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Attached: bullshot.jpg (1872x1001, 210K)

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Who cares even sony bolonies dont want this game

whoa so this is the power of.... weather

wow video games look worse on release than they do in promotional bullshot promo footage, guess we should also start riots everytime someone orders a big mac and it doesnt look as appetizing as it does in the commercials

Don't you people get tired of these threads? its the same shit day in day out. No one is surprised, no one is upset. Isn't all this fake outrage exhausting?

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Game was upgraded

Attached: 1529374717705.jpg (1920x1080, 714K)

It is actually pretty good.

Weird how you point out rdr2 had bullshots and Yea Forums joins your hate filled circlejerk. Bring up botw bullshots though and wow, 200 replies of nuh UH!

is there a reason (lore wise) why all the zombies look the same or is it just laziness on the devs part?

It is a combination of both. In the lore they all have their skin turn pale and grim and lose their hair over time. Some still have a bit of hair left.

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because they're not zombies, they're freakers

oh okay thanks

Seriously. Graphics is one thing you shouldn't be knocking this game for.

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posting photo mode shit lmao

When has this not happened?

yeah knock it for having the motorcycle chain on the right side. and having the rear brake on that same side making this one of the hardest bikes to ever work on.

True. On top of that Bend being based in Oregon gives the game a level of authenticity that you can't really replicate. It's just so damn comfy.

isnt this just different times of day?

I love the game. Some of the missions and the AI suck ass, though.

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Nigga, it literally looks the same. I just don't like HUD.

Prove to me that this game has a difference between in-game and photomode.

It does have rough edges. A lot of the AO sucks. But on balance it's a great looker. FPS can tank hard on base ps4 though.

Yeah, weird how people don’t agree with you when you compare the 2014 reveal (which IS bullshot) to a compressed image of Link running on a flat rock texture in the final release and claim that it was MASSIVELY downgraded when it wasn’t and you’re just posting tired, 2 year-old cherrypicked bait.

The only thing you can tweak is color/contrast/brightness and focus. So you could technically make it a little prettier.

it's common sense, every game does it
and no it doesn't look the same in motion

but at what cost?

The game looks mediocre.

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botw is mediocre

Game is really fun. Melee combat is overpowered though. Just rushing an enemy while rolling at them to close range and killing them with a 1-2 is OP AF.

Shotgun? No problem I have a spiked bat.

Why do games that attempt a "realistic" graphical style all end up looking like the entire game world and everything in it was bleached in the sun now?

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what does that have to do with his post?

its the ponystation 30 fps "Movie" experience.

It is in some ways. I think it's greater than the sum of its parts, though.

damn Kojima looks like THAT?

Nah i have proven that HZD doesn't improve anything.

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I want to like this game. Fighting robot dinosaurs is cool. I can just never get into it. I dunno if it's Aloy or the boring ass NPCs or what. I also find that the combat is either too easy or too hard.

>he doesnt have single side swingarms with shaft drive
Fucking pleb get out with your poorfag bike


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I had like zero interest in this game and barely knew it was out. Its really bad or just your average zombie game?

dumb phone poster

Aloy is quite a dull character i gotta say. I just really love the graphics, combat, world and robots.
Also the Frozen Wilds DLC is honestly fantastic all the way through.

who is this?

is this bait?

It's a good game. Marred by technical problems, jank, and some bad mission design here and there. If you really like zombies or the wasteland wanderer thing, it's worth full price. Otherwise maybe $40-50.

Imagine getting paid by Snoy to shill a fucking game so atrocious that it got a 72 on Metacritic AFTER Snoy paid their customary bribes. What a gigantic dumpster fire.

People of low standards, yet possess a high degree of loyalty are my favorite type of consumers. I like you.

Imagine basing your opinion of a game on metacritic scores. Imagine being that much of a dumb fag. Enjoy your universally-acclaimed dogshit.

>people like this game because of brand loyalty
nigger, I own every console and main pc. I don't shill for companies. I like good games. Days Gone is one of those.

it's not about low standards, it's about gaymers believing the bullshit served to them in conference such as E3 and then sneer at the games when they come out and it turns out that the marketing team was doing its job lying to them

Cogito ergo sum

literally Ride to Hell: Retribution 2

Don't get me wrong, the game is trash much like 99% of all western games, but are you trying to show a downgrade wehre there is none?

Why do retards and fags (OP) always confuse contrast with downgrades? You know how easy it would be to go to Photoshop and up the contrast a bit on the right image to have the shadows be exactly the same? Why would your tiny brain who thinks contrast=quality compare an image that's clearly in the sunset to a image in early afternoon?
The models looks the same, I can't comment on textures due to compression, and the LOD looks better on the retail version, but then again that can just be due to the slightly denser atmosphere/dust on the left image.

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>Don't get me wrong, the game is trash much like 99% of all western games
This weeb fuck hasn't even PLAYED THE GAME and actually wrote that shit. Even the "don't get me wrong," like the fucker's opinion is anything but the blathering hot air of a closet pedo.

Nice screenshot of two different areas at different times of day with no comment my dude

The game’s great graphics and horde mechanics are the only unanimously well received aspects of it

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>Prove to me that this game has a difference between in-game and photomode.

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>food analogy
More like buying a piece of artwork online and it comes off different than the preview desu.

>what is streaming

Rather be a literal pedo than have tastes so shit that'd I'd actually enjoy a single game made outside Great Nippon.

Looks the same in photomode.

That isn't going to change textures, you fucking moron.

>That isn't going to change textures, you fucking moron.
Yes it is, idiot. Have you ever played a video game ever?

You honestly believe a single model in the game looks that bad normally? You're that dumb?

You really do have awful taste if you play exclusively Jap games. Like really, really shalow and immature. You're missing at least 75% of what's good out of some nihilistic hatred of yourself.

Is there a modern AAA game that didn't get hit by the downgrade stick?

At least you admit that you're so pathetic that you actually wrote that without playing the game. Because Weebs are the mature, refined, discerning tastes. They aren't boring, safe faggots like those COD players. Their games have chicks in panties. They're high IQ.

>everyone expects it therefor it's okay

Are you fucking retarded? Streaming doesn't affect in game textures, it affects artifacts of the video itself, which isn't going to actually change the graphical fidelity of the game in question.

You are a god damn retard.