, but you don't have the most important healing talent that allows you to avoid interruption by damage while casting. There isn't just that much synergy going on there. Most builds in the game consist of 31 points into the main tree. If you want to come up with your own build you should start with that.
Actually it's not, people being cocks isn't part of the game that's just they choose to do in it. It's why PvE servers exist so if you don't enjoy it you just don't deal with it, mostly. I'm not trying to say that people can't enjoy it, to each their own but I personally see zero entertainment when most of the time it's an environment where I or the person I'm "fighting" can't fight back
Is it possible to Shaman tank in Vanilla? I've heard people talk about it but it never seemed viable when I played. I started in TBC but left shortly after Cata.
Yes, multiplayer is a part of MMOs, and that includes PvP on PvP servers.
I love trying to level in stranglethorn while some max level douchebag ganks me over and over, very fun game.
I'm going to roll an orc warlock for the first time. This roll is my backup.
tier gear is almost never bis, youll still compete with almost everything before naxx
I did it in retail in wailing caverns which is a level 20 instance
You can't tank in raids or higher level content though
Shaman tanking is a meme and only last resort if you can't find any tanks for your group
>It's a part of the game whether you like it or not.
>b-but I don't like it
Fuck this shit. Undead Mage forever
That's why I enjoy pve servers. Even though I played on one, I used to do world pvp in BC all the time, and a tiny bit in Wrath before it officially died, and so did many other people. It was simply by choice, and not enforced, so everyone that engaged with it was having fun. All of my friends are going to be playing on pvp servers for classic though, so I'm probably just gonna have to bite the bullet and deal with it.
Except ganking isn't PvP, it's not called a gank server it's a PvP server. PvP is suppose to be people actually fighting one another, being one shot does not constituent as being able/or having even the ability to fight back hence the different term used
>ganking isn't PvP
rollan hoping for mage/priest/war
>doesn't have an argument
Yeah it's not, it might as well be considered PvE because it's no different than fighting a lvl 20 mob. Neither are going to be able to put or a fight or resist and will die in 1 hit
Only in WC and RFC. Nearly every RFC I did was with a Shaman tank because despite having a Warrior the shammy always over-aggro'd and just tanked the dungeon anyway with ease. If you level with a dagger/shield you can tank most of the group quest mobs and it's a really durable specc, but that's about it.
Are PvP servers annoying? I played on a PvE the whole time when I played the game. Anytime I was farming for mats for things like potions or cooking I couldn't help but think how annoying it would be to have some asshole ganking me over and over while doing something
>player fighting another player
>not pvp
whether it's fair or not is another argument, but changing the definition of a term because you don't like it is not an argument.
You get to have fun even while farming, it's great. Felwood all day every day.
>not the one doing the ganking
kanker n00b
But you aren't fighting it's literally walk over and 1 shot, they died. There is no versus when there is no fight
Im a bit out of the loop, but is this going to be strictly classic wow? Are they going to have a whole new game for TBC later or are they going to add it on after a year or two?
Learn to play the game like an honorable fucking player -DSP
sure if there's a massive level discrepancy. but why are you acting as though same-level players never encounter each other while questing or farming? it happens all the time.
yes, no, no
These inhuman dogs must be slain.
So I started in TBC. I played a mage. Am I pretty much locked into Frost for Molten Core?
Yes it will just be Classic. But if Classic ends up being successful, I can't see them NOT later adding TBC or Wrath servers. Years down the road though.
Are you asking if fire works on fire-immune enemies?
that's not nice
Yes, until you're done with BWL. Then you can fire all you like.
Classic won’t release until 2020
Prove me wrong
How much are racials going to dictate how valuable/wanted I am in end game raids? I don't want to roll a dwarf to be a priest and generally prefer human/NE
>defending ganking
>talks about honor
Are you sure you're not mentally retarded? One of the least honorable things to do is kill people who cannot fight back. Also honor in a fucking video game are you kidding me
Most world pvp is ganking that's just a fact, sure sometimes same level encounters happen and in it's those moments that shine through. As time goes on this happens less and less though. Everyone remembers going back and forth with a good opponent, nobody sits back and goes on man remember that time a guy 50 levels higher than me sat in the same area for an hour and wouldn't let me play because he thought it was funny? Good times
>spent hours back then
>made friends
>had fun
>watched the game change as time went by
>accepted those times were over and moved on
Is there something wrong with me? I have literally zero (0) desire to 'go home'. I feel this won't bring those experiences back. It'll just be wow with less options and less quality of life.
Used to play tank on private server because not many players.
In classic it's back to my roots. Firemage has always been my spirit animal, I excelled at it.
>less options and less quality of life
the game was never for you, stick to retail famlam.
because they announced on stage that it's gonna be released summer 2019, it's right now already in the hands of blizzard employee family/friends, and the beta is more than likely going to start within the coming month or two. you're really out of the loop aren't you?
>It'll just be wow with less options and less quality of life.
Yeah, there's something wrong with you, alright. You're stupid.
Fear ward is a crutch and it doesn't matter for the actually difficult content, racials are honestly more impactful in pvp than pve. Pick the race you want, if people reject you because of that then you dodged a bullet anyway, they're shitters who think minmaxing will cover their lack of skill
I'm calling you dsp for whining about honor yourself faggot.
fear ward is useless
purely pvp.
Rogue Aesthetics: male troll, male orc, female undead and why?
Currently leaning towards femdead for the flippy special attack animations
No, you're just normal. If you aren't a turbo autist with nostalgia goggles and a heavy dose of denial about how the internet has changed too much then you won't be looking forward to going "home" at all because home no longer exists.
>sure sometimes same level encounters happen and in it's those moments that shine through
so you would rather remove the chance for those fun organic encounters of happening completely than occasionally have to deal with a corpse run. interesting.
you're also completely ignoring the social element. if someone ganks you you can call a high level friend to do the same to them, or get on your main if you have one. and then if that person does the same, now all of the sudden you've got a full-on brawl going with multiple people.
So basically you're not the target audience, you either enjoy retail WoW and all of the current conveniences it's added, or you no longer have interest in investing time in an MMO like Classic.
Undead rogue is best rogue and female undead is best undead
Make a trial character on retail and marvel at the horror of it
You could play wotlk on dragonblight
>want to slam meters to my utmost extent as warrior
>human look like shit outside of rank 13/14 gear, but weapon skill is fucking huge on actual vanilla
>perception is a dogshit racial
>stoneform and escape artist are fucking amazing, but hate gnome and dorf animations
>love fem nelf animations and they look sick in plate
>meld is pretty strong too for warrior as you can avoid getting forced into combat by casters at a distance
>no wep skill though
what do I do bros
gnome mage or dwarf something
make a retrowow character and fuck around to see which class you like best.
