When are we getting a good Spiderman game for the PC?
When are we getting a good Spiderman game for the PC?
Fuck this meme artist and his underage Twitter fanbase.
honestly, that's fucking hot
I dislike shadman's art but this is kinda hot
wish a good artist drew it desu
isn't aunt may supposed to be 70 years old or something
Do people even masturbate to this shit
Why is it always Shadman, Diives, and Minus8 that gets posted on this board?
Whenever Sony finally dies. Considering their recent movie and playstation decisions it could happen within a generation or two.
popular meme artists and they draw Yea Forums related stuff
sony pictures could live off spiderman movies indefinitely and only weebs give a shit about underage anime girls getting 'censored' why does Yea Forums always insist sony's death is just around the corner?
Post a good artist
Don't forget le ballbuster moon bitch.
shad finally moved on from his trap/shota phase?
Literally because it's guaranteed replies from people that have gifs ready
>even spiderman has a nice ass
i don't know how to feel
it ain't funny anymore
They are popular
>sony pictures could live off spiderman movies indefinitely
Mate, you are aware there's a reason why Spider-man didn't show up in the most recent Sony made Spider-man movie, right? The Mouse will continue to apply pressure in that area.
Because you get (You)s for posting them
True to the source material.
It’s great having a nice ass. Girls check you out while you walk your stride.
Never. Superhero vidya is pretty much dead.
I wonder what Rocksteady games are up to. Haven't seen shit from them in years.
Making a garbage superman game
Who the fuck wants to play as superman
Unless someone else has a license for Spider-Man games you are going to just have to buy a PS4
shadman is fucking palcomix tier
>ooohh hes so edgy and weird
everything he draws is boring, his persona where he's WhAcKy and WeIrD is blown out by the fact he draws vanilla shit like this
lesbeans are hot :D
you are aware that both Spider-Man Homecoming and upcoming Far From Home are distributed by Sony Pictures and not Marvel Studios right?
Sony gets the profits from them
that's not really pressure, getting profits off a movie that they have no investment in, that's the opposite of pressure
are you talking about venom? it still made sony pictures millions
>Spidey's ass
Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!
Rocksteady is making a Matrix game
Spidey having a big butt is canon.
I mean, I like the franchise. But why?
i still never figured out if this was a girl pretending to be a trap or if they were a normal trap
so...is anyone gonna post more or what?
nu-Yea Forums unironically hates shad
they were just a cringy weeb girl, they don't have the self-awareness and don't know what a trap is
that's my guess tho
regular tomboy
No u.
it's a WB property that is being rebooted with new movies coming out soon
they want to push the Matrix hard, especially with the popularity of stuff like Cyberpunk 2077, the genre is having a comeback
i just like the memes
It's an actual girl. Imagine how it feels to have the whole internet think you're a tranny.
Nothing new here. Everyone wants some of that radioactive spider-D.
>rebooted with new movies coming out soon
What madness will the Wachowski Sisters Matrix unleash upon the world?
wouldn't be surprised if Yea Forums already bullied her into suicide
>it's a WB property that is being rebooted with new movies coming out soon
Oh God no. It's gonna be a fight for the tranny rights in a virtual world instead of the adventures of Neo/Keanu.
that was literally the first matrix but brainlet fascists can't understand subtext so it went over your heads
Minus 8 > those hacks though.
Are you done LARPing as leftie trannytrash now?
Why not update and re release the mmo?
They know faggots like you who usually ask "Why these artists" save these type of gifs on their HDD in response to those artists.
Raviolli raviolli, what's happening with the hat loli?
Can this fagget just learn to draw better, i don't care if its shitty meme comics but at least have the decency to make it look good.
quickest google search of your life
Why would you fucking care?
I'm sick of this Marvel shit...
Because they trigger moralfaggots and act as a good litmus test to weed out bitches who don't belong on Yea Forums
go back
I hate this. It's pronounced ロリ。
ultimate and web of shadows exist
I know you're here Shad. As a footfag I appreciate that you're attempting to put feet into your shit, but your feet are terrible. Just throw your character in thigh high socks or something.
I've seen actual people post that this was the case with the first movie.
>weed out bitches who don't belong on Yea Forums
This is 4channel.org. Maybe you are the one who doesn't belong.
>man of shad
thats so fucking hot