
This game is very hard

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my dick is very hard

your dick is very hard

Shota is for protecc not fug

Why do boys do this?

Do people on this board have such shitty eye-hand coordination that they call this game hard??? I struggled so hard in Bloodborne but this game is so fucking easy holy shit

There's no way my divine lord can be this cute!!

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Mine too, wanna sword fight?

post cute kuro

No it's not. It just has a steep learning curve.

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I love dominant shotas, it's my fetish.

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I hope you're a shinobi who knows to respect their master and followed the Iron Code Yea Forums

your master is the divine lord not owl

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What's that picture he's looking at? My eyes are too shit to read that tiny text.

I guess it's a picture of him bullying Wolf?

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Homosexuality turns men into pedophiles which is why they aren’t allowed to adopt.

Shotadom with a hung shota is patrician.

>this thread
>loyalty = homosexuality!

fujos need to be gassed.

>implying anyone ITT is female

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Reminder that Kuro is for PLATONIC LOVE and PROTECTION ONLY

It's called being horny faggot

Is this a boy or girl?

>It's called being a horny faggot
Fixed. Gas yourself turdburglar

Post the next part

too cute for this world

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Why do you niggers say this game is hard? I just beat this game after a 25-hour session with no interruption, I'm not even that good at video games. Didn't lose a life on the final boss either.

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>Sword Saint Isshin, NG+, Bell Demon, Charmless
this is a hell not meant for mortal men

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Hesitation is defeat

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I'm struggling as shit right now on his phase 2 on my first playthrough

>tfw stuck at guardian ape and monk illusion for days

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>finish the game
>decide to give NG+ a try
>Chained Ogre now one shots
no thanks

phase 2 is his hardest phase, almost no openings, weird delays on his spear attacks, and long combos.
phase 3 is almost a victory lap because it's phase 2 but he periodically throws a lightning move at you for free damage.

Do NG+, Bell Demon and Charmless change his moveset? If you fought him once you can definitely clear him without getting hit.

>guardian ape
1st phase : just wait for him to dive like a siren, jump and slash him 3 times. Just do this and avoid everything else
2nd phase : wait for the attack where he rise up to do his big slash, deflect it and use the spear to deal huge damage

>monk illusion
Just use the seeds and deflect her grasscutter attacks

Monk is easy just don't stop sprinting and punish it after it's 5 swing combo

Apes moves needs to be learned

That's what I'm guessing, I already planned to only do the 3rd phase with lightning reversal. I can't get past the 2nd phase tho

ara ara kuro-chan

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not getting hit is the hard part

If you haven’t played ng+ with demon bell and no kuro’s charm you played on easy mode

What a cute girl

I hate myself but I'm gonna save.

My plat says suck waterlogged headless dick.

it's a meme where kuro reprimands wolof and beats him on the head.

that was easier for me than the first playthrough desu

>female wolf

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oh is that what it was
couldn't even tell

i want to have sex with his feet

how to fight demon donkey kong and diddy in the depths


beat his girlfriend first

My mind's telling me no but my dick is telling me yes

did you lock on when mom came in to take the xbox controller?

So who gave the monkey guns? any canon explanation

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they stole them

The CIA so they'd kill each other

go to the depths first so you can avoid that fight. Firecracker brown monkey, it has much less health than white.

Looks like a boy to me.

because kuro is a boy

but if I fire cracker the brownie I cant use the mortal blade on the whitey

>boys can't be cute

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give me your SEED

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>using the mortal blade combat art
you're wasting emblems boy

Anone! Anone! B-boku wa G-Gyoubu-kun *trips* Waaaaaaaaah! itaiyo!

I'm at NG++ with bell but still keeping the charm, i ain't that good desu.

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it did tha big damage and I beat him with it

>boss literally turns into ash and blows away in the wind
>somehow comes back again
Did this bother anybody else?

>literally turns into ash and blows away in the wind
>somehow comes back again
That's just the plot of Avengers Endgame.

I killed it near the idol and saw a second red dot after I killed it and did the immortal execution thing so no


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I'm talking about after the first fight. You kill the ape in the valley and it just goes poof like the other bosses. Then you go to the Depths and it's just back again. It's just glaringly dumb video game shit.

is this japanese thing?