Of all the two points you could've spent to advance the Enh tree, why the fuck did you get dodge and not an improved totem? The only time you ever want anticipation is if you're trying to be a dungeon tank.
Yeah except I never used the word honor, stop moving goalpost. PvP stands for player versus player not player ganking player. As I said ganking takes the same brain power as fight mobs far below your level, it's one hit dead. There is no versus in that, it has nothing to do with honor it just not a fight
Yeah I personally would remove the chance because getting ganked doesn't end after one death and you are then forced to do what you suggest but here in lies the problem. I just want to level I don't have all the time in the world to sit as a ghost and wait for a friend to come help or deal with it myself which then leads to what you said, a massive battle. Sure it might be fun for those who join but if that's what you want just fucking queue for pvp then. I'm not some kid anymore and time is a resource, having to waste it to deal with people who wanna flex their epeen is unenjoyable which is why my OPINION is that PvE is the better option. I am in no way saying people who like this are wrong I just hate it myself
Rolling for troll warrior
Whatever your heart tells you
Speed running will be popular but it will likely split between horde and alliance catagories because horde has an advantage with shamans
I'm not moving the goalposts I'm just calling you a pussy. You might not have used the word honor but all you're doing is flailing around crying about perceived unfairness in a hypothetical situation like a baby, so I called you DSP.
Level to 60 with me frend
r o l l
Nobody gives a fuck about WoW speedruns.
Did any of you even play back in 2004? No shit talk, I'm genuinely curious. This movement strikes me as zoomers going after something they missed rather than genuine oldfags.
t. played in 2004
I’m going undead warlock no matter what but I’ll roll anyway
the median age of private server players is 28
Thats not true at all, paladins mean that all of the top dps can push even harder with salv/kings which is more dps than windfury brings. That's why all of the top speed autists on private servers are alliance guilds.
female undead fury warrior? absolutely disgusting fuck your chart.
I already know what to play brah
I started in 2005, been playing on and off every expac
Been playing on private servers for vanilla and tbc since wrath
Just a warning that warriors ar awful dps until they are properly gear at level cap so expect to be a tank for the leveling experience
I started playing early-mid TBC when I was 10. Vanilla is the closet I'll get to TBC-early/mid WoTLK era WoW which was my favorite.
sounds fun to me.
I did, but I only got to about level 40 before BC came out, so I never really got to experience end game. Excited to mess with the raiding and pvp.
Just play other games untill it comes out
There are no other games
You are gay, pvp makes the world feel alive and immersive, looking over your shoulder all the time is part of the experience.
I missed out on vanilla but started playing soon as TBC came out. Gunna roll pally cus I always wanted to do the alliance version of the mount quest.
i've pretty much decided on priest, but let's see
>preferably just one.
That's not preferable at all. You just created a druid buff bottleneck. You just made every single instance of downtime take 5 more minutes, and that adds up over the course of 8 hours of raiding a week for months and months and months.
Not a fan of undead or horde in general really besides maybe tauren and orcs
I just downloaded Guild Wars 2 for the first time today, messed around for a couple hours and I'm already bored, it seems even more dull than WoW leveling right now. You run around and endlessly kill shit, and the world itself doesn't really offer much either in regards to the environment or lore. Is there a reason for me to keep going?
you are playing quite possibly one of the worst games in one of the worst genres for you if you value time as a precious resource that should not be wasted. why are you playing wow at all if you just want to hop in a game and not be bothered by time-wasting nonsense?
>I'm going to play a Chad Tauren Druid and drink constantly, berate people in comms, heal
The rest after that won't happen. Play live.
It'll be pretty fucking hilarious when WoW clasic beats their current abomination in players in it's first month.
Play retrowow. You won't burn yourself out on levelling because every character you make starts at 60. Dungeons are soloable, raids are 5-man. It's a different experience while remaining vanilla enough at its core to enjoy, and lets you try out classes without having to level them.
>You just created a druid buff bottleneck.
no? my best friend raided vanilla with me all the way from MC to Naxx as the only druid. and he buffed the raid quicker than all the mages did combined.
I don't think that'll happen to be honest, but I CAN see it happening if their next expansion bombs like BFA did. It's in a pretty bad state.
The launch will be very strong, it will be very interesting how it goes after that.
fem nelf shadowpriest pls
That's because the mages were retarded, or you're probably remembering the times that they took longer from having to cast dampen/amplify magic on everyone while forgetting all the times they buffed quickly because that's how memory works.
Dwarf Warlock
yes. i remember playing in deadmines with 10 people.
it took me like 2-3 months to get to 60
getting ashkandi as a warrior with rank 13 pvp gear and the crown of destruction, and going to level up weapon skills in gnomeragan, only to miss agaisnt critters in the way
been playing wow for too many years now. ive completed every dungeon and raid up until bfa. cant bring myself to do the same fucking shit. pandaria, wod, legion and bfa feels like the same shit. so fucking boring. only played those expansions because i had fun playing with my father, brother and friends. but no more
it won't be popular at all, what are you smoking?
WoW is a terrible game to watch
the only time it's pulling viewers is when Method stream their world first "race" or when popular streamers like Asmongold/Soda are streaming and people don't watch them for their wow gameplay
regular raiding or pvp gets pretty much no views
If you know what you want to play just play it you slut
That won't be a reliable figure to go on. Everyone who plays retail gets classic for free since they're already paying the sub, plus you get new people subbing just for classic.
Nah fucker. Here's your pvp shenanigans build
so fucking stupid
well a single druid can easily do the buffing without a problem. and since it's only one person, he wont be able to just ignore buffing and hope that some of the other druids will do it instead. which is what happens for priests and mages.
See this what do?
I started in cata but ive always wanted to play vanilla. I remember when i was a kid i would watch my uncle play so when i finally joined all i could think is "what the hell is all this shit"
>tfw devouring plague is only lv 20
Gonna be dope. Is/was Discipline a viable spec in vanilla? I'm sure i'll go shadow but for some reason I'm tempted by disc
You say that til you earth shock a mage for half his health while he tries to polymorph you, then do it again when he tries it again.
Everyone expects stormstrike. They never see the shock nukes coming
Vanilla priests can roll any which way, which is nice.
disc is the spec in pve, you want every priest with pi. in fact shadow is ass unless you’re holyweaving for the warlocks. pvp is where you owN
Any spec is viable for levelling as long as you take wand spec in disc and spirit tap + imp swp in shadow because those will be your bread and butter when killing things even if you're 40+ and shadowspec. Troll shadow priest is unironically better when geared though
its fine for pvp if you dont want to melt faces as shadow
time to go home!
