People are excited to play one of the worst GTA clones out there because it's portable now

>People are excited to play one of the worst GTA clones out there because it's portable now

Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with the people that own this thing?

Attached: saints row 3.jpg (298x480, 37K)

It'll sell like 250k at most like most 3rd party games on Switch
What are the people you're speaking of? To my knowledge, a large majority of Nintendo Switch owners only buy 1st party titles

Google Saints Row and see what comes up

What people user? I've seen people excited about portable FFXII, if anything.

Saints row 3 is fucking horseshit, they could have made much more money by porting 2 instead because its an actual good game

Attached: 1545791611872.jpg (960x1280, 283K)

i get articles saying their making a movie

I genuinely don't understand why they picked the 3rd one. 2 in handheld would be great though.

Stay mad fags, 3 is the best one.

2=4 > shit > 1 > 3

They fucked up the PC version, I doubt this is gonna be any good.

3 was fun though, why do people hate it so much?

People are excited for this?
I haven't heard a peep anywhere.

Apparently they lost the source code for SR2 or something.

3 outsold 1 and 2 combined.
Also they supposedly lost the source code and are probably too cheap to hand the port to a talented team that can just reverse engineer existing copies.

I own a switch, and I'll never touch this pile of shit

cringe and bluepilled SR2 with less content

>Every New Nintendo console since the Wii U is just shitty ports and trying to play keep up

4 is also shit.

Why no Saints Row 2? It’s way better.

Attached: Switch_Games.png (960x723, 961K)

>4 is also shit
Nah. It's what 3 should have been

>a good game
>requires a bunch of shit to even get it passably playable on pc

>OP such a fanboy he gets upset and seethes at imaginary people

Have sex.

I tried sr2 once but it controlled so badly I immidietly refunded it

Well you don't know how to play video games, it's not SR2's fault.

Dang it, why couldn't it be 4?

Unfortunately I'm pretty sure 3 is the most popular SR, despite arguably being the worst. That said it won't sell much because it's a port coming 10 years too late.

and you're a retard, not your mothers fault

already preordered bitch nigger

maybe if i buy enough shit they'll see the switch as a viable platform and put good shit on there

I'm surprised it's not 4

>not 2 or 4
It's been awhile since I played 1, but from what I remember 3 is the most boring one. Lacking in content, & the content that is there is boring(lol everyone loved helicopter assault let's have multiple activities like it). I know it's the best selling game in the series but I bet it's only because THQ was desperately shilling it to save their asses, a port of 4 would probably outsell it nowadays

Saints Row 3 is probably the better proposition for the Switch because there isn't a traditional crime sandbox on the platform yet.

Played it years ago on PC, far better than what cuckstar shits out.

why they release 3 when 4 is literally the same game with fun superpowers?

Who the fuck mentioned PC? That has literally no relevance on wheter it's good or not. Also, works on my machine :^)

No one's excited retard

I am