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I'm not nip and I got hard so probably not.

Damn Gyoubu has an elastic tummy

Uhhh I need more like this

>not into horses
>but giant dick and huge amount of cum
i'm conflicted

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Although japs are the ones who draw it most of the time

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Wait What!?!?

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Why do you faggots every single time keep sexualising every fucking common physical brotherhood family like bondship between any two same sex genders
I swear you people will be the downfall of society

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Spam firecrackers one after the other, you’ll posture break the brown ape after like 5-6

You mean lile every form of media does regardless of gender? you dense cunt

DSP finished this game, are you worse than DSP?

>Oh but they do it
>That means I can do it too
Fuck me, are you a 5 year old

Name 5 mainstream media outlets that promote pedophilia

Your goal post is way over here, user. Come back.

Are you a retard or something
The point was in direct retaliation and in no way me redirecting my goal you dense oversexuallised piece of filth
Learn some discipline and stop being a degenerate
Imaging being so depraved you sexualise kids or that you're so depraved you can't even distinguish between basic normal physical bonding that even animals display between one another, same genders even
It's not sexual...
Only mentally broken humans beings such as you are capable of such depravity
God help you

On my first playthrough Owl 2 is being a huge pain in the ass mostly because the fucking camera sucks and the lock on goes off if he goes behind a pillar for a .5 second

If you read this to the tune of an american hilly-billy song, doesn't sound nearly as mentally dysfunctional despite the formatting of your post, it's bretty neat

>having to kill owl daddy

fucking why

Bretty gud straw man your pulling there yourself

You don't exactly expect a serious conversation over this memery, I am hoping

Because you couldn't honestly respond at the truth so you went full jew mode

>for a .5 second

You're just bad. It takes almost 2 seconds for the lock-on to break behind cover.

Anything hollywood has ever put out
Good Morning America
The Catholic Church of Christ
Any kind of child fashion show or beauty pagaent that you can see on any major cable network.

So THAT's why my nose and my wallet synchronizedly engorged

cause hes a total dildo lmao

>the polygons on those rocks


good lord my dick

>when you enter NG+, give away the charm and realize you were playing easy-mode the whole time

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how do I git gud to kill genichiro

The archive doesn't want to load this one. Can someone repost it or post a link to it?

Hug him, deflect him and tell him he's a good boy.

>not playing with the bell demon as soon as possible

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Why is wolf so cute lads?

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You can still block everything with demon bell

Bell is ok, but no charm really forces you to change your playstyle massively

You can't blame others for not being able to separate reality from fiction, blame your own IQ.

Is the game supposed to be piss easy after Genichiro l?

because you're a homosexual

genichiro 1 represents a difficulty peak for that part of the game. but there is more to come that is more difficult.

Bait the roar out of the headless chump and wail on the other, once that's gone try and make headless do that massive overhead slam with the sword, when you deflect it it stuns him and you can get some easy hits in.
Rinse and repeat.

Git gud.

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Kuro is my cute transitioning little cinnamon roll and there's nothing you can do about it

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pederasts deserve death

>When user is perfectly pronounceable in Japanese
Please get out, ironic shitaboo

Imagine being this retarded. Fucking EOP.

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More like SeKino.

You need to watch a lot more anime son


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sekiro's difficult is mostly just around its steep learning curve. bosses sometimes feel brutal at first since they are fast/aggressive, but once you learn their movesets i feel like you "master" them even more than say in the souls games. some bosses are still tough in subsequent playthroughs for sure, but once you play through the game once 95% of the game/bosses become a cakewalk. you just have to get there first. my first playthrough was slow-ish, i had to try many bosses at least a dozen times, but i just got to sword saint on NG+ in like less than 3 hrs, and that includes re-fighting almost all minibosses along the way.

I died to Divine Dragon more than I did against Isshin.

is there one where you can see her whole body?

>I died to Divine Dragon more than I did against Isshin.

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Nope, there is a second version but it has words.

Divine Dragon does a lot more damage than Isshin.

oh, dang

Who was she anyways?

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My wife.