Let's roll~
Man I can't wait for Alliance to remember how annoying Earthshock is.
Imo, Disc was the best for healing vanilla. Your throughput wasn't as high but you had lasting power, and on horde that was much more important without paladins for wisdom.
What makes spriest so good in pvp? They just seem like a warlock with fewer buttons.
I hope they decide to put the Corrupted Blood bug back in for a day or two. That shit would be fun.
That's good to know
dispel and bubble, instant fearbomb, mindflay/dots and blackout
Damn Paladin specs are kinda boring. There's not that many options
Just get all the Ret talents
Get Reckoning, and the talents that make you take less damage i guess
Put all your points on Holy but also remember to pick up Blessing of Kings.
Honestly I can't fucking wait for the day that all of you retards born in the 90s finally realize that there's nothing that will cure your unhappiness. Classic WoW and other nostalgic things won't fix what's truly wrong. The only thing that will fix you and your life is finding a true purpose to live for. Not memes. Not video games. A true purpose to your life. Until then, you'll continue to delude yourselves that there's nothing wrong and you're just bored and need some new video game in your life.
Plague+Pain+Mind Flay meant you were doing huge dps with self heal and a slow on the target. They get close and you fear them then do it again. Take into account you're proccing blackouts and shielding yourself... it's strong.
I win.
Amen brother
Pick one subhuman
>new orgrimmar
Nope I'm not a bot. Just a Vanilla loving Chadbro.
Holy is important when you first start raiding since it's more difficult to keep up with the demands of the fights, but you're right, once you and the tanks have earned a decent set of gear there's no reason not to go PI and charge casters 50 gold per fight.
>Totally not projecting, nope.
No one asked you. Go Jack off to Smash
Good point I didn't even notice. I wonder what's going on in that image then.
Still on the fence about Priest or Mage.
Today I feel more like mage...
Devouring plage is really good but is literally useless against 25% of the alliance, on top of costing a fuck ton of mana on an already starved mana class. Shadowguard procs blackout and crits for 700-800~ in t2.5. It's strong as fuck, counter's rogues/warriors really hard and trolls actually have a better match up vs. paladins because of hex of weakness. Undead priests are the biggest meme because you'll still lose to any half brained warlock in 1v1, so wotf is fucking useless, on top of that there are already a lot less alliance warlocks because half the horde is dindus who think wotf is the best thing in existence (its not orc racial is better).
Virulent Plague.
I got elected to be the healer for my faggot friends this time since I work from home and can be on the most. I was a mage in Vanilla so I got no clue about the healers back then.
Can druids heal 5 mans ok? I know they're an innervate and brez bot in raids, at least at first.
I hear pally is the spam heal healer with good sustain, and priest is the "best" healer, with solid AoE heals but a lot of downranking required and a bit rougher mana management? Does that sound about right?
>t. born on december 31st 1989
Warlock is the most similar class to Death Knight?
>people wanting to play a game is trying to fill a void in life
those poor poor OSRS guys! Try projecting less, you fucking waste of life.
Don't listen to these cucks. They just want more players to troll on their shit PvP realms. No serious player does wpvp and no one raids just to have PvP gear. All that wpvp accomplished was wasting the time of other players who were just trying to play the game and level. Play Alliance on a pve realm and disregard all subhuman Horde scum.
Ayyyyy ud rogue please
just play ud rogue
This is fake news horde scum propaganda. PvP is not half or even 10% of the game. It's one very optional aspect of the game and adds zero value to your time played or gaming experience. It's just an excuse for autists to shit on others and try to ruin their experience for their own incel satisfaction. Fuck you and fuck anyone condoning world PvP. Keep that shit in instanced bgs where it belongs. Also stay off my board.
Roll nigger roll!
It's okay. You guys will eventually kill yourselves once reality sets in. Try to have fun until then.
Two of my buddies and I am jumping back in with classic. we will be playing
>shadow priest
>Prot warrior (me)
>demo lock
I know the priest would be more desirable if he healed but he isn’t going to budge and I think that should be fine. How shit are we?
More propaganda from incels who are waiting to fuck with others who actually get to have sex. You are pathetic and should just kill yourself already.
How fucked am I if I want to be an Alliance warlock on a pvp server considering the absolute glut of UD rogues that there assuredly will be?
I'll probably go human so I'll least have detection. Maybe gnome would be better?
rolling for troll
I have a lot of fun in wpvp, if you don't tand would rather play on a carebear server that's completely fine
The fuck out of my thread. This is for Alliance only fucko.
private servers already exist, retard. Sounds like you're pretty close to that tranny 40%, yourself. Please, go through with it.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Thanks, i will.
How do you people even have time to play classic nowadays? Assuming you were young at the time vanilla was a thing, don't you have responsibilities and shit like that?
Maybe because it would require you to also be part of the Muslim Horde shitskin filth. Get the fuck out of my thread. Based Alliance only fucko. Shoes required to post.
why would he not heal and just collect DPS gear as well? That's what I tell people. I remember back then even with other clothies I was able to collect the gear they didn't need and it was fine.
Most people here are either children or manchildren. They have no responsibilities other than not pissing mommy and daddy off.
Don't know about you but i have endless time, you don't need much money to live a frugal life, so i work very little. The rest of the time i'm working out, or doomerposting about society's future.,
why is gaming your hobby if you have no time for it?
Why do people watch Netflix 6 hours a night?
Who the fuck even cares? I work 40-60 hours a week, and I'll play when I can. I'll never beat the NEETs or streamers, but whatever. Why does what other people do affect me at all?
No, it's just the only satisfaction your pathetic incel ass can ever find. Try actually not being a snotty entitled alt-right conservicuck piece of shit and you may be able to have sex some time. I mean it's doubtful since you are obviously such a disgusting piece of subhuman shit, but worth a try.
Yeah, but I still have plenty of free time to farm gold for consumes each week, raid, do BG weekends. I might miss a raid here and there, have to drop out an hour early to sleep, or miss an hour or two of sleep a week, but none of that is a big deal.
He probably will once we start after he sees how convenient it is only having to pick up dps for dungeons.
I played a Gnome lock on actual retail, it was fine. Death Coil and grenades are enough CC to fuck up Rogues.
so wrong
Shadow priests can heal all the way through the leveling process just fine, there's really no reason not to go shadow to level. Endgame is a different story, you might want 1 spriest in a raid but that's it.
>implying lib white knights are ever having sex
that's what led you into being a white knight in the first place lmao
Nice counter, you win
This is why I hope they don't roll out any PvP servers. I hope they fuck every single one of you ganking pieces of shit over in every way possible. Eat shit you fucking faggot.
you could use this argument with just about any hobby out there. it's really not that difficult to fathom, most people will just play a few hours after work/school.
you could look at any talent calc even if you've NEVER played vanilla and see how you're wrong
Get out of my thread. This is for Alliance only.Kill yourself
guys my hemorrhoids are flaring up
how do I get rid of this before classic
guess I have no choice, huh? That's my only gripe about vanilla, it's engineering or bust for PVP
What's the best weapon enchant to get to speed up leveling?
I know, you're right you won, there's no point in debating you.
No Horde permitted. Leave now.
eat healthy, exercise every day, stop fapping so much
I'll play Horde as long as it's classic. But if decide to make BTC/WotLK servers I'm going to alliance for reasons.
This gonna be my solo character
+30 spell power on a skinning knife so you can use it at level 1 and trade it when you're finished levelling.
There is no defending being a dick and harrassing innocent players minding their own business. Just because you feel completely inadequate and have a microdock that's doesn't justify fucking over other people. Just kill yourselves.
rolling de lads
they see me rollin'
I'm not going to play this game lol
In times of war the laws fall silent, friendo
So you are retarded? I'd that it?
For casters especially.
You can play on a pvp server without harassing people minding their own business. I've played on PvP servers since 2005 but I've never gone and harassed anyone lower level than me who were minding their own business.
Seething retailcuck detected.
you are such a fucking retard
piss off
here's a standard pve disc spec
you can change some shit around
martyrdom is nice to have if you get ganked on your way to raid
here's a pve holy spec
notice anything, fuckface?
I don't know why you're getting so defensive when I admit you're smarter than me.
>t wrathbabby
>It's another "dadgamer feels entitled to being competitive while only being able to play 1 hour per day after prepping Jamal and putting LeShawn to bed" episode
Yes I would rather remove ALL world PvP completely. PvP belongs in instanced bgs ONLY! I know you Hordecuck niggers are stupid but try to strain your pathetic excuse for a brain and actually UNDERSTAND that no one but a stupid fucking nigger wants wpvp at all. Just go fuck yourself since you won't ever get sex any other way.
I tip my fedora to you, m'lord
current WoW isn't WoW at all. It's fucking awful.
Play Destiny 2, as long as you aren't an Xbox cuck, in that case kill yourself
Let's see it
Why would you recommend such a dogshit game?
Yeah! And they should bring in arenas while they're at it
>martyrdom is nice to have if you get ganked on your way to raid
You don't bring PvP specs to raid you retard. Especially not as a healer. You get ganked on your way to raid, and it takes what, 5 minutes? Then you go into a raid and underperform for 6 hours to save 5 minutes? You shouldn't be getting ganked on your way to raids anyway, since you shouldn't be running to them alone.
you horde fags better watch the fuck out
It's funny that you mention that on a Shaman, as far as I can tell, most of them don't get their last tree talent (if they raid).
>You don't bring PvP specs to raid you retard. Especially not as a healer.
it's free talent points you absolute mong
you should never have threat issues as a healer in a raid
>It's one very optional aspect of the game and adds zero value to your time played or gaming experience
You best be joking. I'm going hard PvE but I'll enjoy blowing people up with my epics all the same. Can't wait to play PvP police and shit on gankers across the zones.
you clearly dont know what you're talking about
Cry harder
You're first
user, you dont understand how fucking easy vanilla raids are
You could practically heal them with all points in ret or prot
>It's another "I'm literally 28 but act like a 14 year old isn't cucking so funny xd" episode
It's time to grow up and to stop being a disappointment to mommy and daddy Billy.
They won't matter as much as people make it out to be unless you want to get in that 1% guild. That said, even those guys aren't playing 100% optimal combos all the time.
whoa whoa, easy there buddy. i just wanted this mithril node. not my fault i caught you at level 30 trying to quest in a level 30 zone. next time maybe think twice before stepping outside of that cute little castle of yours.
That's not why you can afford to bring sub-par healing specs to raids. Healing specs in Classic just don't have that much benefit to healing done.
did you just reply to your own post, kidsabeast? that's very cringe
I didn't get my own account until like March of 2005, but I played on my friends account at his house and we'd switch off between playing Ratchet and Clank and Warcraft.
>1hr 29mins
>the hardest content in vanilla
The world first race for Uu'nat is still happening right now an entire week after the release of the raid. If anyone thinks vanilla WoW is harder than current day they are retarded.
>t. Retail babby
A lot of guilds will bring whatever. The raids were designed for you to be able to carry a good chunk of the 40 as absolute dead weight.
I checked the WoW forums and there seems to be guilds recruiting that say they'll take non-optimal specs.
I think Naxx is really the only place where that will change.
I don't know who that is. I haven't played since Cataclysm
>they're not including the version of AV with korrak in it
not gonna lie, I'm pretty fucking mad.
I did but I was a fuckup who didn't see any raids other than ZG, AQ20 (first boss only) and Onyxia.
Strange question. That's like asking is Druid is most similar to Hunter.
Lol mods are fucking fags. Got a warning but couldnt even see what post it was for. I'm almost certain it was from one telling you shills that I hide classic wow threads. Absolutely pathetic
Lmao biggest faggot in the thread award goes to you
This is probably the worst part about classic currently. Original AV was the best AV.
Yup, no screenshots and my account isn't activated so I don't see my dude on armory, but I have vanilla PVP titles.
My best friend from high school/college was my server's Grand Marshall. He's married now and fosters kids so he can't play but all the rest of us are coming back.
A lawyer, a doctor, a mortgage dude,a computer tech, and others. A very motley crew and we can't all play a lot, but everyone is hyped.
Vanilla naxx took 6 months and only 24 guilds cleared it
I started jan 2006, NE druid, was 11 years old
kek someone got ELVUI working in classic beta. i guarantee things like weakauras and DBM will be used.
The wait is killing me, they really need to give a release date already.
I'm currentlyplaying that ascension pserver, the one where you get random skills as you level up. It's sorta fun, a nice way to kill some time. How you are you lads filling your time until release?
>the time I POM pyro'd a grounding totem
lessons were learned
Played war all time from first thunderfury and clears of mc/bwl/naxx as mt and dps and got HWL. Literally lived in WoW. Did multiglad and rank 1 in s8 and which was wizard season and had my own guild. Think Ill play Spriest this time very casually fuck doing so much effort for something I already had.
in terms of lore, maybe, but playstyle-wise warlock plays nothing like a dk. for that you probably want a warrior. build rage/rp to use abilities, big melee hits, bleeds for dots instead of diseases, and heavy armor.
I have two of the most important exams of my life in less than 24 hours, and all i keep doing is f5ing forums
>get warned for being a retard
>come into the thread to try again
Glad you are so dedicated to letting people know you don't care about Classic.
Current WoW is a better hamster wheel but a worse game. Choose what you like, brother (and by brother, I mean never my brother)
That's because back than everyone was fucking terrible. If you take a look at current year 2019 and all the private server players every guild clears Naxx with little difficulty.
Also the next expansion was announced when Naxx opened up so no guild gave a shit since gear would be reset.
Educate yourself.
what are you taking, user?
Based christian chadadin
Am I being autistic by waiting about three months or so before starting? That way there will be 60s already and it will like the time I started roughly 6 months after launch.
stay mad
signal processing
These rows were added to the bottom of the CDN for the Classic WoW Beta last Build.
Yeah those addons are necessary for your 2 button rotations and 0-1 boss mechanics.
If you're having difficulty leveling up as a Holy Priest, I would consider suicide or at the very least that you try develop half a spark of lucidity.
This friday release date and beta announcement. May hype. Beta will start early June and last 2 weeks, beta ends June 18th. June hype. Servers launch July 16th.
Did you miss the part it didnt show the post just gave me an error. Maybe I could avoid posting low quality again if I could see what I got warned for :^]
>the average player is better today meme
crucible is only taking a week because it’s not completely figured out yet just like naxx in vanilla and you’re comparing it to a speed run on private servers with inaccuracies and everything solved and everyone geared out already. think you require education zoomer
I work so much now I wont have the time for classic bros
Fiery Letter Opener
Worn out Staff of Spellpower
Shortsword of Lifestealing
Skinning Knife wont let you Special in the MH so just use an unbound lvl1/2 white
azeroth, alliance, home.
God that looks like dog shit
>all the private server
Look, shut the fuck up you idiots. How many times do you have to be told that private servers are literally nothing like vanilla servers were. Private servers are pure guesswork about formulas and calculations, they don't have any idea how shit actually worked. Private server content is easier than vanilla ever was because of this. Bosses have basically no armour on any private server, because every armour debuff stacks additively cause they don't know how it worked and just implemented it that way cause they couldn't work out how it was done.
Raids are going to be more difficult than on private servers because all the game mechanics will actually be working correctly for the first time in a decade odd.
And believe it or not, gear gates a lot of your fucking progression when things are working correctly. People were not as terrible as you retards think they were, there were still some guilds out there playing as well as they do today. God private servers were a mistake, they spawned so many fucking idiots who talk like they know a goddamn thing
do you work 16 hours a day? probably not. youre just a dumb normie who lets his gf and friend circle dictate all his free time like a cuck
If you're going to shitpost at least make it good.
>you need to play all the time meme
people didn't play all the time back then either user, plenty of people played whilst they worked, not like you have to be online all day every day unless you're trying to rank 14 lad, you can still chill and play a bit dw bout it
>saved up a bunch of vacation time for classic launch
>now it looks like I might be getting a new job
>all that vacation time gone
>have to deal with all the other wage slaves leveling now
God damn it why does middle management have to be so fucking incompetent
Private servers are actually harder than classic to inflate player time.
>not remembering the forums posts back in classic where people claimed to go to school full time, work full time, have a gf and still raid.
Yeah, having friends and a girlfriend is really cuck material. Playing classic wow for 40 hours a week? Truly based and not sad or pathetic at all.
You seem riled up. Private servers are faithful adaptions and once played you realize classic was a shitty game. Have fun with one month before the pop is dead and people move on
might be easier to just stop being a retarded dipshit. would probably cover most of your bases that way (^:
>no argument
>Started as a teen as dps
>Then moved to tanking
Finally i'm going into Classic as a healer - why can't other MMOs get the trinity right?
The psychology behind your preferred role must be interesting
>You think you do, but you don't.
>Classic is coming!!!
>Yea Forums acts like a bunch of basedboys over it
>3 months into classic being released and it's dead
This timeline and the shitposting from it is gonna be G O O D
Theres nothing cucked about having a gf or friends, but if youre sitting there wishing you "had the time" to play a fucking casual mmo, then yes you are cucked because youre too much of a loser to tell your peers and SO "hey this thing is important to me and i'd like to spend a couple hours a night playing it"
Saving vacation time for a video game. Shiggy fucking diggy.
>Finally i'm going into Classic as a healer
lmao enjoy being oom and fucking up constantly
>source; my asshole
They're easier simply because they don't know how any mechanics worked and they just fucking guess and implement the easiest way. Half the mobs in the world don't even have the abilities they had in vanilla user. youtube.com
Here's a video that will explain just a fraction of the differences.
Then why are you here faggot? If it was a shitty game, leave, don't play it, easy. Stay on your private servers and leave the rest of us to enjoy the game actually working correctly :^)
private servers have all literally admitted they're not faithful adaptations when it comes to formulas and all the behind the scenes shit
RNG pls
yeah thats right , you should be spending 1000s of dollars on beach resorts! pay my mortage on the condo i bought!!!!!
I think the mods are a bit biased on this one. My posts are never retarded or low quality :>]
n-n-n-no, you'll see....classic will make so much money...literally millions will abandon retail and play classic....retail will die....everyone will play classic....n-no....you are delusional....
Honestly I want Elvui, it's nice not having bars cover your entire screen. I only show what I use and it clears so much space and also the mouseover feature is great. I would also love Opie to work so I could bind all utility skills to one keybind like I normally do
>They're easier simply because they don't know how any mechanics worked and they just fucking guess and implement the easiest way.
Nostbabies are the worst. You can also see how they thing they're good because their warrior breaks the DPS records in servers without glancing blows and bugged rage generation.
The first yes.
The second only until i git gud
The hardest choice is priest or shaman
The early levels are so fast it basically doesn't matter. SP knife and runspeed spider silk boots are nice.
The shitposting will be pretty epic whether Classic is a success or not and whether anons like it or not. Honestly I don't think the quality of the game has anything to do with the response there will be.
rollingg xD
Nah, retail needs to stay as paypiggies with their cash shop mounts to fund the Classic Chad experience.
>nostalrius used progressive itemization system to make raids as difficult as possible
>within 2 weeks of BWL releasing on nostalrius 20 guilds cleared it
>blizz will be using the default values of resist, armor, hp, parry chance not like the inflated values that are in Nost
>on private servers all people do at end game is compare CLEAR times
>it comes down to a shitty speed running true end game
I guarantee you that good guilds will be clearing NEWLY released raids on day one. BWL release on Nost less than 10 minutes separated the server first kill form the 2nd kill. Games a joke.
While the way he said it might not be 100% correct he's right in his message. If you wanna do something then do it, letting other dictate how you use your free time is not a good thing
>read youtube comment on vid about classic
>reee its not exploited already as long as you have fun, for example you can raid with a BM hunter, becaus eif you are good enough you can make it work
Can't wait for that 3 month lifespan and a shitton of retards rerolling to a press 1 class.
>he thinks newly released raids won't be cleared day one
Let him do what he wants, faggot
i miss the roleplaying in early vanilla the most. there didn't really exist any consensus on how to actually roleplay within an MMO back then. so you had people doing all kinds of stuff, running storylines like they were DMs and advertising for them in trade chat.
Nowadays it's nothing but cliques and roleplaying addons and people wanking off to their own characters.
>Go in a video game thread on Yea Forums that isn't Smash
>"Wow playing a game from 15 years ago? Really sad, youre living in the past, didnt you guys see the new smash is out? Seriously you guys should be buying and playing the latest franchise installments every year. Playing a game from the past? What a waste!"
I dont even know why i continue to hurt myself, by coming to this normie and tranny infested shithole of a board.
fucking captcha
Ok I'm out man children. Back to your circle jerk cuties. I got dibs on the soggy bun when you all finish
Everything you said here is demonstrably false. There is zero immersiveness in wpvp. Having some asshole who is 30 levels above you gank and corpse camp you is the most immersion breaking thing possible. Stop trying to defend your idiotic opinion with even more moronic bullshit. You. Are. Pathetic.
>all these private server autists with ZERO charisma who think they can cash in on the vanilal hype like Esfand did
Normies get extremely triggered if they see youre having fun. Theyre usually caught up in jobs they hate, relationships they hate, have frenemies they hate. So if see you actually enjoying your life they immediately pounce, because theyre really autistic and basically hate fun
if anything, classic will be even less faithful to vanilla than pservers
Resetera trannies please go
Because he wants to play and is limited on time. Having a real life does not justify fucking over other players for no reason which is all wpvp is. You can not dispute this, ganking lower levels is nothing other than an incel power trip motivated by sexual frustration and anger at women for seeing through your bullshit.
>knowing streamers by name
>knowing enough about a streamer to know of their personality
you need to go back
Play ESO if you need a fix for mmos
But I suggest you just wait for classic
Are you blind motherfucker? Are you mentally retarded? See: For 2 examples out of hundreds upon hundreds. Private servers are not comparable to how the game was, stop being a fucking dense nigger cause you're desperate to feel like you're better than players from 15 years ago. The unfortunate fact is: you're not, you're just the same as they were back then and will be again.
They won't be, you idiots have been brain damaged by private servers. Listen to this dumb video lol
>private servers
>on private servers tho
>but private servers
Your. mechanics. do. not. work. correctly. Your. formulas. are. wildly. inaccurate. Accept this lads.
Also this guy is a fucking moron. Speedrunning is never going to take off in wow, nobody is going to watch it, very few are going to do it, imagine believing otherwise.
reddit is calling, buddy
And why is that? You think they're going to not know how their mechanics and formulas worked and just use private server data and guesswork too? Highly unlikely.
Get the fuck out of my thread. Horde are not welcome.
But glancing blows are in Nost you dummy
>You. Are. Pathetic.
Stop this shit. Capitalizing every word, typing out pauses, using literally literally everywhere, and all that other stupid horseshit. It just makes you look like a pompous idiot. Piss off.
>the twitch kid is telling me to go to reddit
what the fuck is going on
>Private servers are not comparable to how the game was
>Your. formulas. are. wildly. inaccurate.
Not that guy but can you give any proof of this at all or any examples of how the formulas are wrong? Or are you just repeating this because you heard it from some random guy?
At this point I'm pretty convinced it's coming in August.
They can easily tank every 5-man, and early raids are possible because they're piss easy. Learn to manage your mana and you can enjoy some pretty crazy threat gen.
it will be 7.3.5 patch with restrictions
wtf did you write this about me
I live in Florida, Disney, Universal, and the beaches get boring after a while. Having fun with some friends who were planning on taking time off was going to be a blast.
they're dogshit, arguably worse than Spriests
Classic wow clown world. Welcome my fellow redditor
dailies are pure cancer. its an insanely stupid way to time gate content. anything that punishes neckbeards for poopsocking is bad game design of the highest caliber
I linked a video going over a bunch of issues they know about.
The very people who make and run your private servers != "some random guy", they straight up admit their lack of knowledge and what they did as guesswork themselves
Keep succubus out, and bait out their wotf with an early fear, then seduce them while you let your fear cooldown. wotf is a 2 minute cooldown.
They're better than Prot Paladins
I was born in '81. When vanilla launched I was already a man grown. I've played since '05 and I am stoked for Classic. It's not just nostalgia, though nostalgia is a small part of it. It's being sick of the dumbed down hyper-casual changes and all the added bullshit like LFR that killed the social aspect. It was better when we had to build dungeon groups by spamming trade chat in Stormwind. We had to actually travel through the game world to get to the dungeons, getting into trouble along the way. It was more of an actual adventure. It made the game world feel alive and immersive. Same with having to actually read the quest text and figure out where to go and what to do. It made each quest more engaging and fulfilling. Professions took fucking effort and actually had an impact. Having to journey across the world to seek a weapon master to teach you how to use a new weapon was awesome. It felt like being in one of those old stories where the hero has to be trained by the reclusive master. Vanilla was full of awesome experiences like that, retail just dumps everything on you with no effort required. You can almost play levels 15-120 just in off from your capital city with lfg. It's shit. There's a totally different experience for classic vs the live client, to the point that it is truly a different game altogether than retail.
This guy is probably a dumb normie who spends 8 hours a day on his phone and thinks playing classic for 4 hours a day is the most supreme level of neckbeardery ever
Yea Forums is full of these mid20-mid30s normalfag $0yboys who literally hate video games, yet all they do is shitpost here, calling anyone who plays games a loser. fucking mental
wotf doesnt apply to mortal coil. you bait out wotf then hit them with mortal coil.
not really, a pal could be useful to tank AoE trash if your real tank's force reactive disk is broken
a shaman "tank" is never anything but a detriment
>be chief engineer at my job
>play at job if shit isnt hitting the fan
>play an hour or two at night
>play evenings on weekends
Even with a full time job and a wife i can still find time
GW1 is infinitely better
>It felt like being in one of those old stories where the hero has to be trained by the reclusive master
>tfw finding all those out of the way enchanting trainers
*vanishes you're ded coil*
he he... looks like I win... again
yes some things were guessed but most of the stuff didn't just disappear from the original client lol. for the guess work they spent hours watching old vanilla videos and estimating the correct proc rates etc. armor values are def not 100% accurate but I heard somewhere that retail beta had lower values than what is in private servers.
I'm talking about 5-mans and UBRS, both are equally dogshit for raids.
If the video you linked are the tips out video then I don't know what to say, that guy knows absolutely nothing about the game
I watched that video but couldn't find any proof to anything he said. He said, for example, that ironfoe proc rate would be lower than it was on private servers. But how does he know? And how is it possible that he knows what the proc rate actually is and that every other private server doesn't? And if he knows these things, how can't he specify what the proc rate is?
Right now forums and tips out and others are sitting around saying "private servers are easier" but nobody can provide any proof of this whatsoever. It's just mental masturbation so you don't have to accept the fact that people who played priv servers played the real thing.
Inb4 "you don't want to accept that your priv server was easy" but the server i played on was feenix where bosses had 3x hp and increased damage
I understand why tips out is so successful now, it's because he knows what people wants to hear and he says it, and since most people don't know he is just making stuff up it works
Until you can provide proof of private servers being easier than retail this discussion is dead though
>comfy home thread turned into a "YOUR LIFE IS MEANINGLESS AND WORTHLESS AHHHH BE MISERABLE AS ME" cunt spouting things
Yikes dude
People get in relationships with high maintenence gfs who demand they go out to eat 5 times a week, and constantly make them do things together, and then these guys mental gymnastics their way from "Im being sucked dry of all my money and free time" to "HURR DURR IM AN ADULT I DONT HAVE FREE TIME ANYMORE"
Its sad b/c you cant even tell them theyre being retarded, they just accuse you of being a virgin or incel or something
>those out of the way enchanting trainers
The last one on Uldaman was pure bullshit. But thanks to Nostbabies and their "true classic experience" you'll have Enchanting trainers in every city. Isn't 1.12 great and totally replicates the real thing?
So, dungeons. Yeah, shadowpriests can tank those. And Onyxia. Doesn't mean it's ever a good idea.
agreed. good thing the big meanies won't be able to hurt us on pve servers like they did in high school...
We'll be there! Can't wait
what is global cooldown?
>paying 15 bucks a month to play a 15 year old game
thats a yikearoonies from me
You just gotta be careful, one of the tricks to vanilla healing was not keeping people topped off on health and knowing when to heal them so they get the most juice out of your one spell.
I have a wife and a GF. Lol. Plus just started fucking a slut at the office
wotf immunes charm effects
Reminder to not reply to and filter goatfags and barbiegays
>The last one on Uldaman was pure bullshit
Yeah, that was a bit excessive. Was thinking more the little hideout in stonetalon, or the one in Teldrassil(not great, but had an impact being so early on)
warlock trainers are cool, too
Not him but the burden of proff is on your side, you annoying Nostbabies. First prove your pserver is 100% blizzlike, then we talk.
Fuck it
>the industry is so bad that nothing has surpassed a 15 year old game
It's a game people pay money to play. When you gank them it's basically staling form them. You are a piece of shit.
They're proper functional dungeon tanks though whereas Spriest tanking is forced, I don't see why that's so hard to understand.
let's see how that works out for you
I've never played WoW
God I hate doing this every thread but here's a fucking reminder
Destiny 2 is fucking amazing. What are you on about?
>playing alliance
Jokes aside, they took more care about these details on the Alliance side. Stuff like Warlock trainers hiding around was pretty nice.
there are literally thousands of games that are better then wow. just now mmo's because mmo's are a dead genre
>not logging in a few times a month to retail just to play the auction house
My subscription pays for itself. Get fucked monogamists
the order of events is:
1) rogue opens on you
2a) if he opened with cheap shot, wait a second
2b) give him the SUCC (seduce w/ succubus)
3) rogue pops WOTF
4a) hopefully you're not stunlocked at this point
4b) cast death coil
5) run away and DOT the sumbitch
The early alliance areas have a lot of work put into them and it shows. I like Horde, but it can be a slog to get started.
>help officer, someone's assaulting me online!
Not saying that, but the entire concept of a PvP server is dogshit. If you want to PvP you should be in a containment area. We don't need that shit when just trying to play the fucking game. There is no justification for interfering with another player's experience in that way.
The most time consuming part of wow is leveling. Once you hit 60 and have prebis you can raid any day of the week assuming your guild isnt bad or EU/US mix, and even then you have weekend raiding.
Never played on nost
Also the burden of proof is not on me, people on private servers never said anything except "the game resembles how it was back in 2005/2006". Then a bunch of kids said "it's much easier on priv servers" with no proof whatsoever. I agree, there are some (very small) differences between priv servs and retail (everybody agrees here), but why would priv server be easier, they might as well be harder?
Until you provide any proof that the differences are that priv servers are easier as opposed to harder there is nothing to discuss, it's just empty talk from people wishing that priv servers aren't the real game
Regardless, I think it says a lot that the people who are arguing that "the game is so different on priv servers that you can't even compare the games" aren't able to give a single example of that being the case
after 2007, AAA studios stopped trying to make good games and started trying to make as much money as possible as cheaply as possible
which means making flashy, shallow garbage for 90 iq impulsive retards
Christmas 2004.
Not joking at all. PvP has zero place in the open world. It should only ever be possible in an instanced battleground. Period. No discussion.
>We don't need that shit when just trying to play the fucking game.
pvp is playing the game tho
Sprint? Unless you are Affliction with Amp CoEx
trinket, blind succubus, sprint->gouge->prep->kidney kill lock
I have no idea what your definitions for "proper, functional tanks" or "forced tanks" are, but no. They're both dogshit, and they're both used for the same reason: fuck it, it's been hours and we still haven't found a tank. They've similar mitigation, similar threat gen, and they're both similarly fucking retarded.
Not crying just pointing out that only a real piece of shit would ever engage in world PvP. Have sex.
vanilla wow is nowhere as near hardcore as these fucktards believe it.
I said this many times and I say it again: there are two versions of the game:
The one which lives in people's head
The actual one
There will be a fuckhuge drop in sub numbers within 2 months, I assume a good 50% of playerbase will leave.
well clinging on a 14 years old game is pretty miserable
Classic should be vanilla but with draenei
I've played since vanilla in 05. Keep shitposting zoomercuck.
>World of warcraft
>of warcraft
>But take the war out of the world, thanks
Female troll 0/22/29 totem twister
PvP is great because it breaks up the monotony of levelling. Without it the game is just a stale cycle of fetch-quests and mob grinding, having the tension that you could be ganked or gank someone at any moment is what made Vanilla great since world PvP is so inconsistent that it always provides a unique experience.
I'm pretty sure the only faggots here are you Hordecuck pvptards. It must be absolutely miserable being you. Imagine your only joy in life being picking fights with people so underleveled that's it's the equivalent of curb stomping a two year old. Yeah, pretty sure that's the most faggot move one could pull.
How on earth do Spriests have similar mitigation and threat gen? You have no fucking avoidance on one either, whereas a Shaman has access to agility gear, dodge/block talents and Parry. What can Spriests do that matches Rockbiter and Earth Shock in generating threat?
Not that guy but Mind blast is big threat
How were professions in vanilla? Do all of them give you some sort of advantage and all end up being about equal? Or are some more useful than others?
As long as he down ranks healing is piss easy. Its mainly knowing when to heal and which spell to use. If I have to solo heal a tank on something like garr I will do tiny heals at first then maybe switch to a hots while kepping the tiny heals up or just using moderate heals the whole time. It all depends on your tank/ who you are healing. Priest has the most tools to fuck around with healing wise but shaman/pally are invaluable due to their buffs. I cant wait to farm gold in dme using a discipline build with holy nova once it comes out.
I'm all in for an alliance warlock, but which talent to go when leveling and endgame. Assuming you fight against someone your level is affliction really that good? Everyone says go affli, but I never found it very pleasing, its not only boring as fuck to level but you'll never kill any other player with it pre 60.
pve servers don't get to have opinions, they are playing against retarded ai for years why even read their posts
If you spec soul link, no one can ever kill you
>Can't decide between Troll or Dwarf Warrior
What do I do
Engineering #1
the rest are possible streams of revenue
Surely it's got to be Blizzard viral marketing Classic and not one of the 7 million players who loved the game back then that asked for classic servers for years before finally getting them.
Basically none of them give any advantages
Except engineering, as there are a shitton of pvp items that are "requires engineering" that give you a slight edge (iron grenades being the most notable one)
Other than that professions should be used to make money as they are never "required" except for for example bloodvine set that gives +2% crit if you have all 3 pieces equipped and 300 tailoring
But no, pick whatever is fun or whatever you want to level with or something, they are there to make money from, not to boost your character
Enchanting is a big money drain btw, just as a warning
let's fuckin gooo
I never said is easier or harder, in fact my first sentence is saying I ian't that guy. My point, that still stands, is that you pservers babies are fucking annoying trying to post you pserver metagame as the "true thing" for vanilla.
I still don't understand the appeal.
Your toon from years ago took at least hundreds of hours to complete.
You're going to have to build one from the ground up again and the experience will be lessened because it won't be the first time you've done it. You'll know exactly what to go for and exactly what to expect and exactly what story a quest entails...
What's the point?
don't worry you'll be able to kill them in swamp of sorrows
Nope its just that popular
Also Vanilla is much more casual friendly than retail in this aspect, you don't have something you have to do every day or you will be forever behind.
No one thinks retail will completely die but it will eventually have a smaller player base than Classic. Eventually more and more retail players who played vanilla will move to Classic and invest their time there. Retail will not completely fall off hit it is going to dwindle below Classic. When Blizzard sees how badly their next expansion flops and how strong Classic is by then expect them to make some major design changes to retail to bring back some of those classic elements. They won't drop lfr or dungeon finder, but expect them to drop flying for that expansion entirely and make professions more important along with other changes. May even reimplement a version of the old talent trees and class structure. Might see them go back to making your entire toolkit available on all spec etc.
Whats the point of anything, fagget?
But erping is not the same without draenei
Roll me a good one.
dispel pet. nice 31 point talent. *tips anathema*
my biggest problem with a warlock was always how I can kill others easily with a mage but I found it 10 times harder as a warlock, especially pre60 alliance side. I simply don't feel as comfortable because I always feel like I'm not in control of the fight unlike a mage.
You can never go home again.
>drops 4 totems
You're fucking stupid. Salvation on the dps beats your shamans on every goddamn boss.
It doesnt really matter if tier gear isnt bis for druid. Its still good so even if he isnt bis hes still well geared and looks good to boot
Leveling you should get 5 points in affli (instant corruption), then go full destro
Endgame there are a few pvp specs I'd recommend, first the infamous Soul link / shadowburn spec that makes you invincible (but hurts your damage: classicdb.ch
Then you have my favourite: the modified SM/Ruin build (instead of Shadow mastery you get demonic embrace): classicdb.ch
And of course the full destro build (you can move some talent points here and there for personal preference): classicdb.ch
And if you want to be able to use any of these for pve as well (except the soul link build which is shit for pve) just switch 5 points in cataclysm for improved shadow bolt as it's a great talent in pve
These are all pvp builds, tell me if you want the pve builds
Saw now that you wanted pre-60 builds and for that I'd just recommend 5 (or 7) points in affli and rest in destro
Put your dress on retboy
>Having literally no actual counterargument so has to attack my superior written communication skill. So. Fucking. Sad.
Played the beta a bit, bought the game on release. I think every nostalgiafag is in for a rude awakening, since what they long for no longer exists. The sense of wonder, the communities, none of these will magically materialize just because it's classic WoW.
enjoy molten core and bwl lol
No one dispels soul link in a wpvp scenario, only happens in high level duels
Mind Blast works roughly the same as Earth Shock, but it has to be cast, so it reduces your avoidance to 0 and is subject to pushback. Shaman can often hold threat with nothing but Rockbiter autoattacks and a few downranked shocks. That guy has no idea how tanking actually works.
i dispel everything. i dispel squirrels in the wild. i dispel like it's my only job
>I ian't that guy
I understand that but your point is still bad
>trying to post you pserver metagame as the "true thing" for vanilla.
I don't see any change that would make the private server way of playing the game not the true way of playing the game
If you (or anybody) could point out one difference then we could argue it, otherwise assuming that the private server way of playing the game is not going to be effective is terrible logic
Odds human priest
Even troll shaman
It works by finding a warrior or druid and inviting them to your party.
Yeah you dont tank as spriest. They do some sick dps but the mana/threat issue hits em hard.
>still trying to shit the burden of proof
Which was also my firs post. You're going in circles, cakeboy. First you prove that pservers are blizzlike then we talk about the game.
Come in NE sub rogue
Yeah I don't disagree just wanted to add that to the conversation
Have a wonderful night my friend
I think he was trying to equate shaman tanking to an spriest trying to tank, when they're pretty obviously on different levels.